I do think it fucking rocks that nobody will stick up for trans women including other prominent trans women. Utterly fucked society we’ve made, it’s so fucking cool
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Like I would really fucking appreciate it if we could stick to one soul-shattering crisis per day please. Not that fucking hard
Today serving as a great reminder that things simply do not get better
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Today serving as a great reminder that things simply do not get better
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Listen it doesn’t escape my notice that every single friend or friend group jane has had minus exactly this current one has fucking hated me and my guts. Sometimes I know why, sometimes I don’t know why, for the most part I don’t care. You wouldn’t fucking believe it but sometimes I try to be nice and soften my words. And I’m not asking for sympathy but reliving our trauma every waking moment, that kind of makes a bitch angry, kinda makes a bitch want to be a little mean. Sorry to all the freaks who thought me being suicidal was manipulative or something while also treating me like shit. I’m not fucking stupid
I don’t know if I have any friends. I don’t know if it matters, considering I have a job and a duty. I’m not asking anyone for respect or understanding. I have learned how little a difference that makes
My point is I’ve seen the darkest recesses of shit and I don’t trust fucking anybody so sorry if I’m not all flowers and sunshine. Believe it or not, at the end of the day, I still want what I’ve always wanted. I just want everybody to be happy. To be free
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cainshitincorporated · 2 months
Got a special place in my heart for characters who die and are dead. Ghosts, haunters of the narrative, characters only known or referenced in passing or in flashbacks
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cainshitincorporated · 2 months
No no, by all means, keep enforcing inane and fucked up height-based determinism for the personalities of all people even within the allegedly queerest of circles. Keep pretending that tall people are dominant and short people are submissive, or that any inversion of such dynamics is a fun and novel concept you must equally highlight. Keep rejecting the infinite diversity of the human body and its experiences. Keep on pretending there’s a weird, rigid nature to these things and leaving it untagged to trigger the dysphoria of people because you consider that unworthy of recognition, too obscure to care about. Just so long as you don’t mind me taking a few fucking inches off your height
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cainshitincorporated · 2 months
My blog is full of great jokes that everybody is too afraid to share
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cainshitincorporated · 2 months
everyone always talks about eating the rich and killing the ceos of abusive companies, but when i, goro akechi-
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cainshitincorporated · 2 months
Right-wing ghouls are freaks abt trans people’s relationship to self-harm, and as such most well-intentioned people make it a point to avoid associating the two, outside of obvious conversations about how the inflated rates of suicide and self-harm among trans people are tied to a violently transphobic society, and to a lesser extent dysphoria as enforced by beauty standards, and not some innate self-destructive transgender lifestyle. I understand this well, as somebody with more than two braincells and a mind for optics in these issues. You don’t give fuel to the freaks, if you can help it, even if it is a pointless endeavor to try
I also understand the nuance and necessity of caution and care when writing these things for a general audience. To write a trans character who self-harms does not exist in a vacuum of my consciousness, where it is a means of comfort and self-expression. Just because I like to write these characters does not mean that my habit of making all my trans characters cut themselves isn’t reinforcing a harmful stereotype by adding data to the pattern. Not all of my (or our) characters self-harm, for that among many other reasons. I can’t recall a primary character we’ve written in the past several years who wasn’t trans, and amongst them, while a disproportionate number have tendencies toward self-harm, that’s more of a factor of my desire to make the subject less taboo than a desire to conflate it with transness. I take care in deciding when and why to introduce habits of self-harm to a character
However. All of that being said. Why are we kidding ourselves? Genuinely. What do we stand to gain by pretending a relationship does not exist there, between a person who defies the body created for them and the act of self-destruction? There’s a poetry there, isn’t there? There is an echo of tragic irony in the race to change a body before there is nothing left to change. The desire to tear open the flesh and to uncover what is beneath, behind the blood and muscle, the traces of the true self that seems to manifest only there. Our bodies are malleable, even expendable. Why wouldn’t we mutilate them? That’s what they already tell us we’re doing. Why not go further? Why not search for the line where destruction becomes creation again?
These are the thoughts a young trans person feels as they pick up the knife. Not a nuanced understanding of social optics, political rhetoric, representation. Just a craving for hurt and desperate, hopeless need to change what they can’t, what they don’t know they can’t nonviolently. Before they even learn the term for what they are, they understand what they are meant to do. They understand that there is blood, and there are scars, and that this will be the rest of their life. They’re more honest, in this way, than I am when I strive to explain the principle psychology of transness with studies and thoughtful analysis. Maybe it isn’t tasteful. Maybe it’s ugly, in a way. Maybe it makes you uncomfortable to think about- are we really sick, if we admit such a link exists? To that, I say: shut the fuck up. This isn’t about what you find tasteful. You’re getting in the way of the art
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cainshitincorporated · 4 months
I have GOT to know what the click-through rate is on the fox nation comedy special ads on tumblr of all fucking places. Please show me the data tumblr
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cainshitincorporated · 5 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
: )
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cainshitincorporated · 6 months
I find it very comforting to make jokes about self-harm, but given what a sensitive subject matter it is, very few of them make the cut
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cainshitincorporated · 7 months
Committing as many social misdeeds as I can so that Jigsaw has to keep finding me and putting me into various traps that I immediately beat by inflicting extreme violence upon myself until he gets fed up with it and gives up
Jigsaw: Hello Jae. If you want to survive this trap you’ll need to find the key which is located beneath your eyeball. The amount of pain you’ll have to endure is severe, but do you think you can overcome your weakness and-
Me, having started aggressively hacking at my eye socket the second he said the word “key”: done. Easy. Give me something harder
Jigsaw: what the fuck
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cainshitincorporated · 7 months
Jigsaw: Hello Jae. If you want to survive this trap you’ll need to find the key which is located beneath your eyeball. The amount of pain you’ll have to endure is severe, but do you think you can overcome your weakness and-
Me, having started aggressively hacking at my eye socket the second he said the word “key”: done. Easy. Give me something harder
Jigsaw: what the fuck
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cainshitincorporated · 9 months
begging everybody on the entire goddamn internet to stop sexualizing akechi
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cainshitincorporated · 10 months
Shirt that says “ask me abt my self-harm scars”
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cainshitincorporated · 10 months
[picking at my scabs] heehee hoohoo texture be gone. surely there will be no repercussions
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