caleb-forester-blog · 9 years
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caleb-forester-blog · 10 years
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caleb-forester-blog · 10 years
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caleb-forester-blog · 10 years
It was as if he could see past her eyes, his own dark orbs piercing into her soul. He coul sense her anger, feel the agony and for the first time in his long life he didn't feel the urge to beat the shit out of her, to hurt her or fight her. Instead he remained silent, no threats falling from his lips. It was so much out of character for the alpha but he simply didn't have it in him right now. Caleb watched her every move, noticed every change of expression. His hand reached out, slowly moving closer to her face before the back of it graced the lose streak of hair. Eyes never once leaving hers as callused hands tugged the soft hair behind her ear.
He hated how right she was. No one had been there to teach her how to. It was him who left her out there centuries ago just like he had left all the other pups after turning them. Caleb didn't care. He never did. Except for this one time. The one time he didn't leave because he gave two shits about that girl in transition. It was as if it happened yesterday, the hunter following him and what chance did a newborn wolf have really? She was weak- too weak to escape them and the only chance for her to survive was to play cat and mouse with the hunters and distract them. And he did. This was probably the one and only time he hadn't been selfish and yet he felt bad for it. He felt bad, god how wrong that sounded in his mind. "A girl like you doesn't need someone else to teach them" Caleb stated calmly as she isulted him once again. "You know I probably would if I knew how to but not even my tail is big enough to do that" Sarcasm was the only kind of humor the male knew and not many got it. He watched her as she turned around and followed her with his eyes. "Running away doesn't help. "
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Ghost of the past II Lana & Caleb
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caleb-forester-blog · 10 years
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caleb-forester-blog · 10 years
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caleb-forester-blog · 10 years
To Caleb it was a big surprise the girl survived so long with that little attitude she had. In the werewolf world it was quite easy to get yourself killed with just one wrong words - he was usually one of those who didn't take shit in any way, less from a girl. He didn't remember if she'd been like that back then when he last saw her, but it probably got worse after she turned. It heightened many things, the senses and feelings being one of them. Caleb laughed at her as she tried to justify her attitude. "Wrong." The older wolf stated simply, glaring down at her before he corrected her. "If anywhere, it's getting you to the grave. What's gotten you this far was strength, control and willpower. It's a wonder no one's killed you with the way you behave." Caleb could have sworn she was testing how far she could go with him and she was slowly approaching her limits. "It wasn't your attitude that fought for you, gave you to eat or taught you how to control your powers. It's working against you. "
As far as he could tell, she didn't remember him though he had no idea why she was so pissed, seeing as he was more than patient with the woman. Something no one who ever met him would believe. She pushed him hard enough to escape his grip - but only because he let her. He glanced down at her, shrugging once at her question as he watched her stepping back. "You're still alive even after your little speeches." Caleb muttered as if that held all the answers she wanted. And in a way it did. He could have killed her ten times by now. Why would he bother keeping up with her shit if all he wanted was to hurt her? The alpha knew the girl was smart enough to know that and if she didn't, she could probably see it in his eyes. 
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Ghost of the past II Lana & Caleb
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caleb-forester-blog · 10 years
He was around for long enough to know what was going on, apparently she had no idea why she felt the way she did. It was still rare though it never happened to him before, not to that extend anyways. She was snarky, sassy at that and usually Caleb would never let her get away with such an attitude but this time was different. He remained there. Silent and without a move. Simply staring into her magnetic eyes. Not even he, the cold-hearted rock could deny that there was something between them and it was strong. Stronger than the urge to put her into her place and show her who she was talking to. None of his words and actions were like him with her familiar, sweet scent wrapping around his nose. He inhaled it like it was a drug, his very own personal drug only she could provide him with. And the thought of it alone made it sound surreal. Such things didn't exist. Not for him anyways. "Did your attitude ever get you anywhere that wasn't a cell or the curb?" 
Caleb tried to shake it off but it was hard to fight what you didn't know. He frowned as his hand lingered over her own, the mere contact of their skin caused him to swallow hard. No words could describe how much he hated anything that was related to emotions. With them came pain and that was something he didn't need. The alpha had been there one too many times and he wouldn't put himself out there again, no matter what. It was his way to survive this cruel world. His way to protect the ones he could possibly care about if he wasn't who he was- or at least that was what he repeated to himself over and over again any time someone tried to push through the walls he had built up over the years. And as if that wasn't more than enough, worse than anything he expected, his mouth opened to say something really stupid and unusual for him. "I'm not going to hurt you." God how pathetic that sounded coming from him but those strange words didn't ask for his permission before they slipped through his lips. 
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Ghost of the past II Lana & Caleb
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caleb-forester-blog · 10 years
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caleb-forester-blog · 10 years
It wouldn't have been hard to flip her over or push her away but he didn't. Without knowing why, he remained there, letting her pin him to the wall. His eyes focusing on her own as he lifted one of his hands to brush it over her own only slightly, merely touching her skin but it was enough to fill his eyes with something close to emotions. Caleb was closed off, he was never the social kind of person and it got worse the day his wolf got triggered. Ever since that day he refused to let people in, always scared to hurt them at the end. "I'm not playing." He breathed out, his eyes never once breaking the eye contact. His hand now pressed against her own, he took a deep breath to think about his words. "I'm one of your kind." Caleb stated simply as he tried to figure out how to go about this. 
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Ghost of the past II Lana & Caleb
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caleb-forester-blog · 10 years
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caleb-forester-blog · 10 years
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Howl to the moon, my love-
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caleb-forester-blog · 10 years
The senses of a wolf never once fooled him. He inhaled her scent, it was exhilerating deep within his lungs and sent a shick through his entire body in no time. His eyes closed in reaction. How could this be? She was gone. And now she was back. Caleb's confusion reached a new high but he couldn't resist the urge in his bones to follow the sweet source of it. It wasn't even necessary to tap into his supernatural speed, he simply walked towards the bittersweet scent. How long had it been since the incident? Too long. A growl built up in his throat but he gulped it down to not draw too much attention in public. Seeing her paralized him and before he knew she had him, the tall and strong wolf, pinned against what felt like a wall against his back. His eyes slowly lifted up to meet her own. "What do you think?" 
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Ghost of the past II Lana & Caleb
The brunette had felt his presence many blocks ago but she had continued to walk, wary because she thought he was following her, especially since his scent was maddening and very familiar. This put her on edge and the second she rounded a corner she broke into a run and hide in the nearest doorway, when the male came along she reacted. Stepping out she grabbed his clothes and shoved him against the brick wall of the building a little roughly, a small and defensive growl brushing past her rosy lips. “Why are you following me?” She said through her teeth, eyes flashing a golden color, he wasn’t human so it was no sense in pretending that she wasn’t either.
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caleb-forester-blog · 10 years
There were many things Caleb couldn't stand. On top of that list were people. He hated crowds and tried to avoid them as much as possible. The young man knew why and this day only reminded him of why he hated them. His eyes rolled up at the short girl in front of him and apparently he was having a better day than he initially thought. It was rare to get a sorry out of his broody mouth but somehow it passed his lips even if he'd more than likely deny it later on. Eyes locked on hers, he shoved one of his hands into the pocket of his jeans and nodded his head slightly.His gaze lowering to the ground. "Your phone" Caleb spoke shortly before he took a step back to give her more room to pick it up. A gentlman would have done that for her but he was far from being one and would never claim to be someone he was not. At least that way he couldn't disappoint anyone. 
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Unexpected Encounter II Bianca & Caleb
Walking and texting at the same time was an art form, one Bianca had perfected when she was just fifteen years old. Now, at almost twenty-one, she could move around in a crowd without causing a three-man pile up. Honestly, it was all thanks to peripheral vision and reflex. That was how she managed to stop herself just before walking headlong into another person’s chest. Bianca inhaled sharply as she looked up, her mobile device slipping out of her fingers to land in pieces on the ground at her feet. “Shit!” The word escaped her before she could catch herself, and she cringed outwardly before crouching down and gathering up the various parts. “My bad.” She murmured at the same time that he apologized, causing her to lift her gaze to meet his. “That makes two of us.” She grinned sheepishly, then focused on picking up the rest of her phone. 
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caleb-forester-blog · 10 years
Unexpected Encounter II Bianca & Caleb
Caleb walked through the streets without knowing where he was going. He just strolled around like he always did. Going out wasn't really his thing, he wasn't the most social person and rather closed off to the rest of the world but he did enjoy the nature, fresh air gave him a feeling of freedom. Hands in his pockets, he stopped in his tracks almost running the young female over as he was lost in his thought. "Sorry. I didn't see you." 
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