carryon-anon-fest · 3 years
By @urban-sith
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At a dinner party with friends, Penny, Shepard, and Agatha come clean about their relationship…and about where Agatha’s been living all this time.
Rating: T
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carryon-anon-fest · 3 years
about the ao3 prompt meme thingy (didnt notice i was on anon before sorryy): you can check it out on ao3's faq (site map > about the Archive of Our Own > arquive FAQ > Prompt Meme or Tutorial: Running a Prompt Meme on AO3)! im also a "fest novice" lol and i bumped into it as i was looking for stuff for a prompt fest im planning. so i didnt know if the mods from the event thought it was easier to do everything by themselves (so ao3 wasnt a great option) or if you just didnt know about it!
Oh hi friend! Thanks, this is super helpful! It certainly sounds like it would make things easier and I'm glad we know about it now for future rounds 💖
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carryon-anon-fest · 3 years
sorry if youve answered this already, but why don't you use ao3's prompt meme function for the fest?
Haha, that would be because I've never heard of it and I don't think my fellow mods have either because they never mentioned it. What does it do? 👀
Forgive us, we are fest novices and definitely open to helpful suggestions 💖
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carryon-anon-fest · 3 years
are your guys planning a second round? will it only be next year?
Hello anon and thanks for the ask! We would love to do another round! This could be really fun as an annual event ☺️
However, the same mods that set this all up for 2021 will not all be available to run it this coming winter/spring, and it's a lot for one or two people to do alone on top of work and school and family responsibilities and personal writing and such. But if there is another volunteer or two to help divide up the work, we can start planning for a 2022 fest, or maybe even a late 2021 flash round or something, depending on interest.
If you or anyone you know is interested in being a mod, send us an ask here or DM mod @gampyre and we can talk about coordinating another anon event 💖
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carryon-anon-fest · 3 years
A reblog because all fics and art are now revealed!! I'm not going to redo this whole post to add creator names, but you can click on the AO3 links to see who made what, or have a scroll down the fest blog for all the individual reveal posts ☺️
A huge thank you to all of you!! To the creators for all the work you put in to these AMAZING pieces, and to the readers, viewers, and rebloggers for your enthusiasm and encouragement 💖
Here is the list of prompts from this year—feel free to use them as ideas! If you do use one, go ahead and tag us even though it's not anonymous anymore, so we can share with followers and the people who sent in those prompts will hopefully get to see it!
Prompts List 2021
We would love this to become a regularly occurring event, and have had a few requests to make that happen! We just need some volunteers to help run it next year. DM me @gampyre or send an ask to this blog if you're interested!
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I Just Wanna Dance With You (G)
The Prom AU
Firebreathing Simon (G)
Make A Wish (G)
The Best Laid Plans of Magazines and Men (T)
Helping Baz learn to flirt with Simon in a healthy way seemed like a brilliant idea. Unfortunately, Dev and Niall's plans and their friend's capabilities are a bit of a mismatch. 'A bit' being an egregious understatement. Hilarity, predictably, ensues.
Craziest Season (T)
Baz is bringing Simon home for Christmas this year, so he can finally meet his family. The catch? Baz is not out to any of them yet, contrary to what Simon originally believed. They end up pretending to be just roommates, but it's fine, really. It's only for five days. What can possibly go wrong in only five days? (Everything, apparently.)
When We Fight We Fight Like Lions (But Then We Love and Feel the Truth) (T)
Simon and Baz are secret agents, working for W.A.T.F.O.R.D (the Worldwide Agency for Threat Flagging Operations, Reconnaissance and Defence) They have to go on their biggest mission yet, to infiltrate a top-secret weapons convention. The only problem is, they have to do it under the cover of a newly-wed couple...
The One My Soul Loves (T)
The “Worst Chosen One” has a gift for technology. What if that had been encouraged instead? This time, he and Penny stop the Humdrum before eighth year. Simon finally has time for his dream project: a soulmate finder app. Others find love, but Simon’s match won’t download the app. Can he find peace with this? Why is Baz acting strange? What will happen when an unhappy user curses Simon, driving up the stakes to find his soulmate?
Classroom Politics (T)
At twenty-five, Simon Snow’s life is finally on the up. He’s got his magic back, people listen to him, and he can draw the Sword of Mages. A lot of people think he should lead the Coven. But not everyone. The Old Families still see Simon as their enemy and they’re quite willing to quote obscure magickal law to stop him ascending to Mage. Simon’s never backed down from a challenge, though, or let anyone stop him doing what he needs to do. He’s not starting now. Even if it means going back to school.
However Souls Are Made (Ours Are the Same) (T)
Fiona wants to come out and shock her parents, so she enlists Ebb to help. Ebb agrees to fake-date Fiona for the hols—they're best friends, aren't they? She can help Fiona out a bit. Except Ebb has been half in love for years and Fiona is plotting, as is the Pitch way.
Why We're No Longer Allowed to Do Boardgame Nights (T)
After a disaster on the night of 2 February 2019, I have decided to conduct a report to look into a case that ended horribly, after starting as a simple boardgame night. This report is constructed entirely of witness statements. Let’s begin. (Aka, The Gang decide to have a night of Monopoly, Twister and other such things, and it goes tits up)
The Kind of Love I Want (G)
An awkward conversation between Simon and Agatha leads to new revelations and a friendship reborn.
Happier Memories (G)
In which Simon decides to plan, and Baz decides to do something impulsive.
Here, Kitty-Kitty... (G)
Simon adopts a cat. Baz pretends to hate him. It's probably safer for everyone this way...
In the Middle (T)
Simon should be overjoyed at his Penelope's engagement, the second of his sisters to be so fortunate, but all he can think about is Mr Grimm-Pitch. He fears he has ruined the greatest chance of happiness he could ever have hoped for.
Today Is Tomorrow (T)
Simon Snow's having the worst day of his life... over and over and over again.
Mirror, Mirror (T)
For all the Mage's claims that Simon Snow was the World of Mages' prophesied savior, the Humdrum certainly wasn't the only danger their world faced and Simon certainly wouldn't save the world alone.
The Coolest Part (By Far) (G)
When Penny leaves for a study trip, Simon and Baz are left all alone. And who can blame them for getting a kitten? In their defense, they were left unsupervised.
Hallmark Presents: Amid the Winter's Snow (T)
Big city businessman Baz Pitch just wants to get the promotion he's been gunning for. When he travels to his quaint hometown for Christmas, he (literally) runs into the most handsome man he's ever seen and ruins his day. Thus begins the animosity of a lifetime as the town prepares for the annual Christmas Eve Ball. Baz never asked for love. And he definitely never asked to discover the True Meaning of Christmas.
How I Find Myself Without You (T)
At a dinner party with friends, Penny, Shepard, and Agatha come clean about their relationship...and about where Agatha's been living all this time.
If You Wanna Be My Lover (T)
It's the week before graduation, and former roommates Simon and Baz run into each other at a particularly lively karaoke night. In between terrible renditions of "Brown-Eyed Girl" and "Mr. Brightside," they just might begin to realize what it is that they really really want.
So Close, We've Always Been (E)
Simon Snow has worked in security for most of his life, having dealt with some of the most difficult clients. None has come as close to being as frustrating as Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch. The man is stuck-up, arrogant, and a complete arsehole. He's rude, careless, and Simon really should have quit months ago. Until there's something more that keeps him by Baz's side... Namely him being the best shag Simon's ever had. He may insist that the nights with Baz mean nothing, but not even he can prevent the feelings that start to flicker beneath the sheets.
Hard to Get (M)
Dev needs a favour. Baz agrees despite his better judgment. Because it really wouldn't matter to anyone, especially not to Simon Snow Salisbury. Or would it?
Kiss Him, Then Go. (E)
Tomorrow morning, Simon Snow will face his lifelong nemesis on the battlefield. But tonight, he sneaks into the Pitch family compound, and seeks out his former roommate.
Feed Me I Live (Drink I Die) (M)
Off the sofa, out of the flat. That's Baz's only goal when he brings Simon along with him to a house Fiona discovered on her vampire hunt across the country. There was only supposed to be books there. Baz knows books. Simon knows how hungry creatures grow.
Midlife Crisis (E)
Following his midlife crisis, Baz finds himself in the middle of the countryside. It’s plenty annoying as it is, without the trouble of him meeting the local constable Simon Snow, whom he somehow finds attractive. But that is only due to the bloody fresh air, right? Not in one hundred years would Baz fall for someone like him.
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carryon-anon-fest · 3 years
By doodleishere
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At a dinner party with friends, Penny, Shepard, and Agatha come clean about their relationship…and about where Agatha’s been living all this time.
Rating: T
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carryon-anon-fest · 3 years
By @seducing-a-vampire
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It’s the week before graduation, and former roommates Simon and Baz run into each other at a particularly lively karaoke night. In between terrible renditions of “Brown-Eyed Girl” and “Mr. Brightside,” they just might begin to realize what it is that they really really want.
Rating: T
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carryon-anon-fest · 3 years
By @mybluebucketofsnow
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Read on AO3 here!
Following his midlife crisis, Baz finds himself in the middle of the countryside. It’s plenty annoying as it is, without the trouble of him meeting the local constable Simon Snow, whom he somehow finds attractive. But that is only due to the bloody fresh air, right? Not in one hundred years would Baz fall for someone like him.
Rating: E
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carryon-anon-fest · 3 years
By fel24601
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Read on AO3 here!
Big city businessman Baz Pitch just wants to get the promotion he’s been gunning for. When he travels to his quaint hometown for Christmas, he (literally) runs into the most handsome man he’s ever seen and ruins his day. Thus begins the animosity of a lifetime as the town prepares for the annual Christmas Eve Ball. Baz never asked for love. And he definitely never asked to discover the True Meaning of Christmas.
Rating: T
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carryon-anon-fest · 3 years
By second-to-write
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[ART] View on AO3 here!
Rating: G
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carryon-anon-fest · 3 years
By simonspeaks
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Read on AO3 here!
When Penny leaves for a study trip, Simon and Baz are left all alone. And who can blame them for getting a kitten? In their defense, they were left unsupervised.
Rating: G
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carryon-anon-fest · 3 years
By @maraudersmapquest
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Read on AO3 here!
For all the Mage's claims that Simon Snow was the World of Mages' prophesied savior, the Humdrum certainly wasn't the only danger their world faced and Simon certainly wouldn't save the world alone.
Rating: T
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carryon-anon-fest · 3 years
By @snowybank
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Simon Snow's having the worst day of his life... over and over and over again.
Rating: T
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carryon-anon-fest · 3 years
By @stillmadaboutpetra
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Read on AO3 here!
Off the sofa, out of the flat. That's Baz's only goal when he brings Simon along with him to a house Fiona discovered on her vampire hunt across the country. There was only supposed to be books there. Baz knows books.
Simon knows how hungry creatures grow.
Rating: M
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carryon-anon-fest · 3 years
By maddy_does (favefangirl)
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Read on AO3 here!
Simon should be overjoyed at his Penelope's engagement, the second of his sisters to be so fortunate, but all he can think about is Mr Grimm-Pitch. He fears he has ruined the greatest chance of happiness he could ever have hoped for.
A Pride & Prejudice AU.
Rating: T
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carryon-anon-fest · 3 years
By parrishesforlife
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[ART] View on AO3 here!
Rating: G
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carryon-anon-fest · 3 years
By @nonbaznary
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Simon adopts a cat. Baz pretends to hate him. It's probably safer for everyone this way...
Rating: G
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