Is there anything in byler fics that gives you the ick if they have it? Like a specific thing about the characterization that you can't stand, or a certain type of scene happening that makes it hard for you to keep reading even if the fic is objectively well-written 🤔 You know, just your personal opinion lol
Hmmmmm. A few things, and I hate to focus on the negative or critical. But I think there are certain things that apply across the board with spicy stuff or sex scenes in general, but there's also a few points of characterization I don't really jive with for Byler. Under the cut so if someone's not here for critical vibes you can skip this one:
I think I've made it obvious I'm not into heavy dom/sub vibes. With some exceptions - a few fics I've really enjoyed played with the dynamic but they still gotta be Mike and Will, you know? And I so rarely like it. Overall - I don't think it fits them and I don't want to reignite this discussion so send an ask if you want but I'll prob read and ponder and let it sit. ANYWAY. I've dipped out if it sounds super out of character. They just wouldn't have a really really intense dynamic like this. There's a difference between leading in the bedroom and the other being a bit more passive or needy and dom/sub. You can write really rough sex and it not be dom/sub. It's mostly language use. And it's often a case of "He wouldn't fucking say that" with Byler for me. I'm... picky.
Calling someone master/sir is a huge turn off. Icky ick for me. A well placed, rare use of daddy is totally different though. (Not real into an extended scene about it as a d/s dynamic, that leads into secondhand embarrassment for me. But a little teasing implication can be so so good. With limits!!)
I pretty quickly nope out if the dirty talk is too degrading. I don't like that stuff. There's a difference in a cheeky moment of calling each other super needy or a fond little "you're such a slut right now" or "youre so desperate for this, look at you" like that's fine, that can be really hot. But actually degrading dirty talk is a huge turn off for me, irl and in fic, I'll admit that. I'm too sensitive to like it, even fictionally. Just makes me uncomfortable. I also don't like when the fic is supposed to be very early relationship or even their first time ??? and the dirty talk sounds like a bad adult film. What? Takes me out of the read, gotta say bye.
I lose interest when I can tell that they're doing anal with minimal foreplay or prep like to the point where I can't suspend my disbelief based on the action and description up until suddenly they're fucking. I can't take it seriously because the sex becomes nonsense and generic then. This extends to any fandom. Some don't care. But I care!! That's what makes it interesting to read. Otherwise you can swap in any characters and it's just sex scene mad-libs.
I don't typically like topWill in general unless special circumstances/good writing and made clear that they switch.
Oh wait, I think this is the definition of ick. I shrivel up and die at the word ravenette or too many epitaphs. JUST USE THEIR NAMES / PRONOUNS I could be loving a fic and then this happens and I physically feel my spine tense and I have to stop reading in case it's in the fic again. It just really feels embarrassing to me for some reason.
Specific to Byler? I kind of lose focus if it's mentioned even in passing that Will joined anything athletic in school. I'm one of those Will fans who's pretty staunch in the anti-athletic Will Byers agenda. He would never join a sports team. It throws off my groove!!!
These are all my opinions. You can do what you want!! I'm sure I do things and like things that people nope out of. That's why I encourage everyone to just do what you want and post what feels right for you. One man's yuck is another gal's yum is another person's fave is some dude's most hated trope. Mileage may vary and all that. Bless the archive for hosting everything and the ease of fic being at our fingertips. It's so easy to find new stuff and it's also easy to just back out of a fic that didn't jive - someone else might love it!! And that's cool!
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would byler use condoms
Yall always have such randomly specific thoughts but I always love it! Hmmm.
Alright, I kinda love the idea of a very anxious but somewhat smug Mike going off to the store, maybe down in the little bodega near their dorm room building in the city. The one he frequents all the time. He's shifty, staring at options on the shelf. Blushing furiously as some other guys walks up and bushes forward no hesitation to grab what he needs and goes on his way. So Mike rolls his eyes and just snatches the one he wants and goes up to the register. That first time where literally NO ONE IS PAYING ATTENTION TO YOU, no one cares at all, but his mind is screaming everyone knows, everyone knows I'm going to have sex, they know I'm going to fuck someone, do they know its for a man, do they know, can they tell, do they know??? But it's the anxiety of being watched and judged and also a little heh heh I'm about to get laaaaaid pride when he puts the box on the counter and the indifferent clerk rings it up and hands it over with zero eye contact, barely looks away from his book. Mike's face is so red. Embarrassed. And excited.
I like to think they probably haven't really talked about those particulars at this point, it's not like they have a date scheduled on their calendar saying "LOSE OUR VIRGINITIES" with a big red circle on it. But they both know they're ready, probably soon. Where ever the passion leads when they're fooling around. So, Mike wants to be ready in case they decide to use them. He knows he'll be guiding them, leading them, so it's the responsible thing to buy them.
They do decide to use one that first time, not really knowing entirely what to expect. It feels like the Thing To Do. Even though they've only been with each other and have a base knowledge of what sex between men is like now, they're still hesitant and it's almost grounding to pause a moment, catch their breaths. Will's on his back, relaxed but anticipatory, and so turned on. He's so overly prepared and physically beyond ready, almost wants to tell Mike to just get on with it and fuck him, but Mike's kneeling between his legs and has got that face on that happens when he's encountered a puzzle, a challenge. Brows pinched together, teeth biting his lip as he rips at the foil. But he figures it out, and rolls the condom on with shaky, sticky hands, and finally presses inside.
It only takes a few times after that night to forgo one and try it bareback. Will really, really just wants to feel him, feel everything. Mike, too, of course. Sure, putting one on makes clean-up a lot easier, but that's not always the goal - practicality. It's so different, having your partner like that, bare inside you, coming inside you. But - it's an option. That practicality is needed sometimes. As the years go on and they get more and more adventurous, there are occasions when they need to fuck right now and it's not conducive to then go about the day walking around having to deal with the after effects 🤭 And those two are quite insatiable, after all.
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castlebyersafterdark · 10 hours
Mike's hair being fluffed aw
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castlebyersafterdark · 11 hours
He was fed up and frustrated, but he wasn’t surprised. It wasn’t new, to dream about… about… God, what am I doing…? He blinked, looking down at the outline of his hand, moving beneath his underwear. He tugged the fabric down a little.  The hair between his legs looked dark in the shadow - a deep brown, like Mike’s. Will had always thought his own brown hair was boring and plain. A mid brown. An average brown. Not wonderfully dark like Mike’s. Sometimes, if the light was just right, you could mistake Mike’s hair for black. When the lamps were low in the basement and Mike took on his Dungeon Master persona, Will would sometimes forget that he hadn’t just stepped straight out of another realm.
Far from Mike in California as fall tumbles in, Will lies in his bed in the dark, his mind wandering to Halloween, Hawkins, and the meaning of home. As much as he tries to stop himself, he soon finds his hands wandering, too...
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castlebyersafterdark · 15 hours
his smile!! his bunny teeth!!
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castlebyersafterdark · 17 hours
Give us some clues cos those words could be anything
Concise to sum up one as just CHOKE ME
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castlebyersafterdark · 17 hours
“a lot of freaky stuff has been happening around here.”
well 😋
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castlebyersafterdark · 17 hours
@ anon why HELLLLLO my beloved little nasty friend. What do YOU think 😉
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castlebyersafterdark · 17 hours
the way I would **** *** **** ******* *** ***** and **** *** ******** and **** *** ***** ****** ** ****. Just normal things ya know? 😊
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castlebyersafterdark · 18 hours
Finn's new IG post
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castlebyersafterdark · 18 hours
oh. wow. sir. bark bark bark. [redacted]
WHAT. Are yall kiiiiiidddding me. I am. Unwell. What a gifttttttttt. 🗣🗣🗣
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castlebyersafterdark · 18 hours
so... is this will at the dnd fair?
or are there stars printed on there too?
Oooooooh YES!! That's the vision 🤭 stars would be fun, but I envisioned just a nice simple purple jock to perfectly match his little wizard robes, totally. That's it 😉
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castlebyersafterdark · 19 hours
It's the redoing the "getting married" part that's like. Ok but, you've already been married? You did the vows, the officiant, said the words... the second ceremony is a repeat, a pretend. You've already done this. So I just cannot fathom doing that twice. Would some walk the aisle twice? You've already declared your piece! How is the emotion the second time? Why?
yeah... well, for the friends with the second ceremony, its probably because they wanted a lavish outdoor wedding but it's not possible to be officially married like that in the uk. here, to get legally married, you're restricted either to a council registry office with limited guests (an actual office, you get a slot of like 30 mins and you definitely don't walk down an aisle lol) or churches - and even then you have to have been going to church and prove you believe and all that, which is kind of pretending for many folks because its not common to be a religious practising christian who actually goes to church here anymore (can't speak for other religions and weddings of different cultures).
and they wanted this special location! and there was authenticity because they were saying new and different vows (you dont say vowels in a registry ceremony, you just promise legalities), and all their loved ones were there. so it was a celebration and ofc the party followed and it was in the same place, great for guests who only have to travel to one location.
so basically, its not redoing the romantic part because getting married in a registry office isn't romantic lol (well, not in the way most people want it to be).
seeing as millie is british, it may be similar to this where their actual wedding was just in a small place with a couple of loved ones, and she dressed nicely but it absolutely wasn't a 'ceremony'. but i dont know, is she getting married under US law? i dont know how it works. its usually legal reasons - she wants a destination wedding, but getting married in another country might not count for her citizenship etc. and, in a way, all weddings are performances, so even if you just have one, it's still very performative even if the emotion is authentic. i mean, walking down an aisle, standing there... name something more theatrical tbh!
and go vinny about only inviting people who deserve to be at your special day! x
Ok... this makes a bit more sense? It's the hopeless romantic in me who couldn't really mentally get behind the idea of repeating all the "romantic" or devotional parts twice, reciting vows twice, just for a smaller group vs. a different location and extended crowd. I guess I consider a justice of the peace / courthouse situation totally different than what I'm thinking of, but that does make sense to then have the formal "second" wedding. I guess I maybe assumed it was a whole second thing again with chairs set for guests, stand at the front of the group, officiant reading off whatever is decided to be read, exchange vows. I swear I've seen/read celebs doing all that twice for the same "marriage" and ?? That's where it seems odd. But I doubt that's what most mean by "second wedding." That's what confused me. Maybe "official wedding" idk it's all semantics really. Haha
So maybe I'm getting wrapped up in different mindsets and terminology. I guess I've never really referred to a courthouse marriage the same way as a wedding ceremony. But that could just be ignorance on my part, since I've never been involved in that? I've always understood that to be eloping, and then maybe later they have an actual wedding. Getting married without the wedding. Like you don't have to "run away together" to elope. Could be colloquial differences.
And YUP. I know exactly who is getting invited and who specifically isn't and I'm not pressed. We all have our lives. It's about love and family. Bigots and judgemental assholes aren't my family sooo 💁‍♂️
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castlebyersafterdark · 20 hours
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castlebyersafterdark · 20 hours
someone once asked if I've ever slipped up and said the actors names in bed with my man and nooooo way haha never!! It ain't like that!!! Silly stuff. That's mild but it caught me off guard haha
this is either because that anon has also done that and wanted solidarity lmao, or because you said you once fantasised about a certain actor we discuss here topping you once hahaha
i think you might have deleted that post but i remember reading it, unless my life is a fever dream lie
I can't remember if I deleted it but I definitely posted it, mostly implied in response to a brazen anon. So the ask wasn't posted, but I think you can usually read between the lines when I hint at that stuff 🤭 And hey, to that anon, if you were looking for solidarity, I may not exactly have that specifically but it's ok! Cannot claim that I've ever said the wrong name before, but it's human to admit the mind wanders. Not so much with my man now, the way I'm all in with him is so deeply smitten, my extracurricular fantasies are for the idle mind. But its true - he knows my celeb crushes, and I know his. It's all in good fun. But when we're together? Sooo completely present. Everything else is so far from my brain. Maybe I'm annoying about it, but love makes you very sappy and irritating sometimes but I can't be too pressed about that haha.
Anyway! Like I said, fantasies and all that are very natural and human. Ain't nothing wrong with that 😘
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castlebyersafterdark · 20 hours
What happens at a second wedding?!?! I feel so naive!!
allow me to enlighten you in the least arrogant way possible lmao!
jokes aside, i did go to two weddings that were split like this. not celebs, regular folk. one was my sibling!
so they were married at a registry office with only a witness for each present (i was one of the witnesses. never have i been more forced to face the fact that im now an adult and must therefore be responsible). then that weekend, they threw a party for all guests. so it was basically like a reception! the best bit of wedding tbh - cake and dancing. they did wear formal gowns etc, though, so it's just ceremonial, but hilariously they drove into the venue themselves in their regular car hahahahaha i loved how nonchalant it was.
and the second one was a lavish outdoor wedding in the back garden of my friends' parents home in the countryside. huge marquee, trees, canopies, wildflower garden, beside a river etc. they had gotten married officially months before but i only heard about that through hear'say on the day, even though i had designed their invites lol! they went through all the motions - aisle, dress, suits, vows, with the officiant being the groom's sister and reading poetry instead of legal marriage vowels. so it was ceremonial.
you asked who is it for - i would argue the couple, to have Their Moment lol. take that as you will, but most guests will be happy to go and partake; it's always lovely to see people you love declare THEIR love (i mean, we know this - it's why we're trapped in byler tumblr lol) as long as it's not too inconvenient or gauche.
and ofc, a party followed, with - you guessed it - cake and dancing (and other vices). i would argue, though, that destination weddings are controversial. re: millie and finn drama, idc that theyre all rich - its the expectation that someone is going to rearrange their life and splash out on coming to your random far flung wedding that always has me side-eyeing.
I guess my hang up is, after having a ceremony, however small, is then after the fact you have a second ceremony? That's the part that I cannot wrap my head around. If it's just a reception-esque thing a different day than the tiny ceremony, or a second reception - I can kind of understand. Another party for a different set of people - sure, I suppose.
It's the redoing the "getting married" part that's like. Ok but, you've already been married? You did the vows, the officiant, said the words... the second ceremony is a repeat, a pretend. You've already done this. So I just cannot fathom doing that twice. Would some walk the aisle twice? You've already declared your piece! How is the emotion the second time? Why?
I guess I've only ever heard of famous people do this so I just have trouble imagining redoing the romantic part of a wedding? Two parties are two parties. Sure. Fine. I guess now having my own wedding on the far horizon - I can't imagine how bizarre doing that twice would be, with the same person. Having the second be a preformance? Our ceremony will be simple, unlike all my siblings' traditional church weddings (they're not all even being invited tbh 😉), but the standard elements will be the same. Exchanging of vows, most importantly. Writing our own. I know I'll be so emotional, and to think some do that twice just for a different group of people?
I don't know. Maybe I'm over thinking it. I romanticize everything. But a wedding IS peak romance, so am I wrong?
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castlebyersafterdark · 20 hours
ok now we've established that finn was drunk merry at that seahawks game, what's the probability that he...
flirt-texted noah
2. accidentally referenced how cute will byers is in said text
3. sent a thirst post to the seahawks in addition to his official vids
4. accidentally let slip to people nearby how hot such and such football player on the team is
5. all of the above
Hahaha I'm obsessed with you this is so funny 🤣🤣🤣 Drunk flirting with his boy Noahhhhh of course! And maybe a little out of pocket sports themed innuendo, in his Finn way of not knowing if he's being sarcastic or genuine because his delivery is so bizarre, Finn being Finn. Love it, fantastic vibes anon 😉
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