camilagray-rp · 2 years
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camilagray-rp · 2 years
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camilagray-rp · 2 years
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A Glance at Camila and her husband Matthew.
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camilagray-rp · 2 years
One More Year || Open Starter
Exhausted. These days seemed like the Camila Grey walked around the world in auto mode, everything she did was automatized; waking up, working out, going to work, mingling with co-workers or her husband’s family. Every day seemed the same even if she did something different every day and that was because the color of her world had been changed to a humdrum scale of grey shades, the noises around her had been shut down and changed to a strange but familiar white-noise and it all had been because Matthew Van Allen.
The man who had charmed his way straight into the woman’s heart only to show his true colors shortly after marrying. “God, I can’t wait to get out of this.” Camila thought to herself as she stared at a woman’s face who Matthew was talking to. She was some rich elderly woman whom Matthew was hoping to get her support for his political campaign. If she only knew the real personality behind that perfect smile. Matthew and Camila had married rather quite quickly and even though the woman had never been a naïve or gullible person, somehow the politician managed to sleep through the cracks; he was extremely good at lying, it certainly hurt the surgeon’s pride as she had always maintained she was too smart to fall for a liar.
And yet, somehow, she had done exactly that.
“When are you two planning to have kids? I bet your children will be beautiful.” The woman said pulling Camila out of her own thoughts.
“Oh.” She said as she tried to keep a straight face and attempted to get her widened eyes back to normal before brushing away the awkwardness with a small laugh. “I guess we can only wait and see.” She said with a smile before forcefully looking at Matthew whose eyes would tell anyone how perfect their relationship was just by the way he looked at Mila. All a façade. After the dinner, the couple walked towards their cars in the parking lot holding hands while people could see them but the second their surroundings cleared the woman pulled her hand away as she searched for her keys.
“Where are you going?” Matthew said looking at her with an arched eyebrow. He wasn’t concerned about her safety, he was concerned she would do something to damage his image.
“Having a drink with friends from work.” She said opening her car, “normal couples… even the good marriages, do things apart. We don’t have to go everywhere together, Matt.” She said glaring at him.
“I don’t have to remind you why you have to behave right?” He asked causing the woman to tense with anger before she looked at him and reluctantly shook her head before getting into the car and driving away as fast as she could as the need of calming her nerves and rage grew by the minute. Once she arrived at the Honey Rooftop, Mila parked her car and waked into the bar looking around for colleagues but quickly realized she was the first one to arrive.
“Great.” She mumbled to herself before she walked towards the bar, smiling gently at some of the people she knew she had met before due to Matthew’s career. “Mila!” The bartender called her out as she finally sat down and smiled.
“The usual?” He asked before she nodded. “Whiskey coming right up.” He said.
Mila then looked down at her phone for a second as she saw a text from Matthew already but she refused to even open it, “Just one more year” She mumbled to herself before letting out a sigh and rubbing the back of her neck for a second.
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