calibancangetit · 5 years
Y’all should tag me in your writing ✌️ this was sooo goood 💕
Summary,  You’re waking up, one morning, all bundled up in your sheets, with arms around your waist. But who is it ? Caliban. And you’re trying all you can to not let your family he’s here.
Some warnings ; very light presence of sex. 
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The warm rays of the first light of the day caressed your cheek and tickled your eyelids. Your eyebrows frowned as you buried your head in the pillow to escape the daylight. Sleep gently escaped and your eyelids fluttered before your eyes fell on the poorly closed curtains.
You noticed that the blouse you wore the day before was there, in a ball on the floor. With your skirt and another shape that you couldn’t make out. You rubbed your eyelids and noticed that the dark varnish you were wearing had cracked at the tips of your nails. But something caught your eye.
Around your waist an arm was rolled up and long fingers were brushing against your naked belly. Your eyebrows frowned a little more and you straightened up before you saw that another arm had slipped under your pillow. When you turned around, all you saw was a curly blonde bush lying on a pillow. Caliban. You turned around and felt that under the sheets you were wearing almost nothing, and that the shirt you had on your shoulders was far too wide to be yours.
Caliban was shirtless, as he often was, but you doubted that he was wearing anything under the sheet which, praise Satan, covered his hips. Before all your thoughts could be cleared up, innumerable pictures of last night came back to you, and your hand reached to your mouth. You looked around you wondering how you had got here.
- Oh Satan, you murmured as you turned to the door, whose key was in the lock, and therefore locked with a double turn.
- Mhh, are you already awake, princess ? asked Caliban, muffled by the pillow in which his face was buried.
His fingers fell on your hip, provoking a shiver that ran up your spine. A smile was already stretching the corner of his lips, you could see it between his locks smeared over his face. You ran your hand through your long, wavy locks that almost fell on the mattress.
- Caliban, you must go, if my aunts find out you’re here they —
- They have surely already understood this, he replied as he smiled a bit more.
You rolled your eyes to the sky. Your eyes fell back on the watch that was usually on your wrist. It was already half past eight, your aunts would soon come knocking at your door. If it wasn’t them, then it would be Sabrina. And you didn’t want her to barge in and find you here, in the same bed, because she would undoubtedly ask all sorts of questions and make tireless remarks to you for the days to come. No, you didn’t want it.
- I’m serious Caliban, you have to go now, but before you could say what you have to he pulled you into his arms and you fell back against his chest. 
Even the sheets had his scent. You couldn’t lie, you loved it. His scent, his solid chest, but even with that you didn’t want your family to know that he was there. 
- Are you ashamed to have me in your bed ? he murmured mischievously. You did not seem that timid last night, when you were on me, princess. 
- I’m going to slice your throat if you don’t shut your mouth, Caliban, you threatened, trying to straighten yourself up.
But he knocked you down on the mattress and came and stood over you to prevent you from going anywhere. He took your thigh between his fingers and slipped between your legs with that same smile. You tried to say something but a knock on the door shut you up.
- Darling, are you still sleeping ? 
- No, no, I’m just not really well, I think I will stay a bit more in bed, you responded with a falsely tired tone.
The wrist of the door turned but did not open, you looked at the key in its lock. Caliban hadn’t made a move, your thigh still in his hand.
- Oh, is everything all right ? Maybe you need a concoction to be on your feet in two hours ? 
He stooped down without his glance leaving you, and his lips brushed against your belly. The hair at the nape of your neck grew bristly. He put your thigh on his shoulder and began to kiss it, his eyes in yours.
- Yes auntie, it would be perfect, if you don’t mind ? you tried to seem the most unwell and tired as you could, but it was not easy with Caliban on you, looking at you with those eyes.  
- No, no, sweetie, don’t worry, I’ll be back in half an hour. 
You stayed silent until you couldn’t hear her footsteps in the stairs anymore. You refrained from making any noise for long seconds, almost holding your breath. Then you let out a sigh of slight pleasure, and Caliban went up to your face and took it in his hands before his lips meet yours. His soft, smooth, clay lips. You gave it back to him, letting your fingers slide in his blonde curly locks. 
- Now you really have to go, you said as you pulled away from his lips. 
- When will I can come back ? I’m gonna long for you, princess, he demanded as he traced the shape of your hip with his finger. 
- In two moons, you replied before twisting your fingers towards the door, and the key turned in the lock. Caliban raised an eyebrow, asking you a silent question. And you’re going back through Hell’s flames, there’s really no way my family know you’re here. 
- Even if they don’t see me, they surely heard you sighing my name last night, princess, he replied, rising from the bed, taking with him the sheet he had around his hips.
- Mhmh ! 
You two turned to the door, which was wide open, and from where Sabrina stood, the tray that aunt Hilda had prepared for you in her hands, with a face tinged with surprise. For Satan’s sake. 
- I surely should be on my way, now, said Caliban, a large smile stretched over his lips. 
He did not make a movement for the swirl of burning flames to swallow him up and evaporate with him, leaving behind him a slight cloud of smoke that faded into the warm air. Sabrina put the tray on your bedside table, her lips just as mischievously stretched. Your head fell back into your pillow, sighing at length.
- Aunt Hilda told me you were unwell, but you don’t seem to be so sick, finally, she told you as she get out of the room. It was only the beginning of your Hell. 
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Oooh it’s been such a while. I’m happy to be here, and to write, and please, it was so good to write a caos imagine, and even more Caliban. I do really like this character, and look forward to what will happen to him in the next season. 
It was also the first I write caos and Caliban, so please tell me what you think about it, because I’m always happy to have feedback about my work ! 
People who could be interested, @ somethingpoetichere @calbrina​ @microwaved-timmies​ @calibancangetit​ @yungbludz​
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calibancangetit · 5 years
Sending you rays of love and support 😍
💕💕 thank you
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calibancangetit · 5 years
Take your time getting stuff out. This is a strange time for everyone and you’re allowed to take however long you need to write again 🖤🖤
🥺 thank you
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calibancangetit · 5 years
Y’all are really good at this thank you 🥰
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calibancangetit · 5 years
I just wanted y’all to know that I’m not dead or anything. I’ve just been really not feeling myself and it’s really impacting how I write, but I’m going to try my best to get stuff out 💕😔
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calibancangetit · 5 years
I'm lowkey obsessed with your Caliban imagine, i'm already a fan of yours and wish you the best 💕 can't wait for more. !!!
🥺💕 thank you
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calibancangetit · 5 years
Would you be willing to write imagines for just Sam Corlett?
Of course, I’m totally down to write imagines of him 😊
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calibancangetit · 5 years
Reader gets nightmares but whenever Caliban stays with her they go away, so he comforts her and maybe sings her to sleep?
I tried to make this as fluffy as I could 😂 buuut I have to make it angsty or it wouldn’t be me writing it 😉
When She Sleeps (Caliban Imagine)
Warnings: Actual Violence, Blood, Gore,
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The blood ozzed down your back as your body jerked forward when the whip sliced through your skin. Your screams echoed throughout the beach as you watched your blood stain the sand under your knees. Tears streamed down your face while you did your best to catch your best, but just as you caught it, another lash fell across you flesh.
“Please stop,” your mother’s voice begged, “please, you were suppose to cure her!”
You looked up to your family. Your mother and father were tied together on the sandy floor unable to move. You tried to ignore the way your mother’s broken leg lay awkwardly in front of her. Just as you tried to ignore the gash on your father’s face. You gave them a smile. It was brave of you to offer any expression for them at all. After all, you were here because of them.
“Cure her,” the plague king Purson asked bewildered, “I’ll do more than just cure her,”
Your sobbed softly to yourself; you didn’t deserve this. Your parents had crossed path with a witch, and as witch hunters, they decided it was best to have her and her precious familiar destroyed. When word spread to the witches of Greendale, they released a curse on your parent’s first born child-you. You would be born with the ability to bring forth the darkest shadows of Hell. Then on the day she would turn twenty, she would become hysterical from the shadows and have an uncontrollable desire to kill every living mortal in Greendale. Your parents paid no mind to it. At least not until your father’s shadow tried to strangle him.
“Enough, we have other obligations to attend to. Bring forth Prince Caliban!” Beelzebub announced.
A series of grunts were heard before a blonde man was thrown in the sand in front of you. He grimaced as he raised himself up. He eyed the kings slowly before he finally looked at you. You shuddered at the eye contact but looked down submissively.
“Your highness,” the kings mocked, “today we will be teaching you the ultimate skill for the monarch of Hell. You will be choosing souls to be tormented for the rest of eternity. The girl or her parents. Either way, they have to watch,”
Your head shot up to this Caliban guy. He looked between you and your parents in slight horror. You could tell he was trying to figure out which choice was right.
“The girl lives,”
“No, please it was supposed to be me!” You screamed as your parents sobbed beside each other.
Caliban looked at you ashamed before looking back to the kings, “the parent’s death will be enough torment for her anyways,”
The kings were extremely please with his reasoning and clapped his back excitedly.
“Wait, please!” You screamed.
For a moment, your eyes landed on your parents somber faces as the whispered their love for you. Then all at once, their skin began melting off their bones in clumps. Their voices rang in your ears as their torment began to consume them.
Your body shook back and forth as your eyes snapped open from the force. Your vision cleared and above you were a pair of beautiful eyes and soft blonde curls.
“(Y/N), are you alright?” Caliban asked as he wiped your tears off your cheek.
A cry caught in your throat as you tackled Caliban in hug. He grasped onto you and held you tight. You felt him lay back down on your bed with your head tucked against his chest. His hold on you never softened as he tried to relieve every emotion you were feeling from the nightmare.
“Was it your parents again?” He asked softly, almost as if he were afraid of the answer.
You nodded your head against his chest. You felt his breath hitch, and you couldn’t imagine how badly the guilt was hurting him. He didn’t say anything, though. You were thankful for that.
When your breathing slowed down, Caliban’s arms loosened and you allowed yourself to get more comfortable in his arms. You felt him kiss the top of your head before feeling his fingers lift your chin up to face him. Words didn’t leave his mouth, but you knew exactly what he was saying.
I’m sorry
You smiled at him sadly before cupping his face, “I love you,”
He smiled back before pressing his lips against yours. Your mouth moved against his in a soft passionate kiss. The kiss was filled with a love you never thought you’d be able to feel, but when Caliban pulled away to whisper those three words back, you knew it was real.
His thumb caressed your cheek slowly before he pressed a quick kiss against your lips.
“What song, babygirl?” He sighed as he laid his head against the pillow.
“My mom’s lullaby,”
He chuckled lightly before nodding.
Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
And hold it tight
Your nightmares arose from a past that was more traumatic than most.
I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry
And Caliban was forced to play a major role in that trauma long before you two found the love you share today.
'Cause you'll be in my heart
But in the end, it led him straight to you.
@octobeers @lena-davina @avocadopoosae @serpentlullaby @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @awkward-walking-potato @artaxerxesthegreat @reclusive-chicken-nugget @justaproudslytherpuff @nerds4life246 @heda-mikaelson @blog-lady-vi @reheated-coffee @igorsbby
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calibancangetit · 5 years
What if a witch did the spell to call a familiar (the one used by Sabrina in season 1) but messes up and ends up linked to Caliban? Could that be a good request? I really like your writing btw 💖
This is such a brilliant request! I’m sorry it’s kind of short, but I thought it was kinda cute. I hope I did it justice, and thank you I really appreciate it! 😖💕
The Familiar’s Fury (Caliban Imagine)
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Fear clouded your mind, and the farther you walked into the forest the more scared you became. Sabrina assures you that this was the best way to find a familiar, but something told you that it was probably better to get one off that catalog Aunt Zelda told you about. You knew Sabrina meant well, but ever since the pagans were destroyed and her second self took over Hell, she’s been having a very lassez-faire attitude about the world.
“Why does everything always turn out so well for her?” You mumbled as you kicked some stray rocks in your path.
You loved Sabrina. She was so kind to you when her family took you in a couple months after Sabrina’s first failed attempt to sign her name in the Book of the Beasts. You were a long lost cousin of sorts to the Spellmens, and they did everything they could to make you feel like a true Spellmen, including being a witch. However, you were certain Sabrina’s ways of the dark arts would only lead to a worse path for you.
A cold breeze blew through the trees, creating a worse mood throughout the forest. You pulled your cardigan closer to you and immediately regretted not wearing warmer clothing.
“Let’s just get this over with.” You groaned as you began the ritual.
You tried to remember every detail you could from Sabrina’s instructions. You were sure you did it right, but when you finished absolutely nothing happened. You pouted when the silence of the forest answered the question you were thinking.
“It didn’t work.”
You shrugged your shoulders before grabbing your bag that you put down before the ritual. You adjusted the things inside before spinning on your heel to head home. However, your face was met with a broad chest.
You looked up and saw a pair of green eyes and a beautiful smile facing you.
“Well, if I knew a woman as beautiful as you was going to be the one to take me out of that rock, I would have dressed better.”
You screamed as you pushed him from you; the force of your push had him stumbling backwards for a second, but he recovered swiftly. Your eyes went wide as you were completely dumbfounded by the whole ordeal.
“W-who the hell are you?” You asked as you reached into your bag for some kind of weapon.
Unfortunately, you only had a small, dull pocket knife. You raised it up and aimed it at him with as much confidence as you could muster. The man only eyed the knife before waving his hand causing it to fly from your hands. Your chest heaved as you tried to make a run for the knife once more, but the man had already grabbed you by your arm. You pulled against him, but he just tightened his grip on your wrist.
“I don’t usually illicit such a response from a woman like this; well, except one.” He mumbled but you only continued to stare at him in horror.
“W-What do you want?”
He smiled at your question before slowly releasing your arm. You rubbed your sore wrist before frowning at him and patting your clothes off.
“You summoned me here and out of my imprisonment. I just wanted to thank you is all.”
You cleared your throat awkwardly as you held onto the strap of your bag, “Oh, well, you’re welcome. Was that all?”
His face dropped suddenly and you felt very uncomfortable under his gaze, “Well, I guess so then. I guess I’ll be off,”
A circle of fire surrounded him as he disappeared into thin air. Your fingers played over the skin he touch, and you swore you felt like he was still touching you.”
You shook your head when suddenly a spark of fire started in front of you. As it died out the man from earlier fell to the floor in front of you.
“What the-” he whispered as he took a look around his surroundings. His eyes landed on you and he quickly scrambled up to his feet before pointing a finger at you.
“Look I get it. It was fun the first time, but quit summoning me. Don’t you think once was enough?”
You scoffed as you face contorted into one of disbelief, “I didn’t summon you at all. I was summoning a familiar. I don’t even know who you are,”
“Caliban. Prince of Hell. Ring a bell?”
“How could you be prince of Hell, while Sabrina is queen?”
Rage filled his eyes as he stomped over to you as backed you up to a tree.
“You know, Sabrina! How the hell do you know her? I never saw you with her when she was fighting for the crown!” He interrogated.
A rush of confidence hit you at the mention of your cousin’s name. “Let’s just say I was doing some soul searching during that time, asshole!”
You pushed him off of you before making a run for it. You heard his footsteps chase after you, and just before you saw the treeline, you were tackled to the ground.
“Get off!”
“Would you shut up! Someone’s here!” Caliban hushed you.
Your voice went quiet when he saw who he was talking about. Four men creeped through the forest as they snickered to themselves.
“I know I saw her. She was a witch, doing some kind of spell. She was chanting. We can’t have any witches here.” One of them explained as he held his rifle tighter.
Caliban moved off of you before casting a glamour to hide you both from the men. You hid yourself as far against the ground as you could.
“Witch hunters.” Caliban whispered.
You nodded as you watched the men leave further into the forest. As soon as they were out of earshot, Caliban took off the glamour. You let out a deep breath before thanking him shyly. He kneeled beside your laying form before chuckling.
“Don’t worry about it.”
You kneeled and brushed off the dirt and leaves that clinged to your clothing. Caliban stood up and lent a hand to help you up.
“Why did you help me?” You asked as he handed you your bag that fell.
“It would seem that I am now obligated to help you.”
You furrowed your eyebrows before asking him to explain further. He sighed and showed you his arm that had your name scrawled across his wrist. Your fingers traced your name on his skin before staring up at him amazed. You didn’t notice the way Caliban’s breath hitched at the way your fingers danced across his skin, or the way you he couldn’t stop staring into your eyes. He quickly shook himself out of it and recovered smoothly.
“Well, (Y/N), it would seem that I am your familiar,” he said with a smug smirk.
“Shit. I’m gonna kill Sabrina.”
@octobeers @lena-davina @avocadopoosae @serpentlullaby @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @awkward-walking-potato @artaxerxesthegreat @reclusive-chicken-nugget @justaproudslytherpuff @nerds4life246 @heda-mikaelson
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calibancangetit · 5 years
Owwww fuck The Devils Advocate is amazing, he could ,are her do anything with that book even go against her true purpose! Fucking hell bruh I’m hooked already and it’s only the first part
You all are literally the sweetest people on this platform. I kid you not, I’ve been trying to write The Devil’s Advocate for a month. I kept trying to write it, but I just didn’t like how it was turning out. I realized though that I was taking forever so I just finished it and posted it BUT YOU GUYS ARE REALLY LIKING IT AND IM SO SHOCKED like more shocked then the response I got for Love Blooms in Hell (Thank you so much for the love for that one btw) Unfortunately, I haven’t decided if there will be a second part buuut if I keep getting more requests for it I’ll do it right after I’ve caught up with my writing. Thank you so much! 🥺💕
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calibancangetit · 5 years
The Devil’s Advocate (Caliban Imagine)
Pairing: Caliban x Reader
Request: “enemies to lovers caliban x reader?? please??” - @octobeers
“Hi! Could I request an enemies to love fic with caliban? And reader is kind of like black widow from avengers?? Idk I'm terrible at this 😬. I love your writing ❤” - @lydiadane
Summary: Among all the demons of Hell, Lucifer has one ace in his deck that will do whatever she has to do to preserve the Morningstar throne.
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You hate to say that you weren’t completely shocked about where you were being contained at the moment. A cramped cell forged of Damascus steel kept you at the complete mercy of Lilith. She would occasionally drag her long fingers across the bars in order to rile you up and bang against the bars when you weren’t expecting it. You really wanted to rip her throat out, and the entirety of Hell including Lilith knew you could. However, the slightest attempt to kill her gave Lilith enough grounds to have you executed.
That was probably the reason she hated you so much. She was finally queen of Hell, and she couldn’t even put down Lucifer’s precious guard dog. At least not while all of Hell glorified you. You were notorious for being the Devil’s ruthless minion. If Sabrina was the Devil’s sword, you were his armor. You protected him with your life, and you were raised to end it all for him. Well, you were supposed to.
You weren’t really responsible for protecting just Lucifer. Your entire existence revolved around the protection and security of the Morningstar bloodline. That being said if Lucifer needed to preserve his bloodline, you would move on from Lucifer and protect his children. However, you weren’t expecting his child to be the cause of his downfall.
You snapped your head up at the sound of Lilith’s voice. She had been waiting for a response you couldn’t give her. She obviously didn’t care about a word you said, but she did enjoy how annoyed you would get when she was near you.
“We’ve got some visitors, you know. A special Morningstar seemed to find her way back into our arms,” she mocked.
You tried to keep your face expressionless. You couldn’t let her see how you were feeling. The truth was that you were insanely worried about Sabrina. She was your mission despite what she did. If anything happened to her, the blame would fall on you not Lilith.
“Well, it would be the first time we’ve had true royalty in Pandemonium for a while,” you seethed.
You felt her cold gaze on you, but you only ignored it and picked at your nails. You masked your embarrassment with sarcasm and spite. How could you, Hell’s most deadliest assassin, be kept in some crate like a dog.
“Your majesty, your guests have arrived,”
Lilith smiled at her minion before chuckling to herself. She was getting her way, and it enraged you. From your cell you could clearly hear the chatter of Sabrina and whoever was with her. You had to get her to wake up and realize the danger she was putting everyone in. This imbalance will doom you all.
You watched Lilith leave the room in absolute disgust. As soon as the grand doors closed you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. You eyed the room for a plan-any plan when your eyes landed on the bruised and bloodied boy across the room. The devil was in there, and you were damn sure he was raising Hell inside Scratch’s head. Perhaps, this was your ticket out of this cage.
You smirked at Sabrina’s attempt to crown Lilith as queen. You had a better chance of being queen than Lilith did, not that you would ever take the chance. As anyone could have guessed, nobody approved of Lilith.
“It would seem, Lilith, that no one else here sees you as a royal. Now who would have guessed that?” You asked to nobody in particular.
Lilith glared at you as the entire court finally took notice of you in your cell hidden in the back of the room. At once everyone was enraged.
“How dare you lock up Hell’s greatest line of defense!” The king Beelzebub scolded as the kings walked up to your cage and attempted to unlock it.
“She offers no true value to this throne. If she was, Lucifer would still be here!” Lilith mocked as she turned away from you.
“I could not protect him from another Morningstar. I was instructed to protect Sabrina at all cost, and in that moment, Lucifer became her most dangerous threat. I allowed her to defeat him!” You explained to the court, who obviously understood the predicament you found yourself in that day.
“If anyone could agree on one thing today,” a voice called out from the back of the room,” is that Hell is in caos because of Lilith and the young Morningstar.”
You watched a young man push through the crowd as he presented himself to the court. “I motion to create a new royal lineage to be created for Hell!”
Your breath caught at the back of your throat as you stood up in shock at the notion. The kings stopped fumbling with your lock for a moment to back up the man’s idea.
“Who are you to even suggest a ridiculous idea?” You asked incredulously.
“Our protector,” the king Asmodeus began respectfully, “This is Caliban, Prince of Hell. He was forged from the pit itself to rule over Hell in Lucifer’s absence.”
Caliban smirked at your disbelief and only rolled his eyes.
“Sabrina is the only royal capable of taking over. I can not stand for this.” You rejected the entire suggestion.
“So if she was no longer around, would you stand for it then?” Caliban countered as he neared your cell.
“Is that a threat to the Morningstar throne?” You spat as your glare on him intensified.
“More of a promise,” he whispered to only you.
You raged as you tried to make a reach for him through the bars. He moved away from you smugly.
You looked to Sabrina who was watching the whole situation in complete shock while her precious friends watched in horror. They were so useless in this state. You used all the strength you could muster to push some of your power into Nicholas Scratch’s body. You watched Sabrina become entranced with the boy’s glowing red eyes, and you knew Lucifer was able to use your power to communicate with her.
“Lilith!” The false queen jumped at the sound of your harsh voice before recovering. “Release me before I tear every thing that breathes apart.”
“I would never-“
“You would really allow the only person capable of protecting you to rot in a cage due to your pride?” Caliban asked, doubt traced in his voice.
“I do not need protection from a nosy bitch; I can protect myself easily,”
“Do you wanna bet on that?” Caliban threatened as he neared the throne once more.
“Enough!” Sabrina’s voice boomed.
The room was absolutely silent from Sabrina’s outburst.
“Are you cra-“ she was cut off by Sabrina.
“Release her.”
“But-“ Lilith attempted.
You smirked at the sight of the young queen as she sat upon the throne. It would seem Lucifer got to her after all. Lilith reluctantly waved her hand, and the cage immediately disappeared. You walked up the first steps of the throne and kneeled before Sabrina.
“My queen,”
The room filled with whispers as you stood up and placed yourself right beside Sabrina’s throne.
Sabrina’s voice rang throughout the room as she announced her acceptance of the throne as well as Lilith as her regent. You stood proudly beside Sabrina before catching Caliban’s stare. You peaked his interest. The smirk he wore told you that, but you only returned it with an ice cold glare despite him standing up for you against Lilith.
“Furthermore,” you added after Sabrina finished, “Any threat to the queen from here on out will be taken care of by me,”
Caliban chuckled to himself before bowing to you. The court was dismissed immediately, and you did your best to ignore Caliban’s wink as he walked out. You wouldn’t be seeing the last of him.
You wandered the halls of Pandemonium. Sabrina was back on Earth, and Lilith was taking care of royal duties. You were extremely bored. Now that Lucifer was trapped, you were forced to doing nothing all day. Sabrina didn’t use you much, but you were quite sure she had no idea how to.
When you were first introduced to this world, you were controlled by a special book. You met terrible people who used you to do worse things. Then, you were given to Lucifer. Lucifer only needed to write inside what he needed you to do, and you would lose all your free will until the task was complete. Lucifer rarely used the book, though. You would of done whatever he asked as long as he didn’t use the book. Lucifer thought it best to have the book hidden, so no one else knew of its power.
“Well, if it isn’t the Devil’s advocate,” a voiced rang from behind you, snapping you out of your thoughts.
You quirked up an eyebrow and turned around to the voice. Of course, it had to be Caliban. You rolled your eyes and continued walking in the direction you were heading, giving him the cold shoulder.
You heard him laugh to himself before grabbing your forearm and turning you around. “Listen, I have a proposal for you.”
You eyed the way his hand pressed into your arm and then before he could react, you pulled back his finger hard. He cursed under his breath as he shook his hand in pain.
“Damn, I knew you were fiery, but that was a little excessive, Princess,” he winced as he rubbed his finger.
“I’ve never been one to play with mud. Leave,” you ordered as you crossed your arms.
“Look, will you at least hear me out?” He asked as he recovered.
If you weren’t bored out of your mind, you wouldn’t have even allowed him to look at you. You suppose you could amuse yourself with his request.
“What do you want?”
“An alignment,” he said as he neared you once more, “We could align and rule Hell together.”
Your eyes went wide, and you almost cackled at the mere thought.
“Alignment? Why would you ever think I would align with you of all people?” You asked as you tried to muffle your laughter.
When you looked at him again, he was suddenly extremely close to you. He tilted his head as he peered down at you. You felt his fingers brush your hair away from your shoulder before he slid them down your arm.
“I get the feeling,” he whispered before pushing you against the hallway wall, “you’re more interested than you give yourself credit for.”
You grabbed onto his shoulders for support from the sudden maneuver. You scoffed at his accusation once you realized what he was implying.
“And I get the feeling,” you whispered in his ear as your hands entangled themselves in his hair, “that you think too highly of yourself,”
You suddenly flipped him around so that he was now in your position. The disbelief scrawled across his features was amusing, but you wouldn’t entertain his proposal any longer. You patted his cheek before walking off again with big smile across your face.
“That’s a shame. I was hoping you would do so willingly,”
You spun on your heel at his words and when your eyes landed on the book he made appear in his hands, you almost fainted.
“H-How did you get that?”
“What,” he asked as he pouted innocently, “did you lose your morale?”
Your breathing picked up as you made a desperate grab for the book, but Caliban easily kept it out of your reach. During that attempt, he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you against his chest. It knocked the breath out of you, but you continued to reach for that book. Caliban made the book vanish quickly and grabbed a hold of your chin to force you to face him.
“Princess, things are going to be very different between us from now on.” He whispered as he rubbed his thumb across your chin, “you, my queen, are going to make me a king,”
I’m so sorry this took me forever to write. Still I hope you liked it. Also, I only have permanent taglist, so if you asked to be tagged for certain things, you were automatically put here. Let me know if you don’t want to be tagged anymore please or if you would like to be. It’s good to be back!😊
@octobeers @lena-davina @avocadopoosae @peachesandknifes @serpentlullaby @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @awkward-walking-potato @artaxerxesthegreat @reclusive-chicken-nugget @justaproudslytherpuff @nerds4life246 @heda-mikaelson
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calibancangetit · 5 years
do you write smut?
I am willing to write smut now. However, since this blog is fairly new. I want to ease into it with the lighter stuff, so probably the more intense smut I’ve seen on this site will not be written yet.
So by that I mean like non-con, dub-con, or degrading. Things like those, and I know those can be very triggering to some readers, so I want everyone to be able to read my posts for now. However, further down the line, I maybe more incline to write that stuff if you all seem like you really want to read it. 😊
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calibancangetit · 5 years
Hello y’all! I am absolutely amazed by the support you all have given me. It really brings a smile on my face when I read my notifications. I do read every comment and request, so I am doing this on a first come first serve basis, but imagines will start coming up soon. Right now I’m focusing on college, and I am currently visiting a school I’d like to transfer to, so after I’m done with all that, I’ll be right back to writing! Thank you all again!
Also, I can’t believe how much you all enjoyed Love Blooms in Hell. You all just make me so excited to write again. Thank you!!! ☺️
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calibancangetit · 5 years
hi! i loved your caliban imagine, is there going to be a part 2?
There wasn’t going to be. That imagine was going to end a whole other way. I also really struggled making it, and I had expected the response for it to be very poor, but I think at the moment that was my fastest growing post. I’ve been getting lots of comments for a part two as well, so I think I’ll go ahead and do it. Thank you for the lovely response to my writing 🥺
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calibancangetit · 5 years
Hi, I really liked writing my latest imagine for Caliban, and I wanted to focus more on writing things you want to read, so please go ahead and request anything for Caliban, and I’ll go ahead and write it. I’d like to avoid smut for now. I’m not confident enough in my writing to write that. Otherwise, you got creative liberty with your requests. Thank you!!!
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calibancangetit · 5 years
Love Blooms in Hell (Caliban Imagine)
Summary: When fate, or a certain warlock, force a mortal into Hell, she will be forced to team up with a complete stranger to survive.
Warnings: Extreme Violence, kidnapping
Note: You all have been so supportive of my Caliban series, I thought it was only right to give you this. Thank you so much!!! Happy Valentines Day 💝
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You pulled on your chains frantically as you heard his footsteps come closer to where you were being held. Your knuckles became sore from the pressure you put on the chains, and to make matters worse, the chains didn’t move an inch. The creaking of the floorboards outside your door only heightened your anxiety as you gave up on the chains and searched for a weapon of some kind.
How long had you been down here? How did he find you, and what did he want?
He never explicitly told you. He only ever gave you his name. Other than that, all you know is that you were walking home from Baxter High and then suddenly you were trapped here. This room was dark and cold, and you were most definitely starving. Your captor mockingly knocked on your door. Your body started to shake as you watched the doorknob twist open.
“Hello, Darling! It’s time to shine,”
You whimpered at the sound of Dorian Gray’s voice. He always spoke to you in an over enthused tone, and on any other day you’d be annoyed. Today, you were only scared. Perhaps you were weak? Perhaps you were being pitiful? You didn’t care; you just wanted to go home.
He gave you a sadistic smile as he pulled on your chains harshly. Your body sprung forward by his sheer strength before he began dragging you across the floor. You kicked, screamed, and begged, but you could tell he was dead set on whatever his agenda was.
“I truly apologize.” he grunted as he struggled to pull you. “I normally don’t use mortals for this, but I’m running low on witches.”
What the hell did he mean by witches. You were dealing with a real lunatic, and you definitely did not have enough crime show experience under your belt to know how to deal with him. You cried out as the handcuffs tore into your wrists.
“You we’re, I’m afraid, just too easy to pass up. You basically fell right into my lap,”
You sobbed as you tried ignore the burning in your wrists and pulled back. Unfortunately after several minutes of being tug a war with your wrists and being tossed around like a rag doll, Dorian finally threw you in front of a series of horrific paintings that gave you absolute chills. You shuddered and used your last ounce of will to fight to attempt to crawl away, but Dorian only pulled you up by your hair and forced your eyes to meet his. You gasped at the look on his face. His eyes were glazed with anger and desperation with the most unsettling frown you had ever seen.
“This is how this’ll go. If you ever want to come back and see your family again, you will do exactly as I say without error.” Hot tears poured out of your eyes as you nodded your head in reluctant agreement.
He chuckled; he was clearly pleased with your cooperation. He slowly unchained your wrists then kissed the raw skin of each. You almost gagged at the feel of his chapped lips on you.
“You will walk into that painting and retrieve a special flower from the Forest of Torment once you go through it. It’ll be the only flower there. Then, you will recite these words to get back.” He said as he pushed a paper into your hand.
You looked between him and the paper repeatedly before slapping him across the face without a second thought. The force of your hit made his head turn, but he quickly recovered.
“You kidnapped me for a fucking flower! You want me to jump into a piece of paper. You’re psychotic!” You shouted.
You didn’t realize his fist was coming straight for your face until it was too late. Your body tumbled to the ground as you weeped on the floor. Dorian rolled his eyes as he roughly grabbed your forearm and yanked you closer to the painting.
“The spell will only work if you have the flower-“
“Please, I swear to God-“
“God?” He asked as he stopped in his tracks to cackle in your face. “There is no God where you’re going.”
He suddenly launched you into the painting in front of you. You expected to collide headfirst into the wall behind it but instead you crashed right into freezing cold water. Your body thrashed around from the intense force of the waves. You only had a few seconds of air from when you entered the painting, and the temperature of the water made you want to gasp for more. Your lungs burned as they tried to keep the remaining oxygen you were holding inside your lungs. As you felt that air leave your body, a final wave had you tumbling onto dry land. You hacked up as much water from your lungs as you could before crawling out of the shallow water.
Holding yourself up by your elbows as you tried to regain your breath, you looked around to gather your bearings. You were at a beach? Loud groans caught your attention, and when you turned around on your back towards the ocean to locate the source, you found the eyes of dozens of people in cages staring right at you. You wailed at the sight and clumsily ran up the beach in tears before bumping into a large mound of sand. The collision had you stumbling backwards into a pair of arms, which greatly influenced your decision to thrash around like a maniac in that same person’s arms.
“W-Would you just calm down?” A voice struggled to say before letting you go.
You turned around to come face to face with a very attractive man. A shirt was lazily thrown over his shoulders, exposing his chest and abs, and his loose curls were swaying in the breeze. You waited a minute to catch your breath from your earlier struggle and he let you.
“What’s a mortal like you doing in Hell anyway?” He asked as he observed your figure carefully.
“What do you mean Hell? You know what, nevermind, I need your help,”
He crossed his arms and nodded his head for you to continue.
“I-I don’t know where I am or what this place is. He pushed me through a freaking painting, and he needs me to get a flower or something. I know this sounds absolutely insane, but you’ve got to believe-”
Caliban could sense an impending anxiety attack, and to be frank, he was not in the mood to deal with it.
“I do, but who told you to do this?”
“Dorian Gray! He kidnapped me, and he said I couldn’t go back until I got him a stupid flower and recited this,” you said handing him the paper.
Caliban read it quickly, noticing that it was a spell in Latin. He could obviously tell that you had no idea what the paper said because of the glaring trick within the words. He chuckled at your naïveté before handing the paper back to you. You gave him a baffled look as he walked back to his castle.
“That spell will ONLY bring the flower back not you. He tricked you, princess.”
“What?” You mumbled as you tried to decipher the spell yourself.
Caliban only shrugged and made his way back to his castle. You, however fell to your knees in despair.
A spell? Like as in witchcraft. Did a spell get me through that painting? Does that mean this truly is Hell, and you are stuck here!
You turned around to face the guy from earlier, but he was too focused on his build. Caliban, of course noticed you watching him, but he gave no sign of this to you.
You had no idea where to go or what to do, but if this is Hell and this guy had the balls to build a fucking sandcastle here, then it would probably be better for you to stick with him.
“It needs a moat,” you suggested.
Caliban quirked an eyebrow at your unprovoked advice. You didn’t look at him. Your eyes were too focused on the small windows Caliban was creating. A hint of a smile ghosted his lips as he admired you silently.
“What’s your name?”
A month had passed since your arrival to Hell. There was no agreement or deal of any kind, but Caliban had decided to take you under his wing. You, of course, had no problem with that. After Caliban confirmed that this was Hell, you knew there was no way you could survive alone.
While Caliban would never admit it, he honestly enjoyed your company. You were a really sweet and innocent soul when you weren’t angry or upset. You never complained, and you helped Caliban with anything you were capable of helping with. Your humor matched his perfectly, and he lived for making you blush. He was very pleased with the way you two complimented each other just right.
That was also his major issue, though. Caliban saw the overwhelming sadness in your eyes, and he listened to every rant you had about Dorian. He even saw the tears that fell whenever you thought of Greendale. He felt extremely guilty. He could have teleported you back home whenever he wanted to, but he wouldn’t. He just couldn’t let you go. However, Hell was no place for a mortal, and reality would soon hit Caliban in the face because of that fact.
You kneeled behind Caliban as you braided pieces of his hair together. He was, as per usual, building up his sandcastle while you mindlessly conversed with him. Caliban’s heart always swelled when you and him shared moments like this. They were moments where you and him just forgot about the torment and the suffering around you. It was the only place in Hell where love still bloomed.
“Caliban, do you ever plan on actually finishing this damn castle.” You asked as you stopped playing with his hair.
He mentally cursed at the loss of contact between the two of you but recovered smoothly.
“It would go by faster if you would help,” he sassed back at you.
You rolled your eyes and sat down beside him to admire the way his hands molded the sand. You knew of your feelings for Caliban for a while now due to the way your heart beated faster around him and how you seemed to stutter more than normal. You never acknowledged it or brought it up. It was better just to ignore it, right? How could he ever feel the same way about you.
“In case you forgot, I broke half the castle last time I tried to help.”
Caliban laughed at the memory. You were extremely upset and frantic when it happened, but he just enjoyed the sight of you trying to fix the mess. You were beautiful.
“Here.” Caliban grabbed your hand lightly and placed it on the bumpiest side of the castle.
Your face flushed at the feeling of his thumb slightly caressing your hand as he demonstrated the best technique to smooth out the wall. He let you do it on your own for a while as he watched you. You didn’t realize how close he was getting to you into you finally had the courage to look at him. He was staring at your lips. You thought you were hallucinating, but no he was definitely staring at your lips. You bit your lip in embarrassment, but Caliban’s sharp intake of breath signaled to you that was a major turn on. You blushed at the thought and looked away to hide it. His hand slowly creeped up behind your neck to bring your face closer to his. Your lips were so close to touching when a low laugh caught both of your attention.
Caliban’s eyes widened in horror at the sight of the Plague Kings in front of him. Caliban quickly sprung to his feet and pulled you behind him. It was too late; they saw you.
“A mortal, Caliban? I thought you were above this,” one of the kings commented.
Caliban’s breathing hurried from the fear of what would come next. Your hands made their way on his back to try to ease his anxiety, but it didn’t work. You didn’t know what they would do to you, but he definitely did. He’s seen it.
“Imagine the prince of Hell with his mortal whore,” the other king sneered, “it cannot be,”
You snapped your hands away from him when you heard the title. Prince of Hell?
“Kill her,”
At once the three kings rushed forward, but Caliban was already a step ahead. He pushed you to the ground and uttered some nonsensical words when a ring of fire suddenly surrounded you. When the fire dissipated, you were alone in Baxter High’s library.
When your breathing finally calmed, you tried to make sense of what had just happened. Caliban brought you back. He saved you. Before your thoughts could sink further a smaller fire started in front of you, and just like last time it stopped after a couple of seconds. In its place, a piece of paper lay flat on the floor. Scrawled in messy handwriting were the words, “I’m sorry”. You pondered of the meaning of the note when you realized something.
He could have sent you home the entire time?
He forced you to stay there. Hatred quickly replaced all feelings you once had for Caliban and just when you were about to scream in anger. The doors to the library slowly opened, revealing your best friend.
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calibancangetit · 5 years
Caliban Masterlist
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The Final Witch’s Quarry
Prologue // 1 //
Love Blooms in Hell
The Devil’s Advocate
The Familiar’s Fury
When She Sleeps
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