castalk · 6 years
Jeno and Jaemin (nomin) - Relantionship analysis part 2
Hey, I’m back. And with aa way longer analysis than before. I’M SORRY. But I hope that makes sense and you all like :)
Once again I want to say that it’s my opinion, my way of see the things I’m discussing here. You don’t need to agree, but I ask repect.
So, how Mark Lee the legend says, Let’s get it!
Like I said in the previous analysis, Jaemin e Jeno have a interesting dynamic together the same way they have alone. Jaemin is the clearly confident, Jeno is the one who messy feeling are all over the place and it’s trying to collect and understand everything. And the person his chaotic feelings and actions are almost completely attached to is Jaemin.  
I don’t know if Jeno discovered that he likes boys, and them ended up falling for his best friend (this look a lot like a fanfic kkkk Jaemin and Jeno looks like perfectly straight out of a cliché novel lol), or really realized that he was attracted to boys when found himself crushing on him. Analyzing the way they treat each other, I’d say is most likely the latter. Jeno still is pretty naïve and innocent about his own sexuality, doing things without really know the essence behind that, founding out in little pieces.
When you put the two separately they are easier to read, to perceive thing with more clarity. But when you put them together is when things get really blurred and hard to tell what’s really going on, because you can’t just ignore whatever has between them and says that it’s nothing, that is just friendship or even fanservice. Their relationship (whatever kind it is) is a huge part of them and their lives, tells much more about Jaemin and Jeno separately than may seems.
Without Jaemin, Jeno probably wouldn’t be the “panicked gay”. But there’s Jaemin, what he does, and how Jeno keeps reacting to him, what Jeno wants to do with him. With was not for Jeno, Jaemin could be a boy that likes boys, flirts with everybody he found interesting but don’t have deep feelings for no one, so doesn’t need to be taken seriously. But when it comes to flirt with Jeno, you start to wondering where is just play, where’s is serious. If everything is a play or if anything is.
I hope this doesn’t take a shipy way, that’s not my intention. The nomin relationship is something that divide the opinions, and in the end seems that never exist a real opinion formed. Is Jeno who’s crush on Jaemin? Is Jaemin who’s crush on Jeno? Are both? None? So what I want to discuss are things that may help in decide for one opinion, or add more for the discussion.
But if, right now, I had to bet in one option, I’d say they do have feeling for each other beyond friends. And they know it.
The first thing to take in consideration is that Jeno and Jaemin are friends since, at least, 6 or 7 years ago. They entered in SM at the same day, which was when they were presented, trained together, debuted together in the same unit, live together and studied together (they even were seat mates). So Jeno and Jaemin are pretty much attached to the hip since always.
Yeah, I know that SM use them as a pair for the commercial purpose, the same way they do with chensung, renmin and markhyuk, for example. They know they have chemistry, the fans like it. But I don’t think at all that the things that happen between them are just a job. It’s like my nomin lover friend said to me: they have such a long history together and importance to each other to being reduced in just a fanservice thing.
Even because, you can’t call blew a kiss discreetly in the background, or just be side by side and suddenly forgetting that are people around and be immersed in their own little world fanservice.
Since last year, when Jaemin came back there’s something different between them in comparison with the pre-debut and chewing gun era videos, but I never knew exactly what was. I looked at everything and they were just changed. I thought that was because of the entire flirt thing that wasn’t that much, or maybe didn’t even exist, between them before. I thought that was because Jaemin came back with this habit (after all was more than 1 year, this is a lot of time for someone change things).
For sometimes I really thought that Jaemin was just playing, and Jeno was unfortunately in unriquerited love. But them, how can Jaemin be this close to Jeno and not realize that he had feeling for him, and continue to flirting with him without care, without being serious? Boy, isn’t he your bff?
But them their relationship showed to be better, more than that.
I’m already convinced of Jeno’s feelings for Jaemin, he’s not even trying to hide it of fight against. He is the one that tries to make a move (maybe relying in the ‘bromance’ culture) and doing this in lives, where he can have a justification for that. And he is an awkward flirty so everybody sees when he is trying to do something, that mostly is become more clingy, arms around the other’s shoulders and body, throw his body on Jaemin’s. It’s funny the ways he tries to catch attention.
Jaemin also seems to take advantage of the skinship culture to do and say things. But not all the time. He really likes to tease Jeno, see his reactions of nervousness, flustered, but things like the unexpected kiss on the cheek seemed genuine of him, he wanted to give a kiss on Jeno, saw the opportunity and take it and not just a play.
Jaemin also likes to tell stories that he has with Jeno. He is always telling something here and there, especially in these lives that only the 2 of them were. And always revolves around Jeno being the one who clings onto him and ask for things like food, his attention, using cute tones and voices. He already told the same story twice, because is Jeno’s regular demeanor.
What is interesting about this is that the “Jeno at home is not boring. He is cute” Jaemin tells is that seems to be a Jeno only him knows. Renjun never even saw Jeno climbing Jaemin in his bed to get him do cook ramen for him. And based in the things the others members says about Jeno’s behavior at the dorms (quiet, reserved, spends most of the time playing games, at the moment he enters in home only his cell phone matters…)just clarify that “cute Jeno” is a version available only to Jaemin. And he knows that.
Jeno and Jaemin have a ton of moments that I can put here, like the kiss on the cheek, Jaemin staring at Jeno’s lips a lot of times, and I’m gonna take all this in consideration, but I’m gonna go deep only with some moments that are THE sugar in the tea for me.
One thing interesting in nomin is that they can just do simple things, friend’s things but when it’s about them always seems to have something different, something deeper. They’re not like brothers. Never feels like “just friends” things, or whatever. Jaemin and Jeno always have this sensation of intimacy in everything they do. It’s a comfortable and natural intimacy that is always there and, at least for me, it’s not something you have with a simply friend, but with a partner, someone you feel very deeply connected. It’s the exactly kind of thing that exist in the movies and books between that couple that everyone around knows they have feelings or even think they already are a couple just by look.
They have tension.  Sometimes a heavy one, but also a subtle one, not everytime is so showed but it’s always there.
Jeno and Jaemin lean on each other touch. Jeno likes to touch Jaemin’s hair, rest his hand gently on his neck. When they sit together their bodies slowly or even fast reaches to be closer, in touch, if they move from the place when came back is to close again. Their body language speaks so much, how they are slightly inclined in the other direction, even their pelvis. One example of this is the video of Jisung’s birthday party. Jeno and Jaemin where sitting next to each other, and in every scene that they appeared Jaemin’s chair and body was a little more closer to Jeno’s than was before. There’s also the infamous video of “stop liking me”, “you liked me first”, where they played and played, talked and talked, Jaemin tried to kiss Jeno, Jeno pushed Jaemin away, but in the end Jeno was practically sitting in Jaemin’s lap, their legs crossed, Jaemin’s hands on his thighs, and none of them seemed to bother.
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It’s things like this that got me wondering. This gestures and demeanors absurdly intimate that they do with each other like is nothing, like they do it everyday.  Seems genuine, natural. But I can’t think that this is something they would do with any friend, they did this only with each other, because is each other. And it’s because of things like this that I believe that Jeno and Jaemin don’t know where the limits of their friendship are. It’s blurred even for them. Like, “he is my best friend so that’s why it’s okay for me do this with him and not with my other friends. He is more close to me, that’s why”.
Well, at least was blurred for them. I think at some point they started to become more conscious of their own feelings, where the friends feelings end and the romantic start, and some dynamics changed slightly.
Jaemin in the beginning of last year when he really started to flirt with Jeno, he was more “aggressive” but playful. That was a time when he came back, after so much time away, so many things losted, inclusive with Jeno. While he was gone, Jeno became closer to Haechan but mostly to Renjun and I bet that the way Jaemin was acting towards Jeno was his way to set his place again (jealous too), be the closest one, be the special one. He clearly didn’t want to be far from Jeno, he is his best friend, they are a double since ever and forever. That’s why he was so “Jeno is mine”.
And there’s that feeling of longing. I think that Jeno definitely was the one who felt Jaemin’s absence more, and the member Jaemin missed more was Jeno. The way they were always all over each other all the time was like they missed each other so much, and thought that would never had the chance to be together again like that, that couldn’t keep quiet, their hands needed to be touching and feeling the presence of the other. They needed to be close, together. They were so restless. Was a really strong and a little desperate feeling, to be honest.
But at the same time, wasn’t an “I missed you so much my best friend. I’m happy you’re back” kind of thing. Was more like “I missed you so much. I thought that you would never comeback, and I would stay without you”.
He stared at Jeno lips, attempt to take him on a date (and Jeno understand this way), tried to kiss him more than once, stared at him intensely, teased him, put his arms around him in a very not subtle way. He was way more provocative, aggressive, but still playful. And then he became serious. He said things like why Jeno would be ashamed of take a picture with someone if he have such a handsome face, right in front of his salad, looking him in the eyes. He started to become even more clearly jealous when someone else was too intimate with Jeno. There’s a lot of moments like this, he really can’t hide his face, the way he stares at the scene like “serious? In my face?”. One big, and one of my favorites, is the “what?” he exclaimed when Mark told that Jeno had confessed to him in his TMI. Jaemin was surprised, and then clearly annoyed in knowing this.
And he never seemed annoyed by Jeno. Except that time they were a little apart, that we all know was because Jeno broke Jaemin’s new macbook. But Jaemin never seems tired of Jeno, or done with him. Everytime Jeno looks at him, or says something directly to him Jaemin is always smiling. The way he watches the things Jeno do are full of affection and admiration. In the video of mafia game, the way Jaemin watched and reacted to Haechan’s aegyo and Jeno’s were completely different.
With Haechan he cringed, laughed, joked along the boys. When was Jeno turn he just watched with a big smile, grinning, enjoying it so much but not in a mocking way, was in a lovely way.
The changes that I saw in Jeno were with his touch mostly. Before he was used to let his arm rest close to Jaemin, or put it around him and later pull off, play with his hair. He was also more timid in start this contact but still initiated some. But then the touches started to become more delicate, tender, but longer. He started to touch more and first. The way he touches Jaemin’s hair, or let his hand rest on his shoulder, fingers touching his neck. It’s like wasn’t just a touch but an affection gesture.
And I think these changes happened because they started to become more aware of how they feel about each other, facing the feeling, and also being comfortable with each other again. Mostly Jaemin, which no longer needed to fight to set his territory in Jeno’s life. They realized that didn’t need those big and straight forward moves to catch each other attention, make an impression. They didn’t need to be all over each other all the time.
And then they moved from a loud and wild to comfortable, sweet and domestic with both seeking to be close the other in a more equally way and smooth way.
Other thing interesting about nomin is that even with all the closeness and intimacy that they have, Jaemin and Jeno don’t have the habit of hold hands, or even touch each other hands.
The touching hands thing is a type of affection gesture that I see a lot in the groups that I follow and don’t follow, and doesn’t even need to be between a knowing ship to see that happen. It’s a common and simples thing. Even in the NCT we see this a lot between the members. So when I realized that Jaemin and Jeno don’t really touch hands I was intrigued.
With all the things that I said before is pretty easy to conclude that they probably are dating now. Their acts less flirt and more loving are enough to hold that. But when I looked at the holding hands things I was thinking again.  
High fives don’t count. The number of time we saw Jeno and Jaemin holding hands are minimal, and in programs, like the Weekly idol for the arm wrestleling, and CeluvTv. And the two situations were pretty interesting.
First, and the most important, why they suddenly seems so nervous when they were put to hold hands? It’s like, the boys can cuddle in front of cameras for hours like it’s nothing but freak out for a touch of hands?
We all know that Jaemin has no shame to flirt, kiss boys, make aegyo, send messages to the fans, embarrass Jisung, to say the cheesiest things that got everybody cringing and him laughing, but when it came to hold Jeno’s hand he get really really nervous, tense. I saw that video enough times and in all of them he still looks stressed to me, serious. For the outside that may seem just a fanservice of the show, just a reenact, something scripted, but for me, and those two, it wasn’t.
I’m gonna be straight to the point with this. The first thing, like I said, is how nervous Jaemin was, which is a really rare behavior of him. I can practically see him fluster.
The second is how much they got immersed in the moment. Jaemin especially. He closed his eyes, stayed still in his place, even let out an “hmmm” to Jeno’s line, and was not the one that separated their hands.
The third is how much intensity they put in that simples hold. They squeezed their hands together, with strength. They held each other hands with so much strength that we can see the squeeze, we can see their fingers red and white from the tighten hold.
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And no matter how much I try to think that this means nothing, and I’m reading too much into it, I still can’t let go of the thought that there’s nothing casual in that hold. What was made to be a simple play in a show, turned out to be something really sentimental.  It was like something you don’t want to end so you hold on tight. Or express more feeling with the gesture than with words. Or was something you wanted to so bad and now got the chance.
If this scene was in a movie, would be the moment where the couple have sure they love each other and confess without need to say a single word.
In the weekly idol, the needed to hold hands for the arm wrestling, and again Jaemin looked nervous, tense and flustered with Jeno. Not only him, Jeno was also nervous and flustered, the way the both of them smiled and laughed so nervously was the signal.
And the last thing I want to point out is the video of the dreamies giving an interview and Jeno “confessed” to Jaemin. It’s around 2:30 in this video. We know that Jaemin says “I love you” to Jeno very naturally but Jeno don’t correspond or said something similar or sweet to express himself in words towards Nana. But in this video he said that Jaemin is his special friend. That he is always by his side and he was really serious and sincere about this. Jeno looks really really shy saying this, and after, but Jaemin… Jaemin’s reaction was so strange; he was moving his body, making a funny ugly face. I know that was a important moment for both of them and he, the confident one, was having that reaction, but came back to normal right after and even said to Jeno “I love you”.
My opinion is that Jaemin panicked. Jaemin simply panicks when things get serious, emotional for him. When is a thing that affects him he just can’t put that playful and smiley face. It’s like this when he get jealous. It’s like this when he get nervous.
Jaemin has no shame unless is something about Jeno.
And Jeno is shy, a little insecure, but one step at a time is starting to be braver, confident.
An interest thing that my friend pointed too was that even if they being two boys that don’t have brothers, they don’t consider each other as brothers like we see a lot of bff’s idols referring to each other. They refer to each other as “my special friend” like Jeno said.
Jeno and Jaemin seem each other as partners not brothers.
And they keep in that little world of them. I can’t say if I believe that they are in an exclusive relationship, are dating. But what I do know is that they are conscious about their feelings, and at least platonically they are committed to each other.  They can be boyfriends and happy. But they can also be in this undefined, where they are not boyfriends but not just friends, have a complete couple dynamic but something still holds them to give the final step and become lovers.
Okay that was long but if get here I hope you liked my essay analysis. If you have something to say, say it! I’d love to interact. If you liked how I explain things and is curious for more, you can ask. I would love that too! 
Anyways. Was really good make this analysis, I really liked. I hope you have liked it too. Excuse my lack of eloquence, I’m trying to improve my english since I’m not a native english speaker.
Thank you!
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castalk · 6 years
Jeno e Jaemin (Nomin) - Relantionship analysis part 1
The analysis ended up way more big than I imagined, so I split in 2 posts. 
Reading some pages and forums I always found a discussion about Jeno, Jaemin and their relationship. People always discussing if it’s just friendship, just a ship, or if there’s really something real in that, and I really want to give my contribution to that ‘cause everything may come to add is good, valid and worth discussion. So here I go.
I’d like to start saying that it’s my opinion, and a speculation. I’m not affirming anything, I’m just saying my way of interpretation of things that really happened. You don’t have to agree, I only ask for respect.
Since when I got into NCT this two boys always caught my attention, first separately, and then together. I don’t know what’s more interesting in that group seriously, Taeyong and his fascinating self discover, Jaehyun and his journey of trying to put on a facade and failing, Mark and everything that he may be or may not be, or Jaemin and Jeno with their really blurred and questioning (for lack of a better word) relationship.
I want to talk about them individually first, to sustent what I have to say about the couple. Some “ship analysis” fall on the ground when you realize that they only act like that specific way with that person or situations. What I’m trying to do is explain why I think that Jaemin and Jeno have romantic feelings for each other so having a introduction of them separately is good to see them together better.
Starting with Jaemin.
We all know and agree that Jaemin is really good and seems to enjoy fanservice a lot. I always thought that this was the way he relied on to build his place in the group again. Jaemin was away from the NCT activities from more than a year, he basically debuted and was that. When he came back was in a moment where all the units were interacting together, the group was huge, and with other super charismatic members debuting at the same time he was coming back. So he had to do something to catch the fandom attention, make people like him, conquer his space and be close with his members. He is naturally positive, bright, extrovert, caring, lovely, sweet, touching and all, so I think this was really easy for him. That is not a persona he created to perform as idol, I really think is pretty much natural and comfortable besides all the fanservice things that we all know where resides because that just how he is, who he is.
Even before the debut Jaemin already were the boyfriend material kind of idol just like he is today. But I don’t think that everything that he says and does is fanservice at all (with the members). He seems way more to be type to take advantage of this to do and say things he wants without being taken too seriously, having this joking air, like “I’m doing this just for the fun. For the entertainment” The boy has a huge curiosity and very obvious interest in other boys and I think that this is a thing about himself that he started to explore now. Maybe he discovered that when he was in medical leave, maybe before, idk. The thing is that he lives surrounded by interest, attractive, beautiful and familiar boys, so the members are his material of experimentation and is quite interest and fun to watch.
He is really flirt and confident about it. We see him doing without shame with Jeno, Renjun, Mark, Jungwoo, Jaehyun… I said that he is experimenting flirting with the others members, but for me he seems to know what he is doing, and where he wants to go.
What I think is that he is trying to figure out is what type of boy he likes, how he wants to a relation to be (in all senses, romantically, sexually…). He knows he likes boys, he is confident about this. His experimentation is to found out how he wants to expresses himself sexually, what kind of boys he is attracting and wants to attract.
He seems to like to be more active, dominant, the one who takes a first step. He likes to make the boys flustered in every way he could think of, and have so much fun doing it. Jaemin, imo, gives this impression that he likes to be more on command, have the things under his control, the one that is causing an effect in the other. Just like when he out of nowhere said that he and Jisung were wearing couple shirts. Or when he said to Mark give him a kiss when his coming of age party happens.  Or 90% of the things he says and do towards Jisung (who is not very receptive of skinship). Him trying to kiss Jaehyun, and with Jeno (who definitely is his favorite “victim”).
Most of the time he is the one who starts the interaction, but when it’s not him, he always makes sure to give a response more intense and turn the “game” to his favor. And there’s a LOT of moments like this.
Jeno and Mark are the ones who get flustered more easily, so he messes around with them more. He also is really fond of Jisung but I don’t think that is nothing more than hyung-dongsaeng relation. And he is really closer to Renjun too. And more than just the things he says he has other ways to get in the hyungs.
Jaemin is really hard to fluster, he says a lot of cheesy things without shame while everyone is cringing, and do aegyo very easily. But there’s at least three times when he was really shakened. One was when he was keeping his face really close of Jungwoo’s, then Jungwoo suddenly turned and just blowed a kiss. The boy panicked. The second was with Jungwoo again, in a similar situation.
And the other was in “I love you game” when he lose just to look at Ten’s face, more precisely the way Ten looked at him (the video didn’t filmed Ten’s face, the other members imitated). He even stood up and was really surprised, nervous and flustered.
This two things made me more sure that he likes to have the control, to be the more intense one. The other way around make him nervous. But that doesn’t mean that he don’t like it at all, is just that is not what touch the right spot in him. And Ten and Jungwoo are the confident legends in the group, of course their game is strong.
So this is what I think about him, a boy who likes boys, he already gave a lot of signals that he is ideed attracted to boys and it’s not just a bromance things. He is comfortable with his sexuality, and now ready to found himself even more, leaning more towards his sexual desires and attractions. Is beautiful, shameless and already to live his best life. A healthy boy, thank god.
Now Jeno.
Jeno is a clouded one.  I’d say that he is in the same spectrum of Jaemin, but in his first steps. The same way that Jaemin’s actions are all over the place so are Jeno’s, but in a very chaotic and confused way. He is aware of his attraction towards men, likes to observe them, alone and when two interact -when they touch, flirt, keeps him very interest and attentive. He can be really immersed in the moment, smiling and enjoying but in the next he comes back to his “self conscience” mode.
One thing about him is that he came from a catholic family, was raised in this environment. But the point I want to touch is not that he holds himself for thinking in his religion. My family is catholic too, and thinking in this never stopped me in my discovery of my sexuality, I did it and never regretted. I know that’s not like this with everyone, but in his case I think that he maybe feel like this too, religion is not what holds him. Recently I found out that he told in a vlive that he was no longer catholic, so this added in my think that he is, in his pace, embracing his sexuality.
There’s one vlive where the boys told that when he’s home Jeno only play games. In the next video they commented that Jeno’s mom called him and scolded him after watched that video. So what I think that affects his comportment more, and makes him so aware of his actions when the things could become too “comfortable”, when he is letting being guide for his secret desires and he maybe give himself away is the fact that his parents watch the NCT dream content and he knows that.
He also is very timid and not good at voice out his thoughts and feelings. While Jaemin says I love you’s as if it’s nothing, Jeno can’t say this in a comprehensible way, for example. He is that type that uses jokes to say how he feels, never making himself so serious. Like in his card for Haechan’s birthday where he wrote that they knew each other for 6 (I think) years, had been through a lot, and them wrote “we know each other for so long. It’s enough, I don’t want more”. Or in lives, he complements the members and them says that he was reading a comment.
Actions like this are what makes me think that he wants to be braver and leave this shell where he is right now because he has so much love and care to give. And I can see him trying but still panics a lot and come back. He has some attitudes of a confident one, but in the next moment he has reactions of a panicked. He is soft, likes to hug the members, and there’s specific that are more close to him, like Ten (who is hyper sweet with him), Doyoung (who multiple times said that Jeno is his favorite NCT member and treats him like a son), Mark (the no jam duo), Renjun (who I think is the second closest to him, and a big source of support) and Jaemin (his best friend for years gay straight).
But there’s still a long way to him. It’s like I’m watching myself through him. And even if ours situations are different, I can tell that are a lot to organize, and comprehend.
But I think that Jeno wouldn’t be this confused, lost and caothic with discovering and figuring out his own things with it wasn’t for the fact that he -high possibly- has a crush in one of his friends.
Discovering that you like boys, at the age of 17, living a public life, coming from a conservative family, living in a homophobic country, and through and/or with feelings for a friend is just not easy. I can’t imagine how messy Jeno’s head is with all this put together. I think that he just not exploded thanks to his job making him focus in other things and relieve stress.
I just think that things for Jeno are really confusing and that makes him this boy with bold moments where he takes some initiative, but them regrets, like “what are you doing?”, and them back off, but can totally keep the interaction if there’s a limit (that maybe only exist in his mind to comfort and tranquilize him that “this” is okay, “more than this” not okay, your gay is showing).
What I conclude of him, till now, is that he is conscious of his sexuality and is trying to be comfortable with, find his right way of presents himself. It’s already too strong in him to be shut up, too pretend that is not there.  He already have a sexual expression too, that shows when he is with different members, so I conclude that he’ still not completely aware of it, but for what he knows he is already trying to take control. Jeno, imo, seems more submissive. He’s still scared to really get into the “feeling”, but when he does he is more likeable of lean on responding to a more intense attitude. He is almost like that boyfriend that doesn’t know how to say no. But that doesn’t mean he lacks in attitude. He takes some, but in majority is just to catch attention, to tease one response. The response he gets it’s what really catches his senses.  He “plays to be get”.
I hope you guys liked this. If there’s something that I’m lacking you can tell me with love to not hurt (lol). If theres something you want to ask, go foward! If you like this analysis part 1 and want to see me doing more, you can ask me to, I’d love that! 
Till the next one!
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castalk · 6 years
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I just got into ateez recently and oh my god i’m in love. I’m in love with them, with their music, performances, energy, power. But I’m also so in love with its leader HongJoong. I never saw a idol so instantly charismatic like him, not even Taeyong that is the epitome of make you fall for him on the first sight was that powerful on me -and oh my god, I love Taeyong so much. 
HongJoong is just the most adorable and beautiful creature in this world no matter how much I look at him. He is just damn precious for this world, and it’s such a shame that someone so dark, bitter and cynic like me is his fan, because he just exhales good and beautiful things. 
He is transparent, seems so true, so sincere in the way he talks, treats his members, sings, raps (and he is a damn good of a rapper), dances, moves his body and presents himself in the stage. I can feel all the sincerity in all of him and it impresses me so much. It’s mesmerizing every single time.
He is also happy, cherfull, kind, hardworking, loveable, hopefull, gratefull, simple, freakin’ cute with his cute little hands, big smiles, sweater paws, tiny body and big heart.
I’m just happy that I got to know him now and I have the chance to see him grow since the begining and be the big artist that he is destined to be. And happy to see such a beautiful and touching human, that makes my heart beast faster and almost explodes with all the good that he is and shows. HongJoong just worth it all.
Stan Ateez. Love HongJoong.
And view in Say my name.
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castalk · 6 years
Nomin Thoughts
I love Jeno and Jaemin. They’re one of my bias in NCT (’cause truth be told, is impossible to have only one bias in NCT. I already have 4!) and I can’t lie that I’m a huge nomin shipper. But I’m also a shipper with a feet on the ground when it comes to believe if it’s just a ship or something more.
Only a few of the ships that I have and see out there gives me this “real vibe” in some way, and nomin is one of them. In the begining I wasn’t that much sure about this, but more I observe them and having chensung/chenji as one way of comparison (because they’re the most beautiful and pure friendship ever!) I came to the conclusion that no, nomin isn’t just a ship thing.
I can write an essay talking about the clues they leaves, and acts, things said, receipts that sustents my belief that Jeno and Jaemin have romantic feelings for each other and all being very objective, with my shipper view aside, of couse.
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castalk · 6 years
Do you already know this talented group? No? Now it’s time.
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