calmercalderwaters · 11 years
Attina laughed softly and noded her head. Belle was a smart girl. Had to come with the ability. "Oh, I agree. Though I can't see either parent doing that. They tried to keep it hushed and they were successful. When I was away at college and came home for visits, they always seemed to be finally breathing. As though they hadn't in the months I was away. They doubt my ability to keep it under control. Even after all these years." She pushed her flat ironed hair over her shoulder. "Belle, I have a question. Exactly how many people are here at the academy?"
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Stamped "NEW" | Belle and Attina
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calmercalderwaters · 11 years
"That's a bit creepy, don't you think?" Attina rose her brow as she questioned.
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calmercalderwaters · 11 years
"That's horrible," Attina muttered, "you can't deny someone of being their own person!" She let out a small laugh, amused with how Belle carried herself. She seemed like quite the young lady, very confident but nice. "I bet they quickly learned it would only end in their defeat." She folded the campus map she was holding and slipped it into her back pocket. "For my up-bringing... my parents really didn't have a choice. Not the way I saw it - and still see it. One trip to the beach ended up being a living nightmare. Somehow I summoned a ten foot wave and sent it crashing onto the beach. I was only six. It didn't matter. My parents whisked up our lives and dropped us in a remote town in Oregon. Right on the water. They told me if I wanted to fit in, I needed to get a better hold of my... problem. Over time, they accepted it and I grew to love it. The ocean is just difficult to control. Fresh water is calm, peaceful, while the ocean possesses its own wild soul."
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Stamped "NEW" | Belle and Attina
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calmercalderwaters · 11 years
Attina smiled brighter. She thought her ability was interesting, too, but never exactly had a casual conversation about it. It was... nice to be able to talk about it and without seeing fear in the other's eyes. "Uh, sure, I'll let you know." She nodded her head and gave a small smile. "My parents banned me from practicing in the house after I made the pipes burst..." She laughed then continued, "I have tried fresh water in years, always the ocean. But..." she trailed off, looking around, "I see for fresh water in my future."
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Stamped "NEW" | Belle and Attina
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calmercalderwaters · 11 years
Attina blinked and fought the erge to smile. That was an ability she would have adorn. Though, Attina was at peace with who she was. Her home was always the ocean - or as close as she could get. "That's... magnificent!" She grinned then added, "I can- oh... well, I guess you know what I can do then," she added a short laugh to the end of that. 
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Stamped "NEW" | Belle and Attina
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calmercalderwaters · 11 years
IMPORTANT! | Hiatus 6/22/13 - 6/28/13
Read More
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calmercalderwaters · 11 years
Attina returned the smile and felt herself sigh slightly with relief. She didn't feel quite as old now. "You're welcome." She shook Belle's hand lightly and then made a slightly awkward and funny face, "is it stamped on my forehead?" She scrunched her nose up and laughed a little. "Yes, I am. I'm Attina. It's very nice to meet you, Belle. I've only been here for a night but... it's nice. Different, but not in a bad way."
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Stamped "NEW" | Belle and Attina
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calmercalderwaters · 11 years
Stamped "NEW" | Open
A home away from home... or so they call it. Attina looked around as she walked. Something about being away from the ocean didn't settle right with her. Or maybe it was just being the new person or meat as the seniors would call out during her orientation at college. Looking around, she felt old. Awkward. And old. With a sigh, she gazed down at the ground and saw something. Attina stopped and picked up the piece of paper that flew away from the person walking ahead of her. She picked up her pace to catch up, "excuse me, I'm sorry... but I believe you dropped this."
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calmercalderwaters · 11 years
*is called to another account*
Me: ... really?
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calmercalderwaters · 11 years
Want to dye my hair this colour, I think!
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calmercalderwaters · 11 years
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calmercalderwaters · 11 years
So much prep and nonsense...
But I shall go to bed instead
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calmercalderwaters · 11 years
A good book, preferably either a favorite or something new. Sometimes a nice swim near the surface helps. The warm water is like... a bath tub, I suppose. 
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