captaingoblinman · 2 years
Etsy Strike April 11-18, 2022
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captaingoblinman · 2 years
hot take: hrt, gender therapy and trans surgeries should be free
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captaingoblinman · 3 years
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captaingoblinman · 4 years
ik white gays dont want to hear it but they make lgbt spaces so uncomfortable for poc esp black gays…..like ALL spaces. if u ask any gay of color they will probably tell u that they have been made to feel like an undesirable partner in lgbt spaces bc of their race. nd if they were desired it was out of fetishism. we see the way yall talk abt black/ dark skinned women…..begging for them to crush u nd be aggressive with them nd let’s not even talk abt how if a poc points out the flaws of the gay community white gays call them homophobic. like at this point it’s painfully obvious that white gays consider the gay community to include white ppl nd no one else. they value fictional ships over the feelings of poc
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captaingoblinman · 4 years
@biggest-gaudiest-patronuses nice
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captaingoblinman · 4 years
remind me to tell yall about the worm tooth theory
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captaingoblinman · 4 years
Uuuh what the fuck is going on with the Amphibia Crew
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captaingoblinman · 4 years
It's funny how Cuties focuses most of it's attention on dancing and how it influences girls
You know what? All this discourse has reminded me of something.
About nine years ago a video went viral of two little girls who were probably no older than six singing “Super Bass” by Nicki Minaj. It blew up so much that the girls actually got onto Ellen where they did it again.
And weirdly enough... nobody saw issue with that. Not once during this year-long stretch of viral fame did anybody stop and go “Hang on... WHY THE FUCK ARE TWO SIX YEAR OLDS BEING ALLOWED TO LISTEN TO NICKI FUCKING MINAJ SONGS IN THE FIRST PLACE?!”
They weren’t singing a tame song. It’s a very sexual song, and it even has the N-Word in it. We can argue Minaj’s merits as an artist until the cows come home, but it’s pretty obvious that children should not be listening to her work.
And yet they are. In fact when I was a kid, the artists everyone was listening to were the most horny, aggressively mysogynistic scumbags I’ve ever fucking seen. The music industry has been hornier than a busload of weebs for years and it’s only getting worse.
And we never question that. Sometimes we fucking celebrate it, all the while just letting that material fester in the minds of children. If this were any other medium, it wouldn’t get away with this kind of crap. We filter this kind of material from the view of children in most other mediums, but I’ve rarely ever seen parents crack down on what music their kinds are listening to, especially as music videos gradually become more and more of a recorded table-dance.
When cartoons get aggressively horny, it’s criticized. When video games get aggressively horny, it’s mocked and belittled. When a film is as horny as a music video, you have to verify your age to buy it and deal with the same if you’re ever seen by another human being.
Music? We never see a serious, sustained criticism of just how obsessed with sex the music industry has gotten. Sometimes its obsession with sex is celebrated. And we have no measures in place to actually make it harder for kids to see this stuff.
We wonder why preteen girls are under so much pressure to sexualize themselves and then turn around and applaud the people responsible for it.
There’s a smaller bubble like this among reality television. You guys remember Alana Thompson? Honey Boo Boo? That kid who got her own show after going viral on Toddlers and Tiaras?
You guys know why that show went off the air? Because Alana’s mother was in a relationship with two pedophiles. And admitted to it. And that surprised people, as if the kind of person who would put her child in a fucking toddler pageant would end up being an accessory to pedophilia was a surprise?!
No, everyone was too busy mocking a seven year old for the crime of being a victim of clear and obvious abuse.
Toddler Pageants still go on all over the US and nobody bats a fucking eye at it. Toddlers and Tiaras itself ran for seven years, with only minor controversy when a mother stuffed her daughter’s shirt. People only got mad because someone revealed the whole shitshow for what it truly was.
This is an actual fucking problem. And for all the furor people are giving this one film... nobody’s talking about how we got to this point in the first place. Nobody’s talking about the actual problem. They don’t want to have the uncomfortable discussion about a cultural poison that they’re complicit in.
I call this “Performative Bloodlust.” People will foam at the mouth over how much they think pedophiles should die, but they’re very selective in what they consider “pedophile” to actually mean. When a Youtuber preys on kids they make excuses for them. When a convention deals with child pornography, talking about that is “drama.” When a TV show exists that is really just a socially acceptable way for people to prey on kids... nobody says a fucking word.
A black woman makes a film to talk about these things and Netflix releases a squicky poster... well NOW y’all are chomping at the bit.
Well hey, I just gave you a whole bunch of things to be mad about. Ya gonna take it?
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captaingoblinman · 4 years
trans people are the only people who have any business hosting gender reveal parties
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captaingoblinman · 4 years
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Contact Your Representative and Tell Them To Fight Against Trump’s Camps
Additionally, if you can see if you can donate money to these organizations
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captaingoblinman · 4 years
For those who want to claim that Trump’s concentration camps aren’t concentration camps because they “aren’t gassing people”, here’s a quick little refresher
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It’s not “They aren’t gassing people.”
It’s “They aren’t gassing people… yet.”
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captaingoblinman · 4 years
My sketch/colored commissions are open, Specifically for vore :) had to repost because I forgot tags..
Prices vary between $20-$45+, extra characters will affect the price. I only really wanna do soft/safe vore. I can do n-s-f-w. Want 1-8-+ examples? Visit my Twitter: @KinkyMelli.
anyway, reblogs appreciated. DM me for inquiries!
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captaingoblinman · 4 years
Holy shit…. Never Again Action (the group who started #JewsAgainstICE) had an ICE detention truck drive through them while they were shutting down Wayne Detention Center in Rhode Island this evening (August 14th).
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captaingoblinman · 4 years
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‘The Poser’ at Freedom Plaza, Washington DC by Bryan Buckley
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captaingoblinman · 4 years
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captaingoblinman · 4 years
a normal person: ao3 shouldn’t allow child porn maybe
y’all freaks: this is LITERALLY just like trump. you are the republicans of fandom. this is just like when president snow told harry pottedf ljfl asldkfjdksfj
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captaingoblinman · 4 years
Also Lily’s a giant gay, honestly bit surprised you didn’t think of that Anon.
Why are you obsessed with sylvanas? You constantly use reaction images of her and reference her when she or WoW isnt even slightly related! Also it seems like the only thing you actually like in WoW is Sylvanas! The only other thing in WoW that you dont trash on are blood elf OCs (Sylvanas's species) and Jaina (which you ship Sylvanas with) are you some sylvanas kin or something?
With the current state of WoW, the number of characters it’s possible to actually like is dwindling hard. All the good characters are dying or being villainized, and characters that used to be good are being turned into sulky weirdos.
My favorite characters USED to consist of
But Illidan, Draka and Grom were put on a bus while Thrall and Anduin were flanderized. For most of Legion and BFA, Jaina and Sylvanas were the only ones left.
Nowadays my favorite characters look like this
My recent decision to aggressively stan Sylvanas is born out of spite, because Blizzard goes “We’re going to take this character who’s been horrifically violated and make them a villain” and I respond with “Oh well fuck you then you creepy assholes.”
It’s called visceral disgust, Charlie Brown!
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