casthenerd · 4 months
Kimetsu no Yaiba References
A collection of basic references, with links to more in-depth explanations and analysis. As much as possible details are taken from canon sources, but for what isn’t expressly stated, sleuthing was required and therefore has a margin of error. Some sections are also outside-research based for what is hopefully handy meta, especially for fanfic writers. Note: This post is likely to be edited with future additions.
Please see below the cut for the following topics:
- When does Kimetsu no Yaiba take place? - Attempted timelines of various characters and canon events - Where does Kimetsu no Yaiba take place? - What are the official Corp ranks? - Translations of some canon material printed outside the manga - Meta analysis with close reading of canon or outside research on: ——-Demons mechanisms ——-Name analysis ——-Taisho Period details ——-Traditional patterns and symbolism ———–and more…
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casthenerd · 2 years
Welp I know what my next tattoo is gonna be 😂
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casthenerd · 2 years
Mikuni during ch 125
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casthenerd · 2 years
SerVamp is a Therapy/Psychology Anime!!!
No seriously- it is!
Spoilers below:
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casthenerd · 2 years
everyone thank evilmario666 for firing the rent-lowering gunshots
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casthenerd · 5 years
Kuro, gets down on one knee: Mahiru, will you let me be in your life forever?
Mahiru, takes out a ring from his pocket: But you are my life, Kuro.
Kuro: Did you just interrupt my proposal to propose to me?
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casthenerd · 5 years
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casthenerd · 5 years
ok so there’s a game me and my friends play called “don’t get me started” and basically someone gives another person a random topic and they have to go on an angry rant about it and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to us at parties and car rides so I highly recommend playing sometimes with your friends
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casthenerd · 5 years
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The Folly Of Man (2015 - 2016)
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casthenerd · 5 years
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casthenerd · 5 years
A Guide To Exploring Abandoned Churches
If you go alone, don’t bring a flashlight. You’ll see things you don’t want to.
Don’t bring groups bigger than 12.
Bring water and some snacks, but no wine.
If you have to sleep there, sleep in the sanctuary, but not on a pew.
If you try to read the hymnal, the words won’t be english anymore.
The Bibles will be blank until you confess.
Don’t go into the confession booth. The man talking to you is not the priest, and you don’t want to know what he really is.
The cross on the wall changes locations, don’t look at it for too long.
If you see someone praying at the altar, don’t approach them. If they approach you, don’t talk to them. Leave immediately.
If you hear the organ playing while you’re in the basement, know that your time is running out.
If it plays while you’re in the sanctuary, your time is up.
Take whatever you want, but if you find that one of your possesions is missing, don’t look for it. Let them have it. It’s not worth your life.
If you find a rosary, don’t put it on. It won’t help.
The water isn’t holy anymore. Throwing it on the demons in the shadows won’t work.
Drink the wine if you wish to never leave.
Don’t get seperated from your friends.
If you spend the night, leave at sunrise otherwise you’ll enter another plane of reality with no way back.
If you don’t spend the night, leave through the doors you came in.
You might look behind you after leaving and see that the church isn’t there anymore. It means that they took what they wanted.
Never enter the same abandoned church twice. Even (especially) if you forgot something inside. That’s a lure. On your second tour through, they will know enough about you to keep you there.
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casthenerd · 5 years
Some of you actually stood up and recited the pledge of allegiance in school and it shows
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casthenerd · 5 years
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casthenerd · 5 years
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i have rude bitch disorder and it makes me say things like this 
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casthenerd · 5 years
do the spiderverse kids all have. slightly different meme cultures
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casthenerd · 5 years
Dear college bound friends,
Please do not start your essay with “Music has always been a big part of my life.” I get it. It’s the start of every. single, fricken, essay. And I know I probably made the same mistakes when I was writing mine. 
A College Admissions Counselor
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casthenerd · 5 years
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