careerturn · 4 years
Is IELTS Still Relevant?
For more than a decade, foreign students seeking admission to universities in the UAE, UK and Australia for tertiary studies have considered the IELTS (International English Language Testing Service) Examination the single greatest hurdle to admission they face. Over that time, the IELTS 'band scores,' numerical ratings that express candidates' abilities in the areas of Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking, have also slowly gone up, making the examination even more challenging - and frightening for many students.
In the last few years, students who live in places where they can meet face-to-face with recruiters and agents for the universities to which they seek admission have learned that some of those universities are willing to accept students whose band scores are not as high as the published ones. In most cases, the tradeoff is that the students agrees that, if their IELTS band score is not high enough, they will agree to take special English-language training courses, either during the summer before official studies begin or, sometimes, during the evening after studies have already begun. Top Examination Preparation Courses
The offer is more than a reflection of the universities' eagerness to accept foreign students for the important tuition revenues they represent. A strong case can be made that a student studying abroad is more likely to bring his or her English skills up to speed more quickly in an all-English-speaking environment. Additionally, they may receive teaching much more closely targeted to the particular language skills they will need to succeed with their studies.
Even so, a prospective student's IELTS band score is a strong indicator of preparedness for study abroad. Although the IELTS exam is notoriously tricky - enough so that some students with adequate English skills cannot get scores that reflect those skills levels unless they have also taken an IELTS Exam Preparation course - it is also a realistic, if not always fair, measure of skills. IELTS Exam Preparation Course
The Listening Task tests the precise kinds of listening skills students will need to study abroad. The Reading Task, with its severe time limit, is a good indicator of whether a student is ready for the great quantity of reading that he or she will face in a master's or doctoral program. (Even native-language speakers typically have more reading assigned than they can reasonably finish.)
The two parts of the Writing Task reflect the actual types of writing students will have to do in academic settings. Learning how to write a Writing Task 1 report and a Writing Task 2 essay makes any student 'set' for the remainder of their academic writing careers. Students who learn how to write 'the IELTS way' are likely to discover that its formats and styles are ones they will use not only for the remainder of their academic careers but throughout the rest of their lives. The Speaking Task, too - the other one testing self-expression in English - tests real ways foreign students will have to use spoken English in their country of study choice. IELTS Test Preparation Course
So, if you live in an area where you can meet with representatives and agents of the universities to which you seek admission, it is worth inquiring whether there are real alternatives to getting the published band scores before enrolling at that university. But demonstrating that you have the real English-language skills you need to succeed before you begin study abroad is generally a stronger guarantor that you will be able to compete with your fellow students.
View More:- IELTS Academic Test Preparation
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careerturn · 4 years
GMAT Exam Preparation Tips to Ace Your GMAT Exam
GMAT or Graduate Management Admission Test is one of the most recognisable admission tests accepted in the world for aspiring MBA students who want to enroll in a graduate management program. The test streamlines the requirements of the schools by providing a standard test for all applicants. It is recognised, and forms part of the criteria by some 1000+ universities and colleges in different countries. Top Examination Preparation Courses
The admission test is composed of four parts - analytical writing, quantitative, verbal and integrated reasoning and would usually last three hours. The passing average for GMAT takers is 540; however, most business schools, especially the top 5, would be more selective with the students that they accept and would generally accept those with high combined verbal and quantitative scores.
For those who are planning to attend the top business schools or want to enroll in a graduate program, here are some GMAT preparation tips that would help you be more focused and achieve a high GMAT score.
Get to Know GMAT
It is important for test takers to familiarize themselves with how GMAT works. Since GMAT is time bound, it is essential to know the structure of the whole test. IELTS Exam Preparation Course
Prepare for the Exam
Once you familiarise yourself with the structure of GMAT, the next best thing to do is to prepare for the exam. There are two options that test takers can take - do a self-study or enroll in a test preparation center. GMAT exam preparation handbooks are available from universities as well as bookstores, which are more affordable for those who are on a tight budget and want to do a self-study. Another option is to enroll in online testing sites, which is a new and popular way of reviewing since it is more affordable and flexible as well as ideal for those individuals who are working.
During your study or review session, it is best to learn how to take test with constant distractions around you. This would be helpful once you take the test proper as tests are not given simultaneously altogether so there are chances that those arriving for the test might distract the ones who are already taking the test proper. IELTS Test Preparation Course
Don't Waste Time
As mentioned above, GMAT is time bound so it is important that test takers should be conscious of the time they are spending in the tests. A countdown clock is available in all testing centers as personal watches or time clocks are not permitted in the testing center.
Another thing about the test is that it is computer adaptive, meaning that the scores are determined by the answers provided by the test taker. The difficulty level of each question is based on the previous question answered. Remember that difficult questions are worth more than the easy ones and as one cannot review a question or go back, it is best to give more time to the difficult ones than the easy questions.
Visit Here:- GMAT Test Preparation Dubai
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careerturn · 4 years
Achieving an Excellent Result in the IELTS Exam
The IELTS exam is quite challenging for many IELTS candidates. There is plenty of material on the web for improving your IELTS listening skills, but there seems to be a lack of information on some fundamentals for understanding the underlying mechanisms, and even less regarding a more general discussion on what candidates can do to improve their listening.
The IELTS is different. It is a general academically-oriented English test for students across many levels. It makes use of a 0 to 9 marking scheme (from novice to expert user). This particular characteristic makes a difference - one which is felt for the taker and for the evaluator as well. IELTS Exam Preparation Course
Take for example the IELTS listening passage. It is played once only, whereas the CAE listening passage is played twice. This means that developing mapping skills and understanding the idea of triggers and distracters is different - you will need to train your note-taking abilities. 
There are several frequently seen beliefs when it comes to developing IELTS listening skills. Oftentimes people adhere to the idea that accent is the main problem. Although is it a factor and that different accents can complicate matters significantly, there are other more pressing factors. It so happens that when we are comfortable with a speaker, we anticipate and deduce content much more efficiently. This enables us to better acquire a general grasp of the information given. This said, many IELTS candidates developing their IELTS listening skills, unfortunately focus too much on comprehending individual vocabulary, when they should be focusing on meaning at sentence level. This can be a significant problem as a certain overflow of information takes place. IELTS Test Preparation Course
While the candidate contemplates meaning of one word of phrase, segments of the following discourse has been lost. Another pressing issue is that spoken language features some intrinsic characteristics that are quite challenging. Pauses, change of pace, etc. can also lead to difficulties on the part of the listener. 
When preparing for the IELTS, consider the passage a sine wave with highs and lows, the curve building up to the top. Triggers are found as the curve moves upward. On the very top you are likely to find the answer. By means of this analogy, you will understand that your full attention is not always acquired as answers come and go much as the highs and lows of the tide. IELTS Academic Test Preparation
There is of course no easy formula, but here follows some tips to get you going:
Listen to and attempt to comprehend different passages and speakers. Play passages many times. Start by getting the general idea within the passage, then, as you listen again for a second, third and fourth time etc., more and more details will become clear. Practice this consistently, and more information you will be able to grasp the first time you listen. It is an arduous process, but it's the only way. 
Work and study a multitude of topics. The IELTS exam requires you to be comfortable with well over 10 key topics such as IT, environment, career and work, The future, family, money, shopping and many others.
Visit Here - IELTS training for General IELTS
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careerturn · 4 years
IELTS English Exam Preparation Tips
The IELTS exam (Academic Module) tests all the areas of English that you are going to need for studying effectively at University or college. It is the most widely used English test in the world.
The IELTS Speaking Paper tests your oral English abilities in many areas. The proper use of vocabulary, grammar, organization and coherence is included and the speaking activities that get harder as the test progress Keep talking and avoid long pauses. Top Examination Preparation Courses
There are no penalties for talking too much and if your answers are too short the examiner may not be able to assess your speaking abilities properly.
Listen to the questions carefully. The examiner will try to bring out the widest range of language from you including complex sentence structures. The questions asked should guide your choice of grammatical structure you use in your answer. IELTS Exam Preparation Course
Prepare yourself in advance. You will have to answer questions on familiar topics such as your home town, your hobbies, shopping, transport and studying. In addition, be able to express your opinions and likes/dislikes clearly, places you have visited or describe events such as parties you have attended. 
Accuracy is only one of the items tested. If you make a mistake after you have said something then correct it.
In Part 2 you should make sure that you answer all the sub-topics in the bullet point list fully and completely to get higher marks. In addition, never recite a memorized speech. IELTS Test Preparation Course
In Part 3 ask for clarification if you don't understand what the examiner means.
In Part 3 try to use more formal and complex expressions. Try to give general opinions about the topics rather than just your personal views.
Being able to listen in English is essential for success in your university studies and the listening paper includes activities similar to those you will use in your studies such as interacting with other students socially, participating in tutorials and taking notes in lectures. IELTS Academic Test Preparation
Understanding the structure of the listening test (and all the other IELTS papers for that matter) is paramount to gaining a higher grade. By using the techniques below you can be certain to increase your grade by at least 1 point and get the grade you need for your dream course. 
Know and understand the structure of the listening test. There are 4 sections: Section one is a conversation between two people, whilst section 2 is a monologue (usually a telephone message). Use the questions to predict what you are listening for. For instance if the question is "what does Paul think about the student accommodation?" then you have to listen for the male voice. IELTS training for General IELTS
Use the questions to predict what you are listening for. If the question is "what does Paul think about the student accommodation?" then you have to listen for the male voice. Ask yourself what type of information is needed: A verb, a name, a noun or a number?
The best way to prepare for your IELTS exam is by taking an IELTS preparation course which is customized to your exact needs and focuses on the IELTS exam papers that you want to improve most e.g. speaking, listening or writing papers.
  Visit Here - IELTS training for Academic IELTS
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careerturn · 4 years
Tips to Ensure You Are Prepared For Your IELTS Exam
IELTS, International English Language Testing System is an English language competence test that has international recognition. More than a hundred countries and hundreds of universities and institutions accept and recognize the test. If you have a wish to migrate or work in a country where English is the native language, then you might be required to get testes. The test generally assesses listening, writing, reading and even speaking abilities of the English language. IELTS Exam Preparation Course
For those who wish to migrate for work then general training module is what they get but for those wishing to take a course in English the academic module what will be used. Just like any other test, you really want to pass your IELTS. Simply put, you are as ready for the exams as you have prepared. Never assume that you will have an easy time with the test no matter how much you think you are familiar with the language. Below are some helpful tips that can make your exam a success. 
Make a personal effort to improve on your English language proficiency. Allocate enough time to make improvements using all resources possible like manuals and CDs that can help you understand the areas that are examined. IELTS Test Preparation Course
Make a habit of reading English magazines and newspapers and take time to even watch news channels and English movies. To boost your confidence levels make a point of speaking with people who are fluent in the language and be willing to learn.
If you know people who have actually taken and passed the test, seek advice regarding the trends and topics of the exam so you know which areas to focus more on. You can also use past papers and mock tests to get familiar and test how ready you really are for the actual exams. Make sure that you are aware of the current syllabus too, so as to avoid nasty surprises on the day of the exam.  IELTS Academic Test Preparation
Make sure you understand the test format of the IELTS exam. When you know the format, then you will know what to expect and you will have an easier time handling the content of every part of the test. You should also get familiar with the types of questions likely to be asked and know how to best answer them.
Buy OELTS self-study books and other related materials. There are also online preparation resources for the exam that you can use to your advantage so you are completely ready by the time the exam day comes. 
Confirm the start time of the test and the exact location the test will take place a week before. It is also very important to make sure that you know your way to the location so you avoid wasting time on the day of the test. Never assume that you will take the test where you booked for it; the address can be at a very different location so always make the point of confirming first.
 Visit Here - IELTS training for General IELTS
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careerturn · 4 years
Online English and Prepare for the Exam
Ask any student in school and they will tell you that tests are stressful. It is one thing to learn the material but having to demonstrate exactly how much you know by taking a test can be nerve wrecking especially if you are not confident in your knowledge in the first place. It is even more anxiety producing when whether or not you will be able to pursue your goals in life hinge on you getting a good test score. This is how many people facing the IELTS exam feel. If you want to improve your test scores so you can pursue your dreams, then an IELTS online language training program can help prepare you for success.  IELTS training for Academic IELTS
If you want to find a job working for an English company or wish to move to an English speaking state you will need to pass the TOEFL exam. To pass the test you need to learn English rather well, both speaking and writing. The easiest way today, and the most affordable, is to learn English online. We will cover a few things that will help you learn English online and prepare for the TOEFL exam.
IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. It was designed to test your ability to communicate effectively in the English language. A person is usually required to pass this test, or the TOEFL, in order to obtain a VISA or go to school in an English speaking country. Failing this test means putting off your plans until you are able to pass it. An IELTS online language training course can provide you with the skills and confidence you need to make sure you get the score that's going to open up doors for you. OET Test Preparation Dubai
To pass the IELTS exam, you must have a high level understanding of the English language. IELTS online language training will partner you with a native English speaker who will work with you to improve not only your speaking fluency but also your writing abilities and reading comprehension. The teacher will evaluate your current level of mastery and then suggest areas that need to be improved. They will then construct a customized program that focuses on strengthening you in the areas where you are weakest so you can pass the test with confidence.
Using just a TOEFL exam guide will not work to your benefit 100%; your goal is to work for an English company, so you need to increase your overall knowledge of English, which is why you need to prepare for more than just the TOEFL exam. You can learn English online in various ways, you can download free audio, video and text guides or you can opt for an online English language tutor. You need to assess what works for you best and stick with it.
Visit Here - OET Exam Preparation Course
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careerturn · 4 years
IELTS Academic Test Preparation services
Preparing for examinations is one of the hectic things which we do right from our childhood. Growing up doesn’t makes it easier. As we grow up, the demand for study increases and we try harder to get success in the definite examination course.
IELTS exam with a higher band just because they are native speakers To do well you must first practice in order to understand the format of each of the skills tested in the IELTS exam. And what better way to apply all the knowledge gained, than to buy a course of practice tests. Of course, the more of these you complete, the more used to the style of the exam you will be and this will give you confidence to walk into the exam room and obtain the higher IELTS band score you need. OET Test Preparation Dubai
Remember, you can think about the many possible variations of these topics, while you have some free thinking time, for example, on the way to work or college. You can plan your writing and collect useful vocabulary and phrases for the writing topic before you attempt the task. Bear in mind that the more you plan vocabulary, linkers and expressions for the task the more able you will be to pass the IELTS test higher, with a band seven score.
GRE General Test. Each is allotted specific time limit that cannot be exceeded. They are three different papers that have to be attempted within the three hours. OET Exam Preparation Course
Sat which stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test is a type of reasoning Test taken by many Universities and colleges in United States of America. Students of class 11 and 12 give this entrance Test for their College Admissions in the USA. The format of Sat is based on three main Sections or subjects namely – Math, Evidence Based Reading and Writing. Students are given an optional Essay with optimum time of 3 hours and 50 minutes to complete the whole Test.
GMAT or Graduate Management Admission Test is an entrance exam for those who want to do MBA. It is a computer-based test that relates with subjects from Math to Reasoning. The GMAT examination Course analyzes your basic knowledge and critical thinking and abilities to solve problems in very unique ways.
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careerturn · 4 years
Why Taking the IELTS Test Is Beneficial
What advantage do students have by passing the IELTS exam? There are two modules within the IELTS exams. The general level, which will test a student on the English that they need if they are migrating to an English speaking country or if they would like to gain qualifications below an undergraduate degree. The other is the academic level which is targeted at students who need the qualification in order to take a post or undergraduate degree or as part of their professional registration.  SAT Training Institute Dubai
Within either of these two modules are four different components to the IELTS test. Students will be examined on their listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. Students who take the IELTS test will be assessed in bands from 1-9 rather than simply passing or failing the exam. The higher the level a student achieves the higher the qualification they obtain so there is always room to keep improving.
Whichever exam you decide to take depends on what you want to do with the English that you have learnt. For example, you may want a qualification in Cambridge English if you have a child who needs to learn English for school or you may need to get the qualification because you work in the legal or financial sector and need to show prospective employers that you have a qualification which will allow you to practice Law proficiently. Passing a Cambridge English exam will open up a world of opportunities for you, whether it is looking for a job, studying at college or university or being able to interact socially with others.  GMAT Test Preparation Dubai
The first thing that will help you is to start taking English speaking, reading, listening and writing classes. These will help you to prepare efficiently for any of the exams that you will be taking, whether it is the Cambridge English or the IELTS exams. The exams may be structured differently but both will require you to have learnt English to some degree of proficiency. Start looking on the web for practice papers that could help you study for these exams. Learning to recognize the style of questions being asked will be beneficial to you when you take the exams. The most important way to help you prepare is to keep speaking, reading and writing English. The more you practice, the better chance you have to achieve the qualification that you want.
 Visit Here - GRE General Test preparation
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careerturn · 5 years
About Preparation Courses
Now, after all your hard work on the IELTS course, it is almost time to take the IELTS Exam but what people often forget is that even native speakers will not pass the IELTS exam with a higher band just because they are native speakers. To do well you must first practice in order to understand the format of each of the skills tested in the IELTS exam. And what better way to apply all the knowledge gained, than to buy a course of practice tests. Of course, the more of these you complete, the more used to the style of the exam you will be and this will give you confidence to walk into the exam room and obtain the higher IELTS band score you need.
To pass IELTS higher, it is essential that you underpin your classroom learning with some revision and preparation. Preparation tests will build on the work you have already done and increase your efficiency in analyzing the reading texts, so that you can scan for content which will either enable you to insert the subheadings for each paragraph in the text with accuracy and speed or find authors of opinions easily, that you then link to questions about these opinions. Or you can read for specific information rapidly to answer either the comprehension questions or the True, False and Not Given questions more easily. GRE General Test preparation
The listening practice preparation tests focus your attention on note taking and extending your vocabulary, which enables you to complete summaries and answer listening comprehension questions, or link ideas to speakers in chosen conversations.
The writing preparation practice tests will supply lots of ideas in the writing task one and inspire you with opinions in the task two. Remember, you can think about the many possible variations of these topics, while you have some free thinking time, for example, on the way to work or college. You can plan your writing and collect useful vocabulary and phrases for the writing topic before you attempt the task. Bear in mind that the more you plan vocabulary, linkers and expressions for the task the more able you will be to pass the IELTS test higher, with a band seven score. GMAT Test Preparation Dubai
Competitiveness among IELTS coaching centers has increased multifold and success rates in IELTS exam is one of the main criteria for attracting students. On the flip side students got more choices for selecting a good coaching center. Here is a list of main points to identify and select the best coaching center near your place. This will help you in starting you're coaching in a good institution and come out in IELTS exam with flying colors.
GMAT or Graduate Management Admission Test is an entrance exam for those who wants to do MBA. It is a computer-based test that relates with subjects from Math to Reasoning. The GMAT examination Course analyzes your basic knowledge and critical thinking and abilities to solve problems in very unique ways. SAT Training Institute Dubai
Sat which stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test is a type of reasoning Test taken by many Universities and colleges in United States of America. Students of class 11 and 12 give this entrance Test for their College Admissions in the USA. The format of Sat is based on three main Sections or subjects namely – Math, Evidence Based Reading and Writing. Students are given an optional Essay with optimum time of 3 hours and 50 minutes to complete the whole Test.
There are various Examination courses in this whole world and all of them have different criteria and subjects. Some of the noteworthy examination Courses are – The SaTs, GMAT, IES, IIT-JEE, CA. Preparing for this examination courses are not at all a piece of cake as you need to work harder each day and give your 100% at every stage.
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careerturn · 5 years
Top Examination Preparation Courses
Now, after all your hard work on the IELTS course, it is almost time to take the IELTS Exam but what people often forget is that even native speakers will not pass the IELTS exam with a higher band just because they are native speakers. To do well you must first practice in order to understand the format of each of the skills tested in the IELTS exam. And what better way to apply all the knowledge gained, than to buy a course of practice tests. Of course, the more of these you complete, the more used to the style of the exam you will be and this will give you confidence to walk into the exam room and obtain the higher IELTS band score you need. PTE Test Preparation Dubai
To pass IELTS higher, it is essential that you underpin your classroom learning with some revision and preparation. Preparation tests will build on the work you have already done and increase your efficiency in analysing the reading texts, so that you can scan for content which will either enable you to insert the subheadings for each paragraph in the text with accuracy and speed or find authors of opinions easily, that you then link to questions about these opinions. Or you can read for specific information rapidly to answer either the comprehension questions or the True, False and Not Given questions more easily.
In order to pass the reading portion of the exam, test takers will need TOEFL preparation to boost their comprehension skills. A typical test will have essays to read and comprehend. The topics will be academic subjects that are written about in persuasive, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect styles. You'll need to be able to read each essay and answer questions to demonstrate your understanding. PTE Academic Course UAE
Writing skills must also be honed with TOEFL preparation. In a typical exam, you will need to demonstrate your ability to write by reading and listening to passages about a specific subject matter. You will then need to write an essay reflecting on what you've heard and read. It's important that you understand the basic essay format and are able to write competently about the topic. Several individuals for a thorough assessment will grade your paper.
To assure you're able to pass the speaking portion of the TOEFL, preparation will focus on both conversation skills and question answering competencies. In each area, you'll have to integrate your ability to listen, decipher what's being said, and respond accordingly. To be able to speak English fluently, you'll need substantial test prep and practice. TOEFL Exam Preparation Course
You have just spent a considerable amount of money and time on a course that will lead to your achieving a successful band in IELTS. Nowadays, the successful band is at the IELTS higher band range, which begins at band seven. These higher bands are required in the IELTS exam for many professional qualifications, such as in the medical professions and dentistry not to mention academic qualifications, where the IELTS higher band seven is now frequently requested on university courses for MBAs and other postgraduate research courses. A change in Government Visa regulations also means that to gain some entry visas into Britain (and some other English speaking countries) or to extend some existing visas, it is also necessary to prove that you can pass the IELTS exam at the requisite IELTS higher band.
If you can help yourself prepare for your bright and stable future, why not do it? Preparing yourself for an entrance examination is a challenge that you must take on to assure that you will be accepted into the college you have chosen. To do this, you can enroll in any of the test preparation courses offered either online or by review institutions of your choice.
Visit Here - SAT Training Institute Dubai
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careerturn · 5 years
What to Expect From IELTS Courses - And How to Prepare for the IELTS Exam
IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is recognized worldwide as the main English language test for those wishing to study at an English-speaking university. Taking the IELTS examinations is a stressful time for anyone regardless of how good you are at handling pressure.
Passing the IELTS examinations could be the difference between getting into your first choice university or not, it has the power to affect both your immediate and distant future. It is therefore important that you're fully prepared for the examinations in order to maximize your results. No one wants to walk out of the exam room feeling like they might have done better. In order to do as well as possible, you must be prepared. As the saying goes "fail to prepare, prepare to fail". IELTS training for General IELTS
IELTS courses are designed to specifically prepare students for the IELTS examinations. The courses are designed with the examinations in mind and rather than just approaching the English language generally, IELTS courses specifically focus on the skills and tasks that the exam will feature. By studying the specific skills that are required in the exam, you'll have a much better chance of succeeding having already studied the exact concepts which will come up in the exams.
IELTS courses are also designed to benefit students when they have hopefully passed the examinations. The exams are based on the skills that will be required for someone to communicate in English on a daily basis and the IELTS courses reflect this by not only teaching students about English grammar and vocabulary, but also tackling tougher concepts such as English culture. By doing this, they are giving students a better chance of integrating themselves amongst English people and hopefully allowing them to learn quicker in the long run. IELTS training for Academic IELTS
But what else can candidates do aside from take IELTS courses? The first thing that all candidates need to do is understand how the exam is structured and how the questions are likely to be structured. You will feel much more confident if you go into the test knowing the structure of it and knowing how the papers will be laid out. Practice past papers and sample questions which are based on the format of the actual test.
The most important thing to do is to go into the test with high confidence. Candidates should remember that the test is simply designed to ensure that you can speak enough English to survive in an English speaking environment; if you do not pass then it might be for the best. However if you go in there with confidence that you are going to pass and a wealth of preparation there is no reason why you should not exceed even your own expectations.
Visit Here - OET Test Preparation Dubai
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careerturn · 5 years
IELTS Exam Preparation
The IELTS English Examination (International English Language Testing System) is the most widely used English test in the world. There are two streams: Academic and General Training consisting of four papers each: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing.
The Academic Module is used as an entrance test for boarding school, college and university admission worldwide. It is also used by employers and the Government in Hong Kong for job application screening. The General Training module is used mostly for immigration purposes. There are two separate Reading Papers used for each of these modules. This article will concentrate on the Academic Reading Paper. OET Test Preparation Dubai
The IELTS Reading Paper tests your reading skills in many different areas and consists of three reading passages from a variety of sources such as newspapers books and magazines. Although the content is not specialised, the articles are fairly high level. Even though they may be scientific, they are of general interest and you do not need any prior knowledge of the subject to be able to answer the questions. One will probably contain a chart or diagram, and at least one will contain a complex argument
One of the main obstacles is the fact that the articles are quite long (about 900 words each). There is only 1 hour for the whole test, so its impossible to read the articles and understand every unknown word. OET Exam Preparation Course
As with the rest of the IELTS test, you must have a good understanding of the types of questions you have to answer. There are ten types of questions including multiple choice, sentence completion, short answer questions, completing sentences, classifying, yes/no/not given, labeling paragraphs with headings, matching, identifying the location of information, and labeling a diagram or completing a summary.
You should also learn which reading skills you should use to answer each type of question. For instance, if the question requires you to label paragraphs then using skimming to get a general idea of each paragraph is the appropriate skill. For the sentence completion the questions you need to use scanning to get a deeper understanding of the text. PTE Test Preparation Dubai
Like the rest of the papers, the IELTS reading texts get more difficult as your progress through the test. Time is limited so if you cannot answer a question, do not waste time trying to find the answer but just leave it and go on to the next question. You can always come back to it and even guess if needed (there is no penalty for wrong answers).
The words in the test questions will normally be different from the key words in the text. Sometimes the exact words in the question are used in the text but in a different part of the text than which the question refers to in order to trick you. Be very careful when you match words like this.
Understand Paraphrasing: The questions often paraphrase the meaning of a section of text so understand what paraphrasing is and remember to look for these. PTE Academic Course UAE
When answering questions be careful about spelling and grammatical mistakes as these will reduce your marks. Be extra careful with plurals as well. And if the question says "write no more than 3 words" then do not write 4!
The IELTS reading test booklet is designed rather like the listening test but in contrast there is no separate answer sheet. You must write all your answers in the test booklet and there is no extra time at the end to transfer your answers. Be sure to write your answers legibly and if you need to change your answers, indicate clearly which your “final” answer is.
Visit Here - TOEFL Exam Preparation Course
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careerturn · 5 years
What must you look for in IELTS courses?
Are you looking for quality IELTS courses? If so you must look for certain characteristics before making a choice because there are plenty of IELTS preparation courses that promise but do not deliver.
Before enrolling in a particular program you saw online, there are some things you must look for in a tutorial program. Here is a checklist that you can use as a guide to help you find a quality IELTS course:
The first thing you check is the company's experience in teaching English as a second language. There is a difference between tutorial programs that teaches English to students who were born in English speaking countries compared to a non-native speaker. How many years have the tutorial provided English tutorial sessions to non-native speakers? Are the tutors willing to go the extra mile when it comes to tutoring non-native speakers? These are just a few of the questions you ask about the experience of the English tutorial you are eyeing. OET Test Preparation Dubai
Check if all the tutors in the tutorial are certified to teach English as a second language. The tutors maybe experienced and good at what they do, but there is a difference when you get tutoring from a tutor who is licensed to teach English as a second language. Certified teachers know how to customize a program for a student who is a non-native speaker. Always choose a tutorial program that has tutors who are certified.
Look for a program that has good facilities. The facilities are just as important as the teachers and fellow students in a class because it helps create an environment conducive for learning. Check if the room used is clutter-free and organized.
Look for a tutorial program that provides good value for money. Weigh the pros and cons of each tutorial program that you are eyeing to make an informed choice. OET Exam Preparation Course
How do IELTS courses benefit you?
You get plenty of benefits by enrolling in an English tutorial program. One of the benefits of enrolling in a tutorial program is that you get to practice your English with your tutor and fellow students. A language needs to be applied to get the results you are looking for. If you do not speak the language, learning it will be difficult. A tutor pushes you to do your best every time you are in class. You can get the motivation you need to learn the language and apply it as well.
Visit Here - PTE Test Preparation Dubai
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careerturn · 5 years
Exams Preparation
Are you going to study overseas and need to study for the IELTS exam?  The IELTS exam is by many considered to be the hardest English skill exam. I don't think it's necessarily true; as its purpose is as any other language skill test only designed to test your English knowledge. To be sure you are able to successfully complete your courses at universities. PTE Academic Course UAE
Of course there are some preparations that need to be done. You have to refresh your grammar skills. And you have to refresh you vocabulary. But you don't have to memorize several hundred of pages as you would for a normal examination. You only have to prove your abilities to speak, write, listen and read English. There is really nothing more to it. But; you also have to overcome one obstacle that might ruin your IELTS exam. You have to conquer time, as time is your only enemy during this exam.
You might also have to overcome your fear of speaking; yes, I know many are worried about this. Speaking is really easy to do with friends, with family, and even common discussions with your professor or employer; but somehow everything feels so much more difficult when you have to attend interviews, or you have to present a presentation on examinations on English. But the reality is that the spoken part of this exam is just as speaking with a friend; you will only tell some basic background information about yourself. Have a small discussion, and finally a small role play pretending to be someone else. But it's not difficult if you already know how to speak English. Keep in mind they are only testing your English skills, they are not interviewing you on a really important position in a company. The IELTS exam is nothing but a small test in your abilities to understand and use English. Just be yourself. A final advice on speaking is neither to use to simple English; nor to complex English. It doesn't look good if you don't know how to make use of complex words, and it doesn't look good if you stop hesitating and analyzing words to use. You just have to find a balance. TOEFL Exam Preparation Course
The IELTS Speaking task is one many candidates dread the most. Like the IELTS Writing task, it involves self-expression in English. Moreover, it is the only one of the tasks that takes place face-to-face with an examiner. Understandably, that makes many candidates nervous, which can detract from the sense of self-confidence in speaking that is one of the specific skills tested.
To pass IELTS higher, it is essential that you underpin your classroom learning with some revision and preparation. Preparation tests will build on the work you have already done and increase your efficiency in analyzing the reading texts, so that you can scan for content which will either enable you to insert the subheadings for each paragraph in the text with accuracy and speed or find authors of opinions easily, that you then link to questions about these opinions. Or you can read for specific information rapidly to answer either the comprehension questions or the True, False and Not Given questions more easily. Best SAT Test Prep Course
If you finish early, you can always go back and work on questions from earlier readings about which you are unsure. In contrast to our recommendation for the IELTS Listening test, we suggest that you write your answers on the answer sheet as you go along.
Visit Here - SAT Test Preparation Dubai
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careerturn · 5 years
Top Examination Preparation Courses
Preparing for examinations is one of the hectic things which we do right from our childhood. Growing up doesn’t makes it easier. As we grow up, the demand for study increases and we try more harder to get success in the definite examination course. 
Now, after all your hard work on the IELTS course, it is almost time to take the IELTS Exam but what people often forget is that even native speakers will not pass the IELTS exam with a higher band just because they are native speakers. To do well you must first practice in order to understand the format of each of the skills tested in the IELTS exam. And what better way to apply all the knowledge gained, than to buy a course of practice tests. Of course, the more of these you complete, the more used to the style of the exam you will be and this will give you confidence to walk into the exam room and obtain the higher IELTS band score you need. Top Examination Preparation Courses
To pass IELTS higher, it is essential that you underpin your classroom learning with some revision and preparation. Preparation tests will build on the work you have already done and increase your efficiency in analyzing the reading texts, so that you can scan for content which will either enable you to insert the subheadings for each paragraph in the text with accuracy and speed or find authors of opinions easily, that you then link to questions about these opinions. Or you can read for specific information rapidly to answer either the comprehension questions or the True, False and Not Given questions more easily.
Preparing for examinations is one of the hectic things which we do right from our childhood. Growing up doesn’t makes it easier. As we grow up, the demand for study increases and we try more harder to get success in the definite examination course. 
There are various Examination courses in this whole world and all of them have different criteria and subjects. Some of the noteworthy examination Courses are – The SaTs, GMAT, IES, IIT-JEE, CA. Preparing for this examination courses are not at all a piece of cake as you need to work harder each day and give your 100% at every stage. IELTS Exam Preparation Course
GRE General Test is a three hour examination. The test centers are scattered all over the world. It is typically a computer based test in the United States, Canada and other countries, but paper format is also made available in places where the computer is not readily available. The aim of GRE is to test a candidate's verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills.
This does not mean writing for or against the topic, but a logical reasoning has to be drawn form it and has to be presented. These two divisions are designed in a way that examines a student on various parameters like the ability to articulate a complex idea, examine claims and their accompanying evidences, and sustain a well focused coherent discussion. It also judges your capability to support an argument with relevant data, evidence and examples, and how you control the elements of the standard written English. IELTS Test Preparation Course
GMAT or Graduate Management Admission Test is an entrance exam for those who wants to do MBA. It is a computer-based test that relates with subjects from Math to Reasoning. The GMAT examination Course analyzes your basic knowledge and critical thinking and abilities to solve problems in very unique ways.
The writing preparation practice tests will supply lots of ideas in the writing task one and inspire you with opinions in the task two. Remember, you can think about the many possible variations of these topics, while you have some free thinking time, for example, on the way to work or college. You can plan your writing and collect useful vocabulary and phrases for the writing topic before you attempt the task. Bear in mind that the more you plan vocabulary, linker and expressions for the task the more able you will be to pass the IELTS test higher, with a band seven score.
Visit Here - IELTS Academic Test Preparation
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careerturn · 5 years
Top Examination Preparation Courses in UAE
Preparing for examinations is one of the hectic things which we do right from our childhood. Growing up doesn’t makes it easier. As we grow up, the demand for study increases and we try more harder to get success in the definite examination course. 
There are various Examination courses in this whole world and all of them have different criteria and subjects. Some of the noteworthy examination Courses are – The SaTs, GMAT, IES, IIT-JEE, CA. Preparing for this examination courses are not at all a piece of cake as you need to work harder each day and give your 100% at every stage. IELTS Exam Preparation Course
GRE General Test is a three hour examination. The test centers are scattered all over the world. It is typically a computer based test in the United States, Canada and other countries, but paper format is also made available in places where the computer is not readily available. The aim of GRE is to test a candidate's verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills.
There are three major segments in the GRE General Test. Each is allotted specific time limit that cannot be exceeded. They are three different papers that have to be attempted within the three hours.
This does not mean writing for or against the topic, but a logical reasoning has to be drawn form it and has to be presented. These two divisions are designed in a way that examines a student on various parameters like the ability to articulate a complex idea, examine claims and their accompanying evidences, and sustain a well focused coherent discussion. It also judges your capability to support an argument with relevant data, evidence and examples, and how you control the elements of the standard written English. IELTS Test Preparation Course
Now, after all your hard work on the IELTS course, it is almost time to take the IELTS Exam but what people often forget is that even native speakers will not pass the IELTS exam with a higher band just because they are native speakers. To do well you must first practice in order to understand the format of each of the skills tested in the IELTS exam. And what better way to apply all the knowledge gained, than to buy a course of practice tests. Of course, the more of these you complete, the more used to the style of the exam you will be and this will give you confidence to walk into the exam room and obtain the higher IELTS band score you need.
With IELTS courses, you can prepare thoroughly for your next step into the world of English academia, and once you've passed the necessary tests, you will be able to apply for places with a vast array of high education courses, either in a city you've already lived in and fallen in love with, or in somewhere new altogether. After all, there's so much of the UK to explore, you wouldn't want to limit yourself too early on! IELTS Academic Test Preparation
Competitiveness among IELTS coaching centers has increased multifold and success rates in IELTS exam is one of the main criteria for attracting students. On the flip side students got more choices for selecting a good coaching center. Here is a list of main points to identify and select the best coaching center near your place. This will help you in starting you're coaching in a good institution and come out in IELTS exam with flying colors.
Be aware that IELTS courses are specifically for those who wish to prepare for the International English Language Test System, which is purely for academic purposes. This is not a qualification which will be recognized by employers, and you should instead look at other courses if you're trying to boost your career prospects. They are accepted by more than 9000 organizations around the world, and there is a general training program as well if you simply want to improve on your existing English language skills.
Visit Here - IELTS training for General IELTS
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careerturn · 5 years
Academic for Test Preparation
To pass IELTS higher, it is essential that you underpin your classroom learning with some revision and preparation. Preparation tests will build on the work you have already done and increase your efficiency in analysing the reading texts, so that you can scan for content which will either enable you to insert the subheadings for each paragraph in the text with accuracy and speed or find authors of opinions easily, that you then link to questions about these opinions. Or you can read for specific information rapidly to answer either the comprehension questions or the True, False and Not Given questions more easily.
GRE General Test is a three hour examination. The test centers are scattered all over the world. It is typically a computer based test in the United States, Canada and other countries, but paper format is also made available in places where the computer is not readily available. The aim of GRE is to test a candidate's verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills. GMAT Test Preparation Dubai
There are three major segments in the GRE General Test. Each is allotted specific time limit that cannot be exceeded. They are three different papers that have to be attempted within the three hours.
This does not mean writing for or against the topic, but a logical reasoning has to be drawn form it and has to be presented. These two divisions are designed in a way that examines a student on various parameters like the ability to articulate a complex idea, examine claims and their accompanying evidences, and sustain a well focused coherent discussion. It also judges your capability to support an argument with relevant data, evidence and examples, and how you control the elements of the standard written English.
The writing preparation practice tests will supply lots of ideas in the writing task one and inspire you with opinions in the task two. Remember, you can think about the many possible variations of these topics, while you have some free thinking time, for example, on the way to work or college. You can plan your writing and collect useful vocabulary and phrases for the writing topic before you attempt the task. Bear in mind that the more you plan vocabulary, linkers and expressions for the task the more able you will be to pass the IELTS test higher, with a band seven score. Top Examination Preparation Courses
Now, after all your hard work on the IELTS course, it is almost time to take the IELTS Exam but what people often forget is that even native speakers will not pass the IELTS exam with a higher band just because they are native speakers. To do well you must first practice in order to understand the format of each of the skills tested in the IELTS exam. And what better way to apply all the knowledge gained, than to buy a course of practice tests. Of course, the more of these you complete, the more used to the style of the exam you will be and this will give you confidence to walk into the exam room and obtain the higher IELTS band score you need.
The listening practice preparation tests focus your attention on note taking and extending your vocabulary, which enables you to complete summaries and answer listening comprehension questions, or link ideas to speakers in chosen conversations.
The writing preparation practice tests will supply lots of ideas in the writing task one and inspire you with opinions in the task two. Remember, you can think about the many possible variations of these topics, while you have some free thinking time, for example, on the way to work or college. You can plan your writing and collect useful vocabulary and phrases for the writing topic before you attempt the task. Bear in mind that the more you plan vocabulary, linkers and expressions for the task the more able you will be to pass the IELTS test higher, with a band seven score. IELTS Academic Test Preparation
GRE General Test is a three hour examination. The test centers are scattered all over the world. It is typically a computer based test in the United States, Canada and other countries, but paper format is also made available in places where the computer is not readily available. The aim of GRE is to test a candidate's verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills.
This does not mean writing for or against the topic, but a logical reasoning has to be drawn form it and has to be presented. These two divisions are designed in a way that examines a student on various parameters like the ability to articulate a complex idea, examine claims and their accompanying evidences, and sustain a well focused coherent discussion. It also judges your capability to support an argument with relevant data, evidence and examples, and how you control the elements of the standard written English.
Apart from this, the segments have an un-scored section as well that does not determine your score and the time for it excluding the time given for the marked parts of the pare. This is an extra section that has been incorporated recently and should help in deciding, deducting and framing certain criteria in future.
Visit Here - SAT Test Preparation Dubai
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