caniowest · 6 months
ended a relationship with an emotionally unstable man. best thing I've ever done
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caniowest · 6 months
you always on that damn 'Untitled Document'!
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caniowest · 6 months
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i love laura palmer
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caniowest · 6 months
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caniowest · 6 months
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Alexey Savrasov - Landscape with a Rainbow (1881)
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caniowest · 6 months
sorry dude can’t hang out I’m making up scenarios in my head. sorry no it’s gonna take up all my time.
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caniowest · 6 months
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Rae Klein (American, 1995) - The Mountain (2022)
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caniowest · 6 months
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I truly hope that anyone that feels left out of their friend groups/ can't seem to genuinely connect with other people gets the love they deserve (and a very warm hug). At times, when we walk behind our friends, or when we don't get invited to certain parties, we tend to think it's our problem. That it's our fault that they don't pay enough attention to us. I think everyone has experienced this to a certain degree at some point, and it's honestly heartbreaking.
Trying to find your so-called "inner peace", while also balancing a healthy lifestyle and mental health issues can be hard, like, excruciatingly difficult to navigate. You don't need to perfect yourself every day- we're not a self-improvement project after all- and you can definitely long for those special human connections. We, as homo sapiens, thrive on this. But if we were to only look at other people for their approval, validation, and appeciation, we'd be burnt-out. And that's what happens most of the times.
When we start to like a new person, for example, we'd be feeling kind of sad if our best friend wouldn't support our decision. This only worsens as time goes on, and at one point we're left to wonder if we even have a a clue on what's really going on in our head. With all these contradictions, swirling thoughts and divergence, our mind cracks under pressure. Truth is, no matter how secure a friendship or relationship is, we are human beings- it's normal for us to get affected by what other people think, even in small fractions.
So, what remains in the end? What path do we take in order to "keep the balance" and not let ourselves get overshadowed by others? I think the answer to this is something we've all heard before, and it is definitely harder that it looks. "Loving yourself " seems impossible when you think you don't know who you are. Because, why would I love someone estranged to begin with?
And so, with each passing day, I try to find myself. When walking outside, I try to stop and just notice the world around me. The sun on my face, the rushed people, the old buildings I pass by every day. And honestly, doing this has not only helped me live in the present, but also regain old parts of my soul. Little me would be so proud to see that I'm no longer stuck in a loop, everyday, doing the same goddamn thing I loathe.
I'm by no means an expert on wellness, and mental stability, but maybe those who take their time reading this post that I poured my heart into find some comfort in knowing that their journey isn't linear. It doesn't have to be and it will never be.
Focus on growing yourself back from the roots that burned.
You are your most precious asset, and your life, perfect or not, is valuable.
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caniowest · 6 months
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caniowest · 6 months
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Door Through Space
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caniowest · 6 months
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caniowest · 6 months
creation is finished.
the phrase "creation is finished" is a principle that most of us are already familiar with. it‘s the unchangeable fact that creation, in other words, what you can imagine — and what you desire — already exists. but how can this piece of information be so significant?
infinite realities exist.
now, with creation being finished you have a large variety, an infinite amount of realities to choose from. anything that you can think of exists already. you don’t need to "create" it, it’s just there. whatever reality you are currently experiencing, there is a version of you right now that‘s doing something completely different. but there is also a version of you right now that’s experiencing things nearly identical to you, but they are wearing a different coat. or they have blinked a couple of times more. or they didn’t pronounce the same word you did in this reality the same way. whatever it is, any reality you can imagine — no matter how identical it is to another — it exists.
all versions of you belong to you.
it’s important to note that these infinite realities are all yours. you don’t need to ask anyone to give them to you, you don’t need to ask for allowance or permission and you don’t need to seek for something outside of you. whatever you want, whatever you desire and whatever you wish to experience — you can give it to yourself. you can have it. you can own it. because you are the only person who is allowed to grant yourself your desires, for you are the only operant power and it’s your reality.
if you can desire it, you can have it.
did you ever think about why creation is finished? why does imagination create reality? why is your 3D mirroring your 4D? it’s because something exists once you desire it. see, if you desire something, you imagine it. imagining as in becoming aware of it. and if you can be aware of it, you can manifest it. you can shift to the reality where you have what you are wishing for — because there has to be a reality where your wish has been fulfilled.
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imagination is your confirmation.
knowing that you can have anything, that you can become conscious of having, implies that imagination (you can also say consciousness or awareness) is the only evidence you need in order to manifest something. if you ever wonder about whether a desire of yours seems too impossible to manifest, keep in mind that you are the only validation you need. you are your own confirmation. you wouldn’t be able to manifest it if you couldn’t desire it. that’s proof enough. so, never ever question your desires!
select your desired reality.
what are you waiting for!? your desired reality exists RIGHT NOW as you are reading this and is waiting for you to experience it! think of your imagination as a library. whatever you want, whatever book (here: reality) you want to read, you can get it. it’s ALL in there, don’t worry. your only job is to DECIDE and TAKE (here: assume) your desired story and make it yours!
  ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀love and light, ella.
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caniowest · 6 months
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caniowest · 6 months
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My final piece for the @fbczine!
Feels really good to be able to post it, and it was a joy working on this project and seeing how lovely and creative the Control community is!
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caniowest · 6 months
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late night shift (date)
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