capcavan Ā· 8 hours
would you perhaps like to share some more of the kevriko character study? absolutely loving it so far :DD
Oh! Yes! Thank you for asking! (I thought I had answered this but it turns out I only thought I had hit post. It's just been sitting in my drafts. )
A wee snippet:
ā€œI missed that pass. The error was mine,ā€ he says, cutting in before Rikoā€™s hesitant silence can stretch into something they will regret.Ā  Itā€™s not really a lie; he had erred. They had both been tired even before the master had decided to inspect the progress they had made in his week-long absence. Kevin had barely been able to keep his racquet up. He imagines Riko must have been in the same state when he made that rebound pass which had gone too wide for Kevin to catch.Ā  He tries to look the master in the eye when he says it. He tries not to look to Riko, but he canā€™t help the instinct. He knows his brotherā€™s every expression the same way he knows from body language alone, exactly where Riko expects him to be to receive a pass.Ā  Kevin clasps his hands behind his back, straightening himself, and resolutely looks away
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capcavan Ā· 8 hours
has anyone made the kevriko meant to be yours amv yet
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capcavan Ā· 8 hours
What is difference between Kevin and Riko
the difference between kevin and neil is that kevin has bunny animal neurosis but neil has predator delusions of grandeur
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capcavan Ā· 8 hours
what do you think andrew meant when he said kevin doesnā€™t dance anymore?
i genuinely don't know and it haunts me. i think kevin probably got crowded or hit on or stalked or just too drunk and lost his senses but i literally don't know and the people upstairs won't tell us either. maybe andrew just doesn't like people touching what's his
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capcavan Ā· 8 hours
who has the worst kevin complex among the aftg men.
riko is patient number 0 we have to hand it to him every time. i hate you i love you you're my other half you're a pet you're a footstool i'm jealous of you i need you i made an altar for you out of our old room i'm going to force you to see me live out our dreams you will never ever ever ever be able to leave me the people who tried to take you from me will suffer :)
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capcavan Ā· 8 hours
Chapter 43 is up and Daniel still sucks ass but there is lovely art at the end by my buddy Nate @capcavan
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capcavan Ā· 17 hours
sometimes i think about how the locked tomb series passes the reverse bechtel test by the skin of its fucking teeth. in, what, like 1500 pages? more? two named men have a conversation that is not about a woman perhaps twice. tamsyn muir is so fucking funny for that.
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capcavan Ā· 2 days
riko @ perfect court
Fuuuuck, when Riko look at Kevin in his eyes was two expression:
Obsession or hate.
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capcavan Ā· 2 days
He's absolutely loathsome but sometimes I do cry over Riko Moriyama
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capcavan Ā· 2 days
"Riko is also happy is shorter than riko" okay but who would riko look at and instead of feeling insecure that they are taller than him he would feel absolute butterflies bonkers head over heels
- ree
only ever jean and kevin he is used to them he is used to them kneeling and crawling for him, he knows he can physically overpower them personally i head canon that riko feels insecure towards anyone taller regardless of their gender age or body type simply because this is the extend of fear his uncle coded in his brain + riko is for sure one of smallest raven players (for me) , Its not easy growing up as child helpless to abuse of your caretaker and then as you look in the mirror you realise you never get to outgrow them it's a fear that with time exposure and being proven wrong would lessen and then disappear He would enjoy seeing renee in high heels, I think he would develop fondness to taller women much easier than taller men but being small and not imposing enough was source of so much anxiety and anger for him in nest that someone being taller would never be actual positive for him. He likes being bit taller, he likes feeling like he can be stronger and can provide some protection to his partner, he likes showing off how strong he is no it's not about fragile masculinity riko's issues with his height are directly connected to need to be able to defend himself / scare off people from opposing him
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capcavan Ā· 2 days
Thoughts on andrewƗriko? Both omegaverse and just in general?
i forgot abt this ask im very sorry i was thinking abt it and then adhd did what adhd does. i prob's talked about this in the past so sorry if you already saw me listing the same ideas Riko likes that andrew is direct that andrew uses language of violence and physical harm to mark his boundaries which coincidently is the only language riko knows. Andrew would not trust anyone else to be left alone with Riko and so he ends up keeping him on arms reach which just happens to suit riko - who is used to raven pair system- a lot. there is no love there is no passion they are the most aromantic disaster you can imagine its a relationship of convenience and necessity which will end the moment andrew can pick someone else to hold riko's leash
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capcavan Ā· 2 days
Have we ever considered the possibility of tetsuji having an uncle too? It seems like the second son as a spare isn't a new tradition so maybe it could be. I don't like him either way but it's interesting to think about
It's for sure moriyama tradition and those mean clearly do not believe in birth control, it seems like venom that keep concentrating with every next generation, but it reached the culmination point with kengo, i think ichirou killing riko is in a way promise that the cycle is ending now.
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capcavan Ā· 2 days
I don't know if it's too late, but
Aaron for the bingo?
oh i did aaron back when the meme was posted i like him he is normal ass guy and i like that he is shorter than riko, riko also likes that he is shorter than riko
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capcavan Ā· 2 days
Riko Moriyama watching his kingdom crumble and sitting in the ashes of abandonment and tracing numbers into them. 1, 2, 3, 4ā€“ and he smiles with his eyes closed because when he opens them the only face that will greet him is one of his subjects.
sorry anon void swallowed me for few weeks I'm so out of this rn all i can think is his sexsy thighs i'm sorry for missing on your angst bait
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capcavan Ā· 2 days
Hello lm hamdi ayyad ,I humbly ask for your support by reblogging this post on your account to help save my family. As newcomers to Tumblr and GoFundMe, we are in desperate need of your kindness and support. šŸ™šŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‰šŸ˜”Please donate šŸ™šŸ¼Let's reach the goal as soon as possible!!! https://www.gofundme.com/f/hamai-ali-ayyad?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=customer&utm_campaign=man_sharesheet_tip&attribution_id=sl:6829f712-b01e-4b79-ace7-f376582ddccc
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capcavan Ā· 2 days
i've been making a lot of bad art lately which is one of the world's most healing activities but if you have perfectionist tendencies you really have to commit to volume (if you make ONE bad painting it's just a bad painting whereas if you make 20 it's a meditative practice!). unfortunately we live in a one bedroom apartment and now we have to commit a significant portion of our storage to bad paintings. i would recycle them but unfortunately i need spare bad paintings to weave together into bad papercraft!!
anyway so i decided to move my bad artmaking into a new, smaller sphere and make bad linocuts. and let me tell you. if you are trying to get past thinking "my art should be good," linocut is a wonderful teacher. everything can be going great and then you exert slightly too much palm pressure and WHOOPS! sliced the face off. luckily the craft is so niche that negative self-talk can't really stick to it. i'll think something like "everybody else's linocuts are perfect. nobody else fucked up their linocut of a hot lady sphinx." and this is such a patently bananas sentence that i can simply laugh fondly at it and continue hacking away at my little rubber square. recommend
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capcavan Ā· 2 days
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The real tattoos
Drawing these made me realise I canā€™t wait for the rest of Jeanā€™s reinvention. Heā€™s the most powerful force on the board and hasnā€™t even got started yetā€¦
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