calisotadreamin · 2 days
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Pete's Dragon (1977)
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calisotadreamin · 8 days
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A “Three Caballeros” publicity image – from “Motion Picture Herald,” April 14th, 1945
Don't forget it's his day too!
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calisotadreamin · 14 days
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Skeleton Frolics by Ub Iwerks (January 29, 1937)
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calisotadreamin · 18 days
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Don Rosa and Jeff Smith
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calisotadreamin · 21 days
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Afoul of the Flying Dutchman (1985). Carl Barks. Based on his 1959 story.
Being Dutch, this story especially appealed to me when I was a kid. It’s really well drawn too. Well, like all Barks stories, right, but man: this one. Barks excelled at ocean scenes: storms, ships, winds, sea creatures.
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calisotadreamin · 26 days
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“He’s free to seek the horizons that unca’ Scrooge lost! Is unca’ Scrooge envious of poor unca’ Donald?”
“Escapy From Forbidden Valley” (1999)
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calisotadreamin · 29 days
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calisotadreamin · 1 month
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Calling all Duckers and Mousers...
Share a random panel you have on you.
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calisotadreamin · 1 month
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calisotadreamin · 1 month
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A Lithographic Suite of Preliminary Paintings portfolio by Carl Barks, published by Another Rainbow, 1989.
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calisotadreamin · 1 month
Puffy's Really Comprehensive and Cool Review of PK Out of the Shadows for the PS2 (not emulated guys I didn't emulate it I bought a really legal copy for my PlayStation 2 console that I own)
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Ok guys I just did a really epic playthrough of the Paperinik video game (that was streamed on Discord thank you to everyone who watched me scream and struggle for like 6 hours) and I'm here to give a review for the other PK fans or perhaps even people who really like playing old niche PS2 games for some reason (get a better hobby)
First of all this game gets a 10/10 rating from me because this game has Paperinik in it and there are no other games with Paperinik in them.
Paperinik's English name is "the Duck Avenger" but I guess there was too much PK logo branding in this game for them to bother to change it so they kept his name as just PK and tried to explain it by saying it stood for "really cool duck" or something in Latin. Which I'm pretty sure was just a fucking lie.
I'm really happy that Uno was there, I love him and he's my best friend even tho he was FUCKING USELESS like this whole game. Sorry he just kinda grabs Donald, turns him into a superhero, then throws him into an Evronian base with 0 explanation and is like "go kill" and like who am I to say no to the giant floating orb?? Like he gave me a gun which is really nice but I'm out here getting fucking jumped by the Evronian empire and Uno isn't even there to cheer me on or NOTHING. He only occasionally shows up to explain when you get a weapon upgrade like FUCKING DO SOMETHING UNO THEY'RE BEATING MY ASSSSS
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The little collectibles are just tiny floating Uno heads so that also gets a 10/10 from me I really enjoyed running around and collecting my army of Uno PNGs. The SECOND collectible however- Ok so there are like these scientists that are tied up by the Evronians and you're supposed to save them right? Well for whatever reason (they don't really explain why this is happening) every time you get close to a scientist it starts a big menacing countdown in the corner and you're supposed to save them before the timer goes down or else THEY JUST FUCKING DIE?? I THINK?? LIKE I SAID THEY DON'T EXPLAIN IT SO I CAN'T REALLY TELL WHAT'S HAPPENING, BUT IF THE TIMER GOES DOWN AND YOU REACH THEM TOO LATE THERE'S JUST LIKE A PILE LEFT BEHIND FROM WHERE THEY USED TO BE, I THINK THEY GET FUCKING VAPORIZED OR SOMETHING? AND LIKE I WAS REALLY BAD AT SAVING THEM BECAUSE I GET REALLY STRESSED WHEN THE TIMER STARTS. I HAVE SO MUCH BLOOD ON MY HANDS. anyways.
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I like totally didn't get stuck on the same section for 10 minutes because I kept comedically sliding PK directly into a big pool of evil pink goo. Like evil Evron goo I guess, don't remember THAT from the comics. If you so much as touch it with your little pinkie toe he dies instantly, it's very troubling. Like I said um that didn't happen to me though because I'm really good at video games. Idk if you knew I'm level 102 on Wizard101 which is like pretty high. Like it's not max level I'm pretty sure max level is like 180 right now but it's still cool I'm still cool and also really good at video games.
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Oh yeah also something that was really amusing to me is the way that PK is just fucking Stanced Up the entire game. Like he's always kinda menacingly crouching and shuffling around everywhere he goes like a little superhero cockroach. Love him.
Can't believe I haven't mentioned this sooner but for the English dub of this game (which is what I was using because I am, in fact, an English speaker) they made the huge brained decision to get Rob Paulsen to do Donald's "superhero" voice. Rob Paulsen of course from Yakko Warner fame... and Steelbeak 1991. Donald sounds goofy as shit the whole game it lowkey kills me. I guess they assumed people wouldn't wanna sit through his regular scratchy voice for however many hours of gameplay but trust me, I would WAY prefer regular Donald over the weird 90s protagonist Crash Bandicoot wannabe thing he has going on. Uno sounds great tho, zero complaints.
At one point PK walks out of the level and he's like "haha who knew this superhero stuff would be so easy!" and I took that as a deep and personal insult. That was not easy Donald I was fighting for my fucking life in there. You have like 13 bullet wounds and I dropped you into Evron goop like 6 different times. Stop making me look bad.
I got stuck standing around like a fucking idiot for 10 minutes because I got an upgrade for the X-transformer and Uno was like "you see that hole? Go over and press □ to send the X-transformer through it!" and I was like oh ok. Except there was no hole I couldn't find the hole. I was only able to progress past this part because I pulled up a youtube video of someone else playing the game, and the guy in the video ALSO proceeded to get stuck in the same spot before realizing you have to backtrack to find the hole like 15 feet away from where Uno gave you the instructions. I can't tell if it's bad game design or if I'm just stupid.
I'm ngl I got to the end and heard Zondag start talking and he lowkey sounds hot as fuck. I mean WOAH that's crazy who said that??? (he's also British for some reason)
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Wrapping up my final thoughts with some simple questions:
Does this game have Paperinik in it?
Is it a good game?
What's the best part about the game?
Uno is in it.
What's the worst part about the game?
Everything else.
Would you have been able to beat this as a child?
Absolutely not.
Why did they think it would be a good idea to get Rob Paulsen to do the voice of PK for the majority of the game?
Hell if I know???
Would you recommend this game to other people?
Probably not.
It took me a total of 6-ish hours to beat the game (it can be beaten in like 2 hours I'm just slow) but in that amount of time you could read PKNA chapter #34 "Nothing Personal" like 6 times which I think would be a way better experience.
Anyways like I said 10/10, would maybe think about playing again. On like a really depressing rainy day where I have literally nothing else to do.
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calisotadreamin · 1 month
Umberto Eco's experience on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride seems to have been a lot gnarlier than mine, and while I previously had no strong feelings on the 'We wants the redhead' controversy, I do kind of want the horror movie he experienced.
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calisotadreamin · 2 months
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calisotadreamin · 2 months
This scene
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Flintheart: the world belongs to the cunning! I got my artifact back and we are all going home! What's better than this?
Followed by him giving up going home bc everybody present started judging him is all I needed to cement the idea that this old cranky duck just needs a found family to calm the fuck down
Especially bc he said "all", I genuinely though he would try and fail to go back alone to earth
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calisotadreamin · 2 months
I'm not a nationalist except for Disney Comics everyone knows Italy has the best ones come on.
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calisotadreamin · 2 months
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scrooge but like, 10x more wild n senile
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calisotadreamin · 2 months
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