catalyst-llc · 2 years
Hey, so, i just need to talk, cause I'm having a bit of an issue. With severe brain fog??? My brain is parsing only like 5 out of every 10 things I do correctly, making me browsing my phone or writing something feel like a fucking fever dream.
Right now I'm having a hard time keeping my head together currently but as you can see I'm managing.
Anyway, basically, what happens is that, amongst other things, when I try to do anything involving any electronics, including writing on this phone or playing a videogame, it all feels extraordinarily weird, disorienting, and sometimes even dream-like. Like I know I'm doing something but by the time I do it it's already been done if that makes sense, and like each action is being parsed behind a thick screen.
My brain just barely parsed the fact that I wrote all the way up to here, btw. And I don't have a concussion I don't think, and I'm not under the influence of any substances. Exhausted? Maybe, not sure why. It wasn't an issue until today. Maybe some new medicine I'm taking? Not sure why it would cause my current situation. And uh, fuck, where was I going with this?
Look, anyways, shit's fucked and I need some advice on what to do because this doesn't feel right. Am I sick with something that's causing such an extreme brain fog, am I going insane, have I damaged my brain? I've got no idea. But uh please help.
Possibilities that I've worked out of what might be causing it: Exhaustion New medicine Brain damage Sudden onset of a very weird mental illness Sick with something weird COVID deciding to rear its ugly head somehow Dehydration (been drinking water all day, so idk) Depression Anxiety. That's all I can think of.
Just wanted to get this off my chest. Not entirely sure why the fuck this is happening but it's more so pissing me the fuck off then making me scared or concerned. Oh, also, all my actions feel light, hollow, and as I think I've said, dream-like. It's bizarre., And some moments are more clear and less fog-filled than others.
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catalyst-llc · 2 years
I've got a good anesthesia story.
So, one time, I got appendicitis and had to get my traitor, bastard appendix removed. I was put under and the first thing I said post-op was, fresh out of surgery and barely conscious, something along the lines of "give me more fucking painkillers".
They did, indeed, give me more pain meds, because it hurt like a motherfucker and my body doesn't do well with pain.
Apparently the extreme and unexpected bluntness (I'm usually very soft spoken irl) was, apparently, very funny.
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catalyst-llc · 2 years
I think Fromsoft games are particularly good for me to stream. I get to show off my technical skill and insight with the combat and buildcrafting, it has lots of customization and lore to get invested in, and the bullshit moments tease out good reactions. Maybe I should look into other soulslikes... But i feel like there aren't many good ones.
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catalyst-llc · 2 years
Played my first DND game as a oneshot a few years ago. As I'm waiting for a new game to start (there's been difficulties and it's been in the works since last year), we switched over to a non-official D&D system.
If this actually takes effect, a lot of hard work is probably going to waste. But that's not the issue. The issue is that companies can't be allowed to get away with this, and that a precedent needs to be set very firmly that they CAN'T. Spread the word and put as much pressure on WoTC as possible. I'd rather not have a rehash of Games Workshop's endless and greedy blundering of their own IPs and policies.
So, what is the OGL and why are DnD creators thoroughly screwed?
Tumblr has not been doing a great job at talking about this, but:
With OneDnD, Wizards of the Coast has decided to update the Open Game License (OGL). Said license is what allowed people to create homebrew DnD content and sell it, and even larger companies to use certain sorts of content. Pathfinder, for example, is built on said OGL. This also allows streamers and artists to exist and benefit from said content.
With OneDnD (sometimes called “dnd 6e”), WOTC wants to create a much more restrictive OGL, which will, amongst other things:
Make WOTC take a cut for any DnD-related work (according to Kickstarter, a whole 25% of the benefits)
Let WOTC cancel any project related to DnD up to their discretion
Let WOTC take ANY content made based on their system, and re-sell it without crediting you, or giving you a single cent
And most importantly, revoke the old OGL, which will harm any company or game system that used it as a base, such as Pathfinder. And it means they GET ownership over any homebrew content you may have done for 5e in the past!
It’s important to note that OGLs are supposedly irrevocable. They were planning to use it for OneDnD initially, but they want to apply it retroactively to 5e, somehow. Which is illegal, but lawyers have mentioned there’s a chance they may get away with it given the wording.
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This means that anything you make based on DnD (A homebrew item? A character drawing? Even music, according to them?), can get taken and used as they deem appropiate.
These news come from a leak of the OGL, which have been confirmed by multiple reputable sources (including Kickstarter, which has confirmed that WOTC already talked with them about this), and was planned to be released next week.
So, what can we do?
Speak against it. Share the word. Reblog this post. Let people know. Tumblr hasn’t been talking much about this matter, but it’s VERY important to let people know about what is WOTC bringing. 
Boycott them. Do not buy their products. Do not buy games with their IP. Do not watch their movie. CANCEL your DnD Beyond subscription. (Btw, they ARE planning to release more subscription services too!). They do not care about the community, but they care about the money. Make sure to speak through it. 
And maybe consider other TTRPG systems for the time being, Pathfinder’s Paizo has been much nicer to the community, their workers are unionized and are far more healthy overall
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catalyst-llc · 2 years
tag the oc that is currently experiencing The Horrors
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catalyst-llc · 2 years
A Timeline of Catalyst LLC. Part 2, Post-Founding, Pre-Story
Part 1 here, in case anyone curious missed it
Anyway, without further ado, here it is. Content Warnings: CW mentions of Death, CW mentions of Suicide, CW mentions of Mental Health issues
Year 1: Contract with R Corp signed, energy sources from R Corp povided in exchange for Catalyst LLC paying them back in either employees or money. That year, the military and security branch of Catalyst LLC formed, with squads being sent periodically to R Corp for security purposes.
Year 2: Dareios is killed and a 12 year old Lazarus is put in critical condition after the first Distortion appears during an experiment conducted by Benyamin. Nobody truly understood the significance of this event until much later. The first two Qliphah; Ga'ashekelah, and Thagirion 1 are made within a week or so after the event.
Around three weeks after Lazarus dies, which happened on the fourth Thursday of April, Yesh experiences a mental breakdown and locks himself in his personal quarters for the last 8 months of the year, being occasionally brought food and water and other such things.
Year 3: At the beginning of the year, Ga'ashekelah- who I will be calling Dareios for convenience sake- snaps at Yesh and forcibly removes him from his quarters, talking some sense into him with the assistance of Durga. Modern versions of Vitae and Endorphin are created by Benyamin. Thagirion 1 begins showing first signs of the issues that would plague it for years to come.
Year 4: Durga dies away from the facility during a failed negotiation, saving several negotiators from being killed. Yesh puts her brain scan- which was made alongside several others, after he was removed from his quarters- to good use. The third Qliphah, Golachab, is made. Martha enters into a depression she never recovered from.
Year 5: Yesh, Dareios, and the other founding members of Catalyst LLC threaten to leave and report the company due to the dangerous and often illegal experiments that have been done over the past few years, and the deaths resulting from them.
Benyamin reveals that if they report him, they will also be held liable for what was occurring due to not reporting it sooner, due to an extremely archaic law he somehow drudged up. The company and its remaining founders remain intact. Thagirion 1 kills an employee for the first time.
Year 6: Martha kills herself as Thagirion 1's behavior continues to escalate somehow even further. Mara (different person from Martha just to clarify that it's not a typo) is shot down in alleyway on valentine's day and mangled beyond recognition by sustained gunfire long after she was dead. Zaccai becomes secluded and depressed, beginning a descent into madness, unable to get over Mara's death and traumatized by the sight of her corpse. Thagirion 2 made.
Year 7: Zaccai kills himself. Gamaliel and Samael made. Benyamin makes further breakthroughs with the River and begins to purposefully create distortions just to see what happens.
Year 8: Junia dies in an attempt to stop Benyamin from conducting the final experiment that would seal the fate of the world by attempting to open a direct rift to the River. Her intervention stops it halfway and closes it, but it still unleashes a slowly mutating force that would go on to envelop The Old City entirely in due time. Nehemoth made.
Year 9: Nearly every Wing, company, and corporation, as well as many of the non-business related factions, move underground via combining the technology and Singularities of various Wings. Some civilian survivors moved underground due to rescue operations done by remnants of militaries and law enforcement, with backup from Fixers.
Side effects of the use of singularities en masse are noticed, mostly pertaining to the teleportation of buildings underground and spacial restructuring of the underground, which caused unusual problems, to say the least; things such as minor (i.e. think at most a week or two behind the rest of the city) time dilation and highly expanded building interiors (that are far larger than the buildings are on the outside), both of which notably occurring inside all buildings owned by Catalyst LLC.
The New City is successfully established.
Year 10: Final rescue operations conducted until it is determined that all surviving civilians left behind (there weren't many) were successfully rescued, or abandoned due to being in the process of distorting during their rescue. Rescue workers have a monument erected in their honor, in the center of the New City.
Benyamin kills himself and leaves the company to Yesh, but not before changing the goal of the company and creating Angeline and Thaumiel. Yesh begins the long road to fixing the mistakes of a deadman.
Year +0: It's noticed that, though reduced in number and far rarer, it is still possible to Distort. Thankfully, however, unlike how it was on the surface, distortion is not nearly a guarantee.
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catalyst-llc · 2 years
Listen up!
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You see a post like this? Where OP might hurt/kill themselves? You hit that button that I circled
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Hit that.
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Click Suicide or Self-harm Concern
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Fill in the rest of it, and hit submit. The "content you reported" will fill itself in
Tumblr will follow up and help them.
Warning: this is only for mobile. If anyone knows how to do this for desktop, please add it!
And yes, REBLOG. Liking does no shit at all. This isn't ig.
You reblog, people see it. You don't, people don't see it. This shit's that simple.
This could save someone's life. It's not a joke.
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catalyst-llc · 2 years
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catalyst-llc · 2 years
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let hope all this hand holding doesn’t awaken anything inside of me (we are listening to weezer)
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catalyst-llc · 2 years
why is your oc still alive? 
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catalyst-llc · 2 years
White hair magic whore boys are a protected species i think
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catalyst-llc · 2 years
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catalyst-llc · 2 years
Is there a lobotomy or a library of ruina discord server i could join for help in making a oc pls help
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catalyst-llc · 2 years
I beg you, please explain whatever the fuck is going on with that part about gebura-
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manager a is also british so we should kill him
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catalyst-llc · 2 years
in the tags, describe the plot of your WIP in three sentences or less
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catalyst-llc · 2 years
As promised, A Timeline of Catalyst LLC. Part 1, leading up to the founding.
Ok, so, before we get into it, here are some important name changes, in no particular order: Ayin -> Yesh Benjamin -> Benyamin Kali -> Durga Daniel -> Dareios Carmen -> Carmel Enoch -> Lazarus Lisa -> Martha Garion -> Gavrilla Giovanni -> Galilee Angela -> Angeline Michelle -> Mara Gabriel -> Zaccai Elijah -> Junia Ok, you guys got that? Here we go.
Year -8: (20 year old) Yesh's girlfriend dies in an accident.
Yesh completely turned off from dating anyone else and spends years after completely romantically alone.
Year -7: Yesh meets Dareios in a meeting between the company Yesh was with at the time and the group of negotiators and diplomats Dareios was apart of, and got along well.
Dareios and Yesh develop friendship.
Year -6: The War of The Mists starts. Smaller corporations, Wings, the Head, etc. etc. etc. start beating the everloving hell out of each other.
Several sides release dangerous chemical weapons in Head strongholds, as well as on civilian populaces and buildings owned by other corporations, killing most within.
Year -5: War orphans begin being adopted. Lazarus and Martha adopted by Yesh, with Dareios acting as an uncle figure to them.
Negotiations between the various sides in the war and Dareios' group begin.
The Head, despite all their power, is shattered and nearly destroyed by various groups, but mostly the one that Gavrilla was apart of.
Year -4: A wealthy business man and entrepreneur with a cult of personality and charming facade, Benyamin, begins experiments with the River.
Year -3: Benyamin creates unstable precursors to Vitae and Endorphin.
Year -2: Yesh meets Benyamin at the Mist War Peace Conference. Dareios and his bodyguard and fellow ambassador, Durga seal the deal and peace is finally granted.
Year -1: Yesh, Dareios, Durga, and others ally with Benyamin and agree to join his company when he creates it.
All besides Yesh will die along the way from mostly completely separate incidents.
Year 0: Yesh makes breakthroughs in the field of A.I., inventing a way to completely replicate people into a fully sentient artificial intelligence, and even Code entirely new humans.
Benyamin starts his company.
And though nobody realized, the moment Benyamin began his experiments, the end had already begun and the clock was ticking.
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catalyst-llc · 2 years
You suddenly switch bodies with your icon. On a scale of 1 to 10, (10 being the highest value) how well are you coping with that change?
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