candidusxequcs-blog · 9 years
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[ SMS : Warren ] thats not how it is
[ SMS : Warren ] i mean
[ SMS : Warren ] i kno im my own person
[ SMS : Warren ] im not sure thats a good thingtext deleted
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[ text ; nathan ] you’re in denial i guess. so was she.
[ text ; nathan ] google it sometime. you’ll realize just how much it fits.
[ text ; nathan ] i’ll leave you alone if you really want. 
[ text ; nathan ] but i’m always here to talk if you need to.
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candidusxequcs-blog · 9 years
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Actual photo of Warren Graham 
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candidusxequcs-blog · 9 years
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[ SMS : Warren? ] fuk that
[ SMS : Warren? ] hes not abusing me i guess
[ SMS : Warren? ] fuck 
[ SMS : Warren? ] he’s an asshole
[ SMS : Warren? ] y r u like this?
[ SMS : Warren? ]  y dont u leave me alone
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[ text ; nathan ] he shuts down your feelings and makes fun of you even when you ask him not to, right?
[ text ; nathan ] make you feel like shit
[ text ; nathan ] probably calls you a disgrace
[ text ; nathan ] he’s wrong, you know? you’re your own person. you have nothing to live up to.
[ text ; nathan ; drafted ] my mom’s abuse led her to kill herself. nobody should feel like that
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candidusxequcs-blog · 9 years
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[ SMS : loser ] i dont need help
[ SMS : loser ] ive been doing it on my own long enough
[ SMS : loser ] u r wasting ur time
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[ text ; nathan ] nah, don’t think i am
[ text ; nathan ] got all the time in the world anyways
[ text ; nathan ] i watched my mom have men ‘make her do things’ all her life
[ text ; nathan ] its called abuse
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candidusxequcs-blog · 9 years
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[ SMS : Loser ] typical shit
[ SMS : Loser ] liek making me do shit
[ SMS : Loser ]  y do u care
[ SMS : Loser ]  we arent friends
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[ text ; nathan ] because i once stood by and watched someone go through a lot of things.
[ text ; nathan ] and i could have, and should have, helped.
[ text ; nathan ] but i didn’t. and i lost her.
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candidusxequcs-blog · 9 years
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[ SMS : loser ] y do u want 2?
[ SMS : loser ]  nobody wants 2 kno me
[ SMS : loser ] better than him being a dick
[ SMS : loser ]  trying to control u
[ SMS : loser ] and u never being good enough text deleted
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[ text ; prescott ] because clearly you need someone.
[ text ; prescott ] trying to control you?
[ text ; prescott ] what kind of ‘trying’?
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candidusxequcs-blog · 9 years
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what was wrong with this guy? 
[ SMS : loser ] o yea?
[ SMS : loser ] u kno wat its like 2 have a dad tht doesnt care?
[ SMS : loser ] forget about that fucking txt.
[ SMS : loser ] i s2g u dont kno me. 
[ SMS : loser ] why cant u just leave me alone
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so its family problems. can’t say i can’t relate.
[ text ; prescott ] you’re right, i DONT know you. but i want to.
[ text ; prescott ] and for the record; my dad left when i was five years old.
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candidusxequcs-blog · 9 years
[ text : Warren ] that’s because u absorb all the dorkiness out of the room
[ text : Warren ]  oh and btw
[ text : Warren ] you have a thing for her right?
[ text ; chloe ] yeah. kinda.
[ text ; chloe ; drafted ] you seem to make her a lot happier though.
[ text ; chloe ] but a bro doesn't move in on another bro's chick if youre into her.
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candidusxequcs-blog · 9 years
[ text : Warren ] dude thats my life ur talkin about
[ text : Warren ] hey i gotta ask
[ text : Warren ] Is Max different when I’m not around?
[ text ; chloe ] <3333
[ text ; chloe ] nah, except maybe less of a dweeb
[ text ; chloe ; drafted ] she's a lot happier around you.
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candidusxequcs-blog · 9 years
[ text : Warren] that was a joke
[ text : Warren ] Wasnt funny
[ text : Warren] sorry im so terrible
[ text ; chloe ] kinda desensitized to the whole death thing.
[ text ; chloe ] too many horror films
that’s not what he meant.
[ text ; chloe ] i worry way too much for my own good kek. 
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candidusxequcs-blog · 9 years
[ text : Warren ] It’s for your benefit really.
[ text : Warren ] max has a hard enough time protecting me message deleted
[ text : Warren ] i have a hard enough time looking after Max
[ text : Warren ] your better off as mission control
[ text : Warren ] or to help us blow stuff up with ur mad science
[ text ; chloe ] if something big happens...
[ text ; chloe ] please don't leave me in the dark
[ text ; chloe ] i'm a big boy, i can handle myself, price.
[ text ; chloe ; drafted ] if being in danger lessens it on max, or even you, i don't mind
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candidusxequcs-blog · 9 years
warren likes to draft messages unsent. deleting them makes them permanent. he isn’t sure if he drafts texts so much because he’s asking for someone to read his drafts to know what he really wants to say, or if it gives him the opportunity to say it later. but most, if not all, his messages left unsent are stored in his drafts.
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candidusxequcs-blog · 9 years
[ text : dork] I guess everybody knew Rachel.
[ text : dork] she was my angel message deleted
[ text : dork] I know she’s dead. searching for her just gives me an excuse to get up in the morning message deleted
[ text : dork ] I know you want to help us find her
[ text : Warren] look im sorry for keeping you out of the loop
[ text ; chloe ] it’s okay. i’m just worried is all.
[ text ; chloe ] max is important to me
[ text ; chloe ; drafted ] you’re important to me too. because you were to her. 
[ text ; chloe ] i’m just distressed over being out of the loop, and seeing you guys in trouble and possible danger.
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candidusxequcs-blog · 9 years
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[ SMS : loser ] u got balls
[ SMS : loser ] did she tell u 2 get dirt on me
[ SMS : loser ] i hate therapy i hate fucking everyone who says they caretext deleted
[ SMS : loser ] y r u acting like this?
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[ text ; prescott ] despite how many people call me a pussy, i do indeed have balls.
[ text ; prescott ] nah. i don’t work for max.
[ text ; prescott ] because i know what its like to feel isolated and to hate yourself and have no one to turn to.
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candidusxequcs-blog · 9 years
[ text : Dork ] im fine okay?
[ text : dork] thanks and all but im okay
[ text : dork] i don’t need help
[ text ; chloe p. ] whatever you say, chlo.
[ text ; chloe p. ] i didn’t think i needed help either
[ text ; chloe p. ] she and i actually talked. a few times. 
[ text ; chloe p. ] i didnt know her as well. but i miss her too.
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candidusxequcs-blog · 9 years
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[ SMS : unknown ] bro fuk off
[ SMS : unknown ] i dont need a therapist i can pay 4 that
[ SMS : unknown ] dont act like u kno me
[ SMS : unknown ]  nobody fucking likes me it’s obvious text deleted
[ SMS : unknown ] r u that loser that max is with?
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[ text ; prescott ] therapists fucking suck ass. real people are so much easier to talk to.
[ text ; prescott ] i’m not saying i know you. i’m saying i want to know you.
[ text ; prescott ] if i was it wouldn’t change how much i care.
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candidusxequcs-blog · 9 years
[ text : dork] i dont even know you [ text : dork] why even bother sending this? [ text : dork] did Max put you up to this?
[ text ; chloe p. ] no, actually. she didn’t.
[ text ; chloe p. ] i just know what losing someone you care about feels like.
[ text ; chloe p. ] worse than the worst feeling. 
[ text ; chloe p. ] if you need to talk, i’m always here to listen.
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