cainmak · 5 years
Idea venting
I would like to see a vampire simulator game in the style of Yandere Simulator. Just the day-to-day life of a modern vampire who’s trying to eat and not get caught. Sucking out people in their beds or on the street (with changing seasons, so e.g. you can sneak in through open windows during the summer), doing odd jobs to rent an apartment where you can hide from the sun, avoiding being seen on camera, not rising suspicion, fighting off other vampires roaming your territory etc.
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cainmak · 6 years
Things I would tell my younger artist self (that I will tell you instead)
You aren’t going to be very good at anything for a while. I’m talking years here, if you are fortunate. And that’s okay. You gotta learn that it’s okay to be bad at something. It won’t feel like it at first, and that’s okay too, but in order to get good, you must forgive your mistakes. Your mistakes don’t make you as a person. How you overcome them does. Learning to fail and move on will be the hardest lesson, but the best lesson too.
Make drawing become a habit. A thing that you cannot go very long without doing. Draw something every day, even if it is just a scribble. By making it a habit almost to the point of a compulsion, even if you get discouraged about your progress, you will continue to draw in spite of that. It will also let you not get too attached to the idea that everything you make must be a masterpiece.
On that note, do not let drawing consume your life, because your art draws a lot from your experiences. If all you experience is the act of drawing, then your art will suffer. Don’t forget to indulge in your other hobbies and hang out with other people. Other people’s experiences and perspectives can help you see things from another angle you never considered before. Being well-rounded can only make your art better. 
Make time to draw what you love. People will be attracted to your passion just as much as your skill. But make time to draw new and different things too if you truly want to flex your muscles.
Meet and interact with other artists. They will be an invaluable resource for both learning technique and getting more comfortable around people. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, but also help them help you by asking for more targeted critique (“I was trying to do this with this drawing, did it work? How can I do it better?” “I want to be able to do this, what do you suggest?”)
You will have less to fear about critique once you learn the difference between good and bad critique. A good critique is there to help you more than the critic, but it isn’t always obvious. Both the good and bad might make you feel bad, but take a moment to breathe and give it some thought before giving into defensive mode. It may keep you out of trouble. And remember at the end of it, you have the power to decide whether or not you will use the critique. No one can take that away from you. But it is also not a bad idea to thank someone for their time.
Don’t compare yourself to other artists. The circumstances that led them to create their art aren’t and can’t be the same as yours. Even if you tried to do everything they did, you might not get the same results. While their experiences can be great insight, remember at the same time that it may not work for you. There is no single right way to do anything, and with persistance, you can find your way too.
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cainmak · 6 years
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A birthday present for my boyfriend. He used to play a lot of Touhou and one of his favorite characters was Patchouli Knowledge since they both share a love for books. I had the picture printed on a hard foam board and it looks great. Funnily enough, Szymon prefers it horizontally
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cainmak · 6 years
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Creepypasta character Christine Meyers aka Chris. Created by https://www.deviantart.com/0ktavian  
I find her design quite appealing and decided to draw her. Also more attempts at the background (kinda, the trees ended up blurry as heck).
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cainmak · 6 years
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Someone suggested Rosie is basically SCP-049  and I like that idea. You can read about Rosie here: https://cainmak.deviantart.com/art/A-Game-of-Tag-creepypasta-687584420
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cainmak · 6 years
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Rotten Inside by Cainmak
[The girl] walks toward another person and touches them. It’s a teenage boy, who makes choking gestures and starts bleeding from his mouth as his chest bloats to giant proportions. Two other boys, probably his friends, scream and try to run away, but one is snatched by the girl. He stumbles onto the ground, red and choking blood [...]. After touching about four more people, for a brief second, [the girl] looks in the direction of the camera, grinning widely.
This work took a lot time, mainly because I kept modifying the face. Then I got involved in other things, return to tweak a little from time to time, but finally I managed to focus on this work and finish it.
My little baby girl Rosie. Cheerful as always.
You can read about Rosie here:
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cainmak · 6 years
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Raven from Teen Titans. 
Still looking for the style that works best for me. 
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cainmak · 6 years
Pokemon Fan Film Trailer
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cainmak · 6 years
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For a contest at http://fav.me/dc8x05l
Creepypasta character Anna made by ImaginemonsterVi
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cainmak · 6 years
Another great narration, this time from Glitch Pichu :)
A Game Of Tag by Cainmak
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cainmak · 6 years
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Recently, I like to listen to creepypasta narrations while I work on things that don't require my full concentration. This is how to stumbled upon MrCreepypasta's narration of "Runners" by UnsettlingStories. Not the series per se, because I knew about it before, but this time I listened from the very beginning and kinda got hooked on. I also noticed that there is no "Runners" fanart out there (maybe for a reason...), so I decided to add something from myself. What is it about? Mushrooms. Too much mushrooms. If you are interested in reading, beware: this series is pretty gory. If you're squemish, probably avoid it. Most of this author's work is focused on heavy body horror. Kids, teeth, saliva, genitals... nothing is safe. Link to the stories below:
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cainmak · 6 years
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First #artcommission For Australopithecusman. Check out my offer on https://cainmak.deviantart.com/journal/COMMISSIONS-ARE-OPEN-offer-price-info-713528818
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cainmak · 6 years
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Some days you just end up seeing your own dead body on the floor.
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cainmak · 6 years
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My name is Eddy and I am an Egg. It has always been my dream, since i fell from Moma hen into my nest to travel the world and take selfies at famous spots.
They told me I couldn’t do it. I am just an egg they say. “You should dream of Soufflé with impeccable rise” Moma Hen would tell me. But still I dream, day after day, of feeling the wind over my shell at the Grand Canyon; or sailing the rivers of Venice!
The problem is, I am just an egg! There are no jobs for an egg to do that don’t involve cracking. So please help make my dreams come true! All my selfies will be posted here on my blog!
Help Fund Me
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ko-fi: Help fund my first trip to paris!
Become a pateron!
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cainmak · 6 years
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cainmak · 6 years
Confinement Special - In the Pines
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cainmak · 6 years
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