calltoorder-blog · 7 years
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The world is ever changing. You’ll never know what the future will bring.
Are you really okay with that?
Miracle of Despair is the third and final game in the Song of Dissent series. It is a submission-based Danganronpa roleplaying group that takes mechanics from social games like Werewolf and Mafia.
It’s been twenty years since that disaster shook Japan. Under a new government, the country has flourished, and Hope’s Peak Academy has taken this opportunity to reopen its doors.
But there are some things that just never change…
Applications are open until April 7th!
Relax. Take a breath. Aren’t you satisfied with what you already have?
We were never meant to interfere. Aren’t you the one being greedy?
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
POSTGAME ◇ Long live the pioneers, rebels, and mutineers ◇ Hanako (+ Ko)
The big city. It wasn't nearly as grand as it had used to be, torn apart by the riots during the students' stay at Hope's Peak, but it wasn't completely abandoned. The little group had been brought to the makeshift settlement mere hours ago, and one certain individual was on a mission. Hanako Suzuki picked her way through the crowd, hoodie pulled taut around her as she glanced left and right. Every so often, she'd stop to try and ask someone whether they'd seen anyone she was looking for, and did her best to give a description. So far, no luck. Typical, Hanako thought bitterly. But she wasn't giving up hope yet. They'd only just gotten here, and they had all the time in the world. It was odd to not feel... rushed. The environment of the Wolves' Game was constricting, and constantly made its 'contestants' feel like they were on a time crunch. Nobody knew when they'd wake up to a new motive, or a dead body. Hands shoved into her pockets, she trudged up to a young man a couple inches taller than her. He had his back to her, so she cleared her throat loudly. "Uh, excuse me!"
He turned around, and Hanako's next words died in her throat as she stared. She blinked a couple of times, and fought the urge to slap herself to check if she was dreaming or not. The young man seemed equally stunned, and after a moment's pause, he ventured a hesitant "Hana?" "...what. The fuck. That's illegal. That- That's not allowed." Ko snorted as Hanako folded her arms, huffy and scarlet-faced. "Great to see you too, sis..." "What the fuck! We couldn't have been gone for more than a year! Why are you taller than me?!"
He laughed, and ruffled her hair. "Liking the haircut. It suits you." "D-Don't change the subject! What have you been taking and where can I get some! That's not-" Ko sighed, and pulled her in for a proper hug. "I missed you, Hana." Hanako stiffened in surprise, before all but melting into the contact with a quiet sigh. Her own arms came up around his torso. "...I-I missed you too, kiddo." "I think I should be the one calling you kiddo now..." "Hey, I've still got a year and a half on you! Don't you forget it!"
The blonde let go, rubbing Hanako's head a second time. She gave him a half-hearted glare, but couldn't really hide the smile creeping up on her cheeks. "So, you actually make any friends while you were away? Or did you survive by holing up in your room and locking the door?" "Oh, come on," she whined, "give me some credit... I've got plenty of friends." "Chips and soda don't count as friends." "Shut up, you ass!" She cuffed him in the arm, and Ko burst out laughing, rubbing the sore spot. "Sheesh, still strong as ever, that much hasn't changed..." "Nah. You're just still a twig, only a longer twig now." Folding his arms with a final chuckle, he gave Hanako a grin. "So, if you have made friends, how come I'm not seeing them?" "They've all got their own shit to take care of. I went off to find some folks, including you, you prick." "Oh, forgive me for doubting you, then. You'll have to introduce me." "Mmm, I dunno... are you sure you can handle just how cool they are? If you're mean to me, they're gonna beat you up." "Me? Mean to my little sister?" "That's big sister to you!"
She grabbed his gloved hand with a little snort, and started walking. Ko hopped along, holding his hat in place using his free hand. "Hey, hey, where are you taking me?" "I still got folks to find, and I am not losing you again in the meantime," she stated. Although her tone was light, there was... an underlying seriousness to it. Ko caught on quick, and he sped up his strides so he was walking beside his sister. "Well, you don't need to drag me after you. Believe me, I'm never letting you out of my sight again after all that." "Psh, you're the one that needs an eye kept on! I turn around for two seconds and now you've got a whole three inches on me?" "How do you know you haven't just shrunk?" "Excuse me?!" The two kept bickering back and forth as they wound through the crowd, and anyone that gave them a spare glance would think they were fighting over nothing. But a closer look brought to light the relieved smile both siblings wore, and the knowing glances the two kept giving one another.
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It was the happiest either had been in a long, long time.
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
The End.
And that’s the end of Call to Order! Thank you all for playing, reading, and being really awesome!
Just like before, there is a Behind the Scenes document (which is just the SOD BTS doc but with additions) that elaborates and expands upon the world of this game! You’ll also notice that there’s a ‘supplementary material’ tag in the submit box now. This tag is for art and other creations specifically for this game, or if the players want to write a little drabble or something about what happens to their character after the end. Have fun with it.
The next and most likely final game of this series, Miracle of Despair, is currently in the works! The blog and such is still being set up, but we’ll reblog the promo here once everything is ready. In the meanwhile, you can join the hopefuls chat here!
Again, thank you all for everything!
- Mod Addlez
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Endgame - Rivers in the Desert
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“Well, looks like we have even more things to look forward to now.”
Ina’s grin at the happy couple is a little teasing, but she just can’t hide the fact that she’s happy for them. With that done with, she nods and turns to address the rest of you.
“I took a look earlier, and it looks like some people have gathered and made a makeshift shelter further into the city. I guess they were attracted by the broadcast and came here to try to save you guys. I’m willing to bet that your loved ones have headed there as well, so that’s our first port of call.”
You follow her gaze back to the ruined buildings and watch as her expression falls...then hardens, determination shining through.
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“Zertro might be sealed away for now, but that doesn’t mean his influence has been removed from our world. Still...I know we can do this. We have the power of four Vessels on our side, after all...”
She chuckles to herself, before heading over to the driver’s side of the truck.
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“Get on, everybody!”
And without any hesitation, you oblige.
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Endgame - Commitment
At first, Minori clearly thinks she’s just making a motivational speech, even if she’s a bit flustered. They still smile slightly, but proudly at their girlfriend, and squeeze her hand to give her support, to help her through her fluster... Then the realisation hits them. Their expression shifts from shock to disbelief to a glowing happiness which lights up the entirety of their being.
By the time Touma finishes talking, Minori’s cheeks match their hair, and they’re wearing the biggest smile anyone had seen on them in a while. “So that’s what- You were- Oh my God-”
Are they crying? If they are, you could only see it for a portion of second until Minori lurches forward and wraps their arms tightly around Touma’s neck. Their face is buried into her shoulder, so their voice is muffled, but you can still quite clearly hear them say: “Of course. Yes. Yes! Thank you, Touma-chan, I love you. You mean everything to me.”
It takes some time before the two finally separate. When they do, it’s only briefly, as Touma shortly after kisses her new fiance. “Oh! Right! The ring.” Touma removes the oversized bronze promise ring Minori had been wearing previously, and places the perfectly fitted diamond ring upon their finger before placing it in their hand.
“I love you Minori-chan.”
After a few moments of awkward silent staring, Touma remembers that there are others around, she looks briefly to Iffi before returning her attention to her fiance. Iffi just...grins and shrugs, giggling like an idiot to herself.
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Endgame - Proposal
Touma jumps hearing her name. “Hmn?” It seems her thoughts were elsewhere. She hadn’t even noticed the drastic change in scenery. She blinks as she’s shaken from her daydreaming, and is returned to the beautiful venue her friend had provided. “R-right!” She takes a deep breath and attempts to regain her composure, though when she looks to the person by her side, her cheeks tint a light pink and her fluster is apparent to everyone watching.
Way to put her on the spot Ina.
The SHSL demagogue, the girl they’d all seen maintain composure in situations that could have broken anyone was now a flustered mess, but… she managed to calm herself down… At least a little, though the adrenaline pumping through her veins left her a little shaky. She gripped Minori’s hand for comfort and stability.
“As we pass through this gate… promises are fulfilled, and the past is left behind us. As we move forward, it’s important for all of us to look to the future, the future we want for ourselves, and the world we live in… We’ve been given that opportunity. We’ve been given the chance to create the future we want.” A soft smile appears on Touma’s lips, as she turns from her classmates, focusing her attention solely on the person beside her, the person she loved.
“Minori-chan… I want to create a future with you. I want you to help me test the theory that we can live happily-ever-after. So… What do you say?” Touma’s free hand fumbles in her pocket briefly before she produces the most extravagant diamond ring you’ve ever seen. “Will you marry me?”
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Endgame - And Thank You for the Flowers
The day passes by faster than you expected, and it’s not long before the sun sets and rises again. You all gather at the school gate with bags of various sizes, filled with all the things you just couldn’t leave behind. And it really is you all here. Maybe it has to do with the painful memories associated with this place, but you all have decided to leave Hope’s Peak behind for now, ready to face the future ahead of you.
And the setting could not be any more appropriate. Did Ina go crazy out here or something? Just outside of the school gate are various flowers and vines that have sprouted about, attracting various insects and other small creatures. Was that a rabbit just there? Even though you can see the ruined city not so far away, the abundance of life in this one little area fills you all with a sense of hope.
Ina and Iffi are both here, waiting for you guys. It looks like they somehow managed to find...an old pickup truck and a trailer? They look like they’ve seen better days, but...better than nothing, at least. At least you’ll don’t have to sleep in the back of the pickup…? Ina hops out of the driver’s side and looks around.
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“...Looks like he’s not coming to say goodbye.”
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“Well, looks like you’re all ready to go...but first, don’t you have something to say, Touma?”
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
What A Slouch || Endgame || Kaoru
This was an ordeal- but Kaoru just stays back from the action with a nervous smile plastered on his face. All of this is a bit above his head... all this magic shit, he doesn't know anything about it. It's a bit thick for him. He gives everyone encouraging thumbs up when they say they want him to live, silently cheering them on. 
Though, it's not long before there's a yellow shard being taken from him- his ambition, is it?
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"H-Huh? What the fuck-?" 
Though shocked at first, Kaoru slumps over more as soon as it's gone, staring at the crystal confusedly as it's dragged away. He's confused, but... doesn't really look to bothered. He listens to the two's banter and steps back, seeming a bit lifeless- especially compared to his normal energy.
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He's gone quiet, no longer reacting or seemingly listening to anything. At least he's not a wolf for the rest of his life, as it seems the ears and tail were just fake now. 
People are given the choice to leave or stay... well, he figures he has to say something, so he works up the effort to speak up.
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"I'll go with... whoever. Whatever."
Kaoru's voice is really dull compared to, well, himself. There's no reason to pretend he cares, is there? 
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Mercury Fold || Arlechenno || Endgame
Archie watched as the wolves received their punishment, not fully understanding what was going on. It wasn't anything like he expected, although to be truthful, he really wasn't sure what to expect to begin with. Having an aspect of them taken away... based on Rowan and Kaoru's blank expressions and followed by Ina's reaction, he doubted it was pleasant.
But as quickly as it had happened, it was over. They were back in the courtyard. He listened to the following conversation, letting the three outline their options. But once they were done, he couldn't help but close his eyes and let the warmth of the sun wash over him, his thoughts buzzing around in his head like static. It all still felt so surreal somehow. It wasn't until after Hanako spoke and her words sank in that the lingering haze in his mind cleared.
It was over. They were free of the killing game. Despite everything, they'd survived. The magician cleared his throat before flashing a smile towards Hanako.
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"So we have."
He picked at the edges of his sleeve, threatening to fray the cuffs with how often he'd been doing it lately. What should they do now? Stay? Go? What awaited them outside of the gate? Archie looked out into the ruins of the city from where he stood.
In the end, did it really matter which way they chose? The life that they all had had before was like a chapter in a book; finished and separate from what they were doing now, while it's effects were still felt. After a few minutes of contemplation, he stopped and directed his voice to the group of students.
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"It appears that how we go on now is of our own prerogative, though personally I am reluctant to see everyone part ways as of yet. To me, it seems wiser to remain together for the time being and regain your memories, if you wish to, in the company of friends rather than strike out a path on your own. We have all been through a very..."
He paused, trying to weigh what he wanted to say.
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"Difficult experience, and I would hate to see anyone else here alone or without support while everyone tries to continue on with their lives."
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"As your former Captain I no longer hold any sort of authoritative role, but regardless I would appreciate it if you would still consider my words as you make your decision. If you require anything, I will be around."
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
If I fall forward, you fall flat ✾ Hanako ✾ RE: Endgame
Well. That had been something. Hanako was completely and utterly flabbergasted by the series of events that had just transpired. Too shocked to even cry, she had a distant look on her face as she stared towards the skyline. From the way she was acting, she could have received the wolves' punishment and be no different. Eventually, the sun grew too bright for her to bear, and she blinked and looked down, scrubbing at her eyes. After recovering, she glanced around at the others... the people that had made it through this hell. The ones who hadn't fallen victim to the temptations of the wolves. Hate was such a powerful thing, she thought. It dragged people down and drowned them until they were no longer recognizable as themselves. So many individuals were motivated by anger and spite. It was a bit of a blow to realize that she could've gone that way at some point. That she could have let anger control her actions. That she could have let hate stifle her desires. She shuddered to think about it. Was she any better than the wolves? ...of course she was. She'd overcome some of that hate during the period of time she'd spent here. Sure, there was some bitterness still residing, but nobody could rid themself of an emotion entirely. She'd tried. And her friends... the people standing around her, most of them had aided her in some way, helped her to change for the better. She'd put her trust in them, and they'd come through, just as she did for them. "...well," she said, stretching her arms, "I guess we actually did it." Maybe it wasn't so bad to have faith in something after all.
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Endgame - Path to the Future
It takes a while for Iffi to calm back down, and you all try your best to comfort her in your own ways. She still seems hesitant to reveal what happened to Rito, though. She rubs the tears out of her eyes and looks at you all.
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...So, it’s over. You can leave now...if you want to. There...you might not be happy with what’s waiting for you guys out there. If...if you want, I can help restore your lost memories, but it’ll take some time, so you might have to stay here for a while still.
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“Or not.”
Iffi just stares at Ina, confused.
“...What? Don’t look at me like that. I need to start traveling soon, anyway. Someone needs to open and close the links between our worlds, anyway. What I’m trying to say is, you guys can travel with me and Iffi for a while, if you like. Iffi can restore your memories and we can search for your families and friends while we’re at it.”
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...Yeah. That’s a good idea.
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And leave me on my lonesome?
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“...I’m pretty sure you can take care of yourself. And if anyone wants to stay...I won’t stop them. So that’s up to you guys. I’m sure you’ll need some time to think this over and say goodbye to this place, so...I’ll give you guys until tomorrow morning to make a decision. I’ll be securing our transportation in the meanwhile. We’ll can meet at the front gate when you’re ready to go.”
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Endgame - Forgotten Hero
Where is Iffi? Zertro and Mao are gone, so she should be able to leave the trials, right? Or is there something else you needed to do first…?
Well, before you could worry too much, there is a shimmer of white light as Iffi herself materializes on the podium in front of you all. She falls down to her knees, bangs covering her eyes, and Ina rushes over to support her.
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“Are you alright?”
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...What? What happened to Rito? It doesn’t seem like you’ll be able to get an answer out of Iffi right now, unfortunately. She’s far too upset over whatever may have happened to our blob friend to really answer. So instead, she just clings to Ina and lets all her emotions out.
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Endgame - Right the Wrongs of the Past
In the corner of your eye, you notice Alaric and Ina chatting among themselves. Alaric seems...annoyed.
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...I am still a child.
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“You’ll return to your preferred form eventually. What will you do now?”
Alaric clearly isn’t happy with that answer, but he answers her question anyway.
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Do what I came here to do to begin with: restore order. It shall take some time, but it is a job only I can do.
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“You’ll be staying here, then...”
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Why not? This seems to be a decent place to set up a base of operations. I suppose you shall be leaving to do your own thing, then.
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Ina looks around...before an alarmed expression suddenly crosses her face.
“...Where’s Iffi?”
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Endgame - A Sad Excuse for a Sunrise
With the punishment dealt, Alaric closes his eyes, and you’re all surrounded by a warm red glow. It’s not like the other times you were taken out of the trials, which were cold and uncomfortable–no, this feels more like gently being awaken from a long rest. When the glow fades, you’re back in the courtyard.
The first thing that you notice is that the smoke overhead is gone, revealing the morning sky.
How long has it been since you’ve seen such a sight? It’s certainly a sight for sore eyes, even though the ruins of the city just beyond the school walls obstructs it slightly.
Ah yes, the outside world. You don’t have to squint hard to confirm that the city outside is in a poor state, at least. You can’t tell from the courtyard if it’s completely devoid of life, and frankly, some of you are afraid to find out.
But you have to keep moving forward.
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Endgame - Ambitious Soul
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“...It would seem as if you have chosen to spare the Wolves, even after everything they’ve done. Very well. I shall dole out the punishment.”
And with that, Alaric makes a vague gesture with his hands. You watch as two yellow glass-shaped shards emerge from both Rowan’s and Kaoru’s chests and float into Alaric’s hand. Almost immediately, both of the Wolves’ eyes seem to go...dull. Lifeless. They look like they don’t even know if they’re dead or alive.
You hear the sound of shattering glass ring throughout the courtroom, and the shards are gone.
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“What...what did you do?”
Despite her relatively neutral expression, Ina’s voice sounds...strained, her concern shining through.
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“I merely confiscated their ambition. That way, they may live without being a threat to anyone else.”
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“I...I understand that. I’m asking why you destroyed their ambition.”
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“Do you not trust my judgement, Matsuoka-sama?”
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Her silence speaks volumes, but she doesn’t press any further.
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
thx 4 d heals - Alaric
Alaric doesn’t even react to Yumi putting her hands on his face. He just continues to look at you all, as if she wasn’t even there. When her hands get there, though...
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The wounds on his face seem to stitch themselves together. Well, that was easy. Maybe it was because he was injured not so long ago?
It feels like there’s still something...off about him, though.
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calltoorder-blog · 7 years
Healz plz || Yumi || Endgame
Nothing made sense anymore. Even after she explained her motivations, Yumi just couldn’t understand how anyone could want something like this. What was done to her was beyond horrific and the people who let this happen needed to be punished, but this was just a group of students. Everyone here was innocent. Sure some gave in, and were driven to murder, but given the situation some were given no choice.  Yumi wanted to be merciful and forgive Mao, but it would take time. She didn’t think she deserved to die, but these actions couldn’t go unpunished. There were just so many conflicting emotions that Yumi didn’t know what to do. Well... maybe there was one thing to do. Though Yumi had no ideas if her powers would even work at the moment, someone needed healing, and she couldn’t ignore that. She leaves her spot at her podium and rolls up her sleeves. 
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She sighs. “I don’t know if this’ll work, but I can’t let you stay injured.”
Gently, she places her hands on Alaric’s wounds, hoping something would happen. Please let something happen.
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