caliburn · 2 months
"So you're saying Master X installed a jetpack onto Okita and that triggered a change in her Saint Graph that resulted in her swimsuit?" It had been no secret that the Japanese Saber had longed for her time as part of the annual summer Singularity that was scheduled halfway through each year, and when her wish had come true, she'd been over the moon. even in recent times, she might be found zipping around the Storm Border as the countdown to the expected mission slimmed towards zero.
Learning that her tutor had been a part of the story had enticed Lily all the more. With each year, she'd witness the creation of several more Swimsuit Saint Graphs, though never earning one herself — understandable when the firepower would be found in plentiful other Servants first, but when even children such as Illya and Kuro were recruited, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness. And in truth, she'd confided in Bedivere after noting he'd not been graphed the same as his fellow knights.
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But this year would be different — if she wasn't able to persuade Scathach or any other Servant with the ability to weave one, then she'd do the job herself. Clenching her fists and hunching forward, the girl tensed as, invisibly tethered to the back of her one-piece swimwear, materialised a jet just like Okita's.
Surely that made it official, even if only temporarily. "How does it look?" she asked, a giggle forming in her voice whilst she twirled on the spot for a fair examination.
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caliburn · 2 months
"Mhm, it's all perfectly safe," she beamed with pride that could mirror Nero's incredible confidence. The 'it' in question? A vast slide spiralling around Ophiuchus, woven of vines and foliage, adorned with flowers matching the Cotes heartland.
The two of them stood upon the observation deck ordinarily installed on the great tree's heights, the addition requiring a climb over the railings to prevent accidents, but securely sprouting from the decking, an arch of green and lush standing as gateway.
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"There aren't any thorns or harmful plants to be found at any point, and a safe landing isn't a concern — the giant bubbles at the end will catch us. oh, but you can breathe inside of them. They wouldn't be any good if you risked drowning while finding your feet again".
Hands united behind her back, the Servant tilted forward, her golden tail hanging over a shoulder. "Every possibility I could think of has a failsafe ready — that's why we have these". On the spot, she spun, indicating to the cherub white wings that, while not physically attached to their backs, flittered in response as if truly a part of her. "Even if someone tries to sabotage the slide, we won't plunge the rest of the way or have to think up something in the panic".
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caliburn · 2 months
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it's been a hell of a summer but i'm determined not to let it cost me jumping into this event, so before part 2 drops, here's a tiny little ad for some fun. lily's a bundle of positivity so she's going to have the time of her life with dreaming up nice things for the city. because of the time constraints, this can sit with a cap of 2.
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caliburn · 2 months
To feel somewhat used to those around disappearing was a strange notion, and a disconcerting one at that. Before Huey, many a roommate had shared the space within 411 and moved on to another residence or return to their home beyond. but that was never reason to not try and connect, and on this occasion, that effort was showing off in volumes, for what a wonderful roommate she could cherish.
She had been so preoccupied with the changes in Chaldea's Master, then to make peace with the departure of her sister and the Caster of Faerie Britain that she'd been negligent of another close to home. How much effort he had gone to in order to look out for her, she vowed to demonstrate the same in return. Her understand of Huey was that he'd a complex soul, and if she could be of any assistance in easing his days here, that was her task.
A glowing smile read the message many times over, each like it were the first for her heart swelled with comfort.
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Thank you for all your kindness, Mr Huey! Our days have indeed been a mixture. But I am very happy to have spent them in your company. If anything troubles you too, do lean on me. My story is set in stone, but I will wish that yours has a truly happy ending. ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Well their OTHER room mate moved out. He haven't seen Arty in a while.
.......*sigh* She still king Arthur. Sure maybe she above the need to be comforted by peasant like him. But Huey feel generous as he knock at her unit three times before leaving a gift basket.
He just doing this to get on her good side that all.
Stuff need for a cake, Free One Time Dine in ticket to the local buffet, and.....a copy of The Cantebury Tale? What? He don't know what books she likes.
To: King Artoria
From: Huey
Life tough in this city.
When your feeling down
Remember to laugh
The path you take now
Is never seen before in history
But it is without a doubt your
Own original story.
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caliburn · 2 months
Land's End... was that to be a place like Faerie Britain of which she'd heard? She'd dare not pry. Should she wish, the other Lily would speak of her homeland in time, but the Servant understood well that the realms from which they were pulled were sensitive topics for some. even if not their choice, Spirale might be the lesser of two evils, a sanctuary from the horrors and hardships of their lives before.
She nodded in understanding of the girl's judgment — paradise might have been a foolish word to use, swept up in the majesty of their environment. On many a day, there were peace across the isle, but discord festered and danger crept out the shadows on occasion, sometimes it rained down from the sky itself. they were under a one-sided sky disguising a prison, as lovely as it were. To linger on that fact was to twist any heart into poisonous anger and resentment, but to turn a blind eye outright was delusional.
"I hope one day we can see one another". She had many a question to ask them; many thanks to issue and many complaints to file. But to know of who took them and why, she yearned to understand.
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"We shall go at what pace you feel best manageable," she chimed, bringing palms together with delight. "Oh yes, I understand that is something commonly done to support your friend as they sing. There are also instruments that might be available which those listening can shake for extra noise. I believe they're called maracas and tambourines — they make a noise that sound somewhat like a wind or rainfall".
FEELING A GREAT DEBT, HOW STRANGE. many who were brought here often scoffed at those higher who had escorted them all; curses fell from their lips, lamenting the timing from which they came. and yet, in the same breath, she can understand what the other girl means to some degree. to claim it as some paradise would be true in some ways, some kingdom, or rather city, that was not touched upon endless desolation with no hope for a future. for many here, this was better than where they came, herself included. after all, who wished to live in a decrepit land where naught but misery lingers across its surface?
only there was still a sensation for those with business left untended, wishing for them to resolve it all before casting it aside. and though she had heard that time is at a standstill from when they are pulled into this city, it was hard to tell if that was the truth...
「 Yes. I'm grateful for a lot. The people I've had the chance to meet and a life I wouldn't have been able to live if I was in Land's End. 」 being the only person who lived and breathed, surrounded by only ailing souls and, in turn, the ones she had managed to take on the blight for. but here, there were people, alive and flourishing 一 lily, mika, hunter... so many names she'd come to learn for who they were, not for the horrors they left behind. 「 But I don't think this is a paradise either. With the way our holders treat us sometimes... 」 it's far too much, she thinks, seeing the pain that linger in the eyes of so many after one of their ploys fall into motion.
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「 I see. I'm still not used to all this place gives us, but I'll do my best. 」 one firm nod is given, brimming with determination for their days out, as lips curl into a warm smile to shed away from their steeper topic. 「 Is there anything you'd like to try first? I've never had a "selfie" before. And I've heard about those bars. The ones where you sing. Would clapping along be enough? 」
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caliburn · 2 months
Her trained stamina afforded Lily the endurance to keep up throughout their lengthy charge through the inner workings of the vault, matching pace with the humans with management of her agility so not to inadvertently race off ahead and risk separation.
The plentiful obstacles made the judgment a sensible call, as slaughter intercepted their path frequently. No matter the monstrous nature of their foe, Lily found it difficult each time to watch the gunfire massacre, her innards clenching and twisting in a cocktail of guilt and horror.
though her era was one where warfare scattered the land, their mythical monsters were far more bearable to face than these mutations, and once more did it churn in her gut that this was the daily life of those who ran about her. This nightmare was one from which their only waking was death.
Perhaps naturally it should have been that even in this hellscape, there would be humans feuding with one another. But to perceive the evidence for herself, Lily struggled to wrap her head around it. Her mouth opened to speak in appeal to the thugs, but suggestion from Piper kept quiet her voice.
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As instructed, she remained back with tense shoulders, the weapon in her hands stayed lowered. Firing upon the ghouls had been frightening enough, and though she would one day bring down the holy blade upon her fellow, cutting through them with the lead of bullets here and now scared her more than anything. Try as she might to contain her weakness, her body did tremble at the thought, squeezing her eyes shut as she muttered barely louder than a whisper: "please be careful".
After a small chat between Nick and Nora, both are leading first to get out of this vault by leaving the huge cafeteria before more Triggermen appear and overwhelm them. Piper stood up after and followed suit. Obviously, any Triggermen got in their way, ends up killed. A door locked done by Nick as it leads the stairways.
The stairs, though around the vault, was like legit made by a fitness instructor. Smooth progress aside, Nick complains the damned stairs as they were many.
“Who the heck made these many stairs? A fitness instructor?” A complain of why. Nearby alerted Triggermen sprouted in flanks as Nora and Nick dealt with them. It ended up in a bloody shootout as Piper had to take part by shooting on the left flank. Took them long enough to clear out a group and kept moving.
Thirty minutes later, they reached the exit but locked. Nick did the whole thing and worked, until Skinny Malone and his cahoots are on the way. Darla was also here too.
“Speak of the devil.” Nick was standing here, talking to the mafia boss as the boss responds.
“Should’ve left it alone, Nicky. This ain’t the old neighborhood. In this vault, I’m the king of the castle, you hear me!?” Nick sighed after. His purpose was to tell Darla to come home than hanging out with the guy and it began.
Piper had her hands on her gun if they shoot back. “Best if you stay put and leave it to them. Normally, it ends up in a peaceful way.” Looked at Lily aside, she waits for what’s gonna end up.
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caliburn · 2 months
Her brow wrinkled ever so slightly — wrath was probably the kindest of sentiments towards the Stars in most, even Lily herself would probably find resentment if she dared to dig down deep enough.
The way Rin described it, the search for answers, she couldn't help but liken it to the vast picture of Chaldea's mission — an enormous story where the truth hid away in shadows far beyond the sky, revelations sprinkled completely altering the dynamic of what one believed of their situation. if the Stars were to divulge any small detail, the foundation of Spirale itself might get shaken up in the same way.
It was that lack of transparency which irked her — they had their reasons, surely, so why not confess? Some more sympathetic might be more willing to engage if they were to understand their purpose, how they might assist in a crisis. The faceless Director of Chaldea came to mind — the very idea there might be a nasty secret underlying all of this terrified her; if Chaldea could turn out to be the bad guys in a roundabout sense, then what could that mean for those captured and left to roam in this city like little more than lab rats?
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"I want to know," she blurted without proper consideration. Emerald gleam as they hardened. "As a knight and as a Servant, I've always followed what's been dictated for me without questioning it. But this is far more than just that — it's all of us. They're withholding so much that we need to know — if were here to help with something, why don't they just say? I want to help, whether it's them or us, if it can reunite people who have been torn apart".
The hand securing her leg curled inward, pulling at the pure petal fabric draped over her resting thigh. "This island has always been beautiful, and I want to protect it. And everyone on it. If they won't tell us how to, then I'll..." Her voice trailed, for what threat could she issue against the unreachable and omniscient? Her head shook with adolescent defiance. "I'll find a way to them. Somehow!"
⠀⠀⠀❛ ⠀It's not something that comes naturally, believe me.⠀ ❜ ⠀RIN ⠀can't help the single laugh that punctuates her response, sincere enough to prompt a shadow of a smile. She can take her licks well enough, sure — but 'roll with the punches' ? That's a combination of durable and adaptable that's hard to come by.⠀❛ ⠀I've gotten better at it over time. I guess you could say someone stupidly good with that sort of thing's probably rubbed off on me.⠀ ❜ ⠀
⠀⠀⠀She sinks down onto the cushion next to the young Servant as she continues to think out loud, but she finds herself feeling heavier the more the girl speaks. The mage has a feeling there's an undercurrent of concerns that have just as much to do with Lily herself as they do with Rin and her sister... but for the time being, all she can really do is answer her pointed questions. Even if having the situation spelled out so plainly taints her own tone with a deep, bitter note, inspecting her laced fingers with a terse sigh. It seems like there's no point in tiptoeing around or glossing over her feelings after all. That seems to be the case a lot lately.
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⠀⠀⠀❛ ⠀Angry doesn't quite cover it. 'Pissed off' doesn't really cut it, either. Honestly ? I think if any of us thought for a second too long about our circumstances here, even on a good day, someone could go insane. 'Toying' is the exact right word... That's all it's been to me since my first day here. And it's even worse when you can't figure out all the rules of the game.⠀ ❜ ⠀
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caliburn · 4 months
A means of contending with troublemakers? She could definitely get on board with that. Although Spirale was peaceful much of the time, there were pockets of mischief lurking within the shadows — Fibbonaci and the Underside wouldn't have the reputations they did without such. Lily nodded fervently, taking in the prospect with a twinkle in her eye.
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"Of course! It would be like training with Merlin and Big Brother Kay. And suppose it wouldn't be the first time I was a something-lancer". ba-dum. "We could speak with Lionheart to help with manpower — they must still be active. If we can negotiate with this Codename Aury and not have to resort to physical means, that will be encouraging to those who want to help but don't have the strength to. And subduing them will send a message out to those with ill-intent across the city that they won't get away with their schemes".
Spit take
Think Huey think. A believable yet not far fetch lie.
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".....I'm thinking about a cash incentive to catch trouble maker the isolan police can't handle. We have super powers. The police here don't. We got so many powerful lazy people in this city. Aury? Oh that just a place holder name that all (LIES). Wanna join Artoria? You be a free lancer. No quota and a freedom of choice to finish the job how you want (JOKING). We don't HAVE to use violence."
.....strangely truthful?
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caliburn · 4 months
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"Is that a new game mode in the Intraspace? I don't have any experience of player versus player, but if you don't mind teaching me, we could practice together".
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"Hmm....maybe i should start the bounty system for Eotr.....i could even pay for Aury bounty. Stars....stars are hard to get. Dust easy though."
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caliburn · 4 months
Sound advice. She could understand the importance of taking a step back and redirecting though elsewhere or re-evaluating a strategy when things went awry rather than dwell on them. The problem was that when she came back to the wall she'd hit, scaling it still proved to be a challenge. A knee drew up toward her chest, the heel beneath planted on the cushion and an arm coiled around for extra security.
"You're really tough, being able to roll with the punches so efficiently". Her lips raised a fractured smile as her thoughts drew back to the overarching problem. "Someone I spoke to around the time we first met had a similar message. It seemed like he'd grown jaded over just how little we can do when you look at bigger picture. Like you and Sakura. She wouldn't have left by choice I don't think — not with you here".
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She wondered... would he have been relieved to have escaped this place when his name disappeared from the contact list? or would he have grown frustrated further than it had been a decision made by the Stars, their decisions seemingly without rhyme or reason at times. "It must make some feel utterly powerless. The same way if you try to fight fate but it crushes your defiance with its iron order".
It was a roundabout way of tiptoeing the question burning on her tongue, and a clumsy one at that. A weakness always riding on her shoulder that she hated to tackle aloud. "Are you angry with them for toying with the two of you?"
⠀⠀⠀❛ ⠀You’re lucky that you managed to retrace your steps. A lot of the time, that's half the trouble.⠀ ❜ ⠀HER ⠀demeanor had almost been downright breezy at first, relieved that it was found so quickly — but then the corners of her mouth promptly turned downward before her lips pressed into a thin, grim line.
⠀⠀⠀❛ ⠀People come and go quite a bit here,⠀ ❜ ⠀Rin heard herself saying with a deceptive amount of ease. It was a true enough statement; it was merely the way she said it, as if that was really all there was to say on the subject, that was the lie. ⠀❛ ⠀But, yes... We're sisters.⠀ ❜ ⠀It still makes her mouth feel dry to say out loud.
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⠀⠀⠀With a stiffening of the shoulders that resembled a shudder, her demeanor had recovered somewhat — even if a tad diplomatic. ⠀❛ ⠀Honestly, I'd be more upset if you didn't call me over the little things. It's good to keep yourself occupied when things don't go according to plan, isn't it ? To focus on what you can control, not what you can't.⠀ ❜ ⠀
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caliburn · 5 months
Emerald glistening hearing his hopes for her — the city might be a chaotic melting pot and she a half-baked Servant, but brute strength wasn't a necessity here. That of the heart might be more valuable, and through Huey, she'd seen just how brightly it could shine. Maybe... she was idealistic right up until those final moments when regret set in, but Arthur never gave up her ambition of bringing peace to Britain. If she told him that, would it be a comforting listen?
The world might be cruel, even downright malicious, but standing up in the face of that was the embodiment of the resilience she hoped to brew inside herself. Just like Huey, just like Chaldea's Masters and just like those burdened by the duty of Avalon le Fae. no matter how vicious they were treated by whatever powers may be, they didn't crumble — and Lily was determined to follow. She simply needed to steel herself not to falter when things might get rough and doubt seep in.
Hands cupped over the place of her heart, nodding with a smile to the man as he hauled himself up from his seat in preparation to depart. "I will! Thank you for all your advice, I won't squander it. It was a pleasure to meet you, Huey — I had a wonderful time. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to call".
Warmth remained ablaze in her chest even after they had parted ways, reciting to herself the key points he had delivered so they not slip her mind with the coming of eve and stopping by a store on the way home for ingredients with a small late dinner and the next day in mind.
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Darkness was settling in by the time she'd returned to 411, mildly taken aback to feel the condo's door unlocked — which meant there must have been new roommates brought by the latest eclipse. Clapping her hands together, she skipped into the kitchen whereupon the worktop laid the paper bag and hotter still burned the flame of excitement.
Perhaps she should bake something as a welcoming gift to the arrivals — she could make some extra as an excuse to deliver them to Huey sooner rather than later.
....Oh he actually feel a tinge of red.
It's the fact he can read people pretty damn well and Arty was sincere about her praise that cause him to blush. He clear his throat as he try to regain compusure.
Oh yeah if anything happen to her he burning down this city.
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"....Don't ever let people some half baked realist tell you your wrong okay? One idealist who refuse to give up to nihilism worth a thousand lousy realist. Anyone can give up on their hope and ideals and become a realist. Take a genuine special someone to still go for their ideals knowing the world sucks."
Morgan huh? So many details and stories about her. The legendary witch who rival merlin with three aspect. So many different view of the queen. The dutiful daughter who was slighted, the mad queen who can't accept the throne wasn't hers.
So many version and Huey wisely decide to shut up. He listen and nod along. Stuff like argument between two siblings are a lot more complicated then what stranger write in the books. He not gonna give his two cent or pretend he knows ideas and concept only the pendragons would know.
"It's never to late. The worst kind of regret is not saying the things you have in your heart. Life to long in this city to hold onto old grudges. It's getting late Arty and...thanks for showing me mercy. I see you around later."
Huey gave her a small bow. It is getting late and well....he have work to do. Beside if he take to much of her time people gonna look for her.
Can't have them finding their king with someone Like him. Let's head home now.
By the way.....he never greeted his room mates did he? The first thing he did when he enter his room was lock the door and laze around like a sloth.
He wonder who his room mates are?
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caliburn · 5 months
"aaah... I thought maybe it had slipped out there". A tad dramatic was the sigh that spilled from the Saber's mouth, the only comfort was she hadn't been so careless as to lose something special entrusted. Once she'd turned the sofa right, she perched herself on the arm nearest the window, gazing out to the brilliant blue sky where only dustings of white peppered the expanse.
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"You and Sakura... are sisters... right? It must hurt... you don't need a random call because of a careless accident. You're always so strong, but if there's anything I can do, don't hold yourself back from saying".
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caliburn · 5 months
Each new development served as a grim reminder of how far the world had dissolved into chaos. survival of the fittest had become law and these vaults... if they were meant to be safehouses, they could not even be guaranteed as sanctuaries from whatever the world or its population might inflict upon those sheltering. Death, kidnapping and whatever afflictions those monstrous people could cause — it was disconcerting to think about, much less live.
But this had been the world Piper, Nora and Nick knew — they'd no choice in the matter. It had Lily reflect on Pan-Human History's spiralling crisis, a world that once was now barren, but without the nightmarish trial to survive that this world suffered.
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A knot tied in the Servant's stomach watching Piper take her seat so casually. How many times had she been forced to kill just to make it to the next day? When was it she became numb to the process? The knight prayed Chaldea's Master might never reach that same breaking point — her heart had always been warm, the mere suggestion it could grow weary enough to lose that comfort was worrying.
"What will our next move be when they're ready? We don't know when or how we might get back to Radiale".
Continuously creeping in to find Nick, this vault had a lot of stairs to roam in while trying to infiltrate as quietly as they can. Stair in and out and after Nora and Piper assassinating each Triggermen by shanking them with a combat knife. It took them long enough to reach the cafeteria but it was huge than other vaults.
Piper saw a man talking to someone as it’s best to do it discreetly as she followed the dweller. Nora had her chance on killing him but instead, she stole secretly the keys as Dino was busy talking to Nick.
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Piper disliked that as she was handed the knife used and she goes to kill the man. Approaching to the man and slit his throat off with a deadpanned face. “He’s dead, Blue. I’ll open it.” Using the specific key that found from Dino seemed working and Nick came out.
“Gotta love the damsel-in-distress scenario. Question is, why is our heroine risk life and limb for an old private eye?” The synth talked first as Nora responds regarding her missing son. It was somehow private as she leaves them alone talking.
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“That’s Diamond City’s known detective, Nick Valentine. He may be a synth but we do owe him his services on finding lost people and such. Let’s wait here until they’re finished talking.” Piper is now sitting on Dino’s corpse like a floormat.
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caliburn · 5 months
There was something about how nonchalant he was that reminded her of Merlin. Like the waving of details, something that might become relevant later if they need review the matter at hand, but unnecessary if they could get the hang of it first time. His smile too. If her eyes closed, she might expect to open them unto British greenery of life.
But that would have to wait, otherwise she would miss the mechanics of the demonstration, centring her attention on his footing and posture. He made it look so easy when he pushed into motion, like a natural — so confident he smiled back. the issue came with taking his eyes off the way ahead.
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"ah —Watch out!" she cried, pointing to the collection in front of him and quick to bring both hands to her eyes, unable to bear the sight of what was about to unfold. Her ears would have to suffer the terrible crashing with no hand spare to conceal them.
WERE IT ONE THING ELYSIUM WAS, it was far too sociable, especially the way he beams at the young lady as she continues to accept his aid. not that it was difficult, balance being key, but demonstrations were always in order in regards to form and poise. ❝ Riding skill? I don't know anything of that, but it's no problem at all, little miss, ❞ he chimes, the smile on his lips far too natural as he places the board down upon the ground.
one foot stands on its middle back portion, prepared to hold his weight, as he keeps himself balanced properly. ❝ You start like this! Make sure your footing is solid, otherwise it might cause you to slip. And then, you push off with your other foot as you squat down before一 ❞ words cut off here, the propulsion of his push casting him forward as he shifts his other foot to the front, knees bent. ❝ See that?! ❞ calling back, he gives a wave to her to show he's done it correctly.
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and there he goes, oblivious as he glides directly toward several trashbins一
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caliburn · 5 months
The display should have been terrifying, but the solemn weight overpowered any fright, and for the atrocities committed there, Lily could not feel a great sympathy for the creatures slain in the act. What Albedo had inflicted was much more merciful than what had they upon their victims.
Thunderous booms echoed still in her ears when they arrived at the village, eerily quiet itself. the knight descended from the carriage, bearing in mind Albedo's request. "Will you be able to convince the villagers of our innocence if they find us and believe we're responsible for all of... everything?" Or what post-mortem trade they might jump to the conclusion of. Lily's voice wavered, unable to speak the latter as the idea itself disturbed her too greatly.
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At sound of the survivor's volunteering, Lily turned on her heel and sprinted after her, desperate not to lose sight of the woman. "I'll come too — it's too dangerous to out by yourself so I'll guard you". They had been charged with her life by the rescue, the last thing the knight would do is let even a miniscule threat near it. And with the worry they might be misunderstood as murderers seeking materials to most effectively transport their cargo, the heart beating in her throat was already frantic, practically begging for no more twists.
“I will. I shall find her family at Golden Ward.” Albedo would definitely do that as she puts aside evil and good for now while venturing through her bicorn and a carriage of corpses. As they reached half-way that the distance between the fortress and the road were quite small but she stopped for a while, drawing Ginnungagap as it was turned into a staff.
“Fly…” Using 'Fly’, she floated as high as she can that she used its power, aimed at the fortress, half-way the view. As its devastating magic was used, the elven fortress was destroyed in one blast. Not content on one shot, she did another to ensure that nothing remained than a crater of dust as her 'World Item’ worked on structural destruction.
She did that for a reason. For Lily and the survivor as she returns back to the center seat. Rest of the venturing was fast and quiet that they passed an odd-looking magic caster and a red-haired girl on the opposite direction until they reached the abandoned village.
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“It seems that there’s no one here.” She steps down the carriage and the survivor. The succubus had asked both of them to do something since the corpses with them will need a fresher batch of bed sheets or anything that will cover them and ropes. “I need some bedsheets enough for the bodies and ropes if possible.”
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“I’ll gather as many as i can find!” The survivor goes to the left side of the village, starting to search any house and inn for what Albedo needed.
The succubus will remain standing.
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caliburn · 5 months
she nodded fervently, heart bursting with joy in consideration of how persistently their wavelengths matched — their shared name merely a seed for the overlapping roots they entwined. "And we have the luxury of time to do so at our leisure. I understand that many have their grievances with the means by which we were brought here, but I feel a great debt for all the wonderful experiences it had opened.
We are not struggling against the world's environment to fend for resources — it was much closer that we are living in paradise fully-furnished and at liberty to entertain our hearts". As a squire, she could have never imagined a break if her spirits were to grow weary —Radiale Island was a window in the present day without the expectations of any society tagging along as a caveat. At times, her thoughts became consumed with wonder as to the purpose of this place — they had received so much in exchange for what was taken, steadily returned to its proper place, but in general, they were simply living without responsibilities.
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"Master or Rin probably have a much better idea of what one entails, but my understanding is that we can go out shopping around the city centres, visit karaoke bars, play on the machines along the Boardwalk, take selfies with drinks and treats we find and part ways home at the coming of sunset. It sounds like a dream that we can truly live for ourselves here".
A GIRLS' DAY OUT, SHE SAYS. the term is foreign, something she would never had the chance to learn, were she to remain within the confines of her world. perhaps this was another blessing of this city, then -- even if they were all ensnared in some pristine prison, it was still something more than such a dreary world which she comes. people here exist, breaths of life escaping them with every move they make rather than some echo of a memory long forgotten besides the one who must live amidst that wreckage.
still, she was grateful, being able to share something as little as this with her sister lily. in some ways, she feels this name connects them, much as it did with the one she had found those notes of back home.
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「 If you'd like. As long as you enjoy it, isn't that what matters? 」 at least that was what she would like to believe, some simplicity in life than all else that could surround them at any time. and even more so with what she writes, slipping the notebook over for the other to read before taking a large bite into her own slice of sweets whilst the saber reads. 「 I've never heard of a girls' day out until now. What else do they do on them? When we're done here, we can do what else they do. 」
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caliburn · 5 months
A meaning, one tethered to what it was to be human. With a contemplative nod, Lily reflected on the gap between King Arthur and humanity — she might have ceased to be entirely human, but a day would come where, in her final breaths, she would be once more. That a future — and a past in the world — far away from Spirale, and so its shadow waited outside. Though still searching and growing, there was boundless potential for her to live a temporary separate path just as much as anyone else.
Colour tinged her cheeks growing brighter through his speech — he really was the type who would never bend and break, the kind of person she aspired to be, and from whom she could learn. "I bet you've had an incredible so far and taken hold of the wheel firmly, chartering your own path with whatever wiggle room you can get if it's not possible to entirely overturn fate. you know all about me, but I'd love to hear your story whenever you'd like to tell it. Even if I'm too young to hear it between drinks".
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His was a simple yet ambitious aspiration — not simply to carve his name into history for the sake of fame, but to leave evidence he lived, he existed as more than one of countless drops in the ocean. She couldn't help but admire that determination.
"Luckily we don't have to earn a living to survive here, so I'd never charge you — besides I don't know if they're good enough to sell and it's a hobby. Though there are modern day events such as village fetes where cake sales can use be used to raise money for charity, so that's a idea!"
Her expression softened, glowing from excitement at the possibility to fondness in reflection. "Yes, you could say that. Although we never saw eye-to-eye, Morgan was never my enemy. Not truly. Maybe you could call our opposition sibling rivalry, but what she sought was the best for Britain, taking a different approach than I. Big Brother Kay was always supportive too, although he had his reservations about things.
It would typically be Merlin who got chewed out for sleep training or when we'd cause some trouble and Kay was the one to clean up afterwards". She lived a simple time, both in terms of personally and in the tapestry of the world's advances. "It does sadden me that our family's internal strife tore down Camelot, and how many others suffer pain from their blood. We're lucky that , as Servants, we have a chance to repair those bridges, if she's willing to accept my apology".
A playful smile creep onto Huey lips.
He understand her just a TINSY bit better now. Not the king but the girl.
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"We all have to find our own meaning within this cage am i right? That what being human is and this city is something else isn't it? It's a trap for those who destiny yet fulfill. Snatching us from our predestine glory. Yet for those of us who already dead or in worse situation. This is a land of opportunity. New people! New stories! New friends! Hell even new enemies. That what it means to be alive in the present. That why i wanna go for my dreams. Even if it's all a failure and i burn up to ash one day. I wanna say i tried my best as a person and MAYBE get my story told in between drinks.."
Huey refilled up her soda. Hey with all that fries and junk food. So much salt she bound to get thirsty.
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"I love to try some of your bake good one day Arthuria. Of course i don't expect it for free. You shouldn't do it for free either. Samples are fine. You don't have to do to much but never give labor for free. William....i haven't always been a great brother. I'm whinny, a little unappreciative and got into bad fight with him one time. Somehow still accepted me despite all of it. That what big brothers are am i right? You still have memories of your brother?....Or is it sister?"
God she eats a lot. Huey make a motion for a second order as he can read her expression she clearly don't have enough yet. There is a tinge of guilt in Huey voice.After all....he lead his own brother to his death. He is a shit brother so there some truth to that.
Still talking to her been fun. Just the chatting as despite appearance wise she look younger then him. It feel like chatting with old friends. Her youthful look yet she still have memories....ideas of what to come yet her eyes still shine.
Someone not beaten down by the world.....and that such a rarity to Huey.
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