#caliban oneshot
Hi! I saw your comment, and I will definitely be checking out your blog!! :))) Are there any fics you would reccomend starting with? (They can be about anything haha)
Also omg a fellow Loveless and Radio Silence fan yayyy :D
Hi! Thanks for the ask!! :) (it’s good finding another fan!) Here are some of the fics I’ve read that I recommend starting with! :)
This entire series is amazing!! Very in-character and hilarious! It follows the Baudelaires and the Quagmires living together post-canon! :)
Word Count of entire series: 17k
Word Count of fic linked: 5k
🗣️Main characters: Violet Baudelaire🔧, Klaus Baudelaire📖,Sunny Baudelaire🍳, Beatrice II👶, Isadora Quagmire🖋️, Duncan Quagmire📰 and Quigley Quagmire🗺️.
Fic Type:
Found Family
Multichapter 📚
Set: Post-Canon⌛️
Rating: Gen ✅
‘AIIWY’ is one of my personal favourites 💜! It’s brought actual tears to my eyes. No joke, have had to put my phone down to process/pos
Word Count: 18k (Still updates)
🗣️Main Characters: Olivia Caliban, Jacquelin Scieszka and the Quagmire triplets
💘Main Ship: Olivia/Jacquelin
Fic Type:
Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Fluff and Angst
Multichapter 📚
Set: Post-Canon⌛️
Summary: "Olivia?"
She looks up in surprise, "Sorry, is everything alright?"
"Yes, better than alright! But... are you okay?"
"I'm okay," she smiles fondly, "Promise,"
She is okay. Her wounds have healed, and without them, she might never have escaped that organization with her fiancée, never met these children, her children, never to be snatched away again. They had been burned down to their lowest, until they built each other back up from the ground. And she would do it all over again, if it meant to be where she was now.
Jacquelyn, Olivia, and the Quagmires get the home that they deserve.
Book!Quagmires and Netflix!Quagmires are siblings. It’s hilarious. It’s queer. It’s more chaotic than you can imagine. It’s more that what any of us can ask for.
Word Count: 57k (Completed✅)
🗣️Main Characters: Book!Quagmire triplets and Netflix!Quagmire triplets (named Regina, Lewis and Carroll)
💘Main ships: Violet/Isadora 💜🖤, Klaus/Duncan 💙💚, Violet/Quigley💜💜, Regina/Carmelita💛🩷
Fic Type: Multichapter 📚
Set: During canon 🕰️
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: ‘It's not often you see an asoue AU in the perspective of the Quagmires story. It's not often either you see the Quagmires as sixtuplets. This, my friends, is going to be very fucking chaotic.’
[The author who wrote the sixtuplets au also wrote a fic ‘The Quagmire-Baudelaire’ switch which I already made a post about+HIGHLY recommend!] [Word Count: 95k]{Completed✅} The author is @weirdthoughtsandideas
A unique and haunting oneshot
Word count: 3k
🗣️Main Character: Friday Caliban
Fic type:
Angst with a happy ending and Found Family
🖤+🙂 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
One-shot 📕
Set: Post-Canon⌛️
Also by this author is the Runaway Baudelaire AU which I’ve already made a post about. It’s an exciting, dramatic and emotional fic!!
Word Count: 138k Fic Type: Canon- divergence, angst, hurt/comfort and Found Family
(By @unfortunate-stranger-losers )
Violet and Quigley reunite unexpectedly (with a twist)
Word Count: 2k
🗣️Main Character: Violet Baudelaire
Fic Type:
Angst and Hurt/Comfort
Set: Post-Canon⌛️
AU where Klaus dies after ‘ The End’ and time-travels back to ‘ The Austere Academy’! It’s really interesting and vivid! Also the characterisation is perfect!
Word Count: 12k (Still updates)
🗣️Main character: Klaus Baudelaire
💘Main ship: Klaus/ Duncan
Fic Type:
Fix-it, Canon-divergence, Time-travel, Falling in love, angst
Multichapter 📚
Set: During canon🕰️
(By @cygninae )
Enjoy reading!! Feel free to ask for more recs as there are a lot of amazing fics I haven’t mentioned yet! :)
Also, if anyone wants to add to this list you can via reblogging with links or by commenting! :)
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hehehheheheheh I have been writing obsessively recently so have an Unnamed Ruined Reality Alternate Universe Oneshot
this is a concept I made and outlined with my friend and I have finally actually translated it into proper written word??? Unimaginable
​also woopsies general AU stuff before you read: Filii/Filiae/Filius/Filia all take the place of the species Steve! The different Filii use different languages so their subspecies name is translates (ie. yellow -> Galben in Romanian, aquamarine -> Aquamarijn in Dutch, violet -> Violetto in Italian)
Griffin ran from the room, away from his mother, away from the horror he felt while looking at her. Caliban watched him go. In disbelief, she muttered, “No… Why would you run…?”
She stood still, staring out the open door to the hallway, her cell’s only source of light. Something moved to her left and her head snapped toward it immediately. And she saw… Athena. The glorious, loyal, deadly, traitorous Athena. The poor woman looked exhausted. She turned to Caliban with no hate in her eyes, which Caliban did not deserve.
“Because he knows what’s best for himself,” Athena spoke softly but intensely. “And so do I.” The general turned to leave the room.
Caliban could not allow that. She… She wanted Athena to stay. Stay with her. Why wouldn’t anyone stay? Why wouldn’t anyone listen?! She’s not insane! She’s not dangerous! She shouldn’t be stuck down here! They’ll leave her here to rot. No, no, no, the queen of nightmares will not rot before her traitors do. This traitor will not leave.
The Queen stepped forward and her restraints tensed immediately, chain pulling against chain. Her head rolled forward, as though she had little control of her own body, as though she was possessed. The Queen was a caged animal. With a sudden and very raw anger, she screamed.
The general stopped, bracing her weapon, but did not turn to the animal.
From the moisture in the air and the water sunk into the bricks, the general summoned a fist of water and ice to encase her right hand. It seemed she was preparing for a fight.
The general spoke lowly, something unreadable clouding her face. “I never said I was pure.”
The general took a deep breath…. Athena kept walking away. But the Queen could still see her. The Queen continued to scream after her. She could not stop herself.
Athena kept walking.
The Queen fell to her knees, having lost the battle against her metal restraints. But her corrupted eyes remained trained on Athena’s figure in the hallway, which had stopped moving. The Queen finally remained silent.
…Athena returned to the room. She walked over to the Queen, standing over her while the infected woman sat in her shadow. The Queen stared up at her old friend with her furious red eyes.
“...We have not killed you because we so desperately wish to save you,” whispered the general, leaning down closer. “I vowed long ago to never kill without reason. To never take a life that could be salvaged.” She still held her weapon in her hands and weariness in her eyes. This was what she came here for.
The general stood back up, straighter. “...I am sorry, Caliban. More than you know.” She gripped the weapon tighter. “Let me grant you peace.” This was what she came here for.
And yet, she saw something shift in the Queen’s eyes. When the fury faded, her eyes held only immense tiredness. And yet she smiled softly. Caliban bowed her head.
Athena looked down upon her. “...Tell me truthfully, Caliban… Did the Darkness really help you?”
Caliban bowed further. Her friend heard pain in her voice. “Please kill me….”
Athena’s eyes widened, she could hear her own heart beating. After only a second of consideration, she took the risk of wrapping her best friend in a hug. Caliban could not return it with the chains around her wrists still pulling, but she leaned into the Aquamarijn, savoring this last comfort, this last moment of lucidity. When Athena spoke, her voice was small and quiet, “I’m so sorry, Cal.”
Then, there was silence for a long time. “...Rest well for us…” Athena whispered. She raised her weapon behind Caliban’s back. The Galben did not brace herself for pain or death. All she did was nod, still leaning on her friend. Athena felt Caliban’s warm tears fall onto her shoulder.
“...Tell Griffin…” Caliban said when she decided she should speak, “...I’m sorry.”
“I will, I will. We love you so much.” Athena let the embrace linger for a minute longer.
“... You were wonderful.”
The final blow was swift and simple, to her back. Athena dropped her weapon right after, wrapping both arms around Caliban. The Galben did not scream. She died as she lived.
In pain.
But loved.
Athena laid her body down gently. She didn’t try to stop any tears from falling. Taking Caliban’s hand, she sat next to her for a little while. Grieving. The Galben looked at peace, despite the scars of Darkness… Athena stared at her face, thinking of it all. Their laughter, their joy, their girl’s nights. Their fights and disagreements, their friendship growing deeper. The Darkness. The glowing lights on Caliban’s dress and jewelry slowly dulled. It pained Athena.
She didn’t have to watch, she knew. But she would anyway. Caliban was her best friend. Athena would sit and stay until she was completely gone. So she sat.
Amadeo, Chief Violetto, walked slowly through the underground hallways of the Outpost with a crossbow in hand. He wanted to be safe, in case Athena had been unable to handle the Nightmare Queen. He doubted that she would fail—she was the one who suggested this, after all—but… just in case. He hesitantly poked his head through the open doorway and scanned the room for any sign of a struggle or fight. There was none. Then he saw Athena, with Caliban in her arms.
“...Athena?” he whispered.
Athena did not look up.
Amadeo walked in further. The cell was so isolated. So dark and wet. They’d all regretted placing Caliban here. But her behavior was just becoming too erratic. He saw Athena sitting quietly, staring at the Filia Galben, who looked to merely be asleep. But the scars… They’d looked so shallow, but they’d run so deep. Amadeo knelt down next to both of them, facing the back wall.
“...We’ll miss her,” he said.
Athena gave a small nod. “Always.” She felt guilt. But she knew this kill was in mercy. Caliban’s last words rang in her head. Please kill me. I’m sorry.
Amadeo relaxed his shoulders and set his crossbow down away from the women. There was pain in him. There was always pain in him, but there were times when it became clearer. This was one of those times. “There was no fight?”
“...She asked me to end it herself.”
He leaned back and looked at the ceiling. “She was still there?”
Athena was silent for a moment. “Do you think… we still could have saved her?”
Amadeo had been in Athena’s position before. He took a deep breath. “...No. Whatever was left of her… It was just suffering…. You saved her.”
…Athena brought one of Caliban’s hands to her face, placing it on her cheek. It was already cold against her skin. “...How is Griffin…?”
The Chief Violetto sighed and looked back down to the wall. “Vaughn is comforting him. He knows this was all we could do.” He frowned sadly. “We won’t be able to give him a proper coronation. …But I don’t think it matters at this point.”
“There is nothing to rule over…” Athena said. Four. There were four Filii Galben left. Amadeo rubbed his face. He was… exhausted. They all were exhausted.
“...Where will we bury her?” Athena asked quietly.
“...I don’t know if we should with all that Darkness, Ath…”
Right, Athena thought.
“We could… ask the Rojos to cremate her?” Amadeo suggested. “It’s just… The Royal Galben tombs are unreachable…”
Slowly, Athena nodded.
“...I’m sorry. You were closer to her than any of us.”
Athena… gave a small smile. Amadeo assumed the gesture was meant for his sake, but she still stared at the corpse. “It is alright. I would rather her be at peace than in pain. Even if by my own hand.” But she had cried and would again. She grieved for every kill she committed. Amadeo knew.
He thought and thought in their silence. About the World Beyond and Below. About his fellow leaders. About death and sadness. He didn’t cry for Caliban, he couldn’t. He had no tears left in him. He thought about Pietro. How Amadeo had held his body in the same way Athena held Caliban’s. How the same thoughts had run through his head. How doomed and ruined everything felt.
But he had allies now…. He was not alone in an old, corrupted village. They would all comfort Athena. They would all honor Caliban somehow. Griffin would be given the title he deserved. They would all continue to try.
He shut his eyes and stood, grabbing his crossbow. “I will… go inform King Rei.”
He… he walked away. And Athena was alone again. With a body that was slowly getting cold. More tears fell.
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prurientpuddlejumper · 2 months
ok but SHOULD I write fluffy little oneshots about Caliban? XD
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tumblrisweird · 1 year
This week's Lancer session was really fun. Two people from our normal crew weren't able to make it, so the GM set up a oneshot for us. We pulled a few people from the PilotNet discord and used new LL3 characters. I played a mob guy who went by Fast Eddy and piloted a Horus Gorgon (with the flavor of it looking like Moder from The Ritual). We were fighting a bunch of enemies on an exterior walkway of a large ship flying above a city having a festival. We had a great time, especially with the Caliban knocking enemies over the side several times. I also used my core ability which proved incredibly powerful. Multiple times flying enemies would try to attack me or nearby allies, only to get stunned by my core ability or traits, and plummet to the planet below. Using the war pike from the first LL of Nelson also added fun, as it gave me a threat 3 weapon with knockback to overwatch with. Despite being a tank and spending pretty much the whole mission surrounded by enemies, I didn't even structure once (though I did have to do a stabilize repair when I got to 1 hp at one point). Overall, had a great time and confirmed that the Gorgon is a fantastic frame for my playstyle.
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imaginefan · 4 years
Offer Still Stands
Caliban X Reader
Word Count: 1171
Requested: Anon
Request: Being confident and sarcastic all the time but when Caliban comes around your mood changes a little you tend to be rude to him to hide that you like him. One shot.
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You were probably the most witch-like human friend that Sabrina had, you were sarcastic and very strong-willed, you weren't easily scared so when Sabrina found out about her witch heritage you were the one that she was least scared to tell and you didn't really say too much about it, it was a shock to you but that was all finding out that all of that existed didn't make you change the way that you lived or the people that you talked to. Now most of Sabrina's problems didn't directly affect you and to be fair her latest fight to be Queen Of Hell didn't affect you either but when she came to you with her problem you were there to listen and to provide what seemed to you obvious advice.
"So what you're telling me is that there's a guy who claims that he should be King Of Hell?" You asked. "Yeah, he proposed a competition." She answered. "And?" You asked. "Well that's it" She answered. "Whoever wins rules." "Well then win." You shrugged. "Caliban was born in Hell how can I hope to beat him?" Sabrina asked. "By bringing a new kind of you to the table, I know you can do it, I've seen you do it. Remember that you have magic to use it." You said, she looked at you and you smiled "I know that you can win but I think that's what scares you."
You didn't hear anything more from Sabrina after that, you hoped that she had taken your advice on board but you weren't one to sit around worrying you asked Harvey and the rest when you saw them but it was becoming harder and harder to find them as well. One night you were sitting on your bed when Sabrina and another boy appeared in your room "Sabrina." You greeted her and then you looked at the other boy that had appeared with her, she watched you quietly. "He's the guy isn't he?" You asked. "How do you know that?" He asked as he looked you up and down. "You have the confidence of someone who wants to be king." You answered crossing your arms over your chest. "Caliban." He introduced himself and you looked at him and raised an eyebrow as he put his hand out, you didn't take it, you looked at Sabrina (mostly because you feared that if you looked at him any longer you were going to cave). "What are you doing here 'Brina, you usually stop by when you need something." You said as you leant up against your bedpost, by now Caliban had started to look around your room, you assumed this was the first time that he'd seen a human room and the wonder that took over his face almost made you smile. "Well actually it's Harvey and Theo, they need our help, they asked me to get you." She answered. "So why have you brought the prince of hell then?" You asked. "He might be able to help." She answered. "Yeah for something in exchange, this could be how he gets you to forfeit." You informed her and she sighed. "Let's just see what happened." Sabrina said and you sighed before nodding and told her that you'll meet her outside when you were ready.
When you got to Harvey's you realised that the situation was more dire then you though, Ros had been turned to stone and Sabrina had no idea how to fix it "I might be able to help your friend." You looked over at Caliban. "In exchange for?" You asked. "I have a proposal that I wish to make away from the courts of Hell, if my Queen were to entertain it then I would help your friend." He explained. "What do you know about turning stone to flesh?" Sabrina asked. "I'm made of clay" He reminded her. "I'm sorry made of clay?" You asked. "Mmm." He hummed as he looked at you again with a smirk on his face. "If he can save Ros." Harvey jumped in. "I'll do it." Sabrina agreed. "We'll need a mutual party." He looked at you and you rolled your eyes before standing up. "Let's go." You ordered.
You had taken a seat at the farthest end of the room from the two bickering royals but the moment that they started talking about the proposal you listened, you listened to them argue about marriage until he proposed something else "What about marrying someone that you can trust." He suggested. "Who do you know that I trust?" She asked and then you felt them looking at you. "No" You answered and they both raised an eyebrow. "I'm not marrying anyone."  They had assumed that you weren't listening considering you were looking at your phone. "Well then maybe we should just save your friend, your hearts may soften to me after." He said as he handed Sabrina the book. "Mm yeah sure." You muttered. A trip to the highschool and one failed offering later you were jumping in the middle of Caliban and Harvey to stop a fight "Okay I don't think this is helping anyone!" You pushed Harvey while using your body to stop Caliban from moving forward. "I should kick your ass." Harvey threatened. "Harvey I swear to god if you don't calm down, I'll kick your ass." You warned him as Sabrina walked towards Theo and Robin who you were vaguely aware of having a conversation. Robin explained that there was another way that you could try and get Ros back but there was no guarantee that he was going to work out in your favour. Sabrina decided that she was going to ask for some help from someone at the school before telling all of you to go home. "Be careful Sabrina."
You'd just walked into your bedroom when you realised that Caliban was sitting on your bed "what the hell are you doing here?" You asked. "Don't worry, I'm just here to thank you." He answered. "Thank me?" You asked. "For protecting me from your mortal friend... Not that I needed it." He shrugged and you rolled your eyes. "You started off strong there, you really did." You sighed as you dropped your bag on the floor and walked over to your desk chair. "Is there something else?" "Why?" He asked. "You hadn't shown much care for my safety before that." "Maybe it wasn't your safety I was worried about." You shrugged. "Then why threaten him and not me?" He asked. "I can threaten you if that's what you want." You informed him and he smirked. "I like you." He said. "That's nice, now if you don't mind I have things that I need to be getting on with." You informed him as you turned away from him, you heard him get up and you held your breath as he got closer. "The offer still stands." He said softly his lips next to your ear and when you turned he was gone.
Requests and general question!
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calibancangetit · 5 years
Love Blooms in Hell (Caliban Imagine)
Summary: When fate, or a certain warlock, force a mortal into Hell, she will be forced to team up with a complete stranger to survive.
Warnings: Extreme Violence, kidnapping
Note: You all have been so supportive of my Caliban series, I thought it was only right to give you this. Thank you so much!!! Happy Valentines Day 💝
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You pulled on your chains frantically as you heard his footsteps come closer to where you were being held. Your knuckles became sore from the pressure you put on the chains, and to make matters worse, the chains didn’t move an inch. The creaking of the floorboards outside your door only heightened your anxiety as you gave up on the chains and searched for a weapon of some kind.
How long had you been down here? How did he find you, and what did he want?
He never explicitly told you. He only ever gave you his name. Other than that, all you know is that you were walking home from Baxter High and then suddenly you were trapped here. This room was dark and cold, and you were most definitely starving. Your captor mockingly knocked on your door. Your body started to shake as you watched the doorknob twist open.
“Hello, Darling! It’s time to shine,”
You whimpered at the sound of Dorian Gray’s voice. He always spoke to you in an over enthused tone, and on any other day you’d be annoyed. Today, you were only scared. Perhaps you were weak? Perhaps you were being pitiful? You didn’t care; you just wanted to go home.
He gave you a sadistic smile as he pulled on your chains harshly. Your body sprung forward by his sheer strength before he began dragging you across the floor. You kicked, screamed, and begged, but you could tell he was dead set on whatever his agenda was.
“I truly apologize.” he grunted as he struggled to pull you. “I normally don’t use mortals for this, but I’m running low on witches.”
What the hell did he mean by witches. You were dealing with a real lunatic, and you definitely did not have enough crime show experience under your belt to know how to deal with him. You cried out as the handcuffs tore into your wrists.
“You we’re, I’m afraid, just too easy to pass up. You basically fell right into my lap,”
You sobbed as you tried ignore the burning in your wrists and pulled back. Unfortunately after several minutes of being tug a war with your wrists and being tossed around like a rag doll, Dorian finally threw you in front of a series of horrific paintings that gave you absolute chills. You shuddered and used your last ounce of will to fight to attempt to crawl away, but Dorian only pulled you up by your hair and forced your eyes to meet his. You gasped at the look on his face. His eyes were glazed with anger and desperation with the most unsettling frown you had ever seen.
“This is how this’ll go. If you ever want to come back and see your family again, you will do exactly as I say without error.” Hot tears poured out of your eyes as you nodded your head in reluctant agreement.
He chuckled; he was clearly pleased with your cooperation. He slowly unchained your wrists then kissed the raw skin of each. You almost gagged at the feel of his chapped lips on you.
“You will walk into that painting and retrieve a special flower from the Forest of Torment once you go through it. It’ll be the only flower there. Then, you will recite these words to get back.” He said as he pushed a paper into your hand.
You looked between him and the paper repeatedly before slapping him across the face without a second thought. The force of your hit made his head turn, but he quickly recovered.
“You kidnapped me for a fucking flower! You want me to jump into a piece of paper. You’re psychotic!” You shouted.
You didn’t realize his fist was coming straight for your face until it was too late. Your body tumbled to the ground as you weeped on the floor. Dorian rolled his eyes as he roughly grabbed your forearm and yanked you closer to the painting.
“The spell will only work if you have the flower-“
“Please, I swear to God-“
“God?” He asked as he stopped in his tracks to cackle in your face. “There is no God where you’re going.”
He suddenly launched you into the painting in front of you. You expected to collide headfirst into the wall behind it but instead you crashed right into freezing cold water. Your body thrashed around from the intense force of the waves. You only had a few seconds of air from when you entered the painting, and the temperature of the water made you want to gasp for more. Your lungs burned as they tried to keep the remaining oxygen you were holding inside your lungs. As you felt that air leave your body, a final wave had you tumbling onto dry land. You hacked up as much water from your lungs as you could before crawling out of the shallow water.
Holding yourself up by your elbows as you tried to regain your breath, you looked around to gather your bearings. You were at a beach? Loud groans caught your attention, and when you turned around on your back towards the ocean to locate the source, you found the eyes of dozens of people in cages staring right at you. You wailed at the sight and clumsily ran up the beach in tears before bumping into a large mound of sand. The collision had you stumbling backwards into a pair of arms, which greatly influenced your decision to thrash around like a maniac in that same person’s arms.
“W-Would you just calm down?” A voice struggled to say before letting you go.
You turned around to come face to face with a very attractive man. A shirt was lazily thrown over his shoulders, exposing his chest and abs, and his loose curls were swaying in the breeze. You waited a minute to catch your breath from your earlier struggle and he let you.
“What’s a mortal like you doing in Hell anyway?” He asked as he observed your figure carefully.
“What do you mean Hell? You know what, nevermind, I need your help,”
He crossed his arms and nodded his head for you to continue.
“I-I don’t know where I am or what this place is. He pushed me through a freaking painting, and he needs me to get a flower or something. I know this sounds absolutely insane, but you’ve got to believe-”
Caliban could sense an impending anxiety attack, and to be frank, he was not in the mood to deal with it.
“I do, but who told you to do this?”
“Dorian Gray! He kidnapped me, and he said I couldn’t go back until I got him a stupid flower and recited this,” you said handing him the paper.
Caliban read it quickly, noticing that it was a spell in Latin. He could obviously tell that you had no idea what the paper said because of the glaring trick within the words. He chuckled at your naïveté before handing the paper back to you. You gave him a baffled look as he walked back to his castle.
“That spell will ONLY bring the flower back not you. He tricked you, princess.”
“What?” You mumbled as you tried to decipher the spell yourself.
Caliban only shrugged and made his way back to his castle. You, however fell to your knees in despair.
A spell? Like as in witchcraft. Did a spell get me through that painting? Does that mean this truly is Hell, and you are stuck here!
You turned around to face the guy from earlier, but he was too focused on his build. Caliban, of course noticed you watching him, but he gave no sign of this to you.
You had no idea where to go or what to do, but if this is Hell and this guy had the balls to build a fucking sandcastle here, then it would probably be better for you to stick with him.
“It needs a moat,” you suggested.
Caliban quirked an eyebrow at your unprovoked advice. You didn’t look at him. Your eyes were too focused on the small windows Caliban was creating. A hint of a smile ghosted his lips as he admired you silently.
“What’s your name?”
A month had passed since your arrival to Hell. There was no agreement or deal of any kind, but Caliban had decided to take you under his wing. You, of course, had no problem with that. After Caliban confirmed that this was Hell, you knew there was no way you could survive alone.
While Caliban would never admit it, he honestly enjoyed your company. You were a really sweet and innocent soul when you weren’t angry or upset. You never complained, and you helped Caliban with anything you were capable of helping with. Your humor matched his perfectly, and he lived for making you blush. He was very pleased with the way you two complimented each other just right.
That was also his major issue, though. Caliban saw the overwhelming sadness in your eyes, and he listened to every rant you had about Dorian. He even saw the tears that fell whenever you thought of Greendale. He felt extremely guilty. He could have teleported you back home whenever he wanted to, but he wouldn’t. He just couldn’t let you go. However, Hell was no place for a mortal, and reality would soon hit Caliban in the face because of that fact.
You kneeled behind Caliban as you braided pieces of his hair together. He was, as per usual, building up his sandcastle while you mindlessly conversed with him. Caliban’s heart always swelled when you and him shared moments like this. They were moments where you and him just forgot about the torment and the suffering around you. It was the only place in Hell where love still bloomed.
“Caliban, do you ever plan on actually finishing this damn castle.” You asked as you stopped playing with his hair.
He mentally cursed at the loss of contact between the two of you but recovered smoothly.
“It would go by faster if you would help,” he sassed back at you.
You rolled your eyes and sat down beside him to admire the way his hands molded the sand. You knew of your feelings for Caliban for a while now due to the way your heart beated faster around him and how you seemed to stutter more than normal. You never acknowledged it or brought it up. It was better just to ignore it, right? How could he ever feel the same way about you.
“In case you forgot, I broke half the castle last time I tried to help.”
Caliban laughed at the memory. You were extremely upset and frantic when it happened, but he just enjoyed the sight of you trying to fix the mess. You were beautiful.
“Here.” Caliban grabbed your hand lightly and placed it on the bumpiest side of the castle.
Your face flushed at the feeling of his thumb slightly caressing your hand as he demonstrated the best technique to smooth out the wall. He let you do it on your own for a while as he watched you. You didn’t realize how close he was getting to you into you finally had the courage to look at him. He was staring at your lips. You thought you were hallucinating, but no he was definitely staring at your lips. You bit your lip in embarrassment, but Caliban’s sharp intake of breath signaled to you that was a major turn on. You blushed at the thought and looked away to hide it. His hand slowly creeped up behind your neck to bring your face closer to his. Your lips were so close to touching when a low laugh caught both of your attention.
Caliban’s eyes widened in horror at the sight of the Plague Kings in front of him. Caliban quickly sprung to his feet and pulled you behind him. It was too late; they saw you.
“A mortal, Caliban? I thought you were above this,” one of the kings commented.
Caliban’s breathing hurried from the fear of what would come next. Your hands made their way on his back to try to ease his anxiety, but it didn’t work. You didn’t know what they would do to you, but he definitely did. He’s seen it.
“Imagine the prince of Hell with his mortal whore,” the other king sneered, “it cannot be,”
You snapped your hands away from him when you heard the title. Prince of Hell?
“Kill her,”
At once the three kings rushed forward, but Caliban was already a step ahead. He pushed you to the ground and uttered some nonsensical words when a ring of fire suddenly surrounded you. When the fire dissipated, you were alone in Baxter High’s library.
When your breathing finally calmed, you tried to make sense of what had just happened. Caliban brought you back. He saved you. Before your thoughts could sink further a smaller fire started in front of you, and just like last time it stopped after a couple of seconds. In its place, a piece of paper lay flat on the floor. Scrawled in messy handwriting were the words, “I’m sorry”. You pondered of the meaning of the note when you realized something.
He could have sent you home the entire time?
He forced you to stay there. Hatred quickly replaced all feelings you once had for Caliban and just when you were about to scream in anger. The doors to the library slowly opened, revealing your best friend.
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jadegrey711 · 5 years
Fuck You. As You Wish
Caliban x Fem!Reader
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A/N: Hello everyone and yes i am jumping so hard on the hot ass clay boy train called Caliban. Because damn... like honestly i got this idea becasue everytime Caliban called Sabrina princess i just wanted them to hate fuck on the throne.... so i made it myself. But with no Sabrina. 
*NOT MY GIF* If you like my stories you can check out my sideblog @jadegreywriting​​ to see all of them and my masterlist without filtering through my main blog.
I own all rights to this story and do not give permission for my stories to be published, translated or reposted anywhere else. The only places I have published my stories is here on Tumblr and on my AO3 account (LadyAuthor711) 
This story is for 18+ ONLY. It contains sexual themes that are not suited for younger audiences so if you’re under 18 my blog and this story is not for you. Please make sure to read at your own discretion and remember that you are solely responsible for your content intake. 
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You stared up at Caliban, sitting on the throne of hell with complete and total hatred.
You had accepted his proposal; a partnership in finding the unholy regalia. And the deal of that partnership was that when you both found the last piece of the regalia you would unite in marriage and rule hell together. Caliban promised that he would stay in hell and wouldn’t try and rule all of earth, in exchange for you staying as well; being his queen and ruling by his side.
But he only kept part of his promise, sure earth was safe and you were here with him, but you didn’t rule. No, that was a joke, you were queen sure. A queen who flounced around in sere silken dresses at the pleasure of the king, becoming his arm candy for the infernal courts. He wore the crown and sat on the throne and commanded legions, whilst you stayed obediently by his side, your presence a mere joke; and you hated him for it, for everything he did and especially every time he called you princess. But what you hated most of all; was the effect he had on your traitorous body when he called you princess, and when he commanded those infernal legions from his throne.
Caliban turned his head to meet your hateful gaze with a smirk. “Something amiss Princess?” He said his voice sending an unwanted shiver down your back.
You fought back the snarl that was forcing its way past your bared teeth. 
He titled his head at you. “Do you really hate me so much? I kept true to my word the Earth is safe.” He said as he got up from his throne and began to slowly step down from the dais until he was only a step above you. 
“And your here as my Queen, dressed in Hell’s finest.” He smirked as he cupped your cheek. “What more could a princess like you possibly desire?”
“Fuck you Caliban.” You whispered harshly.
“Is that what you want, princess?” He said taking his hand from your cheek and grabbing your chin, making you look at his face. “Do you want to make me pay for stealing your throne and crown, princess?” He asked with a sultry voice his eyes filled with lust as he bit his bottom lip, staring at your lips. “You can, you know. I’d eagerly take any punishment you wish to dole out my queen. I can take it.” 
You fought back the reaction your body had at him calling you ‘my queen’.
“I’d never do anything as foul as that with you.” You snarled, but still let him keep your chin in his embrace.
He smiled his bottom lip still between his teeth. “Such a fiery hell cat my queen is. What punishment would you inflict upon me?” He asked. “Would you take your revenge upon me on the very throne I took from you?” He said his lips getting closer to yours until you could feel his exhales became your inhales.
“Oh yes, I can see that is exactly what you desire.” He said, his lips already brushing against yours as he spoke again. “Take it my queen.” He said harshly. “Take your revenge on me. I can take it.” He said and almost as if something snapped within you; you kissed him.
He didn’t spare a second as he wrapped his arms around your waist and deepened the kiss, snaking his tongue into your mouth, your tongues wrapped in a sinful dance of pleasure and dominance. You felt your hatred subside for now as curled your fingers into his luscious blonde locks since the moment you first met him, almost as if you were trying to bring him closer to you than he already was.
Maybe it was the fact that you had been down here with him for God knows how long. Leaving you alone, with only him and the eternal darkness for company. But you longed to be touched, to be needed and caressed; maybe that was his dark plan all along; not becoming king of hell but keeping you here all for himself alone and isolated; waiting for the moment that you would jump into his arms seeking the comfort you so desire, even though you’d deny it to him at every turn. You had to applaud him on his will power, you shared the same bed in the royal chambers, he could’ve taken in you in the midst of the shadows and there were some nights that you were sure you would’ve let him.
He pulled away from your kiss, both of your breathing heavy, his green eyes were dark, he gave your lips one last peck before he grabbed your hand and led you up the dais.
“Caliban.” You breathed out as he sat on the throne, his hand still gripped in yours, as he guided you till you were straddling his lap. “What are you doing?”
He sighed softly and ran his large hand up your neck, and buried it in your hair, pulling softly but enough to elicit a moan from your lips.
He watched you intensely. “How long I’ve dreamed of this, having you here in my clutches and all mine.”  He purred. “And I know that you’ve dreamed of this too, Y/N.”
“No.” You lied, not wanting to boost his ego any more than it already was.
“Don’t lie to me, princess.” He said as his grip on your hair became tighter, earning another moan from you. He leaned forward and ran his lips down your neck, giving you sweet kisses and that sent your body into a raging fire that was hotter than anything in hell. You rocked your hips into his, already feeling how hard he was for you, but you knew he wasn’t going to do anything about it until you admitted to him that you felt the same.
“Caliban.” You whispered, still grinding your hips against him, trying to get any kind of friction. “I-I do.” You breathed out. “I have thought about you like this so many times, seeing you here and commanding legions, I-” Your own moan cut you off as Caliban reached under your dress and palmed your sex, making you through your head back and cry out.
“Hold nothing back, Y/N, take everything from me on this night. Rob me of my strength, my power, and my heart. But do this and then be my queen.” He breathed out, watching you writhe under his hand as he worked your clit with his large fingers. “Truly be my queen, stop fighting me, and give in, princess; rule with me at my side, forever.”
“Caliban.” You moaned out, feeling your first orgasm build at the ministrations of his fingers. You clutched him closer, your fingers curled into his shirt; and suddenly it crashed over you. Caliban held you close and kissed you, eating your moans as he finished working you through your orgasm. When he let you go you slumped your head against his shoulder.
“Do you want more, princess?” He breathed out, petting your hair and keeping you close.
“Yes.” You said breathily as your hands guided down his chest, before you ripped open his silken shirt exposing the smooth soft skin underneath. You sighed and ran your hands gently down and back up only to repeat the motion; only this time you scrapped your nails down his smooth chest earning a moan from Caliban.
“Do you know how much I hated you for making me some silly arm candy in front of the courts?” You said as your nails dug deeper into his chest, earning you a low hiss. “Making me wear these silly fucking dresses. Having me sit at the bottom of the dais.” You let out a breath, as you soothed your fingers over the deep red marks on his chest, before digging your nails in again. “But what I hate the most is when you call me princess.” You paused.  “And how fucking wet, I get every time you do.” You snarled, kissing him deeply and pulling on his bottom lip with your teeth.
Caliban let out a low growl and he grabbed the hem of your silken dress and ripped it clean down the middle, earning a gasp from you.
“There’s my queen.” He smirked, as he grabbed your hair again and pulled back, exposing your neck to him. His soft, plump lips assaulted your skin leaving marks down your neck, on your collarbone and on the tops of your breasts before he ran his tongue around each of your nipples; making you arch your back harshly.
“Caliban.” You moaned. “I need you, now.” You commanded and felt Caliban immediately; his dark green eyes meeting yours.
“Of course, princess.” He said and watched as you went for his pants, pulling the silken strings and parting the material and Caliban’s hard length sprung free, eager and waiting. You took your hand and ran your thumb over the tip of him, spreading his precum and coating him in it. You looked down at his hard length and licked your lips before you looked back up at his lust filled eyes.
“Maybe another night.” You smirked and the look Caliban gave you promised you that that other night would have you choking on him and having you bent over the nearest surface.
He grabbed your hips, harshly and guided you to him, the both of you letting out atrociously loud moans as you sank down onto him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your fingers in his blonde locks keeping him as close to you as possible, feeling like you were about to explode from the pleasure of him filling you alone.
“Caliban.” You moaned out.
“Dole out your revenge my queen. I can take it. Use me.”
You could’ve come from his words alone, but you did as he instructed you took all of the hatred you felt for him and fucked it into him. As you picked your hips up and slammed him back into you, earning a delicious cry of pleasure from Caliban.
He kept his large hands on your hips, keeping you steady as you fucked his brains out on the throne of hell. You felt his fingers dig into your hips knowing that they’d leave yet another mark on you, claiming you as his, his queen only spurred you further,
Your hips started faltering as you grew tired, your legs burning as you continued to chase your high, suddenly though you felt Caliban’s hips thrust up into yours taking control of the situation. But as you were reaching closer to your climax you let him, clutching him closer to you as you finally fell over the edge screaming as your climax washed over you. Caliban was soon to follow you into that sweet oblivion, pulling you in for a kiss, his tongue plundering your senses. Both of you were panting as you came down from your highs, Caliban’s hands ran up and down your bare back soothingly, as you kissed his neck.
“You still hate me princess?” He smirked.
You pulled away from his neck and looked into his now jade green eyes. “Maybe a little less. But I think this might have to be a daily ritual of ours.” You smiled.
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La fan-fiction du samedi
Pour lire cette fan-fic c’est par ici
Titre : Recueil de Drabbles et OS
Auteur·ice : LoupSpell
Site : fanfiction.net
Catégorie : Teen
Année de publication : 2020
Langue : française
Nb de chapitres : 10
Nb de mots : +3k
Résumé de l’auteur·ice : “ Petit recueil de drabble multi-pairing.”
Pour lire cette fan-fic c’est par ici
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Summary: Your destiny was to rule over Hell, it was your birthright. But you couldn’t help but think of another warlock you knew deep in your heart was also part of you destiny.
Pairing: Nick Scratch X Sabrina (Nabrina!)
Wordcount: 2,694
A/N: This is my first post! I mean, it’s Nabrina people. He’s loved her since he first saw and heard her in choir class. Softboi Nick. But honestly, Part 3 of Sabrina messed me up pretty bad. I wanted to write a Calbrina fic, but honestly, I needed to write a Nabrina one as my first post here. No way in Heaven I would do Nabrina dirty like that. So anyway, enjoy! Leave notes likes, asks and such I super duper appreciate them! Calbrina fic is still a work in progrss. Hope you guys enjoy this. I had an awkward time ending it. LOL.
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Ruling over Hell wasn’t that hard. Growing accustomed to the afterlife where souls who deserved it were meant to live in anguish and suffer in the darkest most deranged forms of torture surprisingly happened pretty quickly, at times you’d even feel like it was more home than good old Greendale where you left behind your best friend who fell in love with your ex-boyfriend, and your family who never even noticed that the Sabrina they were living with wasn’t even the Sabrina of their time, but family can only reach so far to really know you… especially when you weren’t even related to them by blood in the slightest, except for Ambrose. You knew for a fact Ambrose noticed right away, the clever little beast. Perhaps another reason you’d grown so accustomed to Hell, your real father was with you, and as strange as it may seem, it was like you were living in any old house with a father and stepmother, minus the demons and the road of blood leading to Pandaemonium. Your father, Satan, Lucifer, or even the Dark Lord was like any other father out there. He had meals with you, guided you through your newly imbued powers, and even gave you advice on how to handle hellish matters when things came down to it. But more importantly, he never really stopped ruling over Hell, sure he had more free time now, but even then, he’d still be backhandedly working, he’d handle the affairs you couldn’t since you haven’t really gotten a grasp on the whole politics of hell, he knew he had to step in when you nearly instigated an uprising after telling a court of demons that Hell would be reformed from top to bottom. Even Lilith proved to be helpful, especially when you had to go to the mortal realm to collect souls, she’d stand guard making sure you didn’t stray from the path you’d chosen, the path of night to go back to your family and friends. Of course, hell wasn’t a full time gig, you were allowed days off, in fact you were only ever really in the throne room when you needed to be which wasn’t exactly all the time, any decision you had to make was reiterated to you through telepathy so you had free time now more than ever.
That was the problem though. 
You wanted to be busy. You wanted to stay busy because whenever your brain had even the tiniest inkling that there was nothing to occupy it with, it came back to a certain raven haired warlock whose smirk could keep you hooked for days. The same warlock who broke up with you because all he could imagine and see when he looked at you was your father who in all fairness did try to overtake his soul. Nicholas Scratch. You look down at the writing in the sand from the Shore of Sorrows and quickly cross out his name. It’s funny, the coven was now praying to Hecate, but you could still hear them, you still imbued them with their dark powers because well, they were your coven, and they really believed Hecate could give them that much power when in reality, casting spells and actually getting them to work required a circle of witches murmuring in prayer to the Goddess. The prayers ranged from offerings to prayers asking for forgiveness, you could hear your Aunties, Prudence, even Ambrose had the quick prayer every now and then even though he claimed to be a Polytheist, but the one voice you’d never heard was his, you’d like to say that you didn’t notice it, but you’d never heard him pray to Hecate.
But you could only keep up this lifestyle for so long. You spoke with your father about this. He was powerful in his own right, already feeling the discord of space and time the second you stepped foot in the throne room. He knew there were two of you, he advised you to first learn everything you could about Hell, because a time would come where you would be forcibly merged with your other self living in the mortal world, and instead of forcing you to choose like he’d done in the past, you’d already agreed to rule over Hell so you would always come back and if not, they would just summon you whenever they needed anyway.
You were walking along the path of blood through the forest where you noticed a tiny scribbling on your palm.
You looked at it curiously, and then the realization hit you all at once, there was only one person who had your magic marker. The same person who would use it to have late night conversations with you when he knew damn well that your aunties were sleeping and could hear every single squeak in the house. You quickly clear the forest, hiding the palm of your hand from Lilith when she comes to greet you in Pandaemonium.
Lilith wasn’t and never would be a fan of the Queen of Hell having any romantic life, she always told you to never even think about that.
“Oh, well if it isn’t the Queen of Hell herself.” Lilith has her hands on her hips, talking with an individual who quickly turned towards you, a cunning smirk and devious eyes trained on you. You gulp quickly.
“My, my, Miss Spellman I don’t think I’ve seen you in a long while. I thought you had foregone your magic studies for your mortal friends?” It was Dorian and you realized he was here to bring your father’s monthly stock of alcoholic beverages, he licks his lips, “Never quite thought I’d find you here though.”
You furrowed your brows, “And where exactly did you hear that?”
He turns his body fully towards you, “Why, from Nicky, of course.” Lilith gives you a short nod before going off to find her minion, “And how sad Nicky has been without… well, you.”
Your eyes which had been trained on your shoes snap up to meet his eyes, “W-what?”
He nods silently, eyes closed, “Yeah, he told me months ago and well, there hasn’t gone a day where he doesn’t drink his sorrows away.” He sighs, “Well, that’s what he gets for falling in love.”
He starts to walk around, taking inventory of his deliveries, “You’re his friend, Dorian.”
He hums, “Yes, well, he’s also a customer. A well paying one at that-”
Without even letting him finish, you turn your head in disgust, holding up two fingers to send him back to his bar through a fiery portal.
"Well, aren't you sensitive today." Lilith rubs her still nonexistent pregnant belly, "Has Mr. Scratch got your mind occupied?"
You shake your head, "No. Just-just tell me where my father is."
Lilith moves aside, "Right in his office."
You open the large doors shaped like demon hands and without giving him a chance to talk, you ask him, "How do I check up on my other self?"
He grins at you devilishly, "Dear daughter, by now you've already been gifted most of your full powers, it's about time I gift you a another one." He approaches you slowly looking glad to be ripped apart from the paperwork on his desk he holds his hand over your eyes, "Cum his ad divinum manus mea reddere tibi, divina aspectu"
You blink once, twice, thrice. Nothing seemed to have changed, "You seem pretty happy to be away from paperwork " you scoff.
He shrugs, "Well, you did declare a reform of hell and a book keeping of deals made of uncollected souls." He sits back down, "The royalties of Hell cannot be kept away from their collections any longer."
You shut your eyes, imagining yourself, your voice and as if you were astral projecting you see yourself with your friends. You were Laughing with Theo and Roz in the halls of Baxter High in your cheer uniform and before you can move a body passes through you, it was Harvey and when you expect him to make a beeline for Roz, he goes straight to you. The other you, leaning down he pecks you on the lips.
You look in shock as this Sabrina seemingly embraces her mortal life with her friends, in the 30 minutes you'd spent watching her, not even a hint of magic or spellcasting, "No. No, she wouldn't do this she loves her family, she loves her magic." You shut your eyes tight indespair and disbelief transporting you back where you were, not catching the way you voice seemed to have reached the other Sabrina's earsas if a whisper.
Lucifer was leaning against his desk, a knowing look plastered on his face, you walk towards him with intent, "That wasn't me. That COULDN'T have been me."
He chuckles lowly, "But in fact it is." He stands up straight, "You both are Sabrina, when Hell replenishes and provides your powers there are two of you which it splits into, and as time goes on, you and your powers get stronger because she has been slowly giving up the path of the night. It's a slow, gruesome process but she seems to think it was worth it, to keep that Kinkle boy around." He says in disgust.
He leans over you, finally taking the whole two Sabrinas situation seriously, "You see, dear daughter, only a single soul may exist in this world, to have two means it is constantly ripping and tearing the two souls apart one going more to the other, and what is a human without a soul?"
You look at him in shock, "And because the powers from Hell are more powerful with me, and she's trying to rid herself of her powers, she-she's-"
He sighs, "She knows." He pinches the bridge of his nose, "She's spoken with me and she knows everything. She only wished to spend her remaining days living a normal life with her friends and family, before she ultimately dies a slow and painful death. This was her last wish, as she's seen a future where her loved ones were killed by the Pagans." He starts pacing back and forth, "You see, the universe has a funny way of correcting itself. This time paradox which she had created was never to be successful in any way because only one Sabrina was ever meant to exist, the only two things that could have happened were you two would by nature absorb into a single being or second, one of you would have died." He shrugs.
"Now what? What then when she dies?"
Lucifer ponders, "Well, it is up to you to juggle these two lives or to choose one path over the other, but I must warn you that Hell has a way of fighting back if you do not respect the order of your binding to the realm." He sighs, plopping back down on his seat, "Now run along, child. I must finish these papers."
You walk along the corridors, before a voice reaches you, the only voice you’d wish you’d heard, his voice was low and calm as he began his prayer.
“Unholy Dark Lord, I know I have sinned against you but I am in service and gratitude to you for bringing Sabrina Spellman into my life. I only wish for you to bring her back to me. I am merely a vessel in your grand plan as your will commands so long as you bring her back to me. You rule over Hell and our lives, my brothers and sisters of the Order of Hecate do not understand our powers are granted by you our unholy savior. In exchange for my willing service if you cannot bring her back to me, I only pray you keep the love of my life from harm.” 
You tossed and turned in your bed, unable to sleep. All you could think about was Nick, how the other you had thrown him away and all you wanted was to be with him, to tell him you loved him.
When you opened your eyes you were sat on the couch right in front of the fireplace in Dorian's bar, sitting next to one Nicholas Scratch who you already knew had been there the whole day. He takes another sip from the bottle in his hand and before his mouth touches it, you call him, "Nick."
As if the faintest of whispers reaches his ears, he looks around, catching you off guard.
You feel your eyes fill with tears as he looks around, trying so hard to find you, you speak in a clearer, louder voice, "Nick."
As clear as day, his eyes locked on you and he freezes, slowly bringing his hand to your cheek and cupping it, "Is this real? Are you really here with me? The real Sabrina?"
The tears start falling before you nod your head, "Y-yeah Nick, I'm here."
He embraces you tightly, "I-I just knew. I knew that wasn't you. The day you stopped going to the academy and you told me you were leaving behind the path of night to become a mortal, I just knew that it couldn't have been you." Tears start to stream down his face, “I’m never letting you go, Spellman. Not anymore, now that you’re back.”
You freeze, reluctantly, you clear the air, “Nick, I-I’m not actually back-I, I took the role as Queen of Hell. It’s my domain now.” You can’t seem to find the strength to look him in the eyes, “I’m not even really here. I’m in my bedroom, probably levitating while I meditate my physical and astral body here. Nick, I-I love you, but I can’t give up Hell, I don’t want to anymore. This is my destiny, and even if I did, the hierarchies of Hell would never let me.”
The giant grin on his face slowly lowers to a frown in realization, “H-Hell? You live there now? What happened to the Sabrina here?”
You shake your head, “It’s a time paradox. I’m from this time, but her, well she’s from a different timeline where Caliban was crowned King of Hell and you all died.”
He looks into your eyes, mind made up, and a determination burning in them, “You said before we broke up that you’d give it all up… for me, you would give up your destiny, Hell, Heaven, Earth, you’d give everything up for me.” You didn’t like where this was going because if he was going to make you choose, you knew you would choose Hell, “And Spellman, being apart from you only made everything all the more obvious, I thought my destiny was to become the best warlock of the Church of Night, but now I know my destiny has always been to be by your side-” He holds your hand tenderly in his, “Holding your hand as we travel and explore the path of night together and discover our place in the Underworld. I don’t ever want you to give up your place as Queen of Hell, I know this is what your were meant to do, but I would never ever let you go again, Spellman.”
You shake your head, “Nick, I don’t understand what you’re saying-”
He grasps your hand tighter in his, “What I’m saying is, Spellman, I’d follow you anywhere, even through the gates of Hell because you will always be worth it. Wherever you are, that’s where I want to be because it’s where I’m meant to be.”
You blink away the tears in your eyes, relieved Nick finally opened up to you, “Nick.” You hug him tight, “You’re willing to leave behind everything and everyone, the world, to be with me in Hell?”
He nods confidently, “I don’t care about the world, Spellman. I just care about you.” He leans in pressing his lips against yours as you come back to your physical realm and teleport him to Hell.
He breathes a sigh of relief, “Spellman.” He embraces you, “I love you, Spellman.”
You tuck your head into the crook of his neck, “I love you too, Nick.”
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beatricebidelaire · 6 years
i still haven’t found what i’m looking for
featuring: Ellington Feint, Lemony Snicket, Kit Snicket
word count: ~1.4K
alt: ao3
written for the @fic4fic exchange for @conundrum-esoterica, hope you like this!  Based on the headcanon that Ellington Feint and Madame Lulu were the same person. This was plotted before season 2 came out and ignore the added plotline for Olivia
warning for atwq spoilers
Sometimes, an unexpected revelation of truth might cause your whole life to crumble, discovering that everything you had believe on to be a lie, everything you had try to help achieve was based on the wrong assumptions.
It felt like a never-ending free falling down a bottomless bit, it felt like everything was spiraling out of control – as if she’d ever had it under control at all, a small voice in the back of her head scoffed.  Her mind was too occupied on the free falling feeling to pay any attention to it.
Perhaps it was ironic that while she wasn’t literally falling, another person was. Someone she’d once placed all her hopes on, someone that had always been a faraway goal to achieve, someone whose memory she’d been clinging on. Ellington Feint watched, stricken and horrified as her father, Armstrong Feint – a.k.a Hangire –fell off the train and straight into the Bombinating Beast.
Someone was screaming.  It took her a while to realize it was herself.  A few feet away stood a thirteen year boy – or was he almost thirteen? – with a determined expression. The boy had promised to help her, and while she’d never been naïve enough to believe that he would always be on her side, she’d never thought it would end up like this, either.  She had never known what he was capable of.
She wondered if he’d ever known.
She wanted to look at him and see if he dared look her straight in the eyes now, but when she turned to him, his eyes were shut close.  Typical, she thought bitterly, biting down her lips with a mixture of grief and seething anger.
She stood there, listening to the Mitchums going on about perfect how their son was, how he would never break a law ever.  How they wouldn’t arrest him, and how they would arrest her.
That was when he spoke. “You’re letting a murderer go free.”
Their eyes met for a moment, and suddenly accusations were tumbling out her mouth, angry, hurt, and unstoppable. “You’re a murderer yourself. You’ve been tricking me since the night we met, in order to push me in the right direction. You knew all along, didn’t you? You knew Hangfire was my father.”
He reached out to grab the chains that bound her hand, and as his fingers grabbed around them, she felt as if he was grabbing her heart, gripping it so hard that she couldn’t keep on going anymore. “I hoped it wasn’t true,” he said finally.
He’d always called her mysterious and unfathomable, but at that moment, she thought that he was the unfathomable one, not her. She couldn’t comprehend who he really was behind the somber expression, couldn’t comprehend if there was a limit to what he was capable of if he thought it necessary. And if he’d suspected, she wondered, how long had he been planning such a calculated, ruthlessly efficient move?
Accusations and arguments and justifications flew back and forth between them, and then it was cut short as the Mitchums stepped in, handcuffs ready to arrest her. He made some protestations, but she could see his associates’ faces and how they disagreed with him.
At this point, a part of her really just wanted to go into the prison, because everything outside of it, everything she had been fighting for until right this moment was gone now.  And one of her only friends had just killed her father.
At this moment, maybe it didn’t make much of a difference, in or out of the prison.
She stumbled into the prison cell on the train as the door slammed behind her, and that was when Ellington Feint noticed there was another girl in the cell. Her features looked oddly familiar in the dim lights of the cell. Before Ellington could finish her thoughts about wondering who she reminded her of, the other girl extended a hand.
“Kit Snicket,” she introduced herself, and Ellington felt like everything clicked and shattered all at once.
She and Kit Snicket didn’t stay in each other’s company for long, as Kit had other missions to attend to back in the city.  But during this time, Ellington did get some more intel about the organization that was VFD. Every time Kit explained a special training lesson of VFD, Ellington still inevitably thought “so that’s how Snicket learned to kill, was it?” even if the thought wasn’t completely logical, because things like deciphering codes from a letter certainly felt very different from pushing someone into a beast’s belly.
She had long since accepted that yes, her father had been a villain who’d done many terrible things, but did that justify his murder?
Sometimes she wondered would Kit Snicket have done the same thing as her brother, or would she have chosen a different route?  Ellington would like to think that Kit wouldn’t, but she could never be sure.
However, every other day spent with Kit was the gradual realization that Kit was not only clever and competent, but also usually very determined, and didn’t let anything stand in the way of the mission she wanted to achieve. She had morals, clearly, but just as clear was that those morals weren’t exactly the same as what the society considered as morals most people followed.
Kit Snicket was very sure in what she believed as necessary, and wouldn’t hesitate to do it.  Seeing her like that, though, only made Ellington even more unsure of what she herself believed in.  Sometimes, late in the night where when the other girl already fell asleep, Ellington was wide awake, thinking about the person right beside her. It was a feeling mixed with admiration, envy, jealousy and intimidation for her confidence and determination and knowing what her goals were. Some nights Kit felt like everything Ellington hoped herself to be and everything she wanted to run away from and everything she wanted to stay close together until the end of days. Some nights all those thoughts morphed together into a desperate desire to run away together with Kit to some faraway land where no one or no organization would ever find them again.
They didn’t, of course, run away together.
The “run away with me” ultimately got stuck in her throat as they parted ways with a firm goodbye handshake. Kit’s handshake was like Kit herself, sure and confident, as if she knew always knew what she was going to do next.  
And as Kit turned away and boarded the train, Ellington suddenly felt the last piece of certainty in her life just left forever.
Without Kit, she felt more lost than ever now, and even less sure of what were the rights and wrongs to believe in than before.  Sometimes she thought maybe she should just let other people make these decisions for her from now on, if she no longer trusted herself on moral judgments. Perhaps this was escaping responsibility, but who was to say which people deserved to have responsibilities anyway?
For a few years she travelled alone, collecting information on the way just in case it might be useful later.  She tried helping people, regardless what her younger self would think of that person’s quest worth helping. Was this doing good for the world? She wasn’t sure. She was never really sure of anything now.  But the more she did it, the easier to pretend that it was.  Deep down, she knew this was just a way of distracting herself from her haunted past, to ignore it and maybe one day she would successfully forget it, too. It was a way to pretend that maybe she was actually a good person, that this was her set of morals she longed to have. It was a lie, of course, but it got easier to believe over time, like all lies people told themselves.
After a while, she decided to invent a new identity for herself, a way to help others with the information she collected.  After all, having a mask to hide behind from made all the pretending easier.  A few crystal balls in a store gave her all the inspiration she needed.
She made necessary preparations, fancy setups in a carnival tent, all ready to dive into her new identity, of a way to pretense she wondered briefly if she would ever come back from.
Once upon a time, Ellington Feint knew who she was.
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any jacquelyn and olivia stories you recommend?? i like smut but honestly anything will do atp because there is barely anything of them 😓
[Word count: 1,519]
🗣️Main Character: Olivia Caliban
🫂Main relationship: Olivia Caliban / Jacquelyn Scieszka
Set: During Canon 🕰️
Fic Type:
Oneshot 📕
Romance, Sharing a bed
‘Jacques can't come pick up Olivia, but she still misses the trolley. What's a girl to do now that she's stuck in The City?’
[This fic doesn’t contain smut however I have high hopes that you have not read this before as it currently has only 1 hit.]
A series of works. [No.of fics in series: 12]
[Total Word count: 28,356]
🗣️Main Characters: Olivia Caliban, Jacquelyn Scieszka and Esmé Squalor
🫂Main relationship: Olivia Caliban / Jacquelyn Scieszka / Esmé Squalor
Set: A timeline in which the unfortunate events of the Baudelaire children do not occur.
‘Olivia Caliban, Jacquelyn Scieszka, Esmé Squalor - The City and VFD's most important girlfriends (!)
This is the first collection of their adventures in love, work, more love, the occasional espionage and even supernatural and witchy encounters.’
[All works in this series are rated either ‘General Audiences’ or ‘Teen and up’. ]
[Word count: 23, 039] [5/? Chapters. Last updated 2019 ⚠️]
🗣️Main character: Olivia Caliban
🫂Main relationship: Olivia Caliban / Jacquelyn Scieszka
Set: During Canon 🕰️
Fic Type:
Multichapter (unfinished) 📚
Rating: Explicit ❌🔞
‘Jacquelyn Scieszka does not call a taxi for Olivia Caliban the day they meet.’
[Word count: 774]
🗣️Main characters: Jacquelyn Scieszka and Olivia Caliban
🫂Main relationship: Olivia Caliban / Jacquelyn Scieszka
Fic Type:
Oneshot 📕
Smut, Fluff, Established relationship, PWP
Rating: Mature❗️
‘ “Jacquelyn, darling, if you let me finish this chapter, I’m all yours.”
“Who says you can’t finish your chapter?”
~ Or, Jacquelyn is a pain, and Olivia loves it. ~’
[I personally don’t enjoy smut however judging by the comments this is a good fic so hopefully you will like it!]
[Word count: 17, 838]
🗣️Main Characters: Olivia Caliban, Jacquelyn Scieszka, Isadora Quagmire, Duncan Quagmire and Quigley Quagmire
🫂Main relationships:
Olivia Caliban / Jacquelyn Scieszka
Olivia Caliban & Jacquelyn Scieszka & Isadora Quagmire & Duncan Quagmire & Quigley Quagmire
Set: Post canon ⌛️
Fic Type:
Multichapter 📚
Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Found Family
Rating: Teen and up
‘Olivia finds herself thinking, not for the first time, back to Prufrock. It's as far and faded as a past life. What would life be if she'd never left? What life would be if she had simply gone home, or if she succumbed to those starving Caligari lions...
She looks up in surprise, "Sorry, is everything alright?"
"Yes, better than alright! But... are you okay?"
"I'm okay," she smiles fondly, "Promise,"
She is okay. Her wounds have healed, and without them, she might never have escaped that organization with her fiancée, never met these children, her children, never to be snatched away again. They had been burned down to their lowest, until they built each other back up from the ground. And she would do it all over again, if it meant to be where she was now.
Jacquelyn, Olivia, and the Quagmires get the home that they deserve.’
[‘Anything, if it’s with you’ is honestly speaking one of my favourite snicketverse fics!!! It has brought tears to my eyes before and it’s just…I don’t have the words to do justice to the emotions this fic evokes. It doesn’t contain smut (which you mentioned having a preference for) however Olivia and Jacquelyn’s relationship is a central (+extremely well written) part of this fic so I would definitely recommend reading this if you like Olivia/Jacquelyn.]
Thanks for the ask!! I hope at least 1 of these fics is what you were looking for! 👀
Feel free to send another ask if you would like more recs whether it’s more recs for Olivia/Jacquelyn or anything or anyone else!💛
If anyone knows of any good Olivia and Jacquelyn fics not mentioned in this post then feel free to comment your recommendations!
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Therapeutic (Old Man Logan)
A/N: I finally got around to writing the old man Logan fic I had been thinking about for a while. It isn’t quite what I had in mind when I started writing it, so I will probably have something else in the works soon. Anyway, enjoy this and I used a few phrases from this prompt list. I might not point out what prompts I used, so make a game out of it and try to find which ones I used!
Summary: Danielle, or Dani, was asked by Logan to help him care for Charles. She does and she enjoys having a purpose, but sometimes it’s too much. Her exhaustion finally ends with a rather angry conversation with Logan.
Pairings: Old man Logan x OC
Warnings: Language. It could be worse, but it’s a bit more than what I’d ever do because it takes place within the intensity of Logan.
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All Dani could hear was the water hitting her body and pounding the shower floor. It was her place of solace; her place of freedom.
She could have easily left any time. There were hundreds of nights that she would lie awake and wonder how mundane her life could be. She could have been Danielle Roberts, a human woman, rather than Dani, runaway mutant. The world might have forgotten her genetic flaw if she never felt obligated to help Logan.
When he came to her asking for her help with Charles, his hair more salt and pepper than ever, she couldn’t refuse. Charles had done so much for her when she was younger, before the chaos. Dani wanted to help Logan and Charles. She needed to help them.
There she was, babysitting Charles with a companion of Logan’s named Caliban. Every day she worked with the albino to help keep Charles from his seizures. She also had to keep a constant eye on the surrounding desert. Logan wasn’t taking any risks. She wondered if he only asked for her help because she was essentially a radar.
Dani could only sense a person’s emotions, but she had about a two-mile radius she could sense and she could pinpoint exactly where someone stood. Sometimes she could project her own feelings onto others, but she never had a chance to master the art of it. Dani could only do it when she felt extreme emotions, but even then, it was unpredictable. She never found her power useful because she was more empathetic than anything, but Logan must have seen something useful in her.
Dani rinsed the soap off her body in a hurry. The shower went longer than she intended and she worried for Charles. He needed a friendly face to make him feel at ease. Caliban and Logan were not the greatest stress relievers.
She hopped out of the shower to dry off. Her skin was still a little slick when she pulled her clothes on. Charles was sad. It broke her heart when he got that way. She wished he didn’t have to keep medication in his body to mute his mind, but he would hurt a lot of people like he had before. That would only break him.
Caliban was cooking some breakfast when she entered the tiny kitchen. He looked at her and gave her a short nod. He was exhausted from a night of keeping Charles safe. He usually didn’t say much to her, but the mornings were especially quiet. Dani grabbed the pill bottle off the shelf and made her way to Charles’ room.
The sun was already hot on her flesh and it blinded her momentarily. Dust billowed around her ankles as she took quick steps toward the rusted water tower. She wasn’t sure when it fell over, but it made a wonderful protective barrier around Charles.
The door clunked when Dani opened it. It took a few seconds for her eyes to readjust to the darkness. Logan really could have decorated more or given the poor man some more lamps.
“Rise and shine, Charles,” Dani smiled, walking to the man lying on an old hospital bed.
“Danielle.” His voice was full of loneliness.
Dani stood beside the bed and helped Charles sit up so he could take his medicine. “Did you sleep well?”
He didn’t answer her. Instead, he started to mumble random phrases he heard at some point in his life. Dani frowned.
“Let’s get you out of bed, Charles. We can dress you up a little bit if you’re feeling up to it.”
She could feel his hopelessness as she helped him into his wheelchair. It intensified when she touched his hand. His gaze didn’t meet hers. Dani suspected he could still hear thoughts and was reading hers loud and clear. Her pity was making him feel worse.
“Why don’t you leave me to die?” he said.
Dani squeezed his hand, “Charles, do you know how distraught I would be if Logan did that to you? You are still important to us. I’m sorry we can’t be enough to cheer you up. I wish you were happy again, Charles.”
“Let me be free of those blasted pills!”
She took a step back, letting go of his hand, “If we do that, you could hurt a lot of innocent people. You don’t want that to happen again, do you?”
The cracks and holes in the rusty tower allowed the wind to whistle as it passed through. It was deafening in the silence. The only thing that could be heard over it was the weeping coming from Charles.
“Please don’t let me be alone.”
Danie had a long day ahead of her.
A door shutting jerked Dani from her accidental nap at the table. She looked around, dazed. Caliban was nowhere in sight, but Logan was walking into the community bedroom. There wasn’t enough space to give anyone private rooms, so the three of them shared a space. It was uncomfortable only when one of the boys walked in when Dani was changing.
Dani followed Logan. He would probably tell her off, but she needed to see a different face. Seeing, and feeling, the same two people were a bit much sometimes. She walked in just as Logan was unbuttoned his shirt.
“How was he?” he asked. He didn’t look at her.
“Today was a bad day. He’s getting lonely.”
Logan tossed his shirt over a chair and searched for a new one to sleep in. “Then keep him company.”
Dani eyed the scars littering his body before his shirt covered them up again. She sighed, “Logan, I can only do so much. He takes all of my strength to get him back to himself. I can’t give and give while never receiving anything to help me. I can’t be the only one who keeps him company.”
Logan finally looked at Dani. She looked exhausted and run down. Just like him. “Make Caliban sit with him then.” He laid on his bed, moving like all his joints needed lubrication.
He was irritated, but he was depressed most of all. Dani wanted to help him, too. She wished he’d stick around longer so she could help him as well. Exhaustion be damned.
“You’re not taking care of yourself, Logan. Let me help you.”
He growled. “I can’t take care of myself just fine.”
Dani walked to his bed and sat on the edge. Logan turned away from her. She rolled her eyes and reached for his shoulder. She hesitated a second before the tips of her fingers touched his skin. Goosebumps flared up on his skin, but she didn’t notice as his anguish covered her mind. He was worse than she ever thought. His pain forced tears from her eyes without warning. She pressed her palm against his skin. She even felt the pain of what once was the source of his strength tearing him apart.
“I know... it hurts,” he muttered.
She took his hand in hers, not bothering to wipe her tears. Her fingers massaged his hand to try and relieve just an ounce of his pain. Dani barely touched his knuckles when he hissed and his claws shot out. Dani was prepared and avoided getting sliced, but it didn’t stop Logan from getting away from her. Dani hadn’t seen him move that quickly in years.
“I’m sorry,” she said, standing. “I was trying to help. You didn’t hurt me.”
“Just don’t. Don’t try to help me.”
“Please don’t shut me out. I want to help you, Logan. I hate seeing you like this. I’m trying to be a friend.” Dani took a few steps toward him. His eyes were hard and unmoving. His barricades were up.
Dani managed to stand a food from him before he looked away. She tried to grab his other hand, but he pulled it out of her reach. After a day of building Charles back up, her exhaustion finally exploded from her in frustration. Logan felt it and brought his gaze back to her.
“You are pissing me off, old man. You think you’re the only fucked up one here, but we’re all suffering. None of us sleep. None of us know how to deal with all of this, but that’s why we need to help each other.” Dani pushed her finger into his chest a few times. “Let. Me. Help. You. I’m more than surveillance and a babysitter.”
Logan stared at the woman in front of him, mild surprise in his eyes. He didn’t know how to let her help. He preferred to do things alone. He coped better alone, at least he thought so. Liquor was a great therapist.
“Tell me what you need. Please.”
His eyes scanned her. He might have felt and looked closer to his actual age, but he was still a man. Logan noticed Dani and her womanly assets many times before, but there was something about the way her eyes begged for a way to help.
Dani felt his change in emotions. If it were another time, she would have felt uncomfortable thanks to his gaze. She reached for his hand again and he let her fingers wrap around it. 
She had no time to process his feelings as Logan’s lips suddenly locked with hers. Dani felt all his emotions at once. It was overwhelming, but she figured she was projecting her range of emotions on him as her body reacted on its own accord. Dani couldn’t remember the last time she had an ounce of intimacy with a man. She never had time to think about it. As her arms wrapped around Logan’s neck to herself closer, all she could think about was what she missed having a man so close. It was a wonderful reminder when his arms snaked around her waist and his hands grabbed her ass.
“I’d appreciate it if you both would go find a motel. She’s projecting too much.”
Dani and Logan pushed each other away and glared at Caliban.
He held his hands up, “Don’t be mad at me. Baldy and I could feel what was going on because you, Missy, can’t control your power.
Logan growled and left the room. They heard the door to the outdoors slam shut. Caliban looked at Dani and crossed his arms. She wiped her mouth and ran her fingers through her hair.
“Successful therapy session?”
“Get the fuck out, Caliban.”
He did as he was told, but a cheeky grin appeared on his face. It grew wider when he felt Dani’s emotions. She was beyond pissed. She should have known better with her unpredictable ability.
“Danielle!” Logan called from outside. Caliban figured he was angrier than the empath. Logan’s temper was better known than hers.
Dani came out of the room, not meeting the albino’s gaze. She grabbed a bottled water and rushed to the door.
“Enjoy yourself!” Caliban teased.
Her middle finger shot up instantly and stayed up even when the door shut behind her. She forced a wave of rage over Caliban before she ran to the man waiting for her. Dani leaped into Logan’s arms to kiss him again, but he cut it short when he made her get into the limo he drove.
They wound up in the middle of the desert, far enough away from anyone to avoid another unwelcomed invasion. Dani definitely didn’t expect Logan to seek out that sort of help from her, but she wasn’t complaining. She still didn’t any other time they met after that. He didn’t look as sad as he once was and she finally had a way to relieve her own stress. It was a perfect arrangement that both began to cherish, even more so when a young girl named Laura changed everything for them.
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shalalalalaw · 2 years
*leans into the mic*
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i started writing this fic in 2019, dropped it when i dropped d2 and ive picked it back up in recent months, as i did d2
though playing d2 is much less a love of new lore lately, i have been..... very disappointed in the direction and execution of the story since Shadowkeep, both with the seasonal model, actual story and individual characters
anyway, that's a talk for another day, enjoy this snippet as i work on this monster of a fic + another oneshot for it all :)
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cvriolanus · 5 years
pretty thing | caliban imagine
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a/n: hello! this is my very first oneshot for caliban, as well as my first time writing again in over two years... please be patient with me, any mistakes or errors are my own. if you want to request something caliban related, just message me! i’ll be happy to write for you! also, feedback is always appreciated! thank you.
plot: you and caliban get up to some fun in Hell’s library.
warnings: fem!reader, manipulation, cocky caliban, sexual tension, fluff but not really??
Caliban didn’t know what to make of you.
You confused him, so oblivious of his affection towards you. Caliban was drawn to you the moment he felt your presence, lingering next to the daughter of the Dark Lord, Sabrina Spellman.
Your bright eyes, shining in interest at the setting around you. Completely unaware of the hungry looks half the court was making at you, it made his insides burn. Unfortunately, he could do little to stop it. You weren’t his, you didn’t belong to him. The only thing Caliban could do was watch you from afar, making sure nothing happened to you, he made sure you were safe. That nobody would lay a finger on you or he’d drag them to Hell himself and make sure that their bodies were unrecognizable once he was finished. He could be cruel, he was aware of that already, but for you — he wasn’t sure how far he’d go to make sure that nobody would harm you. The thought alone infuriated him and he had no idea why.
You would often accompany Sabrina to Hell, asking if she could bring you along since the first time you went to Hell, something making you want to go back to that horrid place again and again — you just didn’t know what exactly what or rather more, who it was. It all started when you, Roz, Theo, Harvey and Sabrina went to Hell to get Sabrina’s boyfriend back.
You weren’t completely sure what it was, but the feeling was there all around you. You felt warm, protected and safe. You didn’t know if the warmth came from Hell itself, but you knew for sure that Hell wasn’t exactly a safe place... If anything, you’d most likely be killed the moment a demon laid their greedy eyes on you.
Sabrina listened to you, at first thinking that you’ve gone mental, but after hearing you out she decided that it wouldn’t hurt. As long as you stayed close to her and didn’t wander off, then you could go. The only downside was that you had to wear a pair of deadman shoes again.
Today was your third time in Hell, Sabrina was sitting on the throne discussing business with Lilith as usual, the only unusual thing was that there was now a man there that you recognized from the ‘Shores of Sorrow’. He was standing next to the Plague King’s, whispering to each other while the nameless man, with dirty blond hair and flawless skin, watched you with piercing eyes.
You didn’t know who he was, just that he was gorgeous and apparently likes building sandcastles. He also seems to like watching you, since the moment you’ve arrived, he hasn’t looked away. His eyes were intense, his face blank of emotion and he did nothing but stand there with the Kings and listen, occasionally giving a nod of understanding.
You swallowed, shrinking more and more into the corner, until Sabrina called your name. You had to practically tear your eyes away from the man, or else he’d probably think you’re the crazy one. You looked up to find Sabrina frowning at you, before opening her mouth. “Why don’t you and I hit the library? Lilith was just telling me that Hell has its very own personal library, one that my father used to use when he wanted to be alone. It has all these ancient texts and I know how much you love to read.”
You smiled softly, nodding. “Yeah, that sounds lovely. Show me the way, ‘Brina.” Sabrina smiled brightly, before taking your hand into hers and leading you to the library. Once the two of you got there, Lilith immediately pops up in a tornado of raging flames, giving Sabrina a hard glare. “I told you that you could visit the library after your duties were finished for the day.”
Sabrina looked sheepish, opening her mouth to make up an excuse, but you beat her right to it. “Oh, Sabrina was just showing me the way here since she knows how much I love to read, she was afraid I’d get lost and felt that I needed to escape since I looked a little out of place,” you replied smoothly.
Lilith looked like she didn’t believe you, which she probably didn’t, but she nodded anyways. “Quite. You will stay here until Sabrina is finished, and then, and only then, she will come back to collect you to bring you back home, mortals don’t belong here anyways.”
You frowned, “Alright.” Sabrina shook her head, clearly disapproving of the way Lilith seemed to talk down at you, instead of with you. “Come Sabrina, we still have much to discuss.” Lilith spoke, clearly feeling impatient by the way she was tapping her foot against the hard marble. Sabrina gave you an apologetic look, promising you that she wouldn’t be long.
Once the two of them left, you went ahead and went through the many isles of bookshelves. This had to be the biggest library you’ve ever stepped foot into, it was at least twenty times bigger than the one at the Academy, it just had to be.
You roamed the different isles of books, running your fingertips over the spines of books gently. You wondered if you could do some research and find out why you were so drawn to Hell. As you collected the books you found that would be helpful, you made your way to the back of the library, seeing a bunch of cherry-wooden tables lined up with chairs for your pleasure.
You grinned, grateful as you hurriedly dropped the books on the table with a huff, they were absolutely heavy. You sat down, taking the first book in your view and opening it up, trailing your finger down the table of contents. Of course, there was a massive fireplace crackling away, keeping the library warm and comfortable.
A hour had passed, with you already halfway through the giant book when you heard the large, oak doors slam shut. You jumped, easily spooked out by the loud sound. You lifted your head, wincing slightly from your neck cracking. “Hello?” you asked, wondering if Sabrina had returned.
Nobody answered.
You were certain that you heard the doors to the library open and close, so you decided to get up and investigate. With your heart pounding against your ribcage frantically, you carefully got up and made your way to the nearest isle of books. With a shaky breath, you called out again. “Sabrina? Is that you?” Maybe whoever it was couldn’t hear you since this place was so massive, but it was so quiet in here... surely, that couldn’t be the case.
You walked slowly, your sneakers luckily not making any noise which you were thankful for. You heard another sound suddenly, and it sounded like a cry for help, a woman’s cry. “H-Hello? Please answer me,” you begged, beginning to really panic now. The crying grew closer with each step you took, seeming to get louder and louder as the person crying was full on screaming now, shaking the walls of this place.
You quickly ran down the long isle, not noticing a pair of eyes on you. As you went to go another way, the crying stopped. It was silent, except from your heavy breathing.
“You have the most beautiful heartbeat.”
You let out a loud cry, grabbing a heavy book from the shelf and swinging it at the intruder behind you, before they abruptly grasped your wrist tightly to stop your movements.
It was the man from the beach.
Your eyes immediately widened, “Y-You again, how did you—“
“I followed you. Figured a pretty thing like you shouldn’t be left alone down here, where anything could get to you and tear up that pretty face of yours.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, making your nose scrunch up a bit. “Who are you?” you asked, your voice stern, eyes ablazed. “You nearly gave me a heart attack, I thought someone was hurt or worse—“
“I’m sorry I frightened you, sweetheart. But I must admit, I do like a game of cat and mouse quite a lot. As for who I am, I’m Caliban, Prince of Hell,” Caliban spoke, his voice deep and smooth like velvet.
You instantly felt your heart sink at his words, like a giant grenade bomb going off in you. “Oh,” you spoke dumbly. “Prince of Hell?” you questioned, still slightly shaken from this whole encounter. Caliban, the Prince of Hell, smiled. It was breathtaking. Caliban hummed softly, still holding your wrists in his strong grasp. “What would the Prince of Hell be doing following a mortal girl like me?” you wondered aloud.
Caliban chuckled softly, finally letting go of you and taking a step back, running long fingers through his blond hair lazily. “I’ve been following you, for the last couple of weeks... don’t tell me you haven’t felt my presence near you, I know that you could feel me,” Caliban purred, taking a step towards you, daringly.
Your mouth went dry, not sure you heard him correctly. “But why? You don’t know me, I’m just—“
“Beautiful,” Caliban interrupted, his voice low as his eyes seemed to dilate. You let out a nervous laugh, shifting from foot to foot. Caliban’s pink lips curled up into a smirk, “Would you like to join me in bed?”
Your eyes nearly popped out of your head, “What? No! I don’t—I don’t even know you! You could kill me!” Caliban let out a small laugh at your naive tone, backing you up against a bookshelf, his arms trapping you. Your breathing increased, pressing your back against the shelf until the hard wood was digging into your back uncomfortably, making you let out a small wince. His eyes lit up at the noise.
“I won’t hurt you, not unless you enjoy pain,” Caliban spoke, looking down at you with a hungry look in his eyes. Caliban bent so that his face was just mere centimeters away from yours, now breathing the same air as you. The familiar feelings of warmth surrounded you again, but you didn’t feel safe this time. Your lips parted, about to tell this guy to fuck off, but Caliban was quicker, pressing his lips against yours desperately.
You let out a low whine, immediately gripping Caliban’s arms just as he deepened the kiss, swiping his hot tongue over your bottom lip, making you whimper. You didn’t even notice, but you began kissing him back just as fiercely, craving his hot mouth on yours. “Please,” you begged, brokenly. You didn’t know what you were asking from him, but he seemed to know exactly what you needed.
Caliban pressed his entire body against yours, your nipples hardening at the feel of his hard body against your own. Caliban brought up his right hand, cupping the side of your face while continuing to kiss you passionately, his tongue now stroking yours eagerly, his thumb gently stroking your jaw. The Prince of Hell noticed how sensitive you were, he could smell the honey pooling between your legs. It was making him crazy, feral almost.
“Let me fuck you,” Caliban rasped, pulling only a inch away, grinding his hardness into your hips, making you let out a shaky moan. You didn’t know what the fuck was going on, one minute you were desperate to get away from this man, the next he had you pinned up against a bookshelf, kissing you senseless.
You were about to respond, but the library doors slammed open, your eyes following the sound of footsteps grow closer and closer. You swallowed, your skin beginning to feel damp with sweat. A voice you recognized called your name, making your heart begin to race once again. It was Sabrina. “You have to go,” you pleaded Caliban, who only seemed annoyed at being interrupted from his time with you.
A idea seemed to pop into his head only a second later, his lips forming a gorgeous smirk, “No,” he purred, bending down so that his lips ghosted over your ear. His lips began trailing down your neck, peppering wet kisses against your soft skin, lightly sucking on your pulse point.
You let out a needy moan, throwing your head back with a soft thump as it collided with the hard bookshelf, though you paid it little attention, too focused on this man that was making your legs weak.
Sabrina’s voice broke you out of your little world once again, startling you. She was coming closer. “Pretty thing. Are you scared of your friend finding us back here?” Caliban growled, nipping lightly at your neck before he pressed his lips against yours once more, his arms wrapping around you tightly. “She’d be so disappointed with you...” he trailed off, leaving you to your dark thoughts. “Just think, you’re getting felt up by the one person who your dear friend Sabrina is fighting against to claim the throne of Hell, is now about to fuck her best friend in the back of her father’s library. How scandalous,” he tutted, before letting out a soft laugh as he pressed another kiss against your plump lips.
“N-No, you can’t,” you wailed, trying to break free of his power over you. Caliban smiled, shaking his head. “Yes, I can.” Tears were prickling at your eyes, making them burn with angst. “Please, Caliban—I’ll do anything,” you whimpered.
Caliban seemed to pause at your words, hearing Sabrina’s heels clicking against the marble flooring, most likely trying to find you in this maze, but unbeknownst to both of you, Caliban had the two of you cloaked. Caliban pulled back slightly, looking at the tears pooling in your pretty eyes. He frowned, letting out a aggravated sigh. “Anything?”
You nodded frantically, your lips parting to try and compromise with this man. “Yes,” you breathed. “I promise.”
Caliban smiled, showing off his straight, white teeth. “Alright, well since you promise...” he trailed off, playfully. Caliban looked at you for a minute longer, savoring the way you looked to his memory. You were perfect in his eyes.
“I’ll be waiting for you tonight,” Caliban said, pulling away from you, though staying close. “Make sure you’re awake, or I’ll be very displeased.”
“Tonight?” you asked, puzzled.
“In your bedroom, midnight. See you then, pretty thing.”
With that being said, Caliban disappeared into a whirl of flames, making you jump. The second he was gone, Sabrina came around the corner, a smile on her face. “There you are! Sweet Satan, I was looking all over for you. Are you okay? I’m so sorry I left you alone, but business in Hell is a little... overwhelming.”
You shook your head, smiling as you tried blinking away your tears. “I’m fine, let’s get out of here, yeah?”
Sabrina sighed, nodding at you. “Absolutely, I’m starving. You want to grab something to eat? Maybe we can catch a movie later to, if you’re willing to stay over.”
You agreed happily, “Sure, I just can’t be out too late.”
Sabrina wiggled her eyebrows at you, walking by your side to the entrance of the library. “Ooh, you’ve got plans with someone or something?”
You grinned, your heart pounding in your chest at the thought of him. “Or something.”
Sabrina laughed, taking your hand so that she could bring you back to earth. You would never openly admit it, but you were looking forward to later that night.
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imaginefan · 4 years
I Can’t Have You
Caliban X Reader
Word Count: 628
Requested: Anon
Request: Caliban taking an interest in you, wanting to get to know you. You find him attractive and interesting you know who he is but can’t deny that you find him cute. (Chilling adventures of sabrina). 1 shot.
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Sabrina had a lot of friends and you were pretty sure that there was no creature that she couldn't make friends with, so it was your job to be suspicious of everyone that appeared in her path. When she became Queen of Hell it became all the more important, you didn't trust anyone in hell even if Sabrina told you that there was nothing that you had to worry about. Your problems started when Caliban came onto the scene now everything that your body said trust him but you knew that you couldn't, he wanted everything that Sabrina had and you weren't going to let him get to her through you.
You hadn't expected him to come to find you either but here you were trying your best to keep to yourself and Caliban decided to destroy the piece that came with that "your friends with Sabrina." He said and you looked at him briefly before going back to the book that you were reading. "What does that matter to you?" You asked as you flipped the page of your book. "I need your help." He said as he sat in front of you. "I'm not helping you." You answered and he took the book from you and smirked. "You don't even know what I want your help with." He answered. "I don't care." You informed him. "What if it meant that Sabrina would be safe and she would still be queen." He answered, that caused you to look up, you couldn't tell if he was lying, you wanted to say that he was and you would treat him that way but you weren't sure that was right. "See we could rule together."
"I'm not convincing her to marry you, you know she has a boyfriend." You explained, you looked at him and smirked. "Mmm there are much better witches to marry, I don't want to marry her, I want an alliance." He answered. "Why should I trust anything that you say?" You asked. "Because I stand to lose everything if we continue this way." He answered. "Why admit that to me?" You asked and he looked at you. "Because of the way that you look at me." He answered as he leaned forward "you want so badly to hate me, to push me away but even as I stand here now you listened to me and even when you think it's best to turn me away you have to make sure that you are right not to trust me." "You do not like the other demons that come from Hell." You informed him "I'll talk to her." "Why?" He asked. "Because most would have taken what they wanted, you asked, I respect that." You answered before shooing him away with your hands "now leave I'm trying to relax."
"Sabrina, I have a proposition from the enemy!" You call as you walk into her room at her home. "What enemy?" She asked. "Do you have that many?" You asked and she raised her eyebrow. "Alright, it's Caliban." "He came to you?" She asked. "Well yeah, should I have told him to go away?" You asked and she smirked. "You do usually." She reminded you and you shrugged. "He seemed like it was important to listen to him." You answered. "You mean you wanted to listen to him." Sabrina smiled. "Look this is not the point of my visit. My point is you may want to talk to him about his alliance." You explained. "Why?" She asked. "I think he's telling the truth." You answered. "Do you really?" She asked. "Or do you want him to be telling the truth." "Maybe a bit of both." You shrugged. "Well then let's go talk to him," She suggested and you nodded.
*Part 2*
Requests and general question!
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calibancangetit · 5 years
What if a witch did the spell to call a familiar (the one used by Sabrina in season 1) but messes up and ends up linked to Caliban? Could that be a good request? I really like your writing btw 💖
This is such a brilliant request! I’m sorry it’s kind of short, but I thought it was kinda cute. I hope I did it justice, and thank you I really appreciate it! 😖💕
The Familiar’s Fury (Caliban Imagine)
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Fear clouded your mind, and the farther you walked into the forest the more scared you became. Sabrina assures you that this was the best way to find a familiar, but something told you that it was probably better to get one off that catalog Aunt Zelda told you about. You knew Sabrina meant well, but ever since the pagans were destroyed and her second self took over Hell, she’s been having a very lassez-faire attitude about the world.
“Why does everything always turn out so well for her?” You mumbled as you kicked some stray rocks in your path.
You loved Sabrina. She was so kind to you when her family took you in a couple months after Sabrina’s first failed attempt to sign her name in the Book of the Beasts. You were a long lost cousin of sorts to the Spellmens, and they did everything they could to make you feel like a true Spellmen, including being a witch. However, you were certain Sabrina’s ways of the dark arts would only lead to a worse path for you.
A cold breeze blew through the trees, creating a worse mood throughout the forest. You pulled your cardigan closer to you and immediately regretted not wearing warmer clothing.
“Let’s just get this over with.” You groaned as you began the ritual.
You tried to remember every detail you could from Sabrina’s instructions. You were sure you did it right, but when you finished absolutely nothing happened. You pouted when the silence of the forest answered the question you were thinking.
“It didn’t work.”
You shrugged your shoulders before grabbing your bag that you put down before the ritual. You adjusted the things inside before spinning on your heel to head home. However, your face was met with a broad chest.
You looked up and saw a pair of green eyes and a beautiful smile facing you.
“Well, if I knew a woman as beautiful as you was going to be the one to take me out of that rock, I would have dressed better.”
You screamed as you pushed him from you; the force of your push had him stumbling backwards for a second, but he recovered swiftly. Your eyes went wide as you were completely dumbfounded by the whole ordeal.
“W-who the hell are you?” You asked as you reached into your bag for some kind of weapon.
Unfortunately, you only had a small, dull pocket knife. You raised it up and aimed it at him with as much confidence as you could muster. The man only eyed the knife before waving his hand causing it to fly from your hands. Your chest heaved as you tried to make a run for the knife once more, but the man had already grabbed you by your arm. You pulled against him, but he just tightened his grip on your wrist.
“I don’t usually illicit such a response from a woman like this; well, except one.” He mumbled but you only continued to stare at him in horror.
“W-What do you want?”
He smiled at your question before slowly releasing your arm. You rubbed your sore wrist before frowning at him and patting your clothes off.
“You summoned me here and out of my imprisonment. I just wanted to thank you is all.”
You cleared your throat awkwardly as you held onto the strap of your bag, “Oh, well, you’re welcome. Was that all?”
His face dropped suddenly and you felt very uncomfortable under his gaze, “Well, I guess so then. I guess I’ll be off,”
A circle of fire surrounded him as he disappeared into thin air. Your fingers played over the skin he touch, and you swore you felt like he was still touching you.”
You shook your head when suddenly a spark of fire started in front of you. As it died out the man from earlier fell to the floor in front of you.
“What the-” he whispered as he took a look around his surroundings. His eyes landed on you and he quickly scrambled up to his feet before pointing a finger at you.
“Look I get it. It was fun the first time, but quit summoning me. Don’t you think once was enough?”
You scoffed as you face contorted into one of disbelief, “I didn’t summon you at all. I was summoning a familiar. I don’t even know who you are,”
“Caliban. Prince of Hell. Ring a bell?”
“How could you be prince of Hell, while Sabrina is queen?”
Rage filled his eyes as he stomped over to you as backed you up to a tree.
“You know, Sabrina! How the hell do you know her? I never saw you with her when she was fighting for the crown!” He interrogated.
A rush of confidence hit you at the mention of your cousin’s name. “Let’s just say I was doing some soul searching during that time, asshole!”
You pushed him off of you before making a run for it. You heard his footsteps chase after you, and just before you saw the treeline, you were tackled to the ground.
“Get off!”
“Would you shut up! Someone’s here!” Caliban hushed you.
Your voice went quiet when he saw who he was talking about. Four men creeped through the forest as they snickered to themselves.
“I know I saw her. She was a witch, doing some kind of spell. She was chanting. We can’t have any witches here.” One of them explained as he held his rifle tighter.
Caliban moved off of you before casting a glamour to hide you both from the men. You hid yourself as far against the ground as you could.
“Witch hunters.” Caliban whispered.
You nodded as you watched the men leave further into the forest. As soon as they were out of earshot, Caliban took off the glamour. You let out a deep breath before thanking him shyly. He kneeled beside your laying form before chuckling.
“Don’t worry about it.”
You kneeled and brushed off the dirt and leaves that clinged to your clothing. Caliban stood up and lent a hand to help you up.
“Why did you help me?” You asked as he handed you your bag that fell.
“It would seem that I am now obligated to help you.”
You furrowed your eyebrows before asking him to explain further. He sighed and showed you his arm that had your name scrawled across his wrist. Your fingers traced your name on his skin before staring up at him amazed. You didn’t notice the way Caliban’s breath hitched at the way your fingers danced across his skin, or the way you he couldn’t stop staring into your eyes. He quickly shook himself out of it and recovered smoothly.
“Well, (Y/N), it would seem that I am your familiar,” he said with a smug smirk.
“Shit. I’m gonna kill Sabrina.”
@octobeers @lena-davina @avocadopoosae @serpentlullaby @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @awkward-walking-potato @artaxerxesthegreat @reclusive-chicken-nugget @justaproudslytherpuff @nerds4life246 @heda-mikaelson
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