santizzle-blog · 7 years
Have been listening to #reputation on repeat . Love it!
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santizzle-blog · 7 years
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I'm gorgeous
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santizzle-blog · 7 years
Tribute to my Mum
Halloween is a bittersweet day for my family. I mean, who doesn't enjoy candy and dressing up in costume? On the gorgeous Halloween morning of 2010 my dear mother, Carmela Lo Presti-Conley lost her war with breast cancer. I know I speak for everyone when I say how much we all miss her. The family just isn't the same. I know you are always with me, but that doesn't mean it doesn't suck not to have you by my side. She inspired the masses with her sense of humor, generosity, and beauty, not necessarily in that order. Everyone I know says how much they loved her. She had this gold necklace and charm that said "1 in a million." I loved that about her- she rocked that necklace! She just was cool, for my friends I met in the AC (After Carmela) days, I wish you could have met her! Mum, I strive to put forth the lessons you taught me, though there were many, but in observation and retrospective, my favorites: always look on the bright side, you found the good in every situation; give everyone the benefit of the doubt, you would listen to the full story before judging (some of my friends were in RDR with you!); and laugh as much as you can, you had the best belly laugh! Sometimes your laugh comes out of me when I am having a good fit! And Sometimes I lose sight and my inner mean girl comes out, but I am trying. Some days are harder than others, but today was a good one. Love you always and forever.
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santizzle-blog · 7 years
Little monsters
In another note about stranger things, we Watched little monsters on netflix last night and I remarked how it was like the upside down. The monsters have staircases to every bedroom!
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santizzle-blog · 7 years
memba Orbitz ?
The Upside down in Stranger things reminds me of that weird drink from the 90's, Orbitz
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santizzle-blog · 7 years
‪Less than two weeks until #reputation and we feel like this about it!!! Pre-order now. @applemusic👉 taylor.lk/reputation-iT‬
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santizzle-blog · 7 years
‪Less than two weeks until #reputation and we feel like this about it!!! Pre-order now. @applemusic👉 taylor.lk/reputation-iT‬
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santizzle-blog · 7 years
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When your jam comes on, and the real you comes out.... now look what you made me do @taylorswift
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santizzle-blog · 7 years
Ok, I was listening to Gorgeous and do you think it's about Tom hiddleston? He has gorgeous blue eyes that could make you want to drown and die in them.... she mentioned her boyfriend is at the club ... The lyric about "older than us" doesn't fit, but maybe it's one of those lines put in to throw you off like math problems? Anyways, still love it---- just look at your face! I was singing it all weekend!!
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santizzle-blog · 7 years
Quitting Smoking
August 27, 2010 was the day I quit smoking. It was my Mother's 51st and last birthday she would have on this Earth. She was on a ventilator when her Triple Negative Breast Cancer spread to her lung after long bouts of chemo then surgery. I was 24 years old, and I had smoked since I was a teenager. Once she was bed-ridden, she would need a companion in case she needed something. Whenever I wasn't working, I was by her side. One difficult night, I stepped away for a few cigarettes, and she urgently needed me when I came back, questioning what took so long. She was a smoker, and really wanted one, but couldn't bear it with the tumor in the lung. After that night, I couldn't bear smoking another cigarette and be away from her, especially when she wanted one as well. After that I really didn't even want a cigarette; to this day, almost 7 years later, I don't have cravings for them. I know this is an extreme how I quit smoking, and I don't advise taking this route (bad joke). I do want to add that was the third attempt at quitting smoking. Both other times, I succeeded for six months, but the craving won out on me. I also didn't really want to quit at that time, I was in college and I really enjoyed the social aspect of it. Additionally, I was really motivated to quit. I was exercising; posting good reasons for quitting smoking on the mirror, including how much I spent on cigarettes per week, month, year, which really adds up; and giving myself positive feedback (great job!). My advice for quitting smoking is you have to want to quit. That's the big secret, if you want to and have a great reason, you will succeed. Good luck. -Santina
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santizzle-blog · 7 years
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Sable finding her reputation
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santizzle-blog · 7 years
https://tswft.co/santi-7 I am so looking forward to the drop of reputation on Nov 10!!! Listening to ...Ready for it? And look what you made me do on repeat!!
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santizzle-blog · 13 years
Go Bruins!
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Time for the Bruins game, if we don’t win tonight, we’re out of the series. But boston has the best fans, so I HOPE WE FUCKING WIN. WATCHING IT RIGHT NOW.
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santizzle-blog · 13 years
Dearest Carmela 1
Dear Mum,
Mother's Day is coming up, and you're not here for me to give you two cards; one funny, one thoughtful. I miss you everyday. You left a giant hole in my heart when you left. Everything has fallen apart since your departure.
Are you "up" there?
Are you watching me? I don't know. I want to. Sometimes I do.
When I was crying from a migraine, I asked for you. You came to me in three dreams, or maybe it was all connected. I was in an aura.
Is it better in the afterlife? I've been meaning to write you. Sorry it's taken so long.
There's so much I don't know about you, and I feel like it's my fault. I wish I left my job for you and took care of you instead of letter Nana Jane.
I wish I stayed up with you that night, instead of going to sleep. 
I want to be able to make you breakfast on Sunday and get a giant hug and kiss from you. I can't even remember the last time I got one your amazing hugs. 
good night Mum, I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Love, Santina
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santizzle-blog · 13 years
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santizzle-blog · 13 years
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santizzle-blog · 13 years
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Oceanic 8
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