carrots-and-lady-gaga · 6 months
I realise a lot of girl’s Gay Awakenings was kiera knightly or kristen stewart which is cool phenomena tbh but I’m rlly interested in other Gay Awakenings like for example mine was morena baccarin in firefly and also gemma artenton in st trinians. CALLING ALL GAYS (boys and nb babes included)!! reblog with ur non kiera/k-stew Gay Awakening!!!
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carrots-and-lady-gaga · 7 months
just found out my uncle’s frat brother was Eric Kripke.
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Lol, here’s a fun one: if you had been born in the medieval era and without access to modern medicine, how long would you have lived? If I managed to survive being born (unlikely) I would have died at age 22 from appendicitis :) hbu?
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Me @ us:
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If you call pedophilia a kink please unfollow me and never talk to me again
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response to gal gadot
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Okay, no, you know what. This is not good enough. I’ll tell you why.
Your country is at war because your country’s military has chosen to colonize Palestine. Your country is at war because your country’s police (funded and trained by the American taxes you pay) has been brutalizing Palestinian people, including children, most recently on the most holy night of the most holy month for Muslims at one of the most sacred sites in the Islamic faith. your country is at war because it is trying to uproot, remove, and cleanse Palestinian land of Palestinians. 
This vicious cycle began when the British gave up their mandate on the Israel-Palestine region in 1947 and handed the problem to the United Nations, who proposed the original two-state solution, which, now that I’m looking at that map, does not seem unreasonable. The Jewish Palestinian leadership at the time agreed. Yes, later the armies of the surrounding Arab nations invaded the region but, they were unsuccessful in their efforts to reclaim the land that is today known as Israel, because by the end of the 1987 war with Egypt, borders had been drawn that, again, allowed for Palestinian sovereignty over the West Bank and the Gaza strip. 
The problem began after Egypt and Jordan recognized Israel and its borders. That, Ms. Gadot, is when your people, massively aided by Americans, started occupying The West Bank. Today, it is no longer a Palestinian territory. Palestine is, technically speaking, considered a de jure sovereign state. Do you know what that means? It means it is considered a state presiding over territory that it does not actually have jurisdiction over. That’s what your people have made of the West Bank.
I am genuinely livid seeing that you are trying to reaffirm that “Israel deserves to live as a free and safe nation,” as if it needs reaffirming. Israel is so free a nation that it has been displacing, brutalizing and slaughtering Palestinians in their own home for decades, and it is so safe that it is capable of doing so and continuing to do so without consequences because of its Western alliances, who, for all their talk of a two-state solution, do not even recognize Palestine because it would violate their diplomatic agreements with Israel. Israel is the warden, not the inmate. It is free as a bird, and safer than you are, coddled by the wealth you have earned in the country that funds Israel’s success in ethnic cleansing.
As for your leaders, I have little to say except that you of all people need not worry. It is not your interests they are going against. It is not your people they will continue to kill. It not your nation that has crumbled like dust, and is burning while the world watches, uncaring. Your leaders are with you, and your peace is promised.
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lord give me the confidence and thighs of taylor swift during rep tour
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Reblog if you’re a student actively ignoring an assignment
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01x01 – What Happened
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somehow I got 95/20 on an assignment
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I hope they never fix it and leave it this way forever
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tbh on some level i hate being an afab demigirl because technically i'm trans but i don't feel trans enough? like it doesn't feel like the word trans applies to me? so many posts about trans people focus on those who are mtf or ftm or nonbinary, but because i'm still okay with my femininity as to how i'm perceived, how i look and how i dress, i feel like an imposter. but on another level I'm not sure if i wanna use the word trans to describe myself? not because it's a bad or dirty word but because i dunno if it fits.
so here's a shoutout to all the trans people who don't feel "trans enough", the trans people who don't feel like they're allowed to use the term or just don't wanna, the trans people that pass without trying because their identity can fly under the radar, whether they like it or not. y'all rock.
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they make aphrodite appear as a different actor/actress in every scene and one time it’s logan lerman
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can you believe this is the same person.
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‪starting to think one direction: this is us (2013) might not win best picture at the oscars ‬
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good day besties what colour is this
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