camillasstudyblog · 4 months
mcat studying day 2
hii its day 2 :D
i started off with reviewing my psych cards from yesterday, which took around 20 minutes!! feels crazy how quickly reviews take.
Quote of the day: "Comparison is the thief of joy."
I think this is a really important quote especially as a pre-med. It can be a little disheartening feeling like everyone around you is moving forward with their lives and making 'adult' money while you're stuck studying for years. The journey is long, but it will be worth it!! Soon enough we'll be in residency with the knowledge and expertise to help people heal. I'm excited to not only help others, but to learn enough to help my family and friends with any health issues that might arise. I can't wait to be the "doctor friend"!
goals for today:
-Finish Psychology Pankow 6A Deck (153 Cards left)
what I got done:
-Pankow reviews in the morning!
-Break: shower, morning routine
-finished all 153 cards !!
Notes: i definitely could've gotten it done in way faster if i was just a bit more focused. working on it :(
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camillasstudyblog · 4 months
mcat studying day 1
goals for today:
-Psychology Pankow Anki Deck for 2 hours
-Chemistry Milesdown Anki Deck for 2 hours
-P/S Khan Academy Videos for an hour before I sleep
-Notes: I am getting back into MCAT studying after a while and I'm starting this blog as a log of what I'm studying. I want to start with these subjects because I know that Chemistry is in the first section of the MCAT and I know P/S might be a little easier than the other sections to study, especially for me because I enjoy Psychology. Sociology is ehh, but not too hard imo. I also need to increase my concentration and focus, because I've been doomscrolling a bit. I plan on taking a practice test soon as well.
what I got done:
-I went to my favorite cafe (w tons of outlets!), got a matcha with a shot of espresso (elite combo) and loaded up my Anki
-To stay on track, I used the Pomodoro method, using this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxIbwamsruc
5/10, didn't really enjoy the music but it got the job done.
-I went over new cards and with these cloze style decks, deleted words that might be making recall too easy. I wanted to feel that I was actually pulling stuff from my brain and not just recognizing cards, which can be an issue with cloze style.
Studying Breakdown:
-Block 1 (50 minutes): MrPankow6A Deck. 61 new cards. This is my least favorite Psych section tbh, I don't really care for visual or auditory processing.
-Break (10 minutes): edited my tumblr :D
-Block 2 (50 minutes): MrPankow6A Deck. Reviewed old cards from Block 1. 45 New Cards done!
-Long Break: went to the grocery store and then home to make some dinner and watch Gilmore Girls :D
-I didn't end up doing Chem today :( Lost track of time and had schoolwork to do, but this is Day 1 and I'm trying to get an Anki routine down!
-Notes for future: For bio, I want to watch the Professor Eman videos and then do a deck, either from Milesdown or JackSparrow. I'll do the Jack Sparrow Biochem deck for sure. Milesdown for Physics and Ochem. I also need to keep my phone away cuz I do get distracted from time to time :(
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