#he keeps trying to recruit me as an apprentice and I keep telling him I’m not actually rehabilitated and I don’t respect him
ventela1 · 11 days
Ever think about how Tigerstar seemingly respected medicine cats?
That’s such an interesting aspect of his character to me. The way he listens immediately to Cinderpelt when she tells him to clean up Silverstream’s kits (he was so shook by her attitude with him, what a girlboss), and the reluctant acquiescence to Spottedleaf when she points out even he “wouldn’t dare argue with a medicine cat” (he could’ve been planning to replace her later if he became leader, but still, likely only with ANOTHER medicine cat).
I wanna believe this respect of their work has a little to do with the fact he almost died from the same illness as his family. He was probably too young to remember it but I imagine some of the warriors told him at some point how hard the medicine cats fought to keep him alive.
It’s probably also that he knows full well a medicine cat is necessary to lead a clan. It definitely sets him apart from Brokenstar/tail. While Broken seemed shortsighted, allowing his clan to fall into illness, killing kits/apprentices, and kicking out his medicine cat, Tigerstar planned ahead. He wanted to lead a full and physically healthy dictatorship. As much as he seems to ironically believe that sickly (adult) cats are weak, he understands that you can’t alienate your med cat and then go headfirst into battle and expect to not die of an infection later. And as arrogant as he is, he does understand his weaknesses to an extent- he knows nothing about medicine. And at the end of the day, there’s no one else in the clan who would be quite so able to quietly poison you or simply refuse to treat your life-threatening wounds than your own doctor.
I also think the fact he didn’t recruit Mothwing to the Dark Forest wasn’t because she didn’t go the path of a warrior like her brother. I’m sure if he had managed to communicate with Mothwing she would’ve told him to F off but he couldn’t even try in the first place, since she stopped dreaming of Starclan cats as soon as Hawkfrost messed with her faith. I wonder if Tigerstar regretted Hawk telling her about the fake sign.
Speaking of, I bet that would’ve been Tigerstar’s dream team. Imagine both of his children leading Riverclan together under his direction. Tigerstar probably wouldn’t care much if Mothwing could communicate with Starclan though, so long as Hawkfrost was able to get his nine lives. It’s not like any of them would listen to Starclan at that point.
I would honestly love a perspective of his time as Shadowclan’s leader and in Riverclan, and how he treated the med cats then. Would he have ever let one actually advise him, on Starclan or otherwise? Trusted one to help him in leadership matters and not just as an herb dispenser?
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havoc-warband · 2 years
(@commanderhorncleaver) 📓 gimme one of these for everyone in the roster~
📓 Write a typical diary/journal page by your OC! (or if you’d rather not, describe their journal. Do they keep one, why?)
aight this is gonna be a novel and i am going to do it RIGHT. it's gonna be dated and in chronological order. and i'm gonna put everyone's years of birth in their roster blurb before posting this. good luck with the maths.
1. Lorekeeper Apprentice Rhyfas, 1280 AE
2. Yurmia, 1319 AE
3. Cigna Shadowhaunter, 1322 AE
4. Vikaros Havocforge, 1324 AE
5. Tavryn Havocshield, 1325 AE
6. Scothin Dawnbloom, 1326 AE
7. Renfrac, 1328 AE
8. Akoviras Spitehavoc, 1333 AE
9. Sivris Crankhavoc, 1335 AE
1: Lorekeeper Apprentice Rhyfas' Journals (1280 AE)
Today was another fruitful day of studying under the Loremaster. I wish I could study without distractions, however, there is one obstacle to my efforts. At night, around the campfire, there is this handsome hunter, and whenever I am trying to tell the stories to the cubs, he listens so intently, that I feel as though he is my only audience. During the day, I can never find him, and whoever I ask, they tell me he is out hunting. Since he joined the hunters as apprentice, we have had significantly more feasts, and as a storyteller, those directly benefit me too, as I have more chances to practice my craft. I can’t help but wonder...
(rhyfas is a big romantic sap. he sees the world through pink glasses. especially at 17 still. yes that’s the husband)
2. A letter found in the dirt (1319 AE)
A letter, text vaguely smudged and paper crumpled, found half-buried on an old campsite. From some scattered symbols, you surmise that it was an Ash Legion warband’s camp. The coals from their cooking-fire are still warm.
Telra Tornfur,
I don’t know what you see in me. I’m bitter and vindictive, but you make me want to do better. Even within this warband, you have my back more times than you ought to. I can’t think of a single time you weren’t ready to fight with me.
You keep talking about going to find your cub. I want to join you. Let’s leave Razorfur’s shitty warband and start our own. I’ve heard stories of [smudged beyond legibilitty] where we can go and raise the kid. I bet you’d be a great mother. I’ve realized that I want to see that, and not die at the hand of some Flame scum’s mis-timed fireball.
Meet me at midnight on the top of the hill if you want this, too. I’ll be waiting for you.
It’s still morning. The camp was evacuated in a hurry before night truly fell. There are signs of a Fire Legion attack. Telra likely never received this note.
3. Bullet Journal of Cigna Shadowhaunter, Vigil Warmaster (1322 AE)
New Charr recruit assigned to my unit. She has good magic and the willingness to use it. Great combat potential.
Has horrible nightmares and wakes up screaming in the night. Kalla says to just let her get used to it. She doesn’t want to say what she dreams about.
Stubborn but makes a good team fighter. Legions charr usually are like this. Kalla’s having a good time. Wants me to introduce her to the recruit. Maybe once she stops waking me up every other day.
(blunt and business-oriented. i don’t know how to bullet journal but i feel as though she’d have one. and she’d be the leader of her unit, to which yurmia gets assigned once the brand thing happens, so she needs to keep track of that. kalla’s advice and her intuition make her a good leader.)
4. Havoc Notebook (1324 AE)
A neat, leather-bound notebook. The word “HAVOC” is crudely scratched into the front. Despite the lack of apparent care, you feel furious pride seep out of the scratching.
We, Vikaros, Tavryn, Akoviras and Sivris declare ourselves Havoc. We are a Blood Legion Warband under Rytlock Brimstone.
Our fahrar was full of assholes. We kicked their asses and proved ourselves in combat against them, earning the right to be our own unit and proving our worth as such immediately. We will take down many more such unworthy mongrels at our superior’s command.
V, T, A, S
(The mixture of crude language and the severity of the pledges on the first page send shivers down your spine. The second page has more words.)
Tribune Brimstone did not immediately agree with us on our forming a warband. He said we needed an extra member and some more experience to truly become a warband under his command.
As such, Akoviras has proposed a mission to retrieve a friend of their dam, called Yurmia, currently a Vigil warmaster. She will have the experience Rytlock claims we need.
(Vikaros, in this year, would not think to have something for his own self. An impersonal notebook from the perspective of the warband as an entity itself is the most he would do at this point. He did not see himself as fully separate from this entity. He is viciously proud of Havoc and the charr it comprises.)
5. Tavryn’s Personal Diary (1325 AE)
It’s a few months after Zhaitan’s death, and the band is back in Lion’s Arch for the weekend, to celebrate another successful mission, this time dispatching a lieutenant of the Crystal Dragon. Vikaros wasn’t too sure about this one - Rytlock, while they were still on speaking terms, had told him a story about fighting Kralkatorrik itself, I think to reinforce that as a warband, we needed to be cohesive and always able to trust each other. I think this because he had us do trust falls every day for a week afterwards.
Regardless, the story itself did not have a good ending. I think Vik may have been fearing something similar would happen here, but the Pact and the local Sentinels’ gear proved reliable and strong, and we took the miserable thing out of the sky and put it into the ground. Great fanfare all around, everyone saluting us, offering us free food and drink...
We need to pay attention not to lose sight of ourselves. This treatment, I’ve seen it happen in the Citadel, it leads to superiors losing their edge, becoming complacent, getting killed being careless. We should take care to not end up the same. Not that it isn’t nice: it’s a step up from our days bunking in the Chantry. I can’t help but to share some of my food every time I see an orphan in the streets, though, begging only feet from where a feast is being served to those who are perceived to deserve it.
Once we have more time free, I need to look into them, where they all sleep at night, how I can help them.
(ol’ Lawful Good Tavryn, at this point still very bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, thinking she can save the whole world if she just had enough time. she writes very elaborately, carefully putting her whole thought to the page, so they can’t be misinterpreted. she’s the only one who actually calls her diary a diary.)
6. Scothin Dawnbloom’s Notes (1326 AE)
Today, we finished clearing out another peninsula from the Risen. Marshal Trahearne seemed happy, but tired. He is getting better at commanding us in the field, a task he previously left to his Commander. I wonder where he and his warband went, and why they left the Marshal behind. Or did the Marshal order them away? Then why did he look so miserable when-
Shouldn’t doubt the leaders. Do my part, only a leaf of the tree, etcetera. Can’t help but think he could use a friend, though.
(scothin’s written voice is half shorthand, half longer. he’s a little bit between tavryn-typical Moral Correctness of the Soldier and just plain honesty. he’s still a Dreamer here, as is Trahearne, and he’d be able to get some Vibes from him as such. his notebook is a bit raggedy but has a nice cover on it to protect it from most of the Orrian gunk.)
7. Renfrac’s To Do List (1328 AE)
- visit scoth. make sure he hasn’t grown fur or horns himself yet - make sure CDR isn’t going to hurt him - deliver MAH’s latest letter - figure out the weird dreams - shoot the nasty snake if it fucking dares to appear again (renfrac has a todo list. he uses abbreviations for stuff he doesn’t particularly care about. the fact that both of the points that have to do with his friend are above the point that is arguably more important, which is that he’s the only route of contact between Trahearne and Vikaros right now, is Telling. he ditches the shorthand when he gets agitated.)
8. Scribbles into a tree near the quarters of Akoviras Spitehavoc (1333 AE)
(akoviras was perhaps the most outgoing of them all during their fahrar days, and met several other young charr with equally much free time on their hands. ako was very sad to reunite with several of them on the wrong side of a battlefield during the Jormag debacle, but did what they had to. they don’t do journals or diaries much, and rarely display much emotion at all, but even they need an outlet sometimes, and then that often becomes their claws into the nearest bark. they’ll return to this tree later to find wilted flowers underneath it, and more scribbled names.)
9. Sivris Crankhavoc’s Canthan Tech Study Book (1335 AE)
Jade Tech: works off dragon magic? which aspect? all of them
how to harness safely? ask yurmia for tuned crystals. -> failed, exploded in my face
guide through pipe torus to preserve?
pray to the fucking gods what is this goddamn shit
yao’s notes: special chemical to preserve jade power charge: [illegible symbol scribbles] (thank you yao, remember to buy dinner as thanks)
design new jade charr-shaped foot... base off human leg design? no, need more power, support more weight, bigger jumps
ask taimi how she did her asura-shaped suit.
(sivris gets a me-style work-in-progress notebook. this is my note style while i’m figuring out a code thing i’m not entirely certain about yet. who’s she designing a leg for?)
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palbabor-writes · 4 years
Pairing: Shigaraki Tomura x puppy!girl OC
For: @kazooli​ 
Warnings: sex pollen, tw.dubcon, tw.unbalanced relationship, tw.blood/gore, unrequited feelings, puppy!reader, established OC, NSFW/18+only
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Word Count: 3681
Notes: the is part of the Evil Exchange! i had a lot of fun with this concept & am so glad i got to take part! this fic does have an established OC & while she is not named, she does have physical descriptions that are not neutral.  
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[ 2:15 am, Monday morning ]
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He shouldn’t have taken you along. You don’t belong here. 
Your quirk isn’t equipped to deal with something like this [ or is it perfect? since all of your senses are acutely attuned to him, your lips open, tongue heavy between your teeth, drool pooling under your jaw and down your neck, your eyes gleaming with an unnatural sheen as you try to hump against his leg like a bitch in heat ] and you have little in the way of melee attacks, or a true defense. No, all you have is your pretty blonde hair, floppy ears that prick each time you hear him, and that incessantly wagging tail that sticks out from your pert little ass, like a goddamn antenna. You’re absolutely too pure for this, too fucking saccharine, and too damn nice to be here.
Fuck. This was a mistake.
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[ 72 hours before the mission ]
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“It’s in that old warehouse, the one by the docks.”
“Which one? The images that we have show multiple buildings.”
“The fuck do I know? You only wanted me to ask around about the place. If you wanted me to do the damn job for you, you should have said.”
Shigaraki narrows his eyes at Dabi’s hunched back, doing his best to remind himself that they’re already low on funds, on members, and they can’t afford to lose anything else. Not now, when they’re literally scraping along the bottom of the barrel, yanking out whatever dregs they can find and trying desperately to make them stick.
“Did they give you a time?”
“For the exchange? Yeah, said they’re gonna be down there around 1am.”
“And the date?”
“Date?” Dabi questions, whipping his dark head back to Shigaraki’s impassive face, arching one dark brow. 
“Yeah,” Shigaraki intones, a half concealed snarl lifting his cracked lips. “The date for when this is all going to take place. We can’t send someone down there every night, hoping it’s the correct time. They’ll be noticed.”
“Said they wanted it to be this Monday, something about shelf life. Apparently this shit is better when it’s fresh. Sells quicker, is more effective.”
“How much did they agree to hand over?”
“Fucking–look man, I didn’t grab a cup of coffee with them, or ask if they wanted to go get some lunch. I told them our terms, they agreed and gave me the location, ‘date’ and time. What did you want me to do? Paint their nails? Suck em’ off? If you’re wanting to get into the drug trade, maybe ask a few more questions yourself. Not leave them to middlemen. You act like you wanna be a leader, so fucking act like–”  
A quiet knocking breaks Dabi’s tirade and both men turn toward the closed door.
“What?” Shigaraki snaps, raising a hand to his neck, scritching his long nails against the scars that he finds. It’s a shitty habit, and he knows it gives his agitation away, but he doesn’t care. The sooner Dabi loses his temper and fucks back off to the streets, the better.
The door creaks open and your golden head pops around the corner, hair falling into the empty air as your dog like ears waggle, listening, testing the safety of the room. Your eyes shift from Dabi’s bristled form to Shigaraki and the moment they alight on his stony expression, you smile. 
“M-mister Tomura, um, the others… well, we were talking and heard Dabi shouting… uh, they… I mean… I was wondering if you’ve assigned anyone to the new mission? The one you mentioned the other day?” 
Dabi snorts and you toss his lanky frame a glare, ears flattening along the side of your head. “Yeah, I bet you wanna know who’s going with Mister Tomura. Got news for you girly, it’s prolly not gonna be you.”
Your quivering pink lips are about to form a retort when Shigaraki’s voice croaks out. “Enough. Tell the others we’ll discuss this later. Dabi, don’t you have some recruits that you’re supposed to show me?”
The flame user waves a lackadaisical hand and stands, inky head cocked toward your pouting face, letting his sharp gaze linger against your angry expression. “Soon boss. Told you already, quality takes time. Not that you know that, since all you seem to attract is freaks, like this one.”
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[ 21 hours before the mission ] 
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 “You’re really taking her?” Toga asks, twirling a small knife between her splayed fingers. “I mean, isn’t she kinda lacking in… experience?”
“She’s the only one who can smell out any fakes. I don’t trust these guys. They might try to offload a lower grade product to us.” Shigaraki explains, tucking the battered case of quirk destroying bullets back into his jacket pocket. In the last 24 hours things have gone from bad to worse, what with the news that Twice couldn’t replicate the serum, and the potential, permanent loss of Kurogiri. He’s not about to add double crossed by some two bit drug dealers to that list.
“You want me to give her some weapons? A knife or something? I’ve got plenty of extra. Can’t ever have too many and besides, I like her. And I know she’ll bring them back, safe and sound. She’s such an obedient girl.”
That’s an apt word for you. Maybe it’s an after effect of your quirk, or the puppy-like way you act around him [ with that permanently blissed out smile and thumping tail of yours ] but your swift, unquestioning compliance always makes him think of an over eager pet. 
“She’s malleable, and that’s what I need on this mission.”
“Ah! You saying I wouldn’t be?”
“Tch. You wouldn’t even try.”
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[ 7 hours before the mission ]
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He’s taking you. 
It hadn’t been some kind of dream, he’d really shown up in your doorway, with his red eyes glowing in the low light, his sharp jaw tensed, and told you that you’d be accompanying him. Just you and him, together, alone, on a mission where he’d need to rely on you. Could trust you, would talk with you.  
As soon as he left, you’d flopped back against the ratty mattress that sat in the middle of your room, trembling fingers already shoving the elastic lining of your shorts down, letting you thumb a quick circle over your throbbing, distended clit. In seconds you’re leaking all over your hand, mind whirring, picturing how he’ll look as he walks beside you, listening for the bite of his voice, imagining him telling you what a good girl you are. He’ll be so pleased, so happy with you. Oh, the things he’ll say to you. 
Look at you, you did so well. 
Thank you. Thank you for coming on this with me. 
I can’t wait to take you [ bend you over and ] with me again. 
I can’t wait to [ fuck your little pussy until you’re screaming for me ] get you home safely.
You did such a good job.
I wouldn’t have [ until you’re cumming all over my cock ] been able to do it without you.
You’d make the perfect apprentice, you know?
You really [ such a greedy little bitch ] would.
You’re perfect [ look at how you’re taking me. i’m gonna fuck you stupid, you dirty slut ] and I’m happy that you’re here with me.
That I found you.
Your release builds swiftly. Making your feathery tail ripple over the tattered sheets and your ears tremble in the chilly air. You feel you’re catching alight. It’s too much, and you hate that you’re not taking your time, but you can’t hear his voice as well now. 
The memory of it is fading as Mister Tomura pads away from you, down the long hallway that leads to his room. 
You remind yourself to listen more, as your fingers pinch and twist at your shuddering clit, to memorize every detail of him. You want to see him every time you close your eyelids and be able to picture him again each morning. To wash yourself in that hazy vermillion of his eyes and the timbre of his voice. 
It’s too soon, but your toes are already curling, your back is arching, welcoming the rush of wetness that slips between your shaking thighs. You feel lightheaded, but your dulled senses does nothing to mask the giddiness that keeps bubbling its way out of your chest. 
Tomorrow. Mister Tomura is taking you with him tomorrow.
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 [ Mission begins: 1 am, Monday morning ]
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 “Um, Mister Tomura… do you want me to go in first? That way you can–”
“No, they know I’m coming.”
“Oooh! So there’s no need for surprise!”
The dark buildings along the wharf are slowly peeking into view and Shigaraki peers over at your grinning face, his red eyes watchful under the dark hood of his jacket. You look happy, a little too happy. You’re the best choice for this mission, but he can’t shake that uneasy feeling that keeps nagging at the back of his mind. 
Eager is one thing, but you’re practically vibrating with excitement. That tail of yours won’t stop lashing back and forth and each time he sees your ears twitch and your head snap up to his, he’s reminded that you’ll need to be looked after on this. Unlike the others, you don’t have an affinity for combat or a quirk that gives you any kind of advantage in a fight. Nevertheless, you’re a member of the league and that connection affords you certain privileges. 
Unless he has no other option, he won’t abandon you.
As the two of you step toward the fifth warehouse, you lean closer to him, your shoulder brushing against his obsidian jacket, a quiet huff of air falling from your parted lips. “This is it,” you tell him, mismatched eyes blinking up at his impassive expression. 
When he says good, you almost snatch at his arm, and you try to hold back your panting breaths, to not let them slip out, but you know he can see, he can tell. He always can. You feel his sharp gaze passing over you, and sense his blistering annoyance when you subconsciously lean into him a little harder, rubbing your clothed shoulder against his.
“You ready Mister Tomura?” The question leaves you on a whisper and you bite your lower lip into your mouth, wanting him to say yes, wanting him to tell you what a good job you’ve done, finding the location like this. That he’s ready for anything as long as you’re by his side.
“Step back,” he murmurs, lifting three fingers to the door as he shoves it open, the metal wheels screeching into the static quiet of the night.
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[ 1:45 am, Monday morning ]
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“What’s wrong with her?” Shigaraki demands, releasing the throat of the leader of this de facto gang, sending him crashing across the grimy floor of the warehouse.
“I– koff, koff, I d-don’t… fucking know! She just… shit… sniffed the stuff and started shaking.”
“What’s in it? I’ll give you five seconds.” There’s no time for this and if you’re having some kind of reaction to the drugs, he’s honestly not sure what he’s going to do with you. A villain hospital is out of the question and sensei’s doctor can’t be located. Shit.
“It’s… it’s got some kinda quirk enhancing property… I don’t think that–”
“Five,” Shigaraki begins, stepping over the gristled remains of the others, his red shoes bright against the pools of darkening blood.
“What!? You can’t be serious! Look, man, I’m not the one who manufactured them! I–”
“Oh my God, oh m-my…. look, he said something about increasing the instincts. Making the user less–”
“Libido! It increases libido! I think… no! No! Please! Don’t you–Keep the fuck away from me, you freak! Don’t–I’m trying to tell you! Come on! Please! I don’t–”
Shigaraki lets the man struggle, watching his fruitless scramble across the floor; hands flapping against the gritty concrete with loud smacks, and feet slipping. He looks like a fish on a line. 
“None of those things let me know what’s in the drug,” he informs his prey, blood slicked shoes stepping down, trapping the man under his heel, halting his frantic motions.
“That’s not… not… Y-you said you’d give me until five?”
“Did I?” Shigaraki asks, a wide grin cracking over his face, one hand lowering, fingers splayed, reaching. “Looks like I lied.”
The man’s shrieks quickly turn into deep throated garbles as the decay of Shigaraki’s quirk races up his body, reducing him to a mass of shattered bones, hollowed teeth and gushing ichor. Pity, Shigaraki thinks, wiping his bloodied hand against his dark pants and twisting back to your trembling form. 
You’re whimpering, your voice catching as you try to gulp down a few breaths and your tail is flat, its usual golden hanging lusterless in the darkness. When he steps closer, your head lifts and he can see the hopeful prick of your floppy ears. Your cheeks and the line of your neck are flushed, creating a burst of dusty pink that blends perfectly with your flaxen hair. You look like a doll, tiny and shivering in the cold, your puppy-like features wilted under the weight of the drug that’s coursing through your bloodstream.
“M-Mister T-T-T-omura,” you whine, one hand lifting, straining for him. “I-I feel… I feel… hot. It… it’s too warm. I think I’m… I don’t know if… if I–”
“Can you walk?” He cuts right to the chase, not liking that shimmering line of desperation that’s laced within your words. You look like you’re about to fall to pieces, but he needs more information. He can’t help you, he reasons, pushing down that inner voice that’s screaming for him to step away from your curled body, if he doesn’t know what’s wrong. 
“D-dunno…” you stammer, licking your pastel tongue across your lips, making them slick, pouting them forward. “I don’t… I don’t feel so good.”
“I know,” he reminds you, kneeling in front of you, placing himself within your reach.
In hindsight, it was a stupid move. He knows better. It could have been avoided. He should have paid more attention, not underestimated your tenacity, your want.
Your fingers are under his shirt before he can blink, and before he can breathe, you’re coiling your way into his lap, forcing him to fall to the ground, pressing against him until he’s sure there’s nothing else of you he can hold. “M-Mister… please… p-please! Mister Tomura! Make it go away!”
He tries to shove you off, carefully lifting fingers away, pushing at you with eight digits, hoping you’ll stop squirming. But it doesn’t work and the wet lap of your tongue catches him utterly by surprise. He stiffens under you, his arms falling to his sides, neck rigid, vermillion eyes wide, but you don’t care. 
Mister Tomura smells so nice this close. 
It’s a musty scent, sticky and clammy, but oh, there’s something else under there. Something that makes you think of slickening skin, the rub of your fingers, and the tacky drip that sometimes falls from between your legs. It’s too much; it’s making you feel woozy and your hands shake as they reach for his face, but you want more. You need more.
“Is this ok? I-Is this alright Mister Tomura? Can I pet you? Please?”
There’s no reply. So you continue, lacing your hands into his pearlescent hair and lowering his lips to yours. He feels rough against your soft lips, so you dip your tongue out to loosen him up, poking until he gives you a halfhearted press, the hot exhale of his nose passing over your pink tinted cheek. “That’s right Mister,” you repeat, encouraging him to let you taste more, rutting your hips against the stiffened plane of his upper thigh. “Let me take care of you, Mister Tomura. Can I be your good girl? Hmm?”
When your fingers pad over his crotch, he groans and his back arches. You pull away, awed by his reaction, hoping he’ll be looking at you, imagining how pretty his eyes will look when they’re lit up with the want of you. But his head is turned and his jaw is set in a foreboding clench. “Mist–Mister Tomura?” you blurt out, hands grabbing at the sides of his face, forcing him back to you.
The dark look he fixes you with makes your heart pound and you can tell your tail is wagging furiously behind you. You like it when he looks at you like that. He likely thinks it’s cold, uncaring, but you know. You know the truth, that he wants you. 
Everything inside of you is clattering, rattling at you, screaming out that he wants this. 
“I see,” you begin, your hips picking up their pace, hoping he’ll let you slip your rapidly dampening pants off. “You want me too, right? You want me to help you with that.” Here you pause, lowering one hand to trace up the curve of his clothed cock, cupping at it until he’s gritting his teeth, showing you a bright line of white. “I can do that, Mister. I’ll do anything for you, anything. Just let me be your good girl, ‘kay?”
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[ 2:24 am, Monday morning ]
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He’s pushed you back, but not too far. Not far enough that your delicate toes can’t reach him. 
It hadn’t taken much to work his black jeans open, just a quick flick of your wrist and a sharp tug and then there he was, his tip red, beads of pre-cum frothing against his slit, weeping downward. Delicious, is all that you could think, and your lips were around him before he could stutter forward. He makes the cutest sounds when he’s shoving past the ring of your mouth, but it’s gotta hurt his hands when he’s clawing them along the ground like that. 
He should relax.
Once you’d worked him over, hungrily slathering over his dripping cock head, and greedily felt him pulse against the flat of your tongue, you’d shifted off of him. He gasped when you let go, and you thoroughly enjoyed the pop that all that wetness made in the still air. 
When you slid your pants over the curve of your hips he’d stood, but maybe this drug had given you some kinda super strength besides that fire that was thrumming in your veins, because after you’d trapped him between your spread knees, he hadn’t struggled since. 
Maybe he’ll like this? Or this?
It’s really just a guessing game now, and even though Mister Tomura isn’t the most enthusiastic player, he is a reactive one.
The mess of your saliva quickly lubricated the arch of your foot and his copious pre-cum and you run it up and down his straining length, pressing the other forward when you hear him grunting, his hips bucking upwards, helping you. 
“You like this Mister Tomura?”
You’re still waiting on your good girl and you hope you’ll do something that ekes it from his clamped lips. But you can wait, after all Mister Tomura likes when you work hard, when you do your best for him. 
He lets out a yelp when you speed up and you laugh, so happy that he’s happy.
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[ 2:56 am, Monday morning ]
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“Mister! Mister Tomura, please! It… ah… it hurts again. C-can you p-put it… mmm… in… inside me?”
It’s the third time you’ve asked him that question, but he’s not listening to you anymore. Instead, he’s shoving you down, lifting the round globes of your red smacked ass and tracing the heavy tip of his cock over your leaking slit. He presses forward and back, slicking himself with your milky release, tacking your arousal all over him. At some point, something broke within him and you’re still exalting in the heady feel of him over you. 
“M-Mister Tomu–”
“Shut up. If you call me that one more time, I’ll stop right now. Just leave you here, naked, all alone and unprotected,” Shigaraki threatens, reaching around for your swollen clit and giving it a sharp pinch. You quake under his hands and he watches as your puppy ears fall and your tail brushes against his sweat slicked chest. “Imagine what would happen if someone came along and saw you like this? Saw you panting and humping the floor. You look like a fucking dog. Like some loose bitch who can’t think of anything other than the feel of someone’s dick. You want this? Huh?”
He grabs at your golden hair and pulls you upwards, forcing your spine into a u shape, watching as your tongue flops out of your mouth, as your drool falls down your chest. The tiny buds of your breasts do little to catch the saliva, so most fall on your trembling hands and you let out a piteous whine, hoping he’ll show you some mercy. Hoping he’ll fuck you until you can’t think. 
“Answer me.” His voice is iron and you shudder, ass wiggling as you gasp out his name and a chorus of yeses. When his tip aligns with your entrance, it sends a jolt of electricity across your heated skin. 
“Want me to call you a good girl?” he asks, pushing until his bulbous head is just tucked inside that first ring of pink muscle, grunting as you try to take him deeper, your cunt ravenously clamping around him.
“Y-yes! C-C-Call m-me that! T-Tell meee!”
“Then promise me you’ll never touch me again. Promise me you’ll never come near me. Tell me I’ll never have to look at that simpering face of yours and I’ll tell you what you want to hear.”
“B-But Mister… I mean… but… T-Tomu-Tomura. I-I can’t do that. I l-love you!”
“That’s too bad,” Shigaraki hums, jerking his hips forward, feeding you another tantalizing inch of his cock, watching as your viscid arousal gushes outward, coating the flesh of your inner thighs and staining his curled thatch of pubic hair. 
“Because I don’t love you.”
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sproutsgcrden · 3 years
sentinel of naruhata | chapter three
koichi's very bad, no good day
warnings: descriptions of violence, manga spoilers for my hero academia: vigilantes
previous chapter | masterlist | read on ao3 | next chapter
want to be tagged? send in an ask and let me know!
“So… you’re Haimawari Koichi, age 19, freshman at Hitonami College… I’ll just call you Koichi, then. Unless you like the sound of Nice Guy better.”
Izuku laughed at Haimawari’s sputtering reaction, clutching his stomach as he leaned back against the cool floor of Koichi’s little one-room apartment. After the incident with the return of those thugs, Izuku and Knuckleduster followed Koichi back to his home. Knuckleduster was determined to recruit the both of them, and Izuku just… didn’t have anywhere else to be. He was sure that Eraserhead was already done with patrol by the time their skirmish ended.
Luckily, Koichi didn’t seem to mind too much when Izuku mentioned dying his hair. He felt the black suited him nicely, even if it was still a little damp. He didn’t need Tomura or Kurogiri making a surprise appearance and immediately picking out his green curls from the crowd.
“Don’t go through my stuff, crazy old man!” Koichi reached over to grab his student I.D. and his wallet from Knuckleduster’s grasp.
The veteran vigilante ignored him as he turned to face Izuku. “And what should we call you, kid?”
“Izuku.” The young boy had stopped laughing, but he was still laying on the floor.
“What, no last name? Running away from home?”
“What’s it to you?”
Koichi leaned over him, glancing down with concerned eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re trying to live off of the streets… No wonder you bought a weird amount of junk at the store.”
Izuku grimaced, sitting up and pushing the older kid out of his space. “I’m fine. Can we change subjects?”
Knuckleduster nodded, sending a small smirk Izuku’s way. “Okay. Why are you looking for Eraserhead?”
Koichi blinked, ignoring Izuku’s frustrated groan. “Who’s Eraserhead?”
“He’s an underground hero. He can erase quirks, barring any mutations, and he practically fights quirkless. He’s a badass.” Izuku was talking animatedly, moving his hands around wildly.
“Oh. Wait. Is he your dad?”
“Why would he be my father?!”
“You have the exact same quirk don’t you?”
Izuku slumped, flitting his gaze towards the floor. “It’s similar. I want him to train me how to be a hero. Plus I need his help with something, not that I’m gonna tell you losers what that is.”
Koichi let out an offended grunt while Knuckleduster heartily chuckled.
“Anyways. The two of you will be calling me Master.” Knuckleduster moved from the table to the small mini fridge in the corner of the room, opening it up to find it full of beer.
“Didn’t we tell you that we weren’t going to be your apprentices?” Koichi glared as the man opened a can of beer and began to chug it. “And would you get out already? This is my house!”
The old man ignored Koichi’s protests in favor of grabbing another can of beer. “The drug is called Trigger. It’s a quirk-booster; it also weakens the user’s ability to reason. Basically, this drug turns regular folk into instant villains.”
Izuku glared at the table, clenching his hands into tight fists. He knew all too well what Trigger was capable of. He shuddered as he dared to think what could happen if his father forced Tomura to take the drug. Japan would be completely decimated.
“So, why not just let the heroes do something about it? Or call the police.” Koichi let his head drop to the table, bored and frustrated at the fact that Knuckleduster was refusing to leave him alone.
Knuckleduster barked out a short laugh. “Ain’t gonna happen, kid. These pop-up villains on trigger can emerge from any crowd, at any time. Cops and heroes are always forced to play catch-up.”
“Oh. So they blend in with everyone else?”
“Exactly. And that’s where we come in!” Shocking the two boys into backing up, Knuckleduster hopped to his feet, hand clenched into a fist.
Izuku shook out of the state first, glaring at the older man. “Did you just say ‘we’?”
“That’s right, kid! The three of us are gonna go out, stop suspicious looking characters, and check their tongues!”
“Okay, even if we wanted to go with you, why are you allowing a nine-year old to accompany you? That seems pretty crazy to me.”
“Oh please. He’s more advanced in quirk usage and hand to hand than you, just based on last night. Plus, if he’s hiding from his parents, he’s got nothing else to do. He’s already a deviant in the law’s eyes.”
Izuku could do nothing but reluctantly nod his head at that.
“Trigger turns the user’s tongue black, so we’re gonna give those losers a beat down and make them spill the details on their dealer. That’s the only way to put an end to this whole drug trade.”
Koichi sweat dropped, shaking his head. “So you just want us to go around punching people?”
“I thought you were just joking! What the hell, man!” Koichi screamed as he hung off of Knuckleduster’s left arm. Izuku laughed maniacally as he hung off of the vigilante’s neck. He was punching people with his right hand and checking their tongues.
Koichi could admit he was a great multitasker. But holy shit, this man was insane.
The three of them were causing quite the commotion; people were screaming and running away from a man carrying a college student and a little kid who was also throttling everyone he was in range of. It wouldn’t be too long before a hero showed up to stop whatever was happening.
In a desperate attempt to stop Knuckleduster’s shenanigans, Koichi called out to the group closest to them. “Please! Give us a peek at your tongues! Stick ‘em out a little and this will all be over!” The guy closest to them stuck out his, thankfully, normal looking tongue. Koichi tried not to be too offended when the man also flipped him off.
It was hard to hear over Izuku’s laughter, which only increased in volume after getting the finger, but Koichi���s ear perked up at the sound of boots hitting the metal above them. With a glance upwards, the hoodie-clad vigilante felt his eyes soften in relief. “Pop Step!”
“What the hell are you losers doing?” The pink haired idol-in-the-making jumped down to the ground as soon as Kunckleduster threw both Koichi and Izuku on a nearby bench. They landed harshly, Izuku’s laughter tapering off within an instant. Koichi immediately shook it off, and stalked over to a nearby vending machine, selecting a coffee for himself and a juice for Izuku.
“Why don’t you ask the old man? He was the one chasing after innocent bystanders like a lunatic.” Koichi mosied back over to the bench, tossing Izuku the juice as he plopped down beside him.
“I’m nine, not a toddler. What if I wanted a coffee?”
“If they cooperated, I wouldn’t have to look like a lunatic now would I?”
Koichi ignored the both of them as he opened his coffee, taking a well-deserved sip after lowering his mask. He leaned his head back in a rare moment of reprieve, trying to block out the weirdness he somehow chose to surround himself with. He only blinked back into the present when Pop Step aggressively leaned on his arm.
“So you’re looking for junkies and dealers, huh?” Her thoughtful expression drooped into a grimace as she looked away from Knuckleduster. “Thanks for showing up last night, pops. Provided me with a distraction so I could slip away from that idiot.”
“Shouldn’t you be thanking me?!”
Pop Step shrugged, stepping back and throwing her hands on her hips. “Why’s the runt still following you around?”
Izuku, who was absentmindedly sipping on the juice that Koichi had gotten him, slowly looked up at Pop Step with narrowed eyes. “I’m not following them. I’ve just got nowhere else to be at the moment and it’s entertaining to see these two create chaos.”
“Right… and that Eraserdude you were looking for?”
“I won’t even be able to start searching for him until night falls. I’m just passing the time.”
Pop blinked a few times before turning back to Koichi. “So, Nice Guy!”
“You can just call me Koichi.”
“Koichi? Is that your real name?” Pop Step hopped in place, her large grin very apparent. “Why are you going along with this, Koichi?
The college student paused, the can of coffee held up to his lips as if he was ready to take another sip. He slowly moved it down, allowing it to rest against his thigh instead. “I just… if I don’t keep an eye on the guy, he’ll beat up every last person on the streets.”
“Nah. I start with the most suspicious ones… like youngsters who can’t stop messing around.”
Koichi ignored the statement, along with Izuku’s snort, as he continued. “And who knows what kind of trouble the kid’ll get up to without a responsible adult nearby!”
“Responsible? Says the dude who’s only item in his fridge is a case of beer!”
“You all are morons!” Pop stomped her foot against the ground. “Going at it so randomly is never going to work. Why don’t you use your heads!!”
Koichi looked up at the girl from his spot on the bench, eyes blank in confusion. “Our heads?”
Pop Step rolled her eyes, sitting on the edge of the bench and pulling out her phone. “Whenever a villain shows up, someone’s bound to snap a pic!”
“That’s right!” Izuku shot up, bringing his phone out as well. “The hero forums are always swimming with pictures of recent attacks.”
“All you need to do is refine the search to ‘unknown’ or ‘sudden’ villains. That’ll mean less legwork for you clowns!”
Koichi blinked, “That’s clever.”
“The photo search or calling you clowns?”
Izuku’s cackle rang out, echoing in Koichi’s ears as he glared at the girl sitting next to him. The three of them nearly missed it when Knuckleduster shot up from his seat in pursuit of a new target.
“Hey! Stick your tongue!”
“Oh, not this again!!” Koichi ran out in front of Knuckleduster, coming to the newcomer’s defense. “C’mon man, this guy is clearly just your average salaryman! He’s not even bothering anyone!”
In his rush to save the seemingly innocent man from getting punched in the face, Koichi barely came to a stop before nearly running into the newcomer. In shock, the man dropped his briefcase, crying out when hero themed action figures came tumbling out.
“See! I told you the guy was fishy! What kind of adult carries around dolls in a briefcase!”
Izuku and Pop Step had just caught up, exchanging concerned and bewildered looks. The young boy pulled his mask over his face and bent down to help the man pick up the toys.
“I- I’m sorry! I work at a toy company, these are just prototypes.”
“See! Nothing suspicious about that! He’s just a hardworking guy!” Koichi’s voice rang out as he tried to push Knuckleduster back.
The elder vigilante wasn’t having it, however, and pushed forward to grab onto the man’s lapel. “That’s what I’m trying to prove! So cooperate, or else.” His free hand cocked back, gloved fingers positioned into a tight fist.
Before Knuckleduster’s fist could land a hit on the poor businessman, a white cloth wrapped itself around his arm, effectively preventing his attack. Knuckleduster grunted as his arm was pulled back, and his eyes narrowed at the figure behind him. Izuku gasped, eyes widened as he took in the hero before them.
“Violent acts in full view of the public… you’re hardly a model citizen.” A gruff voice, harsh from sleep deprivation, sounded out from behind the group. Pop Step and Koichi backed up behind Izuku and Knuckleduster, shocked looks on their faces. “You must be one of those instant villains of late.”
Knuckleduster guffawed, “Hey kid! Looks like it’s your lucky day, huh?”
The newcomer’s eyes narrowed in suspicion, locking on to the young boy who seemed to be hyperventilating out of excitement.
Izuku’s green eyes sparkled in delight, holding his hands up in hopes of proving he wasn’t a threat. “You’re the Erasure Hero: Eraserhead! You lead the underground in both villain captures and civilian rescues, but you never stay long enough to actually gain any credit! Your fighting style is incredible! I always wondered if your capture weapon worked in tandem with your quirk- your hair floats when you use it, yeah? Does it negate small amounts of gravity near you? That would explain why your scarf seems to deny the laws of physics!” His voice carried on, causing those around him to stop and stare.
“Did you know the kid was so…”
“I’ve never heard him speak more than necessary. This is definitely new.”
Eraserhead was the first to snap out of the trance, tightening his grip on his capture weapon as he lowered himself into a battle stance. “I’m not sure how you got such vital information- I work very hard to make sure there isn’t much coverage on my exploits.”
Izuku nodded, standing in place. “There are only two clips I was able to find- but I’ve been looking for you for some time now! We’re not here to cause trouble, promise!”
“Either way, I’m off duty today. Just being a good samaritan.”
Knuckleduster grinned, turning to face the hero fully. “So we got that in common.”
Koichi backed away further, hands high in the air. “No way does he think we’re villains, right?”
“Hey, hey! Don’t lump me in with these guys!” Pop Step jumped, using her quirk to land a few yards backwards.
There was a tense moment of silence before disaster struck. Izuku, sensing trouble out of the corner of his eye, cursed as Knuckleduster rushed towards Eraserhead. The hero, now fully prepared for battle, dropped the sack he was holding. Cat food and jelly pouches flew out of the bag, bursting open against the hard pavement. Knuckleduster chose to go high, fist ready and aimed for Eraserhead’s face.
Izuku sighed, ignoring the shouts from Koichi and Pop Step as he jumped into the fray.
Yeah… this is the most idiotic thing he’s ever done.
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bluerosesburnblue · 3 years
I hope you don't mind this ask, but... Any theories / speculations about the most recent story update for KHUX?
Oh, I don’t mind at all! I’m glad you asked, actually, because I’ve had some thoughts, though not many new theories of my own, unfortunately. That being said, I can definitely go over how some of my old theories and some of the fandom’s hold up and my thoughts on a few of the new theories I’ve seen floating around
One thing that I’m consistently proud of is how my old guesses about Darkness’s true nature just keep ending up almost right barring some slight details. I made the claim back when Re:Mind first came out that Darkness could be a hive mind of entities that plant bits of themselves in others, and then refined that back in July of 2020 by likening it to a parasite that worms its way into people’s hearts and incorporates itself into them to control them. This past update confirmed that the Darkness we’re fighting is one part of the hive mind that wormed its way into Ven to force him to act out, and that by doing so it detached itself from that hive mind and became incorporated into Ven’s being (which Ven can then shape). So I gotta say I’m pretty pleased about that part
All that’s left to be seen from the July post is if Darkness has a connection to Verum Rex/Quadratum, but I doubt that that will be touched on by the KHUx finale. Though I will say that it’s pretty interesting that the Master of Masters tells Darkness about “a world [he] can’t even conceive,” which seems like it could easily be referring to Quadratum, which also means that Darkness knows about it
That’s pretty much all I have to say on the Ventus/Darkness/Vanitas connection, but there’s still more to cover in this update
One thing that I’ve been trying to figure out is who the cloaked figure right at the start of the update is, Luxu or the MoM. Measuring the sizes and my old guess based on the KH3 Secret Reports both say Luxu, but this brings into question “when,” exactly, the True Dandelion scene takes place as it doesn’t have the dark haze around the edges that they give flashbacks, but is clearly the real-world set of pods as they’re not destroyed AND it’s missing the pod that Maleficent already used. The True Dandelion scene has a lot to unpack, but this scene at the start does make me wonder if Luxu and/or the Master have a way in and out of the datascape that doesn’t involve the pods, otherwise the numbers don’t add up
Also related to the post of mine I just linked is the idea that the Black Box is the datascape. I believe that this might still hold true. It’s interesting to note that they show the scene from Back Cover where Luxu is given the box in the first place just prior to the reveal that using the lifeboats to escape starts the process to seal it off and have the real Daybreak Town fall to darkness, and the Master’s “hint” to Luxu involves this very process. Why would Luxu be forbidden to open the box? Quite possibly because it contains the infected datascape meant to seal off the vast majority of the Darkness hive mind. And several Dandelions. It is both the “hope” mentioned in KH3 through those Dandelions, as well as a trap to keep Darkness out of being able to interfere for quite a long time
Now, the questions that I’m sure are on everyone’s minds are “who is the True Dandelion,” and “who are the ones who use the lifeboats?” Let’s start with the True Dandelion, as there’s far less moving pieces involved in that one
I won’t take credit for coming up with any of these options, I’m just going to discuss the logistics of them. So the candidates for the True Dandelion in, what is in my opinion, the least likely option to the most likely option, are:
Kairi: I’ve seen this one floating around and... honestly don’t believe it at all due to the sheer amount of logical contortions that you have to do to make it work. To wit:
Where the hell would she even come from if it was Kairi? As can be clearly seen with Ven, is stated to be true with Subject X, and is implied to be true of Lauriam/Elrena, those who travel to the future using the pods will regenerate their bodies at the age they were when they used the pods. Which would make Kairi at the oldest a four-year-old. Four years prior to KHUx was when Brain was told that he was a Union Leader. So she either would have been just born immediately prior to the war and was just... stolen or something? And we never saw? Or just after the war, where she would probably have to be the child of a Dandelion that got teen pregnant because they’re supposed to be both kids and the only survivors? Or Luxu and Ava’s kid somehow? Like, what? The timeline is just insane with that
If she was born before the war... you would assume that the True Dandelion would be, you know, a Dandelion. Which would mean that Ava handed a Keyblade to and recruited a literal toddler. This would also retcon Aqua being the one to accidentally pass the ability to wield a Keyblade down to Kairi and I refuse to make theories predicated on “the author will retcon this.” You just open up a huge can of worms doing that
The body wrapped in white looked a hell of a lot bigger than a four-year-old to me
I am sick to death of “this character was secretly from the Age of Fairytales~” being employed by the narrative. It’s happened at least three times already (four if you count Luxu). Enough already
Ventus: Ven has some hints, though some notable contradictions to it being him
On the one had, the sheet that the True Dandelion is wrapped in is extremely similar to the one that Xehanort wrapped him in when planning to leave him on Destiny Islands in BBS and there’s a possibility that Xehanort may have found him in that very sheet if he regenerated wearing it
On the other hand: Ventus might not have even been a Dandelion in the first place (he definitely wasn’t a Union Leader, but I don’t know if it was ever said whether he was selected as a regular Dandelion or not), and there’s the timing of the scene that I mentioned above. It’s definitely after Maleficent used her lifeboat but before anyone else used theirs (when you would expect Ven to remain with his friends) and, since the scene doesn’t have the flashback effect, it’s implied to be happening concurrently with everything else, so Ven should still be fighting Darkness in the datascape while it’s happening and eliminating him from being this particular person
Strelitzia: Oh, boy, have we got some nice old hints to Strelitzia, but still a few logical contortions, just like Ven
The white sheet is coming back up again. Namely, the fact that we still have an unexplained scene where Strelitzia appears to Lauriam in a dream wrapped in a white cloak, though it’s of a different style than the one that the True Dandelion is in. That scene also featured flower petals being blown into the wind, much like a dandelion seed (though, notably, the petals that are blown aren’t Dandelion seeds)
The question is, yet again, one of timing. How would Luxu get her body? While she was only introduced in KHUx, her scenes are all flashbacks to before the war, so we know that she was struck down in the real world, not the datascape. We see her body dissolve into light and her heart be released. Now, technically you only need a heart to time travel (actually, a heart is the only thing that can time travel), but Luxu is clearly seen putting a body into the machine. A machine that only allows for time travel because it destroys the body. If he had her heart, he wouldn’t need to use the lifeboat because she’s already in a state to time-travel on her own and this eliminates the possibility of him putting her Nobody into the machine, because without a heart it would just evaporate her body leaving... absolutely no heart to go to the future with
Now, Luxu theoretically could have grabbed her heart. We know that he was hanging around Daybreak Town at the time while observing thanks to his fight with Ava, but Strelitzia is struck down just after the fight with Ava starts so it’s very likely that Luxu was too preoccupied to retrieve her heart before it was gone. Speaking of Luxu’s fight with Ava...
Ava is my current top pick for the True Dandelion candidate due to the sheer number of questions it answers and how few it raises
Ever since KH3 came out, the question of “where the heck is Ava?” has been buzzing around as a major mystery. Her last chronological point of appearance is the same as the other Foretellers: the Keyblade War itself, where she’s shown leading her Union to battle. Notably, she seems resigned to her part in this, and this is the first and only time we see her after her battle with Luxu where he reveals to her the Master’s true plans. Melody of Memory seems to imply that the other Foretellers managed to skip to the future by going to another world, Quadratum (or at least this is the most likely explanation as there’s not enough pods to send all four of the other Foretellers AND the characters that we know end up in the future to their destination). However, Ava isn’t with them and Luxu knows what happened to her
It would be easy to write this off as them trying to drop Ava from the narrative or her not being important, but her chess piece is included in the “Eraqus and Xehanort foreshadow the next saga” chess game on the far right of the board and Nomura confirms that they represent the Master’s six apprentices, i.e. the five Foretellers + Luxu. So, Ava is necessary in the upcoming saga and yet, she didn’t get to the future the same way as any of the Master’s other apprentices leaving her open to get there via a lifeboat
Ava is the very founder of the Dandelions, who all of the others look up to and defer to and was spoken of heavily in the scene just prior to the True Dandelion reveal. That’s grounds for being called the True Dandelion if I’ve ever seen one
Luxu would very easily be able to ensure that Ava would be able to make it to the future. Just like with the Master of Masters, he already has the memories necessary for her to use to regenerate a body, and either her Keyblade or her mask would make for effective mediums that wouldn’t be too difficult for Luxu to take. If he put her in the white cloth, he probably took her mask off already
Ava hasn’t been around for the events of KHUx, so there’s no timeline discrepancies if it’s her
So, now that we have an idea of who the True Dandelion could be, let’s talk about the rest of the lifeboats and how they might fit together. For the purposes of this discussion, let’s assume that the True Dandelion can’t be one of the Union Leaders and that their battle with Darkness is taking place at the same time as Luxu is sending off the True Dandelion. I’ll be referencing an old theory of mine, while making additions now that it’s clear that there’s two sets of lifeboats: the Data Set and the Real Set
Right now, there’s an equal number of Real Pods and Data Pods: 5 each. For the Data Pods, of the seven that we started with, one was used by Maleficent and one was damaged in the battle between Maleficent and Lauriam. As for the Real Pods, one has been used by Maleficent, and one has been used by the True Dandelion. This leaves us with five each.
We can narrow this down further by eliminating people that we know end up in the future. These are:
Subject X, who is most likely Skuld based on her description
Elrena* (of note with Elrena is that we actually have no idea where the hell she is at the moment or how she’s going to get into the pods. Furthermore, while every other lifeboat user sans Maleficent has been shown to have amnesia upon waking and Lauriam/Marluxia directly indicates as such applies to him, too, in KH3, Elrena/Larxene’s KH3 scene and character file short story both indicate that she recalls Lauriam and possibly Strelitzia, though she also seems surprised at the idea that she’s part of an ancient Keyblade legacy. I won’t deny that there’s a possibility that she doesn’t use a lifeboat and ends up in the future by other means based on the discrepancies)
So with three confirmed cases, we’re left with one ambiguous case in Elrena and three more possible candidates: Ephemer, Brain, and Player. Four people, and two pods
I want to make it clear that despite what I brought up against Elrena, I do think that she’ll be using one of the lifeboats if only so that KHUx has narrative consistency. They introduced Elrena, they made her part of the investigation on Strelitzia’s whereabouts, so it only makes sense that they need to show us where she ended up for a satisfying conclusion. So let’s slot Elrena in for one of the lifeboats. That leaves one between Player, Ephemer, and Brain
My best guess is that Player won’t be using a lifeboat at all. Not only are they a create-a-character that would be a HUGE pain to try and incorporate into future entries in the series without making a “canon” version and thus ruining their appeal as an avatar, but we haven’t seen or heard mention of them at all in the games set in the present-day. There’s zero indication that they made it, which makes them the most easily eliminated as a lifeboat user
That leaves Ephemer and Brain, and I still believe that Ephemer will be the final lifeboat user, and for the same reasons as stated in the theory I linked at the start of this section. Not only does Brain have the same facial sprite as Eraqus, but he wields the Master’s Defender which will be later passed down to Eraqus and I believe that this eliminates him as a time traveler, despite the fandom’s popular opinion that it confirms it
Because I don’t believe that Brain is Eraqus’s grandfather, but rather his distant ancestor who inherited the No Name and passed down both Keyblades through the ages
So let’s resolve some plot threads taking everything I’ve stated and linked to above into account
My Big Guess for the KHUx Finale
Ventus will use the fact that Darkness is tied to his heart now to give it a physical, but still mostly amorphous form that he, the Union Leaders, and Player can finally take down. Darkness will be sealed inside Ven’s heart, where it will lie dormant until he reaches the future. Eventually, Xehanort will extract it in the form of Vanitas and it will follow Vanitas’s life cycle, ending in him being reabsorbed into Ven at the end of BBS. Darkness, now back in Ven’s heart, will make brief contact with Sora during the events of Re:Mind
Lauriam, upon learning that the world will be sealed with the use of the lifeboats, will attempt to rescue his partner, Elrena. Both will take lifeboats out of the datascape and into the future, whereupon they will be recruited into Organization XIII by Luxu’s current incarnation, Xigbar, likely to keep an eye on them. I believe there might be a squabble among Ephemer, Skuld, Brain, and Player among who will use the final lifeboats (each person nominating others besides themselves), but ultimately they will settle on Ephemer and Skuld
Skuld will wind up amnesiac in the future Radiant Garden and is discovered by Ansem the Wise and his apprentices and dubbed Subject X. She becomes Xehanort’s favorite test subject due to the similarities in their amnesia and possibly some lingering memories that he has that don’t quite belong to him (KHDR Xehanort certainly seems to want to meet his “old friends” very badly)
Ephemer’s heart will wind up in the Keyblade Graveyard as I mentioned in an old theory, unable to manifest a body due to the lack of a medium present. Through this state of being just a heart (and possibly related to those old talks about him being “unchained”), he will be able to enact the Light of the Past moment from KH3, and may very well be revived for future events in the series
This leaves Brain and Player behind in the datascape. However, you may remember one detail that I brought up, but neglected to fully expand on until now. There is a difference between the Data Pods and the Real Pods. While all of the Real Pods have been used up at the time of my proposed sequence of events, the Data Pods have not been. One was never used, only damaged. This leaves open the possibility that it can also be repaired (Also, I’m just gonna say it. Player’s met someone recently who has a magic hammer that can repair anything... might not come back but also totally could). Brain and Player could then repair the final pod and, in a callback to when Player was sent to Game Central Station, have them both agree once again that Player is the more expendable person in the scenario. Brain will take the repaired pod, leaving no way out of the datascape for anyone else, while Player stays behind to be sealed away for the time being (this could also be a callback to the original KHx, where Player also stayed behind to take part in the war instead of fleeing with the Dandelions, as they refused to leave their party behind)
When Brain escapes, however, he will be met with a Daybreak Town with no Real Pods left, as Luxu used one on the True Dandelion. Now that the seven pods have all been used up and the real Daybreak Town is falling to darkness, Luxu will take a corridor out as the Master instructed, but bring the newly appeared Brain along with him (either that or Brain emerges after Daybreak Town falls, either is possible) and bequeaths the No Name onto him. Brain, stranded in the past while all of his friends have been sent to the future, will be Luxu’s new apprentice and rebuild the fallen Daybreak Town as Scala ad Caelum, then pass down both of his Keyblades: Master’s Defender to his biological descendants, and No Name to his apprentices
As for the Master of Masters? I think he’s already taken an eighth lifeboat (you’ll note that there’s space right in the center of the cluster where one more could theoretically fit) and had done so before the start of the original KHx. He’ll be revived at some point in Xehanort’s young adult life to goad him into his insane plans as seen in Re:Mind, then duck into Quadratum to hang out until the next arc in the franchise, as hinted at with his appearance in the KH3 Secret Movie
(He is most definitely not Sora. He’s clearly bound to the same rules of time travel as everyone else which means that Sora couldn’t go back in time to become him as that would be long before the point in time where Sora was born and that breaks KH time travel rules. Not to mention that the Master talks about Quadratum in this update like he’s never seen it before until it came up in the No Name’s range of vision. Sora is literally in Quadratum right now, he’d definitely know what it was already if he was the Master)
And I do believe that should cover everyone’s whereabouts by the end of the game and into the next arc of Kingdom Hearts with minimal plot holes
This is just my best guess, putting together details that I’ve been accumulating for the past year and a half or so into what sounds like a coherent sequence of events that bridge the gap between KHUx and KH3 and beyond. There may be some details I get wrong, obviously. Nomura has been known to be... unpredictable. But I think, based on the evidence we have at hand, that this is the most logical series of events to end the game on and I’m really interested to see how close this gets to the actual finale we see
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Force Bond
Author’s Note: So I usually write my fics with female readers in mind, but I checked as much as I could in this fic and I don’t think any she/her pronouns are used, so I think it can be read as gender neutral! I hope you enjoy this, anon! I tried to keep it as close to your request as possible. And, as always, requests and open and feedback is much appreciated! Thank you guys, I love you all~
Requested?: Yes, by anon- “For Anakin requests, maybe a fellow Jedi who was a sith at one point but ran away from the master and turned to the light? Strong, confident but quiet person, but full of surprises 👀“
Summary: You sense the darkness in Anakin and help him overcome it.
Force Bond
Anakin Skywalker x reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: angst & canon-typical violence, also this definitely diverts from canon (like storyline) sooo yeah (and lmk if I ever miss any warnings pls!)
“I’ll be in the training room if you need me,” You tell your friend, Obi-Wan. He gives you a short nod before returning to his previous conversation with another Jedi Master.
You’re technically a new recruit to the Jedi Order, but you had already earned yourself the title of Jedi Knight. Although you had the skills and prowess to be a Jedi Master, you weren’t quite sure the Jedi Order trusted you fully yet. You see, you used to be their enemy. You were the Sith leader’s apprentice for years before you changed your ways and turned to the light. The Order had been skeptical of your arrival at first, but they eventually welcomed you and trained you in the ways of the light. Obi-Wan has been your friend, as he sees the difference in you, having known how you were on the dark side. Otherwise, you rarely speak to anyone. 
So far, you’ve managed to keep a low profile. While you are serious about being on the light side now, you know better than to cause any accidental trouble and hurt your chances of ever being trusted here. So you stay quiet and to yourself, hoping that no one will try to get their revenge because you have definitely fought many of them before on the other side. But, luckily, revenge is not the Jedi way. 
“When are you not training, (Y/n)?” A voice to your right laughs, snapping you out of your trance. You freeze, clicking your lightsaber off and attaching it to your hip again.
You look to your right to see Anakin Skywalker standing there, a small smirk tugging at his lips. You had never really talked to Anakin before, preferring to stay away from the troublemaker seeing as you were trying your hardest not to get in trouble here.
“Not one for talking?” He asks, and you realize that you had just been staring at him, immersed in your own thoughts.
You shrug at him, going to sit down on the side of the training room, done for now. He can have his training time, you just want to be alone.
“How about we duel, huh? We could use some combat training with other people, and I’ve heard that we are two of the most powerful here.” Anakin offers, going to stand next to you.
You look up at him, quirking one eyebrow up as if to say ‘really?’
“Oh come on, it’ll be fun.” He pleads. You stand up and make your way toward the door.
“Hey, listen, I didn’t mean to offend you or anything-” Before he can finish, you’ve shut the door with the force and readied your lightsaber. You step onto the training mat, ready to duel. Anakin jumps into action, not realizing that you were accepting his offer.
“One match.” You finally say, twirling the saber in your hand. He nods.
“One match. That’s all I ask for.” He agrees, a grin lighting up his features. It makes the corner of your lips tug up as well.
Once you’re both ready, you immediately lunge to the side of him. He does the expected, reaching out his saber so that you’ll run straight into it. However, you flip over the saber at the last moment and land on your feet, slicing your saber toward his back as you land. He quickly reacts, meeting your saber at his back with his own pointed down over his shoulder. The two of you make eye contact and you smirk, immediately swiping his feet out from under him and meeting his saber in front of him that slashes down. He’s now on his back on the ground as you stand above him, lightsabers locked in a fight for dominance. You take out your second lightsaber and lock onto his, providing double the force against him.
“Not fair!” He growls. After a few seconds, Anakin still manages to win the brute force battle and knocks you back a little bit, hopping up to his feet. You huff.
Fine. If you can’t win this with brute strength, you’ll just have to out-battle him with your agility and force-use.
The fight goes on for who knows how long, the two of you matching each other almost perfectly in your fighting ability and the force. No one has the upper-hand long enough to win, so it’s just a constant back and forth battle. Neither of you has tired out yet.
You can see the growing frustration in Anakin as the fight draws on. I mean, how could he not be frustrated? All of his life here at the temple he has been told that he’s the best there will ever be, that he’s the Chosen One. How can he not beat you, a simple Jedi Knight, if he’s the supposed Chosen One? You try not to dwell on his frustration as it isn’t your problem to deal with, but there’s something off about his frustration that you can’t quite place. It bothers you.
Mid-battle, as you slice at his feet, you feel a strange disturbance in the force. You reach out with the force, shoving Anakin back physically with the force and brushing against his force signature at the same time. As you do this, you feel a darkness in him that you hadn’t felt in a long time. This shocks you, causing you to gasp and pause in your movements for a moment, chilled to your very core.
As you’re paused, Anakin takes this moment to grab the upper hand and win. He uses the dark force inside of him to shove you with brutal force into the training wall, knocking the breath out of you.
You fall to your knees, gasping for breath as your lightsabers turn off and clatter out of your hands. You grasp at your throat, trying to breathe. There seems to be something invisible choking you. Then, the pressure is gone and you take a gulp of fresh air, sputtering and choking from your previous lack of air. You look up to Anakin a few feet in front of you who looks at his hands, fear evident in his eyes. 
“I’m...so sorry, (Y/n), please forgive me-” He rushes to you, reaching out to help you up. You hold a hand out in front of you to stop him, getting up yourself and recalling your lightsabers to your waistband. 
“Just...stay away from me.” You force out, calling your bag to you and swiftly making your exit from the training chamber. 
You’re scared of Anakin. And you’re scared of who he might become.
It’s a few days later, and you have tried your best to avoid Anakin at all costs. He’s tried to apologize or talk to you, but you always find ways to get out of the situation. You’re sure Obi-Wan is starting to get suspicious of why you’re avoiding Anakin, but you don’t have the heart to tell him of the darkness manifesting in the so-called Chosen One. A darkness you had sworn to never interact with again unless it was getting rid of it.
This time, however, you seem stuck in the situation. 
“(Y/n)!” Anakin force-closes the doors in front of you and to your right, leaving you no way to escape. You try to pry open the doors with your own force, but it’s no use because he makes it to you before you can even get the chance. He backs you into the corner, making every alarm in your head be on high alert.
“(Y/n), please, let me apologize.” His arms brace the wall on either side of your head, trapping you between the wall and his body.
“Get away from me.” You push him off you with surprising force. He seems surprised at your actions, as this could be considered an ‘outburst’ since you’re so quiet usually. You walk away from him in the direction he came from.
“What happened? I’m confused even by my own actions, please, you...you seem to know more than I do.” He calls out. You stop in your tracks, mentally cursing yourself for gaining empathy when you turned to the light side.
“You force choked me. That’s...typically known as a dark side power. I used to do it. Besides, I...I felt the darkness in you at that moment.” You murmur, voice barely above a whisper as Anakin approaches you again.
“The darkness...you felt it?” He asks, eyes searching your face for the truth. You refuse to look at him, but you nod instead.
“Then help me get rid of it.”
“What?” You ask, finally looking up at him. His eyes seem pleading.
“Help me get rid of the darkness in me. You know better than anyone else how to do that. Help me, please. You’re the only one I trust with this.” He takes your hand in his, making your eyes widen in surprise.
“I don’t know…” You sigh, glancing around.
“Please. You’ve dedicated yourself to eradicating darkness, now help me do the same.” He begs, keeping a tight hold on your hand. You sigh.
“Fine,” you concede, “meet me in the training room tomorrow after lunch.”
“Thank you, (Y/n). I won’t let you down.” He promises, a smile finding its way back to his face.
“You’d better not.” You scoff lowly before turning around and making your way back to your quarters.
What have you gotten yourself into?
It’s been a few months since you started training Anakin, getting rid of the darkness in him. With your help, you can confidently say that he’s almost completely back to the light again. There’s just a little bit more you have to work on, which is his aggression. He feels very deeply and that can lead to much anger in his life, which you’re trying to get rid of. 
You’re currently meditating in the training room with Anakin, the two of you sitting across from each other physically even though you’re worlds above mentally and spiritually.
“Thank you for all of your help these past few months, (Y/n), you...you’re amazing. I couldn’t ask for a better teacher in the ways of the light. You’re truly a beacon of hope in the Jedi and...I’m so sorry for what you went through.” Anakin tells you through the force. You smile.
“Anakin, I’m simply helping you be the best version of yourself. Everything I’ve helped you with has already been inside you, I just taught you how to enhance the light in every situation instead of letting yourself succumb to darkness.” You tell him. You had gotten more comfortable with Anakin recently and had started opening up to him more. He knows of your past in the dark side, what you did, and how you overcame everything. He also knows the guilt you carry from that time in your life, too.
“You’ve also...helped me with new feelings, (Y/n). I’m happier now because of you,” He admits, smiling bashfully at you. You tilt your head to the side, not quite sure what he means. Before you can ask him, you’re both broken out of your meditation trance by Obi-Wan.
“(Y/n), Anakin, we know who Darth Sidious is. It’s Palpatine. He’s been controlling both sides of the war- hurry, we need your help. We’re going to engage now.” Obi-Wan explains in a hurry, causing both you and Anakin to jump into action immediately. You grab both of your lightsabers and the three of you run down the hall as fast as possible to Palpatine’s office.
The information rocks you to your core more than you would like others to know. The fact that you escaped from the dark side and joined the Jedi Order to get away from the exact same man. The exact same man that was the leader of the Republic. You never escaped after all. You fell right back into his hands.
“Should we have a planned attack to execute instead of a thrown-together group of Jedi Masters and Knights?” You ask Obi-Wan as the three of you are running.
“There’s no time. He’s at his weakest point now, Master Windu almost killed him but he was thwarted. We need to strike quickly or he will become too powerful.” Obi-Wan tells you in a hushed voice. You nod solemnly.
You were hoping this moment wouldn’t come so soon. You were hoping you wouldn’t have to face your former master until you were ready. Funny how the galaxy plays tricks like this sometimes.
“Hey, it’ll be okay,” Anakin whispers to you, secretly grabbing your hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze as the two of you run behind Obi-Wan. You look at him and smile gratefully. He must be able to sense the nerves radiating off of you through the force because on the outside you look calm and composed.
“Thanks.” You smile back at him, squeezing his hand then dropping it before anyone might see the two of you and misunderstand the situation. However...you must say, your feelings toward the Skywalker boy were more than just friendly now. You’re not sure how to tell him, though, because of the Jedi rules. Maybe if you just ignore it, it’ll go away.
Sooner than you wish, you’ve reached Palpatine’s office and the doors are sliding open. You see your old Sith Master engaging in an intense duel with Master Windu, the sight striking fear into your heart. Darth Sidious is on the ground, using his force lightning that Mace is blocking with his lightsaber. Your breathing quickens slightly, and you feel your palms get sweaty as you unlatch both of your lightsabers from your belt. Anakin stands next to you, and Obi-Wan on the other side of you.
“Sith Lord Darth Sidious...you are under arrest in the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic.” You say, surprising both Anakin and Obi-Wan that you spoke first. You ignite your lightsabers, watching the light color crackle to life in your hands. 
“Ah, (Y/n)...my old apprentice,” Sidious cackles, stopping his lightning and looking over at you. Mace lowers his lightsaber, looking over at the three of you.
“Thank you for coming to my aid, we must-”
Before Mace can continue, Sidious uses his force lightning again and catches him off guard. You gasp as Master Windu is sent flying out of the window, feeling you, Anakin, and Obi-Wan jumping into action. Obi-Wan attacks first and is eventually defeated and knocked out cold.
Next is Anakin. He runs at Sidious, and you watch the intense battle with fearful awe. You feel stuck to the ground where you are, the sheer power of the dark force in the room overwhelming you. Now that you’re faced with your former master, you’re not sure you can do it anymore. You love the light. You want the light. 
You need the light.
“You won’t get away with this torture anymore!” You yell, jumping into the fight beside Anakin. The two of you move together flawlessly, backing Darth Sidious up against a wall purely from the sheer power the two of you are exerting. He has a hard time blocking both you and Anakin’s attacks, especially because you have two sabers.
As you lose yourself in the fight, you see Anakin get force shoved into a wall and knocked out. You watch his body sink to the floor unconscious, causing an aching pain to seize hold of your heart. You look back to Sidious, seeing the hideous smirk growing on his face.
“Now the battle is balanced. Do what you’re supposed to do, my apprentice. Use everything I have taught you to finally kill me and fulfill your destiny of becoming the new Sith Lord. Take Anakin as your new apprentice. I know you can feel the darkness in him...and I know you want to succumb to your own darkness again.” Sidious tries to entice you. You feel sweat start to form on your forehead as you continue your unending onslaught of attacks. You’re starting to get tired after exerting so much force on holding back one being. One being that you know the strengths of. Sidious is much stronger than you, and he’s more than right. You won’t be able to beat him if you don’t succumb to the darkness, but if you do, you’ve still done what he wants. 
There is no win in the situation for you.
“I’m...not your apprentice.” You grunt, finally landing a blow on his side. He cries out in pain but it turns into a malicious cackle. 
“You’re on the edge, my dear. Just jump. Embrace the dark side as you once did.” Your sabers and his lock together, once again a fight for dominance. You push hard against his saber, hoping for him to give some slack. You feel a guttural scream rip out of your throat as you continue to press your hardest into his saber. He pulls back and pushes out again, knocking you onto the ground. You back up as he presses forward, disappointment in his hideous yellow eyes. You feel the same fear grip your heart, knowing this might be your end. Hopefully, Anakin and Obi-Wan will be able to defeat him together once you’re gone.
“If you can’t defeat me, (Y/n), then I guess you never deserved to be my apprentice. Maybe I’ll just kill you and then take Anakin as my own apprentice…” Sidious plots, stalking forward slowly. 
The thought of him even trying to turn Anakin to the dark side again stirs you into action. In a dash, you’re back on your feet and charging him again. He’s surprised, and you take this moment to slice across his stomach, gaining a scream from his lips. You smirk in satisfaction.
“I may have come from the depths of the dark...but I can assure you, Anakin will never head down the same path I once did. Through our bond, the dark side will be defeated.” You promise, watching him turn around. His eyes lock onto your form and you twirl your lightsabers in your hands.
“Through our bond...the dark side will be defeated.” You hear your words echoed from behind Sidious. You both look to see Anakin propping himself up against the wall, eyes closed as he shakily reaches out a hand to you. You feel his force signature sending power to you, strengthening you. You smile.
The smile is gone when Sidious charges at Anakin, deciding that he’ll have to get rid of at least one of you in order to escape.
“No!” You scream, pure terror ripping the instinctive noise from your throat as you rush forward and sink both of your sabers into Sidious’ neck. He lets out a screech and falls to the ground, dead.
Your breath comes out raggedly as you turn off both your lightsabers, letting them fall to the ground. You sink to your knees next to Sidious’s dead body, in front of Anakin. Your head is down and you don’t notice that you’re crying until you see the tears drip onto your knees.
There’s a hand on your shoulder, and you look up to see a smiling Anakin. You pull him forward and embrace him, exchanging no words as the two of you just bask in each other’s presence.
“You did it.” Anakin praises you.
“I did it.” You say, although yours is much more fearful. Anakin notices the tone.
“What’s wrong? He’s dead. You saved us all.” Anakin pulls away, looking into your eyes. You feel him reach up and wipe the tears from your cheeks.
“I-I killed him...I did exactly what he wanted,” You cry, meeting Anakin’s eyes with your tear-filled ones. Anakin’s gaze softens.
“No, (Y/n), you didn’t. He wanted you to kill him out of malice and darkness. You killed him out of righteous anger and light,” Anakin tells you, pulling you back into the hug. You grip tightly at his tunic, pulling him impossibly closer to you.
He’s right. You did the right thing. 
“You did it too, Anakin. You emanated the light. You helped me. You strengthened me.” You murmur, digging your head into the crook of his neck.
“Through our bond, the dark side will be defeated. You said it yourself, (Y/n). We’re beacons of light to each other.” He strokes your hair, and you feel your breathing start to reach a normal pace again. 
The two of you pull out of your embrace. Anakin looks into your eyes and you realize now the close proximity between the two of you.
His eyes flicker to your lips, and for a second you think you’re just seeing things. But then he leans forward and presses his lips to yours and you know that you’re dreaming.
“I-I think I love you, Anakin,” You whisper once the kiss has been broken. Anakin chuckles.
“I think I love you, too, (Y/n).” He whispers back, capturing your lips in a kiss once more.
“This has been a turn of events I can’t quite say I wasn’t expecting.” You hear a grunt from behind you. You break away from Anakin and see Obi-Wan propping himself up against the wall, a hand clutching his side as he does so.
“Master!” You hurriedly help him up, looking over to see Anakin standing up himself. You can tell they’re both hurt, and maybe concussed, but they’ll be okay. And so will you.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. Maybe...after what happened today, we can get the relationship approved. After all, I sense the force bond the two of you have developed. If this relationship is something the force wills, then who are we to deny the force of what it needs?” Obi-Wan chuckles, although it’s pained. You help him to the medic bay.
“And we will defeat the dark side, (Y/n). Sidious was the first step and the biggest obstacle. We will eradicate the dark from the galaxy.” Anakin promises you, holding your hand in his. You smile.
“Through our bond.” You nod in agreement.
“Our force bond.”
Tags: @anakinlove @official-hitmxn @rowley-with-ackerman
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secret-engima · 4 years
Little Nox in FF7???
Pfffft. I assume you mean he trips into FF7 by accident for a while so sure!
Setting this in like- just Pre-Crisis Core because it’s funny to me.
Also I make no attempts to be serious with this it’s just going to be as much fluff and humor as I can fit in it.
-There is a child hiding under his desk.
-Sephiroth blinks down at the small child, the child blinks tearfully back up at him. Sephiroth is still trying to figure out how a child got all the way up here, let alone into his office to hide under his desk, then the child crawls out from under the desk and-.
-Hugs him.
-“M scared.” Whispers the child into Sephiroth’s pant leg as he stands there stunned, “Wan’ Uncle. Wan’ frien’.” Big, big blue eyes (truly big, how do children make their eyes that large is this normal) look up at him and Sephiroth feels something ... small and fragile and trusting brushing against his senses, like a materia but alive and scared and seeking comfort, “Seph friend?”
-....Oh dear.
-Angeal comes to Sephiroth’s apartment several hours later, concerned because Sephiroth took a sick day? Just- out of nowhere, he called in a sick day to Lazard and retreated to his apartment. Lazard had called Angeal about the issues because this behavior was Concerning™. Angeal agrees. Angeal has known Sephiroth for YEARS. The man does NOT get sick from anything and he never tries to use sick days to get out of work, so what in the world is going on?
-He knocks twice, then enters without waiting because he has the spare key and comes face to face with-.
-“Seph,” Angeal manages in a strangled voice, “What is a child doing in your apartment?”
-Sephiroth turns his head to look at Angeal, then looks away again when the child busily braiding his hair makes a noise of protest, “I found him,” Sephiroth answers with all the serenity of a man who found a stray kitten rather than an Actual Human Being, “he didn’t know where his uncle was or how to contact him. I did not think the offices were an appropriate place for a child, so I brought him here.”
-Angeal stares, the child looks up briefly from braiding and stares back with solemn but content blue eyes. The boy can’t be more than seven, probably closer to six, and Angeal is Professionally Concerned as he steps further into the apartment, “You didn’t think to call Lost and Found? Or security? Sephiroth, his parents are probably worried sick about him.”
-Sephiroth, if anything, looks politely baffled, “I was unaware Lost and Found dealt in children. And Security would just frighten him, they have guns.” Angeal takes a moment to pointedly look at the swords adorning Sephiroth’s apartment walls, the only decorations the man seems to care about, then back at Sephiroth. It’s clear that Sephiroth misses the point.
-Angeal sighs and steps toward the boy, “I’m going to take him to-.” The boy cringes away from Angeal’s approach and a moment later is possessively cradled in Sephiroth’s arms as the Silver General backs away with a frown.
-Sephiroth scowls, “No.”
-“You can’t just keep him!” The responding silence is telling and Angeal flings his hands in the air, “Sephiroth, he’s a human being! A child! You don’t know the first thing about children!”
-Sephiroth looks down at the boy, who seems oddly content to curl up in the arms of a near stranger and play with long silver hair, then looks back up, “He appears to be very well trained.”
-Angeal facepalms, “Human. Being. Sephiroth. You can’t just keep him like a stray puppy. We need to contact someone so they can find his parents.”
-“And if he has none?” Sephiroth sounds almost hopeful and Angeal is a Dread™. It’s rare that Sephiroth gets into one of his possessive modes (Genesis jokingly calls it Dragon Mode for the sudden onset of hoarding tendencies), and he’s never done this over a person before and Angeal can already see this becoming a disaster.
-Angeal insists on calling Security, even if he grudgingly lets Sephiroth keep the boy “until his guardians are found”.
-There is no one in Shinra’s citizen registry that goes by the name Izunia. They assume that either the boy said it wrong (he is young after all) or that he’s possibly foreign-born, since “Izunia” is a Wutaian name. The Turks want to know how he got into the building, let alone to Sephiroth’s office, but the boy’s only response to these questions is a shy blink and a mumble into Sephiroth’s shoulder of “I tripped.” which makes absolutely no sense to anyone.
-While Security looks for this “Izunia” person anyway, Sephiroth hoards the boy (who’s name is Nox) with all the possessive fervor of a dragon. Rumors abound and spiral out of control among first the SOLDIER’s, then the regular employees, then all of Midgar over the sight (and few grainy pictures the Turks didn’t censor in time from the public) of their famed Silver General doing his paperwork with a child in his lap, or inspecting the SOLDIER recruits with said same child riding in a makeshift sling on his back.
-The rest of SOLDIER (including Angeal and even Genesis) is enamored with him by the end of the week, but it’s clear that Nox’s favorite person is Sephiroth. Genesis is jealous and tries to bribe Nox with poetry and candy, but Nox will always wander back to Sephiroth as soon as Sephiroth calls for him.
-No one can explain why they’re so attached, other than the fact that Nox is sweet and polite and adorable (and also his magic is curling around their souls in hopes of finding friends-protectors and though they don’t know what they’re feeling, it makes the Mako-sensitive SOLDIERS parental instincts kick into overdrive.
-Hojo takes an interest in this boy who can sway all of Soldier and who gives off odd mako readings.
-Hojo is mysteriously found shanked to death in his lab a day after expressing his creepy interest and making noises about “examining” Nox.
-Nox helpfully holds out a polishing cloth for Sephiroth once the man is finished wiping blood off one of his wall-decoration daggers (he wasn’t stupid enough to use Masamune, the wounds the blade left were too distinctive, but no one ever expected his wall decorations to be combat-ready sharp).
-Nox “helps” Genesis make tea at one point, as much as a small child can anyway. Genesis thinks it’s his imagination that the tea is faintly glowing until he, Angeal, and Sephiroth drink it and then promptly spend the day vomiting black sludge while Nox cries in concern from Zack’s arms.
-Surprisingly, the three feel better than they have in years once the vomiting fit is over. They still never let Nox help make tea again though. Just in case.
-About three weeks after Sephiroth first finds a child under his desk, Shinra tower is summarily invaded by one Very Agitated Hat Man looking for his nephew and not afraid to wreak havoc to do it. The Turks get rings run around them and all of SOLDIER gets slapped over the head repeatedly until Sephiroth enters the scene with Nox and the boy’s face lights up in joy and a cry of “Uncle!!”
-Sephiroth is honestly sad to turn the child over to his Uncle, but the boy looks so happy to be reunited he reluctantly lets go. Izunia blows out of Shinra Tower as quickly as he came and before the Turks can catch him and then immediately disappears off the face of Gaia. No one knows what to make of it. Sephiroth and SOLDIER are a Sad™ that their little mascot person is gone.
-Years later, Sephiroth is summoned to another world on the opposite side of his apprentice Cloud Strife and is overjoyed (and also concerned) when a young child of around ten or twelve runs up and cannons into his waist with a gleeful shout of “Seph!” while a similar-looking teenager follows behind looking agitated and harried.
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miekasa · 3 years
SCREAM!!!!! OKAY you get me YOU GET ME!!!!!! and YES the fact that the giant fighter robots are called Jaegers like...the material on hand...there’s SO much one can do!! it’s for multiple ships and for multiple reader-inserts, like hello world!!!! one of THE best aus!!! it could be an eren x reader fic where eren’s family (sadly, gr*sha 🙄) spearheaded the program hence Jaegers, and idk what the plot would be, but there would definitely be family drama. dee-lish, deelish! jean x reader, where jean is a pilot and reader works in the lab....angsty and fluffy! hange as the scientists with their apprentice armin and reader who is gonna start working there? if you’re a coconut head stan, go for it! i personally...headcanon it as a levi x reader fic because i’m a whore for levi 😌 they’re co-pilots. like unpacking all that between reader and levi, and going through the mortifying ordeal of being known just so humanity’s strongest and his partner could bring down the kaiju? yeah yeah 😌 and on the other side of things...the drift. ahem. the things one can do here. mentally holding each other in place to keep one from chasing the rabbit—oh HO the communication issues! suddenly knowing the other person so well that they nonchalantly save the last lemon curd cupcake for them because it’s their favorite and their partner was late to the mess hall. suddenly knowing how to brew tea to perfection. that neural connection lingers after a fight, and co-pilots are drawn to each other (whispers: bed sharing...and it progresses...to a lot more). mmhm mmm. i just...it’s modern romance that completely reinvented the concept of soulmates and elevated it and made it absolutely transcendent okay!!!!! i have a lot of feelings about this kinda au, literally it eats my brain and i daydream about it a lot 👁👅👁
YES TO ALL OF THIS!!! YES ABSOLUTELY YES!! The mortifying ordeal of being known... the idea of letting somebody into your head and literally knowing the inner most mechanisms of your mind, body, and soul... it's so tender; it's so fucking GOOD!! OKAY here me out for some options below
Okay, here me out: Kenny and Levi who, despite their unconventional uncle-nephew relationship, are just about the best pair of co-pilots anyone has ever seen (bc you know, shared trauma brings a family together). Until Kenny is killed on a mission, and Levi has to find a new co-pilot. Cue oc, Levi's childhood best friend, a talented engineer, and Hange's right hand woman. Hange suspects oc and Levi would be pretty compatible, maybe even with a higher compatibility than Kenny; except, oc has no plans to be a pilot, and Levi wouldn't want to do a drift with her anyways, because that would mean letting her into his mind, and, subsequently, letting her know that he's in love with her.
Or, alternatively, oc just happens to be a new recruit who is talented, and drift compatible with Levi, and become good friends through their training. Over time, it's Levi who realizes that he feels something for her outside of the drift, and finds himself drawn to her and picking up on little habits and preferences. It's too bad she's already engaged to one of Levi's closest friends.
Or, Eren's family spearheaded the Jaeger robots and obviously receive government funding to engineer them and keep them going. The whole family is pretty impressive; tho it damaged her, Carla was the first woman to solo pilot a Jaeger and saved an entire country, Gr*sha is the head engineer, and Zeke and Eren are pretty damn good co-pilots. But some other nations have suspected that Gr*sha has been making faulty Jaegers for them, and making the best ones for his home country; and oc is the person sent to by one of these nations spy/steal the blueprints/maybe even kill the Jaeger family, and ofc she somehow meets Eren and falls in love in the process.
OR scientist coconut boy and oc who were childhood friends, and who both shared a common interest in deep sea creatures. She's really interested in the kaiju themselves and has her own theories about where the come from and their overall biology, that would sound crazy to any government official, but Armin believes her wholeheartedly. However, having nearly been killed in an attack, oc grows apart from her love of the ocean and the animals; so while Armin goes on the study and aid the Jaeger program, she finds a new hobby, far away from the kaiju. When it comes time to try and close the breech, all the scientists, Armin included, are stumped and there's a few puzzle pieces they can't quite solve, but Armin remembers oc's theory, and he knows that she's about the only person in the world who could help save them right now, so obviouslyyy he has to go and find her and bring her back and ask for her help and you get it.
Okay one more because I love Jean. He and Marco are pilots, and oc is actually Marco's girlfriend; she's a civilian, and lives in their hometown. Except, in their most recent drift, Jean and Marco have been having some difficulties; Marco isn't letting him in as much, and when he finally does, Jean sees that Marco's been hiding that he's been cheating/cheated on oc. Jean is upset with him, but hardly has time to reprimand him or talk it out fully because Marco dies on their next mission. Enter oc, who joins the Jaeger program to avenge the death of her boyfriend, which wouldn't be an issue, if she weren't drift compatible with Jean, the only person in the world who knows what Marco did wrong.
As you can tell, I have many thoughts about this. I am obsessed with this movie. Very much. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years
Just Say The Word And I'll Be Yours, You Know I Never Forgot. PT. 3
Asra x M!Apprentice
Word Count: 1.7K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author’s Note: You know what’s a problem for me? Not ending stories in 00. Like I cannot finish a story with a WC like 1342. That shit drives me up the wall. So my dumbass decided to write until I got a nice neat, divisible by 5 WC. More work for me, more fic for you. Enjoy! -Thorne
           He watched the boy shift his weight between his feet, eyes darting around far too fast to be a simple scope of his surroundings. Both actions were tell-tale signs that of nervousness, and that anxiety multiplied when Master Dralis laid a hand on his shoulder, shoving him just enough for him to stumble in front of the group of mercenaries. A couple of them snickered, he and the others merely stared at him as he righted himself, a smudge of pink dusted across his pale cheeks.
           “Everyone,” Master Dralis started, silencing the laughter. “This is Avisarion, he’s come from Vesuvia and he’ll be training with us from now on.” He eyed the group leaders in the crowd. “Who wants to take him?”
           For a moment, no one said a word, everyone seeming to avert their gazes from the boy. He knew why. No one wanted fresh blood. That required training and hours’ worth of schooling to be competent enough to fit in with a squad, and no one had that time—especially not the leaders of the squads. So, when Master Dralis met his eyes, he offered a silent nod, watching as the older man pushed Avisarion towards him.
           “(Y/N)’s group will take you for now, boy.” He glanced at the large group. “Dismissed.”
           The mercenaries filed out of the room, some of them giving Avisarion harsh glares that made him frown.
           “Don’t mind them,” (Y/N) muttered as he stepped forward, holding out his hand to shake. “They’re just a bit standoffish.”
           The words were the first kind ones the boy had heard since he came to the castle, other than Master Dralis, and he almost burst into tears as he shook (Y/N)’s hand.
           “How old are you?” (Y/N) asked with a scrutinizing look.
           “Fifteen,” Avisarion murmured. “I just turned fifteen last week.”
           “We’re the same age then.” He looked at Master Dralis. “Permission to take him to the blacksmith for fitting, sir?”
           Master Dralis nodded. “Granted. And make sure you report to Marisa for your next assignment, (Y/N). You’ve sat on your ass long enough.”
           He grinned and with a glance to the boy, he said, “Follow me.”
           Avisarion was quick to obey, and as fast as (Y/N) was moving, he was glad he did. He noted the way the mercenaries in the hallway glared at him, and risking the noting, he stated, “The others around here don’t seem to like me.”
           “Do you have family back in Vesuvia?”
           “I—yes, yes I do,” he answered in confusion. “An aunt who runs an apothecary.”
           (Y/N) nodded. “There’s your reason.”
           “I…don’t follow?”
           He held the door for Avisarion and tipped his head, urging him inside. “Fourth-fifths of the mercenaries in this castle are orphans, taken from the streets of various cities.” Closing the door after him, he added, “When we get a recruit that has family, it tends to make them bitter when they remember they don’t have one themselves.”
           “Oh.” Avisarion murmured, standing near one of the tables that had leather armor on it. “I didn’t know.”
           (Y/N) shrugged. “You learn.” He looked around the room for the blacksmith. “Perrian, we’ve got a new recruit to fit armor with.”
           The man waved him off and he met Avisarion’s eyes. “I’m going to report to Marisa for my assignment, then I’ll come back to show you around.” He nodded at the old man coming over. “Perrian will take care of you. Answer his questions honestly and with the best skill you can.”
           (Y/N) could tell he was scared, and he remembered his own beginning at the castle. He placed a hand on Avisarion’s shoulder and though he smiled, he opted to give him the words truthfully.
           “Life isn’t going to be easy from here on out. I’ve no doubt the others will try to hark on you because your new blood.” Avisarion’s face fell, and he squeezed his shoulder. “But you’re on my squad.” He smiled. “We take care of our own, so don’t worry so much.”
           Avisarion gave him a relived look and he pulled away and headed for the door. “Welcome to the Shadowguards.”
           Coldness startled (Y/N) awake; he jerked his head up, eyes snapping open, gaze darting wildly around his surroundings. Tall, dark trees stood silent around him, and the ground was covered in a thick blanket of snow. He had no idea where he was, but that wasn’t the most concerning thing; it was absolutely freezing. As if he’d suddenly realized so, (Y/N) clambered to his feet, pulling his duffle bag back over his shoulder. He was glad that he’d taken his heavy coat with him though as he shoved his hands in his pockets for warmth.
           He glanced in another direction, but it was still the same sight—stillness in snow. No birds singing, no small critters hunting for grubs, not even a deer or an elk scavenging for food in the dirt. It was just (Y/N), alone in this vast expanse of snowfield.
           His breath came in puffs of white clouds and reached up, rubbing at his eyes. Whatever he’d been dreaming about still lingered in his mind, but he couldn’t make out what it was. His best guess was probably a memory and while he was happy to start the journey, he didn’t even know what the supposed Shadowguards were, or who Avisarion was. (Y/N) hadn’t heard of either name, even after coming back to life, and Asra had never mentioned them neither. Whoever they were, they were only known to him.
           A sudden grumbling echoed in his ears and he cursed, placing a hand to his stomach. For a brief moment he considered giving in to his hunger, but he ignored it. I need to find shelter first. He spun in a circle. But I don’t even know which way to go. Sighing, he shut his eyes and held out his hand, ignoring how his fingers seemed to numb when exposed to the frigid air. (Y/N) took a deep breath and relaxed, letting his magic ebb out. He wasn’t searching for anything specific, just a small enough twitch in the web so that he would know which way to head. Just his luck, when he opened his eyes a few moments later, he’d hit nothing.
           “Shit,” he grunted and took one last look around before resigning himself to his fate of wandering around a frozen wasteland until he froze like an ice-cube. His first step almost made him fall on his ass when his foot sunk into a foot and a half of snow. (Y/N) took a calming breath to avoid yelling in frustration, but he did grumble as he freed himself and kept moving.
           He wandered through the snow for almost two whole hours before he came to the edge of the tree line, but his relief was short-lived as the expanse shifted before him, and suddenly he was staring at another forest of dead trees.
           (Y/N) looked up at the darkened sky above him. “Seriously!” he shouted, throwing his hands in the air. “C’mon! Gimme a break!”
           A twinkling sounded behind him and he spun, hand reaching for the dirk at his side, but his heart leapt into his throat at the sight before him. A creature, almost as big as the lodestones back in Vesuvia stood just a few feet away, a sharp scythe in its grasp. Its body was elongated and skeletal, the color of the starless night sky, but the thing that sent shivers up his spine, other than the giant blade it wielded, were the glowing auburn eyes that peered at him from the ivory skull, that of a horse.
           Adrenaline soared through (Y/N) fought viciously with the urge to keep his feet below him and not collapse on weak knees. His fingers curled around the hilt of the dirk and he took a half step back, steadying himself in case the creature attacked. He had to play this carefully. He had no idea what magic it had and the scythe it carried was almost as big as it was. If he wasn’t cautious, he was either going to be blown away by some eldritch blast or bisected. Maybe if he could get behind it, he could daze it with a blast? Maybe try a faint from the front? Maybe go to—
           “You think quite a lot about battle strategy, (Y/N).” He blinked, jaw dropping in shock. The creature cocked its head. “Are you well?”
           His mouth snapped open and shut until he blurted out, “You know me?”
           The creature laughed, and (Y/N) ignored the fact that it didn’t have any vocal cords to make such a noise.
           “We’ve spoken many times, (Y/N). Past and present,” it explained, and (Y/N)’s eyes went wide.
           “You’re Death.”
           Death tipped its head down. “It has been some time since you travelled to my realm, (Y/N). The last time you did was many, many years ago.” Its glowing eyes narrowed in something he recognized as kindness, “Shall we go someplace warmer? It’s been so long since I interacted with humans. I do remember that your fleshy sacks get cold so easily.”
           (Y/N) could only nod in stunned silence as Death waved a hand, and the scenery changed around them. He was pleasantly surprised to see the features of the back room from shop come into view, but even more so that it was no longer freezing. Warmth seeped into his bones and he sunk into one of the plush cushions, dropping the duffle bag behind him.
           “Make yourself at home, (Y/N),” Death suggested. “This place is assuring to you, is it not?”
           (Y/N) sighed with content. “It is.”
He watched as the Arcana took a seat across from him, the scythe disappearing in a whisp of smoke. They placed their hands on the table, dark boney fingers clacking as they interlocked in a neat hold. Their auburn eyes stared into his, as if gazing deep into his soul, and though he felt like he should feel unnerved, he didn’t. In fact, he felt…comfortable.
           (Y/N) looked at them. “Why didn’t you come earlier?”
           Death merely stared. “I was observing. Learning. Remembering you.”
           “You know me well then?”
           Death hummed. “Very.”
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snidgetwidgeon · 4 years
Insurrection Recollections Series: Art Festival
Every year Hyrule Castle hosts an art festival where artisans from across the land can come together and share their culture with the added element of friendly competition. Having been far too long since Urbosa attended, she decides to surprise young Zelda with a visit. While there, she happens upon, and is very intrigued by the Castle Guard's most talented recruit.
Sivul’s Scimitar that I doodled as a prompt from Linktober 2020
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Urbosa gingerly ran her fingers over the exquisite gems and sculpted hilt of the curved blade crafted by her master artisan. “This is your finest work, Sivul,” she commented in awe as she looked at her reflection in its polished, mirrored surface.
Sivul grinned and rolled her eyes good naturedly. “You always say that, Chief.” She stretched her neck both ways and rolled her shoulders, finally free of the project. She had fixated on it with such a single minded passion that she had no life outside the workshop, just as she did with every project really.
Urbosa drew her own blade from its horizontal sheath at her hip and compared the two. They were both thick, inlaid with designs reminiscent of Gerudo script and perfectly balanced. “I’d say you have even surpassed your master. The Scimitar of the Seven now has a counterpart, and almost pales in comparison.”
Sivul respectfully went down on one knee, recognizing when she ought to be gracious. “You honor me with such praise. I am glad to have lived up to my master’s craftsmanship.” She heard both blades sliding back into their sheaths and rose. After placing the scabbard back in its pedestal, she started to tidy her workspace a little.
Urbosa leaned against the smooth stone wall, continuing the conversation in a more casual way. “I’m also impressed that you always manage to finish well before your deadlines.”
“Yes, well... that’s just due to possession by my muse- to the detriment of every other aspect of my life,” Sivul admitted self-deprecatingly.
“Hmm, haven’t I told you to get an assistant? An apprentice, perhaps?”
“You have.”
Urbosa’s teal painted lips turned up in a wry smile when Sivul offered nothing beyond that. Cheeky vai. “Well then, you’ll have space for me to accompany you to the festival. I’d like to be there when you win popular choice.”
Sivul’s eyes were suddenly saucers. “Chief! I would- that would be- are you sure? I don’t want to keep you from your work.”
“My dear friend started the festival when she became Queen as a way to bring the people and cultures of Hyrule together through the sharing and appreciation of their art. I’ve missed one too many of them in the past couple of years and I will not do it again. It wasn’t a coincidence that I commissioned this work from you,” she winked. “Let’s give those yuppie Zora a run for their rupees.”
Their arrival to Hyrule Castle was heralded and the standard procession of pageantry was observed as they entered the King’s Court. Urbosa led proudly up the long red carpet, passing between numerous large pillars bedecked with banners bearing the colors and crest of the Royal Family. She was followed closely by Sivul, four attendants that carried an ornate chest perched on two poles, and finally, a group of five warriors armed with a display of Gerudo’s finest spears, scimitars and decadent round shields. The Gerudo always brought a colorful palette that was a feast for the eyes.
As she bowed, Urbosa wondered where her Little Bird could be but was sure it wouldn’t be very long before they were together. This was somewhat of a surprise visit, so she couldn’t fault the girl for not being present to receive her- she had a very busy schedule. Too busy, in her opinion.
“Gerudo Chief Urbosa,” the King’s voice boomed through the Hall. “Welcome.” Rhoam held a smile for his friend but she did not miss the tired shadow under his eyes. It was the very same one she saw in the mirror when she felt particularly run down with her own responsibilities.
“Is this a gift you have brought, perchance?” He asked, gesturing to the chest.
“You’ll wish it was once you’ve seen it.” She felt satisfied when her comment elicited genuine mirth from his features.
“Is that so? I wouldn’t dare contradict you.”
“Gerudo Town’s finest artisan, Sivul,” she took a step back and gestured to her companion, “has brought her craft for everyone to see. We intend to leave with all due accolades.”
He smiled again and very diplomatically stated, “May the best artist win. Please enjoy your stay during the festival.”
With the formalities out of the way, he closed the distance down the few steps between them and shook her hand, transitioning into his standard volume. “I’d invite you and yours to rest from your journey but I was hoping you could entertain me in my chambers for a few minutes?”
“Of course.” She turned to the others, “Don’t wait up, and remember to have fun. This is a visit for pleasure.” Her entourage all nodded respectfully and turned to leave except for two warrior attendants. She looked between them both, “That means you too. Let’s not insult poor Rhoam’s security. I’ll be fine in the castle,” she smirked. They bowed and acquiesced.
The two rulers made their way out of the Great Hall via the East wing. This led down a short hallway to a council chamber that had a very long, dark wooden oval table in the middle. The King offered some small talk as they crossed the room along the wall lined with windows, “It’s quite a surprise that you have made it this year. Zelda will be delighted.”
Urbosa smiled, slightly distracted, and nodded. She had been in these chambers many times negotiating and going over various policies and was glad to finally have a visit that was not duty-bound; though by Rhoam’s demeanor, it seemed she wouldn’t be able to escape it completely. She wondered what news was forthcoming that could not be delivered by official communications.
They entered his private chambers and he closed the door behind them. It was simply furnished with a desk and only a few chairs. There was a bookshelf against the wall and one window that looked out into a courtyard. This room was mainly used for private deliberation during larger meetings or simply as a retreat for when the King felt he needed a breather from all the political squabbling. He took a chair in front of the desk and gestured to the other, “Please, have a seat.”
She was intrigued by this meeting already; he was seated across from her casually as an equal rather than having positioned himself in a place of authority behind the desk. She crossed her legs languidly and pushed her vibrant and thick red hair off her shoulder, waiting politely for him to speak.
“My Adviser Impa has not long returned from an audience with the Deku Tree where she was able to confirm our discovery of the final Divine Beast’s location. Preparations are underway to begin another excavation mission to the Eldin region.”
“Hm, that makes sense. A beast for each race,” she laced her fingers together in thought, elbows resting on either side of her chair. “Then that could mean the soul of the hero will reside in a Hylian.”
“Still as sharp as ever. I sometimes wish you could stay at my table permanently,” he chuckled. As quickly as the humor came, it also went, and King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule revealed his vulnerability to her, as one in a very small circle he would even dare show since the passing of his wife. “I can only hope that it is not to be in our time. Perhaps we are merely a step in the grander destiny of those that come after us, and we must ready the machines for them. Perhaps the sealing power is meant to awaken within another Princess...” He scoffed at himself after a moment’s deep thought, “I sound like a cowardly fool.”
Urbosa uncrossed her legs and leaned forward, taking the hand that had been resting on the arm of his chair. Looking into his tired eyes, she said, “A good ruler always wishes they could reign over a time of peace. But some make the mistake of not being ready for war. You’re taking all the necessary steps. All we can do is try to prepare the best we can against an enemy we know little about.”
He squeezed her hand slightly and replied, a bit comforted, “You have always been a good friend to me as you were to my wife. Thank you.” He pulled away and stood. “I’ve no doubt that I’ll be in need of your ally ship more than ever in the coming-”
The doors to his chambers were suddenly thrust open and Zelda stood there in her white prayer robes, hair frazzled, panting. “Urbosa!” Her sandals flapped on the tiles and were then muffled on carpet as she ran into the room and wrapped her arms around the waist of the much taller Gerudo woman. Rhoam and Urbosa shared a bemused look as she returned the embrace.
Zelda looked up and asked accusingly, “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”
“And miss this glorious display of surprise?” She laughed in husky, low tones. “How else am I supposed to entertain myself after a long journey?” She smoothed Zelda’s hair as she smiled with a maternal sentiment. “Would you like to see our entry for the festival?”
“You’re entering?! Of course! Is it down in the courtyards already? I’ll have to go change first.”
“I think it’s still in our chambers until installation tomorrow, but yes, let’s get you into something more casual.” As Zelda flitted out the door, Urbosa bowed politely, “King Rhoam.”
Rhoam returned the bow with a respectful nod, “Chief Urbosa.”
Urbosa practically had to chase Zelda to catch up with her in the Grand Hall but once she strode alongside, Zelda had to try and keep pace with her long gait. They chatted about nonsensical things while in the public eye: Zelda’s studies, devotions and hobbies; Urbosa’s new sand seal, her latest public works, and her continuous bragging that the Gerudo would win the competition this year. Once they were in private, however, Urbosa intended to ask the real questions. When they arrived in Zelda’s room, she smiled politely and waited until the attendant who was dusting made her way out.
“My apologies Princess, I thought you would still be out for quite some time. I’ll come back later and give you two some privacy.” The middle aged woman adjusted her glasses, stuck the duster under her arm and scooped up her skirts in a quick curtsy before attempting to make a hasty exit.
“It’s ok Fria. Actually- before you go, do you know where my light blue spring dress is? I’d like to wear it for the festival. I haven’t worn it recently but I wonder if it’s still accidentally with the wash?”
“I’ll go check for you now, Princess. Is there anything else I can help with while I’m out?”
Zelda pondered the question as she removed her devotional jewelry, placing the pieces in their custom, blue-velvet lined cases, “Hmm. Yes! Could you please lay out my sirwal for supper this evening? I’d like to dress in honor of our wonderful guest, Gerudo Chief Urbosa.” Zelda gestured happily to Urbosa as if Fria didn’t already know she was there; she was just so excited to have her visit.
Urbosa nodded kindly when she was mentioned.
“Of course,” Fria answered. She gave another polite curtsy to them both and gently shut the big wooden door behind her.
Zelda started talking about how dinner was going to be so lovely later, and about the smaller events that would be tied to the annual art festival. As she moved about the room to change out of her prayer robe behind a dividing screen, Urbosa made her way to the large four poster bed with the elegant red drapes and sat down. She stroked the blankets, the decorative one on top was chosen by her dear friend for her baby girl when she visited Gerudo Town twelve long years ago. “How are you really Little Bird?”
Her gentle, yet stern question caused Zelda to fall silent behind her changing screen. “I’m...” She thought of her days, always full to the brim with the same repetitive classes, courtly obligations and fruitless prayers. She came out from behind the screen in her day dress, a less formal version than the elegant long-sleeved blue one she wore to court. Her eyes bore the weight of too much responsibility. “I’m tired.” She walked over to the bed and sat next to Urbosa who wrapped her arm around her shoulder. “I’m tired of having to change into numerous different attire. It’s not fair. Father has much fewer task-related outfits.”
“Hm... I know clothes aren’t the only thing on your mind.”
“Praying is still useless. I don’t understand why I have to keep doing it.”
She let out such a deep sigh that Urbosa baled her up in her lap for comfort. “I’m so sorry Zelda. I wish your mother or I had had the foresight to consider that she might not have been able to teach you.” She stroked Zelda’s hair as she felt her small body starting to shake slightly from finally letting her emotions out.
“I can learn anything else from books, why not this?” A short sob escaped her quivering lip.
“I don’t know vehvi, I wish I knew how to help. You know you can come see me anytime you need to get away from it all.”
Zelda smiled bitterly, “If I could, I would stay with you all the time.”
“Well, we’ll see what we can do about getting you a much needed break during dinner. The way to get what you want is to make a good case to your father in public. That way he can’t refuse or he looks like crappy father of the year.” She wiggled her eyebrows and succeeded in eliciting some giggles out of her girl.
“Feeling a bit better already, I see,” she squeezed Zelda’s arm affectionately. “Now, shall we go and meet the others?”
Zelda nodded and hugged Urbosa tight before sliding out of her lap. “Thank you for the cuddles. They remind me of mom,” she said with a sad smile.
Urbosa stood as well, blinking back the sting in her eyes. She leaned down and gave Zelda a kiss on the forehead. “You remind me of your mom too.”
They made their way to the wing that housed the ambassadorial chambers. These were rather overtly opulent and tried a bit too hard to impress visitors in Zelda’s opinion. On the other hand, some guests had stated what a treat it was to stay in such a lavish room so it couldn’t be all that pretentious. When they entered, they found Urbosa’s entourage in varying states of relaxation and inebriation. A few of them greeted her informally, ‘Hey Chief,’ and ‘welcome back Chief.’
Zelda was intrigued by their lackadaisical manner. Urbosa saw the quizzical look on her little companion’s face. “This is a holiday, Zelda. I don’t expect anyone to be putting on airs. Being proper in court is tiresome enough.”
“I’ll say! I put on so many airs during our arrival, I nearly floated away.” The relatable sentiment came from a jovial, dark-skinned woman with dusty pink hair cut short enough that it was spiking messily all over her head, no doubt to be well out of the way while she was metalworking. She had the largest muscles Zelda had ever seen on a woman and she caught herself staring a bit in awe.
Urbosa chuckled at the joke and introduced them. “Zelda, this is Sivul, Gerudo’s finest artisan. Sivul, Princess Zelda.”
“By the sands, you look just like your mother. Such a dainty little vai.” Sivul crouched down in front of Zelda which brought her eye level, and took one of her small hands into her own in greeting.
“You knew my mother?” Zelda asked incredulously.
“Yes, Princess. She was a lovely artist. I even helped her learn how to make jewelry.” Sivul stood again and inquired with a friendly smile. “Tell me, do you have any favorite crafts?”
Zelda’s cheeks went a tad pink with embarrassment. She wished she could be more impressive. “N-no. I just study a lot, really.”
“Oh, but cultivating the mind is one of the most important crafting we can do. I have to put just as much time into myself as I do my work in order for it to be harmonious.”
One of the other women almost spat out her drink, “Oh, that’s sealshit, Siv.” She immediately became sheepish under Urbosa’s stern look, directing her to watch her mouth in front of the present company. She continued with her comment, albeit more politely, “You barely stop to eat or sleep when you get nose-deep in a project.”
“Excuse you, I do my preparation beforehand. That’s all just part of the process.” She placed her fists squarely on her wide hips and gave her detractor a withering gaze, which included a wink at the end to prove she was not actually offended. She then turned her attention back to Zelda. “Would you like to see what I brought before the unveiling tomorrow?”
Zelda lit up and nodded emphatically. “I would, yes!” She followed Sivul over to a chest that sat upon poles on the ground, ready to be easily lifted later. When Sivul waited a beat to open the lid, Zelda glanced over at her expectantly, excitement written all over her face.
Sivul laughed with an alto timbre rivaling Urbosa’s and said, “Sorry Princess, I do love building the suspense.” She unclasped the latches and opened the curved lid to reveal the most ornate and detailed sword and scabbard Zelda had ever seen. They both sat in a frame, the blade on the higher level and the scabbard below.
“Urbosa, this looks like your scimitar!”
“Yes. Sivul’s teacher crafted my blade. She has surpassed her master, something each instructor always hopes for in their students. Well, good instructors anyway.”
“I’ll definitely count my vote for you, Sivul!” Zelda exclaimed.
Sivul grinned and closed the chest. “Hey now,” she began in mock sternness, “I’ll not be having you playing favorites. You vote for it if you truly feel it is the best after seeing what everyone has to offer. They all worked very hard too.”
Zelda smiled and nodded earnestly. She then looked to Urbosa, “May I stay here with you until dinner time?”
Urbosa tackled her with another hug. “Are you kidding!? I’m not going to let you out of my sight for the rest of the day. We have too much to catch up on!”
The next morning, Urbosa had to rally her troops after they had caroused much too late into the night. She was even missing a couple, no doubt hunting for available voes... They washed with the basins of hot water delivered to their rooms and donned their sirwals, though the warriors remained in their supportive breast plates and boofy pants. After eating a quick breakfast from the fruits, nuts, breads and cheeses that came complimentary to their stay, they departed to see to the unveiling of Sivul’s scimitar.
Walking briskly, they turned heads as they passed through the halls. Even if Hylians had seen the Gerudo many times, it was hard not to marvel at their impressive physique. Their exceptional height, wide hips and toned midriffs were iconic, and admired by many, as well as the bright red hair most Gerudo shared.
In her haste, Urbosa almost led everyone astray, right past the registry room for the festival. “I could have sworn this used to be at the end of the hall...” she trailed off.
One of the exhibition organizers ran over and lead them to a small queue. “My apologies, Gerudo Chief Urbosa. You’re quite correct, we used to check everyone in down that way before but we’ve actually outgrown the space. Isn’t that wonderful? Participation has increased steadily the past few years.”
“The Queen would be so proud.”
She received a genuine smile and nod in response and was shown to the registry where she pulled Sivul out from lurking behind to do her own paperwork. Once that was all done they were taken to an available space in the courtyards that was undercover, as had been requested on their form. Quite a few sculptures they passed were on display out in the elements, while just as many it seemed, had protection. An empty pedestal awaited the sleek and simple frame that would hold the blade and scabbard. Sivul took it from the chest and held it toward Urbosa asking reverently, “Do you wish to unveil the blade, my Chief?”
Urbosa was amused and crossed her arms coyly. “This is your show Sivul, you do the honors.”
Sivul drew quickly and smoothly and smirked with pleasure at the faint ring echoing afterward. It had turned heads and a small crowd gathered to watch her place the two pieces in their frame.
Urbosa heartily clapped her on the shoulder, “Well, you have fun playing Q & A with your fans. I’m going to join the Princess.”
Sivul gave her a reproachful look for being left alone to deal with the crowds but she would not begrudge her leader the free time she most definitely needed, and deserved. She then turned to one of her interested parties, a couple with an infant, who had asked how long it took.
“How long? Time is relative. How long did it take you to make that baby? This blade is my baby. Nine months?! Are you sure it’s finished? Our babies take twelve. Yes, really. I was just kidding, it took me three months- if you don’t count the gathering of materials. No, I meant the blade. Our babies still take twelve months. No, really! ...... and on and on.
Urbosa found Zelda in the castle shrine at her morning devotions. She was standing waist deep in a pool before the serenely smiling Hylia, hands clasped together, bedecked with the heirloom jewelry. Her long hair floated on the surface of the water behind her. Urbosa looked on in sadness between the statue of the Goddess and the small Hylian she supposedly inhabited. The poor girl was so devoid of comfort, never acknowledged by the one she entreated endlessly. The serene smile appeared more and more as a mocking smirk the longer she looked upon it.
Without a second thought, Urbosa silently descended the steps into the pool. As she drew near, the water rippled and made a soft swishing noise, alerting Zelda to her presence. She started to turn but Urbosa spoke softly as she sank to her knees behind the child Goddess, “Don’t let me interrupt, my vehvi.” She wrapped her arms around Zelda and held her to her chest, covering her small hands with her own and resting her cheek on the golden hair. There they stayed for an age, sending silent prayers to the Goddess together. And Zelda was comforted.
Eventually, Zelda needed to attend her classes, so with the promise that they would be together again the moment she was finished, Urbosa went for a walk to dry off and collect her thoughts. Short of taking the Princess away, something she selfishly wished she could do, she had to believe that what little she could do would be enough.
She swung by her chambers to collect some attendants. They would be cross with her if she kept parading around by herself, no matter that she was fully capable. Culture, tradition and appearances were also important. They strolled through the courtyards, viewing a section of impressive wooden sculptures from the Rito before reaching the stables. After passing by the horses, which had a similar but distinct aroma all their own from sand seals, her ears perked to the faint clangs and thumps of fighting followed by a whistle. The training grounds were nearby. She grinned to herself wondering if she would be welcome to observe.
Rounding a stone tower, they crossed an archery range to get to the main field. The area was walled on three sides and the upper levels contained viewing alcoves which would also be used for announcements. She could imagine troops being neatly lined up below, attentive to their commanders, ready to serve Hyrule. She casually joined the small throng of instructors, some of whom did a double take as she appeared next to them.
The eldest, most likely mid to late sixties, recovered first. “G-Gerudo Chief Urbosa, to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?” He bowed politely. “Forgive me, I’m Captain Auru. At your service.”
“I like watching a good tussle so I thought I’d have a sticky-beak with my free time. I hope I’m not intruding?” She stood casually, hip jutting out above her split skirt, making her muscled torso even more of a prominent feature.
Captain Auru stroked his goatee with mild interest at her statement. “Not at all. We’re just finishing the melee portion before moving on to duels.”
“I see. Please continue.”
He nodded and whistled for the final bout to begin. A dozen or so armored fighters wearing a white tabard with the royal crest entered the roped arena, which served to contain the battle. They carried a combination of their weapons of choice. Some preferred the classic pairing of broadsword and shield while others chose to fight with a two handed claymore or spear. Urbosa watched with interest as a smaller fighter quickly caught her eye. They carried a blade only and were so swift on their feet, they seemed to glide through the fight like water, dodging opponents so they ended up engaged with another, or parrying before back flipping out of reach.
Melees had one goal: to be the last fighter standing. How you got to that point is anyone’s choice, and a few fighters decided they wanted to work together against the slinky one.
While she was here, she had another agenda she could bring up. She deviously addressed Auru, “So Captain, do the soldiers get any time to enjoy the festival or is it all work and no play around here?”
He looked to be between distraction from the proceedings and not wanting to be rude so he leaned in slightly and spoke while still keeping an eye on the battle. “I’m not sure we’re too fussed actually. That’s more of a court and populace thing, give them a chance to come up to the castle every now and then, you know?”
“Hmm,” she replied with loose interest. She looked at the arena again just in time to see the group of four succeed in taking down their smaller competitor, though not without losing three of their number. The survivor proceeded to engage the next available opponent where they were summarily disposed of; all of their strength had relied on teamwork apparently. Not a complete negative, but one should most certainly be able to stand on their own if they were to be a competent warrior.
A loose smattering of applause rippled through the training grounds for the victor and Captain Auru blew the whistle to announce the line up for duels. The list keeper shouted for a five minute break for hydration and toilet and everyone peeled off to wherever they needed to be whether it was the privies, benches or water station.
Captain Auru excused himself momentarily to confer with the instructors and he returned with a gleam in his eye. “Chief Urbosa, my colleagues are quite excited about your presence here today. It’s not often we might get the opportunity to let the students spar against different fighting styles. I wonder, would one of your warriors be willing to step into the ring with us?”
Urbosa grinned with a glint in her eye. This was the perfect opportunity to bargain for what she wanted. If she could rustle up some votes from the soldiers, there was a good chance they’d appreciate the art of a finely crafted blade over some abstract shapes in the courtyards.
“I could be persuaded to enter the ring for a bit of fun myself, Captain.”
He and the fellow instructors responded with varying degrees of shock and excited approval.
“But I have two conditions.”
Captain Auru stroked his goatee again. “Name your price, Chief Urbosa.”
“I pick my opponent.”
“Easily done.”
“And you must give me your word that all of you will attend the festival and vote.”
He turned to look at the other instructors and was met with answers of shrugs and unopposed compliance.
“Right,” she grinned and put her hand on the pommel of the scimitar at her hip, “are there any hard rules I should know about?”
“Please don’t kill our students,” Auru jested. “Ah, the usual. Nothing below the belt. If a limb is ‘struck,’” he emphasized a simulation of it, “then that limb may not be used for the remainder of the battle.” He continued with a few more things before she put up her hand to interrupt.
“Captain, I appreciate you have a way of doing things but did you not want to see the way a Gerudo fights? Or would you have me merely demonstrate your own style to you?”
“Eh, you got me there Chief Urbosa. Right you are.” There was an awkward pause before he continued after clearing his throat. “Well then, not killing our students will work just fine. Please,” he gestured to the field, “choose your opponent.”
“I want the short one.”
“Oh, he’s just a boy still, perhaps-”
“And the most skilled of the group.”
“Uh, yes. He is quite the prodigy. Very well.”
She took to the arena and Auru sent one of the others to collect her choice. His day had gone from monotonous to suspenseful excitement and he couldn’t wait to see how this would pan out. He knew Link was starved for a challenge and he knew his class mates would love nothing more than to see him brought down. The outcome of this should suit both parties quite well no matter how it ended.
The competitors entered the arena and stood a few paces away from one another. The whole area had gone deathly quiet. Usually there was low chatter among the peanut gallery but the two opponents on the duel field today had everyone riveted.
Link saw she wore no armor and took off his helmet, chucking it out of the arena, then went down on one knee. The gesture not only humbled him, but also made him appear even smaller. Her inquisitiveness about him only rose.
“Gerudo Chief Urbosa, you honor me with your presence here today. I hope to learn much from you.”
She drew her blade, “Ha! Let’s have some fun, kid.”
Not a moment after he’d risen, Link was taken aback by her quick movements. The crowd gasped as she attacked without ceremony, lining up her scimitar to connect with his head. 
Link quickly rolled out of the way and shot up to his feet, grinning. He’d been waiting for this for so long. He was itching to really fight.
She pivoted in place, following where he’d dodged, kicking up dust as she slashed down. He parried with a surprising strength for his size but she quickly recovered and jabbed. 
He escaped with a back flip. She’d seen this move from him a few times already during his earlier bouts and anticipated what she could do next when he returned with a flurry of slashes.This boy was quick, but a bit predictable. 
That might have been due to a lack of challenging opponents. He was sussing her out, seeing what she could match. He was focused and calculating; something she did not usually see in Gerudo warriors until they were older.
Finally, she sidestepped his onslaught and rammed her knee into his chest. Link fell back in the dirt but rather than be laid bare to a potential stabbing, he used the momentum of his fall to continue in a backward somersault. He stood and regained his balance.
She gave him a short breather, knowing she’d probably winded him a little. The break was long enough for him to decide that he needed to relieve her of the shield on her back.
She nodded at him as she slowly circled a small distance away. “Crafty, aren’t you.”
Link was struck by an idea. He could try it with her, the move he’d recently discovered while training with his dad. Everyone else he had sparred with never challenged him enough to warrant using it. Would he be able to focus enough?
“Again!” she barked as she ran toward him. 
All he had to do was dodge and get behind her... just dodge, and slip past. He took a deep breath through his nose and as it left him her pace slowed before she reached him. He hopped to the side, but rather than take the opening to make a shot, he dashed around and jump kicked the shield up and off her back. He slipped it on and stood there with a smirk as she whipped around with wide eyes.
“How could you possibly-” her face morphed from surprise into a challenging grin, “much craftier than I thought.” She twirled her blade twice in excitement as she tried to work out what he’d done.
Even with just that small bit of practice, he felt he could put everything into his next move. He had always been exceptional at parrying blows, even more so with a shield. However, she now spoke again instead of attacking as had been the pattern of the battle so far. 
“Why don’t you come at me for a change?” She stood at the ready, a bend in her knee, curved blade held in a relaxed grip, ready to react to his move.
He had to rethink his approach now. His technique had been defensive, but he now knew where he could improve. This was the perfect time to try his attack a different way, see if he could succeed on the offense. 
“Hah!” he kicked the gravel out behind him as he lunged forward, watching her weapon arm closely. As he closed in, Link lost focus and they exchanged blows once more. To avoid another knee to the chest, he flipped out of reach before trying again.
She almost lost sight of him as he came for her a second time. How is he doing that!? She blocked his strike just in time and noticed his disappointment. 
He was testing a new technique on her. A wry smile spread from the corner of her mouth and she felt momentarily flattered. She wasn’t going to let him have all the fun though. It was time to show him he still had a long way to go, if only to keep him on his toes rather than bored with their current gawking audience. 
The side lines were full of wide eyes and gaping mouths as she pinned the tip of his blade into the sand with a swirling down-thrust of her scimitar. Before he could recover she grabbed the shield he’d stolen with her other hand to keep him close and used it as a conductor for her own final move.
His hair stood on end and he was ejected several feet away when she ran her electricity through his body. It wasn’t nearly enough to cause serious injury but it had certainly ended the fight. She was met with a wave of gasps but shrugged them off as she approached him. “Relax, he’s just a little toasty.” 
She reached a hand down and he grasped her wrist firmly, letting her easily pull him to his feet. “You alright, kid?” 
He hung on for a tick as he gained his balance in the midst of a sway before looking at her dead serious and asking, “Can you teach me that?”
She burst into a husky laugh. “I’m afraid that attack is a one of a kind specialty.” She leaned in closer to say privately, “But you keep it up with those moves you were pulling, you’ll no doubt be going places.”
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sith-shenanigans · 4 years
Follower Meme - Ahene
Not exactly tagged by @ajoloart, but they put a universal tag into the universe and I picked it up and ran away with it. And oh boy, did I ever run away with it. Somehow this turned into a way-too-detailed attempt to fit Ahene into an Alliance run by one of the other seven classes. And also I invented an approval system?
Tagging: @elaphaemourra @sunsetofdoom @dragonheart-swtor @miss-spooky-eyes @cipherr @a-muirehen
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Class: Sith Assassin (Darkness)
Weapons: Saberstaff, lightning
Recruitable by: All but the Sith Inquisitor, though making particularly non-pragmatic DS choices during her recruitment quest results in her either joining at her lowest approval or (if you double down at the end) refusing to join entirely, professing doubt that you could ever resist Vitiate’s influence. (If you later take the LS ending at the end of KotET, she sends a letter admitting that she misjudged you, and there’s an option to start a conversation that recruits her. If you later take the DS ending, she doesn’t show up again. Attempting to attack her during her initial recruitment results in her turning invisible and leaving.)
Selection Lines:
“Let’s get to work, then.”
“What new crisis have you found for me?”
“We’ll take the quiet approach.”
(low approval) “I was busy.”
(high approval) “Stay behind me.”
Battle Lines:
*quietly* “Give up.”
“Do you think you’re the first to try that?”
“I’m getting tired of you.”
[sharp, derisive exhalation] “Ffh.”
“Oh, no you don’t.”
(player at low health, low approval) “Expected a sacrifice, ‘Commander?’”
(player at low health, medium approval) “Stay back—I can handle it.”
(player at low health, high approval) “I won’t allow this.”
Exiting Battle:
“Good work, Commander.”
“That’s over with. Shall we continue?”
“Let’s keep moving.”
“How can attempted murder be so tedious?”
“Next time, I’ll sneak us past.”
Low Health:
“This won’t kill me. I… won’t let it.”
“This—this isn’t how it ends. Is it?”
(low approval) “I’m done here.” *hp goes to 1, disappears until combat is over*
“That… went poorly. Thank you.”
“Not the first time I’ve died.”
“Let’s forget that happened.”
(low approval) “I’m… surprised you came back for me.”
(high approval) *quiet laugh* “Glad to see you made it, Commander.”
Misc. Click Lines:
(Force Enclave influence < 10) “I’m afraid I’m busy. Is this important?”
(Force Enclave influence < 10) “Sana-Rae is a fascinating person. I’m glad to meet a Mystic who will actually speak with me.”
(Force Enclave influence < 10) “My resources are limited now, but I’ve been contacting some of my people. The reliable, trustworthy ones. I expect at least a few will agree to join.”
(Force Enclave influence < 10) “I don’t have time to talk right now, but do let me know if the eldritch abomination in your brain starts feeling peckish.”
(Force Enclave influence < 10) “We need more ritual space soon. I think the Jedi are getting nervous.”
(Force Enclave influence < 10) “We have a long way to go, I won’t lie. Shall we get to work?”
(Force Enclave influence < 10, LS Jedi pc) “I advise against evangelizing. To me or anyone else.” *pause* “No, that’s not a threat. Call it… leadership advice.”
(Force Enclave influence < 10, Sith Warrior pc) “You know what I’m watching for—Wrath. Understand that it’s nothing personal.”
(Force Enclave influence 10-19) “What do you need from me?”
(Force Enclave influence 10-19) “I admit, it’s gratifying to see Jedi and Sith having to work side-by-side. It gives one hope for pragmatism in the galaxy.”
(Force Enclave influence 10-19) “I have a few proper teams now. I wish it was more, but it will have to be enough.”
(Force Enclave influence 10-19) “Please tell Doctor Oggurobb that I will not, at any point, allow him to run experiments on me. I don’t think anything I say is going to dissuade him.”
(Force Enclave influence 10-19) “We’ve been setting up a facility for heavy-duty Force work half a kilometer from the base. It’s not an Ancient Knowledge laboratory—but it will do.”
(Force Enclave influence 10-19) “The work isn’t over, but you should be proud of what we’ve done.”
(Force Enclave influence maxed) “Hello, Commander. How can I help?”
(Force Enclave influence maxed) “Master Dorun and I have something to show you, when you have time.”
(Force Enclave influence maxed) “If Anathel paid better attention to his personnel, he would be fuming.”
(Force Enclave influence maxed) “Yesterday, a padawan asked me to teach her my cloaking. What’s more, her master knew—and agreed. Isn’t that just something?”
(Force Enclave influence maxed) “You should see what we’ve been working on, Commander. There are applications of the Force only the Alliance could have discovered—applications unbound from the constraints of Sith or Jedi philosophy. We will go down in history for more reasons than one, provided we ensure that there’s a history to go down in.”
(Force Enclave influence maxed) “This is a new order, I think. Jedi, Sith, or Mystic—we’re the Alliance first, now. I look forward to seeing what we do with it.”
(Force Enclave influence maxed, low approval) “I have never been shy in doubting your style of leadership, but I can’t argue with your results.”
(Force Enclave influence maxed, high approval) “I want to thank you, Commander. After all this time, I think I finally feel… free.”
(any influence, low approval) “I’m your ally, ‘Commander.’ Not your subordinate.”
(any influence, high approval) “I’ll see this through. Until the end.”
(Talos Drellik recruited) “Talos and I have been comparing notes. I’ll let you know when we have something worth mentioning.” *pause, more quietly* “I’m glad to see him again. Thank you.”
(Xalek recruited) “I see you met my former apprentice. He’s done well for himself—or as well as he could, under the circumstances. I’m very proud of him.”
(non-Smuggler pc, Sirue Parhen recruited) “The Voidhound sends her regards.” *pause* “…No, I’m not going to tell you what else she said.”
Courting | Cultural Artifact | Delicacies | Imperial Memorabilia | Luxury | Maintenance | Military Gear | Republic Memorabilia | Technology | Trophy | Underworld Good | Weapon
“I… thank you. That’s very kind of you.”
“I lost most of my library when Zakuul invaded. This will help.”
“This is fascinating. Where did you acquire it?”
“A piece of history. Very nice.”
“Thank you.”
“In this one area, I suppose I’m fairly predictable.”
“This will come in handy, I think.”
“You can never be too prepared.”
“Do I… need this?”
“If you’re trying to win me over, at least give me something useful.”
(Courting/Delicacies/Luxury) “If I wanted that sort of thing, I would find a way to get it myself.”
(Courting/Delicacies/Luxury) “I am not desperate for the comforts of ‘home,’ Commander.”
(Courting/Delicacies/Luxury, non-Warrior pc) “You think all Sith are the same, don’t you?”
(Courting/Delicacies/Luxury, Sith Warrior pc) “You, of all people, should know why I can’t accept that.”
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padawanlost · 4 years
What was your take on Dave Filoni's speech on the Duel of Fates & Qui-Got Jinn?
I’m surprised people were shocked by that. I mean, he didn’t say anything new. 
His take is the same take that has been explored since TPM came out. I don’t know if people shocked by it are new fans who weren’t around when the movies came out or didn’t have access to the interviews/EU or of if they are in deep denial about the characters portrayed on screen.
“What’s at stake is really how Anakin’s going to turn out, because Qui-Gon is different than the rest of the Jedi.”
FACT since 1999. We know Qui-Gon was a ‘rebel’ since TPM came out. He’s even known as a ‘maverick jedi’ for that very reason, with multiple novels and comics exploring that side of him. Hell, he was Dooku’s apprentice, a guy known for being one of the Council’s biggest critics even when he was still a Jedi Master.
“Obi-wan:  Do not defy the council, Master, not again. Qui-Gon: I shall do what I must, Obi-Wan. Obi-wan:  If you would just follow the code, you would be on the council.” The Phantom Menace, 1999.
You get that in the movie, and Qui-Gon is fighting because he knows that he’s the father that Anakin needs, because Qui-Gon hasn’t given up on the fact that Jedi are supposed to care and love and that that’s not a bad thing. 
FACT since 1999. 
He was angry that the Jedi Master would dismiss him so abruptly in favor of the boy, but he realized, too, the depth of Qui-Gon’s passion when he believed in something. Training this boy to be a Jedi was a cause Qui-Gon championed as he had championed no other in Obi-Wan’s memory. He did not do so to slight his protégé. He did so because he believed in the boy’s destiny. Obi-Wan understood. Who could say? Perhaps this time Qui-Gon was right. Perhaps Anakin Skywalker’s training was a cause worth fighting for. [Terry Brooks. The Phantom Menace – published in 2000]
That Filoni himself reinforces in 2013 during an interview about TCW’s season 5: “I’ve always felt that one of Anakin’s downfalls, like it’s never that Anakin was innately going to be evil, but the people around him, the Jedi, in their lack of compassion, in being so selfless that they almost forgot to care.” Dave Filoni
The rest of the Jedi are so detached and they’ve become so political that they’ve really lost their way and Yoda starts to see that in the second film. But, Qui-Gon is ahead of them all and that’s why he’s not part of the council, so he’s fighting for Anakin. 
FACT since 1999. 
“With Episode I, I didn’t want to tell a limited story. I had to go into the politics and the bigger issues of the Republic and that sort of thing. I had to go into bigger issues.” George Lucas
In The Phantom Menace one of the Jedi Council already knows the balance of The Force is starting to slip, and will slip further. It is obvious to this person that The Sith are going to destroy this balance. On the other hand a prediction which is referred to states someone will replace the balance in the future. At the right time a balance may again be created, but presently it is being eroded by dark forces. All of this shall be explained in Episode 2, so I can’t say any more!- CUT interview 09/07/99?
“The first film starts with the last age of the Republic; which is it’s getting tired, old, it’s getting corrupt. There’s the rise of the Sith, who are now becoming a force, and in the backdrop of this you have Anakin Skywalker: a young boy who’s destined to be a very significant player in bringing balance back to the Force and the Republic. George Lucas - from the American ANH VHS tape in the making of Episode II in the 2000 release.
[The Jedi] sort of persuade people into doing the right thing but their job really isn’t to go around fighting people yet there are now used as generals and they are fighting a war and they are doing something they really weren’t meant to do.They are being corrupted by this war, by being forced to be generals instead of peacemakers. – George Lucas for E! Behind the Scenes - Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith
That’s one of the few times in history when the bad guys were very clearly delineated for us. There really was a fight for survival going on between pretty clearly good guys and bad guys. The story being told in Star Wars is a classic one. Every few hundred years, the story is retold because we have a tendency to do the same things over and over again. Power corrupts, and when you’re in charge, you start doing things that you think are right, but they’re actually not. . – George Lucas
That’s why it’s the duel of the fates, it’s the fate of this child and depending on how this fight goes, Anakin, his life is going to be dramatically different. 
If good and evil are mixed things become blurred - there is nothing between good and evil, everything is grey. In each of us we have balanced these emotions, and in the Star Wars saga the most important point is balance, balance between everything. It is dangerous to lose this. – George Lucas
"So, Qui-Gon loses, of course, so the father figure, he knew what it meant to take this kid away from his mother when he had an attachment and he’s left with Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan trains Anakin at first out of a promise he made to Qui-Gon, not because he cares about him. Obi-Wan trains Anakin at first out of a promise he makes to Qui-Gon, not because he cares about him.
FACT since 1999. We literally see this in the movie.
He stopped his pacing and stared momentarily at nothing, thinking of Qui-Gon Jinn, his Master, his teacher, his friend. He had failed Qui-Gon in life. But he would carry on his work now, honoring him in death by fulfilling his promise to train the boy, no matter what. [Terry Brooks. The Phantom Menace]
When they find Anakin on Tatooine, he says, “I feel like we’ve found another useless lifeform.” He’s comparing Anakin to Jar Jar. And he’s saying, “This is a waste of time. Why are we doing this? Why do you see importance in these creature like Jar Jar Binks and this 10 year old boy? This is useless.”
FACT since 1999.
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So he’s a brother to Anakin, eventually, but he’s not a father figure.  
“He is like my brother. I cannot do it.” Obi-wan Kenobi in Revenge of the Sith.
This, then, is Obi-Wan and Anakin: They are closer than friends. Closer than brothers. Though Obi-Wan is sixteen standard years Anakin’s elder, they have become men together. Neither can imagine life without the other. The war has forged their two lives into one.  [Matthew Stover. Revenge of the Sith]
[With Ahsoka] I wanted to develop a character who would help Anakin settle down. He's a wild child after [Attack of the Clones]. He and Obi Wan don't get along. So we wanted to look at how Anakin and Ahsoka become friends, partners, a team. When you become a parent or you become a teacher you have to become more respnsible. I wanted to force Anakin into that role of responsibility, into that juxtaposition. I have a couple of daughters so I have experience with that situation. I said instead of a guy let's make her a girl. Teenage girls are just as hard to deal with as teenage boys are. - George Lucas
That’s a failing for Anakin, he doesn’t have the family that he needs. He loses his mother in the next film. He fails on this promise that he made to his mother that 'I will come back and save you.' So he’s left completely vulnerable and Star Wars is ultimately about family.
FACT since 2002.
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“Love people. That’s basically all Star Wars is.” — George Lucas
So, that moment in that movie, which a lot of people diminish as a cool lightsaber fight, but it’s everything that the entire three films in the prequels hangs on, is that one particular fight and Maul serves his purpose and at that point died before George brought him back.But he died, showing you how the Emperor is completely self-serving. He doesn’t care, he’s using people and now he’s gonna use this child.
FACT since 1999.
Each Sith has an apprentice, but the problem was, each Sith Lord got to be powerful. And the Sith Lords would try to kill each other because they all wanted to be the most powerful. So in the end they killed each other off, and there wasn’t anything left. So the idea is that when you have a Sith Lord, and he has an apprentice, the apprentice is always trying to recruit somebody to join him — because he’s not strong enough, usually — so that he can kill his master. That’s why I call it a Rule of Two — there’s only two Sith Lords. There can’t be any more because they kill each other. They’re not smart enough to realize that if they do that, they’re going to wipe themselves out. Which is exactly what they did.” George Lucas
Everything that Filoni said has been part of the lore and movies for 20 years now, so I really don’t get why people are so shocked by it. Also, context people! People have been using Disney canon to ‘prove’ Filoni wrong but these movies and the clone wars were written with long before Disney came into play. Filoni, like so many of us, grew up with Star Wars belonging to George and that colors how he look at the franchise and the characters. And don’t get me started on the ‘the EU doesn’t matter’ argument because it absolutely does. 
“And then George Lucas tells me one day, ‘We’re gonna put the Mandalorians in the Clone Wars.'  And I go 'Oh boy. That’s interesting. Cuz, lemme show you this.'  And I move this big pile of material over and I said 'This is everything. This is everything that the Mandalorians are right now.’ And so George and I do what we always do when we come across something that I know exists well in the EU, we go over it all.“ Now, all the history of Mandalore you prior to The Clone Wars it does exists. It absolutely exists.” — Dave Filoni
There’s actual behind the scenes footage of Filoni and George Lucas working on The Clone Wars and checking the EU to keep everything as cohesive as possible. The guy literately had thousands of conversations with George Lucas – the guy who actually created Star Wars – about these characters but somehow people are now trashing him because he said they should’ve know already?
Look, anyone who knows me know I’m not a Filoni stan but I believe in respecting people’s work and giving credit where credit is due even when I don’t agree with them 100%. If they don’t like his take, fine, that’s their right but please tone down the outrage fest because it’s entirely unjustified (and, to be completely honest, a little desperate for validation). He’s an actual person, not a fictional character there for you to hate or stan.
There’s a lot I don’t agree with it in this life but I don’t go around attacking real people and their jobs. But maybe we shouldn’t be so surprised, considering the people going after Filoni are the same people who have not problem whatsoever with star wars authors receiving death and rape threats.
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supercasey · 4 years
If the TF2 mercs were mythical creatures, what would they be? Could also be cryptids too I guess, They're both similar enough to me.
I’m gonna give a warning from the very beginning: I am but a simple white boy with very little knowledge of mythical creatures, and if you want a really cool Mythical Creature AU for TF2, you oughta check out @sicklizardman‘s AU for this, which you can find here! Anyways, here are more of my shitty opinions and me getting everything wrong about monsters.
Engineer: A Wizard! He doesn’t look like one at a glance, on account of him refusing to wear long cloaks and pointy hats, but he’s very powerful. Not that a lot of people know that, as he only uses his magic for healing/repairing other mythical creatures. He met Pyro when he found them injured in the wilderness, and he’s giving Miss Pauling additional magic training when she visit him!
Demoman: A Merman! He can shapeshift to look human, but if he’s out of water for too long, he tends to get really sick. He’s claimed to have met the Loch Ness Monster before, but no one believes him but Scout and Pyro. Is secretly the prince of Atlantis; his mom is currently the queen!
Soldier: A Highlander! Soldier “died” during the Civil War (fighting for the North, don’t worry), but when he came back to life, he quickly discovered he was an immortal. He’s participated in damn near every war known to mankind since then, and he met Spy during the French Revolution! Friendly with other monsters, especially Sniper and Pyro.
Medic: A Necromancer! He took to necromancy when he was in his mid to late 40s, and has more or less made himself immortal using the forbidden magic; no one knows what time period he’s actually from, but he claims to be from “The Beginning.” Is close friends with Heavy and his family, and keeps trying to convince Engie to “collaborate” with him. His doves are all undead.
Heavy: A crossbreed between an Angel and a Demon! His father was a demon who was killed during a war between heaven and hell, forcing him, his mother (who had been disowned for marrying a demon), and siblings to flee. Although he knows a lot of healing magic from his angelic roots and can cast miracles, he can still summon hellfire at will. Can also shapeshift into a goat with wings.
Pyro: A Mothman! Very secluded from society, Pyro mostly keeps to themselves if they can help it, only leaving their forest to scare tourists and play around with the local wildlife; they have a bunch of fairies and unicorns following them around at all times. Has recently begun meeting other monsters through Engie, and has become close friends with Sniper and Soldier!
Sniper: A Fae! He was born a human being, but his birth parents gave him to the Fae as a gift/sacrifice, causing his new Fae parents to turn him into a Fae over the course of his childhood. He kinda hates being a Fae, and he doesn’t believe in tricking people into telling him their Names, something that causes tension between him and his parents. Fears being disowned.
Spy: A Vampire! Is a first generation vampire, meaning he can still reproduce (basically how Scout happened), and was Turned when he was in his mid-30s; has been “alive” for roughly 400 years, and damn near died during the French Revolution, but managed to survive thanks to Soldier’s help. He doesn’t actually hate Werewolves (fucking furry), despite the fact that he knows Vampires and Werewolves are meant to hate each other.
Scout: A crossbreed between a Vampire and a Werewolf, due to Spy and his Ma’s DNA! Can transform into a wolf at will, and loves being in this form, especially around all of his werewolf brothers. Has a craving for human blood/flesh, and will go into Blood Rages during the full moon, which can be rather disastrous; he fucking hates the full moon because of this. Kinda hates his Vampire DNA tbh, but he loves his Pa!
Scout’s Mom: A Werewolf! Was born and raised as such, and has had several litters of Werewolf pups, resulting in her being the leader of a ginormous wolf pack, which consists of her sons, their mates, and their own pups. Despite once hating Vampires, she’s always encouraged her youngest son to have a connection with his father’s kind, going so far as to send him to go live with the Vampire when he was a preteen.
Miss Pauling: A Witch’s Apprentice! She’s training under The Administrator to become a more powerful witch, and part of her training involves studying various types of mythical creatures, which has led her to befriending many of the mercenaries in this AU. Is fascinated by Scout’s powers. She’s most skilled in summoning magic!
The Administrator: A Witch! She’s been a witch for nearly a hundred years, and despite her distaste for humanity as a whole, she’s been training Miss Pauling to take her place as one of the most powerful witches in the world. She makes a living off of hunting and capturing mythical creatures, which led her to meeting/recruiting the mercenaries in this AU.
I hope you like these! I’ll be honest, I really like the idea of this AU (now I wanna write a fic of Pup!Scout going to live with his dad... Jesus Christ, you always make me want to write more AUs)!
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kirishwima · 5 years
Can I request underage mc telling the rfa members, Saeran and V that the reason why she went to the apartment was because she was homeless and had nowhere else to go? (Platonic of course) I know you did a request with a 17 year old mc awhile back so it’s fine if you don’t do this. Thanks!!
heyo! sorry this took a while to get to, but i hope you’ll like it regardless ^^
* When MC tells the RFA how she ended up in Rika’s apartment, he’s shocked
* He’s never even considered that MC, so bright and cheerful online, could be going through such a hardship 
* Still, he feels as if Rika’s spirit somehow guided MC to that apartment, to give her a chance to start anew and have a place to stay
* Well, he’s not wrong per say...
* He’ll always be checking up on MC, asking her if she ate and if not if she wants him to cook something for her-even if he can’t go directly to the apartment they can at least meet nearby so he can bring her lunch!
* He’s nurturing by nature, even if he gets childish at times, so he’ll always worry over MC, even if he often jokes around with her since they’re the closest in age
* He’ll absoloutely help her find a part-time job and permanent residence if she needs to, and will even offer for her to room with him if she’s comfortable!
* He’s shocked but also the most empathetic out of them all-after all he also went through similar situations as MC at her age
* He’ll try and not talk too much about her predicament, knowing how uncomfortable it can get, but he’ll constantly discreetly check in with her-asking if she’s alright, if she wants to talk about anything, tells her that if anyone ever gives her any trouble they’ll have to go through him
* He’ll happily offer to take her up as an assistant if she’s up for it
* Eventually he too would open up about his own situation when he was young, reassuring her that she’s not alone and now, with the RFA, she’s not only found a home, but a family too.
* She’s also surprised, but keeps her composure, and never pesters MC with questions about her life. 
* Instead she’s thankful that MC ended up in the RFA, knowing what dangers there are out there for a young girl like her
* She also assumes a nurturing role, constantly asking MC if she’s settled alright in the apartment, if she’s eating well e.t.c
* If MC isn’t at school, she’ll absoloutely try to help her get to school, and even help her find plans that can help her get into university-she never wants to see a girl as bright as MC be denied the chance to higher education, not when she can do something about it
* She’d love to meet up with MC and chat over coffee-it’d be like having a little sister!
* All in all, she’s happy MC found them, no matter what the circumstances that led her to the RFA may be
* He’s...confused
* All his life he’s been lecturing on the virtues of family bonds, so to find out MC is alone in the world, and that coming to Rika’s apartment was a last resort for her confuses him greatly.
* On the one hand, he’s happy MC found the RFA, and has now found a place to stay. On the other, he feels dissatisfied somehow-like he needs to do something to help MC, but he’s not sure what
* He’ll definitely offer to get her an apartment of her own, so she won’t have to stay at Rika’s anymore after the party-he’ll offer to help pay for her tuitions if she wants to enter univeristy, or even offer a position in C&R once he sees her hard work on the party. Yet still, it feels like something’s missing
* He realises what that is after a few successful parties, ones that took place after MC became a part of the RFA. He sees MC laughing about one meme or another with Luciel and Yoosung, how Jaehee nags at them all as Zen tries to diffuse the situation, and he realises-what was missing was a family. He’s glad MC has one now.
* He figured it out soon after digging up MC’s background history and finding nothing on her after the age of 16-he simply put two and two together, saw the lack of current adress and realiseed just how MC ended up in Rika’s apartment.
* He doesn’t mention it whatsoever in the messenger-not until MC mentions it herself at least. People are entitled to their secrets after all, he would know
* He’ll feel empathy towards MC, remembering the hell he’d been through when he was 17, but he’s also secretly envious of her-how instead of ending up how he did, she was lucky enough to stumble upon the RFA, to be able to make friends and even a family that can help put her back up on her feet
* He casts that envy aside though-what’s done with him is done, and now he gets to see someone, a friend, grow into a healthy adult, one that doesn’t have to hide in darkness like he does, and he’s sincerly happy for it
* He’ll offer MC to move in to his place until she can get a place of her own, unless she wants to stay at Rika’s after it all-if she does, he’ll of course make the apartment as safe as possible for normal living, and even help her decorate it to make it feel more homely
* He’s glad RFA gained yet another family member, really
* He’s also one of the first to know, as Seven immediatly let him know what’s up after his background research.
* V’s heartbroken, wondering just why Rika would recruit a child in her ranks-was it out of kindness, or are the motives far more manipulative than that?
* Either way, he vows he’ll take care of MC, and gladly welcomes her in the RFA
* He takes on an almost paternal role-he’s seen more frequently online in the RFA chatrooms, chatting with MC and trying to make sure she’s as comfortable as possible, that she’s eating healthy and taking care of herself
* He’ll absoloutely recommend she stay at Rika’s apartment, or at the very least he’ll help her find a place of her own, along with a path she wants to follow-be it academic or not
* He’d also love to teach her photography-she’d have the privy on going on roadtrips with V to take nature shots, and he’d be the most patient teacher, lending her his favorite lens to take photos, and helping her edit them afterwards
* If she’s up for it, he’d love to make her his apprentice, especially with how his eyesight deteriorated-he’d be happy if someone would want to continue his work when he’ll be unable to.
* Like Seven, he also remembers what he’d been through at 17, how dark his life was, all the way up until MC helped him out.
* He often wonders if he chose MC as his target because of how her background reminded him of his own-but he shook the thought away, trying to focus on the now-now that he’s better, healthier, and has a new friend to thank for that.
* He wants to help MC as much as he can, even though he oftentimes feels helpless-he never finished shcool, and he doesn’t want to teach her the horrible act of hacking.
* Instead, he’ll suggest if she wants to live together with him and Seven, at least until she can find a place of her own if she wants to-and if she agrees, then he’d love to learn about botanology with her
* He’ll spend hours in the garden, planting trees and flowers and reading up on the care they need, asking MC to help him out with it-he finds gardening to be a healing hobby, and he’s happy to share this joy and path to recovery with MC.
* He’s almost like a big brother, and he takes big pride in that-he was always the one to be protected, and now, he gets to be the protector instead.
I’m sorry these were a little short aaa ;;
-send me a mystic messenger headcanon/scenario for the characters to react to!-
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Xigbar doesnt seem to like his child that much or just doesnt want to show he cares... what if his kid goes to live with Ansem the scientist in Radiant Garden instead? how would Xigbar react?
this reminds me of a discussion we had on discord about even actually being ienzo’s biological dad, but that’s a subject for another day
ALSO PLEASE NOTE that this turned into an almost fic but definitely an au so it really isn’t meant to be canon-compliant - you’ll see what i mean once you start reading LOL also, this probably won’t turn into anything more, so i hope you enjoy all the same
WARNING - like i said, it’s a kind of au and SPOILERS for the game if you haven’t played it, just in case
Braig - Xigbar - Luxu
He does love his child. Really, he does, don’t get him wrong, but the distinction is that he never wanted to be a dad. He didn’t even know he was a father until years after his child was born, so... it’s understandable that he would have a few grievances.
He has no idea who the woman was, only that one day there was a new kid in the castle with Ienzo and Ansem the Wise was pulling Braig into his office to explain what was going on. Ansem made it clear that they could keep the secret from his kid or not, but he felt that Braig deserved to know the truth of the circumstances.
And of course, Braig feels like an absolute asshole because, like, what kind of guy doesn’t own up to and take responsibility of his own kid? But he’s hesitant because he thinks he would absolutely be a shitty father and... and... it’s just too much.
So he’s distant. More so than he needs to be. The other apprentices have no idea that his kid is walking around the halls, playing with Ienzo, being taught by Even, being lifted into the air and playfully tossed around by Dilan and Aeleus. Braig was distant from Ienzo, too, as much as he could be, so the others don’t really pay it any mind, but... well. He feels overwhelmingly guilty and he hates it.
Because. Well. He’s. Not even really Braig, is he? He has his own ulterior motives that don’t really go along with having a kid so he thinks that maybe if he doesn’t tell the truth and he lets Ansem raise his kid the same was that he was raising Ienzo, then maybe everything would be okay.
But then Organization XIII happens and it all turns to shit.
Braig doesn’t want to join the organization, but he has bigger plans than Radiant Garden and this seems like the best way to go about them. Becoming Xigbar feels like he’s releasing his guilt. Kid? He sometimes thinks. What kid? He isn’t Braig anymore and he doesn’t think he can be Luxu either, and Xigbar doesn’t have kids so... problem solved, right?
And then Xemnas pulls a move when he isn’t paying attention and he recruits everyone else, and that includes Braig’s kid and he just kind of... snaps. He knows that confronting Xemnas wouldn’t work out for anyone involved, but he has to do something because even if he doesn’t feel emotions and he doesn’t have a heart, he can’t let his own flesh and blood lose everything just like he did.
That’s what he was doing in the first place, wasn’t it? Trying to make this stupid world a better god damn place in any way that he could and - damn if he isn’t some sort of weird, screwed up saint with good intentions who always gets bad results from their actions.
But that doesn’t matter. What matters is that he kidnaps his own kid from under Xemnas’ nose and disappears before Xemnas could steal their heart. Taking one of the others doesn’t even cross his mind. He’s too focused on holy shit what did i just do, where are we going to go, how am i going to take care of a kid - and he’s like... a dad or whatever, and he may be a shit dad but he’s still a dad.
And his kid kind of hates him. They remember him as Braig, a figure that happened to be around the castle sometimes, always there but never really stepping in to the spotlight like the others, but they are wary of Xigbar who is the same but still different, and of course his kid has to be a little asshole like he is because this is his life and how could it be any different?
So Xigbar - no, he can’t use that name anymore, because he’s gone completely AWOL and he’s sure there’s a death warrant out there somewhere for him on at least 14 different worlds, so it has to be luxu, now - tries to block out the noise as the little brat tries to bribe him, bargain with him, talk his ear off, kick him in like five different places, attempts to bite him several times, scratch him with sharp nails, and make at least four escape attempts that, if he was that kind of guy, he would have been kind of impressed by.
But he stops them every time and says, ‘look kid, if you go out there again then Xemnas will eventually come after you and that is not something you want to deal with, so cut me a little slack here because i’m trying to save your ass’
And eventually, the kid stops trying because... well, Luxu hasn’t hurt them, so that might be a big red flag that they don’t know all the facts, and they’re smart, okay? A lot smarter than he’d ever dream of being and there’s some amount of fatherly pride in his chest that he has to fight down before it bursts out of his throat.
They spend some time in Agrabah, first, with their faces almost constantly covered as Luxu does a few odd jobs around the town for spare change to cover their meager stone lodgings. They become too noticeable because of their pale skin so they migrate to the Jungle, where they live for a long time before the kid gets sick and needs actual treatment he can’t give, so they then do a sporadic hopping back and forth from San Fransokyo, then Athens, a little town in France whose name he can never remember, until they finally settle in Traverse Town (which, he thinks, is both good and bad, but he can’t bring himself to keep them moving around)
He’s not stupid. He knows that they can’t run forever, but hopefully the foretellers can get off their asses and Sora can do what needs to be done to seal away the darkness and he can hopefully go back to living a good life where they can actually stay in one place and, you know, live.
And if, somewhere along the line, he realizes that he and him became we and us, and mine and his became ours and theirs. Well. That’s no one else’s fucking business, is it?
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taiblogcomics · 4 years
Robin the Readership of Plot Development
Hey there, beta chat programs. Looks like it's time again to review another terrible issue of the New 52's Teen Titans. But not just any issue, as I intoned at the end of last week's review! No, my friends. We've got a gimmick to this issue~
So, it's the anniversary of the New 52's beginning. Like, not today. Back in September, actually. But in the comic's timeline that we're following. It'd been a year of publishing their reboot, and I don't know if you remember this from the last time we covered it eight years ago when it was new, but what they did to celebrate was this: Zero Month. All of the comics--at least, all of the ones that hard survived as far as 12 issues--spent the anniversary month putting out a 0th issue to explain some backstory. It helped it some cases! Others... not so much~
Here's the cover:
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So every cover of the Zero Month was like this: washed-out grey background, character breaking on through to the other side, and not much else. Some folks who remember back that far might remember Catwoman #0 having an infamous pose, but otherwise all these covers were identical in composition. There's really not much to say about it. When every issue released that month had roughly identical covers, none really stood out, which is not what you want in a cover~
So the comic opens with the taunting phrase of "Before the New 52"! Which it's really not. "Before the New 52" would imply the old continuity. But all they really mean is "before the events of issue 1". Anyway, this is an origin story for Tim Drake. We start with three full-page splashes of him doing a bunch of gymnastics for a crowd, which includes his parents. I was afraid it was going to jump right into the essential parts of Dick Grayson's origin, but with Olympic prospects instead of circus stuff. Fortunately, nothing happens here, and he finishes his routine with no ill effects and heads out to meet his parents.
Like in the previous continuity, Tim starts with both parents. Which is noted by the person watching him in secret--Batman. Yes, in this continuity, Batman's already scouting Tim rather than Tim seeking out Batman of his own will. Batman notes that he doesn't want to recruit a new Robin, not so soon after Jason, and not while Tim still has a family. That's... kind of ominous, Batman. ...Are you the villain? Speaking of Tim's family, though, his dad meets him in an extremely ominously-lit room and tells his son that it's okay to want more and be bigger than just this family. Come on, Dad, that foreshadowing is way too much.
Just to prove me wrong, Tim sneaks out of his room that night to go apply for a job: Batman's apprentice. Heck, he'll even settle for an unpaid internship. He's deduced that Batman's HQ is in the old Gotham Aviary. He's wrong, but Batman is content to let him think he's right. In fact, every clue he's followed has been something Batman's planted. Tim puts out the armour-piercing bit, though: what happened to the previous Robin? Batman scowls and disappears, telling Tim he'll never see him again. That seems highly unlikely, given how many comics Batman was appearing in at the time~
Tim's not ready to give up, though. See, he wants to follow his dad's advice and become something bigger than not only his family, but than himself too. And so he keeps trying to find ways to get Batman's attention. Unfortunately, he gets someone else's as well. See, he's been using his hacker powers to transfer money out of criminals' accounts into charitable organisations. This is pretty cool. The problem is, he's now targeted the Penguin's stash. The Cobblepot fortune has been stole, and the Penguin is big mad about it.
The Penguin traces the activity back to Tim--I guess he's not that good of a hacker--and sends some goons to his house. Batman arrives just in time to save Tim from a shootout. And to this book's credit, it doesn't end in the tragedy you think it will. Tim's parents both survive the gunfire and are placed in witness protection. But to keep them safe--and to give Tim that "life bigger than this family" they keep talking about--they agree to have Batman look after Tim instead. And Batman decides that the best way to keep an eye on Tim is to make him his partner, just like he wanted. Superman may be the Man of Steel, but Batman is the man of irony~
And so, Tim Drake forges his own identity as Batman's partner. He opts not to wear Jason's old uniform, mostly out of respect for Jason, but also because have you seen Jason's old Robin uniform? In fact, to set him aside as his own identity even more, he opts to call himself Red Robin rather than just Robin. Sorry, Tim, but "Batman and Red Robin" will never catch on as a popular name. Anyway, he's already begun his research, looking into stories of metahumans his own age. And... that's the end! It ends on yet another splash page, depicting him and Batman as crime-fighting partners, even though this is the zeroth issue for a team book without Batman in it~
This issue... is not that bad. It’s a fair origin for Tim Drake, I suppose. I’ve never actually read A Lonely Place of Dying, which was Tim’s origin in the pre-New 52 continuity, so I don’t know how it compares. At the very least, this one surprised me for a New 52 origin. I’m very glad they didn’t kill off Tim’s parents, even if they more or less removed them from the story anyway. That’s always what made Tim unique, that he still had supportive parents around. And while they may no longer be around in the technical sense, at least it didn’t end in gunshots and tragedy.
The other major change is mostly Tim’s motivation. In this, it seems Tim’s doing it more or less to prove something to himself, to make himself into something bigger. In the original? Again, I haven’t read it, but my impression of the story was that Tim noticed something change in Batman’s demeanor after Jason Todd’s death. He thought Batman needed a Robin to balance himself out, and volunteered himself for the job. And that’s what impressed Batman: that Tim volunteered for it, rather than letting tragedy lead him there like it did for himself or Dick Grayson. And that, I think, is a bit of what’s lost in this origin. And that Batman’s so pissy about it. “You didn’t discover anything that I didn’t let you find out” and all that. That’s dangerously close to the same rhetoric as Harvest~
Next week, we’ll get back to the main story, and the story will get back to sucking~
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