carterisonlyhuman · 11 years
Text to Carter
Laura: We're moving. And there's nothing I can do about it.
Laura: I fucked up. I'm 99% sure I got caught. Someone saw me. And now I've put my family in danger.
Laura; And that means I have to break the promises I've made to you
Laura: and I don't want to leave you. I don't
Laura: But I don't have much of a choice and I can't even...
Laura: My dad isn't letting me come see you before we leave.
Carter: They can't just move you away like this
Carter: How did you put them in danger?
Carter: What happened Laura?
Carter: Just tell me, I don't care about your stupid family secrets, just tell me what happened!
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carterisonlyhuman · 11 years
Text to Carter
Laura: I just want you to know. I love you
Laura: And someday I hope you'll understand how much
Laura: And that you'll forgive me
Laura: You deserve better than me. So much more
Laura: Someone is going to be very lucky to have you in their life.
Laura: I'm so sorry Carter.
Carter: Laura, what the hell is going on?
Carter: Do not tell me that you weren't saying goodbye.
Carter: You better not be moving
Carter: It's not fair
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carterisonlyhuman · 11 years
Late night texting | Carter x Laura |
Laura: I can get mine. But if you're thinking back seat just because I have a hearse...there's no room in the backseat.
Carter: We don't need a back seat when we have the entire front seat to ourselves.
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carterisonlyhuman · 11 years
Late night texting | Carter x Laura |
Laura: Well if you want to meet at the diner? We could get some fries or something
Laura: or we could go to the drive in.
Carter: The drive in
Carter: Your car or mine? Wait, can you sneak out with your car or no?
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carterisonlyhuman · 11 years
Late night texting | Carter x Laura |
Laura: I might be able to.
Laura: Gimme like 30?
Carter: Sounds good to me
Carter: Just let me know if you need a ride or if you wanna meet somewhere instead of my place
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carterisonlyhuman · 11 years
Late night texting | Carter x Laura |
Carter: Hey, you think you can sneak out of the house tonight?
Carter: Haven't seen you in a few days and wanna hang out.
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carterisonlyhuman · 11 years
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carterisonlyhuman · 11 years
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carterisonlyhuman · 11 years
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carterisonlyhuman · 11 years
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carterisonlyhuman · 11 years
The last one is what I am going to wear with one of those corsets. Meet you in your room? Merry Christmas. -Laura
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carterisonlyhuman · 11 years
I want to see your tat!
It's a broken infinity symbol, because nothing really lasts forever.
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carterisonlyhuman · 11 years
Do you like to travel?
I've actually never traveled, but I think I'd like too.
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carterisonlyhuman · 11 years
What do you want to do after high school?
Im not too sure. I never thought about it before.
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carterisonlyhuman · 11 years
Political affiliation?
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carterisonlyhuman · 11 years
What's something that no one else in creation knows about you?
I have a tattoo. No one's ever seen it.
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carterisonlyhuman · 11 years
Tell me your kinks.
I don't have many, One that I can think about it bondage. 
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