castlesncandyapples · 4 months
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Adventure Multimuse for game, film and series characters!           Mutuals Only! Hit like/Reblog
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castlesncandyapples · 4 months
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castlesncandyapples · 6 months
Not on hiatus like officially but I'm kinda just not around too much lately so sorry about that! I'm a little burned out
I'll still be checking messages though!
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castlesncandyapples · 6 months
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part of the animatic that i’ll never finish
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castlesncandyapples · 7 months
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"... Oh."
The Collector crossed his arms and pouted. That didn't sound so cool. Flying wasn't even impressive... palismen could fly. He could fly.
"Do they do anything else? And why are they dead?" he asked, titling his head as he watched the dinosaur take shape in the snow.
“ Human realm creatures that have been dead for a long time. ”
… A rather curt, matter-of-fact answer. A surprisingly deadpan one, for being said by someone attempting to make a Pterodactyl in the snow.
“ Humans only know about them because of their fossils. This one used to fly. ”
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castlesncandyapples · 7 months
@wrensfeatheredpen asked: 'Snowmen are over. It's time for snow dinosaurs.' / griffin to collector or luz ? i saw that prompt and couldn’t not use it okay 😂
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The Collector hovered in place, squinting at the Grimwalker beside him.
"Ummm, what's a dinosaur?"
If it was cooler than snowmen, and it sounded cooler than snowmen, then he wanted to know.
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castlesncandyapples · 7 months
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"Right. Tracks..."
Cera looked around, but couldn't see anything through the thick, swampy plants. Maybe if both of them were quiet they might end up hearing something instead?
"Well, I think that not every adventure has to end with us running away from a sharptooth. This is..." she took a step forward, grimacing at the squelch underfoot. "A nice change of pace. Even if it is gross."
She couldn't hear anything, either. There were always sounds coming from somewhere far off, but it didn't sound like anything was close enough to them to be connected to the tracks they were looking for.
"You're a flyer," said the threehorn, glancing over at Petrie. "Why don't you see if you can see anything from above?"
Maybe Petrie would be able to tell which way it went.
"Tracks," he replies dismally.
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Indeed, a bunch of weird, unfamiliar ones had appeared near one of their usual hang-outs. Nobody could figure whether they were leaf or meat-eater, or something in between. But they led near the valley walls, and with the luck their group often had, Petrie had no doubt it had come from outside.
But one could hope otherwise.
The trail had gotten harder to find in this marshy bit, though, hence the...tension.
"Not most adventure-y adventure." he admits. A bored Cera is a mean one.
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castlesncandyapples · 7 months
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Credit: chipandco
Posters from the West Coast MMRR queue
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castlesncandyapples · 7 months
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"Need directions?" Pinky could tell the smaller fox wasn't from the city, because he himself wasn't from here-- initially, at least. He knew a country accent anywhere.
"You've found yourself in Las Vegas, Nevada. Greatest city in the world, if'n I do say so myself."
An opinion which certainly had nothing to do with his employee's image being plastered on every building and street sign.
"'Lest you meant the building you're standin' in right now, in which case I oughta point you to the giant neon sign out front. Says 'Pinky's Place', can't miss it."
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"Now where in the Sam Hill am I?"
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castlesncandyapples · 7 months
about duplicates
Duplicates are friends, not rivals.
Duplicates have the right to rp the same muse as you are.
Duplicates are not here to steal your friends/partners.
Duplicates bring in their own interpretation and uniqueness to their muse.
I do UNDERSTAND there are duplicates who were problematic, like stealing headcanons and ideas from their muns who are rping the same character they are. You have the absolute right to be wary, ignore them, and not befriend them. Though, for the most part, they’re all here to have fun and bring in their own style. And I am starting to notice people are leaving fandoms merely because there are muns who hates “competition”. 
                  Since when did rping become a contest to see who’s the best?
Like I said, you have the right of not wanting to associate or befriending with duplicates especially if you made it known in your rules. But throwing in the passive aggressive attitude and telling others not to interact with them, ostracizing them from the community is not the right way to do it if you feel insecure around them. There’s the block button and tumblr savior. 
Most importantly: You have the right to be insecure, but your mental illness is not a valid excuse to be mean.  
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castlesncandyapples · 7 months
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Grumpy raised his brows, but then thought better of it and put on an even fiercer scowl than before. He couldn't let Scratch see that he was fascinated by the ghostly abilities that were on display, even though he did think it would have been neat if he could summon items like that.
Maybe one day. He wasn't going to let it happen anytime soon.
"Lessee..." said Grumpy, counting on his fingers. "There's seven o' us not countin' her, then there's me, so... seven plus one, that's eight."
He'd never had a proper education, and Doc definitely had a leg up on him when it came to this stuff, but he would be darned if he wasn't one of the smarter dwarves in the group. He could handle a simple equation.
"'N I don't want you doin' nothin' to the rest o' them! No spookin', no scarin'!" said the Dwarf, with a dissuading arm wave. "Jus' the girl! Got it?"
Fan-tas-tic! No loopholes, no tricky take-backs, just a good old school shoo-out!
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A little pen and paper poofs into being in his grubby little hands; as translucent and gooey as he was, as he scribbles down the name and address. A bit presumptuous on his part, to mark it already, but he can work with the environment. The forest provided vibes.
"Nice, nice, I'll get her alone and..."
Pump the brakes. He peers at Grumpy over the top of the sheet of paper,
"Uh, did you say all of 'em? I agreed ta scare one sap. Harder to do if she's got an entourage. How many people ya got in this place?"
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castlesncandyapples · 7 months
I LOVE. having multiple threads with my rp partners !! it’s like on some days i feel like writing long stuff, on others i feel more like writing short stuff, sometimes i’d rather write some intense situations, and other times i’m more in the mood for lighthearted topics. having several different types of threads with a person enables me to keep rping with them even if i’m stuck @ a reply for another thread we’re having !! it’s great, honestly !? if you wanna have 1 more thread or 20 more threads /w me that’s 10/10 👌👌👌👌 just write that starter or send an ic ask & we’ll go from there or hmu for plotting k man i love threads i love writing all the things
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castlesncandyapples · 7 months
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Scavengers with a queen? Ratigan's curiosity was piqued, now more than ever. Perhaps being in the upper crust for so long had influenced his worldview, but he had to admit that he had not anticipated such societies having royals of their own. A mayor or other type of leader figure, definitely, but never a queen or king.
"The Queen?" he echoed, frowning in thought. "And... what might that make you?"
Who knew how exclusive interaction with the Scavenger Queen was. Maybe Snow wasn't anything special. Maybe her queen wasn't like the Queen of England at all, and anyone could talk to her.
Or maybe not.
Ratigan leaned down, having wiped the skeptical look off his face so that the smile from before could return. Being a scavenger was certainly no worse than being a sewer rat, if you asked him. Simple mice or not, he held more respect for them than he ever would for those who had raised him.
"If she's here now, I should quite like to meet her."
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“ ah , we are a small colony . ” the little mouse admits . “ primarily scavengers , to put it quite bluntly . ”
country mice , one's that without a doubt keep a distance to man's population . and yet , there's little to no bashfulness in the mouseling's that description . nothing to give the impression that she held any sort of insecurity of her humble upbringing , let alone any impression that she was trying to make herself look good in front of the prestigious lot . simple souled ? indeed . but not a simple mind .
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“ my mistress , actually ! ” she affirms . “ i am under the mentorship of our queen . ”
"mentorship," was a kind way of putting it . it was a rather laissez-fair approach , but madame mouserinks kept her tabs on the girl as she had promised ; had her running errands here and there , and attending royal gatherings .
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castlesncandyapples · 7 months
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Piglet's Big Movie (2003) dir. Francis Glebas
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castlesncandyapples · 7 months
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"Uhhhh... small talk." LeFou scrunched his nose. Maybe this guy wouldn't know what that was either. "Which is like, when you're trying to figure someone out, you just say anything. Plus, I was curious." He shrugged a little, and tried again to keep up with him. He'd never had the best filter when it came to not saying everything that went through his head.
LeFou didn't know if he believed or even understood what Ingvar said about his parents (or lack thereof), but it didn't seem like there was a reason not to believe it.
If an old witch could turn a prince into a beast, then maybe it wasn't so far-fetched for giants to just be created like that.
"That's, uh, sad, though," he tacked on, "About you being the only one."
He couldn't imagine being the only human, though sometimes he did feel pretty isolated in town. Ingvar seemed sad now. LeFou didn't want to find out what giant tears looked like. Change the topic, change the topic!
"See any good birds up there?"
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"More...? Nay. None. Not... not anymore. Hence... it is making much sense to me that you have not been meeting another."
Ingvar had said it with a tinge of sorrow to his voice, yet he didn't seem keen to dwell upon it, Ingvar. It was for that reason that when Lefou next caught up with him (as he felt want to do with each stride, for the last thing that he wanted was for the poor fellow to fall behind when he was being led — part of him wished he might carry the man, but he had refused, and it was only right that Ingvar should respect his wishes), he changed the subject, focusing upon one of the man's bizarre questions.
"... Unlike humans... giants are not having... parents. Not in same way way all. The Goddess... was making of us. Like... great dolls created from the earth, and... then was giving to us life."
Whether or not his explanation would make sense to the simple-seeming man, he wanted to at least attempt to correct the misconception.
"For what reason are you asking? I am not being angry nor offended, simply... curious."
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castlesncandyapples · 7 months
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Pinky humored that with a quiet hum, hardly stopping to clean up the scattered bills. That was someone else's job.
"He might very well be, Goldie, he might very well be," he said, nodding in her direction. "That's why I've gotta capitalize on this now, y'understand?"
Hype Chanticleer up enough, merchandise him enough, and the public won't be able to forget him so easily. Luckily for Pinky, making something seem better than it was was the type of thing he was good at.
It certainly helped that Chanticleer was already talented.
"But if you've got any solutions t' that next month problem, I'm all ears. Unless, 'course, it's all just..." He took a drag on his cigar. "A personal gripe?"
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She side-steps away from the flurry of dollar bills that the golf ball struck on its way home. She'd grown to hate the smell of new money. This chicken man was shouldering everybody out, not just her. They'd all worked ten times harder than he had!
"Next Big Thing," she echoed ruefully, sending a hidden little scowl at the rooster's likeness, slapped on the billboard visable from the window. "Next Big Thing's always come an' go, Pinky. How'd ya know he ain't gonna be old news by next month?"
That was her only hope, really, that the public would tire of the sad country boy act.
Pinky's big an imposing an usually she's more careful about where he steps, lest she be struck by the golf balls, knocked aside or worse, but spite makes a girl brave.
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castlesncandyapples · 7 months
I respect the fact that you have other things going on in your life beyond answering our thread. And sometimes people have writer’s block. I get that.
Take your time replying to me and don’t feel guilty.
I’d rather you took your time and were proud and happy with your reply than sending me a rushed one that you have writer’s remorse about later that makes it even more likely that thread will get dropped.
And even if a thread does get dropped, that doesn’t mean we can’t keep roleplaying. We can always start something new from a different angle.
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