captain-sarcastic1 · 3 years
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Another commission for @pasdechat! A very soft Padparadscha/Rutile :’)
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captain-sarcastic1 · 3 years
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captain-sarcastic1 · 3 years
based rutile pfp
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Ooh very fun
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captain-sarcastic1 · 3 years
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captain-sarcastic1 · 3 years
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captain-sarcastic1 · 3 years
i know this is going to be a controversial post but i hate how many hnk fans still see phos as the good guy
dont get me wrong, i still love phos as a character, but at some point …you really have to step back and look at what they’ve done from an unbiased lens
the image i used below is just a minor example in comparison but really… they went from being one of diamonds closest friends, to using their toxic relationship with bort as a way to manipulate them.
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i’ve seen some people use the excuse of “oh, the moon gems never even tried to get phos back so they deserved all of that!” which… okay, the moon gems never tried to retrieve phos after the earth gems specifically made it impossible for them to retrieve phos… and instead of drowning in grief for 220 years, they decided to move on in a healthy way. how dare they ❗❗
even on an island as small as the one in houseki, finding multiple tiny, tiny small boxes buried deep underground is not an easy task. and keep in mind, if they did try to retrieve some pieces of phos, the earth gems could’ve threatened to throw the rest into the ocean. aechma is a strategist–phos is important to him, but he knows not to give his enemy a bargaining chip as great as that.
anyway–and while there is no real concept of ‘death’ for the gems, phos makes it very clear that they want to extinguish all gems. sure, maybe they changed their mind after the battle was won, but they went into it with the intention of turning them all to dust. even the ones who had no involvement in this conflict. arguably, even antarc.
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i still think phos is a very interesting and deep character, and i dont think the moon gems or the earth gems are necessarily all that innocent either. the thing about houseki is that it challenges your perspective so much that you cant help but question who you root for at every turn, and i think that just makes it so so fascinating to read.
if anybody disagrees hit me up, i love talking about houseki no kuni, but i feel like some fans are so loyal to phos that they don’t see what the author wants them to…
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i mean really chief . i do not get how this is the hero of the story.
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captain-sarcastic1 · 3 years
It’s not Hnk, but it’s good for reference
How to write a kissing scene
So you want to write a kissing scene, huh? Well, sit down children and allow me to inform you.
What’s the scene?
If you want this kiss to mean anything, it can’t just be thrown at the readers; it needs to be set up.  The scene you set will also set the mood for the kiss.  Consider the following:
Are they alone?  Around others?
Depending on the previous question, what’s the importance of the number of surrounding people?
Are they standing or sitting?
What time of day is it?
Are they at an event?
Closing the distance
Alright, this is a biggie.  How do these two get close enough to kiss?  There are many ways to do this and each one has its benefits.  If the closing is slow and steady, this usually indicates a soft/passionate/unsteady kiss.  However, if the closing is fast or sudden, this usually means a hard/assertive kiss (possibly from months/years of romantic or sexual tension).
The five senses
Sight: Sight is probably the easiest of the senses; simply write what is seen.  If you write from one character’s point of view, write what they see.
Sound: This could be either background noises or a character’s heart beating or anything else.  If the kiss continues, you could possibly include soft moans or other noises if they seem appropriate to your character.
Smell: Describe what your character smells.  It could be the way their perfume or cologne smells, or you could describe their natural scent.
Touch: This is an important aspect to describing the kiss.  You could choose to describe how the character’s skin feels.  Or you could describe how the character’s lips feel against the other character’s.
Taste: Taste has a very broad range and is generally not as easy as it sounds.  There are many description words and tastes to use.  It is important to the mood what description you choose.
Body language
Heads: Most people tilt their head when they kiss.  Of course, your kiss does not have to happen this way.  Usually when characters do not tilt their head it creates awkward bumping foreheads, which could be what you want if you want an awkward first kiss (these are effective for teen kisses).
Eyes: Eyes open or closed?  Open creates either an awkward or tender kiss.  While closed creates a passionate or pleasurable or just about anything kiss.
Noses: Noses are invading appendages that get in the way of perfect kissing.  Henceforth, no kiss is perfect so don’t write them that way.  Noses will always get in the way.  Even when your characters tilt their heads, noses can still brush the side of their faces.  Now, your characters will probably not notice them (unless they’re the type to notice everything) unless they have an awkward kiss.
Lips: LIPS! You’re writing a kissing scene, of course lips will be important to the description.  Are they soft or hard, chapped or smooth, is your character even a good kisser? You could also include if maybe they taste like some kind of food, or if they are wearing chapstick.  Lips are important.
Tongues: First kisses usually don’t include tongue; neither do quick kisses.  Think about what type of kiss you’re trying to convey
Breathing: Your characters are human (unless they aren’t).  They need to breathe.  But how has the kiss affected their breathing?
Bodies: Bodies are stupid, messy things that bump and rub and bounce.  How are your characters responding to the kiss?  Are they pulling closer or pushing away?  Are they clenched tight or flowing loosely?
Hands and Arms: During a kiss, hands could be floating in the air (awkward or surprise kiss), or they could be everywhere on the other character’s body at once.  Possible places to put hands that are not on the other character’s body could be surfaces near the characters, the character’s own body, or they could just be in the air.  But if you’re looking for contact, they could be running their fingers through the other character’s hair, holding the back of their head or neck to keep them close, rubbing their back (or further down), or just wrapping their arms around the other character.
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captain-sarcastic1 · 3 years
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this scene was really good 
cinnabar you useless bottom
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captain-sarcastic1 · 3 years
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gentle now (cinnabortz…good)
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captain-sarcastic1 · 3 years
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this month on “consuming cinnabortz content to ignore how sad everything is”
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captain-sarcastic1 · 3 years
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thinkin’ about… them
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captain-sarcastic1 · 3 years
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hey cinnabortz yeah?  yeah
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captain-sarcastic1 · 3 years
trying to not be deathly heartbroken by this chapter by letting this panel heal me
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captain-sarcastic1 · 3 years
The subtle cinnabortz is top notch
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gems blushing ? its more likely than you think
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captain-sarcastic1 · 3 years
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captain-sarcastic1 · 3 years
Good morning.❤️🖤 What do you think about these two? I love cinnabar x bortz more than phos x cinnabar.
Мне этот пейринг нравится больше. Пусть он ещё и не совсем канон. Хотя Алмаз с Борт классно смотрится и наверно даже лучше. И всё же. С добрым утром.
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captain-sarcastic1 · 3 years
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