carysaki · 5 years
If you could bring ANY fictional character to the real life, which would be? . . .I would choose Chisaki Kai (I mean, he's a dADDY)
oh i agree
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carysaki · 6 years
I would pay just to such chisaki's fucking dick and maybe even pay to suck chrono's dick too
Reblog or like if you’d pay to suck Chisaki and Chrono’s dick…
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Hehehe you aren’t the only one dear Anon!!!! o(≧▽≦)o Trust me!!! …I would…
~ Love Kiwi xoxo
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carysaki · 6 years
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carysaki · 6 years
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What kind of sorcery is this??
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carysaki · 6 years
the WORST kind of movies r the ones where the nerdy girl is in love with popular dude and he ignores her but after starting to wear make up and pretty clothes he suddenly falls in love with her hetero culture is disgusting
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carysaki · 6 years
Do you guys ever have that one ship that doesn’t get enough love so you’re determined to like everything in the tag even if it’s not good? Or is that just me?
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carysaki · 6 years
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Remember to support the artists you love, likes don’t spread their work….
Deviantart || Twitter || Patreon || Webcomic
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carysaki · 6 years
Ye Olde Tumblr, 1609
end thy life knave
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carysaki · 6 years
i stg everytime i see my friends interacting with people i hate i die a little inside
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carysaki · 6 years
everyday more people unfollows my main
fan fucking tastic
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carysaki · 6 years
Being an active participant in fandom requires a certain level of self-regulating in order to be a healthy activity. It requires the ability to say “Not for me,” or “Not today,” and walk away.
We can have conversations about patterns we see in fanworks. We can discuss how we portray characters and relationships, how to effectively convey what we want to in writing, how to sensitively approach representations of marginalized characters. But having those conversations productively requires that we approach each other in good faith, and it requires the ability to self-regulate–including recognizing that often there is no hard line, no black and white answer, and we won’t always come to the same conclusions.
It requires an understanding up front that eliminating all fanworks we don’t care for is not the end goal of these conversations.
I’ll give a personal example. There is a ship that deeply, viscerally upsets me in like 95% of its iterations. I can explain why I don’t like it if asked. I’ve written about why I don’t think it’s handled well in canon.
And if I wanted to–if I wanted to–I could make a very convincing-sounding argument for why that ship is objectively bad and wrong and no one should ship it. Not because that’s objectively right, mind you, but because I’m good at arguing. I could slap that together in like… ten minutes, probably.
I don’t do that. If I vent about it on my own blog, it’s as infrequently as I can manage, because I do my best to avoid the content that upsets me. I don’t seek it out to get riled up about it. I don’t seek out content that upsets me, read it in its entirety, and then leave angry comments and send my friends to harass the author. I don’t choose a high-profile writer for the content I don’t like and engage in a targeted campaign of harassment against them all while claiming to be addressing a general problem.
If you are deliberately seeking out content that you know will upset you and reading it anyway and then feeling that you need to take those bad feelings out on the creator, you are not taking care of yourself. You are not engaging in healthy behavior or productive coping mechanisms. You are not keeping yourself safe, and you are not helping to make fandom safer for others. You are not engaging in good faith.
If you find that you do this and you can’t seem to stop, you may need to take some kind of further steps up to and including taking a break from fandom. I’m serious. I’ve taken breaks myself for that exact reason. There’s no shame in it. 
Please monitor your own ability to self-regulate. Please actively evaluate whether or not you are engaging in healthy and productive behavior, for yourself and for others.
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carysaki · 6 years
why would i fuck a demon? simple, the status. imagine rolling up into hell already havin had ur back blown out by one of their own. imagine you and a gang of other losers standin at the gates of hell, they’re all crying, scared to death about having a pitchfork up their ass for eternity and you just walk into the arms of your sugar demon? legendary.
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carysaki · 6 years
me: wow! i have so many art ideas! i cant wait to start drawing!
me 3 seconds after opening The Art Program:
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carysaki · 6 years
hi yes canon
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carysaki · 6 years
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I’m sorry but I saw someone point it out and I had to do it even if its a spoiler
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carysaki · 6 years
The floor is Shinsou getting the arc he deserves
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carysaki · 6 years
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