careshub · 1 year
your kindness is your strength, not your weakness. own who you are. you have a beautiful, brave soul.
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age: eighteen / twenty ; sixteen when in flashbacks
faceclaim: kathryn newton
caroline grew up spending her summers in cousins, building sandcastles with her father and sipping on lemonades with her mother. when she wasn't around her parents, she was seen hanging out with her childhood best friend - whom she'd befriended when she was little -, stefan salvatore. the blonde-haired girl had picture-perfect summers until she didn't. when she was only eleven, shortly after the forbes went back to their hometown, she got the news that her parents were divorcing. it caught her completely off guard, as the adults managed to keep their arguments behind the closed door of their bedroom, and screaming matches when caroline was away at school or cheer camp.
when it came time to choose who she wanted to live with, caroline didn't think twice before picking her dad. the two had always been close, and it was a no-brainer for the pre-teen. however, that meant that summers in cousins were a thing of the past. that caroline was a thing of the past. letting go was hard, especially when she didn't even have a way to explain to her friends why she wasn't coming back next summer, or a phone to keep in touch despite the distance.
years passed and she moved on. caroline settled in her new school; made new friends and even got a boyfriend. she joined the cheerleading squad and soon became captain. life was perfect again. until it wasn't... again. her dad got a boyfriend. said boyfriend had a daughter who was a total nightmare; the two girls couldn't agree to anything and more often enough there were screaming matches that started because of missing shirts and misplaced nail polishes.
at sixteen, caroline found herself moving back with her mother. there was an awkward tension whenever they were in the same room for months following caroline's arrival. the two didn't know how to act around each other anymore, and it was painfully obvious to anyone with a working pair of eyes.
things would soon change, however, when liz informed caroline she'd gotten a job offer. to be the chief of police in cousins. before she knew what was happening, mother and daughter were packing up their belongings and moving to the place caroline longed to spend her summers in since she was eleven. and this time, she wouldn't have to say goodbye when summer was over.
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careshub · 2 years
if he doesn't baby me after he makes me cry on his cock then I don't want it
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careshub · 2 years
“  love conquers all,  ”     aphrodite promised.     “  look at helen and paris.     did they let anything come between them?  ”     “  didn’t they start the trojan war and get thousands of people killed?  ”     “  pfft.     that’s not the point.     follow your heart!  ”
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parents:     william ‘bill’ forbes (father), elizabeth ‘liz’ forbes (adoptive mother), aphrodite (biological mother)
occupation:     cabin counselor and self-entitled head of event planning
caroline forbes found out the truth about her mother when she was twelve years old.     some would say that’s a little early to tell a child they’re adopted, but bill and liz didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.    caroline loved snooping and it didn’t take long for her to find pictures of her father, arms slung around a pretty blonde that most definitely was not her mom.    well, actually, it was.    her biological mother, that is.
her parents sat her down and proceeded to tell her how bill had met a woman when he was younger.    her name was aphrodite and she was like no other woman he’d ever met.    the two hit it off right away and she quickly fell pregnant.    though bill was nervous at the idea of being a father, he was also excited to experience all that with aphrodite.    his world turned upside down when aphrodite handed him a small pink bundle and said she ‘couldn’t do this’ before leaving without further explanation.    having no idea of what to do, bill turned to his childhood best friend, liz.    he told her everything and, surprisingly, she believed him.    unable to let her friend go through it all on his own, liz offered to help.    together, they raised caroline and liz became her mother.
the news of having a literal goddess for a mother was a total shock to caroline, but she managed to go on with her life.    that is, until she was attacked by a sea serpent while out on a beach trip with her parents, when she was only fifteen.    scared of what might happen to their daughter, liz and bill decided to take her to the one place they knew she’d be safe:    camp half-blood.    being the social butterfly that she’d always been, caroline quickly made friends with other campers and bonded with her siblings.    sure, it was a little weird to know she had siblings that were neither bill’s or liz’s kids, but it was nice knowing other people understood what she was going through.
now, three full years have passed since caroline first stepped into camp, and she’s the current counselor of aphrodite’s cabin, as well as the head of event planning - a task she’d taken over without asking either chiron or mr. d beforehand; but since both of them were happy to not have to deal with that, neither complained -.     she’s well-known around camp, with her warm smiles bright blue eyes, and bubbly personality making it impossible for her to go unnoticed.     well... that, and the fact she is aphrodite’s daughter.
amokineses     —     as a daughter of aphrodite, caroline has a level of control over the emotions of love, lust etc, but on a much smaller scale than her mother.
charmspeak     —     caroline’s voice has a mesmerizing effect, capable of influencing the emotions of others or of placing them in her thrall. 
beauty / shapeshifting     —     regardless of how she looks and what she wears, caroline is able to radiate beauty.     which sometimes prevents enemies from willingly attacking her, even as she charges them head-on.     she is also able to change her appearance at will, though she tends not to do that frequently.
infallible vision acuity     —     caroline possesses a level of microscopic vision and is able to see flaws in things that other people cannot.
french fluency     —     as a child of aphrodite, caroline is able to speak french fluently, due to it being the language of love.
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careshub · 2 years
the ground, that’s the dream.     this is reality.     reality sucks.
tws:     mentions of alcoholism, mentions of drug addiction, blood, gore, murder, torture
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aliases:     care, blondie, prisoner 307, karolin kom skaikru, karolin kom speiskru 
age:     17 - 23 (physically), 149 (biologically)
date of birth:     october 10, 2131 
parents:     elizabeth ‘liz’ forbes (deceased, s4) and william ‘bill’ forbes (deceased, s1)
crime:     caught with painkillers hidden under her pillow during a random room inspection
skills:     distraction, guns, knives, archery
affiliation:     ark (formerly), delinquents (formerly), skaikru (formerly), speiskru (currently)
guard elizabeth and councilman bill forbes’s marriage was far from perfect.     maybe it had been at some point, but as years passed and they grew old in a glorified tin can floating in space, they also grew apart.     the only thing that kept them together - other than the fact neither were interested in going through the long process of getting a divorce - was their daughter, caroline.     with sparkling blue eyes, long blonde hair and a captivating smile, she had both of her parents wrapped around her finger ever since she came out of the womb.     sure, she was a handful.     pretty little girl from alpha station, whose parents worked important jobs and spoke to important people, caroline wasn’t the nicest girl on the ark.     but she did love with all of her heart, and oh how did it hurt when her own parents broke it.
her life began spiraling out of control when her father began drinking.     at first, it was barely noticeable.     just an extra tint of pink on his cheeks or a dazed glint in his eyes.     but it quickly was replaced by the stench of alcohol that seemed to stick to him like a second skin.     his behavior changed, too.     gone was the focused and well-opinionated member of the council, replaced by a man who arrived late to meetings, tripping over his own feet and nursing a flash without a hint of shame.     about a week after this happened for the third time, bill got home and announced he was removed from the council.     the very next day, his wife took his spot.
from then on, it only got worse.     caroline saw too much of her drunk of a father, and too little of her workaholic mother.     she threw herself into her studies and spent a lot of time with her friends, because being home was simply not an option.     by being absent, she didn’t notice her father had developed a new addiction.     so when, during an unscheduled room inspection, a guard pulled a bottle of painkillers from under her pillow, caroline couldn’t fathom how it’d ended up there in the first place.     all she knew was that she wasn’t the one who stole and hid it.     she kicked and cried as the guards all but dragged her out of the quarters, screaming that she was innocent and didn’t know who the pills belonged to, but her protests fell on deaf ears.     she was thrown into a cold, dark cell and was forced to wait six months for her eighteenth birthday, when she’d be put on trail to see if she could be pardoned or not.     she knew she wouldn’t be.     the council was floating people from smaller crimes than stealing medication.     she’d die in six months because she was guilty.     guilty of a crime she didn’t commit.
what caroline didn’t know, however, was that during the time she spent in her tiny cell, her father - the one who hid the bottle under his own daughter’s pillow - tried to change chancellor jaha’s mind.     he hoped he’d be able to sway his old friend into pardoning caroline.     it worked... sort of.     five days after bill’s last conversation with jaha and a little over a month before her eighteenth birthday, caroline was sent to earth with the delinquents.
season by season breakdown here
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careshub · 2 years
look like the flower, but be the serpent under’t’.
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timeline:     season one divergent
tws:     mentions of murder, blood, gore (p much anything vampire-y)
when bill and liz decided to get a divorce, caroline didn’t think twice before announcing she wanted to live with her dad.     she’d always been a daddy’s girl and her relationship with her mother had been on freefall ever since she’d told her daughter that she would be divorcing her dad.     so caroline packed her bags and left mystic falls.     being away from her friends was hard, but it also gave her the chance to finally get out of elena’s shadow.     she and her dad moved out to atlanta, georgia, settling in a 
life was good.     caroline had new friends, all fitting into the popular crowd at school, which helped her own reputation.     she’d joined the cheer team and quickly became captain.     she attended parties and planned events.     she truly it had it all.     until one night, when she was on her way home from a party in the woods and something hit her car.     it was dark and she couldn’t see very well, but she was sure the shape she’d seen briefly was not of an animal.     caroline climbed out of her car in a panic, trying to call the police but never managing to speak a word to the person on the line before her phone was snatched out of her grip and she was attacked.
as the life drained out of her, she heard the sound of screeching tires and soon the creature who was sucking the blood out of her body was letting go of her and falling to its knees in agony.     caroline soon followed, and from her spot in the cold, moist cement, she was able to see it   —   her father driving a stake into the creature’s heart.     caroline passed out mere seconds later.
she woke up two days later in the hospital, with her dad sleeping on a very uncomfortable chair next to her.     flashes of what had happened flooded her mind and sent her into a spiral, but thankfully her dad was able to calm her down before a nurse could come in while she screamed about being attacked by a vampire.     explaining to your daughter that vampires were very much real and it was their duty to protect humans from those evil creatures was not easy, especially when said daughter used to have a crush on edward cullen, but bill forbes manages to... eventually.     once caroline is discharged from the hospital, they go back to their house and bill officially begins his daughter’s training.
she thinks about quitting countless times, but something stops her.     maybe it’s not wanting to feel powerless ever again, or maybe it’s simply to spite the other members of her dad’s group, who constantly whispered about how she was too girly to be a good hunter.     but caroline powers through her training, despite sore muscles and constant frustrations.     she kills her first vampire about three months after her training begins and doesn’t stop until she learns about elena’s accident and her parents’ death.
she went back to mystic falls after hearing about elena’s accident but wasn’t planning to stay until people started to get attacked by animals and she grew suspicious of it
she told her dad she’d be moving back permanently until the problem was ‘dealt with’.     in reality, she wanted to prove to him that she was just as good as hunting down vampires as he was
caroline's bubbly and shallow personality is mostly a facade.     though she can be both things, she kicks it up a notch because she knows it’ll be good for her.     no one suspects the dumb blonde, right?
she is never seen without her heart-shaped necklace.     it was a gift from her dad and she makes sure to keep it stuffed with vervain oil to keep vamps out of her mind
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careshub · 2 years
i want a year.     where i don’t have to feel any pain or grief or remorse. 
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timeline:     season six canon divergent
tws:     mentions of murder, blood, gore (p much anything vampire-y), nsfw
unwilling to cope with the death of her mother, caroline flips her humanity switch.     but she knows better than to think her friends will simply let her live her life the way she wants to; so, after snapping elena’s neck in her living room, she packs her bags and gets the hell out of mystic falls before anyone can notice she’s gone.     caroline decides to celebrate her freedom with a roadtrip.     she drives around aimlessly, stopping by every city that catches her eye or when she decides to sate her hunger straight from someone’s vein instead of sipping on a blood bag.
her diet was 70% blood bag (b+ always duh) & 30% vein until she slipped up and ended up killing a student in new york.     after that, caroline ditches blood bags completely unless she’s on the road and doesn’t feel like stopping.     she feeds on humans, targeting douche-y dudes whom she doesn’t mind killing if they get too handsy.
even when she switches to vein blood, she doesn’t lose control.     caroline has remarkable self-control and doesn’t spiral when she catches a whiff of blood or anything like that.     however, when she goes on a rampage, it’s deadly.     she doesn’t care about who she kills, or when she kills.     it’s all a game to her and she loves it.
she stops by big cities like new york, los angeles, miami, and new orleans, as well as small towns when she feels like she needs a change in scenery.
caroline doesn’t stay in one place for more than a month.     two, if she finds something or someone to properly occupy her time.
sometimes she picks up bartending gigs, only to end up singing instead bc it’s way more fun than mixing drinks.
oh, and she kisses girls bc Hot.
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careshub · 2 years
Do you think your pull out game would be as strong with my legs wrapped around you and me whimpering in your ear, begging you to cum inside me? 🥹
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careshub · 2 years
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hi, hello, welcome to CARESHUB! tbh this is just a place for me to keep all of my verses descriptions, as well as reblog nsfw musing and other random stuff i find relatable for ms. forbes. if you need me, feel free to reach me over at @forbaes
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