carishio-blog · 7 years
Because Ladybug is more pure and lovable anyways :3
why ladybug for the super au when you can white rose?
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carishio-blog · 7 years
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Hey RWBY Fandom I just wanted to remind you guys that we're still all fans of the same show and just because someone doesn't like your ship, no matter how popular it is, doesn't mean you should treat them like garbage for it. If you want your opinions accepted, you need to be able to accept others and listen with an open mind. I thought this picture accurately describes this dumb shipping war so have it. Hopefully people see this and reblog it because I think this is pretty important
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carishio-blog · 7 years
PREACH IT 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
whoop there it is... I guess the bees won't grill you for saying that the laser pointer was racist because IRL people use laser pointers to get someone's attention its not racist. (poor smarterthanthoust)
I’m not sure if you’re insulting me or the bees.
But in the context of the RWBYverse, where Faunus are viewed by some as animals and belittled, hated, killed and discriminated against due to their animal traits, I would say using a laser pointer to not only have get a faunuses  attention and then have them chase it, is incredibly racist.
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And that isn’t even the only time in the canon show that they treat Blake’s faunus heritage as a joke.
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Being afraid of Zwei, cuz lol catz are afraid of dogz.
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Loving tuna, cuz cats luv fish lol.
Or the mess that is Chibi where they treat it even worse. Where Yang, fully aware that it bothers Blake and just thinks its funny, gets her stereotypical cat toys.
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And lol, gotta have a cat in a box joke.
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And just the constant beating a dead horse of the Blake is afraid of Zwei joke.
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And using her heritage as a punchline for so many jokes.
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This got a little off topc but yes I would say its racist, and it doesn’t invalidate the point that Yang has been blatantly racist to Blake in both canon and Chibi and its never addressed and Yang never gets any hate for it while there are people who still want Weiss’ head on a stick for her racist views in vol1, even though shes grown past that and her dealing with her incorrect world view is a part of her character arc.
Tldr, rt should stop treating Blake’s heritage as a joke when they’re trying to write a serious show about discrimination, and need to stop having Yang treat Blake like shes a literal cat.
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carishio-blog · 7 years
After seeing this soundtrack I lack the motivation to even ship my ships anymore... Can't the rare pairs just win once?
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carishio-blog · 7 years
Glad I'm not the only one...
When you’ve had a long day at work, haven’t eaten all day, had a nazi customer, and come home to see your notps have been baited via the soundtrack.
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carishio-blog · 7 years
Probably no RWBY art challenge from me... Don't really think my art is even worth posting at this point. I would change it around to maybe make it a writing thing, but considering how well my Qrow post went I think I'll pass...
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carishio-blog · 7 years
Wow it's been a while since I posted here 😅 So hey guys! It's me! I'm... back-ish I guess? I sorta just disappeared on all of you without any real warning so I guess I should explain myself! So I guess the best place to start is around the time of the last release of a chapter for "Two Silvers". A couple of days after I released it I ended up breaking up with my girlfriend after being in a relationship for four months. We were really good friends before, and I wanted to stay friends after it, but it wasn't really in the cards so to say. Around that time as well it was approaching the end of my senior year of high school (only a few more days!), and I was trying my best to really finish strong. Around this time however allergy season hit really hard as well, basically throwing me into a pretty bad mood to go along with my ailments. While trying to write Chapter 3, I got really upset at myself for the lack of ideas I had for it and constantly criticized my writing. I was angry at myself and started putting myself in really bad moods. To top it off, I started going through some problems in real life that worsened it. I started feeling a sense that I didn't matter to people and was always ignored, which is something I've struggled with my entire life really... I've always felt this sense of being in the shadows of others and never really feeling like I mattered. I've been in friend groups where this was the case and it never really helped my self esteem over time. I struggle with it in general so none of this really helped... After a while of talking with some really close friend, they were doing their best to get me back in the swing of things, and for the most part is actually helping! A good friend of mine introduced me to Persona 4 on the Vita, and even though this will sound corny and cheesy, it's really helping me feel a lot better about where I am... The game itself has some very enjoyable characters (so far Youske might be my favorite), and just really having some connections in the game and making friends in there is giving me some time to really feel better about myself. I'm not far in, but I'm certainly grinding things out and hoping to finish it soon! Besides that, Samurai Jack has been helping as well! It's a show I hold so near and dear to my heart and going through it and watching all of Season 5 really helped too. I watched most of it with my dad and we had an enjoyable time rewatching the whole thing. Little things like this really helped me out in the long run, and I'm really starting to feel happy again. So, what does that mean for "Two Silvers"? Well it means I'm going to get back to writing it! I have a new plan for Chapter 3, and this one is going to be taking it a little easy just so I can get back into the groove of things. I want to put out amazing content that you all will enjoy, so it starts with me getting my mojo back. Aside from that, I might dabble in a couple of other fandoms and write fics, but that most likely will come later in time. Art might return too, but that'll also take some time (RWBY drawing challenge maybe???) Anyways, that's all I got for now... if you stayed along for the ride thank you... I know it took some time, but I'm back, hopefully... I love you guys for sticking around, and I'll keep y'all updated with more stuff soon
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carishio-blog · 7 years
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Here it is!
Thanks for 24k followers guys, hope you all have someone to softly remind you that you’re special
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carishio-blog · 7 years
Ah yes my favorite fight :3
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top 15 rwby fights - as voted by my followers
#4. Qrow Branwen vs Tyrian Callows
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carishio-blog · 7 years
More of it ❤️🖤
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i can draw other ships too yknow and this is adorbzzsiwbwi
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carishio-blog · 7 years
Been experiencing a lot of negativity and bad thoughts recently, so here's some Ladybug to hopefully cheer me up and anyone else who needs it ^-^ ❤️🖤
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- As a girl, I wanted to be just like those heroes in the books… Someone who fought for what was right, and protected people who couldn’t protect themselves! - That’s… very ambitious for a child. Unfortunately, the real world isn’t the same as a fairy tale. - Well, that’s why we’re here! To make it better.
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carishio-blog · 7 years
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“There’s really no stopping you…” “Nope!”
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carishio-blog · 7 years
Great mom 10/10
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carishio-blog · 7 years
Still the one comic that gets me every time I look at it :')
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I’m such a Widowtracer trash, while everyone is celebrating I draw this 
Happy Holiday!?
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carishio-blog · 7 years
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tfw ur cat gf keeps giving u bedroom eyes
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carishio-blog · 7 years
Franziska ya friggin nerd
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carishio-blog · 7 years
send me a character & I’ll answer the following about them!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life  hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff best quality: worst quality:  ship them with:  brotp them with:  needs to stay away from: misc. thoughts: 
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