virgilachyls · 11 months
Closed starter for @chris-elkar
Virgil had a busy few days behind him. He'd gone to the wine festival, and then celebrated a little festival of his own. It was Ananke's feast day, and he'd fed the god a human, and fed himself on the crabs which had fed on the dead things for so long.
He was feeling nice and full and happy after that, so he decided to take a little trip into town. He liked a specific cafe for their tea, so he decided to treat himself. After all, it was the perfect time to do so.
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He bumped into someone who was standing outside the cafe, staring into the windows with all the forlorn longing of a puppy. With his back turned, Virgil didn't recognize him. He merely murmured his apology and tried to move around him to the front door.
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calistaemmanuel · 1 year
closed starter || @chris-elkar​
time period: present day
The mere thought of having him in their home - of having anyone in their home besides Daphne and herself - was making Calista’s skin crawl with a host of emotions. Her fuse had grown progressively shorter in the years she had spent searching for Daphne and falling hadn’t exactly softened her edges. But Chris was important to Daphne, so as long as he didn’t pose a risk to the other woman’s safety, Calista’s hands were tied.
She remained standing, leaned against the kitchen island opposite the small pink sofa she had rescued from Daphne’s house back in Klin, waiting for Chris to get comfortable while they both waited for his sire to finish her bath. It seemed deliberate on Daphne’s part; she didn’t usually take quite this long and she must have known that Chris was going to come over. But while Calista didn’t appreciate her partner’s meddling, she also saw it as an opportunity to sound Chris out.
“You know, as much as Daphne appreciates these little visits of yours. If you ever lead anyone else here. I will burn you right along with them.”
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vievecorcityrp · 2 years
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SPECIES: Vampire | No Clan
AGE: 38
SEXUALITY: Homosexual
OCCUPATION: Bartender at Liber
Chris was born and raised in Vievecor. Both of his parents worked at Crimson Vale hospital and knew about the supernatural side of the city. They told him the broad outlines, but he never really paid much attention or got involved until recently. Instead of going into medicine, Chris decided to be a nuclear engineer, setting himself on track to join the navy when he started college.
After graduating, he completed training and started serving on various ships. It was good for 15 years, but then the accident happened. One second he was walking across the reactor floor looking at a checklist, the next he was staring up at the ceiling in more pain than he could really process. He’d find out later that a steam pipe had burst, spraying onto the left side of his body before he fell out of the way. Wearing short sleeves at the time meant the worst of it was on his arm, along with a jagged hole near his elbow from a screw that went flying.
He was brought back to the US and transferred to Crimson Vale hospital for treatment. For a while it looked like he would recover, but after yet another surgery he got an infection that quickly moved into his bloodstream and was close to death. His mother used her previous connections to find a vampire willing to turn him, and that was how Daphne became his sire.
Chris has managed to get past his initial bloodlust and has started trying to find some version of normal again.
PERSONALITY: Loyal, sarcastic but friendly, laid back, not a planner, scared of hospitals
BLOG: @chris-elkar
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nakatomi-ayumu · 2 months
level four | chris & ayumu
for: @chris-elkar location: level four
Ayumu tended to find themself in different clubs on most nights of the week and that night was no different. Their club of choice was Level Four, the vampire-owned supernatural-only clubbed situated above the Rubicund where their community could party openly without having to hide what they were to prying human eyes.
The spirit was dressed in tight leather pants and a loose silk top with a deep neckline to show off the tattoos that spanned their torso and they were leaned back against the bar, sharp yellow eyes scanning the crowd for anyone interesting they could approach.
Said eyes landed on someone who was clearly a vampire, but for some reason the man looked entirely too uncomfortable being in the club. This vampire was standing with what Ayumu deduced to be a human woman who was happily gesturing to her neck which seemed to make the vampire become increasingly more awkward.
"Is this human bothering you, sweet boy?" Ayumu had to ask after making their approach, amusement twinkling in their eyes.
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judassamara · 7 months
clarification / judas&chris
date: morning of november first location: hereafter, judas's suite with: @chris-elkar
After an eventful Halloween night, they had scooped Chris up and brought him home with them. They usually hung out at Daphne's place but Judas wanted it to feel special, so they brought him over to their place. Though they didn't eat breakfast, Judas did get some coffee and brew it up in the morning, knowing Chris enjoyed the smell of it, even if drinking it wouldn't do anything for him. After that, they climbed back into bed with him, curled up beside him with the intent on enjoying their time together as much as they could. "Good morning," they hummed when they could tell he was waking up. "Did you sleep well?"
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matthew-alexander · 1 year
the office | chris & matthew
for: @chris-elkar​​ location: liber
There were humans gawking outside the Hereafter and there were also humans gawking outside Liber. The only difference was that the bar was technically a public space and that meant that some of them actually dared to venture inside to get themselves a seat before bombarding the staff with questions. 
Matthew was almost at his wit’s end that day and he was this close to unleash hell on the pesky humans before he realised that doing so would be playing into their traps. He would be patient and tolerant. He needed to be. But the fallen deity was not known for his patience or tolerance and if one looked carefully enough, the shadows around Matthew seemed to be pulsing much darker than usual.
“I hate them. Get rid of them. Now,” he seethed at Chris as he stared at the newly-seated table of humans who were looking over at them and pointing.
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vivian-ambrose · 6 months
Who: Viv x Chris ( @chris-elkar ) Where: Daphne's Mansion When: A few weeks after Halloween
Vivian bit her lip as she rang the doorbell, folding her arms and looking around the porch as she waited. The two vampires had been in contact since Halloween but hadn't seen much of one another. Vivian was starting to wonder if Chris might be avoiding her, or the two had just been too busy. Her mind played back the argument she'd had with Matt that night, knowing it wasn't her place but not caring. Vivian had made a promise to Daphne that she'd look after Chris when she left, and after seeing him withdraw from the Demon blood, she wasn't about to let him make that mistake twice. She could hear rustling on the other side of the door, indicating he was home, and the elder vampire hoped she wasn't intruding with her surprise visit.
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leon-blachedone · 1 year
Night Out [Closed]
Leon’s gazed raked across the club, the night spent in Rubicund conducting business related affairs amidst the noise and chaos of the club. It was purely business, despite the club being for pleasure. He sighed, half wishing one of his meetings had gone south purely for an excuse for a bit of misbehaving. Still, he knew it was probably for the best-- especially while in Izak’s domain, that that hadn’t occurred. 
The syndicate head had been ready to call it a night and leave when a blond vampire at the bar caught his eye. Interesting. He pivoted his step and made his way over, a charming smile gracing his features. He casually and confidently strolled right up to the individual, situating himself beside them, boding leaning against the bar top and gaze focused on it initially as well. He turned, his head ever so slightly to meet their gaze, asking, “Penny for your thoughts?”
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eduardofaukes · 1 year
For: @chris-elkar
Location: Eduardo’s Apartment
While a vampire and a werewolf hanging out together was considered increasingly odd, Eduardo wasn’t going to let that stop him when it came to Chris. The two sat in Eduardo’s apartment — despite the wolf’s prodding and poking that he wanted to see the mansion Chris lived in— distracted by whatever was on the TV. “So, what’s new?” Eduardo asked, but his eyes were already glimmering mischievously, “You have that I’m-getting-laid happiness about you… But you’ve never mentioned a single soul.” Eduardo annoyingly prodded for information. “Who are they?”
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augustine-lycaon · 1 year
Work Visit
Augustine had once hated his nights at Vicium, doing it solely to supplement his income. Now-- after the leak, however, his work at the BDSM club was almost a relief. No humans who should have been unaware of the supernatural were permitted there. Everyone there was in the same miserable boat, and it meant no lingering eyes on the were. His magical makeover from Makena had made life outside of the club more tolerable for the time being as well, blending in more in crowds with the change in hair and eye color. Still, he couldn’t help a slight unease in crowds out in public, and he also found himself turning down the sudden flood on inquiries into his security business-- unable to tell just by email who were concerned members of the supernatural community needing his services versus humans simply posing as them. Meeting with each person individually wasn’t something he wanted to deal with at the time being, so he found himself picking up more nights at the club instead. It wasn’t ideal for his career goals, but for the sake of his own sanity it seemed smart... At least until he figured out what the hell he was going to do. 
Augustine had just said goodnight to one of his regulars when he saw an annoyingly familiar figure looking out of place near the bar. He couldn’t help his own curiosity as he approached Chris, stepping right up behind the vampire as he commented, “You know I really didn’t take you for the type.”
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daphnemontagu · 1 year
For: @chris-elkar
Location: Chris’ Apartment / The Shipyard
Daphne was proud of Chris for moving out to stand on his own two feet. She couldn’t exactly say that she was fond of the area that he had chosen, but they all needed to start somewhere. He had started with more than she had when she’d first become a vampire, after all.
She waited patiently after ringing the intercom, tucking her heeled feet neatly away from a pile of cigarette ends and miscellaneous trash by the door until he buzzed her in. Daphne followed his instructions and was soon knocking at the apartment door. “Chris,” She smiled widely as he appeared, drawing him into a hug, “How are you, honey?”
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calistaemmanuel · 2 years
Demons were a fickle bunch and Calista knew better than to blindly trust any food or drinks that passed through their hands. She had to give it to them though, after ten minutes of watching various creatures chug down cups upon cups of their mystery punch, she found herself thoroughly amused as well as sufficiently intrigued. There seemed to be no way to tell what you were getting until the drink’s effect took hold, even if the young vampire serving said drinks appeared to know exactly what he was doing. Perhaps it was the lingering humming sensation along her spine that had her moving forward or simply the promise of an easy buzz. Maybe it was both.
Drink in hand, Calista realized once again what she had already known to be true -  there was no way to tell what she would be getting herself into. Unless... There was one way she could think of to avoid the less favorable outcomes. Turning to the blonde beside her, she gave him a charming smile. “Any chance I could convince you to try this and tell me what it is? I’m not above bribery.”
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vievecorcityevents · 8 months
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On the morning of October 1st, in place of the monthly edition of the V.C. Gazette, a message is sent out to every member in the supernatural community.
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The supernatural community is clearly in further uproar. Everyone has received and read this message. While some still believe it to be a prank, no one can explain why anyone would play one as cruel as this. It has come to light that those taken include a wolf from the Lycaon pack, a witch from the Remington coven, an elf from the Westwood clan, and a vampire fledgling from the Roşu clan.
The Council has immediately urged everyone to remain calm while the respective elders handle the situation, but how else would a community under attack feel when they know that their attackers have now captured even more of their own?
No one knows who Artemis is, but everyone is desperate to find out...
OOC Info:
We hope everyone will have fun with this plot drop! Players can volunteer their characters to be part of the Vigilantes or Elders. There can only be 4 groups in total - 2 Vigilante groups and 2 Elder groups. Those who have volunteered their characters to be Vigilantes should decide amongst themselves who to lead. There can only be 2 group leaders. Only species elders can lead Elder groups. Should there be more elders than elder groups, players should decide amongst themselves which elders should lead. Non elder characters can choose which leader they wish to follow. Current Vigilante teams include: Team @judassamara (leader) @liankoeman @gwen-lycaon @chris-elkar @nakatomi-ayumu - THE SHIPYARD Team @thorsiffe-dragonheart (leader) @makena-harris @thejax-reed @lillian--reed - KLIN Current Elder teams include: Team @caleb-lycaon (leader) @esmeraldabheriya @leon-blachedone @lucasxholt - GAROND Team @elio-del-vecchio (leader) @matthew-alexander @senkimura - HEDON (These names are taken from the discussion from the last V.C. Gazette. Please let the main know if any characters should be or not be on the list.) Players can also volunteer for their characters to be kidnapped. There are a total of 4 slots for the kidnapped and we will substitute current NPCs with player characters. (4/4 - @eremington @atlaswestwood @teddy-byrne @izakvoros) There are a total of 4 mission scenarios for this plot drop to be claimed. Once players have decided which groups they wish to join, the main will send out a brief guide of their mission which will include 1) the district, 2) any buildings they enter and any any magical effects on the building, 3) the number of hunters present and their fire power, 4) any special objects to be found, and 5) the captive. These missions and their beats should be plotted out and posted to the dash in bullet points to count as canon and players can choose how they want to thread them out individually or collectively. It is not mandatory for players to take part in this plot drop, but characters who are not part of these missions are still encouraged to have their characters react to it in the aftermath where we will find out the person who is behind everything! Should anyone have any questions or need clarification, please feel free to ask the main or post the question to the OOC Discord. Have fun and happy plotting!!
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chris-elkar · 10 months
AU: Dr. Christina Elkar
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age: 29 occupation: second year internal medicine resident
In this universe, Chris followed her parents into the medical field.
She kind of tucked herself under Viv's wind and follows the 'nurses know best' mantra religiously, which has helped her avoid too much trouble
Became friends with Adam when she was put on his mom's case, always tries to keep his spirits up when they're in the hospital and buys him lunch.
She and Auggie met as study buddies.
more TBD
Connections - friends (Auggie, Adam) - mentor figure (Viv) - former/ongoing patients
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xu-ying-feng · 1 year
The Search
location: The Shard
with: @chris-elkar
plot beats:
Theodore and Chris sneak into the building under the guise as regulars.
Upon searching the entire building, the two discover that the weapon is not in The Shard.
Both are mildly relieved and have a mini-celebration. Hugs and talks of coffee meetings are initiated.
On their journey out, they are spotted and attacked by a group of humans holding depowering weapons.
They manage to fight their way out. Though injured, their wounds are nothing time can't solve.
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judassamara · 8 months
Mission: Shipyard
Judas: dagger, backup gun
Ayumu: sword @nakatomi-ayumu
Lian: magic artifact, gun @liankoeman
Chris: crowbar, large knife @chris-elkar
Gwen: dual pistols, dual blades, medical supplies @gwen-lycaon
Crew armed with various weapons of choice (swords to guns)
Vampires detect the number of humans inside the building
Lian establishes a temporary psychic link for communication and focuses on barrier magic to protect the group
Judas and Ayumu focus on handling the humans as they attack
Gwen sniffs out the captive's location
Chris carries a crowbar to aid in getting the captive out
Judas points out the location of the two humans, and they and Ayumu each kill one.
Lian, Chris, and Gwen look for the stairs with Gwen searching for the captive via scent.
The hunter on the second floor stops them on the stairs and Gwen takes them out.
The cage team gets up to the third floor before the assault team catches up, where they face three hunters. As Gwen attacks one, she is caught off guard by another and is backed into a wire trap. Lian takes over the offensive.
Judas and Ayumu catch up, making it an even fight.
The hunters are taken down and Teddy is freed.
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