cankerouscancer-blog · 12 years
Jake is supposed to defeat Lord English, an invincible demon that is not supposed to be defeated through normal means.
Jake is also a gunslinging, jungle-dwelling, old english-talking rapscallion - he is pretty much a caricature of a typical adventurer.
He is also...
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cankerouscancer-blog · 12 years
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cankerouscancer-blog · 12 years
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cankerouscancer-blog · 12 years
Karkat shrugs and keeps hold of 'Love Actually' while putting the other two back and walking over to the TV. After a few changed settings, turning on the surround sound and placing the DVD in the player he lay down on the couch near Kokat and snuggled up to her with a happy little sigh. The movie begin and you fail to give a shit about the first few characters, waiting for Alan Rickman to show up and be as hilarious and great as he always is. However as you expected you find yourself extremely distracted by the fact that you are alone in the house with your sister and you have yet to start fucking like rabbits.
Instead of watching the movie he find himself nuzzling against her and giving her little pecks on the cheek and other cutesy shit every now and again. Truth be told it wasn't even something he was doing consiously, he simply felt compelled to be extremely affectionate with her. Perhaps it was because he knew this movie so well and they were finally home alone for an entire week together. His kisses started lasting longer and longer and a few press against her neck on the most sensitive spots he's found in the times they've been intimate with one another.
She didn’t answer just smiled and rolled her eyes and gave his hand a squeeze as he caught up and slipped his in. She watched him with a smile as he looked so excited her heart was pounding could this ..sort of maybe count as a date? If so then it was her first and she was feeling giddy, she watched him look closely at the movies before picking a few great ones.
“I DON’T KNOW SURPRISE ME..I’LL LIKE WHATEVER YOU PICK..” She gives him a kiss on the cheek and curls up on the couch with a grin. Waiting for him to put one in and cuddle with her, she was freezing and she could use his heat. “I’VE SEEN THE ‘5O FIRST DATES’ BUT I DON’T MIND WATCHING IT AGAIN..”
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cankerouscancer-blog · 12 years
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cankerouscancer-blog · 12 years
Reblog if you have amazing RP partners.
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cankerouscancer-blog · 12 years
Karkat watched his sister walk away from a moment, watching his with wanting eyes until she turned back to him, shaking her booty at him. "CAN'T I DO BOTH?" he teased, taking a last lingering look before catching up to Kokat and making his way toward the living room with her, taking her hand in his. He made his way toward the shelf which held their families collection of movies, many of which were Rom Coms that he had picked out for his personal enjoyment. The idea that he could share these with someone who he had feelings for now still made his head spin.
His eyes went over the selection and he was immediately drawn to a few favorites of his that he hadn't seen in a while. 'Love Actually' most immediately came to mind, a British Rom Com that he loved, as well as 'Two Weeks Notice' and '50 First Dates'. Karkat grabbed the three movies and fanned them out for his sister to see. "ALRIGHT, THESE ARE MY THREE POTENTIAL PICKS. DO YOU WANT ONE OF THESE, OR SOMETHING ELSE ALL TOGETHER? I'LL LET YOU PICK."
Karkat gave his sister a knowing smile as she talked about a week of cuddling and little kisses and rom coms, while the idea wasn’t a bad one (in fact Karkat thought the idea was rather cute) he highly doubted it end at just that even if they tried. When she licked his lips and sucked on his bottom one lightly a small content sound escaped from him. “WELL THAT WHOLE INNOCENT KISS AND ROM COM THING DIDN’T SOUND TOO BAD, BUT YOU ALREADY FUCKED IT UP.” he said teasing her with a little poke on the stomach.
“WELL THE ONLY THING I ACTUALLY HAVE SERIOUSLY PLANNED FOR THE DAY I WONT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT UNTIL LATER IN THE AFTERNOON…” he said pausing in legitimate thought, mulling over the various activities they could do. “WELL HOW ABOUT THIS. LETS GOT POP IN A MOVIE AND SEE WHERE WE GO WITH IT WE’LL EITHER WATCH THE MOVIE OR…” Karkat leaned into his sister’s ear, her warm breath brushing against it as he spoke. “FORGET IT AND GIVE OUR ATTENTION TO MORE… INTIMATE MATTERS.” he nipped at her ear quickly before pulling away. “HOW DOES THAT SOUND?”
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cankerouscancer-blog · 12 years
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cankerouscancer-blog · 12 years
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cankerouscancer-blog · 12 years
Karkat gave his sister a knowing smile as she talked about a week of cuddling and little kisses and rom coms, while the idea wasn't a bad one (in fact Karkat thought the idea was rather cute) he highly doubted it end at just that even if they tried. When she licked his lips and sucked on his bottom one lightly a small content sound escaped from him. "WELL THAT WHOLE INNOCENT KISS AND ROM COM THING DIDN'T SOUND TOO BAD, BUT YOU ALREADY FUCKED IT UP." he said teasing her with a little poke on the stomach.
"WELL THE ONLY THING I ACTUALLY HAVE SERIOUSLY PLANNED FOR THE DAY I WONT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT UNTIL LATER IN THE AFTERNOON..." he said pausing in legitimate thought, mulling over the various activities they could do. "WELL HOW ABOUT THIS. LETS GOT POP IN A MOVIE AND SEE WHERE WE GO WITH IT WE'LL EITHER WATCH THE MOVIE OR..." Karkat leaned into his sister's ear, her warm breath brushing against it as he spoke. "FORGET IT AND GIVE OUR ATTENTION TO MORE... INTIMATE MATTERS." he nipped at her ear quickly before pulling away. "HOW DOES THAT SOUND?"
Watching him come out her eyes traveling over him, watching his body move as he slipped a shirt on and failed to get her mouth to work to tell him no. But it was too late by then so she just enjoyed him coming closer to her, with a grin. She leaned up and met his kiss with a smile, “YEAH HE’S FINALLY GONE.” She couldn’t help but laugh a bit, Karkat could feel anything difficulty from anything.
She squeezed his hand, raising a brow at him as he suggested then kissed her hand then suggested something completely out of nowhere. “OH.. I WAS THINKING ON A NICE LONG WEEK OF ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT CUDDLING.” She looked serious saying and continued, “WHERE WE JUST CUDDLED ON THE COUCH AND HAD A LOT OF INNOCENT KISSES AND WATCHED OUR FAVORITE SAPPY MOVIES AND YOU COMMENTED ON OUTFITS I WOULD TRY ON.” She couldn’t help it but later after wards and stepped up to him slipping her arms up his chest to relax over his shoulders, with a teasing grin as her tongue sneaked out to trace his lip. She stepped up to him her body brushing along his, her body tingling at it as she sucked on his lip for a moment before  letting go and looking at him saying, “I DON’T KNOW.. WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU HAVE IN MIND?” She asked raising a brow excitedly.
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cankerouscancer-blog · 12 years
Karkat stepped out of the hall bathroom shirtless his sister called out his name, having just finished bathing since his sister felt the need to take her sweet god damned time in the shower. "THANK FUCK, IS HE FINALLY GONE? I COULD FEEL HIM MAKING THINGS DIFFICULT FROM UP HERE." he slid the t-shirt on and gave her a small smile before crossing over to her and giving her a kiss. Already he could feel his heart beating as ideas for the things they could do together swam through his mind. Not all of them were dirty, in fact some were quite romantic in nature.
He took her hand in his own and laced their fingers together. "SO WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO FIRST? WE COULD ALWAYS WATCH A MOVIE... OR MAYBE..." he began before bringing her hand against his lips and kissing it gently. "...YOU HAD SOMETHING A LITTLE LESS INNOCENT IN MIND? he gave her a devilish little grin and he had to admit he had been silently hoping that he and his sister might finally take the final plunge and take each others virginity. She had been nervous about it for some time now, and with good reason, but the very idea of sharing that experience with her made him excited.
“BYE KANKRI!” She felt like she had said for the hundredth time.
“Are you sure .. you don’t want me to stay here till-“ He tried to continue but was cut off.
“NO KANKRI I TOLD YOU WE WILL BE FINE BY OURSELVES.” She patted his back but nudged him out the door a bit more, he sighed and was about to say something again but she gave him a look and his mouth tightened shut and he nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek before hopping in the car with his friends for the weekend maybe longer depending on what was going on.
She sighed finally, that had taken longer than making dad agree that he should get some alone time and just have a dad’s day out or whatever he was having with a few other dad’s and his extension was a bit longer since this past week was their last week of school for that year. Karkat and she just wanted the house to themselves for once and by God they had been working on this for two weeks. Him apparently longer but he was bad with people in general so she helped out which still took forever it seemed.
Now she was just wondering where he had sneaked off to, she walked back down through the hallway, “KARKAT?” She asked quietly a bit apprehensive and excited that they were finally home alone together after begin with each other for a few months. They had several occasions since then where they had had a few hours together alone but it never seemed to be enough.
She licked her lips as she thought about those few hours somewhere rather intense and she loved it others were closer cuddling and more bonding which made her heart pound with happiness for him.  But back to the main point she was looking for him and since she knew they were going to be alone for a whole few days this morning she had taken a long shower –much to Karkat’s annoyance- but looked and smelt great.
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cankerouscancer-blog · 12 years
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cankerouscancer-blog · 12 years
My parents are out right now and they don’t know Obama won. They voted for Romney. I voted for Obama. I’m going to play this when they get home and see how soon they catch on.
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cankerouscancer-blog · 12 years
Karkat felt her hips shrink away from his a bit and he decided not to press the issue further. Instead he listened and felt the warmth of her body pressed against his own. "I DON'T THINK THAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN... NOT ANY TIME SOON AT LEAST." He could see the worry spread across her face as she spoke and thought of all these dreadful possibilities, and in an attempt to relieve her even the slightest bit he pressed his lips against her forehead and held it for a long while. "STOP WORRYING YOU RETARD, IF YOU KEEP THINKING ALL THIS BAD SHIT IS GOING TO HAPPEN THEN YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT WILL. JUST CALM DOWN AND TAKE THINGS AS THEY GO."
His forehead pressed against hers and he hummed a bit, happy despite all the questions and uncertainties flying around the room. It would certainly be a little strange and hiding this relationship from Kankri and their father would be a challenge... but on the other hand there would be times when they would have the house completely to themselves and no one would suspect a thing. Karkat let out a small content sigh and rubbed his nose against Kokat's.
She shuddered as he pressed her in closer and kissed her more it felt good she wouldn’t lie. Feeling him like this was exciting and calming at the same times she was confused as to how it worked. His mouth moving sensually with hers was breath taking and she could only move it back just as excited. When she felt his member touch her hip she felt really nervous and pulled back her hips some not sure what he was doing there.
But then relaxed as seemed to just cutely nuzzle her which she did back, giving him a light laugh, “YOU DON’T HAVE TO THANK ME IF ANY THING I SHOULD BE THANKING YOU FOR WANTING TO PUT UP WITH ME. .. AND TRUST I DIDN’T EXPECT IT EITHER.” She smiled sweetly at him probably the first time ever in her life, “WELL.. I’M.. I’M NOT SURE.. I MEAN MAYBE LATER ON… BUT NOT RIGHT NOW.. I MEAN WHAT IF AFTERWARDS YOU LIKE REGRET IT AND DON’T WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE?” She looked away a bit scared at the thought of finding someone who sort of liked her to leave and then the actual thought of sex she’s heard it hurts so bad.
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cankerouscancer-blog · 12 years
Karkat felt a chill run through his body as he heard the divine sound of her moan against him. He wondered if that meant she was still... 'ready and willing' or if it was simply a sound of enjoyment. Instead of asking he wrapped his arm all the way around her and pressed his body against her, wanting to feel as much of her as possible in this embrace. Their lips brushed and pressed against one another and their tongues danced a playful dance as he felt his member gently rubbed against her hips through her still soaked panties.
After a time he pulled away, breathing a bit heavily and nuzzled against her, his lips red and swollen from the long embrace. "THIS IS GOING TO SOUND ODD... BUT THANK YOU... I WAS WORRIED THAT I'D DISGUST YOU OR THAT YOU'D HATE ME... I DIDN'T EXPECT... ANYTHING LIKE THIS." his voice was low and calm. "A-AND IF YOU EVER DON'T WANT THIS ANYMORE IT'S OKAY YOU CAN TELL ME.
She gave him a small grin as he said that too her and couldn’t help but turn even more red. Well things went a bit backwards in how relationships work but they were a bit backwards themselves so she guessed it worked out. She wanted to say more but she was sure she would ruin the mood if she did and she was pretty content with how things were. She couldn’t say she had been liking him forever but her heart was beating faster now and she was starting to see him in a different light.
Tilting her head up as well to feel his lips against hers again, it felt right or at least it felt good in a way she couldn’t begin to describe. She moved her hand up to cup his face as they kissed and had their bodies pressed up against each other. She shivered as they touched again and let out a small moan her body still tender from his touches before. She slipped her tongue back and rolled her tongue with his in a playful way, she was very content with how things were going, glad to be in someone’s arms.
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cankerouscancer-blog · 12 years
california: you're fucking welcome
ohio: excuse you?
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cankerouscancer-blog · 12 years
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