caramelllight · 1 year
How to Deal with hurt and Pain
1. Try to put into words exactly how you’re feeling. Is it the pain of rejection? Is it an overwhelming feeling of shame and self-loathing? Is it a sense of disbelief that you’ve been treated so cruelly by others? Is it a sense of utter desperation?
2. Try to find a way of expressing the pain. Sometimes we can tell the person who has hurt us– but often we feel that they won’t be responsive. If that is the case, find someone you can open up to. It’s really important that you have the chance to honestly express what you’re going through. If you feel there’s no-one you can talk to right now, then perhaps try journaling, or using some kind of art, like music or painting.
3. If the pain’s related to something that happened, admit that you can’t go back and change the past. You need to let it go and keep your eyes ahead. You are not defined by what happened to you, and you have what it takes to live a rich, rewarding life.
4. Related to this, forgive yourself and don’t hold on to regrets. Learn what you can – and then choose to move ahead. Don’t be a victim of your past, or other people.
5. Reconnect with who you were previously. Think of who you might have been if this had never happened. You can still be that person: they are still a part of you.
6. Focus on the things that bring you joy and happiness, and focus on those people who love care for you.
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caramelllight · 3 years
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caramelllight · 3 years
“I regret opening up to some people. They didn’t deserve to know me like that.”
— Unknown
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caramelllight · 3 years
“You can’t give up on someone just because the situation’s not ideal. Great relationships aren’t great because they have no problems. They’re great because both people care enough about the other person to find a way to make it work.”
— Unknown
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caramelllight · 3 years
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caramelllight · 3 years
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يا أهل الرخاء ..
ليكن لكم رصيد لأيام البلاء
معاشر الرفاق في فضاء تمبلر ..
ضعوا في هواتفكم منبه أسبوعي في أمسيات الجمعة قبيل الغروب .. تجتهدون فيها للخلوة مع الدعاء .. فما أعطي عبدٌ مثلما أعطي في الدعاء .. سلوا اللهَ حاجاتكم .. فإن لم تكن لكم حاجات ملحة في هذا الزمن فلا أكثر من أن تجعلوا لكم رصيداً عند الرحمن حين نزول صوارف الأيام وكربات الدنيا .. ليكن لك صوتٌ معروف في السماء .. ولو أن تلح على الله بطلب دوام العافية وعدم زوالها .. وأن يرزقك شكرها ..
يا أهل الرخاء .. ليكن لكم رصيد لأيام البلاء
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caramelllight · 3 years
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caramelllight · 3 years
“You cannot change what you refuse to confront.”
— Unknown
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caramelllight · 3 years
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caramelllight · 3 years
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caramelllight · 3 years
How to Maintain your Motivation
1. Set realistic and achievable goals. These should be something that appeal to you as it’s hard to go after another person’s goals.
2. Think of meaningful ways to reward your progress.
3. Expect to have set-backs and to encounter obstacles. When that happens, focus your mind and renew your determination. Refuse to give up.
4. Decide to be a positive thinker. Refuse to stop believing in yourself. When you feel discouraged, decide that you’ll fight on.
5. Share your goals with others, and seek encouragement when you’re finding it hard to keep going on your own.
6. Practice saying no to other options and distractions that may seem appealing – but distract you from achieving your goal.
7. Post inspirational quotes in places you can see to encourage you to work to achieve your goal.
8. Practice self care so you don’t burn out. You need to pace yourself if you are going to reach your goal.
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caramelllight · 3 years
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caramelllight · 3 years
وبعد ان تنسى ، ستصلك رسالة انتظرتها طويلاً ، ستصلك كما كنت تحب أن تصلك ، لكنها ستكون متأخرة جداً ، لدرجة أنك نسيت انتظارها
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caramelllight · 4 years
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( INSPIRE YOU ) ( DRAIN YOU ) The second word is very dangerous you can lose yourself if you’re not carful so it’s very important to search for something to pull you out like take up a hobby or just write some people just put up a brick wall trying to block out what they are going through! But how long can they hold up the wall before it comes all falling down ? Sometimes you just have that feeling of a huge something sucking pulling you in if you’re strong enough you can get out of it. I’m not writing this because I want sympathy I don’t need that I’m just writing down my thoughts 💭 it’s enough just looking at the news to get depressed let alone if you have depression it makes it worse that’s why I don’t watch the news as much have you ever diagnosed yourself that you have a problem? They say the human is his own doctor 👩‍⚕️ I think I’ve had a problem other than spinal muscular dystrophy and no one knew it I even didn’t until I had my son. And that’s a challenge it’s self. #spinalmuscularatrophytype2 #wheelchairmom #sugaronwheels #depressionawareness https://www.instagram.com/p/CBF2psdATaW/?igshid=nbfmn1pui8r1
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caramelllight · 4 years
“My anxiety is silent. You wouldn’t even notice a change on the outside but I’m honestly so stressed I can’t even manage simple tasks. People call me lazy when in reality I’m just overwhelmed.”
— Unknown
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caramelllight · 4 years
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caramelllight · 4 years
‏أنتِ دافئة بشكل قد يُصيب شخصًا بالغًا برغبة في البكاء، أتعلمين ما معنى أن تذوب كل تلك القسوة التي شكلتها الأيام في لحظة واحدة؟
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