Judy was in a store in Hogsmead, attempting to reach something on one of the higher shelves. However, Judy is only 5 feet tall and doesn’t have long arms. So she was struggling for a while, even attempted to climb on the shelf, but what she wanted was to far back for her to possibly reach. She waited until she saw someone else and decided to actually ask for help. “Can you reach down that pot for me?” 
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Not usually one to refuse when asked for help, Pheobus nodded and made his way to her side with a polite smile. “Sure thing.” Reaching for the highest shelf, he glanced down to confirm he was grabbing the right item. “This one?”
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Sh-boom || The Chords
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Winona pushed the door open, hoping that the dogs wouldn’t come rushing at the her like they sometimes did the moment that they heard the door. It wasn’t a problem really, but she was hoping to sneak off for a bath before taking the girls out for their evening walk. It had been a long day, and she needed some time to think. She didn’t want to even think about work, but she couldn’t help herself from wondering what Lily Mae could have possibly done to make the previously eager families change their minds about adopting her. 
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She needn’t have worried about Tani, Dora or Skye fighting for her attention. Skye and Tani were curled up on their beds, snoozing, and Dora was cuddled up on the couch with Pheobus. She couldn’t help snapping a picture and uploading it to scrapwitch before heading towards the bathroom. 
When Pheobus had arrived home, he’d been too tired to make it all the way to their bed, instead opting to lay out on the couch, where he was soon joined by Dora. He’d spent the bulk of his day in London, making inquiries after his newest target, since he had time to gather intel, given the lack of need for immediate arrest. However, what he hadn’t expected, was to fall asleep, and still be unconscious when his girlfriend came home.
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The sound of their front door opening and closing, was what brought him out of it, if only enough to catch the sound of a camera shutter. Pheobus slowly began to shift, soon realizing it would be nearly impossible to get up, with Dora mostly on top of him. Blinking slowing, and only once or twice, he groaned, and reached for the giant dog in hopes of coaxing her off. “Come on now, you gotta let me up, Momma’s home.”
Honey, I’m home || SunDog
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Leo Gryffindor Moodboard:  This is a natural sign for Gryffindors, not least because the griffin is part lion. Gryffindors born under this sign are outgoing, friendly, affectionate, and likeable. They make friends easily and are crushed when their advances are rejected. Their romantic, chivalrous nature makes them perfect examples of all that is best in their House. However, they are also bossy, domineering, spendthrift, and overly dramatic (ever heard the phrase “drama queen?”) They have sharp tempers and need to learn to direct their anger toward only needful causes. The natural creativity and flamboyance of Leo makes Gryffindors born under this sign good at most everything they attempt, provided they apply themselves to learning magic rather than using magic to hog the limelight.
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Heath ducked into Privendel’s Parchments, nearly wanting to tear his hair out, and brushed the snow from his hair and the shoulders of his coat. Since classes were starting soon, or had started, or would be starting any day now, who really knew, the Hogwarts students had quickly begun to flood back into the school and onto the grounds. This, unfortunately, included Hogsmeade, and just after he had grown accustomed to relative silence in the village, too. How awful.
Equally as unfortunate, he had errands to run, but he could, at least, look forward to brief respites within the shops not as popular among the students. They couldn’t be avoided, of course, but shops like Privendel’s weren’t completely overrun, and that was all that mattered.
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Pheobus was out and about, trying to pick up things they might need in the new year, what with Winona’s new job, and an extra dog to care for. However, he couldn’t help also feeling a little overwhelmed, when a quiet street was suddenly flooded with Hogwarts students coming from this shop or that shop. So he’d ducked into Privendel’s, just for some temporary peace. Realizing where he was, Pheobus decided it couldn’t hurt to pick up a few things, and that’s when he noticed the other male. "Trying to avoid the crowds as well, are you?”
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Darling Pheobus,
I can’t begin to describe how happy it made me to see a letter arrive from you, and I’d like to apologize for not reaching out to you as much as I could have considering we live in the same town. I’ve certainly let the months slip away from me since moving here to Hogsmeade, haven’t I? I promise I won’t be such a stranger from now on!
I also can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am for the gifts you sent. You didn’t have to get anything at all, so it was so sweet of you to think of us this Christmas. The children absolutely adore the Quidditch set! They’ve been begging me to take them out on their little brooms almost constantly since then. I love the spa set, as well–I can’t wait to make use of it, though I promise you won’t have to babysit unless you truly want to.
Now, I’ll admit that I haven’t gotten you a gift just yet, but I am so, so sorry about that and I promise that one is coming! I’ll even bring the little ones with me to deliver it, or maybe you can come over here for dinner. Either way, I promise I will get it to you.
Anyway, I’ve rambled on far long enough. Happy Christmas, dear Apollo. I’ll be sure to see you soon.
With love, Dulcea
When Pheobus received his cousin’s response to his gifts, he couldn’t help laughing a bit. Of course she was apologizing, it was the way their family worked, but it was something he seemed to grow out of; mostly. He didn’t blame her for not keeping in touch more, what with moving to a new town, and having to raise three four year old triplets on her own. However he was happy to hear that she planned to reach out more, and he hoped to do the same, given the time and memory to do so.
Reading Duclea’s thanks made him breathe a sigh of relief as a smile crept onto his face. Pheobus had been so frustrated while shopping, that he was happy to hear he’d been pointed in the right direction. When he saw that the kids wanted to practice, he could just imagine being there to practice with them, and show them how it was done; not that he’d been any good at it, mind. Did he truly want to watch his youngest cousins? Yes, he really did; he loved kids so much already, that family was a no brainer.
A sigh escaped, as he shook his head after getting to the bit about his own present. Pheobus couldn’t care less about getting anything in return, she was family, and he loved her, gifts weren’t important; especially since he knew she was trying to support them all on her own these days.
Getting ready to write back, he reread her last lines, and a quiet laugh managed to bubble right up out of him. “Apollo, now there’s a nickname I’ve not heard in years.”
I am so happy to hear you’ve all enjoyed the gifts, and I can’t wait to see the triplets playing Quidditch; hell, I wouldn’t mind teaching them myself. Which brings me to my next point, I think I really would like to watch them sometime, and I can assure you it’s as much for me as it is for you. Besides, I don’t get to see Bridgette, Mason, and Tilly, nearly enough, and I miss them; I miss you too, of course. Anyway, I’d also like to assure you, that a present isn’t necessary, but I will certainly take you up on your dinner invitation.
Love, Apollo
p.s. That nickname was such a blast from the past! Most people don’t care enough to know what my names means, let alone try to come up with a nickname. I think it’ll be nice t hear again, more regularly.
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Bonjour, dear cousin, I hope you are having an excellent Christmas! I do hope the little ones aren’t giving you too much trouble, but in case they are, I got help picking out some spa things, that should help you relax a bit. I also extend to you an offer, to have me watch them, so that you may get a chance to use said gift, in peace, without having to worry they’ll get into something they shouldn’t. Now, I’ve also gotten them a gift, a starter Qudditch set, but should you find it inappropriate, I’d be happy to find them something else. Happy Christmas, Duchess, don’t be a stranger, alright? Be seeing you.
Love, Pheobus
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I won’t lie, you aren’t the easiest person to shop for, but I’m sure that’s just because I’m horrible at buying gifts. Once again, I’ve gone with jewelry, because my mother taught me that you could never go wrong with that. I do hope you like them, but it’s quite alright if you don’t, seeing as I can always return them. As for the other things, well, they’re for you, by way of your new puppy. You didn’t really think I’d say no to you keeping one of the puppies, did you? Darling, you hardly ask for anything ever, and given my love for dogs, how could I refuse? You’ll still need to get her registered, and get her a tag, but I figured that could wait, so I only got you the basics. I do hope you have a Merry Christmas, my love.
Yours, Pheobus
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