capitaineathos · 3 years
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capitaineathos · 3 years
Me after watching a bootleg: “I would sell my vital organs for a chance to see this live.”
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capitaineathos · 3 years
Aramis: Trust me, I know what I am doing
Porthos: Not even God knows what you’re doing, Aramis!
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capitaineathos · 3 years
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Sunday modern musketeer sketches
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capitaineathos · 3 years
Aramis: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him?
Athos: You did WHAT-
Porthos: William Snakespeare
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capitaineathos · 3 years
Oh my gosh, I love it! Thank you so much! <3
The Ship called Fleur-de-Lys
In an alternate universe, Athos is captain of a ship, not the Musketeers, and the inseparables get into a very different kind of trouble for the crown. Until, one day, a man comes to them asking for their help getting a mysterious passenger to Spain, of all places...
Written for @capitaineathos for the Musketeer's Secret Solstice! Enjoy!
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capitaineathos · 3 years
I finally wrote something! Here is my Musketeers Summer Solstice gift for @number-of-the-beast-is-666 :)
It's kinda self indulgent fluff, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!
Porthos loves his little flower shop. Thinking about where he came from, how he grew up, how his life could have gone, he's proud of how far he’s come. He's built his tiny business from the ground up and the work brings him joy. He has a small base of regular clientele and plenty of orders on his online shop to keep him busy. His arrangements are known for their beauty and for their affordability, and Porthos takes pride in each and every one. He loves his little shop and he knows he always will.
Aramis loves the little flower shop on the corner. He remembers the first time he'd visited; a particularly difficult therapy session had left him feeling low and his counsellor had suggested that he buy himself some flowers to bring some joy to his home. He remembers how sceptical he'd been, how he'd scoffed at the idea, yet found himself drawn to the little shop on his way home anyway. He remembers the warm smile of the florist; his kindness and the joyful enthusiasm that seemed to radiate from every pore. The florist – he gave his name as Porthos – had suggested a bouquet of sunflowers, bright and warm and happy, and Aramis had felt just a little of the despair lift from his heart.
To this day, sunflowers are his favourite bloom.
Now, more than six months later, Aramis is a regular customer at the little shop. He comes to buy himself a bouquet every two weeks, striving to always keep flowers alive in his home. And if it means that he can see the florist’s smile, it will always be worth the price.
Yes, Aramis loves the little flower shop on the corner and he knows he always will.
Today, the shipment is of roses. Porthos likes to stock blooms of various colours; red and yellow and orange and pink, and various hybrid combinations of the four. He unpacks each flower carefully, his calloused fingers always deft and gentle in every movement. He knows that the slightest hint of roughness can bruise the delicate petals and he has grown used to the tender care that they require. And with St Valentines Day fast approaching, he knows he must preserve as many of these roses as possible.
He begins to cut the stems, fingers quickly staining green as the chlorophyll comes in contact with his skin. He finds that he doesn’t mind the stains so much now; not like he did at first. They are part of him now, and they are part of a job that he loves with all of his heart and soul. A fresh smell, the freshness of the flowers that he surrounds himself with, is already clinging to his hands, and will do for the rest of the day. And the sweet, perfumed scent of the roses will linger just as long, perhaps allowing him a whiff even as he falls asleep at the end of a long day’s work.
Cutting stems is repetitive and time consuming and, though he considers himself to be rather good at it, it is inevitable that some of the roses are cut too short to be useful for his bouquets. For Porthos prides himself on quality and he likes to make his bouquets as perfect as they can be. So any roses that are too short, or slightly bruised, or otherwise not quite adequate, are set aside and Porthos laments that he has no use for them. Though they may not be quite perfect, they are still beautiful and could still bring someone joy. Briefly, he wonders if he could take them by the local retirement home after work.
However, his thoughts are soon interrupted as a cheery tone sounds from the front of the shop, signalling that a customer has entered. Leaving his roses aside for the moment, Porthos emerges from the back room to stand by the counter, should he need to offer assistance.
When he sees who has entered his shop, his heart skips a beat.
He sees Aramis often, and the two of them have become amiable acquaintances, but Porthos can’t help the quickening of his breath and the frantic thrumming of his heart that always occurs when the other man enters his shop. He wipes sweaty palms on his jeans and tries to calm the fluttering in his chest.
But when Aramis turns to smile at him, his legs suddenly feel weak under his weight and he has to swallow a sudden burst of nerves.
“Good morning, Aramis,” he says, proud of how level his voice sounds. “Is it time for your next bouquet already?”
Aramis laughs and the sound is almost melodic; clear and bright as a church bell.
“Am I so predictable?” he asks. “I was actually hoping that your sunflowers might be back in season. As much as I love the other bouquets you made for me with the chrysanthemums and carnations and such, I’ve really missed having my sunflowers around.”
Porthos sighs softly. He knows of a perfect bouquet that he could make for Aramis – with bright sunflowers and vibrant irises in a bed of green foliage – but the sunflowers won’t be in season for a few months – not until May at the earliest. And Porthos hates the thought of disappointing Aramis; even the idea of it leaves a hollow, empty feeling in the pit of his stomach. Yet, there really isn’t much that he can do.
Aramis must see it in his eyes, because his bright, charming smile falters ever so slightly, even though he tries hard to hide it.
“I assume they aren’t in season yet then? Oh well! Do you still have any of those carnations?”
Porthos helps him to find a bouquet; warm and bright and colourful, just like Aramis himself. It is full of chrysanthemums and carnations and camellias and Porthos almost thinks that it might be one of his best.
Aramis certainly seems delighted with it and, as he comes to the counter to pay, promising to come and pick it up after running a few more errands, he casually asks;
“So, do you have any plans for St Valentines?”
Porthos shakes his head. It has been a long time since he celebrated the day with a significant other, but he hardly minds. He has always believed that having many relationships is much less important than having the right ones, so he has been waiting for the right person to come along.
Looking at Aramis, he almost allows himself to hope that it will be worth the wait.
Yet, he is still surprised when he hears the soft laugh from the other man.
“Me neither. The whole thing may seem rather cliché, but I actually quite enjoy being swept off my feet every once in a while, so it'll be a shame to spend it alone.”
Porthos opens his mouth to apologise, but Aramis holds up a hand to stop him before a single syllable can pass his lips.
“No, it’s ok. I’ve had enough fooling around. I want to find the right person; the one who I'll hopefully spend the rest of my life with.”
Aramis slides the money across the counter and their fingers brush; only ever so slightly, and only for a moment, but Porthos swears that he feels a jolt of electricity surging through his veins.
He looks at Aramis and wonders if he feels it too.
But Aramis says nothing, just smiles and turns to leave.
Porthos watches him for a moment, then forces himself to draw his eyes away from Aramis' retreating figure, to begin sorting the money into the till. But then he finds something unexpected hidden amongst the bills; a small slip of paper with a hastily scribbled number scrawled upon it. For a moment, Porthos can’t move, he can barely even breathe. All he can do is stare at the slip of paper in his trembling hands, barely even able to believe that the moment is real.
However, the sound of the door opening quickly breaks the spell and the words have escaped him before he even has time to think;
“Aramis, wait!”
There is a pause, and then Aramis is peering around the doorframe, one eyebrow quirked in silent question.
“Please... just... wait just one second?” Porthos asks, and Aramis nods in response. Porthos feels a slight weight lift from his chest as he ducks into the back room and collects up the roses that he had previously set aside. He collects them into as neat a group as he is able, though it is nothing like the quality of his usual work. He ties some yellow ribbon around the stems and returns to the front of the shop.
As he offers Aramis the roses, too nervous to say a word, he can feel his heart pounding in his chest. In that moment, the entire world is Aramis and Porthos isn’t sure whether he’s about to watch his world crumble.
But then Aramis smiles, warm and bright and beautiful, and breathing seems just a little easier.
“Porthos, they’re beautiful!”
“Just like you,” Porthos whispers, and Aramis’ cheeks turn a dusty shade of pink. He takes the roses and cradles them to his chest as he leans in to gently brush his lips against Porthos' cheek.
“You will call me, won't you?” he asks, and Porthos doesn’t think he’s ever seen him so nervous. Aramis is so bold and loud and cheerful, yet he seems so shy as he asks the question. He can barely meet Porthos' gaze, instead choosing to look down at his feet, and all Porthos wants to do is look into those eyes and fill them with hope and joy.
So he gently places a finger beneath Aramis' chin and tilts his face up until their eyes meet, and he smiles.
“I promise.”
It’s two simple words, but Porthos can see how happy they’ve made Aramis. His smile seems brighter, the tension has eased from his shoulders, his eyes are sparkling with excitement. He is beautiful, and Porthos suddenly needs him more than he needs air.
It is instinct and it takes him by surprise, but he leans in and gently catches Aramis' lips with his own. Aramis melts into his arms and Porthos settles his hands on his hips. His hold is gentle, treating Aramis as tenderly as one of his precious roses. For Aramis is like the flowers; precious and beautiful and fragile, and he deserves the same tender care.
It only lasts for a moment, the soft pressure of Aramis’ lips against his own, but Porthos could swear that no moment will ever be as perfect.
Aramis smiles at him, one hand coming to rest against his cheek.
“Call me,” he whispers again and Porthos nods, forcing himself to take a breath and finding that all he wants is Aramis.
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capitaineathos · 3 years
*waves from Goose Land* this is your reminder that goose friend cares for you and will be waiting to clown with you <33
*throws good vibes*
Bro <3
*throws good vibes back at you*
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capitaineathos · 3 years
Can I ask if you are going to continue your soulmate Musketeers fanfiction?
Hi! Thanks for your message! ^-^
Yeah, I really do intend to go back to it, and I have vague ideas for possibly four more parts to it? But work has been crazy and I've been really exhausted and undermotivated in general, so it kinda fell by the wayside. Sorry about that!
But I'll get there eventually!
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capitaineathos · 3 years
Aramis: Anything in the universe can be up to 120% perfect
Aramis: How do you think we got Porthos?
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capitaineathos · 3 years
An experiment
Reblog if you’re in the musketeers fandom. I want to see how many of us there are! And it means I can follow loads of new blogs too :)
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capitaineathos · 3 years
@people I promised prompt fills;
They are still in my inbox; I haven't ignored or forgotten about them. I started a job a few weeks back and I've been pretty tired and just generally not around online. But I have a long weekend and I'm hoping to start actually getting round to things soon! ^-^"
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capitaineathos · 3 years
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Oh my God! 😭 You dropped this queen 👑
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capitaineathos · 3 years
send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i would write to go with it
Go for it!
Who knows, I might actually write some of them lmao
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capitaineathos · 3 years
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capitaineathos · 3 years
idea: scene with two characters eagerly stripping each other clearly about to bone, but they keep getting interrupted by finding carefully concealed weapons in each other’s clothing, so they keep just unholstering, revealing and unstrapping increasingly ludicrous amounts of hidden guns and knives as the clothes come off, and it’s lowkey killing the mood a little
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capitaineathos · 3 years
whats the difference between outlaws and inlaws
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