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choose your fav puppy
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why is my pencil talking
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cashmere-and-candles · 2 months
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cashmere-and-candles · 2 months
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Grey wolves on ice
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cashmere-and-candles · 2 months
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cashmere-and-candles · 4 months
Omegaverse Headcanons: General Alpha Interactions with other Dynamics
Alphas to Sigmas:
No other dynamic interaction can quite top the level of tension like there is between a alpha and a sigma. 
Sigmas are around to put truly unruly alpha in their place with a natural strength that can override the average alpha. But, can serve just as well as a mate that they can never have the same dominance over like they could with a omega or female beta. 
Sigmas are also rumored to be a even better leader figure than a alpha if they choose to take up the role as one, a rare thing, but still possible.
 So confident alphas who have a good sense of self worth will cause them to have a sense of respect for their sigma packmate. Then for the lesser alpha, it’ll only increase their insecurity and treat other sigmas as freaks. 
Alphas to Alphas:
It’s either dudebro-ing around and bonding over shared feelings of lots of testosterone. 
Alphas with other alphas are the most likely to start a biker gang or fight club. 
On the other hand it can just be a collision of one trying to show the other up in how they’re “better” in leadership, strength, and overall dominance of a setting. 
An overall quick ticket to a dog fight between two less than mature alphas. 
When alphas are still pups and all the way to young adulthood there will usually be a sense of competitions between them that can be beneficial to problem causing for not only them but those around them as well.
Alphas to Betas:
Alphas will naturally think that what they have to say or do is important to them. Because the “higher” dyanmic is taught from a young age that betas are meant to follow the lead alpha. 
Especially if that beta is close to them such as being a littermate or packmate at that. 
Good or mentally healthy alphas will show true reason for the betas around them to give respect. 
While less than noble ones can and will use intimidation methods if not outright aggression to get the message across that they are boss. 
The perception of male and female betas is also slightly different to alphas. For female betas can make for “easier, stronger, or lower maintenance” mates
Alphas to Omegas:
With omegas being the weakest dynamic and the individuals who are seen as the most “valuable” and expected for a alpha to take on as a mate. Then when a part of what dictates a alpha’s worth in society being linked to how well they take care of their own creates a big sense of responsibility for a alpha near an omega. 
An alpha’s self perception can also take hits or boosts based on how omegas see them as a potential mate. 
Alphas who are so focused on their own aggression and ability to dominate a space can end up being an omega’s worst nightmare because they will only treat them with disrespect as the lowest. 
While true or good alphas will see omegas as the most important thing to look after and protect. It comes down to a biological reaction even due to the pheromonal responses even. 
To those who read all the way through thank you so much! I plan on doing one for the other dynamics with each other as well even with college life and everything else. It’ll get done!! Eventually!!! To all of those who’re still noticing my posts and liking/reblogging I just want to say thank you ^_^ <3
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cashmere-and-candles · 5 months
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Fruit cats 🍎🍌🍐🍊🍇✨
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cashmere-and-candles · 6 months
Omegaverse Headcanons: Christmas Time
-Family packs decorating their home with the scent that jives best with their own scents such as betas with mainly pine scents, alpha/omega homes full of candy and cinnamon scents. 
-New parents having to keep Christmas lights away from teething pups so they don’t hurt themselves or ruining the lights. 
-The omegas of the pack making a big nest in the TV room for everyone to watch holiday movies together comfortably. 
-Omegas congregating together to make masses of Christmas goodies together for packmates and their own mates.
-Alphas suffering the malls in an instinctual desire to find something perfect to please their mates. 
-Betas throwing the coworker holiday parties making sure to set up mistletoe just for those they know are courting in the office space.
-Child pups working at present wrapping stalls in the mall with watchful and protective adult alpha familial pack members to make sure no one tries any funny business. 
-When there is mistletoe and a tall alpha who’s courting an omega and they practically have to pick them up to easily kiss them. 
-Carolers passing by neighborhoods leaving a cheery and pleasant scent as they pass by from the Christmas spirit overtaking their moods. 
-Holiday lover omegas filling their nests with reindeer and snowmen stuffed animals with Christmas lights all over the wall near their nest. 
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cashmere-and-candles · 6 months
Hi :) I would like to know if you have any headcanon about a couple of alpha/omega in the winter? btw I love your blog. It's an inspiration for me to write ❤
Omegaverse Headcanons: Alpha/Omega Mates in the Winter
-Omegas have the most difficult time staying warm in winter due to them being the least athletic out of the three dynamics. Causing the cold of winter to make omegas much more cuddly in a search for warmth, so many more cuddles will take place in a near permanent nest near a fireplace/heater. 
-The alpha nearly gives all of their hoodies to the omega to wear at once when the heating temporarily breaks, as warm as it is that doesn’t mean the omega likes not being able to put their arms down from all the layers. 
-The alpha going into protective mode when the omega almost slips on the ice for the both of them to end up slipping and falling over. Hopefully with the omega not getting crushed. 
-The mates having a snowball battle with the alpha going super easy on the omega with small clods of snow while the omega almost knocks the alpha out with a accidental really dense snowball with some ice in it. Cue omega guiltily kissing the bruise it leaves later on. 
-The omega making tea/cocoa for the two of them to drink after a icy and slushy day to help cozy up after dealing with the annoying winter weather. 
-The alpha making sure to get rid of icecicles on their home so that the omega won’t ever be put under risk with those ice daggers. 
-While sledding this alpha always holds the omega close while on the sled to protect them from falling off at any point down the hill. 
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cashmere-and-candles · 6 months
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cashmere-and-candles · 8 months
Can I have Halloween headcanons? :3 (Also, your anon is turned off. (ignore me if that's on purpose (I'm jjust dumb))) 💚
A/N: Oh! I didn’t know! I’m on mobile right now so I can’t enable anonymous questions but when I get home I will! Thank you for telling me!
Halloween Headcanons
• An alpha child focusing on the “trick” part of Halloween. They hide out in the bushes and scare the passing kids and sometimes the adults. They jump out at an omega child and they start crying. The alpha child instantly feels bad and they comfort the crying omega. It’s a funny sight, seeing a zombie comfort a crying jellyfish.
• An omega being sooo competitive with their friends during trick-or-treating. They dial up the cuteness to 10 at every door step and walk away with such a smug expression when they get TWO pieces of candy instead of one.
• A beta child staying in and watching scary movies with their parents. The three of them are swaddled in blankets and snacks galore. At some point them end up throwing popcorn at each other in an epic battle that’ll be told about for centuries to come.
• An alpha showing up to a Halloween party in a giant lobster costume. Their omega boyfriend acting like they don’t know them.
• An omega wearing a promiscuous costume and their beta girlfriend wrapping them up in their vampire cape.
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cashmere-and-candles · 8 months
Omegas that fluster easy.
Omegas whose eyes widen slightly, their lips part and their cheeks go ever so slightly rosy, all because you called them cute.
Alphas everywhere love these omegas, because when they give these omegas the tiniest compliment, the softest touch to the cheek or chin, the scent from these omegas is overwhelming.
Omegas that are such hopeless romantics that any amount of flirting just leaves their mind running at a million miles a minute. They don’t even realise how sweet they smell.
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cashmere-and-candles · 8 months
Omegaverce genders!
Lets see all my silly little writing
Alpha (A) Alphas are (in most cases) able to impregnate Omegas, no matter the primary gender. Alphas are often (but not always) "dominant" in some shape or form; whether it be in size, personality, or actions. Male Alphas have a knot when aroused, and in some worldbuilding, female Alphas are also able to impregnate others; some will temporarily grow a penis to do so, or their vulva will permanently grow into one when they present. Alpha's have strong, more 'masculine' scents and are usually the head of a pack/house. Alphas may be jealous and possessive of their mate (whatever dynamic)
Note: Luna's are the Alpha's/pack leader's partner, and socially have the same power
Gamma's (Γ) Gammas are socially submissive Alphas; they’re not as stubborn as their counterparts and are usually on the gentler side, but that doesn’t mean sweet Alphas are automatically Gammas. Gammas usually refrain from fighting and other shows of dominance, but don’t hesitate to smother Omegas (or any one else, for that matter) with love. They go into ruts, and have more of a sweeter or calmer smell then alphas
Betas (B) Betas are usually the right-hand man to the alphas and keepers of the peace between the Alphas and the Omegas. Male Beta's are able to impregnate Omegas, and Alphas may be able to impregnate both male and female betas. They can either go through heats or ruts, both, or neither, and usually have a mild calming scent. They are usually also able to tell when an alpha or an omega is going to go into heat/rut and can sense the smallest changes in emotions from scent. There are of course subtypes, such as:
social-dom betas (presenting much like alphas)
social-sub (presenting more like omegas)
true neutral betas, who don't have much of a scent and don't go through a heat or rut (the closest to a 'normal' human)
Epsilons (E) Epsilons are the children of Alpha fathers and Beta mothers and are born almost at the same rate as Lotas, if not slightly more due to the usual dominating nature of the alpha. Epsilons are very similar to alpha in strength and scent, but more often go through heat. They are more of an underdog, and they often require cunning thoughts and deeds as well as tricking people to show their dominance. Because of this, Zetas and Epsilons often are found out hanging together as both are seen as 'outcasts'
Lotas (l) Lotas are one of the rarest and sought-after gender, as they are practically omegas, but with shorter heats, and bigger builds, but just as submissive. They do not nest for comfort or mating, unless it is under peer pressure. Most Lotas these days don't even know they are Lotas though. Lotas are born from an omega 'father' and a beta 'mother' (the one carrying the child)
Thetas (⊙) Thetas are the most dangerous of them all. No one knows how or for what reasons Thetas are born, but they have a mutation in their calming scent that most betas would have, but the mutation makes their scent much stronger, often strong enough to knock someone out. They are mostly seen as weapons of war more than actual humans, and so they usually have to hide their scents with blockers and suppression, or risk being kidnaped or killed.
Zeta (Z)
Zetas could be seen more like shapeshifters or something of the sort. Some zetas can change their secondary gender at will, or sometimes, it changes over time as they grow up, though most of the time they have no firm presenting gender, though they lean towards something more than others. Zetas can go through heat or rut, or just completely not one.
Delta (Δ)s Deltas are more like true neutral betas. They don’t provide calming qualities with their scents like Betas do, and furthermore, their scents are almost unnoticeable, but they are almost even more hyper-keen to other people's scents and emotions, and usually work alongside betas in schools and hospitals because of how less affected by pheromones they are. They can go into either heat or rut, though it is usually much shorter.
Sigmas are socially dominant Omegas; they are just as aggressive and dominating as alphas and often pick fights with either one another or with other people. As children, Sigmas and Alphas are hard to tell apart until a sigma goes into heat, but still then might look and present as an alpha. Sigmas are just as physically weak as omegas, as they both share nearly the same biological makeup. Sigmas often tease their Omega friends about their nesting habits, as Sigmas do not nest much outside of heat and pregnancy. Their scents are strongly more like an alpha's, except when in heat, then it could be possibly much more overpowering than an omega's
Omegas (Ω) Omegas can get pregnant and go into heat. They are generally lowest on the hierarchy and expected to stay home and care for the pups and the home. Male Omegas are self-lubricating and have the ability to become pregnant. Omegas often tend to be smaller and weaker than the other dynamics and are seen as more fragile. They usually have a sweet scent that intensifies around when they are about to go into heat to try and find a mate, which is most often preferred to be alphas, though if an omega is desperate enough, they will also nest with other omegas or sigmas during their heats too. Nesting is quite a big deal to omegas, and them letting you even near their nest is a big sign of trust.
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cashmere-and-candles · 8 months
Omegaverse Headcanons: Dynamics and Social Status
I had a ask about the social status of each dynamic and I made some mistakes so here is the answer to it please forgive me whoever asked it.
Alphas: Are on top socially because they’re often times given the ones who receive high up positions such as becoming powerful politicians, business owners, and any lead/leadership jobs. Because alphas are known for being able to take control and dominate social situations the easiest with their alpha voices which helps people to listen to their ideas and opinions and their great strength makes a big impact in more confrontational situations. Which goes back to the historical ages where the strongest rule (as in alphas), and this never went away in modern days. Betas and omegas usually say that alphas have privilege because of this.
Betas: Mainly in the middle where they’re less likely to get leadership positions but they aren’t going to have difficulty getting an above basic skill level job. They make the best employees since betas are the most friendly/level headed dynamic out of the three too. Bringing the majority to earn a decent wage overall. They mainly work under alphas and are expected to listen and not fight against them in the workplace, and even in packs/social situations. Due to how it can affect the beta worse than it could to a different alpha or omega.
Omegas: Omegas have the most difficulty in the career area, they’re often times given basic level jobs, nothing that could be dangerous for them either, and the highest job they can receive is a college professor. The most common job is in childcare/teaching which doesn’t pay that much compared to other careers, but it can allow an omega to make it on their own semi-comfortably. This is because they’re expected to put finding a mate to be taken care of by and put motherhood above a job. So, they don’t get paid anything near betas and alphas usually. They’re expected to listen to betas and alphas because they’re seen as the most submissive dynamic, which is thanks to them being the weakest.
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cashmere-and-candles · 8 months
I'd like to request a headcanon list for an alpha helping his omega after the omega wakes up from a nightmare! And a second list of the omega helping the alpha after he has a nightmare! :D
Omegaverse Headcanons: Alpha Helping with an Omega’s Nightmare
The alpha will probably be awaken by the sour fear scent of fear from the omega and the overall shifting in the bed after the omega wakes up tears in the corner of their eyes and shivering from the fear. 
Count on the alpha immediately going into comfort mode, holding the omega close to their chest crooning that it’s okay it was just a nightmare to them to help calm them. 
The alpha will probably pick them up and go cuddle in their nest with the omega after getting them a late night snack. 
Will make sure that they’re all okay before letting them fall back asleep which might mildly annoy the omega, but it’s all in good intentions. 
The alpha making sure to hold them close for the rest of the night so that there’s less chance of the omega getting another nightmare. 
Omegaverse Headcanons: Omega Helping with an Alpha’s Nightmare
Is more likely to get spooked as well when the Alpha wakes up afraid of what they just went through when asleep from the sudden jerk of the bed and blankets being ripped off them. 
After the omega returns to the fully conscious they’ll take a moment to make sure the alpha is slightly aware they’re okay before going to hug their arm cooing calming words. 
When the alpha is aware of their omega the smaller one will go to kiss their cheek and just wait for the alpha’s breathing to grow less raggad until asking if they would like some warm milk or a soft snack. 
If the alpha says yes they’ll get up and hustle to get them something quick returning with a gentle smile. 
The omega will probably end up falling asleep sitting up against the alpha which will probably help the alpha fall back into a actually restful sleep. 
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cashmere-and-candles · 8 months
do you have any hcs for an a/o pairing where people always confuse the alpha as the omega and the omega as the alpha because of their personalities?
I took “pairing” as friends or pals I hope that’s chill sorry if you were looking for mates (^_^;)
Omegaverse Headcanons: A Alpha-like Omega and an Alpha-like Omega Duo
-Okay first of all for such confusion to take place the alpha would have to be wearing some scent laxers and the omega would have to be wearing a collar for their scents to not give them away instantly. Along with how the alpha is probably shorter than average, and the omega being taller than average. 
-Other alphas teasing and making fun of the “alpha” for how short they are for them to only be really close to smacking them while snapping about how they were actually an omega and even if they were tall as them those alphas would still be below them. 
-Other omegas commenting on the “omega” and how did they ever get so tall and what kind of scent blockers they were wearing for the “omega” to laugh a little and explain they were actually an alpha to shock the other omegas. 
-When these two go to bars or parties together they really do create some confusing situations for those who try to hit on them. They once even wore shirts that said: “I’m the alpha” and “I’m the omega” for giggles to avoid the same old situation. 
-The both of them groaning about how stupid dynamic rolls are and how they wish people could just let them be themselves and that it’s a good thing they were at least buds. 
-The omega buying the alpha softer more lighter color clothing like sky blue sweaters while the alpha buying the omega leather jackets/belts on holidays and birthdays.
-The both of them being confused as very omega and alpha-like betas since they would just about fit in that section since their own dynamic section wouldn’t quite fit either of them. 
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