caitlinis1337-blog · 7 years
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Next level pale. #givemesun #ghostgirl
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caitlinis1337-blog · 7 years
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Feeling good. 👍😄
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caitlinis1337-blog · 7 years
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Popcorn is life.
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caitlinis1337-blog · 7 years
Years and years...
Wow. It’s been literal years since I last posted in this place. So much has changed. Two kids for instance. They keep me pretty busy, but I love them dearly so it’s okay. I’ve been looking for a way to track my current self renovation that I’ve been undergoing, and thought I might revive this blog at the same time. So here goes. 
Since giving birth in 2014 to adorable twins boys, I’ve taken a back seat in taking care of myself while I’ve taken care of everyone and everything else around me. Not only did I gain back every pound I lost during pregnancy (a story for a little later) but added more on in the process. I didn’t care though, I slipped into a bit of depression without even noticing and didn’t care what I ate, if I hadn’t exercised in weeks or months, just had no real aspirations for myself. I denied it extensively to those around me of course, saying sooner or later I’d get interested and take control over my life, my body, and health again. but that day didn’t come. Until 3 weeks ago today. March 3rd, 2017, something happened. I’m not sure exactly what happened. It wasn’t like some great epiphany, the sky didn’t open up and God didn’t speak directly to me, but something did click in my head and I knew a change was in order. 
While I was pregnant I was diagnosed early on with Gestational Diabetes, and through the diet and exercise regimen I was prescribed to be on, I ended up losing 40 pounds during my pregnancy with Twins. That’s NUTS right!? Well, I figured if it worked before, than it should work again. And that brings us to today. 3 weeks later, and still going strong. Eating a specific carbohydrate amount daily, and walking 20 minutes after every meal or 3 times a day and I‘m feeling great. 
So why am I writing this all down and for the entire internet to see? Because I want a way to hold myself accountable and to remind myself that if the day comes where I’m not feeling great anymore to keep going anyway because this isn’t just a “lose a few pounds then back to my old ways” thing. This is a life change that I’ll need to stick with for as long as I live. So here’s to the beginning of a bright and HEALTHY future!
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caitlinis1337-blog · 11 years
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Shopping cart cemetery.
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caitlinis1337-blog · 11 years
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Friends - season 8 episode 175 - scene goes from Monica to random woman Monica. #imposter #whattheheck
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caitlinis1337-blog · 11 years
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Sunshine ♡
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caitlinis1337-blog · 11 years
Awesome :)
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This may be the best thing I’ve ever seen on cosplay.com
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caitlinis1337-blog · 11 years
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Mondays. #blah #rainraingoaway
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caitlinis1337-blog · 11 years
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It's a cozy blanket and Oprah kinda night... #comfycozy #winternights #brrr
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caitlinis1337-blog · 11 years
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Banana chocolate chip muffins #bakingtime #yummy
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caitlinis1337-blog · 12 years
A little vent.
My friend and I went on a mini road trip a few days ago, and we both came to the conclusion that the theme of the trip was "anyone can make a song out of anything these days". As we were listening to the radio in his Jeep, and coming in and out of reception, we started to notice just how silly the music we surround ourselves today is, and how little substance a lot of it has. Don't get me wrong, the catchy rhythms of Lady Gaga, Carly Rae Jepsen, and Madonnas new diddy "Gimme all your loving" have caught me in private moments, and spastic dancing has occurred, but is it really MUSIC??!! I have to wonder if there is any guidelines to song writing anymore or if music executives just don't care what we listen to, as long as they make money. I suppose the latter is pretty much on the ball. Whatever the case, consumers still buy it up,and the world keeps spinning. But where did we go wrong? When did it become cool and acceptable to have a 3 minute song with half if it just noises, and the repetitions of syllables? In any case these are just thoughts, but the moment Paris Hilton receives a Grammy for 'Drunk Text', I'm out.
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caitlinis1337-blog · 13 years
Quotes to live by...
Everything in life is temporary. So if things are going good, enjoy it because it won't last forever. And if things are going bad, don't worry because it won't last forever either.
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caitlinis1337-blog · 13 years
Send this video to all of your friends! It's for a great cause!
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caitlinis1337-blog · 13 years
It's such a strange thing, sleep. When you want it, you can't have it, and when you have it, you don't want it. And in order for us to function properly, we need it. But there are so many more interesting things we can be doing instead of re-charging up. Take for instance the fact that I know if I turn on my TV right now, there will be SOMETHING that would catch my attention, and I would stay up to finish that show because I am a naturally curious person. Or the fact that I am writing this blog instead of catching my Zzzz's. I know that I should sleep, and heck I'm tired enough to do it, but the fact of the matter is, I might miss something if I do. Alas, on that note, I will now put down my laptop, turn off my sparkle lap, and try to go to sleep. Who knows, maybe my dreams will be worth it all in the end.
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caitlinis1337-blog · 13 years
At my friends work picnic, in a park I used to play in as a child. Oh, the memories. It's weird how one place can take you back to so many times of your childhood. My most memorable? I tried white chedar popcorn here for the first time, and my life changed forever... :>
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caitlinis1337-blog · 13 years
Random thought # 8
Summer is the only time to wear clothes that show legs, but is also the time when Mosquitoes come out and eat your legs alive until you look like you have the chicken pox... conspiracy? I think so. -_-
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