castlephotography · 2 years
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Ansel Adams reference photos.
Ansel Adams' formula: Nature + the west + surrealism + deep depth of field + grand + majestic + high contrast + emotional = A unique experience that shows the nature and beauty of the west in a new way that makes you stop and look for a while.
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castlephotography · 2 years
My formula
Nature + rural + buildings + high contrast + deep depth of field + black and white + historical = A timeless array of images that capture the essence of a liminal western perspective.
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castlephotography · 2 years
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Final Assignment
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castlephotography · 2 years
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Final Assignment
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castlephotography · 2 years
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Final Assignment
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castlephotography · 2 years
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Final Assignment
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castlephotography · 2 years
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Final Assignment
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castlephotography · 2 years
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Final Assignment
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castlephotography · 2 years
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Final Assignment
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castlephotography · 2 years
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Final Assignment
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castlephotography · 2 years
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Final Assignment
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castlephotography · 2 years
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Assignment 9
ISO: 50 f/1.8 1 sec
I found this flower drooping straight down and I thought it would make an interesting photo. I think it represents grief and longing. I moved the camera closer as I took this photo to achieve this effect.
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castlephotography · 2 years
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Assignment 9
ISO: 400 f/2.5 1/25 sec
I took this photo through a glass bottle to distort the lighting and blur the photo. This is a location I spent a lot of my childhood and I wanted to represent how it might appear in a memory.
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castlephotography · 2 years
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Assignment 9
ISO:50 f/2.2 1/2 sec
I took an old family portrait and I experimented until I could get an Image where it was just blurred enough to hide the faces and make the photo look more generic and familiar.
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castlephotography · 2 years
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Assignment 9
ISO: 50 f/1.8 1/2 sec
In this photo I tried to blur the pieces by moving the camera during the exposure so that they would appear more highlighted from the slight blur.
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castlephotography · 2 years
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Assignment 8
In this photo I wanted to bring out the more natural colors but make them more saturated, I enjoyed experimenting with some of the blending options and seeing the colors in the mountains start to pop out.
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castlephotography · 2 years
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Assignment 8
I wanted this image to feel more like winter and feel cold if you would imagine yourself here. I brought out the blues in the mountains and the trees to achieve this look.
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