Parapraxis 「Percy x Annabeth」
Yes I know I’m a shitty writer but I wanted to try out little clique one shots like this one because I come up with wayyyy to many and they overtake my brain. So this is where I’m going to expel those ideas, hopefully some people like them. I mostly base stories around one word with either Greek, Latin or Japanese origins so enjoy, I guess? (n.) a slip of the tongue or pen or other error thought to reveal unconscious wishes or attitudes. [Greek] The ink shimmered as it crossed over the page. The light reflecting off the gold seemed to memorise Percy from the piles of paper he was surrounded with. Though he might not be the best with words, or anything to do with the English language, he had driven through the overwhelming sensation of dyslexia and as he read his words again one thought came to mind. ‘I can’t give this to her!’ He yelled backing away from the table he had spent the last 3 hours at. ‘Oh my gods she would think I’m literally the craziest most clique person on the earth.’ He sank down into his bed inside the empty cabin. Preseus Jackson had been dying for the last year to truly show how much he loved Annabeth, in truth, he wanted to marry her. But every time he got close to telling her suddenly the world would slow and the demons of anxiety and rejection entered his mind. He knew she loved him but did she love him that much? Which is why he thought a letter would be a great idea, I mean the daughter of Athena loved to read so this would make perfect sense right? Easily slip the letter to her, wait and hope that it wasn’t the end of the relationship. Well that was until he had poured every bit of his heart and soul onto the page and now was afraid of her ever finding it. He walked back over to the desk and as carefully as he could folded the paper, placed it inside and envelope and into the draw, wishing it would never see the sunlight again. The doors of the cabin burst open a week later revealing a very angry Annabeth Chase. She begun searching the room looking for the missing supplies that her Seaweed Brain boyfriend had left behind when he asked for help with his Greek. As she located the desk she begin rummaging through it when she noticed the glimmer of gold. The wrongfulness of her action was overtaken by her immense curiosity 'Now’ she thought to herself 'what is Percy hiding from me?’ She picked up the envelope and starred at the beautiful calligraphy that spelled out her name. Opening it, she gasped at the words written on the page quickly grabbing the needed supplies and the letter before running back to the cabin. 'Annabeth what took you so-’ he cut himself off as he looked at the girl holding the envelope. 'Percy- was everything on here true, do you love me that much?’ He glanced up from the desk looking her dead in the eye. 'Yes, and I was to nervous to tell you and I thought the letter was a stupid idea as well, and then rejection set in-’ for the second time in 5 minutes he was cut of by a pair of lips on his. 'Yes Perseus Jackson, I will marry you.’ He kissed her again even deeper than the first. 'You know this might be my greatest slip up ever’ he replied 'Parapraxis’ she replied. 'No please don’t confuse me now with Greek words Annabeth!’
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