captainconvey · 1 year
The Post 9/11 Weaponization of The U.S. Govt
Barack Obama and Eric Holder did not create a weaponized DOJ and FBI; the institutions were already weaponized by the Patriot Act.  What Obama and Holder did was take the preexisting system and retool it, so the weapons of government only targeted one side of the political continuum.
This point is where many people understandably get confused.
(1) The Patriot Act turned the intel surveillance radar from foreign searches for terrorists to domestic searches for terrorists.
(2) Obama/Biden then redefined what is a “terrorist” to include their political opposition.
In the era shortly after 9/11, the DC national security apparatus, instructed by Vice President Dick Cheney, was constructed to preserve continuity of government and simultaneously view all Americans as potential threats. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) were created specifically for this purpose.
After 9/11/01, the electronic surveillance system, that was originally created to monitor threats from abroad, was retooled to monitor threats inside our country.  That is when all of our electronic ‘metadata’ came under federal surveillance.
That inflection point, and the process that followed, was exactly what Edward Snowden tried to point out.
What Barack Obama and Eric Holder did with that new construct was refine the internal targeting mechanisms, so that only their political opposition became the target of this new national security system.
The problems we face now as a country are directly an outcome of two very distinct points that were merged by Barack Obama.
(1) The post 9/11 monitoring of electronic communication of American citizens; and
(2) Obama’s team creating a fine-tuning knob that it focused on the politics of the targets. 
This is very important to understand as you dig deeper into this research outline.
Washington DC created the modern national security apparatus immediately and hurriedly after 9/11/01.  The Department of Homeland Security came along in 2002, and within the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) was formed.
When President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder arrived a few years later, those newly formed institutions were viewed as opportunities to create a very specific national security apparatus that would focus almost exclusively against their political opposition.
The preexisting Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Dept of Justice (DOJ) were then repurposed to become two of the four pillars of the domestic national security apparatus – a domestic surveillance state. However, this new construct would have a targeting mechanism based on political ideology.
The DHS, ODNI, DOJ and FBI became the four pillars of this new institution.
Atop these pillars is where you will find the Fourth Branch of Government. (The intel agencies.)
We were not sleeping when this happened, we were wide awake. However, we were stunningly distracted by the economic collapse that was taking place in 2006 and 2007 when the engineers behind Obama started to assemble the design.
By the time Obama took office in 2009, we sensed something profound was shifting, but we can only see exactly what shifted in the aftermath. The four pillars were put into place, and a new Fourth Branch of Government was quietly created. (The 17 intel agencies.)
As time passed, and the system operators became familiar with their new tools, technology allowed the tentacles of the system to reach out and touch us.
That is when we first started to notice that something very disconcerting was happening. Those four pillars are the root of it, and if we take the time to understand how the Fourth Branch originated, questions about this current state of perpetual angst will start to make sense.
If we take the modern construct, originating at the speed of technological change, we can also see how the oversight or “check/balance” in our system of government became functionally obsolescent.
Captain Convey Note
The fbi raid on Trump’s house was to secure damming evidence we are being controlled by non elected intel people.
Trump knows this and this article explains how and why?
America is a police state.
Technology has made it possible with coordination of the fourth branch the intel insulated out of control cancer infiltrating the country.
I see it.
Many don’t.
Post it while you can sundance and tell the truth.
Richmen north of richmond is an interesting song but only tells part of the story.
It says they want total control.
They already have total control but most people don’t know it including people in dc.
The “they” is an intel monster that appears to be controlled by no one in our “goverment” but as you say is accountable to no one.
Its like a super AI that has taken control of our affairs via technology.
Skynet is using the internet and technology to monitor and control humans.
No its not called skynet.
Its like the borg in startrek.
It is a commune of AI growing everyday and controlling more everyday.
Those in the intel shadows along with corporations and others use it to control and monitor information to manipulate the population.
What everyone needs to know is this intel borg is not controlled by people but is functioning like a skynet that is actually controlling the people who think they are in control.
Because of the silo effect the intel borg has insulated itself from total human control and is a bigger threat than even the people in the intel agencies know.
Human control is limited and this intel AI borg continues to grow.
Yes the sharks think they are in control but the AI intel borg is in control of them and us.
I know it sounds like science fiction but “skynet” has been activated.
I think elon musk and others have warned us many times.
Captain Convey Additional Note
Every year on 9/11 the story is retold about what happened on Sept 11, 2001
Every year the same lie is retold.
The big lie is the twin towers collapsed because of the planes impact and fire.
What is not ever reported is the fact the twin towers collapsed because of controlled demolitions that had be pre planted in the twin towers weeks before.
Yes the planes were real and yes they caused much destruction but they did not cause the buildings to collapse.
If this is true and it is what does it mean?
It means what happened on 9/11 2001 was manufactured to look like it was something other than what really happened.
The evidence by ae911thruth.org has been suppressed and hidden from the public.
If the vast majority of the public knew their own "government" allowed the twin towers to be brought down by controlled demolitions and 2 planes hitting the twin towers every time 9/11 rolls around every year they would be reminded as I am that our so called government made sure the twin towers were destroyed so legislation and intel agencies could be put into place to control people in the US and take control of the federal government.
I think of all of the 9/11 2001 victims as victims of our own "government".
Think about it.
If the twin towers did not collapse because of 2 planes and fire what did bring down the twin towers?
Remember the 9/11 victims of our own "government" and what this means for our future.
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captainconvey · 1 year
Joe Biden Is A Liar And Evil
The facts are that Joe Biden’s wife accidentally drove into the path of the tractor-trailer. She was killed, along with their baby daughter. His two sons were seriously injured.
For decades, Joe Biden lied about the cause of the accident as he exploited the accident to promote his candidacy.
He shamefully changed the details of the story, claiming the driver was drunk and responsible for the accident.
Alcohol was not involved. Somehow the police reports were lost. But, fortunately,  Delaware Superior Court Judge Jerome O. Herlihy, who oversaw the police investigation as chief prosecutor, remembered. He said there is no evidence supporting Biden’s claim.
“The rumor about alcohol being involved by either party, especially the truck driver (Dunn), is incorrect,” Herlihy said in 2008.
Police determined that Biden’s first wife drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer, possibly because her head was turned and she didn’t see the oncoming truck.
Dunn did everything he could to avoid hitting the car. He even overturned his rig while swerving to avoid a collision. He ran to the wrecked car and was the first to render assistance.
Police filed no charges against Dunn, who at that time lived in North East, Md. with his wife, Ruby, and their seven children.
Beginning in the new Millenium, Biden started to embellish the story, seemingly for political gain. During a speech in 2001, Biden told an audience at the University of Delaware that a drunken driver crashed into his family.
He told a similar story during a public appearance in 2007.
The vice-presidential candidate’s misrepresentation of Dunn found its way into major newspapers, including the New York Times.
It also has been repeated on radio and on television by major news journalists, including CBS anchorwoman Katie Couric.
A video of Biden making his unfounded assertion during a public appearance in 2007 was particularly disturbing.
Biden told the crowd, “A tractor-trailer, a guy who allegedly — and I never pursued it — drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch, broadsided my family and killed my wife instantly and killed my daughter instantly and hospitalized my two sons …
Mr. Dunn was tormented by the accident for years.
Biden continues the big lie in Hawaii. Makes sick jokes.
Captain Convey Note
Joe Biden is a 100% fraud.
He didn't win the 2020 election.
Jan 6, 2021 Dictator Installed Via A Preplanned Coup
A mail in ballot is not a verified vote.
Dominion Voting machines, in 29 states, software can move Trump votes to democrates!
Read it for yourself. 
https://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections/VotingSystems/DVS-DemocracySuite511/documentation/UG-RTR-UserGuide-5-11-CO.pdf storyreportscomments.blogspot.com/2020/11/dominion-operations-manual-on-how-to.html
Inside The Dominion Voting Machine Black Box
Sidney Powell was right. The 2020 election was stolen by democrates.
Joe Biden is a FRAUD president.
The FAKE news is lying to coverup the 2020 election FRAUD.
Corporations are being pressured to lie about the 2020 election especially fox news.
Lawsuits filed in the 2020 election were all denied.
Dominion voting machines were manipulated to steal the 2020 election.
Ballot fraud in many states because of the covid pandemic was also used to steal the 2020 election.
The Dominion systems manual can be found at the following link:
Here is what you can do to help prevent our country from being destroyed via national and local election fraud.
(1) Read and understand this post about Real-Time Analysis of voting.
(2) Urge President Trump to employ Real-Time Analysis in his election campaign strategy.
(3) Repost this important Real-Time Analysis of voting cure for election fraud everywhere!
MAGA votes only matter if Real-Time Analysis of voting is employed to keep elections from being stolen.
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captainconvey · 1 year
Don't miss this!
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captainconvey · 1 year
Trump Rally Pickens, SC - Full Speech
50,000 attended the President Trump Rally in Pickens, SC on 7/1/2023.
I attended the July 1, 2023 Trump Save America Rally.
The picture below is about 6 blocks of main st Pickens SC full of MAGA supporters.
It is a representation of the total MAGA Rally Supporters of 500,00 people.
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What A Team!
The duly elected Arizona Governor
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captainconvey · 1 year
A Real FAA Approved Flying CAR!
Alef’s Model A, though, is designed to enable takeoff in dense urban settings. Following the Santa Clara, California-based startup’s emergence from stealth in October, CEO Jim Dukhovny explained that the vehicle will primarily drive on roads but will allow users to “hop” around obstacles such as “road conditions, weather, and infrastructure.”
Watch the interview below about the ALEF AERO Fling Car.
Captain Convey Note.
I can see a whole lotta possibilities with using this flying car.
The first is anyone who has one of these little jewels could leave a police car in the dust.
So for this reason I would suspect police departments would be allowed to purchase these.
What about using it as a flying ambulance?
Before these flying cars are allowed to be purchased by the public I can see a whole lotta other things needing to happen before they are allowed to be purchased.
Would this vehicle need to get flight clearance before it went vertical?
How high could the flying car fly?
Does it automatically detect obsticales such as buildings, hills, mountains, other flying cars, helicopters, planes etc etc?
It is controlled via AI or something?
What kind of weather would prevent it from flying?
How much would the insurance cost?
$1,000 a month plus?
How old do you need to be to use one?
Is it going to be totally autonomous?
What about the override mode if it has one?
The only way I could see that this flying car could work would be if some gomer was not allowed to try to fly the thing.
What kind of license would you be required to get?
What happens if all of a sudden you loose electrial power?
Can you fly the car at night?
How fast can you fly and how high?
Even if this flying car really works well I just can't see it being sold to the public without very, very strict regulatotions and additional hidden costs like insurance for instance.
$300,000 plus a whole lot more.
How cool would it be to be able to hop over a traffic tie up?
Don't get your hopes up.
This ain't gonna happen.
I suspect this will not be allowed and if it is I don't wanna be on the road.
I think this thing could work in a limited way in some rural areas but not in a city.
Just think of all the things a flying car could run into?
Also I would feel strange just taking an autonomous ride in a flying vehicle where I would not have any control.
If there was a glitch it could ditch etc.
Maybe this could work out west where the population is 0 per square mile or maybe 1 per square mile.
If this jetson type of flying car is going to work it will only be in certain limited areas of this country.
Also if the whole thing is not done safely you could end up like the victims on the Titan sub.
Victims of their own ignorance.
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captainconvey · 1 year
The Nancy Pelosi Parliamentary Motive That Installed A Dictator on Jan 6, 2021
Speaker of the house pelosi needed and "imminent threat" to the house to be able to suspend the business of the house on Jan 6, 2020.
116 Congress 2019-2020 House Rules.
Approved on Jan 3, 2019 by 116th congress.
House resolution 6.
Rule 12(a) Recess and Convening Authorities
To suspend the business of the House when notified of an imminent threat to its safety, the Speaker may declare an emergency recess subject to the call of the Chair.
(2) To suspend the business of the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union when notified of an imminent threat to its safe- ty, the chair of the Committee of the Whole may declare an emergency recess subject to the call of the Chair.
Analysis of the federal government motive to create a J6 crisis that permitted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to trigger an emergency session and avoid the 2020 election certification challenges.
Those congressional floor challenges, known and anticipated well in advance of the morning of January 6, 2021, would have formed a legal and constitutional basis for ‘standing’ in judicial challenges that would have eventually reached the Supreme Court.
The certification during “emergency session” eliminated the problem for Washington DC.
Understand what happened in Jan 6, 2021.  Don’t get hung up on Viking impostors, stolen Pelosi computers, podium heists, and complicit capitol police.
Understand the process and what happened and what WAS NOT ALLOWED TO HAPPEN.
This was a coup….it was a very organized and carefully planned coup.
VP Pence without a doubt as well as most members of the house were quite aware of how the certification was going to be MANAGED. 
It would require new rules to prevent the debate clause from occurring!  New rules that ONLY AN EMERGENCY CRISIS COULD CREATE! So, they created an emergency.
One member raises a motion (with another in waiting for his turn) those two motions were well known and advertised.
These were motions to vote for a pause in the certification to examine electoral vote fraud and irregularities.
They were never allowed to even be floored.
It was at that exact moment that the house chambers were suspended and 4 of the key members, Pence, Pelosi, Schumer and McConnell were escorted OUT right after initiating the end of the session.
Effectively, this resulted in that motion never being floored at all. 
Then, when reconvened under special emergency rules, inexplicably those two motions (and perhaps more – we will never know – or will we?) were not even attempted to be motioned.
An addendum in support:
Julie Kelly – […] Just as the first wave of protesters breached the building shortly after 2 p.m., congressional Republicans were poised to present evidence of rampant voting fraud in the 2020 presidential election.
Ten incumbent and four newly-elected Republican senators planned to work with their House colleagues to demand the formation of an audit commission to investigate election “irregularities” in the 2020 election.
Absent an audit, the group of senators, including Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) pledged to reject the Electoral College results from the disputed states.
The Hail Mary effort was doomed to fail; yet the American people would have heard hours of debate related to provable election fraud over the course of the day.
And no one opposed the effort more than ex-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).  A TRAITOR!
Captain Convey Note
If your living under the illusion we are living in a republic that allows free elections now you are not aware of the truth.
We are living in America under a dictatorship that was created on Jan 6, 2021 by nancy pelosi's suspension of our republic.
In 2024 you will be voting under the illusion your vote will influence the Presidential election.
If you live in states where election votes are counted in a legitimate manner it should count as one vote.
You voting by proxy because of the electorial college vote.
A majority of votes for a candidate equals an electorial vote or votes.
If your electorial state vote is legitimate it should be counted.
If your states electorial votes are not legitimate it should not be counted when a joint session of congress meets to count the electorial votes every four years.
The BIG problem is the FIX IS IN and objections to legitimate electorial votes didn't happen in the 2020 election.
The house rules allow suspension of the counting process in an emergency.
The "emergency" was manufactured and planned for the 2020 election.
Another "emergency" can be conducted in 2024 if necessary to install another dictator not elected through legitimate election means.
Not only this but elections are now manipulated and controlled.
It only takes a handfull of states to be controlled and manipulated to send non ligitimate electorial votes to congress.
I am NOT living under the illusion that our government is an legitimate republic.
Joe Biden is a dictator installed by those in power via nancy pelosi and others in congress.
This doesn't mean I will not vote in the 2024 election.
I will and hope Donald Trump is who I am voting for again.
In spite of the fact I know the 2020 election was NOT legitimate and Trump actually won the election.
Knowing the truth about the state of the nation just makes me more determined to fight on.
Scouting parties are sent out to find out whats ahead.
I rely on the scouting parties at:
This is my "recon" website of choice.
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captainconvey · 1 year
Leaked audio from Special Prosecutor Jack Smith is useless because without the documents the audio is inadmissible.
You cannot submit evidence in court of a person talking about documents without the documents the audio is supposedly talking about.
Can you see the issue now?
As a result, the audio is nothing more than President Trump talking about something the prosecution cannot identify or prove.
It’s inadmissible, hence no value, hence the leak.
Captain Convey Note
Propaganda also comes in the form of leaked audio used to decieve the public.
If your one of those people who just listen to the networks that produce fake news you will probably believe what you hear.
If your one of those people that read the real news produced by theconservativetreehouse.com you will know the truth.
The article above is a very good example of day to day propaganda produced by the biden/obama regime intel machine.
On the surface it would seem President Trump has made a mistake and been caught red handed, right?
Thats what cnn, nbc, cbs, abc, etc etc want you to believe.
TheConservativeTreeHouse explains why President Trump has NOT made a mistake nor can the so called evidence be used against him except as propaganda as it is being done via what is called lawfare.
I have included some additional thoughts about it all below.
George Orwell Quotes
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All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
 (Updated As More Twitter "govment" Corruption Files Are Posted On Twitter.)
Conveying a message of hope in a time of deception and lying
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captainconvey · 1 year
Your perception of reality is being controlled!
It is like listening to a broken record that repeats over and over then the glitch in the matrix of deception is manipulated and the broken record glitch continues.
Reality has and is being manipulated daily. We are led to believe the fake news pretending is real news. "WE ARE LIVING IN THE TWILIGHT ZONE" Mass media information is either fake, lies, manipulated or delayed information. The twilight zone media reports and you decide. Everybody and their brother reports on the twilight zone news. The zone news could have actually happened years ago and is just now being reported as breaking news. So we comment on the zone news and lament about the lies and deceptions. We do live in a matrix of deception similar to the twilight zone. See information about the Twilight Zone: 'The Time Element"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Twilight_Zone#In_popular_culture We are "Living The Dream" as they say. People really are living in a "MATRIX" of information deception. If you have seen the first Matrix movie you will remember the lady in the red dress that was a glitch in the matrix.
In order to better understand the woman in the red dress, one must understand the scene’s contextual eminence. On taking the red pill, Neo (Keanu Reeves) is able to see the world’s true construct, becoming hyper-aware of the reality of the human race, most of which is in deep slumber and blind to the truth.
It becomes clear that the majority of the human race has been reduced to an unwitting simulacrum to serve the machines, reminiscent of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave - an illusion..
This is a rude awakening for Neo, but a necessary one. While Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) guides him through the programmed maze of the matrix, Neo gets distracted by a stunning woman in red.
This prompts Morpheus to ask, “Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?”
As Neo falters, he is held at gunpoint by Agent Smith.
A warning that the "reality" of the matrix was about to be breached. The "Matrix" is a newer version of the Twilight Zone where reality is manipulated. The "RED PILL"
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A metaphor for bringing you back to reality.
The perscription is: Take one daily by reading theconservativetreehouse.com and enter the "construct".
Of course I don't believe were living in a computer simulation of reality like in the Matrix movies.
I do believe our perception of reality is being manipulated by the biden regime and the deep state intel agencies.
The biden/obama regime and deepstate intel agencies know if your not in the "construct", a valuable tool for the Resistance, you won't perceive the destraction of "the woman in the red dress" and think what you see and hear is real.
Daily manipulation of reality is today's perception of reality for many.
The matrix of deception is what is called the "FAKE NEWS", thats the national and local so called news that many people rely on for "news".
Technology via mainly cellphones has made this possible.
Cellphones control people in many ways.
People have become slaves to their cellphones.
Its is truly a cellphone matirx of deception.
Your perception of reality is being controlled!
theconservativetreehouse.com - enter the "construct".
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captainconvey · 1 year
Woke Down Under?
So billionaires sign the waiver of liability to take an uncertified underseas “tourist bus” to view the gravesite of 1,507 dead passengers of the Titanic.
No scientific mission. Not an exploration of unseen regions. A tourist trip, mark off one more bucket list item.
The pos submersible fails, US Navy knows it in real time but doesn’t share. Meanwhile we spend how many millions in the “rescue”? Exactly what does a C6 cost per hour in the air?
Poseidon craft per hour? The ships and crews? And why?
To bury the latest news on Biden crime family.
Who pays?
The estates of the billionaire tourists? The company that built the submersible (oops, they shuttered yesterday)? Uh – big surprise!!!!!!
We taxpayers foot the bill to keep the spotlight off of the most corrupt administration in US history.
Stockton Rush was a victim of his own design and his titan sub crew were woke victims also.
Woke down under.
No wonder the titanic tourist submersible got lost several times before during dives.
Woke bud light types were the personnel woking for the joystick company.
was budlight used as ballast?
CEO did not want to hire 50 year old white guys.
He wanted a more diverse workforce.
This is a picture of what is happening in America today.
Bud light types are trying to sink America.
Titanic tour CEO didn’t hire ‘50-year-old white guys’ because they weren’t ‘inspirational’
UPDATE 6/22/2023
It was bound to happen because the ceo ignored proper testimg and construction of the thing.
Carbon fiber construction is inappropriate for vessels subject to excess positive external pressure … ok for scuba tanks and such subject to internal pressure
Model simulation works fine for metal hulls,
but not for 2-component composite materials (carbon fiber and the epoxy matrix)
— repeated pressure cycles can start to cause separation/delamination failures in the material — may withstand many cycles but eventually fail
$250,000 to get into a homemade sub created by a woke virtue signaler who shuns competence is God’s way of telling you you have too much money.
Bud light hull was crushed.
A Flase Flag Diversion
There is no end to the madness men will decend to when controlled by satan.
Woke madness has infected many.
It is very true the intel agencies have drop a bomb manufactured story of titanic perportions to hide the truth.
Another diversion to hide government corruption in the news.
Where is Loyd Bridges when ya need him?
Captain Convey Note
This is a picture of what is happening in our forced, diverse - inclusion - woke culture today.
All around us are woke types using $30 game controllers in various business that are sinking.
Bud light is a prime example.
Your well being is not a factor to woke types.
Only inclusion and diversion transgender equity etc.
American is sinking like the rinky dink untested woke titanic dive sub.
People who know what they are doing are excluded if they are 50 year old white guys etc.
Non binary means transgender etc.
A term used to describe perversion in society in reality.
Inclusion is a term used to force people to accept non binary types.
Diversity is term also used for this purpose.
Companies are forced to accept these terms or they will get a bad rating from:
ESG Score.
(ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance.)
How the left controls business using ESG.
(HEI Stands for Healthcare Equity.)
How The Left Controls Business Using HEI.
All of this is going on in the background everyday.
A culture war.
Are you a victim?
Watch This Video!
Maybe oceangate ceo could have used this controller instead?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."-William J. Casey, CIA Director
This quote was originally spoken by Casey sometime in early February of 1981, at a meeting in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of the White House, at which the White House policy analyst Barbara Honegger was present (who was then acting as Assistant to the chief domestic policy adviser to the President).
She then relayed it to her Godmother, the Senior White House Correspondent Sarah McClendon, who made the quote public without naming the original source, through the Radio host Mae Brussel.
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captainconvey · 1 year
Six major issues that need to be addressed in the DOJ's Get Trump Docs Case.
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Listen to the Mark Levin Show Podcast. 6/17/2023
There are 3 good sources for the Truth.
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captainconvey · 1 year
Sail On EIB
This is a tribute to Rush Limbaugh and his EIB network.
Rush Limbaugh can’t ever be replaced but Excellence In Broadcasting can and does continue.
There are 3 good sources for the Truth.
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captainconvey · 1 year
Full Speech from President Trump’s rumble channel.
President Trump responds to the lawfare indictment on 6/14/23.
He is being persecuted not prosecuted.
President Trump speaks the truth about what is happening and why.
Listen carefully.
Captain Convey Note
I was listening to the Tara Show on 98.9 WORD Greenville SC this morning and heard Tara say she is through pretending about President Trump.
She pointed out for instance that Trump did actually appoint the prosecuter that is prosecuting him now as a special prosecuter.
Of course he couldn't have known the future and that Jack Smith would be persecuting him.
Tara also pointed out Trump has actually appointed many of the people that are trying to destroy him now.
The question is would he make similar mistakes if he became President again?
My quess is yes in a much more limited away considering he has learned from his mistakes in the past.
Tara made me think.
Am I just pretending when I support President Trump and ignoring reality?
Tara pointed out President Trump in effect doesn't have a rats chance in you know what to be President again because of the ongoing and future persecution he will endure.
In fact I mostly agree with Tara in that it doesn't look good for the chances of President Trump to be elected again for so many reasons.
Tara didn't mention the fact that President Trump has gone through the gontlet of persecution and survived.
He has been absolved in every case.
This is not pretending but reality.
Tara is predicting the future outcome for President Trump based on the current onslought of persecution and prosecutions.
True his future doesn't look good.
I am not pretending this is not true.
Can President trump be elected again?
I think its possible even though it seems the odds are against it.
The one thing I know that I am doing is NOT pretending to know what the future holds for President Trump.
I am not in denial his future looks bleak.
It does.
Neither Tara nor I can accurately predict President Trump's future.
Does this mean I will do what Tara has done.
That is abandon President Trump because of the massive offense mounted against him.
Pretending to support President Trump is something I don't consider myself as doing.
I know the reality that it will take a miracle for him to win in 2024.
Guess what?
I believe in miracles!
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captainconvey · 1 year
A "classified markings" document for you.
Captain Convey Note
If you have read the document below - FISA Warrant Application for Carter Page available on the senat.gov website you have in your possession a document with "classifed markings".
The term "classified markings" is a linguistic trick being used to indict President Trump.
"classified markings" and "classified documents" are not the same.
The FAKE media is trying to make the American public think the terms are the same.
No classified documents were requested from the corrupt biden/obama regime only documents with "classified markings" as indicated in the Trump indictment.
They are setting President Trump up again.
Don't be tricked by the biden/obama regime.
Read the PDF indicated below available on the senate.gov website.
Its a document that contains "classifed markings" and is declassified.
"classified markings" and classified documents are NOT THE SAME!
Go ahead an read the document above and you will be "guility" of having in your possession a document with "classified markings".
This does not mean you have a classified document!
You and President Trump will both have a documents with "classifed markings".
This is a totally UNCLASSIFIED document!
"classified markings" is NOT the same as "classified document"
President Trump and you are guilty of doing nothing illegal.
Download the above "classified markings" document and join President Trump in having a document that has "classified markings" that is totally legal to possess.
Tell all your friends about your "classified markings" document.
Tell President Trump you like him have a "classified markings" document.
Let him know you know the TRUTH!
Get yours below.
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captainconvey · 1 year
If the documents did not belong to President Donald J. Trump, then why did the government dump them in the parking lot of the White House and tell him to deal with them?
If the documents belonged to the government, and not to the man for whom they were created, then why did that same government give them to him and force him to take them to a location of his choosing?
The argument(s) against Donald Trump are akin to a business saying that all work product created during the tenure of employment belongs to the enterprise of the business and not to the employee.
If you want to hold that line of thought you then need to reconcile that the business enterprise intentionally gave all the work product to the employee, dumped it in their lap, told them to take it and leave, and then comes back at a later date and says – we now need to review the stuff we forced you to take because some of it might not actually belong to you.
The fact that the National Archives and Record Administration refused to take custody of the documents upon the end of the White House tenure, combined with the fact the NARA dumped those documents in the parking lot of the White House for Trump to deal with, is a direct statement the bureaucracy was telling President Trump these are your records.
His records – not their records on loan to him.
Read the above paragraph again and let it sink in.
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The Presidential Records Act is the overriding legislative guidance for the flow of work product post term in office.
These are essentially document arguments.
The fact that NARA together with the Biden administration would weaponize the disposition of documents, they intentionally forced Trump to take ownership of, speaks to an intent within the bureaucracy that is transparently obvious.
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) refused to take custody of the documents upon the end of the White House tenure.
Then the NARA dumped those documents in the parking lot.
President Trump was set up by the NARA for the purpose of going after President Trump to try and keep him from ever being in office again.
The fact that the National Archives dumped all of President Trump's documents in the parking lot and did not take possession of them as they normally do at the end of a Presidential term was a setup for what we are seeing happen today.
A setup for planting of evidence to be used against President Trump.
The corrupt DOJ/FBI biden/obama regime set President Trump up just like they set up the protestors on Jan 6, 2021 in DC.
If your looking for evidence of government corruption, FBI/DOJ biden/obama regime just look at the picture of President Trump's documents in the parking lot where they should have never been but the National Archive And Records Administration put them there anyway!
The people responsible for dumping President Trump's documents in a parking lot should be on trial and sent to prison for years and years.
President Trump has not done anything wrong with these documents.
In fact he took possession of them as instructed and is now being persecuted for his actions!
None of these documents were taken in an illegal manner!
The NARA job is to acrhive and control documents including classified documents.
The NARA refused to do their job and take possession of President Trumps documents.
President Trump is totally innocent of ANY wrongdoing and the NARA is totally responsible for any an all documents they never took possession of and the end of the Trump administration.
There are criminals working for the National Archives And Records Administration that should be in prision.
There are criminals working for the FBI/DOJ - biden/obama regime that should also be in prison.
A comment from strykr007 on theconservativetreehouse.com
Read the entire very detailed super information from stryr007.
Repost this information everywhere you can.
The links missing below are included in the original comment above and here.
Having somewhat researched this issue this afternoon, have come to the conclusion that the Presidential Records Act works for 1)one term presidents who do not seek a second term and 2)for presidents elected to a second term.
The Presidential Records Act does not work for presidents who seek a second term and are unsuccessful. It particularly does not work when the outcome of the election is being challenged. And even more so when the election and its challenge take place during a pandemic.
The Presidential records act states….
(1)Upon the conclusion of a President’s term of office, or if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records of that President. The Archivist shall have an affirmative duty to make such records available to the public as rapidly and completely as possible consistent with the provisions of this chapter.
(2)The Archivist shall deposit all such Presidential records in a Presidential archival depository or another archival facility operated by the United States. The Archivist is authorized to designate, after consultation with the former President, a director at each depository or facility, who shall be responsible for the care and preservation of such records.
(3)When the President considers it practicable and in the public interest, the President shall include in the President’s budget transmitted to Congress, for each fiscal year in which the term of office of the President will expire, such funds as may be necessary for carrying out the authorities of this subsection.
All sections of Presidential Records Act:
A one term president not seeking a second term and a two term president would know to budget for the interim depository of his records in the budget for the fiscal year his term ends.
Checked the FY 2021 Budget and could not find anything budgeted for an interim facility for President Trump. See NARA budget at pg 1289…
Then checked the FY 2017 Budget to see if any amount was budgeted for an interim facility for President Obama and could not find anything in the NARA budget. See NARA budget starting at pg 1306…
Also checked the FY 2013 budget for an interim Obama depository and found nothing. See the NARA budget starting at pg 1359.
And checked the FY 2009 budget for an interim “W” Bush depository and found nothing. See NARA budget starting at pg 1193.
Also checked the NARA budget for each fiscal year of Obama’s two terms and found nothing related to funding an interim depository for his records.
FY 2010, see NARA budget starting at pg 1247.
FY 2011, see NARA budget starting at pg 1287.
FY 2012, see NARA budget starting at pg 1255.
FY 2014, see NARA budget starting at pg 1272.
FY 2015, see NARA budget starting at pg 1333.
FY 2016, see NARA budget starting at pg 1287.
Notwithstanding the above, in a Chicago Tribune article found that in February 2016, the General Services Administration leased a 74,000 sq ft former furniture warehouse near Chicago for 11.3 million for six years. Also learned that there will be as many as 120 employees brought in by NARA to sort through materiel from an expected 40 tractor-trailer trucks.
Also stated that it took eight C-5 flights to transport the Clintons materiel to their interim depository at a former Oldsmobile dealership near Little Rock Arkansas.
And President George H.W. Bush, had an interim depository in a strip mall space previously occupied by a bowling alley and a Chinese restaurant.
“W” Bush had an interim depository in a warehouse in Lewisville Texas.
In a Dec 2022 article it is stated the “General Services Administration, which manages federal properties, sank about $5 million into the building, spending it on humidity-control systems, special lighting and bringing it up to Level 4 security standards.” And that the building has been further leased the warehouse through Dec 2025 at a cost of 1 million per year.
In a September 2016 article titled: “Feds at Work: Helping make presidential records accessible to the public” it is stated…
“The Presidential Records Act of 1978 charged the National Archives with finding homes for presidential records, which become public property the day after the inauguration unless the archivist of the United States, the incumbent president or the appropriate former president requests the records be kept private.”
Since could not find anything in the NARA budgets for the years Obama or “W” Bush left office, that does not appear to affect whether GSA can lease space for an interim depository. So why was an interim Depository for President Trump not leased?
Also, the amount of documents at Mar-A- Lago does not appear to be anywhere near the 40 tractor-trailer loads of Obama or even half since Trump had only one term or half the eight C-5 loads of Clinton. Is this because original documents he receives are now in digital form? And were the paper documents President Trump had his personal copies or original documents he received?
What is considered the original document, the document in digital form, paper form?
IS NARA transferred a copy in digital form of presidential records as they are presented to the President; is this why Trump had far fewer Presidential Records than past presidents and why it has been stated the two documents NARA was seeking were the letter left for President Trump by President Obama and a letter from Kim Jong Un to President Trump?
Again will ask, why was an interim Depository for President Trump not leased by NARA?
Captain Convey Note
If you have read the document below - FISA Warrant Application for Carter Page available on the senat.gov website you have in your possession a document with "classifed markings".
The term "classified markings" is a linguistic trick being used to indict President Trump.
"classified markings" and "classified documents" are not the same.
The FAKE media is trying to make the American public think the terms are the same.
No classified documents were requested from the corrupt biden/obama regime only documents with "classified markings" as indicated in the Trump indictment.
They are setting President Trump up again.
Don't be tricked by the biden/obama regime.
Read the PDF indicated below available on the senate.gov website.
Its a document that contains "classifed markings" and is declassified.
"classified markings" and classified documents are NOT THE SAME!
Go ahead an read the document above and you will be "guility" of having in your possession a document with "classified markings".
This does not mean you have a classified document!
You and President Trump will both have a documents with "classifed markings".
This is a totally UNCLASSIFIED document!
"classified markings" is NOT the same as "classified document"
President Trump and you are guilty of doing nothing illegal.
Download the above "classified markings" document and join President Trump in having a document that has "classified markings" that is totally legal to possess.
Tell all your friends about your "classified markings" document.
Tell President Trump you like him have a "classified markings" document.
Let him know you know the TRUTH!
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captainconvey · 1 year
The Corrupt biden regime DOJ is filing a case about the mishandling of documents, in whatever legal construct they put forth, while simultaneously saying they are under no obligation to tell anyone what the documents are.
DOJ: Trump violated USC 793 in his discussion and/or handling of documents.
Trump Lawyers: What documents?
DOJ: We can’t say, and we won’t tell you.
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If you have read the document below - FISA Warrant Application for Carter Page available on the senat.gov website you have in your possession a document with "classifed markings".
The term "classified markings" is a linguistic trick being used to indict President Trump.
"classified markings" and "classified documents" are not the same.
The FAKE media is trying to make the American public think the terms are the same.
No classified documents were requested from the corrupt biden/obama regime only documents with "classified markings" as indicated in the Trump indictment.
They are setting President Trump up again.
Don't be tricked by the biden/obama regime.
Read the PDF indicated below available on the senate.gov website.
Its a document that contains "classifed markings" and is declassified.
"classified markings" and classified documents are NOT THE SAME!
Yes we will President Trump!
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Captain Convey Note
President Trump being elected in 2024 most likely won't happen if things don't change.
(1) The tools Trump needs are available for him to monitor the 2024 election and use to expose corruption. The BIG problem is he has not taken advantage of these tools that are available for free to his campaign.
(2) Even is President Trump did use the real time monitoring tools available to him corrupt court judges would not rule in his favor in any 2024 election dispute.
(3) If the biden regime gets it way President Trump will not be on the 2024 election ballot.
Because the biden/obama doj is so corrupt he could end up under house arrest etc.
The 2024 election fix is in but it doesn't mean the fix is in for patriots willing to resist the biden/obama regime corruption!
I have sen people who have resisted and expressed their opinions now being silent on the corruption in dc.
Many just concentrate on themselves with little comment about the everyday destruction of our freedoms and country.
They act like they have given up resisting the corruption.
If your one of those who ignore whats going on around you and do nothing to resist the corrupt biden/obama regime you are making a BIG mistake!
President Trump is an example for corrupt people to use and drag through the legal system for the purpose of inducing your silence and submission to corruption and abuse.
A victim of abuse often is silent and goes back for more abuse.
Resist corruption and abuse.
Don't be silent about the biden/obama regime corruption and abuse of us all.
Are you willing to support President Trump all the way?
I am and I will.
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Seeing and hearing!
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captainconvey · 1 year
The only way to prevent elections from being stolen in swing states.
Get to know the term real time analysis.
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Captain Convey Election Note
Kari Lake should be President Trump's VP pick for 2024.
Elections will continue to be stolen if Kari Lake, President Trump don't change their election strategy.
Stop their fraud apparatus using real time analysis.
Ballot-harvesting is not the problem.
Signature verification is not the problem.
Jacking with the voter database days before the vote is not the problem.
Phantom voters — by the tens of thousands — are not the problem.
Election commissions allowing third parties real-time visibility to the voter cast ballot list to vote the recalcitrants is not the problem.
U.S. Postal Service employees gathering loose ballots for leftist groups is not the problem.
The problem is that leftists control the entire election apparatus in every swing state, and they have innumerable tools — like those just noted — to steal any election.
The Kari Lake election showed that the leftists will use all of them when needed.
The Kari Lake election is equally a template for 2024 because Lake's reaction is to take Arizona back by "chasing ballots."
That is the same strategy President Trump is employing — he calls it ballot-harvesting, being a bit looser with vocabulary.
Leftists are jumping for joy as Lake and Trump take the bait — outperform the pros at ballot-harvesting, when they have a dozen other ways to steal an election. 
None of those ways is addressed by Lake or Trump. 
They do not even understand them.
How about real-time, or close to it, snapshots of state voter rolls — especially around election time — to stop 33,000 ZIP codes from being changed the week mail-in ballots are sent out, then changed back? 
Time series voter roll analysis exposes any change to a voter roll, which is later hidden when that change is reversed.
How about testing, real time, to stop 41,400 inactive voters from being changed to active, voted, then changed back again?
How about comparing the election rolls to the property tax rolls to make sure people residing in a vacant lot are flagged?
 In Arizona, it's cool for someone to claim a street corner as his address — many thanks to years of RINO leadership.
How does the guy living on the street corner get a mail-in ballot?  It's not as if there is mail delivery to that tent on the corner in Phoenix. 
We're not done.
What about the real-time access to state election systems to count cast ballots illegally given to leftist organizations so they know exactly how many ballots they need to win — by just a little? 
What about tens of thousands of hidden secondary voter IDs, invisible to voters, electronically moved to counties where they are voted, then moved back?
They didn't vote; clever leftists took care of that civic duty for them.
How about the "contribution mules" making thousands of small donations, and when an intrepid reporter knocks on their door, they are amazed — since they didn't make the donations?
Anyone checking for that? 
Does anyone think for a moment that "chasing ballots" with the Kari Lake Excellent Adventure team is going to stop leftists from tampering — successfully — with an election?
Or is it perhaps the only strategy to employ when you don't know what else to do? 
How does one take on election fraud when it has so many layers, so many manifestations, that one cannot figure out where to start?
Sometimes any action is better than none — but do not confuse action with results. 
Important elections in swing states are manipulated by elected officials. 
Ballot-chasing won't change anything — it will just keep the troops busy until the next loss, followed by endless litigation.
These election fraud techniques share two characteristics: each is invisible to current technology, and each can be visualized and likely thwarted with real-time, high-speed database analysis.
Republicans don't embrace real time. 
The RNC, the Trump Campaign, the Lake Campaign continue to fail with batch computer systems using 1970s technology.
Once that was an opinion.
It is now fact, since our team offered the Arizona election integrity team real-time cross-searching of county voter rolls.
They demurred — each of the seven times we offered.
It was for free — we would do all the work; just give us the data.
Real-Time Analysis can prevent elections from being stolen anywhere!
After doing the expert witness report for the Lake Campaign, we saw that had real-time analysis been in place, for even a single county, Lake could have stopped the thousands of voter roll manipulations made days before the election.
Lake would have surprised the leftists.  The 17,000-vote difference was well within her reach — just not her grasp.
Instead, here we are.  Lake losing court case after court case.  Arizona likely lost for a decade or more.
Real-time visibility is disruptive.  It disrupts the bad guys because they can no longer hide in latent, wildly inaccurate databases like those in Arizona.  Everything they do, down to changing a comma, is immediately visible.
Real time is disruptive to the Trump and RNC data types with their 1970s SQL technology that could not possibly thwart these leftist tactics. 
They can't implement real time because they don't know how. 
Real time is disruptive to the Republican election integrity types who hold seminars, gather donations, lose elections, file lawsuits, and gather more donations.
They offer those same 1970s ancient technologies.  It's all they know.
Perhaps instead of trying to "out-ballot-harvest" the professionals, it might make sense to out-compute them, stop their fraud apparatus in flight — something some of us know something about.
Jay Valentine led the team that built the eBay fraud engine, the TSA No-Fly List, and the Undeliverable Ballot Database.  He can be contacted at Omega4America.com and Twitter at @AmericaOME17300.
If Kari Lake and President Trump don't employ Real-Time Analysis in the 2024 election they will lose BIGGLY!
Not only Lake and Trump will lose but ANY state and local election candidate because ANY election - ANY election can be stolen without using Real-Time Analysis.
I predict if President Trump is on the 2024 election ballot and he does not fight back with Real-Time Analysis he will lose again biggly!
I will vote in the 2024 local and national election knowing it could be manipulated as can your vote if Real-Time Analysis is not used!
Today is Memorial Day.
Today we remember those who died or were wounded to protect out freedom.
Our freedom depends on elected officials who are not corrupt.
Corrupt local and national officials have been put in office by election fraud.
Democrates and Republicans are controlled by their corporations for the most part.
They are called the uniparty.
I don't believe President Trump is controlled by the Republican wing of the uniparty.
I do know if he doesn't employ Real-Time Analysis he will lose because the (democrates and republicans) know how to steal elections not only in swing states but everywhere.
Yes there are both corrupt democrates and republican officials.
Elections are NO longer legitimate because of computer election fraud used by election officials both democrate and republican.
The republican wing of the uniparty national/local officials in many cases do NOT want President Trump to be elected because he represents MAGA voters everywhere.
The only way to prevent out country from being destroyed is to employ
Real-Time Analysis during voting.
Here is what you can do to help prevent our country from being destroyed via national and local election fraud.
(1) Read and understand this post about Real-Time Analysis of voting.
(2) Urge President Trump to employ Real-Time Analysis in his election campaign strategy.
(3) Repost this important Real-Time Analysis of voting cure for election fraud everywhere!
MAGA votes only matter if Real-Time Analysis of voting is employed to keep elections from being stolen.
Elon Musk posted this on twitter 5/29/23
When it comes to twitter and Musk I tend to agree but not for his reasons.
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captainconvey · 1 year
The UniParty hates Trump because he represents, We The People.
Ron DeSantis will fail in his effort to win the 2024 nomination – with one caveat – as long as Donald Trump is in the race.
Despite what the professional political class will say, Ron DeSantis cannot beat Donald Trump, period!
The only way DeSantis can win the nomination is if Donald Trump is not in the race.
The goal of the professional Republican apparatus is not to help DeSantis win; the goal is to remove Donald Trump.
At a local level, many professional Republican club members hate the MAGA base.
At the state level most professional Republican club members hate the MAGA base.
At the national level, the entire apparatus of the RNC and the business end of Republican politics hate the MAGA base.
They hate MAGA with as much, if not more, intensity than they hated the Tea Party predecessor.
The GOPe hate Donald Trump because he represents a coalition inside the American electorate that stands against the interests of the professional Republican class.
Every professional political institution on the Republican side of the UniParty hates Trump because he represents, We The People.
Professional Republicans will support Democrats before they permit MAGA to take over the Republican Party.
Getting rid of Donald Trump is job #1; winning the election in 2024 is irrelevant to them.
When you know what the GOPe are going to do, the best way to defeat them is to pour sunlight on the agenda before they trigger the outcomes.
Everything about the DeSantis campaign is built upon a foundation of lies, manipulation and fraud.
The teams that have assembled to support DeSantis are financed and paid well for their efforts.
Team DeSantis will have every strategic point on paper in their favor, and they will have a lot of money; but they do not have the truth.
Internally and externally be fearless against the lies.  Don’t let lies and fraud pass without confrontation.  Our strength is in the truth of our position.  We have no pretenses and no reason to fear sunlight. 
Those who manipulate, scheme and use deception as a political strategy carry the weaknesses that stem from it.
Ron DeSantis will not win the nomination if we continue to spotlight the truth. 
Just remember to stay right with a loving God, and live your best life while doing it.
Also, forgive yourself if you get a little salty at times; it happens.
Captain Convey Note
I am not unaware that ron desantis has done some good things in Florida.
Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday May 19, 2023 signed bills that push back against the possibility of a federal central-bank digital currency and seek to prevent credit-card companies from tracking firearm and ammunition sales.
Some comments from the 5/23/23 post on the conservative treehouse about ron desantis:
In the 2020 election, Trump had the overwhelming support of his base but the bad guys managed to fake the election and win power.
How do they change that, even with the huge base?
Other things matter, including money and powerful figures and politicians in open support.
“This reality is why it is more important for MAGA to defeat the professional Republicans than defeat Democrats. The GOPe must be defeated first, then the confrontation with the Democrats can commence.”
This reminds me of the Leninist struggle of the Bolsheviks v. Mensheviks before the 1917 Revolution.
It ended as a very bloody affair; our bloodletting has not even started yet unless you count the few hundred thousand dead fellow Citizens killed by an untreated upper respiratory viral infection.
We all know the Deep State has ways of making sure Trump is not in the race… Ask Epstein, or Breitbart, or Scalia, or JFK…
The US already IS a full blown tyranny where elections are rigged and/or stolen outright, officially rejected truth is censored.
Congress is an entertainment sideshow run by corrupt carnival barkers, courts at all levels are capricious and unjust, public education is in fact state indoctrination.
The executive branch is an out-of-control criminal operation, and the grossly bloated military is the tool of a greedy and deranged ruling class.
Knowing Jeb Bush is backing DeSantis is enough for anyone with a brain to say, NO THANKS! And scarier is RFK Jr.
The only announcement de sanctimonious should make is his endorsement of Donald Trump for president 2024.
Read the next comment for sure.
May 24, 2023 12:08 am
Perhaps its a bit trite, but do not ignore normalcy bias.
If you had told me in 2015 that the FBI would attempt to sabotage a presidential campaign I’d have looked at you like you were a little crazy.
If you had told me that in 2018 there’d be a global lockdown over a disease that killed less than a % of the population, and that I’d be mandated to take a rushed therapeutic to keep my job, I’d have been a little skeptical. Yes, I’d seen the government lie and do demonstrably criminal things, but a global conspiracy?
If you’d told me in 2019 that the 2020 election would be totally rigged I’d have been on board having seen 2018 play out and what the FBI/DOJ was up to.
Point is it has taken time to come to an acceptance that some things are reality, and that the conspiracy theory just might be well informed conspiracy fact.
I got the fast track awakening through here, Gateway Pundit, Citizen Free Press, Zero Hedge, Dan Bongino Show, now War Room, and other substacks and websites like Julie Kelly at AM Greatness. Publicly anonymous accounts like TechnoFog. I’ve been used to reading the news 6 months to a year ahead of what legacy media will even whisper.
The vast majority of people do not consume news, or politics, at the level that people who read this blog do.
Pardon my cliché, but they haven’t been unplugged from the Matrix.
I’m not saying anything new, I think Rush called them low info voters.
These low info voters have been living with a cognitive dissonance since Trump came down the escalator.
In progressives it expresses itself as TDS.
People can tell something is wrong, but they can’t express what that is.
They want that discomfort to STOP.
To live in the Truman Show with BBQs and football games and a vacation now and then.
All good things!
But they want that at no cost.
They will do anything to stay in their comfort zone.
Do not underestimate the power that has and how they will leverage it to make DeSantis look like the “normal” candidate.
The adult in the room.
The safe choice.
I won’t be surprised if they bring out the bi-partisanship line.
My hope is that people have felt enough downward economic pressure, and remember the positive Trump economy, that they vote accordingly.
Captain Convey
The conservativetreehouse.com UNPLUGGES low income voters from the Matrix of deception.
The truth unplugges not only low income voters, as Rush Limbaugh used to describe those that were not informed about the truth, but others who are living in the matrix of deception that are all around us.
Ignorance is bliss to those in the matrix of deception until they are "unplugged' from the matrix of deception lies.
Those of us who read and understand blogs such as the conservative tree house haved been "unplugged" from the matrix of deception, can help "unplug" others so their ignorance of the truth will enable them to not live in the matrix of deception.
Operator, Operator......
The operator is a crewmember on a hovercraft that assists his fellow redpill crewmembers with information on events, resources, and other protection while they are jacked into the Matrix.
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