casvian13 · 5 years
ScREECH AAAA I love soft realistic domestic lovers aaaa
Roman, talking about his new neighbor: cute neighbor just knocked to ask if he could borrow an egg. then he asked if I could summarize how pancakes are made
Roman: now I'm going over to his place to teach him how to do them
Roman: cute neighbor knows how to make pancakes now.
Patton: Does cute neighbor know anything else???
Roman: My number ;)
This is a Prinxiety but I'll leave it to imagination
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casvian13 · 5 years
Thank you magic man
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casvian13 · 5 years
Thank you for making my brain bring itself to reality
If your anxiety, depression, or executive dysfunction is making you scroll endlessly on your phone or laptop
It’s okay, I’m not mad. It happens to everybody sometimes. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? But it’s time to get up now.
Don’t worry! You don’t have to do that
One Thing,
just get yourself a glass of water for now, or brush your teeth, or pet a cat.
After you’ve done that, maybe you could make yourself a nice cocoa, or open a window. If you’re feeling really crazy you might finish a homework problem, or respond to an e-mail, or wash a dish.
But no matter what, if you get up then you’re moving forward, and I’m
super proud of you!
I know you’re having a difficult time, but I’m really glad you’ve made it this far, and I love you!
Have a nice day my friend, I’ll see you soon, but right now it’s time for you to get up.
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casvian13 · 5 years
hands held tight together
Fictober Day: 26
Fanfiction/Poem for Sanders Sides (Moxiety)
you keep me warm
my heart, my hands
your smile illuminating my life
even in dark shadows of doubt
with a song and a kiss
somehow nothings amiss
as you make our days fly by
too fast i say, hand held tightly in yours
but you pulled me to you
too loving to be truth
they mocked my name
but you stayed through my pain
claming my heart as your prize
youre allowed to be sad
but let me help you feel glad
because patton, i love you
so please let me try
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casvian13 · 5 years
its just fanfiction, leave me be
Day/Prompt Number: 19
Rating: PG
Fanfiction: Sanders Sides
Warnings/Ratings: People going on computer, judgment, off-hand sex mention (by Remus)
“Well, it’s not exactly a secret but-”
“Secrets? I love secrets!” Deceit flopped down on the couch next to Emile, who was intently listening to your rant.
“It’s not a secret Dee, just a misunderstanding,” Emile explained as I got out my laptop to explain.
“Look here. See? 23 bookmarks for Ao3 and Wattpad. You type into Google ’S’ and the top result is Sanders Sides fanfiction.” You pointed to my screen, “It’s not a secret. It’s awkward when Roman wants to check my search history and I can’t because, well, it’s weird!”
Remus leaned into your face and winked, “Some are smutty sexy times about me, of course.”
You stuck your tongue out at him, poking Remus’ face. “Bleh. I tend to stay away from NSFW, but I guess occasionally.”
Remus cackled and sat on Deceit’s lap who pushed him onto the floor. “Hear that snake man? Lots of stuff about us getting it on, so why disappoint-”
I shoved his shoulder, “Ew, no. Not in my good Christian Minecraft server.”
Remus just winked at you and continued to doodle on Emile’s calf.
“If you would do a person from Clue, that would be tickety-boo!” Emile said to Remus while fiddling with his many friendship bracelets.
Remus nodded and finished drawing the sword on his ankle in your smelly markers.
“So, you can see why I wouldn’t want Patton or Roman going through my search history. Virgil wouldn’t look and Logan wouldn’t care, but-”
“It's not awkward,” Dee agreed, stretching out over the back of your couch.
“Why are you in short shorts and a mesh crop top?” Emile faced his boyfriend, who was checking his scales on his phone’s camera.
“Why wouldn’t he?” you laughed, pulling your computer back onto your lap.
“You don't like it, do you?” Deceit purred, winking at Emile, who flushed and looked away.
Remus bounced up, “All done! And let me get this gay, because of your written smut of us, you didn’t want them to use your computer?”
“Yeah, which made Roman upset-”
“Because he thought you didn’t trust him,” Emile supplied, inspecting the doodle of Professor Plum shooting a dinosaur.
“Of course Patton didn't get involved-” Deceit rolled his eyes, “So you didn't leave without talking, and removed yourself from the project groupchat.”
“Yup,” you tossed a Wii remote at Remus, who attempted to catch it in his mouth. It hit him in the teeth instead, knocking him onto the carpet.
“Well, its too nice of a marvelous may day to sit around and not play!” Emile slid off the couch and opened the drapes, letting the sun into your living room.
“yes! MARIO KART!” Remus screeched and turned on the TV as Emile stepped over him to make popcorn in the kitchen.
“At least I have ya’ll,” you sighed, leaning back next to Dee.
“Very not true,” Deceit poked my face as Remus screeched, Emile made popcorn, and my stress level dropped.
And they say The Alternates aren’t good for anything?
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casvian13 · 5 years
you should be here
Day/Prompt Number: 17
Rating: PG
Fanfiction: Good Omens (gender neutral reader insert)
Warnings/Triggers: calling on the phone, living together, moving in, forgetfulness, mentions of drunk confessions
(y/n)=your name
(g/n) gendered name (woman, man, person)
“There is just something about (p/n),” Aziraphale sighed, “I don’t know, I just feel like (p/n) should be here.” He finished stacking the clean dishes in the sink of the cottage’s kitchen. Crowley made a noncommital noise from his throne in the connecting office.
Ever since they had moved to the large cottage in the countryside, the angel kept wanting to reach out and speak to (y/n), their partner. He missed having (p/n) be only a short drive away, and them spending nights at Crowley’s apartment together.
Aziraphale wanted to tell (p/n) about how Crowley lost one of his marigolds in the move, and how the demon sulked for days. How they made sure Beelzebub and Gabriel couldn’t track them, and especially how much their double king size bed felt empty without (p/n).
“Angel?” Crowley called from the doorway, holding the receiver of an old black telephone. “It’s for you.”
The angel bustled over, and his partner gave him a peck on the cheek as he went out into the garden with the now-familiar screechy slam of the back door. 
He put the receiver up to his ear, nervously speaking into it, “This is Mr. Aziraphale Fell, who am I speaking with?”
“Hi Azi!” a voice replied from the other end, “How’re you doing?”
The angel relaxed, smiling as he heard his partner’s voice coming through the phone. “Oh hello dear, I was just thinking about you.”
“Aw, you’re too sweet. Now, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?”
The angel’s brow furrowed, “But you called-” He looked out into the backyard, where Crowley was aggressively replanting flowers. The redhead looked up, and wiggled his fingers, smirking.
Oh, that demon.
Aziraphale huffed, “I’m sorry dear, I think Crowley wanted us to talk.”
“Oh,” (p/n) voice paused, “What is it he wanted us to talk about?”
Aziraphale felt his wings curling in on themselves in anxiousness as he cleared his throat, hoping to not stumble over his words.
“Um, well, yes. (Y/n) dear, we have been friends for such a long time, and I loved every minute of our courtship in London, and you know Crowley and I still love you and are so happy we were all together there-” he paused, looking for the right words to say.
Aziraphale heard a quiet sniff over the phone, and he mentally swore. He couldn’t just say things like that! The poor (g/n) would think he was breaking up with (p/n).
“Oh I’m sorry dear, we’re not breaking up I promise. I don’t know what I was thinking,” the angel apologized, pacing in front of the doorway. He heard a shaky intake of breath and a wet laugh.
“Okay, Azi. You’re scaring me a bit. What is it?”
He sat down in one of the kitchen chairs, carefully speaking. “Crowley and I have been talking and we would like for you to come live with us. If you want to.”
Aziraphale heard a sharp intake of breath, but before he could backtrack, the angel heard a soft laugh.
“Azi, oh my gosh. You are so silly. I mean, did you not remember? Did Crowley not tell you?”
The angel straightened up, holding the phone close to his ear, “What-”
“You already asked me. Both of you. Last week. When I came over, and both of you were extremely drunk and I and Crowley had a chat while unpacking your books? Then you said you wished I could move in with you, and Crowley agreed.”
Aziraphale gasped, “But-”
“Look outside, sugar.”
He went to the door quickly, adjusting his vest over his button-down shirt. Aziraphale opened the door to see his partner nervously smiling with several suitcases behind them.
“Suprise! It’s move-in day!” (y/n) laughed and kissed the stunned angel, and sprinted past him into the garden to greet the demon.
“Well.” Aziraphale adjusted his bow tie and grabbed a suitcase, following the sound of his love’s laughter.
As you can probably tell, I fricking LOVE my Ineffable Husbands.
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casvian13 · 5 years
you never listen
Prompt/Day Number: 16
Fanfiction: Sanders Sides
Rating: PG
Triggers/Warnings: Yelling, getting ignored
Logan’s fingers dug into his hands as they discussed, shouted, mocked the issue. He could feel anger building up as they ignored him, dismissing his ideas. 
“We don’t need a logical answer,” Roman snapped as he opened his mouth. Logan tensed as the words echoed in his ears.
We don’t need logic.
False. Not true. Falsehood. They need him. They do. If they could-would just- Logan’s mind raced as they continued arguing, ignoring how Logic’s breath hitched in a shaky rhythm. His flashcards fluttered to the floor as he cradled his head in his hands. 
As their voices crescendoed, his voice raised over the din. “Why-why don’t you LISTEN?” Logan shouted, eyes welling up with frustrated tears. 
They finally turned to look at him, confusion making way to horror as Logan’s hands tugged at his hair as he let out shaking sobs.
“Lo-” Patton began, but too late. Logan sunk out quickly, leaving the sides in stunned silence.
Roman popped up in the middle of a heated debate, Virgil and Patton discussing loudly with Logan about a video idea.
“Never fear, Virgil dear, your handsome Prince is here!” he declared, swooshing his hair back. Virgil just rolled his eyes, “Too busy working on failed ideas to help, Princey?
Roman held back a wince, putting on a gallant smile, "How can someone as grand as I-”
“As we are trying to focus here, Roman could you cease to make narcissistic comments?” Logan interrupted, gesturing to their distressed host.
“Of course, Teach,” he bowed with a pained smile.
Thirty whole minutes into the discussion, and he hadn’t gotten in a word in edgewise. Creativity could feel his insecurity weighing on his chest as the dismissive comments raced around his head. Roman tensed, raising a hand to offer a solution, “If I may-”
“Not right now, kiddo,” Patton gave him half a glance, then quickly turned back to Roman.
Roman’s shoulders shook and tears streamed freely down his face, “Why-why don’t you ever listen?” His voice cracked, and before they could answer, Roman fled the scene.
Virgil was tired. But of course, it’s not like he wasn’t used to his shower being broken, losing his hoodie, breaking his favorite mug, and accidentally stabbing yourself in the eye with a mascara wand. 
Virgil was tired. Tired, pissed, aggravated, whatever. It didn’t matter. He still had a job to do.
He popped up on the stairs, startling Roman. He shot a quick jab at Virgil, who ignored him and focused on the issue at hand. Thomas looked like an anxious mess. Well, time to shine.
“Thomas wants to throw a party? Not a good idea,” Virgil stated, pulling his hoodie over his head.
“So my vote is no.” Anxiety said, agreeing with Logan, who was nodding at Thomas. Roman burst out at him, “A party? When is a party never not a good idea?”
Virgil opened his mouth to list a few of the many, many reasons why parties are NOT good ideas when
 Logan interrupted him with yet another one of his mile-long essays.
Virgil clenched his teeth as Logan and Roman bickered across him, their loud voices scraping his skull.
He put his hands over his ears, gritting his teeth as they ignored him, arguing practically on top of him. 
“Why don’t you ever just listen!” he spat in his Tempest Tongue, glaring at Roman and Logan.
“Kiddo-” Patton interjected, but Virgil was having none of that.
“Whatever. If you guys don’t want my opinion, then I’m out,” he scoffed and popped out.
Patton looked at himself in the mirror, stretching his face with his fingers into something that looked like a smile. He sighed and let the fake smile drop into his tired frown.
It had been a hard day. Logan didn’t eat breakfast or lunch, Roman had accidentally bleached his new shirt, and Virgil practically yelled at him when Patton asked him how his day had been.
Nevertheless, he was going to make a nice family dinner. After he had told Roman to steer clear of the stove after almost burning down the house, Virgil getting stuck on the ceiling, and Logan grossing out Roman by putting Crofters on his burger, no one was allowed in the kitchen. So you would think that no one should have touched the kitchen once he had cleaned it, right?
Instead, he found marinara sauce on the carpet, a basket of laundry on the table, and the unmistakable smell of Lysol wipes. Patton could feel the stress rising up as he sprinted into the kitchen.
Virgil was frantically wiping down counters and cleaning up as Roman folded laundry and belted out Disney songs. And there was Logan, calmly making the sauce on the stove while stirring a pot of noodles.
Patton’s eyes watered as he took in the soft sight of his famILY.
His sniffles alerted them to his presence, as faster than Patton could explain, Roman was chattering away about what they were doing, Virgil was apologizing for the mess, and Logan simply handed him tissues and guided him to a seat at the table.
Before they could brace themselves, Patton started full-on crying and swept them all into a hug.
They may not always listen, but Patton would be darned if he didn’t say they were trying.
Yay! Fictober day 16 bless my lil stressed soul. @illogicallyinclined because you know they love the angst train
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casvian13 · 5 years
you will be found
Prompt Number/Day: 14
Fanfiction: Sanders Sides
Rating: PG
Warnings/Tags: Remus, for starters, crying and abandoning family, bruises, muzzling, getting tied up
(I for one kinda love the angsty theory Patton split them with Logan’s unwilling assistance and he threw Remus out but this isn’t that don’t worry)
Deceit found him outside the Dark Sides Common room. Found, is a loose word. He was tied with hands behind his back, blood and tears soaking his loose green shirt. His mouth had a mask over it, and his eyes were wide with panic. 
The snake man rushed to his side, as the Duke whined beneath the mask, his voice muffled. As Deceit hurriedly undid the messy knots on Remus’s restraints, he leaned into Deceit´s arms, eyes clenched shut.
As Deceit finally got the Side’s mouth uncovered, Remus started wailing loudly, his raw cries filling the dark corridor. Deceit gathered him up, smoothing back his gray hair, the picture of calm. On the outside.
Internally, Deceit was raging. Every sob, every cry, every tear, every drop of blood vibrated through his lungs, choking on his breath. His hands trembled as he untied Remus´s ankles. 
After a sharp intake of breath, Remus uttered 4 words that shattered Deceit´s heart.
“I can’t come back,” Remus cried into Deceit’s arms, snot and blood running down his face and onto the snake’s cape. Deceit´s arms tightened around him, and he rubbed the rejected man´s back.
“They won’t let me, Roman doesn’t remember me, they said I-I can’t, I can’t,” he sobbed, letting out sharp breaths as his body tried to catch up. 
Deceit carefully peeled his cape off with his gloves, wrapping it around the Duke, “What don’t you mean when you say you can’t go back?” Deceit lifted Remus’ chin, almost shaking with anger.
How dare they break him who could never be broken. Not by cruel words, not by yelling, not by discouragement time after time.
Remus’s eyes just filled with tears and didn’t respond, trembling under the heavy gaze of his mismatched eyes.
“They don’t want me-Roman-Patton-” he choked, biting down on his already bleeding lip. Deceit, held his face carefully, inspecting it for further damage. He noted with fury how the straps of the muzzle had dug into his cheekbones, and how Remus’ messy eyeliner had turned into muddy tear tracks down his face.
Slowly, the snake man wrapped his six arms around Remus, careful not to hit any bruises as he scooped him up, carrying him into the Dark Sides common room.
Deceit wouldn’t let them forget how they hid, how they hurt, how they lied about who they were, whom they had allowed Thomas to become.
Never again.
gonna tag mom because i think she would enjoy @illogicallyinclined
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casvian13 · 5 years
pansies for dad
Prompt/Day Number: 14
Original Fiction: a companion to ‘Roses for Levi’
Warnings/Triggers: Death, cancer
“That’s what I’m talking about!” My dad cheered from the passenger seat. I had just backed out of our driveway, my hands clenched on the steering wheel of my Dad’s red truck.
He clapped me on the shoulder, “That’s how it’s done!”
I cracked a smile, and he mussed my hair, leaning back in his seat. He continued talking from beside me, the summer sun illuminating the details on my father’s face.
Familiar brown eyes looking at me in that carefree way, his deep laugh lines evident of a life well-lived. And of course, that ratty old baseball jersey stained with years of car grease and ranch dressing.
“David, what’s her name? The girl you’re taking to the dance?” My mom asked from the kitchen.
“Anna Silverton,” my dad replied cheekily as he adjusted my tie. It was my first date with Anna, and he knew I was nervous. Dad gave me a wink and patted my suit jacket. “You’ll do fine, Now go get her, sport.”
I nodded and went to the front door, grabbing the corsage box and the minivan keys. As I went to the door, I heard the plink of metal hitting the side table. I turned around to see my Dad’s beloved truck keys laying on the table, and him smiling at me.
“Really?” I asked in disbelief, picking them up. He laughed and gestured to the door. I gave one last grin and rushed out the door.
“How long?” I asked him as he packed that all too familiar overnight bag.
“Just a few days of chemo, then I’ll be back before you know it.” He gave me a faint smile and snapped the bag shut. “Take care of your mom for me, yeah?”
“Yeah,” I said weakly, sitting on the edge of the bed as I watched him pull a baseball cap over his now bald head.
He caught me staring, and I looked away. “Bud, you don’t need to worry about me.”
I put my head in my hands at that, “Dad, you have stage four cancer.”
He sat down beside me, putting his hand on my knee. I looked up at his face. His brown eyes now tired, laugh lines a painful reminder of what we lost. And of course, the baseball cap covering his head.
“When cancer took my mom, it broke our family. Don’t let it break ours.”
“C'mre sport.” My dad croaked from his hospice bed. I sat hesitantly down on the edge, my hand finding his under all the IV’s and quilts Aunt Roberta sent us.
“David, I don’t want you to worry.” He looked at me firmly, gripping my hands with his old determination. “Your mother and I know you’re gay, and we don’t care.”
I don’t know when I started crying, and I don’t remember when I ended up sitting beside him, him rubbing my back as I cried. I wept out years of fear and guilt, now assured that my father accepted me.
“I want you to know that I’ll always be here for you, and I love you no matter what,” Dad gave me one of his eye crinkling smiles. He leaned over to the side table and picked up a ring of keys, handing them to me.
I picked it up and stared, eyes welling up with tears as my dying father simply smiled and held my hand as I cried.
I looked over my shoulder to the old red truck in the cemetery parking lot.
“Dad wanted you to have it,” Mom opened up the garage after the memorial service, showing me his truck.
Now it sat in the lot, red paint still shines like it did when I first learned how to drive. I walked through the grounds, grass squelching under my feet.
I came to a stop in front of a large gravestone. Engraved on it were the words, “Michael James Martinez. 1965-2017. 'There are not enough helping hands in this world. Good thing you have two.’”
I knelt down on the wet grass, placing the symbolic bouquet in front of the headstone.
“Hey Dad,” I whispered, running my finger over the cold cement letters, “I wanted to tell you I am going to do it. Not that you didn’t already know, "I gave a quick smile.
"I’m going to do it. I’m gonna tell Levi I love him.”
Part 1
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casvian13 · 5 years
i never knew
Prompt/Day Number: 13
Fanfiction: Sanders Sides Poem
Rating: PG
Warnings/Triggers: mentions of being locked away (for being a Gay)
i never knew it could be this way
of course you didn’t, he says
who can learn when they’re locked away,
never to see the stars or breathe the sky
he comforts me 
touches me
and oh how strange a feeling
as i cry
i dreamed of this
for days so long and lonely 
locked in a tower 
for loving a prince
though far and distant was his land
i prayed for this
a man to save me from my plight
adventure here i come, i yell into the trees
the silent knight laughs
and gives me a glance
as under the starry sky 
he reads to me
i am the captain of the guard he says
his eyes reflecting behind the lenses of blue
prince roman i whisper
as tiredly i yawn
an escaped prince now am i
but i will sing the free birds song
under rich starry night
a prince on the run
he, my knight, guards me till the rising sun
a lil poem about prince roman being rescued from his tower by knight logan
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casvian13 · 5 years
its just monopoly
Prompt/Day Number: 11 (so out of order guys I know forgive me)
Fanfiction: Sanders Sides (specifically a little thingy that I made for one of my favorite blogs @askmonstersides)
Ratings: PG
Warnings/Triggers: Virgil is a ghost, angry monopoly
“It’s not always like this,” Thomas gestured to the group of monsters currently arguing over Monopoly.
Patton looked like he was about to cry, Remy kept eating the money, and Logan and Emile were the only ones playing the game like normal, erm, monsters.
Roman wasn’t playing, as he had sworn off Monopoly last week.e caught Dee cheating and Logan still beat both of them. And of course, this week he and Dee were placing bets on who would win.
Virgil scoffed from his position above the couch, “It’s always like this, Thomas. Don’t you remember the great Candy Land War?”
Thomas shrugged, “I don’t remember it.”
“That’s because Remy threw the board at your head!”  Virgil exclaimed, pointing to the bogeyman. Remus was currently making little swans out of the paper money and stuffing them in his mouth.
“Oh yeah,” Thomas rubbed the back of his head, “I do remember that. But it’s only Monopoly.”
“Only Monopoly?!” Roman exclaimed from behind them, dressed in a red bankers suit, complete with vest and cane. “Why Thomas, you should know Monopoly is a battlefield of betrayal and risk. It is a noble game that brings out the truth in people.”
Virgil set a grim face, “That’s what I’m afraid of.”
then, a loud yelp came from across the living room. Dee was being hung upside down by Remy, who was smirking and shaking him up and down.
“Let me go bogeyman!” Dee yelled, attempting to get out of Remy’s grasp. The colored paper fell out of the cursed one’s sleeves, pockets, and even hair. They all looked on in amazement as the fake money piled up underneath him.
Finally, Remy set Dee down with a thump. He scrambled upright, face flushed. “You had no right to-”
Remy sipped his coffee, “Babes. You were cheating, and not in a subtle way. Plus, you put Patton in jail.”
The werewolf in question protested, “Remy, it’s just-”
“-Monopoly,” Logan finished as he stacked Dee’s counterfeits. “Though it was unnecessary, thank you, Remus.”
Dee grumbled and went back to his seat around the board. Patton clapped, “Alrighty!! My turn! Now, how do you play again?”
Thomas gestured to the talking group, “See! Fine.”
Virgil rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms, “Until next week.”
His witchy friend laughed and went to cheer on their friends.
Yeet! I hope @askmonstersides likes this and if not, oh well. I tried! I think its ok for only writing it for like 20 minutes
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casvian13 · 5 years
no way
Prompt/Day Number: 6 (Yeet I am so out of order)
Fanfiction: Sanders Sides
Ratings: PG
Warnings/Triggers: weddings, dating, mention of Logan and Remy making bad decisions
“You know that ya’ll will probably end up robbing a bank because neither of you makes good decisions while high on coffee, right?”
“Yes, I’m aware, your point?” Logan responded, shouldering his bag.
“I thought I would never see the day that you voluntarily went out with someone. And my best friend, no less!” Roman exclaimed from his seat on Logan’s bed.
“Why not?” Logan stated in a monotone voice, adjusting his tie in the room’s full-length gold mirror. (It took 5 days to ship to their dorm, and Roman didn’t unpack it for a year for fear of breaking it.)
“First off, he’s Remy Nakura. Second of all, he just got out of a serious relationship like a month ago. Third of all, he’s him and you’re-”
“Serious? Nerdy? Dare I say, ‘a stick in the mud’?”
“I never said that!” Roman protested from his flopped position on the bed.
“I am sure you think-”
“Honestly I don’t know what to think of this,” Roman rubbed his eyes, staring at his poker-faced roommate. “Good. Don’t think. And despite what you may think, Remy and I have a lot in common.”
Roman rolled his eyes, “Well, as long as you guys are happy, I approve.”
Logan rolled his eyes as he checked his watch. Roman felt a sneaky grin come onto his face as an idea popped into his head. “So, if you enjoy each other’s company so much, then I am sure you won’t mind sharing a room and Lee and Mary Lee’s wedding.”
Logan froze then adjusted his tie, face turning a flushed pink, “Well, I-”
“Great!” Roman bounded up from his bed, clapping his hands, “Now that’s settled, and you have a date to go to. Off you go-” he pushed Logan out the door, ignoring his protests.
The dramatic man waved to his friend, who just flipped him off and went down the hall, leaving his scheming dormmate behind.
Wooo! Day 6 done baby. Now if I could catch up on the rest of my crap.
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casvian13 · 5 years
Prompt/Day Number: 10 +12
Fanfiction: Sanders Sides (specifically in @illogicallyinclined’s hockey AU)
Rating: G?
Warnings/Triggers: spiders, slight mention of Remus
“Listen, I can’t explain it. You’ll have to trust me,” Virgil held his hand out to Patton, who is currently huddled in a ball of fear on top of the fridge.
Patton had been washing dishes while a giant black spider had come out of the drain. Virgil was pretty sure Alaska had heard Patton’s screaming.
“But is the spider still there?” Patton clutched Virgil’s arm, eyes scanning the kitchen like Aragog himself would come scuttling out of the pantry.
“No, Pat. Remus came in and-” Virgil made a disgusted face, “-took care of it.”
Patton hid his face in Virgil’s hockey jersey, “Can you get me down? My legs went numb.”
Virgil, being the tall bean he was, wrapped his arms around the smaller man’s waist, then hooked an arm under his legs, scooping him up.
Patton looked around, eyes wide with fear. “What if I don’t see it?”
The purple-haired man huffed as he let Patton down on the living room couch. “You shouldn’t see it. Remus came in and got it.”
Patton shrunk back into the cushions, eyes staring at Virgil. He pointed a shaking finger at his friend’s jersey, “S-ss-sp-s-”
Virgil brushed his bangs out of his eyes and looked around confusedly, “Patton what-”
“SPIIIIIIIDDDDDEEERRRRR!!” Patton screeched, standing up on the couch, flattening himself against the wall.
Virgil followed Patton’s line of sight to his shoulder, where a huge black spider was crawling towards his neck.
He yelped and cursed, slapping his shoulder while attempting to get the spider off of him. Of course, Patton continued to shriek in the background.
“Frick frick frick frick FRICK!” Virgil tried to shake the spider off by doing a weird cha-cha slide. Evidently, Remus had decided to leave the spider, opting instead to put it on the counter.
Not how Virgil imagined his Saturday going, but at least he got his steps in while trying to get the spider off.
Yay I comboed 10 and 12 because I’m lazy and tired. Kinda a sorta thing for my mom @illogicallyinclined.
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casvian13 · 5 years
pudding is not basic
Fictober Day: Day 7 (ignore me posting them out of order)
Rating: 13+ (because its sherlock)
Warnings/Ratings: ummmm not really? like mentions of sherlock working with the police/doing drugs/overdosing/murder but its very general so idk. also genderfluid/fluidflux person (haha i am projecting) and pudding!
“No, and that’s final,” Watson filled the coffee mug beside Sherlock, who ignored her. Currently, he was checking the video files on the interrogations.
“I need my mind sharp and ready for all possible outcomes tomorrow,” he dismissed Joan’s concern.
“Not when Alistair is coming over for dinner.”
Sherlock kept his eyes glued on the screen as Watson turned on the stove. “I see no reason for him coming over while we are in the middle of an investigation.”
Joan rounded on her heel, leaning over his shoulder. “First of all, you invited them for dinner, without asking me. He seems to enjoy your company. And-” she turned back to the stove, stirring the pot of soup.
“They volunteered to bring steamed pudding, which I remember as your favorite dessert.”
Sherlock sipped his coffee and stated, “I said it was fine for him to bring, not that I liked it.”
Joan rolled her eyes, “You never say you like anything, especially dessert. So, you either appreciate her efforts or like a steamed pudding. Or both.”
The doorbell rang, and Joan brushed her hands on her jeans, “Put away your case files please, we have a guest.”
Sherlock huffed and swept all his papers onto the floor, closing his laptop and going to the front door.
Joan bent down and picked up the mess, placing them on top of the laptop.
She could hear the quiet conversation in the doorway. A laugh sounded through the house, one the doctor recognized as Alistair’s.
A few moments later, the pair walked into the kitchen. Alistair was helping Sherlock with a large pile of Tupperware, while he balanced a large platter.
A few moments later, the pair walked into the kitchen. Alistair was helping Sherlock with a large pile of Tupperware, while he balanced a large platter.
Alistair was wearing a green Queen shirt, a gray sweater, and slacks. His brown hair covered by a beanie and square glasses sat on the bridge of his nose.
“I hope it’s okay that I brought some food for ya’ll.” He shifted on his feet, avoiding Joan’s eyes as he adjusted the lid on the platter.
The doctor gave a quick smile, then gestured to Sherlock, “Sherlock, can you put those in the fridge?”
He gave a curt nod and moved to the fridge, stacking them on the shelf.
Alistair’s shoulders untensed and he gave a nervous smile, “I have notecards taped on top of each. It says the calorie count, how large a serving size is, and the ingredients.”
Joan went to speak, but Alistair added, “In case there’s something you don’t like in there. I know Sherlock is very picky about what he eats.”
Watson laughed, “By picky, you mean he’ll eat anything.”
Sherlock slammed the fridge shut, “Contrary to what you may believe, Watson, I do have things I won’t eat.”
Alistair smiled at the detective who had stopped beside him, “Yeah I know honey. No carrageenan, red dye number four, genetically modified ham, or anything with preservatives.”
“And Watson is allergic to tree nuts and lard,” Sherlock added, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.
“Yes, I remember,” Alistair handed a container to Joan, who looked confused.
“I made tamales, but the recipe I use has lard in it so I made you a separate batch,” he gestured to the fridge, where Sherlock’s tamales currently reside.
“Thank you, Alistair,” Joan placed the container on the counter as Sherlock interrupted.
“It’s not Alistair,” Sherlock stated while on his phone.
Joan rounded on him, placing a hand on the table as he ignored her. “What do you mean he’s not-”
Alistair winced from his spot beside the detective, “Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.”
Sherlock interjected, hands behind his back. “Nonsense. We are the ones who invited you to dinner, and it is not your fault that Watson has not been informed on proper pronouns.”
Joan furrowed her eyebrows at the short man, then turned to Alistair. He had subconsciously positioned himself behind Sherlock while he fiddled with his ring.
“It is not an issue. We very much appreciate your company and pudding, and if you would please excuse me and Ms. Watson to finishing dinner.”
Alistair nodded, “I’ll go freshen up,” and Sherlock nodded. “Right, it’s the first door on the left.” He guided her towards the stairs, but not without Joan noticing a protective stance as Alistair went upstairs hurriedly.
As soon as they heard the door close, Sherlock went to the fridge and began to rifle through the condiments shelf.
“What was that all about?” Joan spun to face him. Sherlock sniffed, then pointed at the soup. “I think it’s finished.”
“Answer my question please,” she crossed her arms, much to Sherlock’s irritation.
“Alistair, or Ave as they are currently called, is genderfluid. Fluidflux, specifically. So I deduced from their body language, stance, and other such factors that they were no longer he.”
Joan shook her head, “Yeah I gathered that when you said I wasn’t using the proper pronouns.”
Sherlock pulled out a container of sour cream, “Then why are you confused?”
“I don’t know, I guess I - wait, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because it wasn’t my information to tell.”
“Excuse me.”
Joan around as she heard Ave from the entryway, with their hair loose around their face and a swipe of lipgloss on.
“Ah, there you are Ave!” Sherlock took their arm and guided them to the table. “You will sit here, next to me. Watson, if you could get the spoons.”
Watson snapped out of her perplexed gaze at the pair. “Yeah, yeah.”
It may have been a weird dinner, but at least no one said the pudding was basic.
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casvian13 · 5 years
tabasco, coffee, grenadine
Prompt Number: 9
Fanfiction (Sanders Sides)
Rating: G?
Warnings/Tags: disgusting combinations, soft gays
“There is a certain taste to it,” Remy swirled his martini glass from his relaxed lounge on the kitchen counter,
Logan raised an eyebrow from his seat on the barstool, “Since when is Tabasco sauce, coffee, and pomegranate grenadine an acquired taste?”
Remy raised a glass in a mock toast, “Since right now, gurl,” he took a sip, then made a face.
Logan burst out laughing from the corner, covering his mouth as he giggled at his boyfriend’s disgusted face. 
“Ok, ok, it’s not awful, but-” Remy flushed, trying to not melt at his uptight boyfriend’s dorky laugh.
(I’m going to tag my mom @illogicallyinclined real quick just because she loves Lo even though this sucks majorly)
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casvian13 · 5 years
only for a minute
Rating: 13+
Original Fiction
Warnings/Ratings: Mentions of living together but no frickle fracking on my good Christian Minecraft server pleasing and thanking yous, sharing an apartment
“Can you stay?” Their words echo in my mind. Stay, stay, stay, say yes, stay with her you silly. 
I grab my coat and head for the door, only to be stopped by their arms wrapping around my waist.
Quillian buried her face in my shoulder, “Juno you smell good,” they mumbled.
Gods of Olympus help me, I gulped, if only they had stayed in bed. Then I wouldn’t have to lie.
“Where are you goin’?” my partner mumbled, tugging me back towards our living room. 
“Out,” I replied, taking their hands off of my waist. I broke free of Quillian’s grasp, wincing at the flash of hurt I saw pass over their eyes. 
They shrugged their white cardigan over their shoulders, rocking back and forth on their feet. Quillian only did that when they were nervous, my brain reminded me.
Stupid brain.
“Nothing is open. It’s six am on Memorial Day,” they brushed their brown hair back, trying to meet my eyes. My eyes were currently looking anywhere but their concerned freckled face.
I gazed over their shoulder into the living room, fumbling with my words to come up with an excuse. “I, um,” I could feel my face going red as my hair. My eyes fell on a stack of unpacked boxes from our move in together last week. Scribbled in Quillian’s messy scrawl was ‘stuff for kitty!’
Kitty, oh Percy needs food! I nodded my head along to my thoughts, grabbing my purse from the hook on the wall. 
“Cat food! Yes, I have to cat the feed, I mean get food cat, I mean food for the cat,” I grabbed my flip flops, leaning on a stack of dangerously unbalanced boxes.
They smiled and pecked my cheek, leaving a light smear of chapstick, “Oh ok honey. Remember to be back in time for the family party.”
I gave a smile and pulled open the door, “All right, I’ll be back by 8. Oh, and remember the Jello salad!” I called as I made my way down the front steps.
Quillian shouted from the doorway as I made my way to the car, “Will do!” They went back inside and closed the door, which allowed me to let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
I looked down at my phone, “First stop, Jareds, then to Kay Jewelers.”
I had a lot of rings to look at and not a lot of time to look at them, but I could always use a Ring-Pop like we joked all those summers ago.
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casvian13 · 5 years
Yes, I’m aware, your point?
Dee says to me
I grin and put a finger up
The middle one you see
Remus you fool!
Roman laughs at me
I twirl and bow flamboyantly
For its truth that the fool is me
That’s a mood.
Virgil elbows me
I elbow the emo back
And continue on my laughing track
Keep your head in the game!
Logan glares at me
I just smile at his frown
Because I know how to gain the crown
Good job Remus!
Patton hugs my side
I crack a grin
To my twins chagrin
As off to my locker I fly
Gift for my mom, @illogicallyinclined. A poem from Remus’ perspective, I am so sorry I am really really behind on fictober and I just needed to pump one out. I think I’ll do some headcanons just so I can catch up. But honestly no one freaking cares so????
-Cas/Ave/Alistair/[Birth Name] because why the heck not
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