cameronmakesstuff · 2 months
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In The Blood; Heart-Deep
I’m going to play some Heart: The City Beneath, and was digging the vibe and the lore and felt inspired during character creation, so I drew my junk mage and his ominous homonculus. The game’s official art is all very Mignola-esque, so I decided to go extremely Mignola here. I made the homonculus by essentially drawing an anatomical heart inside the flask and adding a face (you can make out the ventricles still down on the bottom right) though in the total composition it doesn’t really read, but otherwise I’m really satisfied with this one. My first piece on a new tablet, really liking the feel, hopefully it’s the push I need to start making art more regularly again.
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cameronmakesstuff · 1 year
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So Anyway, I Started Drawing
I got a desk job, and I’ve taken to firing up MS Paint on my breaks to just doodle whatever and let my brain decompress. At first I was doing really simple ones per day but I decided to challenge myself to make full use of paint and I did this droid over the course of a weeks worth of breaks. I should have rendered the flash from the blaster shot reflecting in their armor but I got lazy and reached that point where I’d been looking at it for too long and could only see the things I hated about it, so I wanted to avoid overworking it and stopped.
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cameronmakesstuff · 2 years
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Mossy Spring Gyroids
My wonderful partner made me a paper-clay gyroid (a bwongoid, my favorite gyroid!) for my birthday, and left it unpainted knowing I love to paint things. I ended up going for a mossy boy, and I tried a technique Id heard of whereby you mix baking soda into paint to give it a rough texture. This did a great job of making the gyroid look like terracotta, and after that I used some washes and some sponging to get them looking mossy/licheny. I’m really happy with the end result!
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cameronmakesstuff · 3 years
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Relax While You Can
Just a doodle of a dwarf. I had higher ambitions for things to draw but I’m having a bad drawing day if you know what I mean, so I ended up doodling this dwarf doin’ a mean lean with his axe, up against like a barrel or a big boulder or whatever.
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cameronmakesstuff · 3 years
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~Denizens of the Shellfolk Village~
『The Smug Shell Child
Though their self-indulgent grin leads most to ignore them, the Smug Shell Child is said to be a precocious scamp whose eavesdropping makes them privy to many secrets. One may be able to pry just such information from the child, if they prove a fun enough playmate.』
『The Pebble Merchant
The Pebble Merchant provides a most vital service, and its said they posses the fabled SparkleStone needed to enter the Moss-Path through the mountain. They may relinquish this treasure for those who can bring them seventeen Shiny Shell Fragments.』 
『The Shell Wizard
Aged scholar, and proprietor of the tomes exchange, the Shell Wizard may yet posses a smidgen of magic to teach those who prove their dedication to the ancient craft.』
Just some more doodles to get the hang of the drawing tablet. I wasn’t really intending to do a sequence, I was just fussing with different brushes, which is why these guys are each a different style, but I ended up really charmed with the silly theme and decided to do a quick and dirty coloration. They ended up looking rather like Deku Scrubs by way of Hollow Knight.
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cameronmakesstuff · 3 years
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Just a doodle of the best villager, Coco. I’m trying to get the hang of drawing with a tablet and this turned out better than I’d hoped. My linework is weaker this way for sure since I’m unused to the tablet, but coloring is a lot more fun and I was able to bust this out a lot more quickly than my old method.
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cameronmakesstuff · 4 years
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Fringe Bending
Avatar is really having a cultural moment and I’m way into that since it’s kind of a watershed series for me. This ones the result of a conversation I had about theoretically possible bending styles that aren’t really represented in the show. I’m showing off some crystal bending to force normal minerals into crystals and my corroborator is doing some vapor bending to pull useful amounts of water from thin air.
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cameronmakesstuff · 4 years
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JoJo Crossing
Heck yes back at that Animal Crossing, lets get these fruits. I know gyroids aren’t in this one but man I love em, and I can’t think of a single thing in the series that looks more like a Stand already
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cameronmakesstuff · 4 years
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Another dumb doodle, this time inspired by how rad owls are instead of dumb garbage I said with my mouth
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cameronmakesstuff · 4 years
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Vaporization By Moonlight
A quick drawing of a time-traveling Mothman vaporizing Javert with a plasma weapon, as per perhaps the dumbest conversation anyone’s ever had. I know a proper vaporization wouldn’t leave the big pile of ash, but I liked the visual of it.
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cameronmakesstuff · 4 years
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Just a robot I felt like drawing. An idea for a character I’ve had kicking around in my head for a sci-fi tabletop game I made that’s never been played. This guy ended up looking remarkably like a combo of a Magnaguard and a B1 Battle Droid, which wasn’t really on purpose but is also fine because those are both cool robots.
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cameronmakesstuff · 4 years
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Heat Rises; Into the Void
Just an attempt at action shots of my warlock. I am far and away mostly a Voidwalker, but I do also love Dawnblade. I’m doing something I’ve not done before and also uploading a version where I’ve edited out all my original line-work, which has a neat street-art kinda look.
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cameronmakesstuff · 4 years
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Made a dumb, not especially well drawn picture of myself and a friend as Gotcha Force characters as a quick doodle. Any Gotcha Force players out there? I’m guessing like, three or four? Not a lot of us.
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cameronmakesstuff · 4 years
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The Titan of a good friend. I was originally going to do some kind of combined action shot of his guardian and mine, but I really wanted to include these little overlays of him doing brutal stuff on the sides so it turned into a solo thing. He has a very aggressive playstyle, and with him playing Striker I have this idea of his Titan being like an unchained beast that savages the Darkness, like a walking thunderstorm. The composition feels a little unfinished, what with the huge empty space in the center, but I couldn���t find anything to fill the space with that I actually liked.
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cameronmakesstuff · 4 years
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More stuff from that tabletop setting I was messing with. Just a series of art I made for it. Mostly race portraits, but a couple monsters and one character portrait (he’s the ghost of a turnip farm!). These are all from late 2014.
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cameronmakesstuff · 4 years
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Back at the end of college (spring 2014) I made a sort of modified ruleset DnD and associated setting for fun and played a little bit with some friends to see if was hot garbage or not (it was!), but my cool English major friends were all creative and made fun characters. The style of these ended up a lot more simple and with cleaner linework than most of my stuff, because I intended to print these out on tiny pieces of cardstock and use them as player markers on the map. In order we’ve got an angry young woman out for vengeance, an aimless crow person, an elf made of trees, and a man who is literally always on fire.
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cameronmakesstuff · 4 years
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An unnamed owl-themed mage I made quite some time ago. Not impressive on any level, but I really like it. Took a shot at coloring it quick but I’m not sure about the very brown palette.
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