cantthinkheadempty · 20 days
Reading update: World War Z
[spoilers: from the start till before chapter 3: The Great Panic: Topeka, Kansas]
Hello Yet Again!
I am writing this in a big hurry, as I am currently in the middle of my finals season, to inform that I am still very much alive and kicking. And to update on what I've been doing as of late.
First of all, I've been reading Max Brook's 'World War Z'. And despite it being essentially a collection of loosely connected stories of a past event, which I usually find incredibly boring, it is a surprisingly engaging and interesting book. Maybe it's because of the great amount of research that went into making this as realistic as possible, seriously reading this after the covid-19 pandemic almost makes me believe in those stupid conspiracies that say all major were planned by the shadow-government and they drop hints in media before doing them for some reason, or maybe it's just because I really viewing major events through a human perspective, but this book just has its hooks in me and is absolutely REFUSING to let go. (It's actually a little hard to study because all I want to do is to continue reading this, lol.)
As for everything else I am working on. Both 'A Blind Eye Can See' and 'The One True Gentlemen' are on hiatus until I finish my exams. But they're otherwise coming along fine. I am also working on a minor rewriting of 'After Earth' to try and incorporate "Nature" as a "character" and bump up the spiritual aspect of the world in general.
That is all for now :) I should hopefully be a lot more productive over the summer, or at least I will try to. Thank you so much for reading! hope to see you soon :)
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cantthinkheadempty · 2 months
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cantthinkheadempty · 2 months
Reblog if you love AO3 and appreciate their volunteers who are working harder than God, fighting battle after battle, making sure the place that is a safe space for every fandom is staying up and running for all of us
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cantthinkheadempty · 2 months
Wow, Ok! Hello yet again! So, I've been gone a while, sorry for that. Don't really have an excuse this time, I just found 'Graveyard Keeper' and have been absolutely OBSESSED for the past several weeks.
Anyway, this was meant to be a reading update on 'World War Z'. But honestly it's been so long since I last touched that book that I don't even remember where I stopped or what my thoughts on the story even were, I vaguely remember something about it being far less boring than I expected it to be and the writing feeling so realistic that it immediately just consumes you into its world, but I'll have to re-read the whole thing at this point to be able to say anything meaningful.
So I guess this is a lot more of a "I'm still alive, don't worry" post. But while I'm here. Work on 'A Blind Eye Can See' is going well, or at least it was going well last I worked on it, again have done nothing but play that game for the last few weeks, kinda struggling with the ending but when have I written a story without doing that. Furthermore, I have finally come up with a name for the 'victorian man project', it's now called 'The one true gentleman'. And, despite the original name of the project, I'm thinking of changing the setting to civil war era America, as I think would be slightly easier to write.
I would like to apologise again at the end here and say that I will be posting the first of 'ABlind Eye Can See', along with my notes on it, here once I'm done with it. Thank you for reading till the end! Hope to see you next time! Goodbye!
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cantthinkheadempty · 2 months
every day I think about the religious anime girls…
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And how the artist drew several pro-Palestine drawings like this one
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in 2014, that’s right, 2014, this did not fucking start October 7th.
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cantthinkheadempty · 2 months
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cantthinkheadempty · 2 months
[Spoilers: 'It Ends With Us']
Hello yet again!
I am finally gaining back a bit of my free time, so I should a bit more active on here finally.
Anyway, this post will be documenting my "Closing thoughts" on Colleen Hoover's 'It Ends With Us' so I can start with my next book already. I was correct in nearly every prediction I made while reading this, from the moment I learned about Lily's abusive father, and how much she hated her mother for never leaving him, I was like "Oh, she's going to be in an abusive relationship just like her mother.". The moment Atlas appeared in his restaurant I was like "Oh, she's going to end up with him at the end." And so on and so forth.
All that said, a book being predictable doesn't mean it's bad. This is genuinely one of my favourite books now. It was a little difficult to get into at the start, but once the story gets going it's amazing, I'd say from the point at which Ryle hits Lily for the first time is when the story gets really good. The way it explores the hardships of still loving somebody after they've hurt you so much, feeling like you want to stay with them even though you know you can't, and how, despite how painful staying in the relationship is, leaving it hurts just the same, is really impressive.
Overall, wonderful book with great themes and storytelling. If I were to criticise it, I would say that some of the side characters felt a little flat and cardboard like, but that's just me nitpicking tbh.
I mentioned in the first post I made about this book that it was recommended to me by a friend. That friend happens to be 16, and I originally intended on making a little joke here about how I was going to give him a "stern talking to" for reading a book I considered to be "above his age" but giving it some thought now, I feel like giving stories like these to older kids, despite how heavy their themes may be, is good. It'll help them recognise and avoid abusive relationships at an early age, and help them build and maintain boundaries much better. A kid at that age getting into a relationship without really knowing how to set proper boundaries is going to give a potential abuser a much easier time making them "lose sight of their limit", as the book puts it. So having such examples in their heads as they navigate the world would be a huge help I think.
Holy shit this was a long one! I started this only expecting to write a few lines lol. Well anyway, thank you for reading! I'll see next time.
(also p.s: after reading this i'm kinda feeling just a cheeezy slice-of-life love-dovey boring ass romance book, so if you have any good ones like that I'd appreciate hearing about it. Thanks in advance.)
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cantthinkheadempty · 3 months
I think it's mean how some people talk about fics on AO3.
'Oh you gotta wade through literal trash to find the good stuff'.
Were you not a beginner once? Did you not write crack fic or self indulgent things for your own entertainment?
Maybe don't speak that way about your fellow fic writers? Just because some fics aren't as polished as others, or involve fetishes and tropes you don't enjoy, or are not the style you want your fics to be doesn't mean they're trash.
It's a horrible thing to say and beginners are going to be discouraged from writing knowing that their fics might be considered trash because they're just starting out.
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cantthinkheadempty · 3 months
Hello yet again!
So, a lot has happened since my last post here. My life suddenly got really busy and I didn't really have time to do any work, I didn't even have time to do any reading updates which I meant to make two more of. Besides that, I am currently going through a bit of a rough patch, mentally speaking (I don't wanna talk about it). The important part of that to this blog is that I am going to be, temporarily, switching it to be more of a personal\writer's blog. my mental state doesn't allow me to work on the media review thing well, and I just can't take feeling unproductive rn. I will definitely be coming back to this at some point in the future though I am not too sure when.
Speaking on my writing. Despite how busy I've been, I am currently about halfway through a first draft of "A Blind Eye Can See". And working on developing that "[Victorian man project]" idea further, despite how shitty my mental situation is it's actually helping me slightly with this project lol. I should be done with "A Blind Eye Can See" sometime within the next two months if I can pick the pace a little.
Also, small update on my reading, Finished "It Ends With Us". It was really good after all, will do a post documenting my "closing thoughts" on it soon. I will be reading Max Brook's "World War Z" or Khaled Hossieni's "And the mountains echoed" next.
Thank you so much for reading. See you next time :).
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cantthinkheadempty · 4 months
Update on my works
Hello yet again!
I've just finshed rewriting 'At the bus stop late at night' and have posted to my ao3 page just recently.
I've decided to abandon 'A Foggy Morning'. As I montined before, I was in the final stages of editing it, and during that I realised it was'nt as long as I wanted it to be. The story was also supposed to have a running theme of the fog becoming thicker that I hadn't worked in yet, and trying to add it in just made feel too clunky. And that was when I realised taht I was on my third rewrite of an overblown writing exercise that was inspired by one perticually foggy morning, and so decided to stop trying to make this, at best, half-baked idea work.
Going forward, 'After earth' remains my "main" project, but I've decided to put that on the "slow cooker" for now, just writing first darfts of all th chapters to make sure that the ideas and their order doesn't get lost. I will be making a whole post explaining the problems I am having with this project sometime soon.
The next thing I am going to be mainly working on is either something called 'The Blind Eye Can See' or a, as of yet, untitled project I've been calling 'The victorian man project'. This year's theme so far has been "self-reflection" and both of these are a product of that, they're both very personal to me, the first being an exploration of my own consciousness, and my relationship and perception of it, and the other is all about "the role" I feel like I have to play to fit into the society I am living in. 'The Blind Eye Can See' is more devolped because I first thought of it back in november when I first read '1984', but the other one feels alot more "me" you know so I don't which one I'm going to work on first.
As for this blog. I would like to first apologize for posting anything "proper", you know media reviews, the thing the blog is named after. I had been half considering starting this blog for so long that all of the original ideas for what I wanted to review on it "went out of date", and by that I mean had all the stuff I wanted to talk about relating to them already said not "irrelevant" I think its too early to focus on the relevance of the topics on this blog tbh. But I am currently working on a review for both the movie 'Society of the snow' and 'Hazbin hotel' season 1, I don't which one of them I'm going to finish first, but they should both be done in the coming month.
Thank you for reading, I hope to see naxt time.
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cantthinkheadempty · 4 months
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This booklet, shared by Bisan, contains a lot of incredibly useful information. Admittedly, it's not all perfect, but it does provide a useful starting point for your own research. As always when you're absorbing information, don't rely on just one source. Check for biases. Please, please read it and share. Ceasefire now. Likes do nothing to spread this. Please reblog.
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cantthinkheadempty · 4 months
[spoilers 'It Ends with Us', chapters 3-5]
Continuing to read Colleen Hoover's 'It Ends with Us', reached chapter six. Most recently Lilly didn't have sex with Ryle when he came to her apartment begging for it.
I am actually kind of annoyed at how easy of a read this is, I read my books on a somewhat strict schedule of just a few chapters a day in order to make them last me I can buy more, which only once every few months. And this thing is so easy to read that it doesn't cover all the time I've allocated to reading, I usually read during downtime in school and this barely covers like half of that.
I still can't tell if I like this book or not, on the one hand its kind of "cringe", god I hate that word, but on the other hand I like cringe-y stuff so... I don't know, honestly this book isn't really good for this format, usually I have a lot of "evolving thoughts" on a book as I read it, but for this one I just don't, and I don't really know why. Maybe because its so "trope-y"? Or it might be because its not really "my cup of tea"? When I think of a romance book I more think of something like "the two lovers sit alone together sharing sweet nothings as they enjoy the sunset" and less "a man coersing a woman into having sex with him" you know?
I don't know, maybe it sounds like I'm criticising this book too harshly, which I'm not, I'm enjoying it really, I'm enjoying more than I've enjoyed other books in my library anyway.
These are probably going to become even less frequent, I'm going to restrict myself to only writing a new one only when I have something major to say.
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cantthinkheadempty · 4 months
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Yesterday while doing the dishes I came up with an entire chapter of a new idea, just saying all the lines and dialogue out loud
Now I've got nothing
Just nothing
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cantthinkheadempty · 4 months
[Spoilers 'It Ends with Us' chapters one and two]
Hello again, today I've began reading Colleen Hoover's 'It Ends With Us' as it was recommended to me by a friend. I've read chapters one and two, most recently Lilly's mum told she might move to Boston and she's not happy about it.
I don't think I've much to say about this book quite yet, the only thing really is that it's not the kind of book I would usually read, from what I've read of out so far, it seems to be a cheesy romance written for teenage girls, which doesn't make bad just the kind of thing I would've picked on my own had not been recommended.
The pages seem to fly as I read though, not sure if it's because I like the book so I don't notice the time I spend reading it, or because its a much easier read than the one that came before it. I am going to do a review on it sometime soon so spoilers for that I guess, Bram Stoker's Dracula is good, amazing in fact, but goddamn if it just doesn't drain my soul to read.
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cantthinkheadempty · 4 months
What I am currently working on
Hello again.
I guess I promised updates on my writing projects so here we are.
My main project rightnow, as mentioned in the intro, is 'After Earth', which I've recently found out is a copyrighted title so will probably think of a differnt one, though that's currently on hold, working on it is just so damn exhuasting.
Right this very moment I am working on a short story titled 'A Foggy Morning'. It is about a soviet WW2 soldier on the outskirts of stalingrad writing in his journal about his exprience of the war so far. That is going smoothly, I am currently in the final stages of editing it.
Also I am rewriting an old short story I wrote some time ago. 'At the bus stop late at night'. A little gay romantic thing I wrote to me help get over a "Hallway" "crush", god I hate that word. I don't like to dwell on things I've already done, but this one was the first, and so far only, piece of writing I've publicly put out there, and so I kind of "rushed it out the door" to get over the initial anxiety of putting yourself outhere and didn't put through the more rigrous "vetting" process I have now, literally the day after I published it I thought of a better way to phrase the ending, and now that I am taking my writing a bit more seriously I don't want that old piece of junk at the start of my "portfolio".
Expect both of those on my ao3 page sometime soon.
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cantthinkheadempty · 4 months
Sometimes it's useful to look at your dialogue and ask yourself, "would a real human being talk like that?" But it's also good to ask the follow-up questions of "would the way a real human being talks sound good here" and "does this character actually talk like a real human being or are they weird about it."
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