cartercastillo-blog · 7 years
“Don’t you laugh, that book easily could have done some serious damage if I had been forced to use it.” It likely couldn’t have in her hands, not really, but she wasn’t going to say that out loud; it wasn’t as if she needed to look any more helpless in his eyes. And giving Carter the satisfaction of being right? Fat chance. She’d deny it to her grave. “What else was there anyway? It was either taking my chances with the hardcover or running and we both know how that would have ended.”
“Hey now, you didn’t even give me a chance to say thank you! And besides, I said I was glad to see you.” Her eyes lit up when he pulled out the hot chocolate, which quickly served as a blunt reminder of just how cold the library had become since the power cut out. Her coat was doing a decent job so she had hardly noticed until then. “Pity, but I’ll survive. You need it more than I do anyways, you’re the one that’s been outside in all of that.” She gestured wildly towards the door, finally allowing herself a glance at the madness outside. Why he made the trek just to get her was beyond her, but she certainly did appreciate it.
Arguing that she wasn’t able to leave until her shift was technically over would be useless with him, not with someone as stubborn as him. Sparing herself the struggled, she instead playfully cut her eyes at him as she walked back to her desk to fetch the keys. Slipping her hands into her pockets in effort to warm them up a bit before having to lock the doors behind them on their way out, she turned her attention back over to him. “Seriously though, thank you.”
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He held up his hands in surrender and tried to wipe the smirk off his face. It didn’t work and the smile was evident in his tone. “I would never laugh at you... Not even when you remind me of angry little cartoon squirrels.” There it was, his teasing smile back in full force. Carter wasted no time making himself at home, perching on top of the nearest table. He was ready to the look Josie would no doubt give him and he was also ready to ignore it.
Carter unscrewed the lid on the flask and pored some of the hot chocolate into the dicky little cup that accompanied it. While he was tempted to take a swig out of the thing in front of her, he refrained and instead held the cup out to Jo. “Shut up and drink up. You yourself are gonna need to get warm if we’re gonna brave that.” He gestured with his head towards the door. It was bitterly cold and while yes, he could hardly feel his fingertips, he wasn’t about to let Josie know. All she’d do was mother him. “Besides... I figure I could just burn some books if I get really cold. I know some of them boring ones would make for good bonfire material.”
As she thanked him, all he could do was shrug. What was he going to do? Just leave her to suffer in the cold with nothing but books to keep her company? Carter couldn’t think of anything worse. “I figured you might need an escort back home. That storm’s pretty bad and I don’t think your little legs could power through, to be honest. We all could’ve woken up to a little Josie-sized snowman.”
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cartercastillo-blog · 7 years
a fun and interesting fact about me is that im a fucking idiot
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cartercastillo-blog · 7 years
Why she agreed to work on a night that no one in their right mind would be out and about, let alone bothering to visit the public library, Josephine had no idea. Apparently it was ‘bad for business’ to close, so there she was, with nothing but the books and her thoughts for company. Though she knew there were other miserable saps scattered throughout town working through the storm, she found herself feeling so isolated. The occasional flickering of the lights and the large, otherwise empty building set her on edge. 
Not five minutes later and the power went out. What was the worst thing that could happen? Well… The sound of the bells on the front door jingling as someone frantically shuffled inside startled her to the point of her grabbing the nearest book as a weapon. A pathetic attempt at defending herself faltered when Carter, covered in snow, rounded the corner. Emitting a relieved sigh when he came into view, she quickly discarded the book and sat the flashlight upright so she needn’t hold it. “Not that I’m not thrilled to see you, because I am…What the hell are you doing out? You should be safe at home!”
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He was just chilling at Georgie’s when the power went out on their side of town and while he was content with kicking it in the dark, there was a little voice in the back of his mind.It sounded suspiciously like his mother and all it was doing was worrying about Josie. He knew she was at the library... at least, he hoped she was still there. The rational (while small) part part of his brain knew she wouldn’t be so stupid to brave the storm just to get home and that she loved the library more than life itself but still, Carter worried. He relayed this information to Georgie and no longer than five minutes later, he had his coat back on and was armed with a thermos and a walkie talkie. This was a rescue mission of the highest caliber; saving Jo from the dank library to the Wilmington house. 
So, on he trudged. Through the storm and awful conditions, just to get to the damn library. He figured he might burn a few books before he left; he’d need to start a fire to get warm again. The trek seemed to go on forever, until finally he’d made it. Carter scurried in, shaking all the snow off himself once he was safely inside... only to be met with his best friend holding onto a book for dear life.
He laughed at her, he couldn’t help it. “I brave storms and sickness just to save you and this is the kind of greeting I get? Wow.” Carter dramatically shook his head at Jo before reaching into his backpack to receive the thermos. “I guess I won’t be sharing any of this with you then.” he teased. “Come on kid, we’re blowing this popsicle stand.” Literally. With the temperature in the library, Carter was surprised that she wasn’t already an ice cube.
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cartercastillo-blog · 7 years
A quiet chuckle bubbled from Troy’s throat as someone asked if he was okay. No, he really wasn't but no one said something like that out loud. He peered through his long hair up at Carter when he joked about piggies then nodded and turned back to his shoes. “I know, dude. I’m trying to fix that as fast as I can.” He started to put on his second shoe and then answered Carter’s question. “I’m fine though, I’m chill,” he joked lamely. Since Carter was already standing there though… now that Troy had both shoes on he reached a hand out towards the other man for help standing up. 
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Troy’s hand reached out and Carter grabbed it without a second thought, helping hoist the other man up. He had to nod in appreciation at Troy’s joke, lame as it may be; it was still good. Carter didn’t exactly know him well enough, only vaguely recognising him from before he’d left. Not well enough to really ask how he was doing. Instead he opted for a “What the hell are you doing out here in that?” Troy’s thin shirt was enough to make Carter shiver and he stuffed his hands in his coat pockets for good measure. 
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cartercastillo-blog · 7 years
Of course, Carter would be the one to find her, it was almost as if she sometimes believed him to be behind some of her many clumsy moments, despite knowing it to be highly impossible MOST of the time. “ You’re not meant to be laughing, what if I’d broken someone?” she scoffed, cheeks flaring a dark red. “ OR fell on top of a tiny bird and KILLED it?” now she was being dramatic. Rowan let out another heavy breath, annoyance clear in her entire demeanor as she pushed herself off the ground on her own. “ I can help myself, I’m not that incapable.” She insisted, glancing over to see if the library was still open. 
“ Next time, it’ll be you.” She warned, now flashing a sheepish smile, brushing the slushy mess off once she was upright. “ I hear karma comes for us all.” 
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As Rowan ignored his hand and pushed herself up, he couldn’t help roll his eyes. He was damned if he tried to the right thing and he was damned if he was laughing at her. He figured he may as well just have fun and tease her a little more. “If you had killed a bird by landing on it, I’d be impressed.” he told her earnestly. “And if you’d actually broken a bone, I would’ve just laughed behind your back.” Carter followed he gaze and saw she was looking at the library. Gross. He spent enough time there when he visited Jo; he didn’t need to see it on a day that he didn’t plan to annoy her. His head swung back round to look at Rowan and he couldn’t help but grin. “I figure you’re right. Shit, karma’s probably got a target on my back the size of...” he trailed off, thinking. “Well, it’s big I reckon. I guess you’ll just have to wait and see what it has in store for me.”
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cartercastillo-blog · 7 years
⛪️- Does your muse enjoy attending churches they don’t belong to?
What kind of question is this? He hardly attends the church he belongs to, let alone one he doesn’t. His religion is gaming and Pacman is his god.
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cartercastillo-blog · 7 years
🎐- Does your muse like to collect/hoard anything?
He collects a few things, specifically baseball cards. He keeps them all in a shoebox under his bed. Carter also hoards mixtapes. He’s constantly making them for himself or his friends and there’s always cassette tapes littering his floor.
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cartercastillo-blog · 7 years
She had been sitting by candlelight suddenly understanding what it must’ve felt like in A Christmas Carol. Her mom had taken to the other part of her home, bundled in blankets and looking for non-perishable items. She hadn’t been expecting a knock– though, she knew who it was almost immediately. Georgie got up and went to the door, peering out the window beside it to see Carter, and whipped the door open. She shooed him in before he let too much snow in, even though the point seemed moot because he resembled an avalanche. “If you make anymore shitty jokes, I’m gonna put you back outside,” she replied, taking the coat and other layers from him and hanging them on the hook. “Take off your shoes. You know the drill.”
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He kicked his shoes off as instructed, nudging them to look nice and neat just for Georgie. His head swung around, his lip jutting out in a pout and his eyes doing the very best to resemble a labrador's. “You wouldn’t banish me. Even you aren’t that mean.” He nudged her with his elbow, offering her that grin that would just make her roll her eyes. He thought about humming ‘Frosty the Snowman’ but he also figured that the pair of them were right at the door and she could push him out if she wanted to. She wouldn’t, but she could. Instead, Carter grabbed his flashlight and shined it up at his face, casting long shadow onto it. “Take me to your lair and I won’t shove my feet in your face.”
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cartercastillo-blog · 7 years
After checking in with his mother and letting her know that yes, he was safe and yes, he was warm and yes, he had working batteries in his flashlight, Carter made the perilous trek next door to the Wilmington residence. Despite it being about five steps and one jump over the fence, by the time he was knocking on the door, the boy was resembling a snowman. After pounding on the door a second time, Carter had to stop short as the door swung open, so not to hit Georgie smack bang in the forehead. “Oh hell...” he shivered, shaking the excess snow of himself before stepping inside. “This weather really gives a new meaning to blue balls.”
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cartercastillo-blog · 7 years
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cartercastillo-blog · 7 years
Rowan couldn’t go home yet, despite having noticed the amount of people running in the direction of their cars, as well as people filing into cars of friends, not having expected the sudden change of weather. But the brunette didn’t care, when she set her mind to something, there was no changing her mind. So, with her struggling through the blizzard, doing everything to dodge hail to the face, the young college student made a beeline for the library. Blowing desperately on her now blue finger tips, the cold only getting worse, she wasn’t paying much attention to her surrounding or just how icy the sidewalk was becoming and before she knew it, the girl went full speed ahead, colliding into the pole just outside the library, books flying EVERYWHERE. 
“ OUCH, ” she mumbled quietly  “ for fork’s sake ,” she cried out, now flat on her back, debating on whether or not to just stay there or get up. 
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Carter had been making great time heading home, soaring through the streets of Hawkins as well as he could in the conditions. After a few blocks, his momentum started to slow as the conditions worsened and soon he had to give up, stowing his skateboard under his arm. It sucked and it would take him far too long to get home. Carter wasn’t even sure he had enough time. Hunkering down, the young boy shoved his hands in his pockets, board holding at an awkward angle. As he hurried home, he saw a commotion out of the corner of his eye and he looked up just in time to see Rowan fall.
He couldn’t help it - he had to laugh. A head thrown back, resembling a cackle laugh that was loud enough to be heard over the whipping wind. He crossed the street and once he was looming over the brunette, he held out a hand for her to take. “Come on Sleeping Beauty, get up. This is no place for a nap.”
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cartercastillo-blog · 7 years
The concrete under his bare feet was rough, cold, and unsympathetic about the shit day he was having. Troy didn’t even want to think about the events that led to him walking along a practically freezing neighborhood sidewalk holding his shoes. It wasn’t even HIS neighborhood which meant he had to walk all the way home in this thin, ruffled button down shirt and jeans. Shit, he suddenly remembered, I left my coat there too. Groaning aloud, the long haired man slowly lowered himself to sit on the sidewalk so he could at least put his shoes on before his toes had a chance to turn purple.
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Carter’s foot pounded on the asphalt as he propelled his board further down the street, getting faster and faster with each push. His aim was to reach home before the storm hit. Did he really want to be there? No, but he knew his mother would worry and he wasn’t that much of a menace to leave her in such a state. He soared around the corner and noted a figure sitting in the gutter. Carter frowned and pulled to a stop in front of the man, regarding him with confusion. “Uh, dude? You okay there? Pretty sure your little piggy’s are gonna freeze off before they go wee wee wee all the way home.” 
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cartercastillo-blog · 7 years
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noah centineo via instagram
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cartercastillo-blog · 7 years
a study in carter castillo
Full Name: carter castillo
Age: 19
Zodiac: tba (i have to do a quiz oops)
Birthday: tba
Birthplace: hawkins
Hometown/Where was your muse raised?: hawkins
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: hazel
Height: 6′1
Ethnicity: latinx
Tattoos?: not yet
Piercings?: no
Favorite place in Hawkins? the palace arcade
What’s their connection to Matthew? the pair of them were no stranger to a good arcade game and they often saw each other in the palace
What are their thoughts on the laboratory close by? carter and his friends are super suspicious of it.
Favorite Things. ( Remember it’s 1994, so answers should fit in accordingly. )
Color: red
Animal: turtle
Song: buddy holly by weezer
Subject: lunch
Least favorite class: history
T.V. Show : power rangers
Movie: wayne’s world
Food: burger and a chocolate shake 
Candy: m&ms
Season: summer
Holiday: halloween
Place: the palace arcade
Quote: “goonies never say die.”
Relationship Status: single as a pringle
Sexuality: heterosexual (though he’s never given much thought to it)
Single or Group Dates: does platonic group dates with his friends count?
Hook up or relationship?: neither, though hook ups (while rare) are less messy
Ever been in love?: nope
Have a crush?: considering someone attractive isn’t the same thing as a crush
Big spoon or little spoon?: he’s too tall to be little spoon
Do you want to get married?: he’s never given much thought to it, though if a girl could stand him for that long, he’d be a fool to let her go... right?
Best Friends: georgie wilmington
Family Members: his unnamed mother and father (i’ll get around to it)
Pets: none, he gave up begging for a dog when he was fourteen
Do you smoke? Or drink?: he only smokes when he drinks and since he’s legally not allowed to drink... then never (he may be a loser but he’ll be at all the parties. most likely uninvited)
Have you ever done drugs? If so, was it a one time thing or? : like alcohol, carter castillo has never done drugs
Pet Peeves:
Style: odd socks, cuffed jeans, and baggy shirts. think travis from clueless
Do you believe in karma, luck, second chances? : karma? maybe. luck? definitely. second chances? depends on the person
Most traumatic experience: apart from all those years of bullying? take your pick of the many times he and his friends have snuck out to visit the lab and scared the living daylights outta themselves
Life goal: to find something to do with his life... and then do it
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cartercastillo-blog · 7 years
Does your muse like amusement parks/carnivals/festivals?
Uh, he loves them. More so amusement parks than anything, Carter’s definitely the type to go on all the big rollercoasters and thrill seeking rides. Festivals are good and all but Hawkins is a little small, so once you’ve been to one, you’ve basically been to them all. Still fun, however.
Is your muse a daydreamer? What do they tend to think about? Have they ever caught themselves while lost in thought?
Not really a dreamer, no. If he wants to escape the outside world, he’d rather delve into media created by people who can actually hold a creative thought.
Does your muse prefer to sleep under many layers of blankets or only under a few?
It’s usually just a haphazard blanket thrown over himself so that if anyone ever barges in, they’re not immediately subjected to his Star Wars boxers. 
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cartercastillo-blog · 7 years
Unusual questions for your muse
🛌- Does your muse prefer to sleep under many layers of blankets or only under a few? 🎀- Does your muse like to accessorize? What are their favorite pieces of accessories? 🎐- Does your muse like to collect/hoard anything? 🛋- Does your muse like to have company over? 📱- Is your muse the “oversharing” type? 🐰- Does your muse prefer soft, plush textures or smooth and glossy textures? 💎- Is your muse drawn to things that sparkle? 🔖- Is your muse a daydreamer? What do they tend to think about? Have they ever caught themselves while lost in thought? 📰- Does your muse like to read the news? 📇- Is your muse a gossiper? 🕹- What does your muse do to occupy themselves when bored? 🏚- Does your muse like to explore dangerous places? 🌋- Has your muse done something stupid and not regret it? ⛪️- Does your muse enjoy attending churches they don’t belong to? 🛣- Is your muse considered a wanderer? 🐺- Would your muse consider themselves a lone wolf or a social butterfly? 🤝- Does your muse forgive others easily? 🖖- What “Fandoms” would your muse belong to? 🎖- Does your muse enjoy praise? 🎟- Do they like “so bad it’s good” movies? 🎠- Does your muse like amusement parks/carnivals/festivals? 🏝- Could your muse survive on an uninhabited island all by themselves?
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cartercastillo-blog · 7 years
Beastie Boys - Fight For Your Right
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