calistaemmanuel · 11 months
wine fest | closed starter
for: @calistaemmanuel & @athenalefebvre location: the shard
Makena loved June because with it came the month long wine festival and all the parties that gave her all the reasons to cut loose and enjoy herself. The stress of the last few months needed to be dealt with and what better way than the indulge in copious amounts of alcohol for a good cause? 
She had already downed her next glass of wine and seit it back on the bar as the bartender slid her another one. The witch thanked them with a wink and reached out to close her hand around the glass, and when she pulled it back towards her to take a drink, she found herself colliding with another person and the drink went flying. The contents of it landed on them both and Makena could not help but yelp from the sudden cold wetness that splashed down the front of her shirt.
“Aww man
 I didn’t even get to start on that one,” Makena whined and started brushing at her shirt to no avail. It was still going to remain soaked through with wine. She was too busy (and tipsy) to notice that the person she had bumped into had gotten wet as well.
It was starting to become excessive, the number of trips Cal had to make back to the bar to keep a mere buzz going. And while she had no need for anything to sustain herself, her stomach wasn’t a bottomless well either. Being a deity fucking sucked. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. You can’t have this. You can’t have that. Oh, you thought happiness was an option? Well, sorry we’re fresh out. A break? Tough luck, mate. But falling wasn’t an option either. They weren’t memories exactly but Calista knew she had hated every second of it. Daphne alone had made it bearable.
A fresh wave of anguish seized her heart as the vampire’s name bounced around her skull. One more drink, she told herself. Perhaps one more drink would finally silence her thoughts even if it wouldn’t quite suffice to drown out the prayers and outcries of those in need. But instead of leaving the bar with another drink in hand, Calista found herself doused in someone else’s. “What the fuck Makena?” She growled lowly, watching as the crimson stain spread along the fibers of her dress shirt, the witch’s name rolling off her tongue with entirely too much familiarity. They had only met once in this version of reality - at the Christmas Market. But even though Calista hadn’t quite arrived at ‘well and truly drunk’ she couldn’t bring herself to give a damn. “Who cares about your stupid drink?”
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calistaemmanuel · 11 months
Other people told him that Calista had been with Daphne in the alternate future, so Chris imagined that she probably missed her too. When Daphne left, he had moved back into her place so he could take care of the house and feed her cat. Rose had seemed to finally warm up to him a bit since they both seemed to think that the house was too empty without their adopted mom. So far he had told everyone he was house-sitting. 
He settled into the chair and ended up looking at Calista long enough that it probably counted as staring. He ran his fingertips along the edge of one of his books, looking for the right thing to say. She’d been nice on halloween, so he decided to just ask.Â ïżœïżœïżœHow are you doing with everything that’s going on?”
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“Everything that’s going on?” She echoed, deciding to play dumb. “You mean the graffiti and the video?” Opening up to others had never been easy for her and the few times Calista had allowed people past her barriers it had always ended in heartache. Kassandra, Matthew, Daphne... “I think we should be cautious but it is imperative that our actions aren’t solely guided by fear.”
Slotting a finger between the pages of the book she had been reading, she closed it to give Chris her undivided attention. “What about you? You seem a little rattled.” She couldn’t help but take a genuine interest in his well-being. It was compulsive almost. Although they weren’t related by blood - well, not in the traditional sense - she could still see bits and pieces of Daphne in him.
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calistaemmanuel · 11 months
Location: The Shard
Open: @vievecorcitystarters
Eri was, at long last, drunk. It took a lot for him to keep his buzz, so he was drinking with perhaps more fervor than those around him. His fellow dancers seemed not to mind, though. Being this drunk dulled the pain from falling, and he was feeling better than he had in weeks. He knew that tomorrow, he’d likely have a monstrous hangover, and terrible body pains from dancing. But that was a problem for then. For now, he was just enjoying the party.
When he’d been sober a few hours ago, he’d put on one of the bands marking him as willing to be fed from by vampires. The collar was still attached to him, though he hadn’t gotten any offers as of yet.
He made his way off the dance floor, needing a smoke break and some water; it was hot on the dance floor. As he did, he bumped into someone. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there!”
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It didn’t matter that she could withstand the force of a grenade. It didn’t matter that he had barely succeeded at making her stumble. It didn’t matter that he was apologizing. “Then watch where you’re going,” Calista snapped, her eyes flickering from his face down to the collar around his neck and back up. She was only a couple drinks in herself and nowhere near feeling even just the slightest of buzzes yet. “Bump into the wrong person and you might get a hell of a lot more than you bargained for.” Centuries ago - maybe even months - she would’ve made sure to watch her language but if she had learned one thing, it was that the universe didn’t care whether you behaved yourself or not. It just fucked you over regardless.
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calistaemmanuel · 11 months
Chris had gone back to the restricted section for supernaturals in the library. He’d been coming every few weeks when he had questions and also to sometimes just get lost in stuff. Half the time he’d come in asking about specific topics, and then other times he would wait until Persy was available and ask her what she thought he should know about, though he hadn’t seen her at the front desk recently.
This time he’d been pointed to a couple of basic books about elves and plant magic that might work. He thanked the librarian who had helped him and walked over towards one of the reading areas near a window and saw that one of the chairs was occupied. “Hi Calista.” He recognized the deity from the halloween party. “Is it ok if I join you?”
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Alternate realities were just that  - alternate. And though there were plenty of them swirling around her mind, something about this one stuck. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that deity magic was what would’ve set it into action, perhaps it was something else. Someone else. The skin of her back still prickled every time Calista set foot into the gallery and her heart ached in ways it hadn’t for centuries. The library felt like neutral ground, its dusty volumes a welcome escape.
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The deity didn’t lift her gaze from the pages she was studying until she found herself being addressed directly. “Chris,” she acknowledged the vampire fledgling. The universe had always had a twisted sense of humor but it at least seemed like he had no knowledge of the alternate future. “Of course. Take a seat.” Motioning at the empty chair across from her, Calista couldn’t help but take inventory of his emotional state. Losing his mentor couldn’t be easy but perhaps he knew something she didn’t.
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calistaemmanuel · 1 year
Makena growled when those shadows coiled around her wrists. With her hands incapacitated, it was more difficult casting spells and she struggled against them in frustration. 
“I don’t know, Calista. You’re still not giving me a proper Hangman clue,” she growled, not showing a lick of fear even as the demon revealed her true form. This was a far cry from the deity Calista used to be and she looked terrifying. She remembered saying just this to Daphne not long ago and Makena was certain that damned vampire had gone home and told her lover all about it.
“Let’s play catch. I prefer that than Hangman. That’s way too mundane.” She yanked her hands out of the hold of the shadows and transformed herself into the form of a bird. It was risky but it was Makena’s best chance at, well, running.
It always hurt more the father you fell, both in the literal and figurative sense. So Calista made sure to allow Makena a moment to think she had outwitted her, to believe that she could escape before she used her powers to reach out and slam the bird back into the ground, pinning the struggling thing there as she leaned over the witch. “As much as I would like to pay you back in kind by ripping these pretty wings from your body, I would much prefer to see your face.” Fingers wrapping around the animals throat, she imbued the skin beneath with the etchings of a curse until the feathers shrunk back to reveal Makena’s human form once more. “Sorry but you won’t need that little party trick where you’re going.”
The fallen deity took her time then, delivering justice in the only way that made sense to her anymore, burning curses into the witch’s skin until Makena was delirious with pain, blinded by an unrelenting sting of of tears. Making sure that what lasted barely over an hour felt like years on the brink of death, wishing it would finally claim her. And even that she made her fight for. A quick death was not something Makena deserved and Calista didn’t relent until finally, the last shimmer of light faded from the witch’s eyes.
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calistaemmanuel · 1 year
closed starter || @daphnemontagu​
Avoiding Daphne for as long as she had wasn’t one of her finer moments and no matter how many times Calista claimed to be busy organizing their newest exposition, the truth remained the same. She hadn’t come across Mariona’s artwork until after her mind had been filled with images of an alternate timeline. There was no denying that Mariona Avalos Castillo was an exceptional sculptor and more than deserving of her very own exhibition but the curator usually preferred for some time to pass between discovering a new artist and featuring them. It made everything seem more organic. A luxury Calista had opted not to count upon this time, more preoccupied with what had happened between Daphne and herself in this alternate future than people questioning Mariona’s sudden popularity. But it had only been a matter of time.
Calista’s assistant had let her know that ‘Miss Montagu’ was waiting for her in her office and the little heads up was exactly what allowed her to greet the other woman with a bright smile as though nothing was amiss instead of running the risk of having her features slip. “Daphne, what a pleasant surprise.” Setting her notepad down on the table, she pulled her friend into a brief hug, taking care not to linger too long. “You should’ve told me you were stopping by, I wouldn’t have kept you waiting.”
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calistaemmanuel · 1 year
The sudden snap into darkness made him jump, and Chris pressed himself back away from Calista. He had to clamp down on the pointless urge to run when the fire in her hand grew. “I wanted to find Daphne because she saved my life, ok? And she and Judas are my family.” The heartstring mushy approach hadn’t worked before so he wasn’t sure why he was still trying it. Shit, shit. He didn’t really have a good reason. What did angry deities consider a good reason? But then it hit him, she was a demon now. Well that gave him one last resort. “When Daphne dies you can eat my soul!”
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“And you show gratitude by putting hers on the line.” It was beginning to feel like she was talking to a wall and Calista wasn’t sure which was worse, Chris not getting the point or willfully ignoring it. But perhaps it wasn’t either/or. At least not if his offer was anything to go by. Eat his soul - she had to actively restrain herself from laughing out loud. A vampire’s soul was hardly worth the energy it took to consume it and she wasn’t about to put her lips anywhere near his. But that his soul wasn’t worth anything to her, didn’t mean it wasn’t worth anything to him and ultimately that was the only thing that mattered. “If..,” she corrected, backing up a single step. “If you are responsible for her death or if you die before her, your soul is mine to do with whatever I please.” Somewhere in the apartment the distant sound of water swirling down the drain signaled the end of Daphne’s bath as Calista offered her hand for Chris to shake. “Do we have a deal?”
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calistaemmanuel · 1 year
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She tended to humor Daphne when they woke from the slumber they both did and didn’t need, pretending to be asleep still or at the very least caught somewhere between sleep and wakefulness while Daphne slipped from the bed to patter around the living area. Calista would spend a good amount of time simply lying there, listening to the muffled sounds, letting them reassure her that Daphne was right there, safe within the walls of their shared home all while allowing the other woman a modicum of space and freedom. She knew she could be overbearing and controlling but she had lost Daphne before and she couldn’t - wouldn’t - lose her again.
Tracing Daphne’s steps, Calista picked up yet another still full but already cold cup of tea to dispose of it in the sink. She was fairly certain Daphne never even took as much as a sip but continued to restock their supply regardless. “I don’t have to,” she responded quietly, head tilted to the side as she studied the woman before her. Always a little frazzled, skittish and nervous these days. She loved her still, more than anything, but there was never a moment when Calista’s heart wasn’t breaking for her.
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“Dance with you?” She echoed, allowing Daphne’s touch to coax a smile onto her lips. She would have to go out to find another soul to feed on eventually - to ensure that she was able to protect Daphne from whatever the universe decided to fling at them next - but she could probably go a little while longer. Slipping her left hand into Daphne’s right, Calista lifted it skywards to twirl Daphne around and back into her. “Why of course, my love.” Settling her other hand on the shorter woman’s back, she dipped down to steal a quick kiss before she guided Daphne into the well-practiced steps, humming along to the song as they went.
                                      ━━━━━━ Daphne ━━━━━━
I don’t have to. Those words always filled Daphne with such guilt. She hated feeling as though she was making Calista weak by keeping her at her side instead of venturing out to feed, but she couldn’t help the fear that overwhelmed her entire being every time Calista left their home. Sometimes she wondered if he lover missed when Daphne had been more independent and unafraid of the world.
Still, Daphne found herself twirling to the music as though the world outside them didn’t exist. She settled against her lovers body, her free hand coming up to cup Calista’s cheek as they kissed. If she had Calista, she was okay, she was all she needed. They moved in a well practised rhythm to the music, a series of dips and twirls, like a well choreographed sequence as they melted into one another. It made Daphne smile and it extended to her eyes as Calista leaned her into a dip. “You always known how to make me smile.” She murmured, affectionately leaning in for a second kiss when she returned to both feet. Daphne could feel her own hunger swelling in this proximity, but she pushed it away for a moment. “Will we still have our board game night tonight?” She asked. It was the little things that Daphne liked to organise to keep her mind busy, and Calista usually humoured her.
                                          ━━━━━━ Calista ━━━━━━
You always know how to make me smile. Though spoken with so much honesty, Calista knew those words to be a lie. “I try,” she replied around a soft chuckle before she pulled Daphne back into her. She did. She truly did. But deities and demons were fundamentally different and her mind kept a meticulous backlog of all the times she had failed to make that smile reach Daphne’s eyes. There were wounds she could no longer sooth, only acknowledge. And at times she managed to fail even at that, too afraid of what openly addressing them might bring to the surface.
Leaning her forehead against Daphne’s, she brushed their noses together. “Of course. And I’ll try not to cheat this time.” As fickle and unreliable as divination tended to be, it was surprisingly accurate when it came to board games and the banter that had followed that realization during their last game night had almost felt like old times. Growing still for a moment, Calista shifted her arm from Daphne’s back to wrap it around her waist instead, linking their fingers together as she dropped her voice to a whisper. “I love you more than anything else in this universe and beyond.” Allowing her words to linger for a moment, she brushed a quick kiss to the corner of Daphne’s mouth. “And I know when you’re hungry.”
                                      ━━━━━━ Daphne ━━━━━━
Daphne laughed softly, these days Calista was the only person who could draw such a sound from her lips. “I don’t believe you.” She replied with playful suspiciousness. Although Daphne didn’t mind losing, not if losing meant she got more kisses and affection from Calista to make up for the loss.
“Mm,” She hummed softly, allowing her fingertips to brush Calista’s cheek with adoration. Daphne’s lips parted to return her sentiment, when Calista continued, she paused, “
Sometimes I don’t like to keep asking,” She softly admitted, “You always reassure me of your strength and I know it, but sometimes I can’t help but to feel guilty.” It wasn’t as though they were unfamiliar with Daphne feeding from her, it had almost become Daphne’s only source over the years. It has always been a source of intimacy, now Daphne worried it felt like a chore, an obligation, or that she was using her. “Sometimes I worry that you feel the intimacy is gone from it.” She confessed her thoughts aloud, her worried blue-green eyes resting on her lovers face, “Do you still feel it?”
                                          ━━━━━━ Calista ━━━━━━
“Rude.” Calista huffed around a genuine smile. “Though probably not entirely unwarranted.” Wrinkling her nose as if in thought, she added. “I might let you win once or twice.”
Her features softened further at Daphne’s quiet admission, it seemed like this one had been weighing on the other woman for a while now. “Are you asking me if I feel like a walking juice box?” She joked, hoping to catch Daphne’s mind before it could delve into deeper, darker waters. “Because the answer is no. —Come here.” Refusing to relinquish her hold, Calista walked them backwards towards the sofa, dropping onto it and easily pulling Daphne into her lap as she held her gaze. “I haven’t and I will never grow tired of it. Just like I will never grow tired of kissing you. Touching you. Loving you.” Through the tenderness, a sheepish smile stole its way across her lips, hazel eyes momentarily finding Daphne’s collar bone. “And it’s not just about being able to provide for you either. —I like it when you bite me. I like the sting of your fangs piercing my skin. The rush that comes with the blood loss. Every now and again, I like giving up all control to you. I like being at your mercy.”
                                      ━━━━━━ Daphne ━━━━━━
 yes.” Daphne admitted, allowing herself a small smile at her lovers jokes. At the very least, they knew how to catch each other before their mind’s wandered into dark territory. It was what they had always done for one another and Calista had been tasked with doing it daily when she had first returned from her capture. Daphne followed Calista to the sofa, happy to settle in her lap and to let her fingers tuck a piece of hair behind Calista’s ear. The way that Calista was so strong and formidable, yet sheepish with her smile, made Daphne’s eyes warm with utter adoration. If her cheeks could have flushed, they most certainly would have. “Have I told you how adorable you are lately?” She asked with a soft, adoring smile, “My formidable angel.” She said softly, her thumb grazing her lovers bottom lip. Calista had always been an angel in her eyes, even without her wings, even after she’d fallen, she’d always be her saviour, before and after the fall. For Daphne, it didn’t change who Calista was on the inside.
Daphne moved her thumb to kiss her softly, “I’ll love you forever, in this world and in the next. I can promise that.” She murmured, that much had never changed. Daphne bent her head, kissing softly against her lovers neck, giving her the chance to stop her, before she felt the prick of fangs at her gums. Daphne paused, before they pierced into Calista’s skin and she moaned softly at the taste of her. Her fingers absently traced soothing patterns into the other side of Calista’s throat, before they dropped to her collarbones, following the lines of them, dropping to the buttons of her blouse

                                          ━━━━━━ Calista ━━━━━━
“Adorable,” Calista echoed, brow quirked and lips hitching into a smile. An expression that slipped from her features only moments later, her eyes clouding over at one word in particular. Angel. There was something to be said about the inevitability of her fall - set into motion centuries before Daphne had even been born - but it still felt like she was drowning, helpless and lost, in her own darkness whenever she allowed herself to think about it and all the ways she had failed Daphne. An odd twitch to her jaw, Calista forced herself to swallow any and all potential rebuttals, holding her lover’s gaze to keep herself from sinking down, down, down
 Daphne was her only light. Her love, her faith, the only thing keeping Calista afloat.
Daphne’s next words were easier to swallow. Sweet and rich against her lips, the accompanying kisses all too distracting, pleasure and familiarity crackling along her skin. Calista knew exactly what was going to happen and she welcomed it like she had all those times before. Eyes snapping shut at the first prick of fangs, she answered Daphne’s moan with one of her own, the ghost of a memory causing her breath to speed up. She had made a joke about it once - about how Daphne seemed to be able to make her body forget that it no longer needed oxygen. Only it wasn’t a joke. Daphne’s touch alone was enough to make Calista forget who and what they were.
Goosebumps rising in the wake of Daphne’s gentle caresses, Calista drew her firmer against her, huffing out a quiet warning when the other woman’s nimble fingers descended upon the buttons of her blouse. ïżœïżœïżœDon’t start what you do not intend to finish.”
                                      ━━━━━━ Daphne ━━━━━━
Daphne relished in the moments where Calista drew her closer into her body, hoping there was never a day she didn’t feel her firm but gentle hold around her. Calista’s blood was different against her tongue now to when they had first embarked on this, not sweet like honey, but like a rich wine that left a slight spice on the tip of her tongue. She hummed softly as she swallowed her last mouthful, gently retracting her fangs and pressing soft kisses to the area until the small punctures disappeared.
Lifting her head, slightly hazy eyes flickered over her lovers face, “Why wouldn’t I intend to finish it?” Daphne asked her, her voice having dropped to a more sultry tone. She leant in to press a tender kiss to Calista’s lips. It didn’t matter that the other woman met lips with others in order to feed, not when Daphne knew she was the only one she truly kissed. They dropped to press slow kisses down the column of her throat, “You look after me
” She murmured the reminder, gentle fingers slowly undoing the rest of Calista’s buttons to press kisses to the swell of her breasts, “Can’t I look after you?” Daphne asked demurely. She drew back, lifting the oversized t-shirt she wore above her head to leave her in just the lacy underwear set beneath.
                                          ━━━━━━ Calista ━━━━━━
There was nothing quite like being able to feel Daphne’s pulse settle into a steady hum as her own blood began to rush through her lover’s veins, incrementally warming Daphne’s skin and dusting the apples of her cheeks with color. Surrendering a hiss to the room as Daphne’s fangs retracted - the sound caught somewhere between pain and pleasure - Calista kept herself open to the other woman, allowing her to do as she pleased.
Toying with the material of Daphne’s soft cotton shirt, she gave a faint shake of her head, her eyes endless pools of black surrounded by thin strips of hazel. Calista wasn’t about to give her a reason to stop. She’d always been Icarus flying too close to the sun but even without her wings she only continued to fall up, up, up
 into the blinding light and searing heat that was Daphne Montagu. And how could she not? Even if Calista hadn’t known divinity before, she was certain she would’ve recognized it in the other woman regardless. And Daphne knew exactly what she was doing to her. Knew exactly how to play Calista’s body and mind so they sung like an expertly tuned instrument, trembling and flushing, all hitched breath and needy sighs that verged on begging, chasing her lover’s touch, consumed by hushed promises.
There may have been less movement involved but it was still a dance of sorts. Here a twirl, there a dramatic dip and off Daphne’s shirt came. Reverently tracing the soft curves exposed before her, ghosting her fingertips over delicate lace, a smirk returned to the fallen deity’s lips. “Is this your usual yoga attire? Because if so, I might have to reconsider joining you
” Leaning forward, Calista placed a single kiss below Daphne’s left collar bone - sliding one lacy strap off her shoulder in the process - and another over her pulse point. “You always look after me,” she whispered gently, “but I’m open to suggestions.”
                                      ━━━━━━ Daphne ━━━━━━
A soft laugh left her lips, running her fingers gently through the golden strands of Calista’s hair. She was so beautiful, it always took the thoughts straight from Daphne’s mind. “You may have to reconsider
” She murmured coyly. In truth, Daphne had at least tried to retain some of her former self, however silly or trivial it might seem with a thing such a lace or satin. Cal’s touch activated all of her nerve endings, making it impossible not to want to surrender to those kisses and whispers and be at her mercy. But for now, Daphne wanted to be the one to take care of her. She hummed softly, awaiting the lift of Calista’s chin so that she could capture her lips in another kiss, gentle, but full of longing and desire. She slid the blouse from her lovers shoulders, hands guiding her closer into her own body so that her fingertips could slowly trace the curve of her spine, unclasping her bra to discard it to the side. Daphne bit her own lower lip for a moment before allowing her kisses to lower, to her throat, chest, the curves of her breasts, until her lips and tongue encircled one of her nipples. Daphne’s kisses followed a trail down to Calista’s navel and hipbones, moving her body as she did so to kneel between the other woman’s legs. “Let’s remove these, my love
.” She murmured, her fingers hooking around the waistband of Calista’s trousers.
                                          ━━━━━━ Calista ━━━━━━
“Mhm, I doubt I’ll be able to stop thinking about it anytime soon
” Calista returned, still drinking in the vision of a woman before her. Despite the obvious temptation, she wouldn’t dare to interrupt one of Daphne’s yoga sessions. They were meant to center her and ease her troubled mind. Though that didn’t mean they couldn’t be the precursor for an entirely different type of workout
 Letting Daphne guide her into another kiss, Calista had to actively remind herself to stay put. It wasn’t exactly unusual for Daphne to take control, though it was more uncommon these days. This was usually right around the time Cal stood to carry her to their bedroom. The muscles of her back jumped under the redhead’s touch but didn’t tense, the pricks of phantom pain bleeding into the background as heat coiled low in her abdomen only to move lower still. Her breathing heavy, Calista let her hands fall to her sides as Daphne began to trail lower, her spine arching to meet her lover’s mouth. “Fuck.” She loved what they had and what they did - all of it - but Cal hadn’t been lying when she had told Daphne she enjoyed being at her mercy. Having Daphne take control did things to her she couldn’t quite, or didn’t want, to explain. Her gaze heavy, eyes half-lidded, Calista subconsciously lifted her hips to aid Daphne in her pursuit while her eloquence sailed out the window. “Please
                                      ━━━━━━ Daphne ━━━━━━
Daphne shivered at Calista’s need, feeling it echo within her own body and stir between her legs. She slid the trousers from her lovers legs, allowing her fingers to hook gently beneath the fabric of her underwear to guide them down her hips and away from her feet too. Now that she had her as she wanted her, Daphne’s lips grazed the soft skin of her thighs, adoringly kissing a pathway along her inner thigh. “Just relax
” She murmured in reply to her lovers soft pleads, “Let me take care of you.” Daphne’s hand entwined with one of Calista’s, squeezing it as a silent reminder of how much she loved her, while she moved her attentions to one thing. Daphne’s eyes fluttered shut as her tongue sought out to create all of those beautiful noises she knew Calista could make for her, after all, Daphne knew she wouldn’t be stopping without hearing each and every one of them. There was never too much attention she could pay, never enough ways she could make her tremble and moan. Her tongue pressed against her, inside her, teasing her body until Daphne could slide the fingers of her free hand into play too. Hazy blue eyes fluttered open for a moment then, not wanting to miss a single one of her lovers reactions, as she slid her fingers in and out of her body in tandem with the movements of her tongue. “That’s it, baby” She murmured, a lift of her chin, “Good girl.” Before her tongue returned to its spot against the sensitive centre of nerves.
                                          ━━━━━━ Calista ━━━━━━
Lying exposed before her, Calista’s body trembled with anticipation as Daphne’s lips continued their track up the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. Her fingers flexed against her lover’s hold, hips threatening to buck off the couch before Daphne had even reached her destination as a swell of emotions snapped and unfurled within her. The love Calista held for her was immeasurable, burning with an intensity that outshone everything she had ever felt before. For anyone. For centuries she had felt like Atlas bearing the weight of the world on marble shoulders - burdened with the Sisyphean task of holding it up and watching it burn all at once - always one second away from cracking and splintering into pieces. Daphne was the only one she allowed herself to be vulnerable with. The only one who could make her feel comfortable enough to lay down that burden and give up control.
And it was glorious.
A stifled moan broke from her throat as Daphne’s mouth finally descended between her legs, the heat of her lover’s tongue gliding over and lapping into her until sparks of color began to pop into Calista’s vision. Drumming up a crescendo of pleasure that had the fallen deity’s thighs trembling on either side of Daphne’s head, coaxing the most animalistic of sounds along with curses, pleas anf confessions of love from within her. At the addition of her lover’s fingers, the lights around them began to flicker in sync with the snap of Calista’s hips, desperate to meet every thrust and curl of them as her own hand moved to tangle in auburn tresses. “Don’t stop
” It was the sight of Daphne looking up at her while she continued to work between her legs that propelled Calista towards the edge but it was the words hummed against her core that sent her hurtling over it and into white hot oblivion. Calling out Daphne’s name, she could hear the sound of glass shattering and raining to the ground nearby but the waves of pleasure refused to relinquish their hold on her for several drawn out moments longer.
It could’ve been seconds, it could have been minutes until Calista finally regained control over her senses, hazel eyes blinking open to the center of her universe bathed in the soft morning glow. Hooking her fingers against Daphne’s she gave a small tug, guiding her back up her body. “If you give me a moment to recover, I’ll make sure to return the favor
” she murmured sheepishly, brushing their lips together.
                                      ━━━━━━ Daphne ━━━━━━
The flickering of the lights, the shattering of glass somewhere in the distance, the tangling of Calista’s fingers into her hair, they were all signs that Calista was giving herself over to her. Sometimes Daphne felt that her lover carried so much on her shoulders, not just to be able to look after her, but everything else. Giving her these moments of pleasure was the very least she could offer in a world that offered very little. Daphne would give her everything she had left.
Daphne didn’t stop, not until he was sure she had every last tremble, every little moan and whimper of her name, until Calista was still and panting with tremors of pleasure. “You don’t owe me anything, my love
” Daphne murmured softly as she allowed her lover to draw her back up her body to meet her lips in a tender kiss. Daphne’s fingers reached up to gently tuck Calista’s now wild, tangled blonde hair behind her ears. Daphne smiled to herself at her lovers flushed beauty, the feel of her hitched breath against her own lips, the flush of pink now tinting her bottom lip and the haze to her hazel orbs. She waited a few moments before adjusting herself to lay back on the sofa, drawing Calista towards her along with a blanket that lay across the back of the sofa. “I think perhaps we have some windows we need to offer to repair
.” Daphne softly teased, her thumb brushing her lovers chee
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calistaemmanuel · 1 year
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DIANNA AGRON Photographed By Ungano and Agriodimas For “La Ligne” Clothing, June 2016
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calistaemmanuel · 1 year
Daphne paused for a moment as she waited for Calista’s reply, before tentatively turning towards the mirror. She felt the featherlight touch of the other woman’s fingertips against the back of her neck and shoulders, the brush of her hair being pulled back, before the cool of the sapphires settled against her chest. Daphne’s eyes fluttered shut for a brief moment, but when they opened, they met with Calista’s in the mirror and she was once again reminded how glad she was that she couldn’t blush without recent blood in her system.
“Thank you
” Daphne replied, her voice as equally hushed. The necklace glowed for a second or two, reminding her of its purpose there, before it faded. “It’s perfect.” She turned to face Calista, her mind stuck in silence for a moment, wondering whether to talk about their last encounter, or whether to focus on something else should she embarrass herself further. “Are we still doing our dinner next week?” Daphne asked as she heard the sound of beeping outside, letting her know that her driver had arrived early. If Calista had the time to talk to her, he could wait for a few moments longer.
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Daphne turned around to face her and instead of doing what was right and proper and taking a step back so she was no longer intruding on the other woman’s personal space, Calista remained put. She would later blame it on the narrow hallway, more than adapt at lying to herself at this point. Standing a little too close was infinitely more innocent than what had transpired the last time they had seen each other. Though it was in all likelihood a direct result of it. The air between them had shifted and Calista was struggling to pack everything back into the same little boxes their friendship had fit into before.
Startled from her thoughts by the sound of the horn outside, she gave Daphne a smile that was just a little too bright not to be compensating for something. “Of course we are.” If they carried on like they always had, surely things would go back to normal eventually. Her brows lifted when the horn of the car sounded again, forcing a soft chuckle past her lips. “But now, I think you have several people waiting for you... Good luck.” Calista reached for Daphne’s hand then, delivering a comforting squeeze only to step forward a split second later to press a brief kiss to the vampire’s cheek. “You got this.” And because none of that was normal, she opted to disappear through one of her portals instead of using the front door again.
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calistaemmanuel · 1 year
“A gift?” Daphne asked curiously, pausing, before she closed the gap between them to take the white and golden box gratefully between her hands. For a moment, Daphne had forgotten anything to do with the blessing. “You didn’t have to get me anything, really
” She reassured, opening the lid to lay eyes on the delicate gold and sapphires as they shimmered beneath the dim lamplight. It was beautiful. It took her breath away. It was more elegant and exquisite than anything she’d ever received from a friend before. Her fingers brushed it’s stones with awe, “It’s— it’s beautiful, Cal
 you shouldn’t have.” She gushed, but lifted her head to smile. “Thank you.”
Daphne held the other woman’s gaze for a moment longer, perhaps trying to read what was within them, before they diverted to the large, ornate mirror that stood in her hallway. Daphne walked towards it, resting the box on the windowsill as she took the delicate piece from it’s box. “I wouldnïżœïżœt want to tangle the clasp in my hair,” There was a pause, “Do you think you could put it on for me?”
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Her smile automatically stretched wider at Daphne’s excitement. She’d been so sad and withdrawn lately that it was a breath of fresh air to see the joy reach her eyes once more. “I know,” Calista conceded with a small nod, leaning her hip against the wall as she watched Daphne admire the finely crafted jewellery, “I wanted to.” She could’ve gone with something simpler. A pin, a small charm or even an ordinary piece of string would’ve gotten the job done as far as the blessing was concerned. But Daphne deserved so much more than that. Like you, she thought, keeping the words firmly trapped behind closed lips so as not to blur the lines any further, waving Daphne’s concerns off with a simple flick of her wrist. “Don’t. You’re very welcome.”
Calista watched as Daphne moved to stand in front of the mirror, the necklace dangling from her fingertips, the sapphires the same color as her eyes. A persistent itch had settled back under the deity’s skin, begging to be scratched or even just acknowledged. Urging her to step towards her friend, to reach out and— You know better, a distant voice echoed through her skull at the same time as Daphne’s question left plump lips.
Ducking her head, Calista paused for a brief moment before she moved towards the blonde. “Of course.” Helping someone put a necklace on. Zipping up a dress. Catching a stray lash on their cheek. Those were all actions that toed a dangerous line. But certainly nothing a friend would say no to. Accepting the necklace, Calista motioned for Daphne to turn around as another wave of hesitation rolled over her. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as she reached up to brush Daphne’s hair from the nape of her neck, fingertips trailing along her ivory skin. Meeting the other woman’s gaze in the mirror, she held her breath as the weight of the necklace came to rest against Daphne’s decollete, her fingertips following the threads of gold towards the clasp, which she blindly secured. “There..,” Calista finished, the word but a breath as her voice had dropped in volume and pitch, the necklace emitting a gentle glow for a second or two before it dimmed again.
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calistaemmanuel · 1 year
For: @calistaemmanuel
Location: Klin / Daphne’s Home
Daphne had spent a lot of time thinking about what was unfolding around her, so much so that their seemed to be an absence of time as she wondered again and again if she should have agreed to Calista’s blessing and whether she was worthy of it. She’d wondered exhaustively if she’d upset her friend with the way that she had behaved that night, the way she had fed on her blood because she hadn’t been prepared, and let heated hands wander until they found themselves splayed on the sofa together in a tangle of limbs. Daphne shook the thought from her mind, just as she tried to shake the taste of her blood from her tongue, and the effects of the hack as a whole.
She needed to attend this event tonight, to reassure people that she was worthy of their trust. Of course, Makena had made that difficult, but Daphne was nothing if not resilient. The blonde released a breath, brushing down the modest, pale blue dress she wore, when she heard the doorbell. She wasn’t expecting company so soon before she had to leave.
Daphne made her way down the stairs, observing through the peephole of her door before she answered. Calista. She hesitated a moment, feeling a swell of anxiety, before she opened the door. “Cal,” She greeted with a gentle smile. “I’m sorry
 I didn’t realise you were coming. I have to leave for an event soon.” Daphne paused, “But, come in. I have twenty minutes or so before the car arrives.” She insisted.
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Calista had put more thought into this blessing than she had put into any other preceding it, never allowing herself to explore her motivations beyond the superficial but safe ‘it’s for a friend’. Friends didn’t press you back into the cushions, looking ready to devour you in more ways than one unless there was the added appendage of ‘with benefits’ attached to their relationship. But Daphne had been famished, at the precipice of losing control, seconds from manhandling nearly anyone into submission and from what Calista had been told a deity’s blood would’ve held great appeal to just about any vampire. It hadn’t meant anything. Nothing beyond trust and friendship at least.
She knew Daphne was meant to be going out tonight, braving the storm despite the downpour. But now that Calista had finally managed to talk the other woman into accepting her help, she wasn’t going to let Daphne show up there without one last addition to her wardrobe. Meeting her friend’s smile with one of her own, a soft laugh floated past her slightly parted lips. “Don’t worry. I know how important this event is to you. I won’t be long. I just wanted drop something off.”
Following Daphne across the threshold, she slipped the paper bag she had been carrying from her elbow to pull a white and golden box from it. “I hope you like it. It should go with your dress. —With most of them actually.” Beyond the lid lay a delicate necklace, woven from gold and sapphire, handcrafted with the woman meant to wear it in mind. “Just a little something to make tonight easier on you.” As well as the next three months...
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calistaemmanuel · 1 year
Makena took a look at the hell fire around her and knew that she was quite possibly in a bit of a pickle unless she could call for help. Still, she was not one to show fear, especially not how far she had brought herself in life.
When Calista’s hand moved to her jaw and she noticed those eyes flickering down to her lips, she could not help but lick them, an instinctual reaction really, as her eyes stayed on the demon’s.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. And here I thought you’ve come to your senses and decided that we should finally kiss
” she smirked, hands moving behind her to ready a curse just in case.
“If you wish to part with your soul, I’d be happy to oblige,” Calista countered evenly, her gaze dropping lower to follow the movement of Makena’s hands. It would’ve quite possibly been the least painful way to die but also the least satisfactory. Though that mattered little, considering Makena had no reason to offer up any part of herself. Speaking of which... “I wouldn’t do that.” Shadows coiling around the witch’s wrists like ropes, she yanked them forward. “Keep your hands where I can see them, unless you fancy losing them.”
“Why don’t we play a little game? You and I. Since you seem to like them so much.” She cocked her head to the side, holding up a hand at eye-level. “How about a game of twenty questions? Or - what do the humans call it - Hangman? Your skin should make a suitable canvas and I’ve brought just the right drawing materials.” Lips hitching into a cruel smile, tongues of hellfire unfurled at her palm. “It’s a five lettered word you’re looking for. —Unless you’d rather play a game of catch?” Her gaze darkened at the last suggestion, twin peaks of horns flanking her face. Makena wouldn’t be able to go anywhere but she’d get the reference alright. “You run. I’m going to chase you.”
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calistaemmanuel · 1 year
He saw the way the shadows reached out for him and went completely still aside from his eyes. Being a vampire meant that he even stopped breathing as he listened to her talk. Yeah, it was fucking terrifying, and even when Matthew had gotten pissed off at him, he’d never been this threatening, but that didn’t mean Chris was willing to back down.
‘Is that a risk you’re willing to take?’ Chris only had to think for a moment before answering. “Yes, it is.” There was always the risk that he might lead someone back to a place they shouldn’t be nowadays, that was just part of the way they lived now. The question then became whether or not he or someone else could deal with the consequences, and with someone as powerful as Calista, he didn’t even need to ask. “If something goes wrong, I know you’re strong enough to protect Daphne and leave me for dust along with everyone else.” It would almost be better if she did. “But if you get rid of me now or keep me from seeing her, Daphne’s going to be upset.”
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The muscles of her jaw tightened as a scowl pulled over Calista’s features, her voice dropping to a low growl. “Wrong answer.” The shadows jumped, expanding and blackening out the entire apartment, leaving only the two of them. “If you want to play with someone’s life you better make sure it’s your own. There is no line in this universe I wouldn’t cross for her and you shouldn’t underestimate how much rather I would see her upset than dead.” Her eyes pitch black, a small flame sparked at her palm, quickly spreading into something larger. “You’re the one who sought her out, not the other way around. What does that tell us?” Drawing her hand back, ready to strike, she leaned in close. “You have thirty seconds to give me a good reason not to incinerate you right here and now.”
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calistaemmanuel · 1 year
He’d met Calista once or twice before everything happened, but now she seemed different. Of course there was the part where she had fallen from being a deity and was now a demon, but she also seemed harder, colder, and Chris was afraid of making her angry. It was less about his own safety and more about the fact that she could cut him off from Daphne, and after years of being cut off from his sire, he didn’t want to let her go again..
He nodded in understanding, giving her an easy smile. “As long as you don’t burn the house down, fine by me.” Though he was still sitting on the couch in a position that was too perfectly casual to be real. “You know I love Daphne.” He told Calista solemnly. “I would never put her in danger.”
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“Don’t think I wouldn’t,” Calista returned, not even batting an eye. Some of the powers she had been able to rely on as a deity, she no longer had access to but she could still get Daphne out in no time at all and they had other places to fall back onto. So long as Daphne was safe, she didn’t care who got hurt or what got destroyed in the process. Ideally they would’ve left the city behind, escaped to someplace no one would be able to find them but Calista herself had thwarted that plan. Daphne could feed on her, that wasn’t the issue. The problem was her own need to feed on souls and she would rather die than touch Daphne’s.
I would never put her in danger. A scoff floated past the fallen deity’s lips. “And yet you’re here. Compromising her safety.” Pushing herself away from the kitchen island, Calista moved closer, waiting for Chris’s posture to stiffen. “What? Do you think yourself infallible?” The shadows grew longer as she drew nearer, almost developing a life of their own and threatening to swallow all the light in the room. “One slip up. That’s all it takes. It doesn’t even have to be intentional. In fact, your good intentions will matter plenty little. Is that a risk you’re willing to take?” Calista never used the front entrance herself for the very same reason and if Chris made a habit of coming back, she would have to make sure he only entered their home through one of her portals as well. Though she would’ve preferred for him not to come back. “Or let me rephrase the question - where were you the last couple of years?”
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calistaemmanuel · 1 year
Makena had made her way to Dymock after speaking with Vivian. They were going to meet back at her place but she wanted to head to the riots for just a little while, partly to see how things were panning out and mostly because she still had a payment she needed to collect from a pesky human who hired her to help them curse a family member.
They told her that they were going to be at Dymock and to meet them there so that she could get paid. And so, Makena did. 
She wanted to get the money so that she could get the hell out of Vievecor City with Vivian. She was making her way down one of the side alleys when someone stepped into her path and she found Calista standing before her. The way the shadows around her had immediately started moving to take her away from it all shocked her, but she was not able to react before she disappeared and appeared somewhere else entirely.
“What the fuck? Geez, Calista. I was just on my way to meet someone
“ The dark witch replied. She knew the day would come when the ex-deity came for her, especially when she accidentally let slip to Daphne that she knew about Calista’s wings. It would not have taken much after that to find out about Makena’s involvement in Calista’s downfall.
"What are you even talking about?” Makena asked, figuring she’d play dumb for awhile just to see how things would go.
“You were?” Feigning surprise, Calista touched a hand to her chest as she began to circle her victim. She didn’t know in what world that should’ve dissuaded her but there was no harm in playing along for a second longer. “How terribly uncouth of me. Where are my manners? Shall we invite your little friend to join us? —Truly. Just say the word. I’m not a monster.” She didn’t bother to restrain Makena, the runes that had been etched into the ground with hellfire were doing it for her. There was only one way the dark witch was going to leave this place now.
“You could’ve even gotten away with it, you know?” A bone chilling chuckle left her lips. “You almost had me fooled. But you just had to brag, didn’t you?” Stopping in front of Makena, Calista reached up to forcefully grip her jaw, nails digging into the soft flesh of her cheeks. “Always so fucking full of yourself.” Out of habit, her gaze momentarily dropped to the curve of Makena’s lips and she couldn’t help but wonder if the demon Makena had sold her soul to would mind terribly if Calista took a little bite.
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calistaemmanuel · 1 year
closed starter || @makena-harris
time period: present day
The skin of her back was smooth. Unbroken and unblemished. There were no open wounds, no jagged pinkish or white lines betraying what had been lost. What had been taken from her in the most violent way possible. And yet she was still bleeding — bleeding pride, anguish and fury. Crippled by phantom pain that burned and throbbed unremittingly at either side of her spine.
She hadn’t told Daphne were she was going, what she intended to do. Citing a need to feed to soothe her lover’s mind rather than telling her the truth. Daphne worried enough as it was and there was no stopping Calista’s trajectory now. She didn’t intend to make it quick or painless. Mercy was not something Makena deserved for it was not just her wings she had taken.
The witch’s actions had been the catalyst to all of their suffering. The reason why Calista had been weak and unable to defend herself. Unable to protect Daphne or even find her in those first crucial days after she had been taken. Makena was to blame for the torture Daphne had been submitted to. She was responsible for fifteen years of purgatory. She was the butterfly that had set off the rippling effect across their universe and Calista was going to do so much more than pluck her wings.
“Remember me?” Stepping into Makena’s line of vision, Calista’s shadows quickly crowded the other woman. One second they were in the middle of the riots, the next they were halfway across the city, away from all the noise, somewhere no one but her would be able to hear Makena scream. It had almost been too easy to track her down. So much so that Calista couldn’t quite tell if the dark witch was getting sloppy, overconfident or if she simply got some kind of twisted kick out of living on the edge. It didn’t matter either way. “You didn’t think I would let you walk, did you?”
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