epiphanichiraeth · 4 months
Nothings gonna ever beat the fact that your own family, your close ones hurt you the most. Yes, they only love you so deeply but also hurt you equally and even more.
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epiphanichiraeth · 4 months
Capricorns are so sexy, y’all Capricorn females are so elegant and graceful😭💪
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epiphanichiraeth · 4 months
“I love you” is never enough when it comes to you.
if I could paint the entire sky in hues of your favourite colour, I would. I would fill your room’s ceiling with all the stars of the galaxy, if I could. I’d take all the pain & hurt that caused you to shed your precious tears, if only I could.
ill give you all the happiness in this universe, you’re that amazing and special. you matter.
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epiphanichiraeth · 4 months
my heart just melts whenever it hits me that he’s mine.
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epiphanichiraeth · 1 year
At times when we have a big and loving heart, we can't help but to get easily attached. We create space for other people in ourselves and we place them on a pedestal. Where it becomes unhealthy is when you let the behaviour of the person you are attached to, determine how you feel about yourself. It becomes unhealthy when we have high expectations. At times we think we know that person, but we really don't.
Our expectations can lead to disappointments and disappointments can lead to internalised shame because of the way we let those people we were attached to treat us. Because we are so attached we give them the benefit of the doubt because we are scared of losing them, but in reality they might not be that attached to you, and they might not care to lose a person like you because they know how easy it is for you to be attached.
When you have enough respect for yourself, you create boundaries to not put yourself in a position where you will not get attached to people who are not good for you. You will not go there, simply because you have made changes to how much you are willing to tolerate, how much you invest, and how much you are willing to share straight away. We break our attachments by realising that the way others handle situations is different. You could do everything right and there would still be someone who disagrees
You have to understand that not everyone is your person, and you have to stop putting yourself in that place where you pretend like they are out of fear of losing them. If they are the right person for you, they will not make you feel incredibly anxiously attached. We cannot control the outcome but we can control how we handle it and we can control the way we choose to attach ourselves to situations, people and places.
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epiphanichiraeth · 1 year
I have had my fair share of hurtful lessons and experiences over the years. Here’s what I have to say:
- never keep any expectations from ANYONE. No matter how close they are to you, how much you love them or what all they’ve done for you. The moment we start to expect someone to act a certain way towards us for us, we end up getting hurt when these expectations aren’t met. We never know what they feel towards us.
-stay PRIVATE. people never like seeing others genuinely happy and you never know how quick talks go around. One day you happily shared it with one and the next day, everyone is mentioning about it. You never know how your shared stuff might come back to you later in life.
- know your GOALS. You have different goals and visions. Don’t let temporary relationships ruin this. You’re not meant to change your routine, mind, habits or YOURSELF just because you’re hanging out or building relationships with certain people at that time. You’re different , unique and above all.
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epiphanichiraeth · 1 year
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epiphanichiraeth · 1 year
oh and how excruciatingly beautiful lies we tell to the people we love, to save them from the truth.
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epiphanichiraeth · 1 year
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Hearts aren't handcuffs and people aren't prisons.
When you feel it's time for you to leave, you leave. You neither need to wait to be released, nor ask for permission.
Beau Taplin
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epiphanichiraeth · 1 year
I haven't spoken to anyone for three days.I even liked it. I think it's good to keep silent for a while. Words can't express everything a person feels. Words are flaccid.
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epiphanichiraeth · 1 year
I think I’m a person who always gives so much and loves so much, endlessly and genuinely. Is it too much to ask for being thought of, looked after, loved by someone and just be of some importance in someone’s life? Why am I never reciprocated with the kind of love I give? So so so genuine and pure? I think I’ll never stop being the person who needs an external love to be able to self love. And it’s not wrong. It is who I am. I’m pure and genuine and would give so much , because I love you.
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epiphanichiraeth · 1 year
Honestly, the pain now is physical.
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epiphanichiraeth · 1 year
what a year this week has been.
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epiphanichiraeth · 1 year
why does no one talk about the intimacy in you controlling your breathing as they put their shoulder on your head, just because you don’t want to disrupt their peace?????
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epiphanichiraeth · 1 year
are you ok? No I want a cat.
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epiphanichiraeth · 1 year
I’m in my Slut era
[procrastination, maladaptive daydreaming, social anxiety, isolation, body dysmorphia, mood swings, laziness, terrible memory (cannot remember childhood)]
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epiphanichiraeth · 1 year
why is it that people don’t ever talk about that phase of depression where everything feels so tirelessly mundane and you don’t want anything from anyone anymore. You just lay and rot in one corner of your bed feeling this hole you don’t know how to fill and feel guilty and shame about doing nothing but just letting the entire day pass as such because it just doesn’t happen.
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