caimeozramblings · 1 year
HI HI HELLO! Welcome to my writing blog! I'll write silly little things to post here like: oc lore, fanfics, rambles abt media I like, and EVEN,,, oneshots!! (Only like,,, oc/canon or reader/canon though- I have a hard time with canon/canon eudgjsbs [I may be cringe, but I am free])
As for info abt me, you can call me K1tt(or spelt like Kitt, I dont mind) my pronouns rn are it/he! Also green is a favorite color of mine ^^
ANYWHO, tag meaning timez! ^^
TV Stat1c - talking tag
TV wr1tes! - general writing tag!
TV's silly little characters - Oc lore
TV br0adcast - Rambles abt fandoms
LET THE TV KISSY;; - oc/canon works
Pushing you t0gether like dolls - reader/canon works
(Will maaaaaybe add requests?? Only maybe tho, probs wont bc I never fulfill them and I feel real bad if I dont :pensive:)
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caimeozramblings · 1 year
Seph lorebit #1,,
I DONT HAVE A CLEVER NAME FOR THIS :PENSIVE: mayhaps I shall think of one soon!!
Anyhow, @starrynightnight I think you said a bit back that you would want to be tagged in a post like this??
Content Warnings: Light description of gore, Character death
As Seph opened her eyes, she noticed the snow surrounding her. She'd heard of this place. Treachery. Where only the most vile of souls came, ones who had betrayed their fellow man. The cold pricked her skin as she looked around aimlessly. She knew she wouldn't be able to leave. 
   As she shakily stood up it suddenly occurred to her just how cold this place was. It was just snow, snow, snow, for miles. Maybe the occasional structure that looked as if it hadn't been touched in aeons, or someone encased in ice. 
   At the very least she wasn't stuck in ice, she'd think to herself. But at the same time, those who were; seemed to be used to it by now. Just thinking about it forced her body to subconsciously start rubbing its arms to generate heat. 
   Angels never had been made with the idea of the cold in mind, had they? Everywhere else was so warm, even the hottest of places seemed pleasant. But in the wake of cold it burned and pricked at Seph's skin. It.. hurt. It hurt alot. Even if she didn't want to think too hard about it, she hated how the cold felt on her skin. It clung to her like a lost child and no matter how she tried, it did not fade.
   She pulled her cloak closer to her body to hide most of it from the painful cold of Treachery. Had she truly deserved to be sent here? Had she truly deserved the fate she got from simply trying to speak against the Council's words? Had she truly deserved to have the Father's light held above her head, and ultimately taken?
   No she had not. The Council were just dictators who just assumed control over Heaven, and for what reason? Because they deserved it? Which mind you, they did NOT. They didn't deserve anything. If she had Venust with her at that time, she would've done something that would get her a worse fate, she knew. But it would be worth it to her.
   But what did everyone else in Heaven think of her now? What did they think of her "betrayal" of her people? What did her close friends think of her? What did acquaintances think?
   The dread of her situation now wormed its way into her skull, drilling until it was all she could think about. She was going to die. She was going to die alone, surrounded by snow, all of her loved ones thinking of her as a traitor. And no one, not a soul would think kindly of her. She knew she couldn't have anyone to comfort her, because nobody would think of it, no one thought of her fondly.
   But there had to be at least one person who thought of her fondly! At least.. one person had to have kind thoughts of her. Perhaps the souls in Limbo who were unaware of her fate? Of her disappearance? She hoped that one of them would remember her at least. At least her name would not be as tarnished if at least one person still thought kindly of it.
   But if someone forgets your name when you die.. what happens? What happens when an angel dies? What is the afterlife after this existence? Are you just.. gone? Do you cease to exist? Will you come back? Are you just a spec in the void from then on, being recycled to create new life?
   Seph believed that there never truly was an end, didn't she? She believed that… that she'd be okay forever, right? She thought that she was invulnerable! She knew she was strong! She knew that she could handle anything! So why, why was this… this fate selected for her?
   Was it the Father's fault? Was it Azrael's fault? Did Azrael assign fates to all those who were alive, even Angel's? Were they even responsible for that part of their job? Or did they just separate the spirit from the body? Would they come for Seph? If so, where would her soul go? If not, what would happen? Would she.. be stuck in Treachery forever?
   She didn't seem to be tethered down by anything, perhaps because she was expected to die? Would she die immediately upon Father's light sniffing out within her? Where was the Father anyway… All she remembered was the council taking over and that was it. How long has it been? How long did God stop giving orders and when did the council start?
   She placed back and forth, trying to rack her brain for what the answer was. But.. it had been so, so long. She couldn't even remember! What.. how? Had she just gone along with it for so long that she didn't even realize that it was happening? That she hadn't realized how they scrambled for rule and how they worked on what seemed like impulse. 
   They hadn't even given her a chance when she tried to speak out about them. Were they scared? Were they cowards? Could they not handle criticism? How big of a coward did you have to be to not be able to handle criticism of your rule over what many consider paradise? She shouldn't be sorry, she shouldn't be sorry! It wasn't her fault that they were shit at their jobs!
   As she monologued to herself in her head, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her side. A pain akin to a stab wound. Crying out in pain, she fell to her knees in the snow. A string of curses left her as she fell forward, using her elbow for support. Her wings fell down to her sides.
   Then, the sensation of being cut open tore through her and she began to claw at the snow under her hands. Tears began to flow down her face as she screamed bloody murder as the slow, but vivid sensation burned through her.
   The second set of hands she had gripped her sides so tightly that she began to bleed from where they pierced her skin. Her hands moved from the ground to her head as her screams died down to whimpers. 
   She hadn't been monologuing for that long, had she? Didn't they send her down with at least 2 days left for her to dread? How long had she been pacing and thinking to herself. It couldn't have been so long that 2 days had passed! It couldn't have! Unless she was lied to? Unless she really had walked all that time? But that c-
   Another scream ripped through her as she felt like whatever figurative wound had been cut into her body burned. It felt like something, something was tugging at her insides. Not in the good way, either. Something felt like it was grabbing her organs and ripping them from her body. 
   She wasn't dead yet, at least, but who knows whether that's a blessing or a curse? Wasn't it that if the father's light is gone, you are gone? That's what.. anyone really said to her. That's what she accepted as the truth! But she didn't think it would be this painful… she didn't think she'd have to go through such torment as the light snuffed out in her.
   Her scars that littered her body began to burn, it felt almost like every scar she'd ever gotten had reopened and began to bleed profusely. However, this was only a sensation and aside from her perception of reality, she was fine. But to her it felt like everything was being ripped from her body. It felt like her flesh was being torn from her body in the same way you would tear a rotisserie chicken apart.
   In the same moment her pain began to crescendo, she tore her helmet from her head, throwing it weakly somewhere infront of her. The wings that would cover her face were too weak to do their job.
   Technically, this action went against her morals. Angels who covered their faces weren't supposed to take off their helmet. It was a safety precaution so that others around them were alive and well. But it didn't have much use now, did it? There wasn't really anyone around to see her. Even the ones who could see her probably didn't mind too much, being numb to it all already.
   Wasn't he still here? If she called out to him would he offer comfort? Or would he scoff at her cries? Would he even respond? There was only one way to find out, she supposed, "G..abriel?" She tried to not sound pathetic, but the blood flooding her mouths didn't really seem to help…
   With no answer, she tried again, "Ga...Gabriel?" She sniffled, not a good idea since blood only further flooded her senses, "Please.."
   She coughed. As she did, crimson splattered onto the snow. Now, any time she tried to open her mouth, blood spilled from her mouth like a river. 
   Soon, she completely gives up, she uses what's left of her energy to roll over onto her back so she can look up at the sky. It's grey, it doesn't offer comfort, but.. it's fine she supposes. It's all she really has left anyhow. 
   Perhaps its bloodless, perhaps it was the pain, perhaps it was even the cold, but she could feel her consciousness slipping. No matter how desperately she would've tried to grasp at it, it slipped through the cracks of her fingers. Her eyes slowly close despite her best wishes, and she slips into a forever sleep.
   Though, maybe her mind simply made up things, but she swore that as she closed her eyes she could hear snow crunching near her and the bright wings of someone all too familiar. 
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