catastrophenoir · 3 years
Do they get lost easily? Will they ask for directions if they are?
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Ah, no I'm actually pretty good with directions, I don't usually get lost, and when I am... well it's a toss up really, kinda mood driven to be honest
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catastrophenoir · 3 years
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“That’s going to be a firm maybe, it depends on how much time you’ve got on your hands,” Adrien mused as he approached the librarian
Adrien had always loved libraries, he’d never gotten to explore them much as a kid ofcourse, with his father being-...... well, Adrien hadn’t gotten to explore much of anything as a kid, but he was happy to make up for all that now, and having the freedom to visit a library when he was in search of information was a gift he knew better than to take for granted
“I have to admit, I’m having a hard time articulating what I’m looking for,” he confessed, reaching into his backpack and pulling out a notebook of what could best be described as “organized scribbles”, different notes and drawings that he’d compiled for the past couple of months but never exactly expanded on- though he had a good reason for that
“This is um... going to sound a little weird but I’ve been keep this dream journal for a couple of months now, I keep having these recurring dreams, I’d like to find out if there’s some reason why, I’ve tried dream dictionaries and they’re pretty useless so... I’m wondering if maybe my dreams are... I don’t know... prophetic or something, I was hoping to look at some old magicy type books, see if I can make any of this into something resembling sense?”
On any other day, and at any other time, the silence shrouding the Library would have provided a certain comfort to Hunter. It often seemed that the older he got, the more he required silence. Quiet was something his parents had always maintained as well, believing noise and overall loudness to be indications that children were not being appropriately occupied, their minds not stimulated enough to maintain peace. 
Today, however, provided a different picture. One more uncommon than Hunter’s typical day. He’d had somewhat of a sleepless night, seeming to toss and turn ceaselessly while his mind wandered in foreign lands. That morning, he’d fully awakened to his leg aching, requiring a little extra TLC with energy he simply hadn’t had to give. The morning had been busy, though the afternoon seemed to have brought an uncomfortable lull that had left him feeling restless. 
Hunter’s eyes bounced between the door and his computer screen, refreshing and re-refreshing the library email, hoping to be dealt some sort of task, regardless of how menial. Movement caught the corner of his eye, and he found himself straightening as the passerby neared. “Good afternoon! Is there anything I can help you find?”
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catastrophenoir · 3 years
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To Adrien’s pleasant surprise, it didn’t take long for him to find a lead, even if the ID wasn’t immediately in his line of sight, there was a handy little bag of white power shoved into one of the pockets, meaning only one thing
“Ah, I think I have a good place to start looking! It probably belongs to the nice baker up the road, you know, the one with the dog? Look, it’s got a packet of sugar in it, I can’t think of anyone else who would carry around sugar packets, except maybe a grandmother, but this wallet doesn’t look like something a little old lady would carry,”
Slipping the packet out, he set it down gently on a nearby fire hydrant so he could better search for the ID
“So it doesn’t spill, you know?”
from here with @catastrophenoir​
With a nod, Kaz handed over the wallet, forcing back the slight grin. The job would work even better than he’d hoped, if it was found with drugs in it and someone else freaked out over seeing them, alerting the police. Far more concerning, that way - he figured he might as well jump start this entire thing. You could always expect the possibility of a coverup from the cops, but not so much if random people knew about it, too.
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“Sure, I might’ve missed something.” He said, shoving his hands in his pockets and fiddling with the tiny knife in his pocket. He didn’t expect this conversation to go bad, but, well - better to have all his bases covered.
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catastrophenoir · 3 years
ZAGREUS - Are there any cycles they seem to never escape? Any lessons constantly following them?
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Seeking approval from places he really shouldn't
He clings to sources like his father and his tutors- who were only interested in their paychecks- for approval rather than getting approval from himself, even when he's grown out of looking to his father, he has a tendency to look for acceptance in all the wrong places and can never find any acceptance in himself
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catastrophenoir · 3 years
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“Oh, well if that’s all then I can look through it for you and see if I spot it? I’ve got a preeettyyyyy good nose for finding things,” Adrien offered with a smile, holding his hand out politely for the wallet
He was always happy to help people, even more so when his few skills could be put to use! And Adrien, as a Hufflepuff, was a particularly good finder
“It’s always such a shame when people lose their wallets, whoever is missing this must be very distressed... oh! Maybe we could find a business card or something, if not an ID, and see if we can track down the owner that way? Where did you find it, if you don’t mind my asking? Maybe there’s a clue there,”
“Is this your wallet?” ( @kazofdirtyhands )
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Adrien glanced down at the nice quilted leather in front of him, the little golden clasp, it looked so expensive and fashionable…..
………..And nothing like his own
“Oh, sorry, wrong person,” he smiled back pleasantly, reaching into his wallet to pull out his Sailor Moon wallet
“Does it not have an ID in it?”
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catastrophenoir · 3 years
“Is this your wallet?” ( @kazofdirtyhands )
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Adrien glanced down at the nice quilted leather in front of him, the little golden clasp, it looked so expensive and fashionable.....
...........And nothing like his own
"Oh, sorry, wrong person," he smiled back pleasantly, reaching into his wallet to pull out his Sailor Moon wallet
"Does it not have an ID in it?"
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catastrophenoir · 3 years
the hierophant: do you believe in ghosts?
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"As a matter of fact, I do, yes.... I believe in.... all sorts of ghosts...."
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catastrophenoir · 3 years
something that gives your muse hope.
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The small positives in life
Little feel good stories always give Adrien a little bit of hope, things like two dogs sharing their food with eachother or a kid giving his allowance to charity, a species being moved off the endangered species list and little daily scientific discoveries
Adrien doesn't need alot to keep him going, he just needs some signs that not everything in the world is dark and gloomy
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catastrophenoir · 3 years
your muse’s thoughts on cops and other authority figures.
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That's a bit complicated
On the one hand, he really detests authority figures, he has a huge problem with them on a personal level and doesn't react well to them, mostly it's people trying to take authority over him specifically, but he doesn't have the greatest opinion on cops either, having worked with them quite closely before, he's well aware of how often the "follow orders even if they go against the greater good" problem flares up, and he's seen plenty of corruption too
But on the other hand, he does have some amount of respect for law enforcement too, due to the fact that- as mentioned- he's worked with them closely before as Chat Noir and does have respect for how hard and important the job is, and he's had some pretty good working relationships with them, so he can't say they're all bad by any means
Still, being a vigilante- albeit one who's work is not only accepted by the city, but approved of by it- makes things with law enforcement a little... well... complicated
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catastrophenoir · 3 years
how your muse responds to anger.
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Not. Well.
Adrien's sweet, positive nature makes it easy for him to hide his history of abuse... most of the time
But when someone is angry with him, it becomes rather obvious
At best, he tenses up from teeth to toes, blood pumping and heart racing, feeling cold all over and as though he's not sure if he's ready to throw up or burst into tears, though at worst, he can be triggered into full on panic attacks- especially when the angry figure is an authority figure of some kind like a manager, a cop, or an older male of any kind
That said though, when his reactions are more mild, he tries hard to hide how he's feeling and just stay quiet and still, waiting for the pressure to die down, though if anyone bothers to pay attention, they'll see how rigid he is
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catastrophenoir · 3 years
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“Oh, um... no, I can’t say that I have, but I’m not surprised you recognize the name, my father owns the Agreste fashion brand, and... well I used to be a model,”
It wasn’t often that someone outside of Europe recognized him, that was one of the reasons he had moved to the United States to begin with, but he had never been a good liar and he always hated making people continue to scratch at that “Where do I know you from?” itch, so despite wanting to distance himself from his name, he wouldn’t deny who he was if it was brought up
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“I can most puuurrrrrrfectly assure you that there will be no Cats references, given that I haven’t seen that musical,”
Adrien had seen… some musicals, not as many as he would have liked, but not as few as he’d had access to when he was a child, so he considered it a good start, “Cats” was on his list simply for the humor aspect of it and nothing more, so it was hardly high on his list….
“Adrien Agreste, pleased to meet you!”
The nicest thing, he had discovered, about being in America, was that no one balked or gasped over his name anymore, no one knew who he was unless they were just really into fashion, and even then, his fame had been so long ago that alot of non-Parisians had forgotten about him at this point, it was… comforting… so he was quite enjoying being able to introduce himself without feeling shame or anxiety
“Agreste… name sounds familiar. Ever been to the Outer Banks before?” Sarah lifted a well manicured eyebrow at the last name. She wasn’t sure where she’d heard it, but it felt like a name she might have known. Maybe one of her father’s old business partners? The thought sent a chill down her spine, wondering if her father’s sins had somehow followed her all the way out West to Echo Springs.
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catastrophenoir · 3 years
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“I can most puuurrrrrrfectly assure you that there will be no Cats references, given that I haven’t seen that musical,”
Adrien had seen... some musicals, not as many as he would have liked, but not as few as he’d had access to when he was a child, so he considered it a good start, “Cats” was on his list simply for the humor aspect of it and nothing more, so it was hardly high on his list....
“Adrien Agreste, pleased to meet you!”
The nicest thing, he had discovered, about being in America, was that no one balked or gasped over his name anymore, no one knew who he was unless they were just really into fashion, and even then, his fame had been so long ago that alot of non-Parisians had forgotten about him at this point, it was... comforting... so he was quite enjoying being able to introduce himself without feeling shame or anxiety
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“Well now you know, every visit comes with a free musical,” Adrien replied with a grin, glad that someone else had his appreciation for music
…Or atleast that was what he was telling himself
“Awww, poor thing, being a stray is no fun is it?” he asked with a pout, reaching out eagerly for the cat
He had always been a cat person, always wanted one as a pet when he was a child, even though his father had never let him have one- he had never let Adrien have much of anything to be honest, a pet, approval, a lock on his bedroom door….
Maybe that was one reason why Adrien so eagerly worked to give homes to strays these days, he could identify with them, in a way
“I’m willing to bet you don’t have a chip, but let’s check anyway just in case hm?” he cooed, snuggling the little ball of fluff before turning his attention back to the stranger
“Thanks for bringing him by, by the way, I’m Adrien, and you are?”
*** Sarah returned his smile with a playful roll of her eyes. “Just as long as the free musicals don’t include a number from Cats. That might be a bit much.” She’d never seen the musical and she didn’t have that much musical knowledge aside from her family’s trip to New York when they saw Hamilton on Broadway, but she’d seen enough clips on the internet of the horrible movie remake to know that it wasn’t something she wanted to experience.
She leaned on the counter as the guy looked over the poor cat that she’d found. There hadn’t been a collar or any indication that the cat belonged to someone; the cat had seemed nervous around people but she’d been able to coax it with a piece of fruit from her lunch. “Sarah Cameron,” she introduced herself.
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catastrophenoir · 3 years
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
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"Ah, I was only fourteen! The most adventurous thing I'd ever done to that moment,"
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catastrophenoir · 3 years
03: Do you regret anything?
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"I... regret many things... I think most of all I regret not doing more to get away from my father when I was younger, not doing more to prepare myself for the world, just.... letting things happen to and around me instead of making them happen myself,"
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catastrophenoir · 3 years
GOVERNOR RATCLIFFE - What would your muse do with unlimited gold?
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"End all of the world's financial problems! End hunger, demolish the pay gap- ... oh... wait... if it's unlimited then why couldn't I just make sure that everyone always had enough money to live comfortably and be happy? There'd... be literally no reason not to do that... no hunger, no homelessness, no difference between rich and poor so no evil billionaires, the environment would get fixed because I could switch everything to sustainable energy and make it much easier to recycle and reduce pollution, I could save all kinds of animals with conservation programs and employ people who are really passionate about things like medicine and law and helping children to do those things for the right reasons instead of monetarily charged political corruption, there would never be a shortage of medicine or doctors or hospital space, social workers could live comfortably and be able to devote time to their mental health wile also doing an even better job at taking care of children in bad homes, artists and musicians and writers and designers could make their dreams come true with all the resources they can imagine and just do what makes them happy for the people they want to share that happiness with instead of having to sell themselves out for a penny and a nickle just to live off of their art, we could fast track medical advancements, squash illegal trades like guns and drugs because our governments would no longer be piggybacking off of the profits from those industries, crime would go down due to having better rehabilitation systems and prison systems that aren't overcrowded and actually serve their purposes, and since no one would be in financial strain there'd be no need for robberies either, and every movie could get a sequel if the writers or directors wanted them to because nobody would have to worry about the box office totals ever again! Hell yeah, give me all the gold!!!!"
One might call Adrien an idealist
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catastrophenoir · 3 years
LADY TREMAINE - What does it mean to their muse to carry on their legacy?
CAPTAIN HOOK - Does your muse have any triggers?
HORACE & JASPER - How well does your muse work in a team?
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"Um... I'm not actually interested in legacy, I guess that makes me kind of weird but... I know what it's like to be born for the sole purpose of... being the clone of your parent, of.. carrying a legacy you don't want..... I guess that spoiled me on the entire idea,"
Adrien would probably be happier not to have a legacy at all, or so he tells himself, though in reality he would just prefer a simple legacy- of being good and loved
"I do have triggers yes... I have Cleithrophobia, the fear of being trapped, I'm a little Claustrophobic too but it's mostly the former, I could be in the biggest space imaginable but if there's no way to get out I just.... mmm..... uh, the sound of a cane against floor, I know that's.. that's awfully specific I know, I'm.. not really the biggest fan of being yelled at either... I'm sure there are more but I try not to think about them,"
More accurately, there are enough that he's not entirely sure what all of them are
"I work pretty well in a team! Uh, I do prefer smaller more intimate teams over larger ones though, not that I can't work in a larger one, it's just a preference, I find it alot easier to work with someone who I feel I have some sort of relationship with, like I'm um... not so replaceable you know?"
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catastrophenoir · 3 years
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“Well now you know, every visit comes with a free musical,” Adrien replied with a grin, glad that someone else had his appreciation for music
...Or atleast that was what he was telling himself
“Awww, poor thing, being a stray is no fun is it?” he asked with a pout, reaching out eagerly for the cat
He had always been a cat person, always wanted one as a pet when he was a child, even though his father had never let him have one- he had never let Adrien have much of anything to be honest, a pet, approval, a lock on his bedroom door....
Maybe that was one reason why Adrien so eagerly worked to give homes to strays these days, he could identify with them, in a way
“I’m willing to bet you don’t have a chip, but let’s check anyway just in case hm?” he cooed, snuggling the little ball of fluff before turning his attention back to the stranger
“Thanks for bringing him by, by the way, I’m Adrien, and you are?”
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“Don’t judge a thing til you know what’s inside it, don’t push me I’ll fight it, never gonna give in, never gonna give it up no,”
Adrien had been warned in his late teens that having virtually no childhood would come back to haunt him as a young adult, he’d be immature, he’d seek out those reckless moments of youth that children usually got out of their system by adulthood- or so the experts said anyway- he’d have Peter Pan Syndrome, atleast for a time
But his therapist had been sure that would come in the form of drinking and partying and acting like an asshole, not in finding these-days-obscure soundtracks from early 2000s Dreamworks movies and not giving a shit who heard him singing along to them
“If you can’t catch a wave then you’re never gonna ride  it, you can’t come uninvited, never gonna give in, never gonna give it up no,”
Pausing in his sweeping, he went suddenly tense, sensing someone behind him and spinning around on his heel, broom pointed a little too purposefully towards the stranger, as though he were preparing to defend himself
“Hi!” he shouted over the music, one hand still holding the broomstick in place, the other pulling an earbud free
“Can I help you with something?”
*** With all of the storms on Kildare Island during hurricane season, Sarah had become a bit of a regular at dropping off animals to the local pet shelter back home. Dogs without homes would be caught out in the storm or sometimes a cat would get spooked and run away without a collar to identify an owner. A pogue named Reggie had worked at the animal shelter back home and would always perk up when she strolled in with an animal in need in tow.
She’d had to look up the address for the shelter in Echo Springs when she’d found a terrified kitten wandering campus during move in week. Sarah hadn’t ever moved out of her dorm for the summer, electing to stay instead of going back to OBX and all of the painful memories there. (Scrolling Instagram, she saw that the rest of the Pogues were reunited and part of her wished that she was there with them.)
“Didn’t realize a visit to the animal shelter included a musical production,” she said with an amused smirk as she entered the place to see a young man dancing around with a broom. “I found this little guy wandering around the college last night.”
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