cat-danvers · 6 years
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cat-danvers · 6 years
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cat-danvers · 7 years
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cat-danvers · 7 years
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#tfw you gotta lie to protect your sensitive wife on her first day
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cat-danvers · 7 years
I sincerely believe that by 7th year Ravenclaws would just tell the door to their common room to fuck off and it would open for them
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cat-danvers · 7 years
💘 - supercat!
Who developed a crush on the other first? Kara, for sure. She had a little crush on Cat before she was even hired - she used to watch Cat’s talk show and admired her for years before she applied for the job. (Alex made fun of her when she applied, actually, because Kara had absolutely no qualifications, just hope and confidence. Years later Cat asked her what made her apply for a job that asked for a great deal more experience than she had, and admitted that she was impressed that Kara was living the “confidence of a mediocre white man” lifestyle.)But yes, Kara was definitely interested, except only in the vague hero-worship way that pretty much everyone experiences at some point in their lives. Even when they got to know each other and became closer, she never, never thought that it was something that could go anywhere. It was just a fact of life. Cat was powerful, sexy, kind of terrifying, incredibly inspiring - how could she not have a crush on her? It was like background noise, like the way she could hear Alex’s heartbeat from anywhere in the city - she barely noticed it after awhile.Cat, though - Cat was the first to realize it was more than a crush. She’d gone from not seeing Kara at all to appreciating her as an employee and then as a person. As time passed and they became closer, she carefully ignored the flickers of attraction and the way they were slowly becoming something like equals. She’s too self-aware for her own good, though, and when it became impossible to ignore during the Adam debacle, she lashed out and pushed Kara away. That was never going to last, but it gave her time to come to terms with what she was feeling and accept that she could never have it. That’s part of what led her to leave after Myriad.Of course, it wasn’t until Cat told her she was leaving that Kara realized all at once that the background crush she’d nursed for years was a whole hell of a lot more than that. They weren’t exactly great at communication pre-relationship. After the show was cancelled a few episodes into the second season, though, they had a lot of time to figure it out and learn how to be honest with each other.
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cat-danvers · 7 years
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If you’re an introvert, follow us @introvertunites​
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cat-danvers · 7 years
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cat-danvers · 7 years
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cat-danvers · 7 years
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Despite my previous post saying I wouldn’t post anything, I do have this inspired by Kevin Wada’s redesigns of Kara.
Now the hiatus truly begins.
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cat-danvers · 7 years
Supercat prompt! Cat isn't human. She has super powers but hasn't told anyone. She sometimes likes to play vigilante and help people. She gets caught by her girlfriend supergirl(who had no idea)and nows by her smell and heartbeat that it's cat.
Cat usually loves being in the spotlight, being the center of attention. It’s where she thrives, where she knows that every eye is following her every move. That she can shape the world with every word she speaks. But it’s not the spotlight itself that she loves.
It’s the power.
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cat-danvers · 7 years
Honestly I’m not gonna survive the apocalypse. Y'all go on gathering berries and drinking cockroach milk (apparently) and forming barter economies and I’m gonna stay in my house until the last of my seltzer runs out and then I’m gonna put on an all cashmere outfit and lay down and die. Have fun fending off the coyotes and doomsday cults and living on expired canned goods in a world with no more Netflix. Pass.
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cat-danvers · 7 years
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1x11 // 2x05
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cat-danvers · 7 years
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cat-danvers · 7 years
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# a constant mood
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cat-danvers · 7 years
your husband seems like a dick kill him. also does ghosts still exist?
he is a dick and killing him is on my list, but he’s attractive so i’m going to get one more kid out of him
i’m not sure on the ghost front, i guess we’ll find out after i kill my husband and put his gravestone in my backyard 
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cat-danvers · 7 years
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Team Cockroach + Aliases
ft. “Bad” Janet
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