captainnorastern · 4 years
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I wanted to draw our favorite Temerians just being ~casual~ (and Roche in various stages of dress). Ves’ favorite responsibility is managing to get Roche plastered. :) It’s true.
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captainnorastern · 4 years
Blood of the Lilies
AO3 Link
Characters: Vernon Roche, Ves
Pairing: Vernon Roche/Ves
Words: 1,916
“We were to stop the Black Ones’ advance along the Dol Blathanna - Mount Carbon line. And we did. For three days. Then they smashed us into splinters.”
Roche and Ves are two of the survivors. Scattered and flung into a Temeria rocked by war, both from outside and within, they have only each other.
Written for my own Ves.
Somewhere, he thought he could still hear the battle raging, though he was certain that they were quite in the middle of nowhere. The forest around them was black as pitch, and even the moon and stars were bloated out by the crossing branches overhead. And more importantly, the battle had ended, when the Nilfgaardian cavalry had appeared unexpectedly from their right and had pushed their flank, while the artillery pounded the center mercilessly.
It had been admirable that the Temerians had even held them off for one day, let alone three, and Roche was deeply proud that his countrymen had done so, despite the loss.
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captainnorastern · 4 years
The Unicorn is my favourite! ❤️
Goldgraves comic ✨
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Gift for @captainnorastern last birthday 💫
It was translated for #AugustNineTeenie2020✨
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captainnorastern · 4 years
Funny, it was written for Newt's birthday this year but I translated it for Tina's)
@eveneechan, thank you for the event and the inspiration!
‘... have tried everything, but nothing seems to work. The catch must be the fangs, not the saliva itself.’
‘Mmm…’ (oh, really?)
‘So I need to extract his fang to make sure, but the question is how to do it.’
‘Mmm…’ (I have no idea).
‘I'm sorry, you must be bored with it…’
‘Mmm!’ (Not at all!)
‘So... You don't mind me talking about it right here and right now?’
‘M-hm.’ (Nope)
‘Because you know I'm going to talk about the beasts anyway?’
‘M-hm’ (Yep)
Newt's palm moves along Tina's spine with its jutting bones. She shifts in response, her thin fingers dig deeper under his shoulders, her cheek resting so cosily against his chest.
There's silence and moonlight peeping into the window.
‘Goodnight, my Salamander.’
Newtina Cuddling
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Feel down lately and thanks for all ‘distraction’ that you all give to me 💕 now I feel so thirsty and want to continue my old WIP 🤤
At first I want to make it fluffy, but in the end, I was too lazy to draw clothes
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captainnorastern · 4 years
Didn't want to derail the last post I reblogged (about Serbia), so I'm making my own)
! I know only like 8 people follow me but like if 8 people find out about an issue they didnt know about then I think that's great tbh
another country with a heap of problems right now is Belarus. I've reblogged posts about it before and yes I'm refusing to stop cause I see nothing about it anywhere.
Belarus has had the same president since 1994. Since he came into power, the country hasn't had a SINGLE FAIR ELECTION.
Covid-19 has caused many problems there. The country still hasn't imposed any official measures. The president has been quoted as saying 'I don't see any viruses here' and the country has had horrendous amounts of cases, I'm not even sure if the figures are accurate, they could be fabricated.
There is an election this year. Protests broke out in Belarus because of the imprisonment of the president's strongest competitors in the election. Random people have been arrested off the streets and the police have been violent.
The worst part is that there's very little media coverage.
Please reblog this, or at least research the topic it would mean a LOT
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captainnorastern · 4 years
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Newt and Leta's artwork commissioned by @captainnorastern and @forwen
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captainnorastern · 4 years
Laughing so hard!
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Silly Newtina + Thesleta comic 🤣
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captainnorastern · 4 years
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Times are troubling and hard right now-but never forget, your Beet loving Grandmother loves you very very much and wants you to be safe.
And for you to eat your vegetables.
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captainnorastern · 4 years
Guilty pleasure)))
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captainnorastern · 4 years
Team!! :)
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I asked for ideas in my IG stories and @forwen suggested goldgraves ;))) sooo i hope you enjoy this badass couple!
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captainnorastern · 5 years
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captainnorastern · 5 years
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Old but still relevant. Happy Mustard Day!
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captainnorastern · 5 years
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"Tina, would you mind to stay here for a while?"
My submission for Goldgraves Mustard Day (Feb 26th) event~
At first i want to make it fluffly but ended up kinda bit angsty x"D
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captainnorastern · 5 years
This is too beautiful...
Newtina Cuddling
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Feel down lately and thanks for all ‘distraction’ that you all give to me 💕 now I feel so thirsty and want to continue my old WIP 🤤
At first I want to make it fluffy, but in the end, I was too lazy to draw clothes
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captainnorastern · 5 years
Hello guys)
We celebrate Goldgraves day February 26 in Russian #goldgraves community. Deleted scene with mustard appeared in that day. So we called it "Mustard Day".
Does anyone want to join us?)
You can join with any type of fanwork (fanfic, fanart, gif etc).
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captainnorastern · 5 years
Hell yeah! My top goldgraves song)
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so baby talk to me like lovers do
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captainnorastern · 5 years
Now let's forget our troubles with a big bowl of strawberry ice cream
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